Exemplo n.º 1
    def decelerate_waypoints(self, waypoints, closest_idx):
        temp = []
        for i, wp in enumerate(waypoints):
            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose
            stop_idx = max(self.stopline_wp_idx - closest_idx - 2, 0)
            dist = self.distance(waypoints, i, stop_idx)
            vel = math.sqrt(2 * MAX_DECEL * dist)
            if vel < 1.:
                vel = 0.

            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)
        return temp
Exemplo n.º 2
	def decelerate_waypoints(self,waypoints,closest_idx): # deceleration logic


		for i,wp in enumerate(waypoints):
			p=Waypoint() #instantiate a waypoint object

			stop_idx=max(self.stopline_wp_idx - closest_idx -2, 0) # subtract two way-points to ensure nose of car stops at line
			dist=self.distance(waypoints,i,stop_idx) # calculate distance from current index to stop line index
			vel=math.sqrt(2.0*MAX_DECEL*dist) # some deceleration rate based on distance
			if vel<1.0:
			p.twist.twist.linear.x=min(vel,wp.twist.twist.linear.x) #set way point velocity to min of calculated vs speed limit (default value)

		return temp
    def _decelerate_waypoints(self, base_waypoints, closest_idx):
        temp = []
        for i, wp in enumerate(base_waypoints):
            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose

            # Two base_waypoints back from line so front of car stops at line
            # (-2 is from the center of the car)
            stop_idx = max(self.stopline_wp_idx - closest_idx - 2, 0)
            dist = self.distance(base_waypoints, i, stop_idx)
            # TODO: consider a different function than sqare root
            vel = np.power(MAX_DECEL * dist * 7, 0.33) * 1.7
            if vel < 1.0:
                vel = 0

            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

        return temp
Exemplo n.º 4
    def set_velocity(waypoints, start_index, wp_index_to_stop):  #[Waypoint]

        # rospy.loginfo("start_index: %d, wp_index_to_stop: %d" % (start_index, wp_index_to_stop))

        if wp_index_to_stop == -1 or wp_index_to_stop >= start_index + len(
            # use the original velocity of the base waypoints
            return waypoints

        wps_with_vel = []
        for wp_i, wp in enumerate(waypoints):
            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose

            stop_wp_index = max(wp_index_to_stop - start_index - 2, 0)
            dist_to_stop = WaypointUpdater.distance(waypoints, wp_i,
            vel = math.sqrt(2. * MAX_DECEL * dist_to_stop)
            if vel < 1.:
                vel = 0.
            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

        return wps_with_vel
Exemplo n.º 5
    def decelerate_waypoints(self, waypoints, closest_idx):
        temp = []
        for i, wp in enumerate(waypoints):
            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose

            # Two waypoints back from the line so front of the car stops at line
            stop_idx = max(self.stopline_wp_index - closest_idx - 2, 0)

            # Decelerate linearly
            # velocity = dist / 5

            # Decelerate by S-curve
            # velocity = wp.twist.twist.linear.x * (1. - 1. / (1. + math.exp(-(i - stop_idx + 30.) / 6.)))

            dist = self.distance(waypoints, i, stop_idx)
            velocity = math.sqrt(2 * MAX_DECEL * dist)
            if velocity < 1.:
                velocity = 0.

            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(velocity, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

        return temp
    def decelerate_waypoints(self,waypoints,closest_idx):
        temp = []
        stop_idx = max(self.next_light_wp - closest_idx -5,0)
        #rospy.loginfo("stop index is %s",stop_idx)
        #waypoints = self.set_velocity(waypoints,0.)
	#rospy.loginfo("i is %s", i)
	#rospy.loginfo("stop_idx is %s", stop_idx)
        #stop index reached. stop the vehicle.
        for i , wp in enumerate(waypoints):
            #waypoint_till_traffic_light  =  stop_idx - i 
            #rospy.loginfo("waypoint till traffic is %s", waypoint_till_traffic_light)
	    #rospy.loginfo(" i is %s" , i)
	    p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose
            dist = self.distance(waypoints,i,stop_idx)
            #rospy.loginfo("i is less than stop index")
            #rospy.loginfo("dist is %s",dist)
            vel = K_CONSTANT * dist
            if vel < 1.:
               vel = 0.
            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(vel,wp.twist.twist.linear.x)
            #rospy.loginfo("final velocity is %s", p.twist.twist.linear.x)
        return temp
Exemplo n.º 7
    def process(self):
        # TODO: Use self.final_waypoints_pub to publish the next target waypoints
        # In phase 1: we can ignore traffic lights and simply output the next N waypoints *ahead of the car*, with their default velocity
        # In phase 2: you need to adjust target speeds on waypoints in order to smoothly brake until the car reaches the waypoint
        # corresponding to the next red light's stop line (stored in self.next_traffic_light_stopline_index, == -1 if no next traffic light).
        # Advice: make sure to complete dbw_node and have the car driving correctly while ignoring traffic lights before you tackle phase 2
        msg = Lane()

        closest_idx = self.waypoints_db.get_next_closest_idx(
        farthest_idx = closest_idx + self.N
        base_waypoints = self.waypoints_db.waypoints[closest_idx:farthest_idx]

        if self.next_traffic_light_stopline_index == -1 or (
                self.next_traffic_light_stopline_index >= farthest_idx):
            msg.waypoints = base_waypoints
            new_points = []
            for i, wp in enumerate(base_waypoints):
                point = Waypoint()
                point.pose = wp.pose

                stop_idx = max(
                    self.next_traffic_light_stopline_index - closest_idx - 4,
                dist = self.waypoints_db.distance(base_waypoints, i, stop_idx)
                vel = math.sqrt(2 * self.max_deceleration * 0.90 * dist)
                if vel < 1.0:
                    vel = 0.0

                point.twist.twist.linear.x = min(vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

            msg.waypoints = new_points

    def decelerate_waypoints(self, base_wp, closest_idx):
        # use a temporary list to NOT modify the real base waypoints (only published once)
        temp_list = []

        # stop some waypoints in front of the stopline to avoid the car's nose to go over
        stop_idx = max(self.stop_line_idx - closest_idx - 4, 0)

        # for each of the waypoints between us and the stopline, set the velocity
        for i, wp in enumerate(base_wp):
            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose

            distance = self.distance(base_wp, i, stop_idx)
            MAX_DECEL = 1
            vel = math.sqrt(2 * MAX_DECEL * distance)

            if vel < 1.:
                vel = 0.

            # the current twist value of the base waypoint is the speed limit -- no speeding here!
            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(vel, base_wp[i].twist.twist.linear.x)

        return temp_list
    def accelerate_waypoints(self, waypoints):
        temp = []
        last_vel = self.current_vel
        last_time_to_next_wp = 0.0

        #rospy.logwarn("Waypoint length: {0}".format(len(waypoints)))

        for i, wp in enumerate(waypoints):
            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose
            time_to_next_wp = 0.0
            dist = 0.0

            # To calculate accel to be added, it is necessary to determine the time it will
            #  take at the current velocity to reach the next waypoint

            if i == len(waypoints) - 1:
                new_vel = last_vel + last_time_to_next_wp * self.max_accel
                dist = self.distance(waypoints, i, i + 1)

                if last_vel < 1.0:
                    new_vel = 1.0
                    time_to_next_wp = dist / last_vel
                    new_vel = last_vel + (self.max_accel * time_to_next_wp)

            #rospy.logwarn("Last velocity: {0}, New velocity: {1}, TTNWP: {2}, Dist: {3}".format(last_vel, new_vel, time_to_next_wp, dist))
            new_vel = min(new_vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)
            last_vel = new_vel
            last_time_to_next_wp = time_to_next_wp

            p.twist.twist.linear.x = new_vel

        return temp
    def decelerate_waypoints(self, base_waypoints, closest_idx):

        temp = []
        for i, wp in enumerate(base_waypoints):

            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose

            stop_idx = max(self.stopline_wp_idx - closest_idx - 5,
                           0)  # Car is 5 wp long

            dist = self.distance(base_waypoints, i, stop_idx)

            # https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/3818/stopping-distance-frictionless
            vel = math.sqrt(2 * MAX_DECEL *
                            dist)  # velocity decreases as dist decreases

            if vel < 1.:
                vel = 0.

            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

        return temp
Exemplo n.º 11
    def decelerate_waypoints(self, waypoints, closest_idx):
        temp = []
        for i, wp in enumerate(waypoints):

            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose

            # Distance includes a number of waypoints back so front of car stops at line
            stop_idx = max(self.stopline_wp_idx - closest_idx - STOP_LINE_MARGIN, 0)
            dist = self.distance(waypoints, i, stop_idx)
            vel = math.sqrt(2 * 0.5 * dist) + (i * DECEL)
            if vel < 1.0:
                vel = 0.0

            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

        self.decelerate_count += 1
        if (self.decelerate_count % THROTTLE_NO) == 0:
            size = len(waypoints) - 1
            vel_start = temp[0].twist.twist.linear.x
            vel_end = temp[size].twist.twist.linear.x
            rospy.logwarn("DECEL: vel[0]={:.2f}, vel[{}]={:.2f}".format(vel_start, size, vel_end))
        return temp
Exemplo n.º 12
    def decelerate_waypoints(self, waypoints, stop_idx):
        waypoints_up_to_stop = waypoints[:stop_idx]
        dists_to_stop = self.distances_to_end(waypoints_up_to_stop)

        result = []
        for i, wp in enumerate(waypoints):

            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose

            if i >= stop_idx:
                vel = 0
                dist_to_stop = dists_to_stop[i]

                # Linear decrease in velocity wrt time. We could smoothen this.
                vel = math.sqrt(2 * MAX_DECEL * dist_to_stop)

                # obey speed limit
                vel = min(vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)
            p.twist.twist.linear.x = vel

        return result
Exemplo n.º 13
    def decelerate_waypoints(self, waypoints, closest_idx):
        temp = []
        stop_idx = max(
            self.stopline_wp_idx - closest_idx - 4, 0
        )  # Four waypoints back from stop line so front of car stops before stop line

        for i, wp in enumerate(waypoints):
            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose
            braking_vel = 0.0
            dist = self.distance(waypoints, i, stop_idx)

            if dist > 0.0:

                time_to_complete_stop = math.sqrt(dist * 2.0 / MAX_DECEL)
                braking_vel = 2.0 * dist / time_to_complete_stop

                if braking_vel < 0.1:
                    braking_vel = 0.0

            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(braking_vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

        return temp
Exemplo n.º 14
    def decelerate_waypoints(self, waypoints, closest_index):
        Function    : Decelerate the car if red light and stop close to it
        Input Args  : Waypoints and closest Red light index
        Output      : temporary deceleration waypoints
        rospy.logerr("In Decelerate waypoints")
        temp_waypoints = []
        print("Waypoints : ", waypoints)
        print("Closest WP index : ", closest_index)
        for i, wp in enumerate(waypoints):
            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose

            stop_index = max(
                self.red_trafficlight_waypoint - closest_index - 3, 0)
            distance = self.distance(waypoints, i, stop_index)
            velocity = math.sqrt(
                2 * DECELARATION_LIMIT * distance
            )  #+ (i * SMOOTH_DECEL)  #SMOOTH_DECEL needed for smoother slowing
            # Can also implement a S curve implementation here
            if velocity < 1.0:
                velocity = 0.

            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(velocity, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

        self.decelerate_count += 1
        if (self.decelerate_count % 100) == 0.0:
            wp_size = len(waypoints) - 1
            velocity_start = temp_waypoints[0].twist.twist.linear.x
            velocity_end = temp_waypoints[wp_size].twist.twist.linear.x
            # Logging the messages for information and documentation

        return temp_waypoints
Exemplo n.º 15
    def publish(self):
        wps_pub = Lane()
        #determine the list of way points to publish

        distance_tl = None
        state = "run"
        #check red light distance
        #TODO will it detect yellow light?

        rospy.logwarn("Index: waypoint, redlight {}, {}".format(self.next_waypoint_index,self.red_light_index))
        if self.red_light_index and self.next_waypoint_index and self.red_light_index > self.next_waypoint_index:
            #distance to the next traffic light in meters
            distance_tl = self.distance(self.base_waypoints, self.next_waypoint_index, self.red_light_index)
            distance_tl = distance_tl - DIST_LIGHT_LINE #minus the distance from stop line to the traffic light
            rospy.logwarn("Car is {:.2f} meters from the stopping light".format(distance_tl))

        #check car's current speed
        if self.twist:
            self.current_velocity = self.twist.twist.linear.x #meters per second
            self.current_velocity_mph = 2.23694 * self.current_velocity # miles per hour
            #rospy.logwarn("Current speed is {:.2f} MPH".format(self.current_velocity_mph))

        #Stop the car if it cannot pass the line within 1.5 seconds. safe to brake
        if distance_tl and self.current_velocity > 0 and distance_tl / self.current_velocity > 1 and distance_tl < BRAKE_DIS:
            rospy.logwarn("Time to pass the stop line: {}".format(distance_tl / self.current_velocity))
            state = "brake"
        else: #if it's green light ahead, or safe to pass through the light
            state = "run"

        max_speed = self.max_velocity_km*0.2778*0.9 #max speed in meter per second
        rospy.logwarn("Cat state is set to be {}".format(state))

        if state == 'brake':
            index_stop_line = self.red_light_index - WP_GAP_LINE_LIGHT
            num_wp_stopping = index_stop_line - self.next_waypoint_index #number of ways points used to stop the car
            #linearly decelerate the car
            des = self.current_velocity / (num_wp_stopping +0.001)

        if self.next_waypoint_index is not None:
            wp_index = self.next_waypoint_index
            for i in range(LOOKAHEAD_WPS):
                base_wp = self.base_waypoints[wp_index]
                next_wp = Waypoint()
                next_wp.pose = base_wp.pose #position
                next_wp.twist = base_wp.twist #Speed
                #if the car shall brake, and setting reduced speed for all points leading to the stop line.
                if state == 'brake' and i <= num_wp_stopping:
                    if i == num_wp_stopping:
                        next_wp.twist.twist.linear.x = 0 # the way point that the car shall stop
                        next_wp.twist.twist.linear.x = (self.current_velocity - des * (i+1))
                    next_wp.twist.twist.linear.x = max_speed#convert miles per hour to meters per second
                wp_index = (wp_index+1) % self.num_waypoints

        #rospy.logwarn('Next way point published:{}'.format(wps_pub))
        #rospy.logwarn('way points published:{}'.format(len(wps_pub.waypoints)))

    def pose_cb(self, msg):
        self.pose = msg

        first_wpt_index = -1
        min_wpt_distance = float('inf')
        if self.waypoints is None:

        num_waypoints_in_list = len(self.waypoints.waypoints)

        # Generate an empty lane to store the final_waypoints
        lane = Lane()
        lane.header.frame_id = self.waypoints.header.frame_id
        lane.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
        lane.waypoints = []

        # Iterate through the complete set of waypoints until we found the closest
        distance_decreased = False
        # rospy.loginfo('Started at waypoint index: %s', self.prev_first_wpt_index)
        # start_time = time.time()
        for index, waypoint in enumerate(
                self.waypoints.waypoints[self.prev_first_wpt_index:] +
            current_wpt_distance = self.distance(self.pose.pose.position,
            if distance_decreased and current_wpt_distance > min_wpt_distance:
            if current_wpt_distance > 0 and current_wpt_distance < min_wpt_distance:
                min_wpt_distance = current_wpt_distance
                first_wpt_index = index
                distance_decreased = True
        first_wpt_index %= num_waypoints_in_list

        transformed_light_point = None

        # rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, 'Current waypoint: ' + str(self.prev_first_wpt_index) + ' of ' + str(len(self.waypoints.waypoints)) + ' ' + str(self.pose.pose.position.x))

        if first_wpt_index == -1:
                'WaypointUpdater::waypoints_cb - No waypoints ahead of ego were found... seems that the car went off course'
            # transform fast avoiding wait cycles
            # Transform first waypoint to car coordinates
                first_wpt_index].pose.header.frame_id = self.waypoints.header.frame_id
                self.tf_listener.waitForTransform("base_link", "world",
                transformed_waypoint = self.tf_listener.transformPose(
            except (tf.Exception, tf.LookupException,
                        "base_link", "world", rospy.Time(0),
                    transformed_waypoint = self.tf_listener.transformPose(
                except (tf.Exception, tf.LookupException,
                    rospy.logwarn("Failed to find camera to map transform")

            # All waypoints in front of the car should have positive X coordinate in car coordinate frame
            # If the closest waypoint is behind the car, skip this waypoint
            if transformed_waypoint.pose.position.x <= 0.0:
                first_wpt_index += 1
            self.prev_first_wpt_index = first_wpt_index % num_waypoints_in_list

            # Prepare for calculating speed:
            slow_down = False
            stop = False
            reached_zero_velocity = False
            car_distance_to_stop_line = -1.

            # self.print_wp(self.waypoints.waypoints, first_wpt_index)

            #self.print_wp(self.waypoints.waypoints, first_wpt_index)

            # If red light, stop at the red light waypoint
            if self.redlight_wp != -1:

                # Find the distance to red light waypoint
                car_distance_to_stop_line = self.distance_tl(
                    self.waypoints.waypoints, first_wpt_index,

                # Compare car distance to min distance to make sure enough time to stop
                if (car_distance_to_stop_line >
                    (STOP_DIST + STOP_TOL)) and (car_distance_to_stop_line <=
                    slow_down = True
                    rospy.loginfo('Slowing for red light')
                    # Use distance and current velocity to solve for average acceleration

                    decel = ((self.current_velocity /
                              (car_distance_to_stop_line - STOP_DIST)) * 0.6)

                # TODO Add mode to wait at red light
                # if within stopping distance, set future waypoints velocity to zero
                elif (car_distance_to_stop_line <=
                      (STOP_DIST + STOP_TOL)) and (car_distance_to_stop_line >=
                                                   (STOP_DIST - STOP_TOL)):
                    stop = True
                    rospy.loginfo("Stopping at red light")

            # Fill the lane with the final waypoints
            for num_wp in range(LOOKAHEAD_WPS):
                wp = Waypoint()
                wp.pose = self.waypoints.waypoints[(first_wpt_index + num_wp) %
                wp.twist = self.waypoints.waypoints[
                    (first_wpt_index + num_wp) % num_waypoints_in_list].twist
                wp_max_velocity = wp.twist.twist.linear.x
                # rospy.loginfo_throttle(10,'Waypoint max speed: ' + str(wp_max_velocity) + ' - ' + str(self.max_velocity) )

                # Find velocity target based on stopping or not
                if slow_down:
                    # Set all waypoints to same target velocity TODO may need calc each wp velocity
                    wp.twist.twist.linear.x = max(
                        0.0, self.current_velocity - decel)
                elif stop:
                    # set velocity to zero
                    wp.twist.twist.linear.x = 0.0
                    # wp.twist.twist.linear.x = wp_max_velocity
                    wp.twist.twist.linear.x = self.max_velocity

                wp.twist.twist.linear.y = 0.0
                wp.twist.twist.linear.z = 0.0

                wp.twist.twist.angular.x = 0.0
                wp.twist.twist.angular.y = 0.0
                wp.twist.twist.angular.z = 0.0

        # finally, publish waypoints as modified on /final_waypoints topic
    def decelerate_waypoints(self, waypoints, closest_idx):
        temp = []
        stop_idx = max(
            self.stopline_wp_idx - closest_idx - self.stop_waypoint_margin, 0
        )  # Two waypoints back from stop line so front of car stops before stop line
        last_braking_velocity = self.current_vel
        new_dec_rate = TARGET_DECEL_RATE

        #rospy.logwarn("*** Calculating decel waypoints: Stopline idx: {0}, Closest idx:{1}, Stop idx: {2}".format(self.stopline_wp_idx, closest_idx, stop_idx))
        for i, wp in enumerate(waypoints):
            p = Waypoint()
            p.pose = wp.pose
            braking_vel = 0.0
            dist = self.distance(waypoints, i, stop_idx)

            # ** Maybe change this dist value to dist > 1.0 to prevent rolling forward?
            if dist > 3.0 and last_braking_velocity < 1.0:
                # Allow vehicle to accelerate from a dead stop if it is away from the stop line
                # This is needed to get the car to start moving if the traffic light is red

                # Calculate time to decelerate for the current distance at the deceleration rate
                tts = math.sqrt(dist * 2.0 / new_dec_rate)

                # Calculate braking velocity (a* t)
                braking_vel = new_dec_rate * tts

                # Clamp to maximum velocity parameter
                braking_vel = min(braking_vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

            elif dist > 0.0 and not last_braking_velocity == 0.0:
                tts = 0.0

                if i == 0:
                    # Determine if the vehicle needs to decelerate at a rate faster than
                    #  the TARGET_DECEL_RATE, which is typically caused by:
                    #  - Missed classifications that cause a light state change
                    #  - Late detection of a stop light
                    #  - YELLOW to RED light transitions

                    # Calculate time to decelerate at the last known velocity
                    tts = dist * 2.0 / last_braking_velocity

                    # Calculate the deceleration rate needed to stop the vehicle from the
                    #  last known velocity and time to stop
                    req_dec_rate = last_braking_velocity / tts

                    # Grab the higher decel rate - This will prevent pre-mature deceleration
                    req_dec_rate = max(req_dec_rate, TARGET_DECEL_RATE)

                    # Clamp the decel rate to the MAX_ACCEL parameter
                    new_dec_rate = min(req_dec_rate, self.max_decel)

                    # Continue to decelerate at the last calculated decel rate

                    # Calculate time to decelerate for the current distance at the
                    #  deceleration rate
                    tts = math.sqrt(dist * 2.0 / new_dec_rate)

                # Calculate braking velocity (a * t)
                braking_vel = new_dec_rate * tts

                # Clamp to maximum velocity parameter
                braking_vel = min(braking_vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

                # Hold car at a stop if the velocity is below 1.0 m/s
                if braking_vel < 0.5:
                    braking_vel = 0.0

                # Set last braking velocity to the new velocity so that this IF block can
                #  be bypassed on the rest of the waypoints
                last_braking_velocity = braking_vel

                # rospy.logwarn("Curr Vel: {0}, Braking Vel: {1}, Dist: {2}, New Decel Rate: {3}, \
                #                 TTS: {4}" \
                #     .format(last_braking_velocity, braking_vel, dist, new_dec_rate, \
                #         tts))

            # Original function
            #vel = math.sqrt(2 * MAX_DECEL * dist)
            #if vel < 0.5:
            #    vel = 0.0

            p.twist.twist.linear.x = braking_vel

        return temp
Exemplo n.º 18
    def loop(self):
        rate = rospy.Rate(REFRESH_RATE)

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            if self.current_waypoints is None or self.current_pose is None:

            next_waypoint_index = self.next_infront_waypoint()

            # set the target speed
            target_speed = self.max_speed

            # set the number of waypoints received from /base_waypoints
            number_waypoints = len(self.current_waypoints)

            lane = Lane()
            lane.header.frame_id = self.current_pose.header.frame_id
            lane.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)

            if (self.traffic_stop_waypoint_index != -1
                    and self.is_in_braking_distance()):

                # we have decided that the waypoint published by the /traffic_waypoint
                # is where we need to stop the car at
                stop_waypoint_index = self.traffic_stop_waypoint_index

                # TODO: handle wrapping
                #       Do we always generate LOOKAHEAD_WPS number of points? what to do
                #       if we will have points after the red traffic light? Just continue but
                #       set the velocity to 0 for those points?
                decelerate_points_count = stop_waypoint_index - self.next_waypoint_index
                if decelerate_points_count > 0:
                    for i in range(decelerate_points_count):
                        wp_new = Waypoint()
                        wp_extract = self.current_waypoints[
                        wp_new.pose = wp_extract.pose
                        wp_new.twist.twist.linear.x = target_speed
                        next_waypoint_index = (next_waypoint_index +
                                               1) % number_waypoints
                    lane.waypoints = self.decelerate(lane.waypoints)

                #generate up to the LOOKAHEAD_WPS number of waypoints
                #fill it up with waypoints with zero velocity
                if decelerate_points_count < LOOKAHEAD_WPS:
                    for i in range(LOOKAHEAD_WPS - decelerate_points_count):
                        wp_new = Waypoint()
                        wp_extract = self.current_waypoints[
                        wp_new.pose = wp_extract.pose
                        wp_new.twist.twist.linear.x = 0

                # now create the waypoints ahead
                for i in range(LOOKAHEAD_WPS):
                    # create a new waypoint, rather than ammending existing waypoints
                    wp_new = Waypoint()
                    # extract the desired waypoint, starting at the next_waypoint_index
                    wp_extract = self.current_waypoints[next_waypoint_index]
                    # copy the position contents of the base_waypoint to the new waypoint
                    wp_new.pose = wp_extract.pose
                    # set the target velocity of the new waypoint
                    wp_new.twist.twist.linear.x = target_speed
                    # add to the Lane waypoints list
                    # then increment the next_waypoint_index, considering circlic nature of list
                    next_waypoint_index = (next_waypoint_index +
                                           1) % number_waypoints
                lane.waypoints = self.accelerate(lane.waypoints)

Exemplo n.º 19
    def find_closest_waypoint_ahead_and_publish(self, waypoints):
        first_wpt_index = -1
        min_wpt_dist = float('inf')
        dist_decreased = False
        local_coord_x = None

        num_waypoints = len(waypoints.waypoints)

        for index, waypoint in enumerate(
                waypoints.waypoints[self.former_first_wpt_index - 1:] +
                waypoints.waypoints[:self.former_first_wpt_index - 1],
                start=self.former_first_wpt_index - 1):
                tmp_wpt = waypoint
                tmp_wpt.pose.header.frame_id = waypoints.header.frame_id
                    '/base_link', '/world', rospy.Time(0),
                transformed_waypoint = self.tf_listener.transformPose(
                    '/base_link', tmp_wpt.pose)
                current_wpt_dist = transformed_waypoint.pose.position.x**2 + transformed_waypoint.pose.position.y**2

                if dist_decreased and current_wpt_dist > min_wpt_dist:
                    # we have already gone past the closest waypoint
                        'WaypointUpdater::waypoints_cb, found waypoint index %s',
                if current_wpt_dist < min_wpt_dist:
                    min_wpt_dist = current_wpt_dist
                    first_wpt_index = index
                    local_x_coord = transformed_waypoint.pose.position.x
                    dist_decreased = True
            except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException,
                    'WaypointUpdater::waypoints_cb - could not get coordinate frame transform!!!'

        first_wpt_index %= num_waypoints

        if first_wpt_index == -1:
                'WaypointUpdater::waypoints_cb - No waypoints ahead of ego were found... seems that the car went off course'
            if local_coord_x <= 0.0:
                first_wpt_index += 1
            self.former_first_wpt_index = first_wpt_index % num_waypoints

            lane = Lane()
            lane.header.frame_id = waypoints.header.frame_id
            lane.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
            lane.waypoints = []

            for num_wp in range(LOOKAHEAD_WPS):
                wp = Waypoint()
                wp.pose = waypoints.waypoints[(first_wpt_index + num_wp) %
                wp.twist = waypoints.waypoints[(first_wpt_index + num_wp) %
                wp.twist.twist.linear.x = self.default_velocity
                wp.twist.twist.linear.y = 0.0
                wp.twist.twist.linear.z = 0.0
                wp.twist.twist.angular.x = 0.0
                wp.twist.twist.angular.y = 0.0
                wp.twist.twist.angular.z = 0.0

                'waypoint_updater - publishing /final_waypoints with %s waypoints and first waypoint with index %s',
                len(lane.waypoints), first_wpt_index)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def publish_waypoints(self, idx):
        idx = max(0, idx)
        end_idx = min(idx + LOOKAHEAD_WPS,
                      len(self.base_waypoints.waypoints) - 1)
        stopline_wp_idx = self.stopline_wp_idx
        stopping = False
        if self.published_waypoints is not None and self.last_stopline_wp_idx == stopline_wp_idx\
            and  abs(idx - self.published_waypoints_offset) < 5:
            #reuse and extend the waypoints
            used_up = idx - self.published_waypoints_offset
            self.published_waypoints = self.published_waypoints[used_up:]
            self.published_waypoints_offset = idx
            if len(self.published_waypoints) < LOOKAHEAD_WPS:
                #cruising and we should copy over some waypoints
                first_copied = idx + len(self.published_waypoints)
                if first_copied < len(self.base_waypoints.waypoints):
            #either stopping, standing still or starting or manual control

            current_velocity = self.current_velocity
            self.last_stopline_wp_idx = stopline_wp_idx

            if stopline_wp_idx > idx:
                end_idx = stopline_wp_idx
                dist_stop = max(
                    self.distance(self.base_waypoints.waypoints, idx, end_idx),
                x = [dist_stop]
                y = [current_velocity]
                stopping = True

                x.append(0.75 * dist_stop)
                y.append(0.75 * current_velocity)

                x.append(0.1 * dist_stop)
                y.append(0.15 * current_velocity)

                if 0.1 * dist_stop > 4.0 and 0.75 * dist_stop > 4.0:



                start_dist = max(
                    self.distance(self.base_waypoints.waypoints, idx, end_idx),
                x = [start_dist + 1, start_dist]
                current_velocity = max(current_velocity, 2)
                y = [current_velocity, current_velocity]
                target_velocity = min(
                    self.MAX_VELOCITY, self.base_waypoints.waypoints[end_idx].
                diff_vel = target_velocity - current_velocity
                safe_accel = 0.6 * self.MAX_ACCEL
                t = abs(diff_vel / safe_accel)
                dist_t = start_dist - (
                    t * current_velocity +
                    math.copysign(0.5 * safe_accel, diff_vel) * t**2)
                if dist_t < 0:
                    x.append(dist_t - 10)

            fixed_speed = False
                "waypoint_updater: stopping:{0} fixed_speed:{1} stopline_idx:{2} x:{3} y:{4}"
                .format(stopping, fixed_speed, stopline_wp_idx, x, y))
            if (not stopping and abs(y[-1] - y[0]) < 0.5):
                fixed_speed = y[0]
                spline_rep = interpolate.splrep(x, y, s=0.1)

            new_wps = []
            log_vel = []
            for i in range(idx, end_idx):
                p = Waypoint()
                p.pose = self.base_waypoints.waypoints[i].pose
                dist = self.distance(self.base_waypoints.waypoints, i, end_idx)

                if fixed_speed:
                    vel = fixed_speed
                    vel = interpolate.splev(dist, spline_rep, der=0).sum()

                if stopping and abs(dist) < 4:
                    vel = 0.0
                elif vel < 0.1:
                    vel = 0.0
                p.twist.twist.linear.x = vel

            self.published_waypoints = new_wps
            self.published_waypoints_offset = idx

            rospy.logwarn("waypoint_updater: velocities:{0} ".format(log_vel))

        lane = Lane()
        lane.waypoints = self.published_waypoints
Exemplo n.º 21
    def generate_waypoint(self, waypoint, vel_cmd):
        p = Waypoint()
        p.pose = waypoint.pose
        p.twist.twist.linear.x = vel_cmd

        return p
Exemplo n.º 22
    def pose_cb(self, msg):
        self.pose = msg

        first_wpt_index = -1
        min_wpt_distance = float('inf')
        if self.waypoints is None:

        num_waypoints_in_list = len(self.waypoints.waypoints)

        # Gererate an empty lane to store the final_waypoints
        lane = Lane()
        lane.header.frame_id = self.waypoints.header.frame_id
        lane.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
        lane.waypoints = []

        # Iterate through the complete set of waypoints until we found the closest
        distance_decreased = False
        #rospy.loginfo('Started at waypoint index: %s', self.prev_first_wpt_index)
        #start_time = time.time()
        for index, waypoint in enumerate(
                self.waypoints.waypoints[self.prev_first_wpt_index:] +
            current_wpt_distance = self.distance(self.pose.pose.position,
            if distance_decreased and current_wpt_distance > min_wpt_distance:
            if current_wpt_distance > 0 and current_wpt_distance < min_wpt_distance:
                min_wpt_distance = current_wpt_distance
                first_wpt_index = index
                distance_decreased = True
        first_wpt_index %= num_waypoints_in_list

        transformed_light_point = None

        if first_wpt_index == -1:
                'WaypointUpdater::waypoints_cb - No waypoints ahead of ego were found... seems that the car went off course'
            #transform fast avoiding wait cycles
            # Transform first waypoint to car coordinates
                first_wpt_index].pose.header.frame_id = self.waypoints.header.frame_id
                self.tf_listener.waitForTransform("base_link", "world",
                transformed_waypoint = self.tf_listener.transformPose(
            except (tf.Exception, tf.LookupException,
                        "base_link", "world", rospy.Time(0),
                    transformed_waypoint = self.tf_listener.transformPose(
                except (tf.Exception, tf.LookupException,
                    rospy.logwarn("Failed to find camera to map transform")

            # All waypoints in front of the car should have positive X coordinate in car coordinate frame
            # If the closest waypoint is behind the car, skip this waypoint
            if transformed_waypoint.pose.position.x <= 0.0:
                first_wpt_index += 1
            self.prev_first_wpt_index = first_wpt_index % num_waypoints_in_list

            # Prepare for calculating velocity:
            slow_down = False
            reached_zero_velocity = False
            car_distance_to_stop_line = -1.
            planned_velocity = self.default_velocity

            # If the last traffic_waypoint message is newer than the threshold, we might need to the car.
            if self.light_waypoint_index >= 0:
                rospy.logdebug('should stopp the car %s',

                    light_waypoint_index].pose.header.frame_id = self.waypoints.header.frame_id
                transformed_light_point = self.tf_listener.transformPose(

                # The approximate distance from the stop line to the traffic light
                car_distance_to_stop_line = transformed_light_point.pose.position.x - self.light_distance_thresh

                # Estimate whether the car cannot cross the stop line on yellow (in less than 2 seconds). Otherwise don't slow down.
                if self.velocity / car_distance_to_stop_line < 2 and car_distance_to_stop_line >= 4:
                    slow_down = True
                    if self.car_distance_to_sl_when_car_started_to_slow_down is None:
                        self.car_distance_to_sl_when_car_started_to_slow_down = car_distance_to_stop_line
                        self.car_velocity_when_car_started_to_slow_down = self.velocity
                    rospy.logdebug('Stopping the car')
                    planned_velocity = min(
                        max(abs(car_distance_to_stop_line * 0.2), 0.0),
                    # Stop the car in a safe distance before the stop line to give the simulator space to adapt velocity
                #we are close to the stop line and slow
                elif car_distance_to_stop_line > 0 and car_distance_to_stop_line < 4 and self.velocity < 6:
                    slow_down = True
                    if car_distance_to_stop_line > 0.5:
                        planned_velocity = 1.0
                        planned_velocity = 0.0
                        reached_zero_velocity = True
                    rospy.logwarn('too late to stopp the car')
                    self.car_distance_to_tl_when_car_started_to_slow_down = None
                    self.car_velocity_when_car_started_to_slow_down = None

                    'car_distance_to_stop_line %s velocity %s set to %s',
                    car_distance_to_stop_line, self.velocity, planned_velocity)

            # Fill the lane with the final waypoints
            for num_wp in range(LOOKAHEAD_WPS):
                wp = Waypoint()
                wp.pose = self.waypoints.waypoints[(first_wpt_index + num_wp) %
                wp.twist = self.waypoints.waypoints[
                    (first_wpt_index + num_wp) % num_waypoints_in_list].twist

                wp.twist.twist.linear.x = planned_velocity
                wp.twist.twist.linear.y = 0.0
                wp.twist.twist.linear.z = 0.0

                wp.twist.twist.angular.x = 0.0
                wp.twist.twist.angular.y = 0.0
                wp.twist.twist.angular.z = 0.0

        # finally, publish waypoints as modified on /final_waypoints topic
Exemplo n.º 23
    def publish_waypoints(self, start):
        Publishes a message of type :py:class:Lane containing the points 
        ahead the last know pose :py:attr:pose.
        lane = Lane()

        #closest_index = self.get_closest_waypoints()
        closest_index = start
        farthest_index = closest_index + LOOKAHEAD_WPS

            "closest_index = %d farthest_index =  %d self.stopline_waypoint_index = %d",
            closest_index, farthest_index, self.stopline_waypoint_index)
        #         rospy.loginfo("closest_index = %d", self.linear_search())

        lane.header = self.base_waypoints.header
        if self.stopline_waypoint_index == -1 or (self.stopline_waypoint_index
                                                  >= farthest_index):
            lane.waypoints = self.base_waypoints.waypoints[
            # rospy.loginfo("farthest_index=%d length=%d", farthest_index, len(self.base_waypoints.waypoints))
            # for i in range(len(lane.waypoints)):
            #     velocity = lane.waypoints[i].twist.twist.linear.x
            #     # rospy.loginfo("Velocity=%2.2f", velocity)
            # decelerate
            lane.waypoints = []
            # stop a little before the stop line to account for falf of the length of the car
            stop_index = max(self.stopline_waypoint_index - 2, 0)

            # try to stop smoothly in 30 waypoints from the stop line
            v_index = max(0, stop_index - 30)
            v0 = self.get_waypoint_velocity(
            x0 = self.distance(self.base_waypoints.waypoints, v_index,
                               stop_index) / 2.0
            rospy.loginfo("x0=%f v0=%f", x0, v0)

            for i in range(closest_index, stop_index):
                waypoint = Waypoint()
                waypoint.pose = self.base_waypoints.waypoints[i].pose
                # calculate velocity as a sgmoid function
                dist = self.distance(self.base_waypoints.waypoints, i,
                exp_term = math.exp(-0.2 * (dist - x0))
                velocity = v0 / (1 + exp_term)
                if (i == stop_index - 1):
                    velocity = 0.0
                # do not exceed logitudinal acceleration limits
                max_vel = math.sqrt(2 * self.decel_limit_mpsps * dist)
                if max_vel < 1.:
                    max_vel = 0.0
                rospy.loginfo("dist=%2.2f velocity=%2.2f max_vel=%2.2f", dist,
                              velocity, max_vel)
                velocity = min(max_vel, velocity)
                waypoint.twist.twist.linear.x = min(
            #set the velocity of the last point to 0.0
            #lane.waypoints[ len(lane.waypoints) - 1 ] = 0.0

Exemplo n.º 24
 def _get_waypoint(self, value=0.0):
     waypoint = Waypoint()
     waypoint.pose = self._get_posestamped(value)
     waypoint.twist = self._get_twiststamped(0.0)
     return waypoint
 def copy_waypoint_pose(wp):
     new_wp = Waypoint()
     new_wp.pose = wp.pose
     new_wp.twist.twist.linear.x = wp.twist.twist.linear.x
     return new_wp
    def decelerate_waypoints(self, waypoints, closest_idx):
        print("Waypoints: ")
        # Make a new list of waypoints in order to store the manipulated base waypoints #
        temp = []
        # Two waypoints back from line so front of car stops approximately at the line #
        stop_idx = max(self.stopline_wp_idx - closest_idx - 2, 0)

        # Unused attempts at linear decelleration #

        # Calculate the distance between the first waypoint and the index at which the vehicle has to come to a standstill #
        dist_tot = self.distance(waypoints, 0, stop_idx)
        v_start = self.current_vel  # self.pose.twist.twist.linear.x	# self.distance(waypoints, 0, stop_idx)
        # Calculate the time required to come to a standstill at the stop index assuming linear unlimited acceleration #
        #t_tot = 2.0 * dist_tot / v_start
        # Calculate the necessary acceleration ("deceleration") across the entire section #
        #accel = -1.0 * min(MAX_DECEL, ( v_start / t_tot ) )
        # Calculate the distance to come to a standstill #
        #dist_stop = v_start*v_start / ( 2.0 * (-1.0 * accel) )
        # Calculate the corresponding acceleration per meter #
        #accel_m = v_start / dist_stop

        #a_would_be = v_start * v_start / ( 2.0 * dist_tot )
        #if MAX_DECEL <= a_would_be:
        #for i in range(stop_idx, len(waypoints)):
        #d_would_be = self.distance(waypoints, 0, i)
        #a_would_be = v_start * v_start / ( 2.0 * d_would_be )
        #if a_would_be <= MAX_DECEL:
        #stop_idx = i
        #d_stop = v_start * v_start / ( 2.0 * a_would_be )
        #a_d = v_start / d_stop

        # -------------------------------------- #

        # Calculate the corresponding acceleration per waypoint #
        for i, wp in enumerate(waypoints):
            p = Waypoint()
            # The goal position and orientation of the vehicle at the waypoint remains the same #
            p.pose = wp.pose

            # Calculate the distance between this waypoint and the index at which the vehicle has to come to a standstill #
            dist = self.distance(waypoints, i, stop_idx)
            # Calculate the velocity the vehicle has to have at this waypoint to come to a standstill in time #
            #vel = math.sqrt(2.0 * MAX_DECEL * dist)
            #vel = v_start - ( (dist_tot - dist) * accel_m )
            #vel = v_start - ( a_d * (d_stop-dist) )
            delta_dist = dist_tot - dist
            if 0.0 < delta_dist:
                vel = v_start * (1 - (delta_dist / dist_tot) *
                                 (delta_dist / dist_tot))
                vel = v_start

            if vel < 0.1:
                vel = 0.0

            # A safeguard to arrive at the destination despite of an over-enthusiastic controller #
            if i < (stop_idx - 2) and v_start < 0.2:
                vel = 0.75
                #if i == stop_idx - 5:
                #vel = 0.3
                #if i == stop_idx - 4:
                #vel = 1.0
                #vel = 1.5
                if (stop_idx - 2) < i:
                    vel = 0.0

            # Use the calculated required waypoint velocity in stead of the original/base waypoint velocity, unless the base waypoint velocity is smaller than this value #
            p.twist.twist.linear.x = min(vel, wp.twist.twist.linear.x)

        return temp
Exemplo n.º 27
    def publish_waypoints(self):
        closest_wp_idx = self.closest_wp_idx
        start_point_velocity = self.get_waypoint_velocity(
        # get the distance from each waypoint till the stop line
        distance_to_stop_line = self.distances_to_end(
        farthest_wp_idx = self.closest_wp_idx + LOOKAHEAD_WPS
        lane = Lane()
        waypoints_ahead = []
        if self.driving_state == DRIVE_STATE_STOPPING and closest_wp_idx < self.stop_idx:
            # Loop over the waypoints up to next_red_light waypoint
            # setting desired velocity at each waypoint as a ratio of remaining distance to stop
            # from the respective waypoint to the total distance from current position
            # to stop line
            for i in range(0, (abs(closest_wp_idx - self.stop_idx))):
                # get the distance to the i-th way point
                # i_point_distance = self.distances_to_end(self.waypoints, self.closest_waypoint, i)
                p = Waypoint()
                p.pose = self.waypoints[closest_wp_idx + i].pose
                p.twist = self.waypoints[closest_wp_idx + i].twist
                if (distance_to_stop_line[0]) > STOP_LINE_OFFSET:
                    if self.current_velocity < 0.8:
                        i_point_target_velocity = -10.0
                        i_point_target_velocity = distance_to_stop_line[
                            i] / distance_to_stop_line[0]
                        i_point_target_velocity = (start_point_velocity *
                    i_point_target_velocity = -10.0  # negative stops car 'creep' when stopped
                p.twist.twist.linear.x = i_point_target_velocity
                waypoints_ahead.append(self.waypoints[closest_wp_idx + i])
            for i in range(self.stop_idx, farthest_wp_idx):
            lane.waypoints = waypoints_ahead
        elif self.driving_state == DRIVE_STATE_DRIVING:
            # Set the velocity to reference velocity if driving state is not stopping
            # print("in else")
            lane.waypoints = self.waypoints[closest_wp_idx:farthest_wp_idx]
            # print(lane.waypoints)

        # now publish the waypoints
        # get LOOKAHEAD_WPS number of waypoints ahead of the car

        # n_waypoints = len(self.waypoints)  # can only get this many waypoints
        # if n_waypoints > LOOKAHEAD_WPS:
        #     n_waypoints = LOOKAHEAD_WPS  # max waypoints to pass over
        # for i in range(n_waypoints):
        #     # check that the waypoints we want are in the range of the waypoint array
        #     if closest_wp_idx + i < len(self.waypoints):
        #         waypoints_ahead.append(self.waypoints[closest_wp_idx + i])

        # structure the data to match the expected styx_msgs/Lane form

        # lane.waypoints = waypoints_ahead  # list of waypoints ahead of the car
        # lane.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)  # timestamp
