def test_equal(self):
        test_str = 'yo boyz'
        test_list = ['yo', 'boyz']
        s1 = suggestion.Suggestion(suggestion_str=test_str)
        s2 = suggestion.Suggestion(test_list)

        # Suggestion-Suggestion
        self.assertEqual(s1, s1)

        # Suggestion-list
        self.assertEqual(s2, test_list)

        # Suggestion-str
        self.assertEqual(s1, test_str)

        # gen
        self.assertNotEqual(s1, 3)

        # gen list
        self.assertNotEqual(s1, [2])

        # gen string
        self.assertNotEqual(s1, 'onuthe')

        # Sentence with comma
        s_comma = 'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.'
        s_normal = 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.'
        s1 = suggestion.Suggestion(suggestion_str=s_comma)
        s2 = suggestion.Suggestion(suggestion_str=s_normal)

        self.assertEqual(s1, s2)
 def test_set_suggestion_type(self):
     original_suggestion = suggestion.Suggestion(
         suggestion_str='yo boyz i am sing song')
     expected_suggestion = suggestion.Suggestion(
         suggestion_str='Yo boyz i am sing song.',
     self.assertEqual(original_suggestion, expected_suggestion)
    def test_init(self):
        test_list = [1, 2, 3]
        # Term list
        actual = suggestion.Suggestion(test_list)
        expected = test_list
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

        suggestion_string = 'yo boyz'
        # Suggestion string
        actual = suggestion.Suggestion(suggestion_str=suggestion_string)
        expected = suggestion_string
        self.assertEqual(str(actual), expected)
 def test__hash__(self):
     # This was a big bug. Because I didn't implement __hash__, the
     # default was probably something based on some hidden
     # properties and so I couldn't use a Suggestion instance A as
     # a key and then try to retrieve the value using an identical
     # Suggestion instance B.
     d = {}
     test_list = ['yo', 'boyz', 'i', 'am', 'sing', 'song']
     test_suggestion = suggestion.Suggestion(test_list)
     new_suggestion = suggestion.Suggestion(test_list)
     d[test_suggestion] = 3
     self.assertTrue(test_suggestion in d)
     self.assertTrue(new_suggestion in d)
    def test__iter__(self):
        test_list = ['yo', 'boyz', 'i', 'am', 'sing', 'song']
        test_suggestion = suggestion.Suggestion(test_list)
        # iteration
        for i, term in enumerate(test_suggestion):
            self.assertEqual(term, test_list[i])

        # zip
        foo = zip(*enumerate(test_suggestion))
        self.assertEqual(list(foo[0]), range(len(test_list)))
        self.assertEqual(list(foo[1]), test_suggestion)

        self.assertEqual(test_suggestion[:-1], test_list[:-1])
    def test_set_suggestion_str_phrase(self):
        s = suggestion.Suggestion(suggestion_type='phrase')
        test_str = 'yo boyz i am sing song'
        expected_list = test_str.split()
        self.assertEqual(s.suggestion_str, test_str)
        self.assertEqual(s.term_list, expected_list)

        # Strings with commas
        comma_str = 'yo boyz, i am sing, song'
        expected_list = ['yo', 'boyz', 'i', 'am', 'sing', 'song']
        self.assertEqual(s.term_list, expected_list)
    def test_set_term_list_word(self):
        s = suggestion.Suggestion(suggestion_type='word')
        test_list = ['foo']
        test_str = 'foo'

        self.assertEqual(s.term_list, test_list)

        # suggestion_str
        self.assertEqual(s.suggestion_str, test_str)

        test_list = []
        test_str = ''

        self.assertEqual(s.term_list, test_list)

        # suggestion_str
        self.assertEqual(s.suggestion_str, test_str)
    def test_set_term_list_sentence(self):
        s = suggestion.Suggestion(suggestion_type='sentence')
        test_list = ['foo', 'bar']
        test_str = 'Foo bar.'

        self.assertEqual(s.term_list, test_list)

        # suggestion_str
        self.assertEqual(s.suggestion_str, test_str)

        test_list = []
        test_str = ''

        self.assertEqual(s.term_list, test_list)

        # suggestion_str
        self.assertEqual(s.suggestion_str, test_str)
 def test__get_item__(self):
     test_list = ['yo', 'boyz', 'i', 'am', 'sing', 'song']
     test_suggestion = suggestion.Suggestion(test_list)
     self.assertEqual(test_suggestion[3], test_list[3])
 def test_set_suggestion_str_sentence(self):
     s = suggestion.Suggestion(suggestion_type='sentence')
     test_str = 'Yo boyz i am sing song.'
     expected_list = ['yo', 'boyz', 'i', 'am', 'sing', 'song']
     self.assertEqual(s.term_list, expected_list)