Exemplo n.º 1
 def graph(self, uri):
     if self.query_type not in [CLEAR]:
         raise ValueError('The specified <%s> query type does not support the CLEAR GRAPH clause' % (self.query_type))
     if type(uri) not in (URIRef, Namespace) and not is_uri(uri):
         raise ValueError('The argument is not a uri')
     self._clear_uri = uri
     return self
Exemplo n.º 2
 def into(self, *uris):
     if self.query_type not in [INSERT_DATA, INSERT, LOAD]:
         raise ValueError('The specified <%s> query type does not support the INTO clause' % (self.query_type))
     if self.query_type is LOAD and len(uris) != 1:
         raise ValueError('The LOAD query, supports only one uri for the INTO clause')
     self._into_uri.extend([uri for uri in uris if type(uri) is URIRef or is_uri(uri)])
     return self
Exemplo n.º 3
 def into(self, *uris):
     if self.query_type not in [INSERT_DATA, INSERT]:
         raise ValueError('The specified <%s> query type does not support the INTO clause' % (self.query_type))
     if self.query_type is LOAD and len(uris) != 1:
         raise ValueError('The LOAD query, supports only one uri for the INTO clause')
     self._into_uri.extend([uri for uri in uris if type(uri) is URIRef or is_uri(uri)])
     return self
Exemplo n.º 4
 def load(self, remote_uri):
     if self.query_type not in [LOAD]:
         raise ValueError('The specified <%s> query type does not support the LOAD clause' % (self.query_type))
     if type(remote_uri) is not URIRef and not is_uri(remote_uri):
         raise ValueError('The argument is not a uri')
     self._remote_uri = remote_uri
     return self
Exemplo n.º 5
 def load(self, remote_uri):
     if self.query_type not in [LOAD]:
         raise ValueError('The specified <%s> query type does not support the LOAD clause' % (self.query_type))
     if type(remote_uri) is not URIRef and not is_uri(remote_uri):
         raise ValueError('The argument is not a uri')
     self._remote_uri = remote_uri
     return self
Exemplo n.º 6
 def graph(self, uri):
     if self.query_type not in [CLEAR]:
         raise ValueError('The specified <%s> query type does not support the CLEAR GRAPH clause' % (self.query_type))
     if type(uri) is not URIRef and not is_uri(uri):
         raise ValueError('The argument is not a uri')
     self._clear_uri = uri
     return self
Exemplo n.º 7
 def from_(self, *uris):
     if self.query_type not in [DELETE_DATA, DELETE]:
         raise ValueError(
             'The specified <%s> query type does not support the FROM clause'
             % (self.query_type))
         [uri for uri in uris if type(uri) is URIRef or is_uri(uri)])
     return self
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __uri(self, uri):
        """ For **internal** use only, convert the `uri` to a `URIRef`. """

        if not uri:
            return None

        if type(uri) is URIRef:
            return uri
            if not is_uri(uri):
                attrname = de_camel_case(uri, '_', DE_CAMEL_CASE_DEFAULT)
                uri, _ = attr2rdf(attrname)
            return URIRef(uri)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __uri(self, uri):
        """ For **internal** use only, convert the `uri` to a `URIRef`. """

        if not uri:
            return None

        if type(uri) is URIRef:
            return uri
            if not is_uri(uri):
                attrname = de_camel_case(uri, '_', DE_CAMEL_CASE_DEFAULT)
                uri, _ = attr2rdf(attrname)
            return URIRef(uri)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def _term(self, term):
     if type(term) in [URIRef, BNode]:
         return '%s' % (term.n3())
     elif type(term) in [str, unicode]:
         if term.startswith('?'):
             return '%s' % term
         elif is_uri(term):
             return '<%s>' % term
             return '"%s"' % term
     elif type(term) is Literal:
         return term.n3()
     elif type(term) in [list, tuple]:
         return '"%s"@%s' % (term[0], term[1])
     elif type(term) is type and hasattr(term, 'uri'):
         return '%s' % term.uri().n3()
     elif hasattr(term, 'subject'):
         return '%s' % term.subject.n3()
     return term.__str__()
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _term(self, term):
     if type(term) in [URIRef, BNode]:
         return '%s' % (term.n3())
     elif type(term) in [str, unicode]:
         if term.startswith('?'):
             return '%s' % term
         elif is_uri(term):
             return '<%s>' % term
             return '"%s"' % term
     elif type(term) is Literal:
         return term.n3()
     elif type(term) in [list, tuple]:
         return '"%s"@%s' % (term[0], term[1])
     elif type(term) is type and hasattr(term, 'uri'):
         return '%s' % term.uri().n3()
     elif hasattr(term, 'subject'):
         return '%s' % term.subject.n3()
     return term.__str__()
Exemplo n.º 12
def string_val(term):
    if isinstance(term, (URIRef, BNode)):
        return '%s' % (term.n3())
    elif isinstance(term, str):
        if term.startswith('?'):
            return '%s' % term
        elif is_uri(term):
            return '<%s>' % term
            return '"%s"' % term
    elif type(term) is Literal:
        return term.n3()
    elif isinstance(term, (list, tuple)):
        return '"%s"@%s' % (term[0], term[1])
    elif type(term) is type and hasattr(term, 'uri'):
        return '%s' % term.uri().n3()
    elif hasattr(term, 'subject'):
        return '%s' % term.subject.n3()
    return term.__str__()
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _term(self, term):
        if isinstance(term, (URIRef, BNode)):
            return u'{0:s}'.format
        elif isinstance(term, (str, str)):
            if term.startswith('?'):
                return u'{0:s}'.format(term)
            elif is_uri(term):
                return u'<{0:s}>'.format(term)
                return u'"{0:s}"'.format(term)
        elif type(term) is Literal:
            return term.n3()
        elif isinstance(term, (list, tuple)):
            return '"{0:s}"@{1:s}'.format(term[0], term[1])
        elif type(term) is type and hasattr(term, 'uri'):
            return u'{0:s}'.format
        elif hasattr(term, 'subject'):
            return u'{0:s}'.format

        return term.__str__()
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _term(self, term):
        if type(term) in [URIRef, BNode]:
            return u'{0:s}'.format
        elif type(term) in [str, unicode]:
            if term.startswith('?'):
                return u'{0:s}'.format(term)
            elif is_uri(term):
                return u'<{0:s}>'.format(term)
                return u'"{0:s}"'.format(term)
        elif type(term) is Literal:
            return term.n3()
        elif type(term) in [list, tuple]:
            return '"{0:s}"@{1:s}'.format(term[0], term[1])
        elif type(term) is type and hasattr(term, 'uri'):
            return u'{0:s}'.format
        elif hasattr(term, 'subject'):
            return u'{0:s}'.format

        return term.__str__()
Exemplo n.º 15
 def from_(self, *uris):
     if self.query_type not in [DELETE_DATA, DELETE]:
         raise ValueError('The specified <%s> query type does not support the FROM clause' % (self.query_type))
     self._from_uri.extend([uri for uri in uris if type(uri) is URIRef or is_uri(uri)])
     return self