Exemplo n.º 1
def clean_results(idx, results, query=None):
    schema = idx.schema
    ret, default_document = list(), get_default_schema(schema)

    metadata = DotDict()

    if hasattr(results, 'runtime'):
        # regular search.search(..) method call
        runtime = results.runtime
        if hasattr(results, 'results'):
            # search.search_page(..) hides the underlying
            # `results` object as a new attribute in a `ResultsPage`
            # wrapper.
            runtime = results.results.runtime
            # if we can't get the runtime, suggest a negative
            # number...hopefully this doesn't happen and might
            # be considered a bug if the runtime returns as -1
            runtime = -1

    # round the runtime to the nearest 4th decimal place
    metadata.search_time = round(runtime, 4)

    metadata.count = len(results)
    metadata.query = str(query)

    for doc in results:
        # create a copy of the default structure
        # then replace the fields that exist in our
        # returned document; this will also add any
        # fields/columns that didn't exist in the original schema.
        res = dict(default_document)

        # convert the pmeta string (json) into a dict object
            m = '{}' if doc['pmeta'] is None else doc['pmeta']
            m = json.loads(m)
        except Exception as e:
            m = {}
            res['pmeta'] = m

        # ensure we have a created date
        if res['created'] is None:
            res['created'] = res['modified']


    metadata.results = ret

    return metadata
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_app(**settings):
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    app_settings = DotDict(APP_CONFIG)

    # setup the logging configuration

    logger.info('cwd, ' + cwd)
    logger.info('creating application')

    # determine where our flat assets are stored
    static_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'static')
    template_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'templates')

    TORNADO_CONFIG['static_path'] = settings.get('static_path', static_path)
    TORNADO_CONFIG['template_path'] = settings.get('template_path', template_path)

    # set up our routing configuration
    app = Application([
        # hard routes
        url(r'/feed.atom', AtomFeedHandler),
        # soft routes
        url(r'/login', LoginHandler),
        url(r'/admin/create', AdminCreateHandler),
        url(r'/search', DynamicSearchHandler),
        url(r'/search/([a-z0-9_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\+\-_\%]+)(\.atom)?', StaticSearchHandler),
        url(r'/blog/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)\.html', OldBlogHandler),
        url(r'/blog/([a-z]+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(.*)/(\d+)', BlogHandler),
        # catch-all routes
        url(r'/static/(.*)', StaticFileHandler, {'path': static_path}),
        url(r'/media/(.*)', StaticFileHandler, {'path': app_settings.media}),
        url(r'/(.*\.(txt|ico))', StaticFileHandler, {'path': static_path}),
        url(r'/', IndexHandler),
        url(r'/(.*)', ErrorHandler)

    logger.info('finished setting up HTTP routes')

    # storage location for singletons and factory methods
    app.meta = DotDict()
    app.meta.seo = SEO_VALUES

    # ~~ config Search
    app.meta.search_index = obtain_index(
        WHOOSH.get('location'), SowingSchema, WHOOSH.get('index_name'))

    logger.info('finished binding to Whoosh index')

    # ~~ private settings
    private_settings = app_settings.pop('private_settings', {})
    # bootstrap the private settings into the meta-object accessible
    # in the BaseHandler webRequest class
    app.meta.private = private_settings

    # ~~ authentication
    auth = private_settings.get('auth', {})
    username, password = auth.get('username', None), auth.get('password', None)

    app.meta.auth_token = auth.get('token', None)
    app.meta.username_combo = (username, password,)

    logger.info('finished configuring authentication')

    # callback settings for launching the server
    app.meta.settings = app_settings

    return app, app_settings