Exemplo n.º 1
def Net(aa, yt, x):
    with tf.sg_context(name='NNReg', stride=1, act='leaky_relu', bn=True, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): 
        v1=tf.expand_dims(x,2).sg_conv(dim=16, size=(1,1),  name='gen9',pad="SAME",bn=True)        
        v2=v1.sg_conv(dim=64, size=(1,1),  name='gen1',pad="SAME",bn=True)        
        v3=v2.sg_conv(dim=128, size=(1,1),  name='gen2',pad="SAME",bn=True) 
        v4=v3.sg_conv(dim=256, size=(1,1),  name='gen3',pad="SAME",bn=True) 
        v5=v4.sg_conv(dim=512, size=(1,1),  name='gen4',pad="SAME",bn=True) 
        v5=tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_max(v5, axis=1),axis=1),[1,s,1,1])
        v1=yt.sg_conv(dim=16, size=(1,1),  name='gen99',pad="SAME",bn=True)        
        v2=v1.sg_conv(dim=64, size=(1,1),  name='gen11',pad="SAME",bn=True)        
        v3=v2.sg_conv(dim=128, size=(1,1),  name='gen22',pad="SAME",bn=True) 
        v4=v3.sg_conv(dim=256, size=(1,1),  name='gen33',pad="SAME",bn=True) 
        v5=v4.sg_conv(dim=512, size=(1,1),  name='gen44',pad="SAME",bn=True) 
        v5=tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_max(v5, axis=1),axis=1),[1,s,1,1])
        ff=tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(aa,2),v5], axis=-1) 
        ff=tf.concat([ff,vv5], axis=-1) 
        f1=ff.sg_conv(dim=256, size=(1,1),  name='f1',pad="SAME",bn=True)  
        f2=f1.sg_conv(dim=128, size=(1,1),  name='f2',pad="SAME",bn=True)  
        f3=f2.sg_conv(dim=2, size=(1,1),  name='f3',pad="SAME",bn=False, act="linear")  
    return f3
Exemplo n.º 2
def sg_quasi_rnn(tensor, opt):
    # Split
    if opt.att:
        H, Z, F, O = tf.split(tensor, 4, axis=0)  # (16, 150, 320) for all
        Z, F, O = tf.split(tensor, 3, axis=0)  # (16, 150, 320) for all

    # step func
    def step(z, f, o, c):
        Runs fo-pooling at each time step
        c = f * c + (1 - f) * z

        if opt.att:  # attention
            a = tf.nn.softmax(tf.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", H,
                                        c))  # alpha. (16, 150)
            k = (a.sg_expand_dims() * H).sg_sum(
                axis=1)  # attentional sum. (16, 320)
            h = o * (k.sg_dense(act="linear") + \
            h = o * c

        return h, c  # hidden states, (new) cell memories

    # Do rnn loop
    c, hs = 0, []
    timesteps = tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]
    for t in range(timesteps):
        z = Z[:, t, :]  # (16, 320)
        f = F[:, t, :]  # (16, 320)
        o = O[:, t, :]  # (16, 320)

        # apply step function
        h, c = step(z, f, o, c)  # (16, 320), (16, 320)

        # save result

    # Concat to return
    H = tf.concat(hs, 1)  # (16, 150, 320)
    seqlen = tf.to_int32(
        tf.reduce_sum(tf.sign(tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(H, axis=-1))),
                      1))  # (16,) float32
    h = tf.reverse_sequence(input=H, seq_lengths=seqlen,
                            seq_dim=1)[:, 0, :]  # last hidden state vector

    if opt.is_enc:
        H_z = tf.tile((h.sg_dense(act="linear").sg_expand_dims(axis=1)),
                      [1, timesteps, 1])
        H_f = tf.tile((h.sg_dense(act="linear").sg_expand_dims(axis=1)),
                      [1, timesteps, 1])
        H_o = tf.tile((h.sg_dense(act="linear").sg_expand_dims(axis=1)),
                      [1, timesteps, 1])
        concatenated = tf.concat([H, H_z, H_f, H_o], 0)  # (16*4, 150, 320)
        return concatenated
        return H  # (16, 150, 320)
Exemplo n.º 3
def sg_quasi_rnn(tensor, opt):
    # Split
    if opt.att:
        H, Z, F, O = tf.split(axis=0, num_or_size_splits=4,
                              value=tensor)  # (16, 150, 320) for all
        Z, F, O = tf.split(axis=0, num_or_size_splits=3,
                           value=tensor)  # (16, 150, 320) for all

    # step func
    def step(z, f, o, c):
        Runs fo-pooling at each time step
        c = f * c + (1 - f) * z

        if opt.att:  # attention
            a = tf.nn.softmax(tf.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", H,
                                        c))  # alpha. (16, 150)
            k = (a.sg_expand_dims() * H).sg_sum(
                dims=1)  # attentional sum. (16, 150)
            h = o * (k.sg_dense(act="linear") + c.sg_dense(act="linear"))
            h = o * c

        return h, c  # hidden states, (new) cell memories

    # Do rnn loop
    c, hs = 0, []
    timesteps = tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]
    for t in range(timesteps):
        z = Z[:, t, :]  # (16, 320)
        f = F[:, t, :]  # (16, 320)
        o = O[:, t, :]  # (16, 320)

        # apply step function
        h, c = step(z, f, o, c)  # (16, 320), (16, 320)

        # save result

    # Concat to return
    H = tf.concat(axis=1, values=hs)  # (16, 150, 320)
    if opt.is_enc:
        H_z = tf.tile((h.sg_dense(act="linear").sg_expand_dims(dim=1)),
                      [1, timesteps, 1])
        H_f = tf.tile((h.sg_dense(act="linear").sg_expand_dims(dim=1)),
                      [1, timesteps, 1])
        H_o = tf.tile((h.sg_dense(act="linear").sg_expand_dims(dim=1)),
                      [1, timesteps, 1])

        concatenated = tf.concat(axis=0, values=[H, H_z, H_f,
                                                 H_o])  # (16*4, 150, 320)
        return concatenated
        return H  # (16, 150, 320)
Exemplo n.º 4
def sg_quasi_conv1d(tensor, opt):
    opt += tf.sg_opt(is_enc=False)
    # Split into H and H_zfo
    H = tensor[:Hp.bs]
    H_z = tensor[Hp.bs:2 * Hp.bs]
    H_f = tensor[2 * Hp.bs:3 * Hp.bs]
    H_o = tensor[3 * Hp.bs:]
    if opt.is_enc:
        H_z, H_f, H_o = 0, 0, 0

    # Convolution and merging
    with tf.sg_context(act="linear",
                       causal=(not opt.is_enc),
                       ln=(not opt.is_enc)):
        Z = H.sg_aconv1d() + H_z  # (16, 300, 320)
        F = H.sg_aconv1d() + H_f  # (16, 300, 320)
        O = H.sg_aconv1d() + H_o  # (16, 300, 320)

    # Activation
    Z = Z.sg_bypass(act="tanh")  # (16, 300, 320)
    F = F.sg_bypass(act="sigmoid")  # (16, 300, 320)
    O = O.sg_bypass(act="sigmoid")  # (16, 300, 320)

    # Masking
    M = tf.sign(tf.abs(H))[:, :, :1]  # (16, 300, 1) float32. 0 or 1
    Z *= M  # broadcasting
    F *= M  # broadcasting
    O *= M  # broadcasting

    # Concat
    ZFO = tf.concat(axis=0, values=[Z, F, O])

    return ZFO  # (16*3, 150, 320)
Exemplo n.º 5
def sg_emb(**kwargs):
    r"""Returns a look-up table for embedding.
      name: A name for the layer.
      emb: A 2-D array (optional). 
        If None, the resulting tensor should have the shape of 
        `[vocabulary size, embedding dimension size]`.
        Note that its first row is filled with 0's associated with padding.
      in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      voca_size: A positive integer. The size of vocabulary.
      A 2-D `Tensor` of float32.
    opt = tf.sg_opt(kwargs)
    assert opt.name is not None, 'name is mandatory.'

    if opt.emb is None:
        # initialize embedding matrix
        assert opt.voca_size is not None, 'voca_size is mandatory.'
        assert opt.dim is not None, 'dim is mandatory.'
        w = tf.sg_initializer.he_uniform(opt.name,
                                         (opt.voca_size - 1, opt.dim))
        # use given embedding matrix
        w = tf.sg_initializer.external(opt.name, value=opt.emb)

    # 1st row should be zero and not be updated by backprop because of zero padding.
    emb = tf.concat(0, [tf.zeros((1, opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx), w])

    return emb
Exemplo n.º 6
def sg_inverse_periodic_shuffle(tensor, opt):
    # default factor
    opt += tf.sg_opt(factor=2)

    # get current shape
    batch, row, col, channel = tensor.get_shape().as_list()

    # get target shape and channel num
    channel_factor = opt.factor * opt.factor

    # intermediate shape for shuffling
    shape_1 = [
        batch, row / opt.factor, col / opt.factor,
        channel_factor // opt.factor, channel_factor // opt.factor
    shape_2 = [batch, row / opt.factor, col / opt.factor, channel_factor]

    # reshape and transpose for periodic shuffling for each channel
    out = []
    for i in range(channel):
        out.append(tensor[:, :, :, i].sg_expand_dims().sg_reshape(
            shape=shape_1).sg_transpose(perm=(0, 1, 3, 2,

    # final output
    out = tf.concat(3, out)

    return tf.identity(out, name=opt.name)
Exemplo n.º 7
def sg_emb(**kwargs):
    r"""Returns an embedding layer or a look-up table.
      name: A name for the layer (required).
      emb: A 2-D array. Has the shape of `[vocabulary size -1, embedding dimension size]`.
        Note that the first row is filled with 0's because they correspond to padding.
      in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      voca_size: A positive int32.
      A 2-D tensor.
    opt = tf.sg_opt(kwargs)
    assert opt.name is not None, 'name is mandatory.'

    import sg_initializer as init

    if opt.emb is None:
        # initialize embedding matrix
        assert opt.voca_size is not None, 'voca_size is mandatory.'
        assert opt.dim is not None, 'dim is mandatory.'
        w = init.he_uniform(opt.name, (opt.voca_size - 1, opt.dim))
        # use given embedding matrix
        w = init.external(opt.name, value=opt.emb)

    # 1st row should be zero and not be updated by backprop because of zero padding.
    emb = tf.concat(0, [tf.zeros((1, opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx), w])

    return emb
Exemplo n.º 8
def rnn_classify(x, num_classes, is_test=False):
    with tf.sg_context(name='rnn_classify'):
        fw_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell(
            [lstm_cell(is_test) for _ in range(num_blocks)],
        bw_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell(
            [lstm_cell(is_test) for _ in range(num_blocks)],

        words_used_in_sent = tf.sign(
            tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(x), reduction_indices=2))
        length = tf.cast(
            tf.reduce_sum(words_used_in_sent, reduction_indices=1), tf.int32)

        outputs, _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(fw_cell,
        output = tf.concat(outputs, 2).sg_reshape(shape=[-1, 2 * latent_dim])

        prediction = output.sg_dense(dim=num_classes, name='dense')
        res = tf.reshape(prediction,
                         [x.get_shape().as_list()[0], -1, num_classes])

    return res
Exemplo n.º 9
def sg_periodic_shuffle(tensor, opt):
    # default factor
    opt += tf.sg_opt(factor=2)

    # get current shape
    batch, row, col, channel = tensor.get_shape().as_list()

    # get target channel num
    channel_target = channel / (opt.factor * opt.factor)
    channel_factor = channel / channel_target

    # intermediate shape for shuffling
    shape_1 = [
        batch, row, col, channel_factor / opt.factor,
        channel_factor / opt.factor
    shape_2 = [batch, row * opt.factor, col * opt.factor, 1]

    # reshape and transpose for periodic shuffling for each channel
    out = []
    for i in range(channel_target):
            (tensor[:, :, :, i * channel_factor:(i + 1) *
                        perm=(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)).sg_reshape(shape=shape_2))

    # final output
    out = tf.concat(3, out)

    return tf.identity(out, name=opt.name)
Exemplo n.º 10
def sg_rnn(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies a simple rnn.
      tensor: A 3-D `Tensor`.
      in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
      ln: Boolean. If True, layer normalization is applied.   
      init_state: A 2-D `Tensor`. If None, the initial state is set to zeros.
      last_only: Boolean. If True, the outputs in the last time step are returned.
      A `Tensor`. If last_only is False, the output tensor has shape [batch size, time steps, dim].
        If last_only is True, the shape will be [batch size, dim].
    # layer normalization
    ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v

    # step function
    def step(h, x):
        # simple rnn
        ### Replace tensor[:, i, :] with x. bryan ###
        y = ln(
            tf.matmul(tensor[:, i, :], w) + tf.matmul(h, u) +
            (b if opt.bias else 0))
        return y

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.orthogonal('W', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u = init.identity('U', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # do rnn loop
    h, out = init_h, []
    for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
        # apply step func
        h = step(h, tensor[:, i, :])
        # save result

    # merge tensor
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(dim=1)
        out = tf.concat(1, out)

    return out
Exemplo n.º 11
def sg_densenet_layer(x, opt):
    r"""Applies basic architecture of densenet layer.

    Note that the fc layers in the original architecture
      will be replaced with fully convolutional layers.
      For convenience, We still call them fc layers, though.

      x: A `Tensor`.
          dim: An integer. Dimension for this resnet layer
          num: Number of times to repeat
          act: String. 'relu' (default). the activation function name
          trans: Boolean. If True(default), transition layer will be applied.
          reuse: Boolean(Optional). If True, all variables will be loaded from previous network.
          name: String. (optional) Used as convolution layer prefix

      A `Tensor`.
    assert opt.dim is not None, 'dim is mandatory.'
    assert opt.num is not None, 'num is mandatory.'

    # default stride
    opt += tf.sg_opt(stride=1, act='relu', trans=True)

    # format convolutional layer name
    def cname(index):
        return opt.name if opt.name is None else opt.name + '_%d' % index

    # dense layer
    with tf.sg_context(bias=False, reuse=opt.reuse):
        out = x
        for i in range(opt.num):
            # dense block
            out_new = (out.sg_bypass(act=opt.act,
                                     name=cname(3 * i + 1)).sg_conv(
                                         dim=opt.dim // 4,
                                         name=cname(3 * i + 2)).sg_conv(
                                             name=cname(3 * i + 3)))
            out = tf.concat([out_new, out], 3)

        # transition layer
        if opt.trans:
            out = (out.sg_bypass(act=opt.act, bn=True,
                                 name=cname(3 * i + 4)).sg_conv(
                                     name=cname(3 * i + 5)).sg_pool(avg=True))

    return out
Exemplo n.º 12
def q_process(t1, t2):
    Processes each training sample so that it fits in the queue.
    # Lstrip zeros
    zeros = tf.equal(t1, tf.zeros_like(t1)).sg_int().sg_sum()
    t1 = t1[zeros:] 
    t2 = t2[zeros:]

    # zero-PrePadding
    t1 = tf.concat([tf.zeros([Hyperparams.seqlen-1], tf.int32), t1], 0)# 49 zero-prepadding
    t2 = tf.concat([tf.zeros([Hyperparams.seqlen-1], tf.int32), t2], 0)# 49 zero-prepadding
    # radom crop    
    stacked = tf.stack((t1, t2))
    cropped = tf.random_crop(stacked, [2, Hyperparams.seqlen])
    t1, t2 = cropped[0], cropped[1]
    t2 = t2[-1]

    return t1, t2
Exemplo n.º 13
def rnn_classify(x, num_classes, is_test=False):
    with tf.sg_context(name='rnn_classify'):
        fw_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([lstm_cell(is_test) for _ in range(num_blocks)], state_is_tuple=True)
        bw_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([lstm_cell(is_test) for _ in range(num_blocks)], state_is_tuple=True)

        words_used_in_sent = tf.sign(tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(x), reduction_indices=2))
        length = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(words_used_in_sent, reduction_indices=1), tf.int32)

        outputs, _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(fw_cell, bw_cell, x, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=length)
        output = tf.concat(outputs, 2).sg_reshape(shape=[-1, 2 * latent_dim])

        prediction = output.sg_dense(dim=num_classes, name='dense')
        res = tf.reshape(prediction, [x.get_shape().as_list()[0], -1, num_classes])

    return res
Exemplo n.º 14
def sg_rnn(tensor, opt):

    # layer normalization
    ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v

    # step function
    def step(h, x):
        # simple rnn
        y = ln(
            tf.matmul(tensor[:, i, :], w) + tf.matmul(h, u) +
            (b if opt.bias else 0))
        return y

    # parameter initialize
    w = init.orthogonal('W', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u = init.identity('U', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b = init.constant('b', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # do rnn loop
    h, out = init_h, []
    for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
        # apply step func
        h = step(h, tensor[:, i, :])
        # save result

    # merge tensor
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(dim=1)
        out = tf.concat(1, out)

    return out
Exemplo n.º 15
def sg_emb(**kwargs):
    opt = tf.sg_opt(kwargs)
    assert opt.name is not None, 'name is mandatory.'

    import sg_initializer as init

    if opt.emb is None:
        # initialize embedding matrix
        assert opt.voca_size is not None, 'voca_size is mandatory.'
        assert opt.dim is not None, 'dim is mandatory.'
        w = init.he_uniform(opt.name, (opt.voca_size - 1, opt.dim))
        # use given embedding matrix
        w = init.external(opt.name, value=opt.emb)

    # 1st row should be zero and not be updated by backprop because of zero padding.
    emb = tf.concat(0, [tf.zeros((1, opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx), w])

    return emb
Exemplo n.º 16
def sg_periodic_shuffle(tensor, opt):
    r""" Periodic shuffle transformation for SubPixel CNN.
        (see [Shi et al. 2016](http://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2016/papers/Shi_Real-Time_Single_Image_CVPR_2016_paper.pdf)
      tensor: A tensor (automatically given by chain).
        factor: factor to multiply shape by. Default is 2.
        name : If provided, it replaces current tensor's name.

        A tensor
    # default factor
    opt += tf.sg_opt(factor=2)

    # get current shape
    batch, row, col, channel = tensor.get_shape().as_list()

    # get target channel num
    channel_target = channel // (opt.factor * opt.factor)
    channel_factor = channel // channel_target

    # intermediate shape for shuffling
    shape_1 = [
        batch, row, col, channel_factor // opt.factor,
        channel_factor // opt.factor
    shape_2 = [batch, row * opt.factor, col * opt.factor, 1]

    # reshape and transpose for periodic shuffling for each channel
    out = []
    for i in range(channel_target):
            (tensor[:, :, :, i * channel_factor:(i + 1) *
                        perm=(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)).sg_reshape(shape=shape_2))

    # final output
    out = tf.concat(axis=3, values=out)

    return tf.identity(out, name=opt.name)
Exemplo n.º 17
def sg_concat(tensor, opt):
    r"""Concatenates tensors along a axis.

    See `tf.concat()` in tensorflow.

      tensor: A `Tensor` (automatically given by chain).
        target: A `Tensor`. Must have the same rank as `tensor`, and
          all dimensions except `opt.dim` must be equal.
        axis : Target axis. Default is the last one.
        name: If provided, replace current tensor's name.

      A `Tensor`.
    assert opt.target is not None, 'target is mandatory.'
    opt += tf.sg_opt(axis=tensor.get_shape().ndims-1)
    target = opt.target if isinstance(opt.target, (tuple, list)) else [opt.target]
    return tf.concat([tensor] + target, opt.axis, name=opt.name)
Exemplo n.º 18
def sg_quasi_conv1d(tensor, opt):
      tensor: A 3-D tensor of either [batch size, time steps, embedding size] for original
          X or [batch size * 4, time steps, embedding size] for the others.
    opt += tf.sg_opt(is_enc=False)

    # Split into H and H_zfo
    H = tensor[:Hp.batch_size]
    H_z = tensor[Hp.batch_size:2 * Hp.batch_size]
    H_f = tensor[2 * Hp.batch_size:3 * Hp.batch_size]
    H_o = tensor[3 * Hp.batch_size:]
    if opt.is_enc:
        H_z, H_f, H_o = 0, 0, 0

    # Convolution and merging
    with tf.sg_context(size=opt.size, act="linear", causal=(not opt.is_enc)):
        Z = H.sg_aconv1d() + H_z  # (16, 150, 320)
        F = H.sg_aconv1d() + H_f  # (16, 150, 320)
        O = H.sg_aconv1d() + H_o  # (16, 150, 320)

    # Activation
    with tf.sg_context(ln=True):
        Z = Z.sg_bypass(act="tanh")  # (16, 150, 320)
        F = F.sg_bypass(act="sigmoid")  # (16, 150, 320)
        O = O.sg_bypass(act="sigmoid")  # (16, 150, 320)

    # Masking
    M = tf.sign(tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(
        H, axis=-1, keep_dims=True)))  # (16, 150, 1) float32. 0 or 1
    Z *= M  # broadcasting
    F *= M  # broadcasting
    O *= M  # broadcasting

    # Concat
    ZFO = tf.concat([Z, F, O], 0)

    return ZFO  # (16*3, 150, 320)
def sg_quasi_conv1d(tensor, opt):

    opt += tf.sg_opt(is_enc=False, causal=True)

    # Split into H and H_zfo
    H = tensor[:Hp.batch_size]
    H_z = tensor[Hp.batch_size:2 * Hp.batch_size]
    H_f = tensor[2 * Hp.batch_size:3 * Hp.batch_size]
    H_o = tensor[3 * Hp.batch_size:]
    if opt.is_enc:
        H_z, H_f, H_o = 0, 0, 0

    # Convolution and merging
    with tf.sg_context(size=opt.size,
                       causal=opt.causal and (not opt.is_enc),
        Z = H.sg_aconv1d_gpus(name="aconvz_" +
                              opt.name) + H_z  # (b, seqlen, hd)
        F = H.sg_aconv1d_gpus(name="aconvf_" +
                              opt.name) + H_f  # (b, seqlen, hd)
        O = H.sg_aconv1d_gpus(name="aconvo_" +
                              opt.name) + H_o  # (b, seqlen, hd)

    # Activation
    with tf.sg_context(dev=opt.dev, reuse=opt.reuse_vars):
        Z = Z.sg_bypass_gpus(act="tanh",
                             name="tanhz_" + opt.name)  # (b, seqlen, hd)
        F = F.sg_bypass_gpus(act="sigmoid",
                             name="sigmf_" + opt.name)  # (b, seqlen, hd)
        O = O.sg_bypass_gpus(act="sigmoid",
                             name="sigmo_" + opt.name)  # (b, seqlen, hd)

    ZFO = tf.concat([Z, F, O], 0)

    return ZFO  # (batch*3, seqlen, hiddim)
Exemplo n.º 20
# inputs

# MNIST input tensor ( with QueueRunner )
data = tf.sg_data.Mnist(batch_size=batch_size)

# input images and label
x = data.train.image
y = data.train.label

# labels for discriminator
y_real = tf.ones(batch_size)
y_fake = tf.zeros(batch_size)

# discriminator labels ( half 1s, half 0s )
y_disc = tf.concat(0, [y, y * 0])

# categorical latent variable
z_cat = tf.multinomial(
    tf.ones((batch_size, cat_dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx) / cat_dim,
# continuous latent variable
z_con = tf.random_normal((batch_size, con_dim))
# random latent variable dimension
z_rand = tf.random_normal((batch_size, rand_dim))
# latent variable
z = tf.concat(1, [z_cat.sg_one_hot(depth=cat_dim), z_con, z_rand])

# Computational graph
Exemplo n.º 21
# hyper parameters

batch_size = 16  # batch size

# inputs

# ComTrans parallel corpus input tensor ( with QueueRunner )
data = ComTrans(batch_size=batch_size)

# source, target sentence
x, y = data.source, data.target
# shift target for training source
y_in = tf.concat([tf.zeros((batch_size, 1), tf.sg_intx), y[:, :-1]], axis=1)
# vocabulary size
voca_size = data.voca_size

# make embedding matrix for source and target
emb_x = tf.sg_emb(name='emb_x', voca_size=voca_size, dim=latent_dim)
emb_y = tf.sg_emb(name='emb_y', voca_size=voca_size, dim=latent_dim)

# latent from embed table
z_x = x.sg_lookup(emb=emb_x)
z_y = y_in.sg_lookup(emb=emb_y)

# encode graph ( atrous convolution )
enc = encode(z_x)

# concat merge target source
Exemplo n.º 22
# inputs

# MNIST input tensor ( with QueueRunner )
data = tf.sg_data.Mnist(batch_size=batch_size)

# input images and label
x = data.train.image
y = data.train.label

# labels for discriminator
y_real = tf.ones(batch_size)
y_fake = tf.zeros(batch_size)

# discriminator labels ( half 1s, half 0s )
y_disc = tf.concat([y, y * 0], 0)

# categorical latent variable
z_cat = tf.multinomial(
    tf.ones((batch_size, cat_dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx) / cat_dim,
# continuous latent variable
z_con = tf.random_normal((batch_size, con_dim))
# random latent variable dimension
z_rand = tf.random_normal((batch_size, rand_dim))
# latent variable
z = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[z_cat.sg_one_hot(depth=cat_dim), z_con, z_rand])

# Computational graph
Exemplo n.º 23
# MNIST input tensor ( with QueueRunner )
data = tf.sg_data.Mnist(batch_size=batch_size)

# input images
x = data.train.image

# corrupted image
x_small = tf.image.resize_bicubic(x, (14, 14))
x_nearest = tf.image.resize_images(x_small, (28, 28),

# generator labels ( all ones )
y = tf.ones(batch_size, dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

# discriminator labels ( half 1s, half 0s )
y_disc = tf.concat([y, y * 0], 0)

# create generator
# I've used ESPCN scheme
# http://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2016/papers/Shi_Real-Time_Single_Image_CVPR_2016_paper.pdf

# generator network
with tf.sg_context(name='generator', act='relu', bn=True):
    gen = (x_small.sg_conv(dim=32).sg_conv().sg_conv(
        dim=4, act='sigmoid', bn=False).sg_periodic_shuffle(factor=2))

# add image summary
Exemplo n.º 24
num_cont = 2   # continuous variable number
num_dim = 30   # total latent dimension ( category + continuous + noise )

# inputs

# input tensor ( with QueueRunner )
data = TimeSeriesData(batch_size=batch_size)
x = data.X

# generator labels ( all ones )
y = tf.ones(batch_size, dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

# discriminator labels ( half 1s, half 0s )
y_disc = tf.concat(0, [y, y * 0])

# create generator

# random class number
z_cat = tf.multinomial(tf.ones((batch_size, num_category), dtype=tf.sg_floatx) / num_category, 1).sg_squeeze()

# random seed = random categorical variable + random uniform
z = z_cat.sg_one_hot(depth=num_category).sg_concat(target=tf.random_uniform((batch_size, num_dim-num_category)))

# random continuous variable
z_cont = z[:, num_category:num_category+num_cont]
Exemplo n.º 25
x = data.train.image

# labels for discriminator
y_real = tf.ones(batch_size)
y_fake = tf.zeros(batch_size)

# categorical latent variable
z_cat = tf.multinomial(
    tf.ones((batch_size, cat_dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx) / cat_dim,
# continuous latent variable
z_con = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, con_dim))
# random latent variable dimension
z_rand = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, rand_dim))
# latent variable
z = tf.concat([z_cat.sg_one_hot(depth=cat_dim), z_con, z_rand], 1)

# Computational graph

# generator
gen = generator(z)

# add image summary
tf.sg_summary_image(x, name='real')
tf.sg_summary_image(gen, name='fake')

# discriminator
disc_real, _, _ = discriminator(x)
disc_fake, cat_fake, con_fake = discriminator(gen)
Exemplo n.º 26
# MNIST input tensor ( with QueueRunner )
data = tf.sg_data.Mnist(batch_size=batch_size)

# input images
x = data.train.image

# corrupted image
x_small = tf.image.resize_bicubic(x, (14, 14))
x_nearest = tf.image.resize_images(x_small, (28, 28), tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)

# generator labels ( all ones )
y = tf.ones(batch_size, dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

# discriminator labels ( half 1s, half 0s )
y_disc = tf.concat(0, [y, y * 0])

# create generator
# I've used ESPCN scheme
# http://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2016/papers/Shi_Real-Time_Single_Image_CVPR_2016_paper.pdf

# generator network
with tf.sg_context(name='generator', act='relu', bn=True):
    gen = (x_small
           .sg_conv(dim=4, act='sigmoid', bn=False)
Exemplo n.º 27
def sg_concat(tensor, opt):
    assert opt.target is not None, 'target is mandatory.'
    opt += tf.sg_opt(dim=tensor.get_shape().ndims - 1)
    target = opt.target if isinstance(opt.target,
                                      (tuple, list)) else [opt.target]
    return tf.concat(opt.dim, [tensor] + target, name=opt.name)
Exemplo n.º 28
        # convert to tensor queue
        self.train.image, self.train.label = \
            _data_to_tensor([x.astype('float32'), label.astype('int32')], batch_size, name='train')

        # calc total batch count
        self.train.num_batch = label.shape[0] // batch_size

# MNIST input tensor ( with QueueRunner )
data = Mnist(batch_size=batch_size)
# input images
x = data.train.image
# generator labels ( all ones )
y = tf.ones(batch_size, dtype=tf.sg_floatx)
# discriminator labels ( half 1s, half 0s )
y_disc = tf.concat([y, y * 0], 0)
# create generator
# random class number
z_cat = tf.multinomial(
    tf.ones((batch_size, num_category), dtype=tf.sg_floatx) / num_category,
# random seed = random categorical variable + random uniform
z = z_cat.sg_one_hot(depth=num_category).sg_concat(
    target=tf.random_uniform((batch_size, num_dim - num_category)))
# random continuous variable
z_cont = z[:, num_category:num_category + num_cont]
# category label
label = tf.concat([data.train.label, z_cat], 0)
# generator network
Exemplo n.º 29
num_cont = 2  # continuous variable number
num_dim = 30  # total latent dimension ( category + continuous + noise )

# inputs

# input tensor ( with QueueRunner )
data = TimeSeriesData(batch_size=batch_size)
x = data.X

# generator labels ( all ones )
y = tf.ones(batch_size, dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

# discriminator labels ( half 1s, half 0s )
y_disc = tf.concat(0, [y, y * 0])

# create generator

# random class number
z_cat = tf.multinomial(
    tf.ones((batch_size, num_category), dtype=tf.sg_floatx) / num_category,

# random seed = random categorical variable + random uniform
z = z_cat.sg_one_hot(depth=num_category).sg_concat(
    target=tf.random_uniform((batch_size, num_dim - num_category)))

# random continuous variable
Exemplo n.º 30
def sg_lstm(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies an LSTM.

      tensor: A 3-D `Tensor`.
      in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
      ln: Boolean. If True, layer normalization is applied.   
      init_state: A 2-D `Tensor`. If None, the initial state is set to zeros.
      last_only: Boolean. If True, the outputs in the last time step are returned.
      A `Tensor`. If last_only is False, the output tensor has shape [batch size, time steps, dim].
        If last_only is True, the shape will be [batch size, dim].
    # layer normalization
    ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v

    # step func
    def step(h, c, x):
        # forget gate
        f = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_f) + tf.matmul(h, u_f) +
                (b_f if opt.bias else 0)))
        # input gate
        i = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_i) + tf.matmul(h, u_i) +
                (b_i if opt.bias else 0)))
        # new cell value
        cc = tf.tanh(
                tf.matmul(x, w_c) + tf.matmul(h, u_c) +
                (b_c if opt.bias else 0)))
        # out gate
        o = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_o) + tf.matmul(h, u_o) +
                (b_o if opt.bias else 0)))
        # cell update
        cell = f * c + i * cc
        # final output
        y = o * tf.tanh(cell)
        return y, cell

    # parameter initialize
    w_i = init.orthogonal('W_i', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_i = init.identity('U_i', opt.dim)
    w_f = init.orthogonal('W_f', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_f = init.identity('U_f', opt.dim)
    w_o = init.orthogonal('W_o', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_o = init.identity('U_o', opt.dim)
    w_c = init.orthogonal('W_c', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_c = init.identity('U_c', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b_i = init.constant('b_i', opt.dim)
        b_f = init.constant('b_f', opt.dim)
        b_o = init.constant('b_o', opt.dim, value=1)
        b_c = init.constant('b_c', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # do rnn loop
    h, c, out = init_h, init_h, []
    for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
        # apply step function
        h, c = step(h, c, tensor[:, i, :])
        # save result

    # merge tensor
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(dim=1)
        out = tf.concat(1, out)

    return out
Exemplo n.º 31
def sg_gru(tensor, opt):
    r"""Applies a GRU.
      tensor: A 3-D `Tensor`.
      in_dim: A positive `integer`. The size of input dimension.
      dim: A positive `integer`. The size of output dimension.
      bias: Boolean. If True, biases are added.
      ln: Boolean. If True, layer normalization is applied.   
      init_state: A 2-D `Tensor`. If None, the initial state is set to zeros.
      last_only: Boolean. If True, the outputs in the last time step are returned.
      A `Tensor`. If last_only is False, the output tensor has shape [batch size, time steps, dim].
        If last_only is True, the shape will be [batch size, dim].

    # layer normalization
    ln = lambda v: _ln_rnn(v, gamma, beta) if opt.ln else v

    # step func
    def step(h, x):
        # update gate
        z = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_z) + tf.matmul(h, u_z) +
                (b_z if opt.bias else 0)))
        # reset gate
        r = tf.sigmoid(
                tf.matmul(x, w_r) + tf.matmul(h, u_r) +
                (b_r if opt.bias else 0)))
        # h_hat
        hh = tf.tanh(
                tf.matmul(x, w_h) + tf.matmul(r * h, u_h) +
                (b_h if opt.bias else 0)))
        # final output
        y = (1. - z) * h + z * hh
        return y

    # parameter initialize
    w_z = init.orthogonal('W_z', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_z = init.identity('U_z', opt.dim)
    w_r = init.orthogonal('W_r', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_r = init.identity('U_r', opt.dim)
    w_h = init.orthogonal('W_h', (opt.in_dim, opt.dim))
    u_h = init.identity('U_h', opt.dim)
    if opt.bias:
        b_z = init.constant('b_z', opt.dim)
        b_r = init.constant('b_r', opt.dim)
        b_h = init.constant('b_h', opt.dim)

    # layer normalization parameters
    if opt.ln:
        # offset, scale parameter
        beta = init.constant('beta', opt.dim)
        gamma = init.constant('gamma', opt.dim, value=1)

    # initial state
    init_h = opt.init_state if opt.init_state is not None \
        else tf.zeros((tensor.get_shape().as_list()[0], opt.dim), dtype=tf.sg_floatx)

    # do rnn loop
    h, out = init_h, []
    for i in range(tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]):
        # apply step function
        h = step(h, tensor[:, i, :])
        # save result

    # merge tensor
    if opt.last_only:
        out = out[-1].sg_squeeze(dim=1)
        out = tf.concat(1, out)

    return out
def sg_quasi_rnn(tensor, opt):
    # Split
    if opt.att:
        H, Z, F, O = tf.split(axis=0, num_or_size_splits=4,
                              value=tensor)  # (b, seqlen, hd) for all
        Z, F, O = tf.split(axis=0, num_or_size_splits=3,
                           value=tensor)  # (b, seqlen, hd) for all

    # step func
    def step(z, f, o, c):
        Runs fo-pooling at each time step
        c = f * c + (1 - f) * z

        if opt.att:  # attention
            a = tf.nn.softmax(tf.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", H,
                                        c))  # alpha. (b, seqlen)
            k = (a.sg_expand_dims() * H).sg_sum(
                axis=1)  # attentional sum. (b, seqlen)
            h = o * (k.sg_dense_gpus(act="linear",name = "k%d_%s"%(t,opt.name),dev = opt.dev,reuse=opt.reuse_vars)\
                + c.sg_dense_gpus(act="linear",name = "c%d_%s"%(t,opt.name),dev = opt.dev,reuse=opt.reuse_vars))
            h = o * c

        return h, c  # hidden states, (new) cell memories

    # Do rnn loop
    c, hs = 0, []
    timesteps = tensor.get_shape().as_list()[1]
    for t in range(timesteps):
        z = Z[:, t, :]  # (b, hd)
        f = F[:, t, :]  # (b, hd)
        o = O[:, t, :]  # (b, hd)

        # apply step function
        h, c = step(z, f, o, c)  # (b, hd), (b, hd)

        # save result

    # Concat to return
    H = tf.concat(hs, 1)  # (b, seqlen, hd)

    if opt.is_enc:
        H_z = tf.tile(
                             name="z_%s" % (opt.name),
            [1, timesteps, 1])
        H_f = tf.tile(
                             name="f_%s" % (opt.name),
            [1, timesteps, 1])
        H_o = tf.tile(
                             name="o_%s" % (opt.name),
            [1, timesteps, 1])
        concatenated = tf.concat(axis=0, values=[H, H_z, H_f,
                                                 H_o])  # (b*4, seqlen, hd)

        return concatenated
        return H  # (b, seqlen, hd)
Exemplo n.º 33

# input tensor ( with QueueRunner )
data = SpectrumData(batch_size=batch_size)
x = data.X

# labels for discriminator
y_real = tf.ones(batch_size)
y_fake = tf.zeros(batch_size)

# continuous latent variable
z_con = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, con_dim))
# random latent variable dimension
z_rand = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, rand_dim))
# latent variable
z = tf.concat([z_con, z_rand], 1)

# Computational graph

# generator
gen = generator(z)

# discriminator
disc_real, _ = discriminator(x)
disc_fake, con_fake = discriminator(gen)

# loss