Exemplo n.º 1
def handle_int(signal, frame):
  import os
  from sts.util.rpc_forker import LocalForker
  sys.stderr.write("Caught signal %d, stopping sdndebug (pid %d)\n" %
                    (signal, os.getpid()))
  if (simulator.simulation_cfg.current_simulation is not None):
  # kill fork()ed procs
Exemplo n.º 2
def handle_int(signal, frame):
    import os
    from sts.util.rpc_forker import LocalForker
    sys.stderr.write("Caught signal %d, stopping sdndebug (pid %d)\n" %
                     (signal, os.getpid()))
    if (simulator.simulation_cfg.current_simulation is not None):
    # kill fork()ed procs
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, simulation_cfg, default_wait_time_seconds=0.05,
              epsilon_time=0.05, **kwargs):
   if len(simulation_cfg.controller_configs) != 1:
     raise ValueError("Only one controller supported for snapshotting")
   if simulation_cfg.controller_configs[0].sync is not None:
     raise ValueError("STSSyncProto currently incompatible with snapshotting")
   super(SnapshotPeeker, self).__init__(simulation_cfg,
   self.forker = LocalForker()
   if 'default_dp_permit' in kwargs and not kwargs['default_dp_permit']:
     raise ValueError('''Non-default DP Permit not currently supported '''
                      '''Please implement the TODO near the sleep() call '''
                      '''in play_forward()''')
   kwargs['default_dp_permit'] = True
   if 'pass_through_whitelisted_messages' not in kwargs:
     kwargs['pass_through_whitelisted_messages'] = False
   self.kwargs = kwargs
   unknown_kwargs = [ k for k in kwargs.keys() if k not in Replayer.kwargs ]
   if unknown_kwargs != []:
     raise ValueError("Unknown kwargs %s" % str(unknown_kwargs))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, simulation_cfg, default_wait_time_seconds=0.5,
              epsilon_time=0.2, default_dp_permit=False,
   if len(simulation_cfg.controller_configs) != 1:
     raise ValueError("Only one controller supported for snapshotting")
   if simulation_cfg.controller_configs[0].sync is not None:
     raise ValueError("STSSyncProto currently incompatible with snapshotting")
   super(SnapshotPeeker, self).__init__(simulation_cfg,
   self.forker = LocalForker()
   if not default_dp_permit:
     raise ValueError('''Non-default DP Permit not currently supported '''
                      '''Please implement the TODO near the sleep() call '''
                      '''in play_forward()''')
   self.default_dp_permit = default_dp_permit
   self.pass_through_sends = pass_through_sends
Exemplo n.º 5
class SnapshotPeeker(Peeker):
  ''' O(n) peeker that takes controller snapshots at each input, peeks
  forward, then restarts the snapshot up until the next input'''
  def __init__(self, simulation_cfg, default_wait_time_seconds=0.5,
               epsilon_time=0.2, default_dp_permit=False,
    if len(simulation_cfg.controller_configs) != 1:
      raise ValueError("Only one controller supported for snapshotting")
    if simulation_cfg.controller_configs[0].sync is not None:
      raise ValueError("STSSyncProto currently incompatible with snapshotting")
    super(SnapshotPeeker, self).__init__(simulation_cfg,
    self.forker = LocalForker()
    if not default_dp_permit:
      raise ValueError('''Non-default DP Permit not currently supported '''
                       '''Please implement the TODO near the sleep() call '''
                       '''in play_forward()''')
    self.default_dp_permit = default_dp_permit
    self.pass_through_sends = pass_through_sends

  def setup_simulation(self):
    # TODO(cs): currently assumes that STSSyncProto is not used alongside
    # snapshotting.
    # N.B. bootstrap() does not connect switches to controllers.
    # ConnectionToControllers is an input event, which we peek() for like
    # any other input event.
    simulation = self.simulation_cfg.bootstrap(ReplaySyncCallback(None))
    simulation.openflow_buffer.pass_through_whitelisted_messages = True
    controller = simulation.controller_manager.controllers[0]
    return (simulation, controller)

  def peek(self, dag):
    If dag.events == [], returns immediately.

    If dag.events != [], assumes that isinstance(dag.events[0], ConnectToControllers)
    if dag.input_events == []:
      return dag
    # post: len(dag.input_events) > 0

    unsupported_types = [ProcessFlowMod, FailFlowMod, DataplaneDrop]
    if find(lambda e: type(e) in unsupported_types, dag.events) is not None:
      raise ValueError('''Delayed flow_mods not yet supported. Please '''
                       '''implement the TODO near the sleep() call in play_forward()''')

    if not isinstance(dag.events[0], ConnectToControllers):
      raise ValueError("First event must be ConnectToControllers")

    simulation = None
      # Inferred events includes input events and internal events
      inferred_events = []

      (simulation, controller) = self.setup_simulation()

      # dag.input_events returns only prunable input events. We also need
      # include ConnectToControllers, which is a non-prunable input event.
      assert(dag.input_events[0] != dag.events[0])
      snapshot_inputs = [dag.events[0]] + dag.input_events

      # The input event from the previous iteration, followed by the internal
      # events that were inferred from the previous peek().
      # Since we assume that the first event is always ConnectToControllers,
      # there are never internal events (nor input events) preceding the
      # initial ConnectToControllers.
      # TODO(cs): might not want to contrain the caller's dag in this way.
      events_inferred_last_iteration = []

      for inject_input_idx in xrange(0, len(snapshot_inputs)):
        inject_input = get_inject_input(inject_input_idx, snapshot_inputs)
        following_input = get_following_input(inject_input_idx, snapshot_inputs)
        expected_internal_events = \
           get_expected_internal_events(inject_input, following_input, dag.events)

        log.debug("peek()'ing after input %d (%s)" %
                  (inject_input_idx, str(inject_input)))

        inferred_events += events_inferred_last_iteration

        if expected_internal_events == []:
          # Optimization: if no internal events occured between this input and the
          # next, no need to peek(), just replay the next input
          log.debug("Optimization: no expected internal events")
          Peeker.ambiguous_counts[0.0] += 1
          events_inferred_last_iteration = [inject_input]

        # We replay events_inferred_last_iteration (internal events preceding
        # inject_input), as well as a NOPInput with the same timestamp as inject_input
        # to ensure that the timing is the same before peek()ing.
        fencepost = NOPInput(time=inject_input.time, round=inject_input.round)
        dag_interval = EventDag(events_inferred_last_iteration + [fencepost])
        wait_time_seconds = self.get_wait_time_seconds(inject_input, following_input)
        found_events = self.find_internal_events(simulation, controller,
                                                 dag_interval, inject_input,
        events_inferred_last_iteration = [inject_input]
        events_inferred_last_iteration += match_and_filter(found_events, expected_internal_events)

      # Don't forget the final iteration's output
      inferred_events += events_inferred_last_iteration
      if simulation is not None:

    return EventDag(inferred_events)

  def find_internal_events(self, simulation, controller, dag_interval,
                           inject_input, wait_time_seconds):
    assert(dag_interval.events != [])
    initial_wait_seconds = (inject_input.time.as_float() -
    # TODO(cs): set EventScheduler's epsilon_seconds parameter?
    replayer = Replayer(self.simulation_cfg, dag_interval,
    replayer.simulation = simulation
    if self.pass_through_sends:

    # Now peek() for internal events following inject_input
    return self.snapshot_and_play_forward(simulation, controller,
                                          inject_input, wait_time_seconds)

  def snapshot_and_play_forward(self, simulation, controller, inject_input, wait_time_seconds):
    snapshotter = Snapshotter(simulation, controller)

    # Here we also fork() ourselves (the network simulator), since we need
    # switches to respond to messages, and potentially change their state in
    # order to properly peek().
    # TODO(cs): I believe that to be technically correct we need to use Chandy-Lamport
    # here, since STS + POX = a distributed system.
    def play_forward_and_marshal():
      # Can't marshal the simulation object, so use this method as a closure
      # instead.
      # N.B. depends on LocalForker() -- cannot be used with RemoteForker().
      # TODO(cs): even though DataplaneDrops are technically InputEvents, they
      # may time out, and we might do well to try to infer this somehow.
      found_events = play_forward(simulation, inject_input, wait_time_seconds)
      # TODO(cs): DataplaneDrops are a special case of an InputEvent that may
      # time out. We should check whether the input for this peek() was a
      # DataplaneDrop, and return whether it timed out.
      return [ e.to_json() for e in found_events ]

    self.forker.register_task("snapshot_fork_task", play_forward_and_marshal)
    # N.B. play_forward cleans up the simulation, including snaphotted controller
    unmarshalled_found_events = self.forker.fork("snapshot_fork_task")
    found_events = parse(unmarshalled_found_events)

    # Finally, bring the controller back to the state it was at just after
    # injecting inject_input
    # N.B. this must be invoked in the parent process (not a forker.fork()ed
    # child), since it mutates class variables in Controller.
    return found_events
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self,
        super(MCSFinder, self).__init__(simulation_cfg)
        # number of subsequences delta debugging has examined so far, for
        # distingushing runtime stats from different intermediate runs.
        self.subsequence_id = 0
        self.mcs_log_tracker = None
        self.replay_log_tracker = None
        self.mcs_trace_path = mcs_trace_path
        self.sync_callback = None
        self._log = logging.getLogger("mcs_finder")

        if invariant_check_name is None:
            raise ValueError("Must specify invariant check")
        if invariant_check_name not in name_to_invariant_check:
            raise ValueError(
                '''Unknown invariant check %s.\n'''
                '''Invariant check name must be defined in config.invariant_checks''',
        self.invariant_check = name_to_invariant_check[invariant_check_name]

        if type(superlog_path_or_dag) == str:
            self.superlog_path = superlog_path_or_dag
            # The dag is codefied as a list, where each element has
            # a list of its dependents
            self.dag = EventDag(log_parser.parse_path(self.superlog_path))
            self.dag = superlog_path_or_dag

        last_invariant_violation = self.dag.get_last_invariant_violation()
        if last_invariant_violation is None:
            raise ValueError("No invariant violation found in dag...")
        violations = last_invariant_violation.violations
        if len(violations) > 1:
            self.bug_signature = None
            while self.bug_signature is None:
                    "Multiple violations detected! Choose one for MCS Finding:"
                for i, violation in enumerate(violations):
                    msg.interactive("  [%d] %s" % (i + 1, violation))
                violation_index = msg.raw_input("> ")
                if re.match("^\d+$", violation_index) is None or\
                   int(violation_index) < 1 or\
                   int(violation_index) > len(violations):
                    msg.fail("Must provide an integer between 1 and %d!" %
                self.bug_signature = violations[int(violation_index) - 1]
            self.bug_signature = violations[0]
            "\nBug signature to match is %s. Proceeding with MCS finding!\n" %

        self.transform_dag = transform_dag
        # A second log with just our MCS progress log messages
        self._extra_log = extra_log
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.end_wait_seconds = end_wait_seconds
        self.wait_on_deterministic_values = wait_on_deterministic_values
        # `no' means "number"
        self.no_violation_verification_runs = no_violation_verification_runs
        self._runtime_stats = RuntimeStats(
            self.subsequence_id, runtime_stats_path=runtime_stats_path)
        # Whether to try alternate trace splitting techiques besides splitting by time.
        self.optimized_filtering = optimized_filtering
        self.forker = forker
        self.replay_final_trace = replay_final_trace
        self.strict_assertion_checking = strict_assertion_checking
        self.delay_flow_mods = delay_flow_mods
Exemplo n.º 7
  def __init__(self, simulation_cfg, superlog_path_or_dag,
               invariant_check_name="", bug_signature="", transform_dag=None,
               mcs_trace_path=None, extra_log=None, runtime_stats_path=None,
               optimized_filtering=False, forker=LocalForker(),
               replay_final_trace=True, strict_assertion_checking=False,
    ''' Note that you may pass in any keyword argument for Replayer to
    MCSFinder, except 'bug_signature' and 'invariant_check_name' '''
    super(MCSFinder, self).__init__(simulation_cfg)
    # number of subsequences delta debugging has examined so far, for
    # distingushing runtime stats from different intermediate runs.
    self.subsequence_id = 0
    self.mcs_log_tracker = None
    self.replay_log_tracker = None
    self.mcs_trace_path = mcs_trace_path
    self.sync_callback = None
    self._log = logging.getLogger("mcs_finder")

    if invariant_check_name == "":
      raise ValueError("Must specify invariant check")
    if invariant_check_name not in name_to_invariant_check:
      raise ValueError('''Unknown invariant check %s.\n'''
                       '''Invariant check name must be defined in config.invariant_checks''',
    self.invariant_check_name = invariant_check_name
    self.invariant_check = name_to_invariant_check[invariant_check_name]

    if type(superlog_path_or_dag) == str:
      self.superlog_path = superlog_path_or_dag
      # The dag is codefied as a list, where each element has
      # a list of its dependents
      self.dag = EventDag(log_parser.parse_path(self.superlog_path))
      self.dag = superlog_path_or_dag

    if self.simulation_cfg.ignore_interposition:
      filtered_events = [e for e in self.dag.events if type(e) not in all_internal_events]
      self.dag = EventDag(filtered_events)

    last_invariant_violation = self.dag.get_last_invariant_violation()
    if last_invariant_violation is None:
      raise ValueError("No invariant violation found in dag...")
    violations = last_invariant_violation.violations
    self.bug_signature = bug_signature
    if len(violations) > 1:
      while self.bug_signature == "":
        msg.interactive("Multiple violations detected! Choose one for MCS Finding:")
        for i, violation in enumerate(violations):
          msg.interactive("  [%d] %s" % (i+1, violation))
        violation_index = msg.raw_input("> ")
        if re.match("^\d+$", violation_index) is None or\
           int(violation_index) < 1 or\
           int(violation_index) > len(violations):
          msg.fail("Must provide an integer between 1 and %d!" % len(violations))
        self.bug_signature = violations[int(violation_index)-1]
    if self.bug_signature == "":
      self.bug_signature = violations[0]
    msg.success("\nBug signature to match is %s. Proceeding with MCS finding!\n" % self.bug_signature)

    self.transform_dag = transform_dag
    # A second log with just our MCS progress log messages
    self._extra_log = extra_log
    self.kwargs = kwargs
    unknown_kwargs = [ k for k in kwargs.keys() if k not in Replayer.kwargs ]
    if unknown_kwargs != []:
      raise ValueError("Unknown kwargs %s" % str(unknown_kwargs))
    if no_violation_verification_runs is not None:
      raise ValueError('''no_violation_verification_runs parameter is deprecated. '''
                       '''Use max_replays_per_subsequence.''')
    self.max_replays_per_subsequence = max_replays_per_subsequence
    self._runtime_stats = RuntimeStats(self.subsequence_id, runtime_stats_path=runtime_stats_path)
    # Whether to try alternate trace splitting techiques besides splitting by time.
    self.optimized_filtering = optimized_filtering
    self.forker = forker
    self.replay_final_trace = replay_final_trace
    self.strict_assertion_checking = strict_assertion_checking
Exemplo n.º 8
class SnapshotPeeker(Peeker):
  ''' O(n) peeker that takes controller snapshots at each input, peeks
  forward, then restarts the snapshot up until the next input'''
  def __init__(self, simulation_cfg, default_wait_time_seconds=0.05,
               epsilon_time=0.05, **kwargs):
    if len(simulation_cfg.controller_configs) != 1:
      raise ValueError("Only one controller supported for snapshotting")
    if simulation_cfg.controller_configs[0].sync is not None:
      raise ValueError("STSSyncProto currently incompatible with snapshotting")
    super(SnapshotPeeker, self).__init__(simulation_cfg,
    self.forker = LocalForker()
    if 'default_dp_permit' in kwargs and not kwargs['default_dp_permit']:
      raise ValueError('''Non-default DP Permit not currently supported '''
                       '''Please implement the TODO near the sleep() call '''
                       '''in play_forward()''')
    kwargs['default_dp_permit'] = True
    if 'pass_through_whitelisted_messages' not in kwargs:
      kwargs['pass_through_whitelisted_messages'] = False
    self.kwargs = kwargs
    unknown_kwargs = [ k for k in kwargs.keys() if k not in Replayer.kwargs ]
    if unknown_kwargs != []:
      raise ValueError("Unknown kwargs %s" % str(unknown_kwargs))

  def setup_simulation(self):
    # TODO(cs): currently assumes that STSSyncProto is not used alongside
    # snapshotting.
    # N.B. bootstrap() does not connect switches to controllers.
    # ConnectionToControllers is an input event, which we peek() for like
    # any other input event.
    simulation = self.simulation_cfg.bootstrap(ReplaySyncCallback(None))
    simulation.openflow_buffer.pass_through_whitelisted_packets = self.kwargs['pass_through_whitelisted_messages']
    controller = simulation.controller_manager.controllers[0]
    return (simulation, controller)

  def peek(self, dag):
    If dag.events == [], returns immediately.

    If dag.events != [], assumes that isinstance(dag.events[0], ConnectToControllers)
    if dag.input_events == []:
      return dag
    # post: len(dag.input_events) > 0

    unsupported_types = [ProcessFlowMod, DataplaneDrop]
    if find(lambda e: type(e) in unsupported_types, dag.events) is not None:
      raise ValueError('''Delayed flow_mods not yet supported. Please '''
                       '''implement the TODO near the sleep() call in play_forward()''')

    if not isinstance(dag.events[0], ConnectToControllers):
      raise ValueError("First event must be ConnectToControllers")

    simulation = None
      # Inferred events includes input events and internal events
      inferred_events = []

      (simulation, controller) = self.setup_simulation()

      # dag.input_events returns only prunable input events. We also need
      # include ConnectToControllers, which is a non-prunable input event.
      assert(dag.input_events[0] != dag.events[0])
      snapshot_inputs = [dag.events[0]] + dag.input_events

      # The input event from the previous iteration, followed by the internal
      # events that were inferred from the previous peek().
      # Since we assume that the first event is always ConnectToControllers,
      # there are never internal events (nor input events) preceding the
      # initial ConnectToControllers.
      # TODO(cs): might not want to contrain the caller's dag in this way.
      events_inferred_last_iteration = []

      for inject_input_idx in xrange(0, len(snapshot_inputs)):
        inject_input = get_inject_input(inject_input_idx, snapshot_inputs)
        following_input = get_following_input(inject_input_idx, snapshot_inputs)
        expected_internal_events = \
           get_expected_internal_events(inject_input, following_input, dag.events)

        log.debug("peek()'ing after input %d (%s)" %
                  (inject_input_idx, str(inject_input)))

        inferred_events += events_inferred_last_iteration

        # We replay events_inferred_last_iteration (internal events preceding
        # inject_input), as well as a NOPInput with the same timestamp as inject_input
        # to ensure that the timing is the same before peek()ing.
        fencepost = NOPInput(time=inject_input.time, round=inject_input.round)
        dag_interval = EventDag(events_inferred_last_iteration + [fencepost])

        if expected_internal_events == []:
          # Optimization: if no internal events occured between this input and the
          # next, no need to peek(), just bring the simulation's state forward up to
          # inject_input
          log.debug("Optimization: no expected internal events")
          Peeker.ambiguous_counts[0.0] += 1
          self.replay_interval(simulation, dag_interval, 0)
          events_inferred_last_iteration = [inject_input]

        wait_time_seconds = self.get_wait_time_seconds(inject_input, following_input)
        (found_events, snapshotter) = self.find_internal_events(simulation, controller,
                                                                dag_interval, inject_input,
        events_inferred_last_iteration = [inject_input]
        events_inferred_last_iteration += match_and_filter(found_events, expected_internal_events)

      # Don't forget the final iteration's output
      inferred_events += events_inferred_last_iteration
      if simulation is not None:

    return EventDag(inferred_events)

  def replay_interval(self, simulation, dag_interval, initial_wait_seconds):
    assert(dag_interval.events != [])
    # TODO(cs): set EventScheduler's epsilon_seconds parameter?
    replayer = Replayer(self.simulation_cfg, dag_interval,
    replayer.simulation = simulation
    if 'pass_through_sends' in self.kwargs and self.kwargs['pass_through_sends']:

  def find_internal_events(self, simulation, controller, dag_interval,
                           inject_input, wait_time_seconds):
    initial_wait_seconds = (inject_input.time.as_float() -
    self.replay_interval(simulation, dag_interval, initial_wait_seconds)
    # Now peek() for internal events following inject_input
    return self.snapshot_and_play_forward(simulation, controller,
                                          inject_input, wait_time_seconds)

  def snapshot_and_play_forward(self, simulation, controller, inject_input, wait_time_seconds):
    snapshotter = Snapshotter(simulation, controller)

    # Here we also fork() ourselves (the network simulator), since we need
    # switches to respond to messages, and potentially change their state in
    # order to properly peek().
    # TODO(cs): I believe that to be technically correct we need to use Chandy-Lamport
    # here, since STS + POX = a distributed system.
    def play_forward_and_marshal():
      # Can't marshal the simulation object, so use this method as a closure
      # instead.
      # N.B. depends on LocalForker() -- cannot be used with RemoteForker().
      # TODO(cs): even though DataplaneDrops are technically InputEvents, they
      # may time out, and we might do well to try to infer this somehow.
      found_events = play_forward(simulation, inject_input, wait_time_seconds)
      # TODO(cs): DataplaneDrops are a special case of an InputEvent that may
      # time out. We should check whether the input for this peek() was a
      # DataplaneDrop, and return whether it timed out.
      return [ e.to_json() for e in found_events ]

    self.forker.register_task("snapshot_fork_task", play_forward_and_marshal)
    # N.B. play_forward cleans up the simulation, including snaphotted controller
    unmarshalled_found_events = self.forker.fork("snapshot_fork_task")
    found_events = parse(unmarshalled_found_events)

    # Finally, bring the controller back to the state it was at just after
    # injecting inject_input
    # N.B. this must be invoked in the parent process (not a forker.fork()ed
    # child), since it mutates class variables in Controller.
    return (found_events, snapshotter)