
# In[57]:

for _ in range(50):
    print(generate_sample(' Trump'))

# ### Submit to coursera

# In[62]:

from submit import submit_char_rnn
samples = [generate_sample(' Al') for i in range(25)]
submission = (history, samples)

# ### Try it out!
# __Disclaimer:__ This assignment is entirely optional. You won't receive bonus points for it. However, it's a fun thing to do. Please share your results on course forums.
# You've just implemented a recurrent language model that can be tasked with generating any kind of sequence, so there's plenty of data you can try it on:
# * Novels/poems/songs of your favorite author
# * News titles/clickbait titles
# * Source code of Linux or Tensorflow
# * Molecules in [smiles]( format
# * Melody in notes/chords format
# * Ikea catalog titles
# * Pokemon names
Exemplo n.º 2
# In[25]:

# token expires every 30 min
COURSERA_TOKEN = "*****************"
COURSERA_EMAIL = "d****************m"

# In[26]:

from submit import submit_char_rnn
samples = [generate_sample(' Al') for i in tqdm_utils.tqdm_notebook_failsafe(range(25))]
submission = (history, samples)
submit_char_rnn(submission, COURSERA_EMAIL, COURSERA_TOKEN)

# # Try it out!
# __Disclaimer:__ This part of assignment is entirely optional. You won't receive bonus points for it. However, it's a fun thing to do. Please share your results on course forums.
# You've just implemented a recurrent language model that can be tasked with generating any kind of sequence, so there's plenty of data you can try it on:
# * Novels/poems/songs of your favorite author
# * News titles/clickbait titles
# * Source code of Linux or Tensorflow
# * Molecules in [smiles]( format
# * Melody in notes/chords format
# * IKEA catalog titles
# * Pokemon names
Exemplo n.º 3

# In[20]:

for _ in range(50):
    print(generate_sample(' Trump'))

# ### Submit to coursera

# In[21]:

from submit import submit_char_rnn
samples = [generate_sample(' Al') for i in range(25)]
submission = (history,samples)
submit_char_rnn(submission, 20, "*****@*****.**", "lnGA8DBsQgDTQZ5c")

# ### Try it out!
# __Disclaimer:__ This assignment is entirely optional. You won't receive bonus points for it. However, it's a fun thing to do. Please share your results on course forums.
# You've just implemented a recurrent language model that can be tasked with generating any kind of sequence, so there's plenty of data you can try it on:
# * Novels/poems/songs of your favorite author
# * News titles/clickbait titles
# * Source code of Linux or Tensorflow
# * Molecules in [smiles]( format
# * Melody in notes/chords format
# * Ikea catalog titles
# * Pokemon names