Exemplo n.º 1
def checkFiles(input):
    Checks that input files are in the correct format.
    Converts geis and waiver fits files to multiextension fits.
    from stsci.tools.check_files import geis2mef, waiver2mef, checkFiles
    logger.info("\n\tChecking files %s" % input)
    removed_files = []
    newfiles = []
    if not isinstance(input, list):
        input = [input]

    for file in input:
            imgfits, imgtype = fileutil.isFits(file)
        except IOError:
                "\n\tFile %s could not be found, removing it from the input list.\n"
                % file)
        # Check for existence of waiver FITS input, and quit if found.
        # Or should we print a warning and continue but not use that file
        if imgfits:
            if imgtype == 'waiver':
                newfilename = waiver2mef(file, convert_dq=True)
                if newfilename == None:
                        "\n\tRemoving file %s from input list - could not convert waiver to mef"
                        % file)

        # If a GEIS image is provided as input, create a new MEF file with
        # a name generated using 'buildFITSName()'
        # Convert the corresponding data quality file if present
        if not imgfits:
            newfilename = geis2mef(file, convert_dq=True)
            if newfilename == None:
                    "\n\tRemoving file %s from input list - could not convert geis to mef"
                    % file)
    if removed_files:
            '\n\tThe following files will be removed from the list of files to be processed %s'
            % removed_files)

    newfiles = checkFiles(newfiles)[0]
        "\n\tThese files passed the input check and will be processed: %s" %
    return newfiles
Exemplo n.º 2
def buildFileListOrig(input, output=None, ivmlist=None,
                wcskey=None, updatewcs=True, **workinplace):
    Builds a file list which has undergone various instrument-specific
    checks for input to MultiDrizzle, including splitting STIS associations.
    Compared to buildFileList, this version returns the list of the
    original file names as specified by the user (e.g., before GEIS->MEF, or
    WAIVER FITS->MEF conversion).
    # NOTE: original file name is required in order to correctly associate
    # user catalog files (e.g., user masks to be used with 'skymatch') with
    # corresponding imageObjects.

    filelist, output, ivmlist, oldasndict = processFilenames(input,output)

    # verify that all input images specified can be updated as needed
    filelist = util.verifyFilePermissions(filelist)
    if filelist is None or len(filelist) == 0:
        return None, None, None, None, None


    # to keep track of the original file names we do the following trick:
    # pack filelist with the ivmlist using zip and later unpack the zipped list.
    # NOTE: this required a small modification of the checkStisFiles function
    # in stsci.tools.check_files to be able to handle ivmlists that are tuples.
    if ivmlist is None:
        ivmlist = len(filelist)*[None]
        assert(len(filelist) == len(ivmlist)) #TODO: remove after debugging
    ivmlist = list(zip(ivmlist,filelist))

    # Check format of FITS files - convert Waiver/GEIS to MEF if necessary
    filelist, ivmlist = check_files.checkFITSFormat(filelist, ivmlist)

    # check for non-polynomial distortion correction
    if not updatewcs:
        # with updatewcs turned on, any problems will get resolved
        # so we do not need to be concerned about the state of the DGEOFILEs
        filelist = checkDGEOFile(filelist)

    # run all WCS updating
    updated_input = _process_input_wcs(filelist, wcskey, updatewcs)

    newfilelist, ivmlist = check_files.checkFiles(updated_input, ivmlist)

    if updatewcs:
        uw.updatewcs(','.join(set(newfilelist) - set(filelist)))

    if len(ivmlist) > 0:
        ivmlist, filelist = list(zip(*ivmlist))
        filelist = [] # insure that both filelist and ivmlist are defined as empty lists

    return newfilelist, ivmlist, output, oldasndict, filelist
Exemplo n.º 3
def buildFileListOrig(input, output=None, ivmlist=None,
                wcskey=None, updatewcs=True, **workinplace):
    Builds a file list which has undergone various instrument-specific
    checks for input to MultiDrizzle, including splitting STIS associations.
    Compared to buildFileList, this version returns the list of the
    original file names as specified by the user (e.g., before GEIS->MEF, or
    WAIVER FITS->MEF conversion).
    # NOTE: original file name is required in order to correctly associate
    # user catalog files (e.g., user masks to be used with 'skymatch') with
    # corresponding imageObjects.

    filelist, output, ivmlist, oldasndict = processFilenames(input,output)

    # verify that all input images specified can be updated as needed
    filelist = util.verifyFilePermissions(filelist)
    if filelist is None or len(filelist) == 0:
        return None, None, None, None, None


    # to keep track of the original file names we do the following trick:
    # pack filelist with the ivmlist using zip and later unpack the zipped list.
    # NOTE: this required a small modification of the checkStisFiles function
    # in stsci.tools.check_files to be able to handle ivmlists that are tuples.
    if ivmlist is None:
        ivmlist = len(filelist)*[None]
        assert(len(filelist) == len(ivmlist)) #TODO: remove after debugging
    ivmlist = list(zip(ivmlist,filelist))

    # Check format of FITS files - convert Waiver/GEIS to MEF if necessary
    filelist, ivmlist = check_files.checkFITSFormat(filelist, ivmlist)

    # check for non-polynomial distortion correction
    if not updatewcs:
        # with updatewcs turned on, any problems will get resolved
        # so we do not need to be concerned about the state of the DGEOFILEs
        filelist = checkDGEOFile(filelist)

    # run all WCS updating
    updated_input = _process_input_wcs(filelist, wcskey, updatewcs)

    newfilelist, ivmlist = check_files.checkFiles(updated_input, ivmlist)

    if updatewcs:
        uw.updatewcs(','.join(set(newfilelist) - set(filelist)))

    if len(ivmlist) > 0:
        ivmlist, filelist = list(zip(*ivmlist))
        filelist = [] # insure that both filelist and ivmlist are defined as empty lists

    return newfilelist, ivmlist, output, oldasndict, filelist
Exemplo n.º 4
def checkFiles(input):
    Checks that input files are in the correct format.
    Converts geis and waiver fits files to multiextension fits.
    from stsci.tools.check_files import geis2mef, waiver2mef, checkFiles
    logger.info("\n\tChecking files %s" % input)
    removed_files = []
    newfiles = []
    if not isinstance(input, list):
        input = [input]

    for file in input:
                imgfits, imgtype = fileutil.isFits(file)
        except IOError:
            logger.warning("File {0} could not be found, removing it from the"
                           "input list.".format(file))
        # Check for existence of waiver FITS input, and quit if found.
        # Or should we print a warning and continue but not use that file
        if imgfits:
            if imgtype == 'waiver':
                newfilename = waiver2mef(file, convert_dq=True)
                if newfilename is None:
                    logger.warning("Could not convert waiver to mef."
                                   "Removing file {0} from input list".format(file))

        # If a GEIS image is provided as input, create a new MEF file with
        # a name generated using 'buildFITSName()'
        # Convert the corresponding data quality file if present
        if not imgfits:
            newfilename = geis2mef(file, convert_dq=True)
            if newfilename is None:
                logger.warning("Could not convert file {0} from geis to mef, removing it from input list".format(file))
    if removed_files:
        logger.warning('\n\tThe following files will be removed from the list of files',
                       'to be processed %s' % removed_files)

    newfiles = checkFiles(newfiles)[0]
    logger.info("\n\tThese files passed the input check and will be processed: %s" % newfiles)
    return newfiles
Exemplo n.º 5
def updatewcs(input,

    Updates HST science files with the best available calibration information.
    This allows users to retrieve from the archive self contained science files
    which do not require additional reference files.

    Basic WCS keywords are updated in the process and new keywords (following WCS
    Paper IV and the SIP convention) as well as new extensions are added to the science files.

    >>>from stwcs import updatewcs


    input: a python list of file names or a string (wild card characters allowed)
             input files may be in fits, geis or waiver fits format
    vacorr: boolean
              If True, vecocity aberration correction will be applied
    tddcorr: boolean
             If True, time dependent distortion correction will be applied
    npolcorr: boolean
              If True, a Lookup table distortion will be applied
    d2imcorr: boolean
              If True, detector to image correction will be applied
    checkfiles: boolean
              If True, the format of the input files will be checked,
              geis and waiver fits files will be converted to MEF format.
              Default value is True for standalone mode.
    if verbose == False:
        formatter = logging.Formatter(
            "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
        log_filename = 'stwcs.log'
        fh = logging.FileHandler(log_filename, mode='w')
    args = "vacorr=%s, tddcorr=%s, npolcorr=%s, d2imcorr=%s, checkfiles=%s, \
    " % (str(vacorr), str(tddcorr), str(npolcorr), str(d2imcorr),
    logger.info('\n\tStarting UPDATEWCS: %s', time.asctime())

    files = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]
    logger.info("\n\tInput files: %s, " % [i for i in files])
    logger.info("\n\tInput arguments: %s" % args)
    if checkfiles:
        files = checkFiles(files)
        if not files:
            print('No valid input, quitting ...\n')

    for f in files:
        acorr = apply_corrections.setCorrections(f, vacorr=vacorr, \
            tddcorr=tddcorr,npolcorr=npolcorr, d2imcorr=d2imcorr)
        if 'MakeWCS' in acorr and newIDCTAB(f):
                "\n\tNew IDCTAB file detected. All current WCSs will be deleted"

        makecorr(f, acorr)

    return files
Exemplo n.º 6
def updatewcs(input, vacorr=True, tddcorr=True, npolcorr=True, d2imcorr=True,
              checkfiles=True, verbose=False, use_db=True):

    Updates HST science files with the best available calibration information.
    This allows users to retrieve from the archive self contained science files
    which do not require additional reference files.

    Basic WCS keywords are updated in the process and new keywords (following WCS
    Paper IV and the SIP convention) as well as new extensions are added to the science files.

    >>> from stwcs import updatewcs
    >>> updatewcs.updatewcs(filename)



    input : a python list of file names or a string (wild card
             characters allowed) input files may be in fits, geis or
             waiver fits format
    vacorr : boolean
              If True, vecocity aberration correction will be applied
    tddcorr : boolean
             If True, time dependent distortion correction will be applied
    npolcorr : boolean
              If True, a Lookup table distortion will be applied
    d2imcorr : boolean
              If True, detector to image correction will be applied
    checkfiles : boolean
              If True, the format of the input files will be checked,
              geis and waiver fits files will be converted to MEF format.
              Default value is True for standalone mode.
    use_db : boolean
              If True, attempt to add astrometric solutions from the
              MAST astrometry database.
              Default value is True.
    if not verbose:
        write_db_log = False
        fmt = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
        formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt)
        log_filename = 'stwcs.log'
        fh = logging.FileHandler(log_filename, mode='w')
        write_db_log = True
    args = "vacorr=%s, tddcorr=%s, npolcorr=%s, d2imcorr=%s, checkfiles=%s, \
    " % (str(vacorr), str(tddcorr), str(npolcorr),
         str(d2imcorr), str(checkfiles))
    logger.info('\n\tStarting UPDATEWCS: %s', time.asctime())

    toclose = True

    if isinstance(input, fits.HDUList):
        input = [input]

    if isinstance(input, list) and isinstance(input[0], fits.HDUList):
        files = input
        file_names = [inp.filename() for inp in files]
        toclose = False
        file_names = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]

        files = []
        for item in file_names:
            files.append(fits.open(item, mode='update'))

    logger.info("\n\tInput files: {}".format(file_names))
    logger.info("\n\tInput arguments: %s" % args)

    if checkfiles:
        files = checkFiles(files)
        file_names = [inp.filename() for inp in files]
        if not files:
            print('No valid input, quitting ...\n')

    if use_db:
        # Establish any available connection to
        #  an accessible astrometry web-service
        astrometry = astrometry_utils.AstrometryDB(write_log=write_db_log)

    for f in files:
        acorr = apply_corrections.setCorrections(f, vacorr=vacorr, tddcorr=tddcorr,
                                                 npolcorr=npolcorr, d2imcorr=d2imcorr)
        if 'MakeWCS' in acorr and newIDCTAB(f):
            logger.warning("\n\tNew IDCTAB file detected. All current WCSs will be deleted")
        makecorr(f, acorr)

        if use_db:
            # Add any new astrometry solutions available from
            #  an accessible astrometry web-service

        if toclose:

    return file_names
Exemplo n.º 7
def updatewcs(input, vacorr=True, tddcorr=True, npolcorr=True, d2imcorr=True,
              checkfiles=True, verbose=False, use_db=True):

    Updates HST science files with the best available calibration information.
    This allows users to retrieve from the archive self contained science files
    which do not require additional reference files.

    Basic WCS keywords are updated in the process and new keywords (following WCS
    Paper IV and the SIP convention) as well as new extensions are added to the science files.

    >>> from stwcs import updatewcs
    >>> updatewcs.updatewcs(filename)



    input: a python list of file names or a string (wild card
             characters allowed) input files may be in fits, geis or
             waiver fits format
    vacorr: boolean
              If True, vecocity aberration correction will be applied
    tddcorr: boolean
             If True, time dependent distortion correction will be applied
    npolcorr: boolean
              If True, a Lookup table distortion will be applied
    d2imcorr: boolean
              If True, detector to image correction will be applied
    checkfiles: boolean
              If True, the format of the input files will be checked,
              geis and waiver fits files will be converted to MEF format.
              Default value is True for standalone mode.
    use_db: boolean
              If True, attempt to add astrometric solutions from the
              MAST astrometry database.
              Default value is True.
    if not verbose:
        fmt = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
        formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt)
        log_filename = 'stwcs.log'
        fh = logging.FileHandler(log_filename, mode='w')
    args = "vacorr=%s, tddcorr=%s, npolcorr=%s, d2imcorr=%s, checkfiles=%s, \
    " % (str(vacorr), str(tddcorr), str(npolcorr),
         str(d2imcorr), str(checkfiles))
    logger.info('\n\tStarting UPDATEWCS: %s', time.asctime())

    files = parseinput.parseinput(input)[0]
    logger.info("\n\tInput files: %s, " % [i for i in files])
    logger.info("\n\tInput arguments: %s" % args)
    if checkfiles:
        files = checkFiles(files)
        if not files:
            print('No valid input, quitting ...\n')

    if use_db:
        # Establish any available connection to
        #  an accessible astrometry web-service
        astrometry = astrometry_utils.AstrometryDB()

    for f in files:
        acorr = apply_corrections.setCorrections(f, vacorr=vacorr, tddcorr=tddcorr,
                                                 npolcorr=npolcorr, d2imcorr=d2imcorr)
        if 'MakeWCS' in acorr and newIDCTAB(f):
            logger.warning("\n\tNew IDCTAB file detected. All current WCSs will be deleted")

        makecorr(f, acorr)

        if use_db:
            # Add any new astrometry solutions available from
            #  an accessible astrometry web-service

    return files