def run ( self ):
				print "Welcome to the thread!"
				#print self.cmd
				#print self.pContent
				p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
				stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate()
				# display errors and warnings from last generated log file,
				# followed by the full output of the texify command
				# (if we only use the texify output, we get multiple errors/warnings, and also
				# warnings about e.g. references that are corrected in subsequent runs)
				texifyLog = stdoutdata.decode(getOEMCP()).splitlines()
					# Read it in as binary, as there may be NULLs
					# No need to close as we do not create a file object
					log = open(texFile + ".log", 'rb').read().decode(getOEMCP()).splitlines()
				except IOError:
					# if we cannot read the log file for any reason,
					# just use the texify output
					log = texifyLog
				pContent = self.pContent + ["",] + parseTeXlog(log) + \
							["","********************", "", "Full texify output follows", \
							"Remember: texify may run latex & friends many times; missing refs. etc. may get automatically fixed in later runs",\
							"", "********************", "", ""] + texifyLog
				sublime.setTimeout(functools.partial(self.qp,"texify","gotoTeXError", pContent), 0)
				print "returned from qp in thread"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def lintFile(self, view, openFull):
        basePath = sublime.packagesPath()+"\\Seld\\"
        startupinfo = STARTUPINFO()
        startupinfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
        content = view.substr(Region(0, view.size()))
        process = Popen('cscript "'+basePath+'jslint.js"', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo)
        (stdout, stderr) = process.communicate(content)

        output = b''
        for line in stderr.splitlines():
            print line
            if line[0:7] == 'Lint at':
                if output.strip():
                    output += b"\n"
                    output += line.decode('utf-8').strip() + " >>"
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    print "File encoding error detected"
            elif output.strip() and line.strip():
                output += " "+line.decode('utf-8').strip()

        if not output.strip():
            if openFull:
                self.updateStatus('No syntax error detected')

        if openFull:
            lines = output.splitlines()
            jsLint.highlightTexts(self, view, lines)
            view.window().showQuickPanel("", "jsLintGoto", lines, sublime.QUICK_PANEL_MONOSPACE_FONT)
            sublime.setTimeout(functools.partial(self.updateStatus, '<!> '+output.splitlines()[0]), 100)
		def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
			def idle():
				func.pending -= 1
				if func.pending is 0:
					func(*args, **kwargs)
			func.pending +=1
			sublime.setTimeout(idle, ms)
 def revert(self, view):
   sublime.setTimeout(partial(view.runCommand, 'revert'), 50)
   self.justReverted = True
 def next():
     except StopIteration:  return
     sublime.setTimeout(next, every)
    def getPackages(self):
        packageList = packagedownloader.listPackages()

        # Interrupt main thread to notify
        sublime.setTimeout(partial(self.notify, packageList), 1)