def test_pow3():
    x = X(2, 'x')
    y = X(2, 'y')
    f = (5 * x)**(2 * y)
    assert f.val == [10000]
    assert f.der['x'] == [20000]
    assert f.der['y'] == [20000 * np.log(10)]
def test_add2():
    x = X(2, 'x')
    y = X(3, 'y')
    f = (5 * x) + (8 * y)
    assert f.val == [34]
    assert f.der['x'] == [5]
    assert f.der['y'] == [8]
def test_mul2():
    x = X(4, 'x')
    y = X(5, 'y')
    f = (2 * x) * (3 * y)
    assert f.val == [120]
    assert f.der['x'] == [30]
    assert f.der['y'] == [24]
def test_multiple_variables_and_values():
    # f(x, y) = 2xy^2, evaluate at f(8, 9) and f(4, 12)
    x = X([8, 4], 'x')
    y = X([9, 12], 'y')
    f_xy = 2 * x * (y**2)
    assert f_xy.val == [1296, 1152]
    assert f_xy.der['x'] == [162, 288]
    assert f_xy.der['y'] == [288, 192]
def test_multiple_variables():
    # f(x, y) = x^2 * y^3, evaluate at f(3, 4)
    x = X(3, 'x')
    y = X(4, 'y')
    f_xy = (x**2) * (y**3)
    assert f_xy.val == [576]
    assert f_xy.der['x'] == [384]
    assert f_xy.der['y'] == [432]
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_cal_gradient_2d():
    def foo(x, y):
        fx = x**2 + y**2
        return fx.val, fx.der

    p = GD(max_iter=10000, step_size=0.01, precision=0.0001)
    x = X(10, 'x')
    y = X(10, 'y')
    val = p.cal_gradient_2d(foo, x, y)
    assert (abs(0 - val[0][0]) < 0.01)
    assert (abs(0 - val[1][0]) < 0.01)
def test_scalar_jacobian():
    # This is basically just calculating the gradient of f(x, y) = x^2 * y^2
    # since the Jacobian for a scalar function is the gradient.
    x = X(3, 'x')
    y = X(4, 'y')
    fx = x * x * y * y
    allVars, jacs = fx.jacobian()
    assert 'x' in allVars
    assert 'y' in allVars

    xIdx = allVars.index('x')
    yIdx = allVars.index('y')
    jac = jacs[0]
    assert jac[0, xIdx] == 96
    assert jac[0, yIdx] == 72
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_cal_gradient_nd():
    def foo(vars):
        fx = vars[0]**2 + vars[1]**2 + vars[2]**2 + vars[3]**2
        return fx.val, fx.der

    x = X(10, 'x')
    y = X(10, 'y')
    z = X(10, 'z')
    a = X(10, 'a')

    p = GD(max_iter=10000, step_size=0.01, precision=0.0001)
    val = p.cal_gradient_nd(foo, [x, y, z, a])
    assert (abs(0 - val[0][0]) < 0.01)
    assert (abs(0 - val[1][0]) < 0.01)
    assert (abs(0 - val[2][0]) < 0.01)
    assert (abs(0 - val[3][0]) < 0.01)
def test_vector1():
    xV, yV = 2, 3
    x, y = X(xV, 'x'), X(yV, 'y')
    f1, f2 = 2 * (x**2) * y, 3 * (x**2) + (y**3)

    v = Vector([f1, f2])
    assert v.val[0][0, 0] == 2 * (xV**2) * yV
    assert v.val[0][1, 0] == 3 * (xV**2) + (yV**3)

    allVars, jac = v.jacobian()
    jac = jac[0]
    xIdx = allVars.index('x')
    yIdx = allVars.index('y')
    assert jac[0, xIdx] == 4 * xV * yV
    assert jac[0, yIdx] == 2 * (xV**2)
    assert jac[1, xIdx] == 6 * xV
    assert jac[1, yIdx] == 3 * (yV**2)
def test_vector2():
    xV, yV = 2, 3
    x, y = X(xV, 'x'), X(yV, 'y')
    f1, f2 = (x**2) + (2 * x) + 3, 3 * (y**2) + (4 * y) + 8

    v = Vector([f1, f2])
    assert v.val[0][0, 0] == (xV**2) + (2 * xV) + 3
    assert v.val[0][1, 0] == 3 * (yV**2) + (4 * yV) + 8

    allVars, jac = v.jacobian()
    jac = jac[0]
    xIdx = allVars.index('x')
    yIdx = allVars.index('y')
    assert jac[0, xIdx] == 2 * xV + 2
    assert jac[0, yIdx] == 0
    assert jac[1, xIdx] == 0
    assert jac[1, yIdx] == 6 * yV + 4
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_cal_gradient_1d():
    def foo(x):
        fx = x**2 + x
        return fx.val, fx.der

    p = GD(max_iter=10000, step_size=0.001, precision=0.0000001)
    x = X(0)
    val = p.cal_gradient_1d(foo, x)
    assert (abs(-0.5 - val) < 0.01)
    def cal_gradient_2d(self, f, x0, y0):
        next_x = x0.val[0]
        next_y = y0.val[0]
        next_val = np.array([[next_x], [next_y]])

        for _ in range(self.max_iter):
            cur_val = next_val
            cur_x = float(cur_val[0][0])
            cur_y = float(cur_val[1][0])

            x = X(cur_x, 'x')
            y = X(cur_y, 'y')
            val, der = f(x, y)
            der_vec = dic_to_vec(der)
            next_val = cur_val - self.step_size * der_vec
            if np.linalg.norm(cur_val - next_val) <= self.precision:

        return next_val
    def cal_gradient_1d(self, f, x0):
        next_x = x0.val[0]
        for _ in range(self.max_iter):
            cur_x = next_x
            x = X(cur_x)
            val, der = f(x)
            next_x = cur_x - self.step_size * der['x'][0]
            if abs(cur_x - next_x) <= self.precision:

        return next_x
def test_vector_operators():
    x1 = X(3)
    v1 = Vector([x1])
    x2 = X(4)
    v2 = Vector([x2])

    assert v1 < v2
    assert v1 <= v2
    assert not v1 > v2
    assert not v1 >= v2

    assert v1 > 2
    assert v1 >= 2
    assert v1 < 4
    assert v1 <= 4

    assert v1 == v1
    assert v1 != v2

    x3 = X(5, 'x3')
    v3 = Vector([x1, x3])
    assert v1 != v3
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_newton1():
    f1 = lambda x: Sin(x[0])

    f = [f1]
    init_x = [1.0]
    n = Newton(f, init_x)
    x = X(n[0])
    f11= Sin(x)

    assert f11.val[0] < 1e-8
    def cal_gradient_nd(self, f, args):
        next_val = []
        for arg in args:
        next_val = np.expand_dims(next_val, axis=0).T

        for _ in range(self.max_iter):
            cur_val = next_val
            var_list = [float(num[0]) for num in cur_val]
            input_list = [X(var_list[i], str(i)) for i in range(len(var_list))]
            val, der = f(input_list)
            der_vec = dic_to_vec(der)
            next_val = cur_val - self.step_size * der_vec
            if np.linalg.norm(cur_val - next_val) <= self.precision:

        return next_val
Exemplo n.º 17
def bgfs(f,
             .00001, .00005, .0001, .0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5,
             1, 5

    x_current = [X(init_x[i], 'x' + str(i)) for i in range(len(init_x))]
    B = np.eye(len(init_x))

    for i_iter in range(max_iter):
        func = f(x_current)
        f_jac = func.jacobian()[1][0].T
        p = -np.linalg.pinv(B) @ f_jac

        f_minmin = 10**13
        alpha_minmin = .00001
        for alpha in alphas:
            f_min = f([
                x_current[i] + alpha * p[i, 0] for i in range(len(x_current))
            if f_min.val[0] < f_minmin:
                f_minmin = f_min.val[0]
                alpha_minmin = alpha

        if math.isnan(float(p[0])):
                "It doesn't converge using bgfs! Please use some other methods or check if a maximum/minimum exists!"
            return [x_current[i].val[0] for i in range(len(x_current))]

        s = alpha_minmin * p
        if np.linalg.norm(s) <= accuracy:
                'Since the shifted distance is smaller than {}, we stop the loop at {}th iteration.'
                .format(accuracy, i_iter))
        x_current = [
            x_current[i] + alpha_minmin * p[i, 0]
            for i in range(len(x_current))
        if verbose:
            print('At {}th iteration, current x value is: '.format(i_iter),
                  [x_current[i].val[0] for i in range(len(x_current))],
                  ', the step taken is: ', s, '.\n')
        y_current = f(x_current).jacobian()[1][0].T - f_jac

        B += / ( -
            s.T).dot(B.T) / (

    final_del = [x_current[i].val[0] for i in range(len(x_current))]
    if i_iter == max_iter - 1:
            "Notice that the change in distance of x is still larger than input accuracy! It probably doesn't converge using bgfs! "
    if verbose:
        print('The final value we get is', final_del, '.')
    return final_del
Exemplo n.º 18
from superdifferentiator.forward.functions import X, Log, Sin, Cos, Tan
from superdifferentiator.forward.Vector import Vector

x = X(3)
sx = Sin(x)
cx = Cos(x)

fx = sx + cx
fx = 3 + Cos(x)
fx = Tan(x) + 3

x = X(3, 'x')
y = X(4, 'y')
fx = x * x * y * y
allVars, jacs = fx.jacobian()
print('f(x, y) = x^2 * y^2 for f(3, 4)')

xV = [3, 5]
x = X(xV)
f1 = (x ** 2) + (2 * x) + 3
f2 = (2 ** x)
v = Vector([f1, f2])
vals = v.val
allVars, jacs = v.jacobian()

print('g(x) = x^2 + 2x + 3 for x = 3, 5 =', f1.val)
print('h(x) = 2^x for x = 3, 5 =', f2.val)
def rpow_invalid():
    x = X(2)
    f = 'hello'**x
def test_create_cos():
    x = X(2)
    x1 = Cos(x)
    assert x1.val == [np.cos(2)]
    assert x1.der['x'] == [-np.sin(2)]
def rdiv_invalid():
    x = X(2)
    f = 'hello' / x
def div_invalid():
    x = X(2)
    f = x / 'hello'
def rsub_invalid():
    x = X(2)
    f = 'hello' - x
def mul_invalid():
    x = X(2)
    f = x * 'hello'
def test_create_tan():
    x = X(2)
    x1 = Tan(x)
    assert x1.val == [np.tan(2)]
    assert x1.der['x'] == [1 / np.cos(2)**2]
def test_create_sin():
    x = X(2)
    x1 = Sin(x)
    assert x1.val == [np.sin(2)]
    assert x1.der['x'] == [np.cos(2)]
def add_invalid():
    x = X(2)
    f = x + 'hello'
def pow_invalid():
    x = X(2)
    f = x**'hello'
def sub_invalid():
    x = X(2)
    f = x - 'hello'
def test_neq():
    x1 = X(3)
    x2 = X(4)
    assert x1 != x2