Exemplo n.º 1
    def change_specifier(self, new_specifier, pwi):
        scale, kaxes = pwi.get_common_vars('scale', 'kaxes')

        spec = self.specifier
        if spec == 'tpiba' or spec == '':
            kpoints = self.kpoints * (2 * pi) / scale
        elif spec == 'gamma':
            kpoints = array([[0, 0, 0]])
        elif spec == 'crystal':
            kpoints = dot(self.kpoints, kaxes)
        elif spec == 'automatic':
            grid = array(self.grid, dtype=int)
            shift = .5 * array(self.shift)
            kpoints = kmesh(kaxes, grid, shift)
        elif spec == 'tpiba_b' or spec == 'crystal_b':
                'specifiers tpiba_b and crystal_b have not yet been implemented in change_specifier'
                'old specifier for k_points is invalid\n  old specifier: ' +
                spec +
                '\n  valid options: tpiba, gamma, crystal, automatic, tpiba_b, crystal_b'
        #end if

        spec = new_specifier
        if spec == 'tpiba' or spec == '':
            kpoints = kpoints / ((2 * pi) / scale)
        elif spec == 'gamma':
            kpoints = array([[0, 0, 0]])
        elif spec == 'crystal':
            kpoints = dot(kpoints, inv(kaxes))
        elif spec == 'automatic':
            if self.specifier != 'automatic':
                    'cannot map arbitrary kpoints into a Monkhorst-Pack mesh')
            #end if
        elif spec == 'tpiba_b' or spec == 'crystal_b':
                'specifiers tpiba_b and crystal_b have not yet been implemented in change_specifier'
                'new specifier for k_points is invalid\n  new specifier: ' +
                spec +
                '\n  valid options: tpiba, gamma, crystal, automatic, tpiba_b, crystal_b'
        #end if

        self.kpoints = kpoints
        self.specifier = new_specifier
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_kpoint(ks, kaxes, grids=True):
    is_string = isinstance(ks, str)
    if is_string:
        kgrid = 1, 1, 1
        dft_kgrid = 1, 1, 1
        if ks == 'G':
            kshift = 0, 0, 0
            dft_kshift = 0, 0, 0
        elif ks == 'L':
            kshift = .5, .5, .5
            dft_kshift = 1, 1, 1
        elif len(ks) > 1 and ks[1:].isdigit():
            dft_kshift = tuple(array(tuple(ks[1:]), dtype=int))
            if len(dft_kshift) != 3:
                    'kpoint string must have at least 3 entires for shift\n  you provided {0}\n  input kpoint string: {1}\n  a valid example: {2}'
                    .format(len(dft_kshift), ks, ks[0] + '111'))
            #end if
            kshift = empty((3, ), dtype=float)
            for d in range(3):
                dks = dft_kshift[d]
                if dks == 1:
                    kshift[d] = .5
                elif dks == 0:
                    kshift[d] = 0
                        'invalid value in kpoint string\n  valid values are 0 or 1\n  you provided: {0}\n  full input string: {1}'
                        .format(dks, ks))
                #end if
            #end for
            kshift = tuple(kshift)
        #end if
        kpoint = kmesh(kaxes, kgrid, kshift)[0]
        kpoint = array(ks)
    #end if

    if not grids or not is_string:
        kgrid = None
        kshift = None
        dft_kgrid = None
        dft_kshift = None
    #end if

    k = obj(kpoint=kpoint,

    return k
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_kpoint(ks,kaxes,grids=True):
    is_string = isinstance(ks,str)
    if is_string:
        kgrid     = 1,1,1
        dft_kgrid = 1,1,1
        if ks=='G':
            kshift    = 0,0,0
            dft_kshift = 0,0,0
        elif ks=='L':
            kshift    = .5,.5,.5
            dft_kshift = 1,1,1
        elif len(ks)>1 and ks[1:].isdigit():
            dft_kshift = tuple(array(tuple(ks[1:]),dtype=int))
            if len(dft_kshift)!=3:
                error('kpoint string must have at least 3 entires for shift\n  you provided {0}\n  input kpoint string: {1}\n  a valid example: {2}'.format(len(dft_kshift),ks,ks[0]+'111'))
            #end if
            kshift = empty((3,),dtype=float)
            for d in range(3):
                dks = dft_kshift[d]
                if dks==1:
                    kshift[d] = .5
                elif dks==0:
                    kshift[d] = 0
                    error('invalid value in kpoint string\n  valid values are 0 or 1\n  you provided: {0}\n  full input string: {1}'.format(dks,ks))
                #end if
            #end for
            kshift = tuple(kshift)
        #end if
        kpoint = kmesh(kaxes,kgrid,kshift)[0]
        kpoint = array(ks)
    #end if

    if not grids or not is_string:
        kgrid      = None
        kshift     = None
        dft_kgrid  = None
        dft_kshift = None
    #end if

    k = obj(
        kpoint     = kpoint,
        kgrid      = kgrid,
        kshift     = kshift,
        dft_kgrid  = dft_kgrid,
        dft_kshift = dft_kshift

    return k
Exemplo n.º 4
    def change_specifier(self,new_specifier,pwi):
        scale,kaxes = pwi.get_common_vars('scale','kaxes')

        spec = self.specifier
        if spec=='tpiba' or spec=='':
            kpoints = self.kpoints*(2*pi)/scale
        elif spec=='gamma':
            kpoints = array([[0,0,0]])
        elif spec=='crystal':
            kpoints = dot(self.kpoints,kaxes)
        elif spec=='automatic':
            grid  = array(self.grid,dtype=int)
            shift = .5*array(self.shift)
            kpoints = kmesh(kaxes,grid,shift)
        elif spec=='tpiba_b' or spec=='crystal_b':
            self.error('specifiers tpiba_b and crystal_b have not yet been implemented in change_specifier')
            self.error('old specifier for k_points is invalid\n  old specifier: '+spec+'\n  valid options: tpiba, gamma, crystal, automatic, tpiba_b, crystal_b')
        #end if

        spec = new_specifier
        if spec=='tpiba' or spec=='':
            kpoints = kpoints/((2*pi)/scale)
        elif spec=='gamma':
            kpoints = array([[0,0,0]])
        elif spec=='crystal':
            kpoints = dot(kpoints,inv(kaxes))
        elif spec=='automatic':
            if self.specifier!='automatic':
                self.error('cannot map arbitrary kpoints into a Monkhorst-Pack mesh')
            #end if
        elif spec=='tpiba_b' or spec=='crystal_b':
            self.error('specifiers tpiba_b and crystal_b have not yet been implemented in change_specifier')
            self.error('new specifier for k_points is invalid\n  new specifier: '+spec+'\n  valid options: tpiba, gamma, crystal, automatic, tpiba_b, crystal_b')
        #end if
        self.kpoints   = kpoints
        self.specifier = new_specifier