Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_f(self):
        cases = {}
        # Each case: t, N, Dmax, Smax, c_h, adaptive, slope, placement_optimistic, bcharge, pt = result
        # Case 1a: consumer first, thus generator last, who creates negative 1
        #          consumer always adds 2.75
        cases[(26, 10, 3, 1, 1.2, True, .5, True, 0, .5)] = (round(5 * 2.787 + 5 * -1, 4), -1)
        # Case 1b: Now price is adapted, so they buy 2.887
        cases[(26, 10, 3, 1, 1.2, True, .5, True, 0, .3)] = (round(5 * 2.887 + 5 * -1, 4), -1)
        # Case 1c: Now try pessimistic
        cases[(26, 10, 3, 1, 1.2, True, .5, False, 0, .3)] = (round(5 * 2.887 + 5 * -1, 4), -5)
        # Case 2: try higher N
        cases[(26, 30, 3, 1, 1.2, True, .5, True, 0, .3)] = (round(15 * 2.887 + 15 * -1, 4), -1)
        # Case 3: test non-adaptive case. They buy 2.924
        cases[(26, 10, 3, 1, 1.2, False, .5, True, 0, .3)] = (round(5 * 2.924 + 5 * -1, 4), -1)
        # Case 4: different time step: let house batteries charge, no PV
        cases[(38, 10, 3, 1, 1.2, True, .5, True, 0, .3)] = (round(5 * 3.887, 4), 0)
        # Case 5a: our battery charges 0.6
        cases[(26, 10, 3, 1, 1.2, True, .5, True, 0.6, .3)] = \
                        (round(.6 + (5 * 2.887  + 5 * -1), 4), -1 + 0.6)
        # Case 5b: and discharge
        cases[(26, 10, 3, 1, 1.2, True, .5, True, -0.6, .3)] = \
                        (round(-.6 + (5 * 2.887  + 5 * -1), 4), -1 - 0.6)

        for c in cases.keys():
            T = c[0]
            s = Street(T=T+1, N=c[1], C=None, Dmax=c[2], Smax=c[3], pmax=.452, pmin=.074, c_h=c[4],
                       adaptive=c[5], slope=c[6], placement_optimistic=c[7])
            #s.draw(T, c[8], c[9])
            fp, fm = s.f(T, c[8], c[9])
            self.assertEqual((round(fp, 4), round(fm, 4)), cases[c])
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(conf, log, seed):
    ws = [.05, .2, .5, 1, 2]
    battery_types = (NoBattery, OfflineBattery, BaseBattery,
                     HeuristicBattery, NonDeterministicOfflineBattery)
    #battery_types = (NoBattery, BaseBattery, HeuristicBattery,)

    T = 48  # this is given by the price data structure: half-hour intervals
    N = conf.getint('params', 'N')
    C = conf.getint('params', 'C')
    B = conf.getfloat('params', 'B')
    alpha = conf.getfloat('params', 'alpha')
    max_rate = conf.getfloat('params', 'max_rate')
    econ_slope = conf.getfloat('params', 'econ_slope')
    Dmax = conf.getfloat('params', 'Dmax')
    Smax = conf.getfloat('params', 'Smax')
    pmax = conf.getfloat('params', 'pmax')
    pmin = conf.getfloat('params', 'pmin')
    c_h = conf.getfloat('params', 'c_h')
    adaptive = conf.getboolean('params', 'adaptive')
    placement_optimistic = conf.getboolean('params', 'placement_optimistic')
    LP_max_runtime = conf.getint('params', 'LP_max_runtime')  # in minutes
    LP_max_k = conf.getint('params', 'LP_max_k')  # max. assumed k

    debug = conf.getboolean('params', 'debug')

    # get price series for us to use in this run
    pfile = open('price_data/APXReferencePriceDataUkPowerMarket2012_noweekends.csv', 'r')
    row = random.randint(1, 219)  # 219: number of days in data
    for _ in range(row):
    line = pfile.readline().strip().split('\t')
    day = line[0]
    actual_prices = [float(p) / 300. for p in line[1:]]

    # get expected prices for the right month from pre-computed avg file
    exp_prices_in = open('price_data/APXReferencePriceDataUkPowerMarket2012_noweekends_avg.csv', 'r')
    exp_prices_in.readline()  # Title
    for line in exp_prices_in.readlines():
        line = line.strip().split('\t')
        if '-{}-'.format(line[0]) in day:  # we reached the correct month
            avg_price = float(line[1])
            exp_prices = [float(p) for p in line[2:]]

    street = Street(T=T, N=N, C=C, Dmax=Dmax, Smax=Smax, pmax=pmax, pmin=pmin,
                    c_h=c_h, adaptive=adaptive, slope=econ_slope,
    log.write('# w, ')
    for btype in battery_types:
        log.write('{}, '.format(btype.name))
    for w in ws:
        line = '{}, '.format(w)
        for btype in battery_types:
            b = btype(capacity=B, efficiency=alpha, max_rate=max_rate,
                  street=street, exp_prices=exp_prices, avg_price=avg_price,
                  T=T, c_h=c_h)
            if btype in (OfflineBattery, DeterministicH2Battery):
                b.exp_prices = actual_prices
            if btype in (OfflineBattery, NonDeterministicOfflineBattery):
                b.max_runtime = LP_max_runtime
                b.max_k = LP_max_k
            accumulated_costs = 0
            for t in xrange(0, T):
                pt = actual_prices[t]
                bcharge = b.compute_charge(t, pt)
                if debug:
                    fp, fm = street.f(t, bcharge, pt)
                    print("[{}][{}] exp. price: {}, act. price:{}, fp:{}, fm:{}, magnitude before:{}, magnitude after:{}, b.level:{}, bcharge:{}".format(
                                t, b.name, round(exp_prices[t], 2),
                                round(pt, 2), round(fp, 2), round(fm, 2),
                                round(street.maxf(t, 0, pt), 2),
                                round(street.maxf(t, bcharge, pt), 2),
                                round(b.level, 2),
                                round(bcharge, 2)))
                revenue = b.execute_charge(bcharge, pt)
                cost = street.cost(t, bcharge, pt)
                accumulated_costs += w * cost - revenue
            # now sell the rest in the battery at an assumed worth of the
            # average price of that month
            if not btype is NoBattery:
                accumulated_costs -= b.level * avg_price
            b.level = 0
            line += '{},'.format(accumulated_costs)
            if debug:
                print "Acc. Costs: ", accumulated_costs
        log.write('{}\n'.format(line[:-1]))  # write line w/o last comma