Exemplo n.º 1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        """Handler for command."""

        task_number = options['task_number']

        if len(args) == 2:
            course_id = SlashSeparatedCourseKey.from_deprecated_string(args[0])
            usage_key = course_id.make_usage_key_from_deprecated_string(args[1])
            print self.help

            course = get_course(course_id)
        except ValueError as err:
            print err

        descriptor = modulestore().get_item(usage_key, depth=0)
        if descriptor is None:
            print "Location {0} not found in course".format(usage_key)

            enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
            print "Total students enrolled in {0}: {1}".format(course_id, enrolled_students.count())

            calculate_task_statistics(enrolled_students, course, usage_key, task_number)

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\nOperation Cancelled"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        """Handler for command."""

        task_number = options['task_number']

        if len(args) == 2:
            course_id = args[0]
            location = args[1]
            print self.help

            course = get_course(course_id)
        except ValueError as err:
            print err

        descriptor = modulestore().get_instance(course.id, location, depth=0)
        if descriptor is None:
            print "Location {0} not found in course".format(location)

            enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
            print "Total students enrolled in {0}: {1}".format(course_id, enrolled_students.count())

            calculate_task_statistics(enrolled_students, course, location, task_number)

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\nOperation Cancelled"
Exemplo n.º 3
def upload_grades_csv(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, _task_input, action_name):
    For a given `course_id`, generate a grades CSV file for all students that
    are enrolled, and store using a `ReportStore`. Once created, the files can
    be accessed by instantiating another `ReportStore` (via
    `ReportStore.from_config()`) and calling `link_for()` on it. Writes are
    buffered, so we'll never write part of a CSV file to S3 -- i.e. any files
    that are visible in ReportStore will be complete ones.

    As we start to add more CSV downloads, it will probably be worthwhile to
    make a more general CSVDoc class instead of building out the rows like we
    do here.
    start_time = time()
    start_date = datetime.now(UTC)
    status_interval = 100
    enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
    task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, enrolled_students.count(), start_time)

    fmt = u'Task: {task_id}, InstructorTask ID: {entry_id}, Course: {course_id}, Input: {task_input}'
    task_info_string = fmt.format(
        task_id=_xmodule_instance_args.get('task_id') if _xmodule_instance_args is not None else None,
    TASK_LOG.info(u'%s, Task type: %s, Starting task execution', task_info_string, action_name)

    course = get_course_by_id(course_id)
    course_is_cohorted = is_course_cohorted(course.id)
    cohorts_header = ['Cohort Name'] if course_is_cohorted else []

    experiment_partitions = get_split_user_partitions(course.user_partitions)
    group_configs_header = [u'Experiment Group ({})'.format(partition.name) for partition in experiment_partitions]

    # Loop over all our students and build our CSV lists in memory
    header = None
    rows = []
    err_rows = [["id", "username", "error_msg"]]
    current_step = {'step': 'Calculating Grades'}

    total_enrolled_students = enrolled_students.count()
    student_counter = 0
        u'%s, Task type: %s, Current step: %s, Starting grade calculation for total students: %s',
    for student, gradeset, err_msg in iterate_grades_for(course_id, enrolled_students):
        # Periodically update task status (this is a cache write)
        if task_progress.attempted % status_interval == 0:
        task_progress.attempted += 1

        # Now add a log entry after certain intervals to get a hint that task is in progress
        student_counter += 1
        if student_counter % 1000 == 0:
                u'%s, Task type: %s, Current step: %s, Grade calculation in-progress for students: %s/%s',

        if gradeset:
            # We were able to successfully grade this student for this course.
            task_progress.succeeded += 1
            if not header:
                header = [section['label'] for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']]
                    ["id", "email", "username", "grade"] + header + cohorts_header + group_configs_header

            percents = {
                section['label']: section.get('percent', 0.0)
                for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']
                if 'label' in section

            cohorts_group_name = []
            if course_is_cohorted:
                group = get_cohort(student, course_id, assign=False)
                cohorts_group_name.append(group.name if group else '')

            group_configs_group_names = []
            for partition in experiment_partitions:
                group = LmsPartitionService(student, course_id).get_group(partition, assign=False)
                group_configs_group_names.append(group.name if group else '')

            # Not everybody has the same gradable items. If the item is not
            # found in the user's gradeset, just assume it's a 0. The aggregated
            # grades for their sections and overall course will be calculated
            # without regard for the item they didn't have access to, so it's
            # possible for a student to have a 0.0 show up in their row but
            # still have 100% for the course.
            row_percents = [percents.get(label, 0.0) for label in header]
                [student.id, student.email, student.username, gradeset['percent']] +
                row_percents + cohorts_group_name + group_configs_group_names
            # An empty gradeset means we failed to grade a student.
            task_progress.failed += 1
            err_rows.append([student.id, student.username, err_msg])

        u'%s, Task type: %s, Current step: %s, Grade calculation completed for students: %s/%s',

    # By this point, we've got the rows we're going to stuff into our CSV files.
    current_step = {'step': 'Uploading CSVs'}
    TASK_LOG.info(u'%s, Task type: %s, Current step: %s', task_info_string, action_name, current_step)

    # Perform the actual upload
    upload_csv_to_report_store(rows, 'grade_report', course_id, start_date)

    # If there are any error rows (don't count the header), write them out as well
    if len(err_rows) > 1:
        upload_csv_to_report_store(err_rows, 'grade_report_err', course_id, start_date)

    # One last update before we close out...
    TASK_LOG.info(u'%s, Task type: %s, Finalizing grade task', task_info_string, action_name)
    return task_progress.update_task_state(extra_meta=current_step)
Exemplo n.º 4
def push_grades_to_s3(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, _task_input, action_name):
    For a given `course_id`, generate a grades CSV file for all students that
    are enrolled, and store using a `GradesStore`. Once created, the files can
    be accessed by instantiating another `GradesStore` (via
    `GradesStore.from_config()`) and calling `link_for()` on it. Writes are
    buffered, so we'll never write part of a CSV file to S3 -- i.e. any files
    that are visible in GradesStore will be complete ones.

    As we start to add more CSV downloads, it will probably be worthwhile to
    make a more general CSVDoc class instead of building out the rows like we
    do here.
    start_time = datetime.now(UTC)
    status_interval = 100

    enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
    num_total = enrolled_students.count()
    num_attempted = 0
    num_succeeded = 0
    num_failed = 0
    curr_step = "Calculating Grades"

    def update_task_progress():
        """Return a dict containing info about current task"""
        current_time = datetime.now(UTC)
        progress = {
            'action_name': action_name,
            'attempted': num_attempted,
            'succeeded': num_succeeded,
            'failed': num_failed,
            'total': num_total,
            'duration_ms': int((current_time - start_time).total_seconds() * 1000),
            'step': curr_step,
        _get_current_task().update_state(state=PROGRESS, meta=progress)

        return progress

    # Loop over all our students and build our CSV lists in memory
    header = None
    rows = []
    err_rows = [["id", "username", "error_msg"]]
    for student, gradeset, err_msg in iterate_grades_for(course_id, enrolled_students):
        # Periodically update task status (this is a cache write)
        if num_attempted % status_interval == 0:
        num_attempted += 1

        if gradeset:
            # We were able to successfully grade this student for this course.
            num_succeeded += 1
            if not header:
                # Encode the header row in utf-8 encoding in case there are unicode characters
                header = [section['label'].encode('utf-8') for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']]
                rows.append(["id", "email", "username", "grade"] + header)

            percents = {
                section['label']: section.get('percent', 0.0)
                for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']
                if 'label' in section

            # Not everybody has the same gradable items. If the item is not
            # found in the user's gradeset, just assume it's a 0. The aggregated
            # grades for their sections and overall course will be calculated
            # without regard for the item they didn't have access to, so it's
            # possible for a student to have a 0.0 show up in their row but
            # still have 100% for the course.
            row_percents = [percents.get(label, 0.0) for label in header]
            rows.append([student.id, student.email, student.username, gradeset['percent']] + row_percents)
            # An empty gradeset means we failed to grade a student.
            num_failed += 1
            err_rows.append([student.id, student.username, err_msg])

    # By this point, we've got the rows we're going to stuff into our CSV files.
    curr_step = "Uploading CSVs"

    # Generate parts of the file name
    timestamp_str = start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M")
    course_id_prefix = urllib.quote(course_id.replace("/", "_"))

    # Perform the actual upload
    grades_store = GradesStore.from_config()
        "{}_grade_report_{}.csv".format(course_id_prefix, timestamp_str),

    # If there are any error rows (don't count the header), write them out as well
    if len(err_rows) > 1:
            "{}_grade_report_{}_err.csv".format(course_id_prefix, timestamp_str),

    # One last update before we close out...
    return update_task_progress()
Exemplo n.º 5
def index(request, course_id):
    # Request data
    course_key = get_course_key(course_id)
    course = get_course_module(course_key)
    user = request.user
    staff_access = has_access(request.user, 'staff', course)
    instructor_access = has_access(request.user, 'instructor', course)
    masq = setup_masquerade(request, staff_access)  # allow staff to toggle masquerade on info page
    studio_url = get_studio_url(course, 'course_info')
    reverifications = fetch_reverify_banner_info(request, course_key)
    #course = get_course_with_access(request.user, action='load', course_key=course_key, depth=None, check_if_enrolled=False)
    # Proficiency and pass limit
    pass_limit = get_course_grade_cutoff(course)
    proficiency_limit = (1 - pass_limit) / 2 + pass_limit
    usernames_in = []
    for student in CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_key):
    # Data for visualization in JSON
    user_for_charts = '#average' if (staff_access or instructor_access) else user
    kwargs = {
        'qualifiers': {'category': 'video', },
    # This returns video descriptors in the order they appear on the course
    video_descriptors = videos_problems_in(course)[0]
    video_durations = get_info_videos_descriptors(video_descriptors)[2]
    video_ids_str = []
    course_video_names = []
    for descriptor in video_descriptors:
        video_ids_str.append((course_key.make_usage_key('video', descriptor.location.name))._to_string())
    if len(video_descriptors) > 0:
        first_video_id = course_key.make_usage_key('video', video_descriptors[0].location.name)
        # Video progress visualization. Video percentage seen total and non-overlapped.
        video_names, avg_video_time, video_percentages = get_module_consumption(user_for_charts, course_key, 'video', 'video_progress')  
        if avg_video_time != []:
            all_video_time_percent = map(truediv, avg_video_time, video_durations)
            all_video_time_percent = [int(round(x*100,0)) for x in all_video_time_percent]
            all_video_time_percent = avg_video_time
        column_headers = ['Video', 'Different video time', 'Total video time']
        video_prog_json = ready_for_arraytodatatable(column_headers, video_names, video_percentages, all_video_time_percent)
        video_names, all_video_time = get_module_consumption(user_for_charts, course_key, 'video', 'total_time_vid_prob')[0:2]
        # Time spent on every video resource
        column_headers = ['Video', 'Time watched']
        video_distrib_json = ready_for_arraytodatatable(column_headers, video_names, all_video_time)
        # Video events dispersion within video length
        scatter_array = get_video_events_info(user_for_charts, first_video_id)    
        # Repetitions per video intervals
        user_for_vid_intervals = '#class_total_times' if user_for_charts == '#average' else user_for_charts
        video_intervals_array = get_user_video_intervals(user_for_vid_intervals, first_video_id)        
    # Case no videos in course
        video_names = None
        video_prog_json = simplejson.dumps(None)
        video_distrib_json = simplejson.dumps(None)
        scatter_array = simplejson.dumps(None)
        video_intervals_array = simplejson.dumps(None)
    # Time spent on every problem resource
    problem_names, time_x_problem = get_module_consumption(user_for_charts, course_key, 'problem', 'total_time_vid_prob')[0:2]    
    column_headers = ['Problem', 'Time on problem']
    problem_distrib_json = ready_for_arraytodatatable(column_headers, problem_names, time_x_problem)
    # Daily time spent on video and/or problem resources
    video_days, video_daily_time = get_daily_consumption(user_for_charts, course_key, 'video')
    problem_days, problem_daily_time = get_daily_consumption(user_for_charts, course_key, 'problem')    
    vid_and_prob_daily_time = join_video_problem_time(video_days, video_daily_time, problem_days, problem_daily_time) 
    #Analytics visualizations
    if staff_access or instructor_access:
        # Instructor access
        std_sort = get_DB_sort_course_homework(course_key)
        # Chapter time
        cs, st = get_DB_course_spent_time(course_key, student_id=ALL_STUDENTS)
        students_spent_time = chapter_time_to_js(cs, st)
        students_grades = get_DB_student_grades(course_key, student_id=ALL_STUDENTS) 
        cs, sa = course_accesses = get_DB_course_section_accesses(course_key, student_id=ALL_STUDENTS)
        students_course_accesses = course_accesses_to_js(cs, sa)
        students_prob_vid_progress = get_DB_course_video_problem_progress(course_key, student_id=ALL_STUDENTS)
        students_time_schedule = get_DB_time_schedule(course_key, student_id=ALL_STUDENTS)
        # Sort homework                    
        # Chapter time
        std_sort = None
        cs, st = get_DB_course_spent_time(course_key, user.id) 
        students_spent_time = chapter_time_to_js(cs, st) 
        students_grades = get_DB_student_grades(course_key, user.id) 
        cs, sa = course_accesses = get_DB_course_section_accesses(course_key, user.id)
        students_course_accesses = course_accesses_to_js(cs, sa) 
        students_time_schedule = get_DB_time_schedule(course_key, user.id) 
        students_prob_vid_progress = get_DB_course_video_problem_progress(course_key, user.id) 
    context = {'course': course,
               'request': request,
               'user': user,
               'user_id': user.id,
               'staff_access': staff_access,
               'instructor_access': instructor_access,
               'masquerade': masq,
               'studio_url': studio_url,
               'reverifications': reverifications,
               'course_id': course_id,
               'students': students_to_js(get_course_students(course_key)),
               'visualizations_id': VISUALIZATIONS_ID,
               'std_grades_dump': dumps(students_grades),
               'sort_std_dump': dumps(std_sort),
               'time_dump': dumps(students_spent_time),
               'accesses_dump': dumps(students_course_accesses),
               'std_time_schedule_dumb': dumps(students_time_schedule),
               'vid_prob_prog_dump': dumps(students_prob_vid_progress),
               'pass_limit': pass_limit,
               'prof_limit': proficiency_limit,
               'usernames_in' : usernames_in,
               'video_names' : course_video_names,
               'video_ids' : video_ids_str,
               'video_prog_json' : video_prog_json,
               'video_distrib_json' : video_distrib_json,
               'problem_distrib_json' : problem_distrib_json,
               'video_intervals_array' : video_intervals_array,
               'vid_and_prob_daily_time' : vid_and_prob_daily_time,
               'scatter_array' : scatter_array, }                                
    return render_to_response('learning_analytics/learning_analytics.html', context)    
Exemplo n.º 6
def upload_problem_grade_report(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, _task_input, action_name):
    Generate a CSV containing all students' problem grades within a given
    start_time = time()
    start_date = datetime.now(UTC)
    status_interval = 100
    enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
    task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, enrolled_students.count(), start_time)

    # This struct encapsulates both the display names of each static item in the
    # header row as values as well as the django User field names of those items
    # as the keys.  It is structured in this way to keep the values related.
    header_row = OrderedDict([('id', 'Student ID'), ('email', 'Email'), ('username', 'Username')])

        course_structure = CourseStructure.objects.get(course_id=course_id)
        blocks = course_structure.ordered_blocks
        problems = _order_problems(blocks)
    except CourseStructure.DoesNotExist:
        return task_progress.update_task_state(
            extra_meta={'step': 'Generating course structure. Please refresh and try again.'}

    # Just generate the static fields for now.
    rows = [list(header_row.values()) + ['Final Grade'] + list(chain.from_iterable(problems.values()))]
    error_rows = [list(header_row.values()) + ['error_msg']]
    current_step = {'step': 'Calculating Grades'}

    for student, gradeset, err_msg in iterate_grades_for(course_id, enrolled_students, keep_raw_scores=True):
        student_fields = [getattr(student, field_name) for field_name in header_row]
        task_progress.attempted += 1

        if err_msg:
            # There was an error grading this student.
            error_rows.append(student_fields + [err_msg])
            task_progress.failed += 1

        final_grade = gradeset['percent']
        # Only consider graded problems
        problem_scores = {unicode(score.module_id): score for score in gradeset['raw_scores'] if score.graded}
        earned_possible_values = list()
        for problem_id in problems:
                problem_score = problem_scores[problem_id]
                earned_possible_values.append([problem_score.earned, problem_score.possible])
            except KeyError:
                # The student has not been graded on this problem.  For example,
                # iterate_grades_for skips problems that students have never
                # seen in order to speed up report generation.  It could also be
                # the case that the student does not have access to it (e.g. A/B
                # test or cohorted courseware).
                earned_possible_values.append(['N/A', 'N/A'])
        rows.append(student_fields + [final_grade] + list(chain.from_iterable(earned_possible_values)))

        task_progress.succeeded += 1
        if task_progress.attempted % status_interval == 0:

    # Perform the upload if any students have been successfully graded
    if len(rows) > 1:
        upload_csv_to_report_store(rows, 'problem_grade_report', course_id, start_date)
    # If there are any error rows, write them out as well
    if len(error_rows) > 1:
        upload_csv_to_report_store(error_rows, 'problem_grade_report_err', course_id, start_date)

    return task_progress.update_task_state(extra_meta={'step': 'Uploading CSV'})
Exemplo n.º 7
def push_grades_to_s3(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id,
                      _task_input, action_name):
    For a given `course_id`, generate a grades CSV file for all students that
    are enrolled, and store using a `ReportStore`. Once created, the files can
    be accessed by instantiating another `ReportStore` (via
    `ReportStore.from_config()`) and calling `link_for()` on it. Writes are
    buffered, so we'll never write part of a CSV file to S3 -- i.e. any files
    that are visible in ReportStore will be complete ones.

    As we start to add more CSV downloads, it will probably be worthwhile to
    make a more general CSVDoc class instead of building out the rows like we
    do here.
    start_time = datetime.now(UTC)
    status_interval = 100

    enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
    num_total = enrolled_students.count()
    num_attempted = 0
    num_succeeded = 0
    num_failed = 0
    curr_step = "Calculating Grades"

    def update_task_progress():
        """Return a dict containing info about current task"""
        current_time = datetime.now(UTC)
        progress = {
            'action_name': action_name,
            'attempted': num_attempted,
            'succeeded': num_succeeded,
            'failed': num_failed,
            'total': num_total,
            'duration_ms': int(
                (current_time - start_time).total_seconds() * 1000),
            'step': curr_step,
        _get_current_task().update_state(state=PROGRESS, meta=progress)

        return progress

    # Loop over all our students and build our CSV lists in memory
    header = None
    rows = []
    err_rows = [["id", "username", "error_msg"]]
    for student, gradeset, err_msg in iterate_grades_for(
            course_id, enrolled_students):
        # Periodically update task status (this is a cache write)
        if num_attempted % status_interval == 0:
        num_attempted += 1

        if gradeset:
            # We were able to successfully grade this student for this course.
            num_succeeded += 1
            if not header:
                # Encode the header row in utf-8 encoding in case there are unicode characters
                header = [
                    for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']
                rows.append(["id", "email", "username", "grade"] + header)

            percents = {
                section['label']: section.get('percent', 0.0)
                for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']
                if 'label' in section

            # Not everybody has the same gradable items. If the item is not
            # found in the user's gradeset, just assume it's a 0. The aggregated
            # grades for their sections and overall course will be calculated
            # without regard for the item they didn't have access to, so it's
            # possible for a student to have a 0.0 show up in their row but
            # still have 100% for the course.
            row_percents = [percents.get(label, 0.0) for label in header]
                student.email.encode('utf-8'), student.username,
            ] + row_percents)
            # An empty gradeset means we failed to grade a student.
            num_failed += 1
            err_rows.append([student.id, student.username, err_msg])

    # By this point, we've got the rows we're going to stuff into our CSV files.
    curr_step = "Uploading CSVs"

    # Generate parts of the file name
    timestamp_str = start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M")
    course_id_prefix = urllib.quote(course_id.to_deprecated_string().replace(
        "/", "_"))

    # Perform the actual upload
    report_store = ReportStore.from_config()
        course_id, u"{}_grade_report_{}.csv".format(course_id_prefix,
                                                    timestamp_str), rows)

    # If there are any error rows (don't count the header), write them out as well
    if len(err_rows) > 1:
                                                 timestamp_str), err_rows)

    # One last update before we close out...
    return update_task_progress()
Exemplo n.º 8
def upload_grades_csv(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, _task_input, action_name):
    For a given `course_id`, generate a grades CSV file for all students that
    are enrolled, and store using a `ReportStore`. Once created, the files can
    be accessed by instantiating another `ReportStore` (via
    `ReportStore.from_config()`) and calling `link_for()` on it. Writes are
    buffered, so we'll never write part of a CSV file to S3 -- i.e. any files
    that are visible in ReportStore will be complete ones.

    As we start to add more CSV downloads, it will probably be worthwhile to
    make a more general CSVDoc class instead of building out the rows like we
    do here.
    start_time = time()
    start_date = datetime.now(UTC)
    status_interval = 100
    enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
    task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, enrolled_students.count(), start_time)

    # Loop over all our students and build our CSV lists in memory
    header = None
    rows = []
    err_rows = [["id", "username", "error_msg"]]
    current_step = {'step': 'Calculating Grades'}
    for student, gradeset, err_msg in iterate_grades_for(course_id, enrolled_students):
        # Periodically update task status (this is a cache write)
        if task_progress.attempted % status_interval == 0:
        task_progress.attempted += 1

        if gradeset:
            # We were able to successfully grade this student for this course.
            task_progress.succeeded += 1
            if not header:
                # Encode the header row in utf-8 encoding in case there are unicode characters
                header = [section['label'].encode('utf-8') for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']]
                rows.append(["id", "email", "username", "grade"] + header)

            percents = {
                section['label']: section.get('percent', 0.0)
                for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']
                if 'label' in section

            # Not everybody has the same gradable items. If the item is not
            # found in the user's gradeset, just assume it's a 0. The aggregated
            # grades for their sections and overall course will be calculated
            # without regard for the item they didn't have access to, so it's
            # possible for a student to have a 0.0 show up in their row but
            # still have 100% for the course.
            row_percents = [percents.get(label, 0.0) for label in header]
            rows.append([student.id, student.email, student.username, gradeset['percent']] + row_percents)
            # An empty gradeset means we failed to grade a student.
            task_progress.failed += 1
            err_rows.append([student.id, student.username, err_msg])

    # By this point, we've got the rows we're going to stuff into our CSV files.
    current_step = {'step': 'Uploading CSVs'}

    # Perform the actual upload
    upload_csv_to_report_store(rows, 'grade_report', course_id, start_date)

    # If there are any error rows (don't count the header), write them out as well
    if len(err_rows) > 1:
        upload_csv_to_report_store(err_rows, 'grade_report_err', course_id, start_date)

    # One last update before we close out...
    return task_progress.update_task_state(extra_meta=current_step)
Exemplo n.º 9
def upload_grades_csv(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id,
                      _task_input, action_name):  # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
    For a given `course_id`, generate a grades CSV file for all students that
    are enrolled, and store using a `ReportStore`. Once created, the files can
    be accessed by instantiating another `ReportStore` (via
    `ReportStore.from_config()`) and calling `link_for()` on it. Writes are
    buffered, so we'll never write part of a CSV file to S3 -- i.e. any files
    that are visible in ReportStore will be complete ones.

    As we start to add more CSV downloads, it will probably be worthwhile to
    make a more general CSVDoc class instead of building out the rows like we
    do here.
    start_time = time()
    start_date = datetime.now(UTC)
    status_interval = 100
    enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
    task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, enrolled_students.count(),

    fmt = u'Task: {task_id}, InstructorTask ID: {entry_id}, Course: {course_id}, Input: {task_input}'
    task_info_string = fmt.format(
        if _xmodule_instance_args is not None else None,
    TASK_LOG.info(u'%s, Task type: %s, Starting task execution',
                  task_info_string, action_name)

    course = get_course_by_id(course_id)
    course_is_cohorted = is_course_cohorted(course.id)
    cohorts_header = ['Cohort Name'] if course_is_cohorted else []

    experiment_partitions = get_split_user_partitions(course.user_partitions)
    group_configs_header = [
        u'Experiment Group ({})'.format(partition.name)
        for partition in experiment_partitions

    certificate_info_header = [
        'Certificate Eligible', 'Certificate Delivered', 'Certificate Type'
    certificate_whitelist = CertificateWhitelist.objects.filter(
        course_id=course_id, whitelist=True)
    whitelisted_user_ids = [entry.user_id for entry in certificate_whitelist]

    # Loop over all our students and build our CSV lists in memory
    header = None
    rows = []
    err_rows = [["id", "username", "error_msg"]]
    current_step = {'step': 'Calculating Grades'}

    total_enrolled_students = enrolled_students.count()
    student_counter = 0
        u'%s, Task type: %s, Current step: %s, Starting grade calculation for total students: %s',
        task_info_string, action_name, current_step, total_enrolled_students)
    for student, gradeset, err_msg in iterate_grades_for(
            course_id, enrolled_students):
        # Periodically update task status (this is a cache write)
        if task_progress.attempted % status_interval == 0:
        task_progress.attempted += 1

        # Now add a log entry after certain intervals to get a hint that task is in progress
        student_counter += 1
        if student_counter % 1000 == 0:
                u'%s, Task type: %s, Current step: %s, Grade calculation in-progress for students: %s/%s',
                task_info_string, action_name, current_step, student_counter,

        if gradeset:
            # We were able to successfully grade this student for this course.
            task_progress.succeeded += 1
            if not header:
                header = [
                    for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']
                rows.append(["id", "email", "username", "grade"] + header +
                            cohorts_header + group_configs_header +
                            ['Enrollment Track', 'Verification Status'] +

            percents = {
                section['label']: section.get('percent', 0.0)
                for section in gradeset[u'section_breakdown']
                if 'label' in section

            cohorts_group_name = []
            if course_is_cohorted:
                group = get_cohort(student, course_id, assign=False)
                cohorts_group_name.append(group.name if group else '')

            group_configs_group_names = []
            for partition in experiment_partitions:
                group = LmsPartitionService(student,
                group_configs_group_names.append(group.name if group else '')

            enrollment_mode = CourseEnrollment.enrollment_mode_for_user(
                student, course_id)[0]
            verification_status = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.verification_status_for_user(
                student, course_id, enrollment_mode)
            certificate_info = certificate_info_for_user(
                student, course_id, gradeset['grade'], student.id
                in whitelisted_user_ids)

            # Not everybody has the same gradable items. If the item is not
            # found in the user's gradeset, just assume it's a 0. The aggregated
            # grades for their sections and overall course will be calculated
            # without regard for the item they didn't have access to, so it's
            # possible for a student to have a 0.0 show up in their row but
            # still have 100% for the course.
            row_percents = [percents.get(label, 0.0) for label in header]
                student.id, student.email, student.username,
            ] + row_percents + cohorts_group_name + group_configs_group_names +
                        [enrollment_mode] + [verification_status] +
            # An empty gradeset means we failed to grade a student.
            task_progress.failed += 1
            err_rows.append([student.id, student.username, err_msg])

        u'%s, Task type: %s, Current step: %s, Grade calculation completed for students: %s/%s',
        task_info_string, action_name, current_step, student_counter,

    # By this point, we've got the rows we're going to stuff into our CSV files.
    current_step = {'step': 'Uploading CSVs'}
    TASK_LOG.info(u'%s, Task type: %s, Current step: %s', task_info_string,
                  action_name, current_step)

    # Perform the actual upload
    upload_csv_to_report_store(rows, 'grade_report', course_id, start_date)

    # If there are any error rows (don't count the header), write them out as well
    if len(err_rows) > 1:
        upload_csv_to_report_store(err_rows, 'grade_report_err', course_id,

    # One last update before we close out...
    TASK_LOG.info(u'%s, Task type: %s, Finalizing grade task',
                  task_info_string, action_name)
    return task_progress.update_task_state(extra_meta=current_step)
Exemplo n.º 10
def upload_grades_csv(_xmodule_instance_args, _entry_id, course_id, _task_input, action_name):
    For a given `course_id`, generate a grades CSV file for all students that
    are enrolled, and store using a `ReportStore`. Once created, the files can
    be accessed by instantiating another `ReportStore` (via
    `ReportStore.from_config()`) and calling `link_for()` on it. Writes are
    buffered, so we'll never write part of a CSV file to S3 -- i.e. any files
    that are visible in ReportStore will be complete ones.

    As we start to add more CSV downloads, it will probably be worthwhile to
    make a more general CSVDoc class instead of building out the rows like we
    do here.
    start_time = time()
    start_date = datetime.now(UTC)
    status_interval = 100
    enrolled_students = CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_id)
    task_progress = TaskProgress(action_name, enrolled_students.count(), start_time)

    course = get_course_by_id(course_id)
    cohorts_header = ["Cohort Name"] if course.is_cohorted else []

    partition_service = LmsPartitionService(user=None, course_id=course_id)
    partitions = partition_service.course_partitions
    group_configs_header = ["Group Configuration Group Name ({})".format(partition.name) for partition in partitions]

    # Loop over all our students and build our CSV lists in memory
    header = None
    rows = []
    err_rows = [["id", "username", "error_msg"]]
    current_step = {"step": "Calculating Grades"}
    for student, gradeset, err_msg in iterate_grades_for(course_id, enrolled_students):
        # Periodically update task status (this is a cache write)
        if task_progress.attempted % status_interval == 0:
        task_progress.attempted += 1

        if gradeset:
            # We were able to successfully grade this student for this course.
            task_progress.succeeded += 1
            if not header:
                header = [section["label"] for section in gradeset[u"section_breakdown"]]
                rows.append(["id", "email", "username", "grade"] + header + cohorts_header + group_configs_header)

            percents = {
                section["label"]: section.get("percent", 0.0)
                for section in gradeset[u"section_breakdown"]
                if "label" in section

            cohorts_group_name = []
            if course.is_cohorted:
                group = get_cohort(student, course_id, assign=False)
                cohorts_group_name.append(group.name if group else "")

            group_configs_group_names = []
            for partition in partitions:
                group = LmsPartitionService(student, course_id).get_group(partition, assign=False)
                group_configs_group_names.append(group.name if group else "")

            # Not everybody has the same gradable items. If the item is not
            # found in the user's gradeset, just assume it's a 0. The aggregated
            # grades for their sections and overall course will be calculated
            # without regard for the item they didn't have access to, so it's
            # possible for a student to have a 0.0 show up in their row but
            # still have 100% for the course.
            row_percents = [percents.get(label, 0.0) for label in header]
                [student.id, student.email, student.username, gradeset["percent"]]
                + row_percents
                + cohorts_group_name
                + group_configs_group_names
            # An empty gradeset means we failed to grade a student.
            task_progress.failed += 1
            err_rows.append([student.id, student.username, err_msg])

    # By this point, we've got the rows we're going to stuff into our CSV files.
    current_step = {"step": "Uploading CSVs"}

    # Perform the actual upload
    upload_csv_to_report_store(rows, "grade_report", course_id, start_date)

    # If there are any error rows (don't count the header), write them out as well
    if len(err_rows) > 1:
        upload_csv_to_report_store(err_rows, "grade_report_err", course_id, start_date)

    # One last update before we close out...
    return task_progress.update_task_state(extra_meta=current_step)
Exemplo n.º 11
def index(request, course_id):

    # Request data
    course_key = get_course_key(course_id)
    course = get_course_module(course_key)
    user = request.user
    staff_access = has_access(request.user, 'staff', course)
    instructor_access = has_access(request.user, 'instructor', course)
    masq = setup_masquerade(
        request, staff_access)  # allow staff to toggle masquerade on info page
    studio_url = get_studio_url(course, 'course_info')
    reverifications = fetch_reverify_banner_info(request, course_key)

    #course = get_course_with_access(request.user, action='load', course_key=course_key, depth=None, check_if_enrolled=False)

    # Proficiency and pass limit
    pass_limit = get_course_grade_cutoff(course)
    proficiency_limit = (1 - pass_limit) / 2 + pass_limit

    usernames_in = []
    for student in CourseEnrollment.users_enrolled_in(course_key):

    # Data for visualization in JSON
    user_for_charts = '#average' if (staff_access
                                     or instructor_access) else user
    kwargs = {
        'qualifiers': {
            'category': 'video',

    # This returns video descriptors in the order they appear on the course
    video_descriptors = videos_problems_in(course)[0]
    video_durations = get_info_videos_descriptors(video_descriptors)[2]

    video_ids_str = []
    course_video_names = []
    for descriptor in video_descriptors:

    if len(video_descriptors) > 0:
        first_video_id = course_key.make_usage_key(
            'video', video_descriptors[0].location.name)
        # Video progress visualization. Video percentage seen total and non-overlapped.
        video_names, avg_video_time, video_percentages = get_module_consumption(
            user_for_charts, course_key, 'video', 'video_progress')
        if avg_video_time != []:
            all_video_time_percent = map(truediv, avg_video_time,
            all_video_time_percent = [
                int(round(x * 100, 0)) for x in all_video_time_percent
            all_video_time_percent = avg_video_time

        column_headers = ['Video', 'Different video time', 'Total video time']
        video_prog_json = ready_for_arraytodatatable(column_headers,

        video_names, all_video_time = get_module_consumption(
            user_for_charts, course_key, 'video', 'total_time_vid_prob')[0:2]
        # Time spent on every video resource
        column_headers = ['Video', 'Time watched']
        video_distrib_json = ready_for_arraytodatatable(
            column_headers, video_names, all_video_time)

        # Video events dispersion within video length
        scatter_array = get_video_events_info(user_for_charts, first_video_id)

        # Repetitions per video intervals
        user_for_vid_intervals = '#class_total_times' if user_for_charts == '#average' else user_for_charts
        video_intervals_array = get_user_video_intervals(
            user_for_vid_intervals, first_video_id)

    # Case no videos in course
        video_names = None
        video_prog_json = simplejson.dumps(None)
        video_distrib_json = simplejson.dumps(None)
        scatter_array = simplejson.dumps(None)
        video_intervals_array = simplejson.dumps(None)

    # Time spent on every problem resource
    problem_names, time_x_problem = get_module_consumption(
        user_for_charts, course_key, 'problem', 'total_time_vid_prob')[0:2]
    column_headers = ['Problem', 'Time on problem']
    problem_distrib_json = ready_for_arraytodatatable(column_headers,

    # Daily time spent on video and/or problem resources
    video_days, video_daily_time = get_daily_consumption(
        user_for_charts, course_key, 'video')
    problem_days, problem_daily_time = get_daily_consumption(
        user_for_charts, course_key, 'problem')
    vid_and_prob_daily_time = join_video_problem_time(video_days,

    #Analytics visualizations
    if staff_access or instructor_access:
        # Instructor access
        std_sort = get_DB_sort_course_homework(course_key)
        # Chapter time
        cs, st = get_DB_course_spent_time(course_key, student_id=ALL_STUDENTS)
        students_spent_time = chapter_time_to_js(cs, st)
        students_grades = get_DB_student_grades(course_key,
        cs, sa = course_accesses = get_DB_course_section_accesses(
            course_key, student_id=ALL_STUDENTS)
        students_course_accesses = course_accesses_to_js(cs, sa)
        students_prob_vid_progress = get_DB_course_video_problem_progress(
            course_key, student_id=ALL_STUDENTS)
        students_time_schedule = get_DB_time_schedule(course_key,
        # Sort homework
        # Chapter time
        std_sort = None
        cs, st = get_DB_course_spent_time(course_key, user.id)
        students_spent_time = chapter_time_to_js(cs, st)
        students_grades = get_DB_student_grades(course_key, user.id)
        cs, sa = course_accesses = get_DB_course_section_accesses(
            course_key, user.id)
        students_course_accesses = course_accesses_to_js(cs, sa)
        students_time_schedule = get_DB_time_schedule(course_key, user.id)
        students_prob_vid_progress = get_DB_course_video_problem_progress(
            course_key, user.id)

    context = {
        'course': course,
        'request': request,
        'user': user,
        'user_id': user.id,
        'staff_access': staff_access,
        'instructor_access': instructor_access,
        'masquerade': masq,
        'studio_url': studio_url,
        'reverifications': reverifications,
        'course_id': course_id,
        'students': students_to_js(get_course_students(course_key)),
        'visualizations_id': VISUALIZATIONS_ID,
        'std_grades_dump': dumps(students_grades),
        'sort_std_dump': dumps(std_sort),
        'time_dump': dumps(students_spent_time),
        'accesses_dump': dumps(students_course_accesses),
        'std_time_schedule_dumb': dumps(students_time_schedule),
        'vid_prob_prog_dump': dumps(students_prob_vid_progress),
        'pass_limit': pass_limit,
        'prof_limit': proficiency_limit,
        'usernames_in': usernames_in,
        'video_names': course_video_names,
        'video_ids': video_ids_str,
        'video_prog_json': video_prog_json,
        'video_distrib_json': video_distrib_json,
        'problem_distrib_json': problem_distrib_json,
        'video_intervals_array': video_intervals_array,
        'vid_and_prob_daily_time': vid_and_prob_daily_time,
        'scatter_array': scatter_array,

    return render_to_response('learning_analytics/learning_analytics.html',