Exemplo n.º 1
def test_failing_import_datasets_versioned_export(import_datasets_command,
                                                  app_context, fs, caplog):
    Test that failing to import either ZIP or YAML is done elegantly.
    # pylint: disable=reimported, redefined-outer-name
    import superset.cli  # noqa: F811

    # reload to define export_datasets correctly based on the
    # feature flags

    # write YAML file
    with open("datasets.yaml", "w") as fp:
        fp.write("hello: world")

    runner = app.test_cli_runner()
    response = runner.invoke(superset.cli.import_datasources,
                             ("-p", "datasets.yaml"))

    assert_cli_fails_properly(response, caplog)

    # write ZIP file
    with ZipFile("datasets.zip", "w") as bundle:
        with bundle.open("datasets/dataset.yaml", "w") as fp:
            fp.write(b"hello: world")

    runner = app.test_cli_runner()
    response = runner.invoke(superset.cli.import_datasources,
                             ("-p", "datasets.zip"))

    assert_cli_fails_properly(response, caplog)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_import_datasets_versioned_export(import_datasets_command, app_context, fs):
    Test that both ZIP and YAML can be imported.
    # pylint: disable=reimported, redefined-outer-name
    import superset.cli  # noqa: F811

    # reload to define export_datasets correctly based on the
    # feature flags

    # write YAML file
    with open("datasets.yaml", "w") as fp:
        fp.write("hello: world")

    runner = app.test_cli_runner()
    response = runner.invoke(superset.cli.import_datasources, ("-p", "datasets.yaml"))

    assert response.exit_code == 0
    expected_contents = {"datasets.yaml": "hello: world"}
    import_datasets_command.assert_called_with(expected_contents, overwrite=True)

    # write ZIP file
    with ZipFile("datasets.zip", "w") as bundle:
        with bundle.open("datasets/dataset.yaml", "w") as fp:
            fp.write(b"hello: world")

    runner = app.test_cli_runner()
    response = runner.invoke(superset.cli.import_datasources, ("-p", "datasets.zip"))

    assert response.exit_code == 0
    expected_contents = {"dataset.yaml": "hello: world"}
    import_datasets_command.assert_called_with(expected_contents, overwrite=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_import_datasets_sync_argument_metrics(
    import_datasets_command, app_context, fs
    Test that the --sync command line argument syncs dataset in superset
    with YAML file. Using only metrics with the --sync flag
    # pylint: disable=reimported, redefined-outer-name
    import superset.cli.importexport  # noqa: F811

    # reload to define export_datasets correctly based on the
    # feature flags

    # write YAML file
    with open("dataset.yaml", "w") as fp:
        fp.write("hello: world")

    runner = app.test_cli_runner()
    response = runner.invoke(
        ["-p", "dataset.yaml", "-s", "metrics"],

    assert response.exit_code == 0
    expected_contents = {"dataset.yaml": "hello: world"}
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_failing_export_datasources_versioned_export(export_dashboards_command,
                                                     app_context, fs, caplog):
    Test that failing to export ZIP file is done elegantly.
    # pylint: disable=reimported, redefined-outer-name
    import superset.cli  # noqa: F811

    # reload to define export_dashboards correctly based on the
    # feature flags

    runner = app.test_cli_runner()
    with freeze_time("2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"):
        response = runner.invoke(superset.cli.export_datasources, ())

    assert_cli_fails_properly(response, caplog)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_export_datasources_versioned_export(app_context, fs):
    Test that a ZIP file is exported.
    # pylint: disable=reimported, redefined-outer-name
    import superset.cli  # noqa: F811

    # reload to define export_dashboards correctly based on the
    # feature flags

    runner = app.test_cli_runner()
    with freeze_time("2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"):
        response = runner.invoke(superset.cli.export_datasources, ())

    assert response.exit_code == 0
    assert Path("dataset_export_20210101T000000.zip").exists()

    assert is_zipfile("dataset_export_20210101T000000.zip")
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_export_dashboards_original(app_context, fs):
    Test that a JSON file is exported.
    # pylint: disable=reimported, redefined-outer-name
    import superset.cli  # noqa: F811

    # reload to define export_dashboards correctly based on the
    # feature flags

    runner = app.test_cli_runner()
    response = runner.invoke(superset.cli.export_dashboards, ("-f", "dashboards.json"))

    assert response.exit_code == 0
    assert Path("dashboards.json").exists()

    # check that file is valid JSON
    with open("dashboards.json") as fp:
        contents = fp.read()