Exemplo n.º 1
    def fetch(self, jsoc_response, path=None, overwrite=False, progress=True,
            max_conn=5, downloader=None, sleep=10):
        Make the request for the data in jsoc_response and wait for it to be
        staged and then download the data.

        jsoc_response : JSOCResponse object
            A response object

        path : string
            Path to save data to, defaults to SunPy download dir

        overwrite : bool
            Replace files with the same name if True

        progress : bool
            Print progress info to terminal

        max_conns : int
            Maximum number of download connections.

        downloader: `sunpy.download.Downloader` instance
            A Custom downloader to use

        sleep : int
            The number of seconds to wait between calls to JSOC to check the status
            of the request.

        results : a :class:`sunpy.net.vso.Results` instance
            A Results object

        # Make staging request to JSOC
        requestIDs = self.request_data(jsoc_response)
        # Add them to the response for good measure
        jsoc_response.requestIDs = requestIDs

        r = Results(lambda x: None, done=lambda maps: [v['path'] for v in maps.values()])

        while requestIDs:
            for i, request_id in enumerate(requestIDs):
                u = self._request_status(request_id)

                if progress:

                if u.status_code == 200 and u.json()['status'] == '0':
                    rID = requestIDs.pop(i)
                    r = self.get_request(rID, path=path, overwrite=overwrite,
                                         progress=progress, results=r)


        return r
Exemplo n.º 2
    def fetch(self, qres, path=None, error_callback=None, **kwargs):
        Download a set of results.

        qres : `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.QueryResponse`
            Results to download.

        path : string or pathlib.Path
            Path to the download directory

        error_callback : Function
            Callback function for error during downloads

        Results Object
        # Check for type of path
        if path is not None:
            if isinstance(path, pathlib.Path):
                path = str(path.absolute())
            elif not isinstance(path, str):
                err = "path should be either 'pathlib.Path' or 'str'. "\
                    "Got '{}'.".format(type(path))
                raise TypeError(err)

        urls = [qrblock.url for qrblock in qres]

        filenames = [url.split('/')[-1] for url in urls]

        paths = self._get_full_filenames(qres, filenames, path)

        res = Results(lambda x: None, 0, lambda map_: self._link(map_))

        dobj = Downloader(max_conn=len(urls), max_total=len(urls))

        # We cast to list here in list(zip... to force execution of
        # res.require([x]) at the start of the loop.
        for aurl, ncall, fname in list(
                zip(urls, map(lambda x: res.require([x]), urls), paths)):
            dobj.download(aurl, fname, ncall, error_callback)

        return res
Exemplo n.º 3
    def fetch(self, qres, path=None, error_callback=None, **kwargs):
        Download a set of results.

        qres : `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.QueryResponse`
            Results to download.

        path : string or pathlib.Path
            Path to the download directory

        error_callback : Function
            Callback function for error during downloads

        Results Object
        # Check for type of path
        if path is not None:
            if HAS_PATHLIB and isinstance(path, pathlib.Path):
                path = str(path.absolute())
            elif not isinstance(path, six.string_types):
                err = "path should be either 'pathlib.Path' or 'str'. "\
                    "Got '{}'.".format(type(path))
                raise TypeError(err)

        urls = [qrblock.url for qrblock in qres]

        filenames = [url.split('/')[-1] for url in urls]

        paths = self._get_full_filenames(qres, filenames, path)

        res = Results(lambda x: None, 0, lambda map_: self._link(map_))

        dobj = Downloader(max_conn=len(urls), max_total=len(urls))

        # We cast to list here in list(zip... to force execution of
        # res.require([x]) at the start of the loop.
        for aurl, ncall, fname in list(zip(urls, map(lambda x: res.require([x]),
                                                     urls), paths)):
            dobj.download(aurl, fname, ncall, error_callback)

        return res
Exemplo n.º 4
    def fetch(self, jsoc_response, path=None, overwrite=False, progress=True,
              max_conn=5, downloader=None, sleep=10):
        Make the request for the data in a JSOC response and wait for it to be
        staged and then download the data.

        jsoc_response : `~sunpy.net.jsoc.jsoc.JSOCResponse` object
            A response object

        path : `str`
            Path to save data to, defaults to SunPy download dir

        overwrite : `bool`
            Replace files with the same name if True

        progress : `bool`
            Print progress info to terminal

        max_conns : `int`
            Maximum number of download connections.

        downloader: `~sunpy.net.download.Downloader` instance
            A Custom downloader to use

        sleep : `int`
            The number of seconds to wait between calls to JSOC to check the status
            of the request.

        results : a `~sunpy.net.download.Results` instance
            A Results object


        # Make staging request to JSOC
        responses = self.request_data(jsoc_response)
        # Make response iterable
        if not isiterable(responses):
            responses = [responses]
        # Add them to the response for good measure
        jsoc_response.requests = [r for r in responses]

        r = Results(lambda x: None, done=lambda maps: [v['path'] for v in maps.values()])

        for response in responses:
            r = self.get_request(response, path=path, overwrite=overwrite,
                                 progress=progress, results=r)

        return r
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_request(self,
        Query JSOC to see if the request(s) is ready for download.

        If the request is ready for download, it will then download it.

        requests : `~drms.ExportRequest`, `str`, `list`
            `~drms.ExportRequest` objects or `str` request IDs or lists
            returned by `~sunpy.net.jsoc.jsoc.JSOCClient.request_data`.

        path : `str`
            Path to save data to, defaults to SunPy download dir.

        overwrite : `bool`
            Replace files with the same name if True.

        progress : `bool`
            Print progress info to terminal.

        max_conns : `int`
            Maximum number of download connections.

        downloader : `~sunpy.net.download.Downloader`
            A Custom downloader to use

        results: `~sunpy.net.download.Results`
            A `~sunpy.net.download.Results` manager to use.

        res: `~sunpy.net.download.Results`
            A `~sunpy.net.download.Results` instance or `None` if no URLs to download

        c = drms.Client()

        # Convert Responses to a list if not already
        if isinstance(requests, str) or not isiterable(requests):
            requests = [requests]

        # Ensure all the requests are drms ExportRequest objects
        for i, request in enumerate(requests):
            if isinstance(request, str):
                r = c.export_from_id(request)
                requests[i] = r

        # We only download if all are finished
        if not all([r.has_succeeded() for r in requests]):
            raise NotExportedError("Can not download as not all the requests "
                                   "have been exported for download yet.")

        # Ensure path has a {file} in it
        if path is None:
            default_dir = config.get("downloads", "download_dir")
            path = os.path.join(default_dir, '{file}')
        elif isinstance(path, str) and '{file}' not in path:
            path = os.path.join(path, '{file}')

        paths = []
        for request in requests:
            for filename in request.data['filename']:
                # Ensure we don't duplicate the file extension
                ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
                if path.endswith(ext):
                    fname = path.strip(ext)
                    fname = path
                fname = fname.format(file=filename)
                fname = os.path.expanduser(fname)
                fname = partial(simple_path, fname)

        if downloader is None:
            downloader = Downloader(max_conn=max_conn, max_total=max_conn)

        # A Results object tracks the number of downloads requested and the
        # number that have been completed.
        if results is None:
            results = Results(
                lambda _: downloader.stop(),
                done=lambda maps: [v['path'] for v in maps.values()])

        urls = []
        for request in requests:

            if request.status == 0:
                for index, data in request.data.iterrows():
                    is_file = os.path.isfile(paths[index].args[0])
                    if overwrite or not is_file:
                        url_dir = request.request_url + '/'
                            urllib.parse.urljoin(url_dir, data['filename']))

                    if not overwrite and is_file:
                        print_message = "Skipping download of file {} as it " \
                                        "has already been downloaded. " \
                                        "If you want to redownload the data, "\
                                        "please set overwrite to True"
                        # Add the file on disk to the output
                            {data['filename']: {
                                 'path': paths[index].args[0]
        if urls:
            if progress:
                print_message = "{0} URLs found for download. Full request totalling {1}MB"
                print(print_message.format(len(urls), request._d['size']))
            for i, url in enumerate(urls):
                                    errback=lambda x: print(x),

            # Make Results think it has finished.

        return results
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: jsoc.py Projeto: lamby/sunpy
    def get_request(self,
        Query JSOC to see if request_id is ready for download.

        If the request is ready for download, download it.

        requestIDs : list or string
            One or many requestID strings

        path : string
            Path to save data to, defaults to SunPy download dir

        overwrite : bool
            Replace files with the same name if True

        progress : bool
            Print progress info to terminal

        max_conns : int
            Maximum number of download connections.

        downloader : `sunpy.download.Downloader` instance
            A Custom downloader to use

        results: Results instance
            A Results manager to use.

        res: Results
            A Results instance or None if no URLs to download

        # Convert IDs to a list if not already

        if not isiterable(requestIDs) or isinstance(requestIDs,
            requestIDs = [requestIDs]

        if path is None:
            path = config.get('downloads', 'download_dir')
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)

        if downloader is None:
            downloader = Downloader(max_conn=max_conn, max_total=max_conn)

        # A Results object tracks the number of downloads requested and the
        # number that have been completed.
        if results is None:
            results = Results(lambda _: downloader.stop())

        urls = []
        for request_id in requestIDs:
            u = self._request_status(request_id)

            if u.status_code == 200 and u.json()['status'] == '0':
                for ar in u.json()['data']:
                    is_file = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(
                        path, ar['filename']))
                    if overwrite or not is_file:
                        url_dir = BASE_DL_URL + u.json()['dir'] + '/'
                            urllib.parse.urljoin(url_dir, ar['filename']))

                        print_message = "Skipping download of file {} as it " \
                                        "has already been downloaded"
                        # Add the file on disk to the output
                            ar['filename']: {
                                'path': os.path.join(path, ar['filename'])

                if progress:
                    print_message = "{0} URLs found for download. Totalling {1}MB"
                    print(print_message.format(len(urls), u.json()['size']))

                if progress:

        if urls:
            for url in urls:
                                    errback=lambda x: print(x),

            # Make Results think it has finished.

        return results
Exemplo n.º 7
    def fetch(self, qres, path=None, error_callback=None, **kwargs):
        Download a set of results.

        qres : `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.QueryResponse`
            Results to download.

        Results Object

        urls = [qrblock.url for qrblock in qres]

        filenames = []
        local_filenames = []

        for i, [url, qre] in enumerate(zip(urls, qres)):
            name = url.split('/')[-1]

            # temporary fix !!! coz All QRBs have same start_time values
            day = qre.time.start.date() + datetime.timedelta(days=i)

            if name not in filenames:

            if name.endswith('.gz'):

        # Files to be actually downloaded
        paths = self._get_full_filenames(qres, filenames, path)

        # Those files that will be present after get returns
        local_paths = self._get_full_filenames(qres, local_filenames, path)

        res = Results(lambda x: None, 0, lambda map_: self._link(map_))

        # remove duplicate urls. This will make paths and urls to have same number of elements.
        # OrderedDict is required to maintain ordering because it will be zipped with paths later

        urls = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(urls))

        dobj = Downloader(max_conn=len(urls), max_total=len(urls))

        # We cast to list here in list(zip... to force execution of
        # res.require([x]) at the start of the loop.
        for aurl, ncall, fname in list(
                zip(urls, map(lambda x: res.require([x]), urls), paths)):
            dobj.download(aurl, fname, ncall, error_callback)


        res2 = Results(lambda x: None, 0)

        for fname, srs_filename in zip(local_paths, local_filenames):

            fname = fname.args[0]
            name = fname.split('/')[-1]

            past_year = False
            for i, fname2 in enumerate(paths):

                fname2 = fname2.args[0]

                if fname2.endswith('.txt'):

                year = fname2.split('/')[-1]
                year = year.split('_SRS')[0]

                if year in name:
                    TarFile = tarfile.open(fname2)
                    filepath = fname.rpartition('/')[0]
                    member = TarFile.getmember('SRS/' + srs_filename)
                    member.name = name
                    TarFile.extract(member, path=filepath)

                    callback = res2.require([fname])
                    callback({'path': fname})

                    past_year = True

            if past_year is False:
                callback = res2.require([fname])
                callback({'path': fname})

        return res2
Exemplo n.º 8
    def fetch(self, qres, path=None, error_callback=None, **kwargs):
        Download a set of results.

        qres : `~sunpy.net.dataretriever.QueryResponse`
            Results to download.

        Results Object

        urls = [qrblock.url for qrblock in qres]

        filenames = []
        local_filenames = []

        for i, [url, qre] in enumerate(zip(urls, qres)):
            name = url.split('/')[-1]

            # temporary fix !!! coz All QRBs have same start_time values
            day = Time(qre.time.start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) + TimeDelta(i*u.day)

            if name not in filenames:

            if name.endswith('.gz'):

        # Files to be actually downloaded
        paths = self._get_full_filenames(qres, filenames, path)

        # Those files that will be present after get returns
        local_paths = self._get_full_filenames(qres, local_filenames, path)

        res = Results(lambda x: None, 0, lambda map_: self._link(map_))

        # remove duplicate urls. This will make paths and urls to have same number of elements.
        # OrderedDict is required to maintain ordering because it will be zipped with paths later

        urls = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(urls))

        dobj = Downloader(max_conn=len(urls), max_total=len(urls))

        # We cast to list here in list(zip... to force execution of
        # res.require([x]) at the start of the loop.
        for aurl, ncall, fname in list(zip(urls, map(lambda x: res.require([x]),
                                                     urls), paths)):
            dobj.download(aurl, fname, ncall, error_callback)


        res2 = Results(lambda x: None, 0)

        for fname, srs_filename in zip(local_paths, local_filenames):

            fname = fname.args[0]
            name = fname.split('/')[-1]

            past_year = False
            for i, fname2 in enumerate(paths):

                fname2 = fname2.args[0]

                if fname2.endswith('.txt'):

                year = fname2.split('/')[-1]
                year = year.split('_SRS')[0]

                if year in name:
                    TarFile = tarfile.open(fname2)
                    filepath = fname.rpartition('/')[0]
                    member = TarFile.getmember('SRS/' + srs_filename)
                    member.name = name
                    TarFile.extract(member, path=filepath)

                    callback = res2.require([fname])
                    callback({'path': fname})

                    past_year = True

            if past_year is False:
                callback = res2.require([fname])
                callback({'path': fname})

        return res2
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_request(self, requestIDs, path=None, overwrite=False, progress=True,
                    max_conn=5, downloader=None, results=None):
        Query JSOC to see if request_id is ready for download.

        If the request is ready for download, download it.

        requestIDs : list or string
            One or many requestID strings

        path : string
            Path to save data to, defaults to SunPy download dir

        overwrite : bool
            Replace files with the same name if True

        progress : bool
            Print progress info to terminal

        max_conns : int
            Maximum number of download connections.

        downloader : `sunpy.download.Downloader` instance
            A Custom downloader to use

        results: Results instance
            A Results manager to use.

        res: Results
            A Results instance or None if no URLs to download

        # Convert IDs to a list if not already

        if not isiterable(requestIDs) or isinstance(requestIDs, six.string_types):
            requestIDs = [requestIDs]

        if path is None:
            path = config.get('downloads', 'download_dir')
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)

        if downloader is None:
            downloader = Downloader(max_conn=max_conn, max_total=max_conn)

        # A Results object tracks the number of downloads requested and the
        # number that have been completed.
        if results is None:
            results = Results(lambda _: downloader.stop())

        urls = []
        for request_id in requestIDs:
            u = self._request_status(request_id)

            if u.status_code == 200 and u.json()['status'] == '0':
                for ar in u.json()['data']:
                    is_file = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, ar['filename']))
                    if overwrite or not is_file:
                        url_dir = BASE_DL_URL + u.json()['dir'] + '/'
                        urls.append(urllib.parse.urljoin(url_dir, ar['filename']))

                        print_message = "Skipping download of file {} as it " \
                                        "has already been downloaded"
                        # Add the file on disk to the output
                                            {'path': os.path.join(path, ar['filename'])}})

                if progress:
                    print_message = "{0} URLs found for download. Totalling {1}MB"
                    print(print_message.format(len(urls), u.json()['size']))

                if progress:

        if urls:
            for url in urls:
                downloader.download(url, callback=results.require([url]),
                                    errback=lambda x: print(x), path=path)

            # Make Results think it has finished.

        return results
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: jsoc.py Projeto: bwgref/sunpy
    def get_request(self, requests, path=None, overwrite=False, progress=True,
                    max_conn=5, downloader=None, results=None):
        Query JSOC to see if the request(s) is ready for download.

        If the request is ready for download, it will then download it.

        requests : `~drms.ExportRequest`, `str`, `list`
            `~drms.ExportRequest` objects or `str` request IDs or lists
            returned by `~sunpy.net.jsoc.jsoc.JSOCClient.request_data`.

        path : `str`
            Path to save data to, defaults to SunPy download dir.

        overwrite : `bool`
            Replace files with the same name if True.

        progress : `bool`
            Print progress info to terminal.

        max_conns : `int`
            Maximum number of download connections.

        downloader : `~sunpy.net.download.Downloader`
            A Custom downloader to use

        results: `~sunpy.net.download.Results`
            A `~sunpy.net.download.Results` manager to use.

        res: `~sunpy.net.download.Results`
            A `~sunpy.net.download.Results` instance or `None` if no URLs to download

        c = drms.Client()

        # Convert Responses to a list if not already
        if isinstance(requests, six.string_types) or not isiterable(requests):
            requests = [requests]

        # Ensure all the requests are drms ExportRequest objects
        for i, request in enumerate(requests):
            if isinstance(request, six.string_types):
                r = c.export_from_id(request)
                requests[i] = r

        # We only download if all are finished
        if not all([r.has_succeeded() for r in requests]):
            raise NotExportedError("Can not download as not all the requests"
                                   "have been exported for download yet.")

        # Ensure path has a {file} in it
        if path is None:
            default_dir = config.get("downloads", "download_dir")
            path = os.path.join(default_dir, '{file}')
        elif isinstance(path, six.string_types) and '{file}' not in path:
            path = os.path.join(path, '{file}')

        paths = []
        for request in requests:
            for filename in request.data['filename']:
                # Ensure we don't duplicate the file extension
                ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
                if path.endswith(ext):
                    fname = path.strip(ext)
                    fname = path
                fname = fname.format(file=filename)
                fname = os.path.expanduser(fname)
                fname = partial(simple_path, fname)

        if downloader is None:
            downloader = Downloader(max_conn=max_conn, max_total=max_conn)

        # A Results object tracks the number of downloads requested and the
        # number that have been completed.
        if results is None:
            results = Results(lambda _: downloader.stop(),
                              done=lambda maps: [v['path'] for v in maps.values()])

        urls = []
        for request in requests:

            if request.status == 0:
                for index, data in request.data.iterrows():
                    is_file = os.path.isfile(paths[index].args[0])
                    if overwrite or not is_file:
                        url_dir = request.request_url + '/'
                        urls.append(urllib.parse.urljoin(url_dir, data['filename']))

                    if not overwrite and is_file:
                        print_message = "Skipping download of file {} as it " \
                                        "has already been downloaded. " \
                                        "If you want to redownload the data, "\
                                        "please set overwrite to True"
                        # Add the file on disk to the output
                                            {'path': paths[index].args[0]}})
        if urls:
            if progress:
                print_message = "{0} URLs found for download. Full request totalling {1}MB"
                print(print_message.format(len(urls), request._d['size']))
            for i, url in enumerate(urls):
                downloader.download(url, callback=results.require([url]),
                                    errback=lambda x: print(x), path=paths[i])

            # Make Results think it has finished.

        return results