Exemplo n.º 1
 def mix_phase_generate_permutations(self, row_index, col_index):
     assert row_index == 'a'
     election = self.election
     # generate permutations (and inverses) used in each column
     # in practice, these could be generated by row 0 server
     # and sent securely to the others in the same column.
     for race_id in election.race_ids:
         j = col_index
         rand_name = self.sdb[race_id]['a'][j]['rand_name']
         sv.init_randomness_source(rand_name) # optional - TODO remove after transition to unshared memory only
         for k in election.k_list:
             pi = sv.random_permutation(election.p_list, rand_name)
             pi_inv = sv.inverse_permutation(pi)
             for i in self.row_list:
                 self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['pi'] = pi
                 self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['pi_inv'] = pi_inv
     dict_update_to_share = dict()
     for race_id in election.race_ids:
         dict_update_to_share[race_id] = dict()
         for i in self.row_list:
             dict_update_to_share[race_id][i] = dict()
             j = col_index
             assert type(j)==int
             dict_update_to_share[race_id][i][j] = dict()
             for k in election.k_list:
                 dict_update_to_share[race_id][i][j][k] = dict()
                 dict_update_to_share[race_id][i][j][k]['pi'] = self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['pi']
                 dict_update_to_share[race_id][i][j][k]['pi_inv'] = self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['pi_inv']
     return dict_update_to_share
Exemplo n.º 2
def read_cut_verifier_challenges(sbb_dict, sbb, db):
    """ Read verifier challenges from proof:cutandchoose_verifier_challenges; save into db.
    chs = sbb_dict['proof:cutandchoose_verifier_challenges']['challenges']
    assert isdict(chs, ['cut'])
    assert isdict(chs['cut'], ['icl', 'opl'])
    icl = chs['cut']['icl']
    assert isinstance(icl, list)
    assert len(icl) == db['n_reps'] // 2
    assert set(icl).issubset(db['k_list'])
    opl = chs['cut']['opl']
    assert isinstance(opl, list)
    assert len(opl) == db['n_reps'] // 2
    assert set(opl).issubset(db['k_list'])
    assert set(icl).isdisjoint(set(opl))
    db['icl'] = icl
    db['opl'] = opl
    # now check that icl and opl are consistent with sbb_hash
    # see make_cut_verifier_challenges in sv_prover.py
    rand_name = 'cut_verifier_challenges'
    sbb_hash = sbb_dict['proof:cutandchoose_verifier_challenges']['sbb_hash']
    stop_before_header = 'proof:cutandchoose_verifier_challenges'
    sbb_hash2 = sv.bytes2hex(hash_sbb(sbb, stop_before_header))
    assert sbb_hash2 == sbb_hash, "sbb_hash2: " + str(
        sbb_hash2) + "sbb_hash: " + str(sbb_hash)
    sv.init_randomness_source(rand_name, sv.hex2bytes(sbb_hash))
    pi = sv.random_permutation(db['n_reps'], rand_name)
    m = db['n_reps'] // 2
    pi = [pi[i] for i in range(2 * m)]
    icl2 = [db['k_list'][i] for i in sorted(pi[:m])]
    opl2 = [db['k_list'][i] for i in sorted(pi[m:])]
    assert icl2 == icl
    assert opl2 == opl
    print('read_cut_verifier_challenges: successful.')
Exemplo n.º 3
def make_cut_and_choose_challenges(election, rand_name, challenges):
    """ Return random split of [0,1,...,n_reps-1] into two lists.

    Use specified randomness source.
    This icl/opl split will be the same for all races.
    (This can be easily changed if desired.)
    # icl = subset of election.k_list used for "input comparison"
    # opl = subset of election.k_list used for "output production"
    Save results in challenges dict.
    m = election.n_reps // 2
    pi = sv.random_permutation(2 * m, rand_name)
    pi = [pi[i] for i in range(2 * m)]
    # icl = copies for input comparison
    # opl = copies for output production
    icl = [election.k_list[i] for i in sorted(pi[:m])]
    opl = [election.k_list[i] for i in sorted(pi[m:])]
    challenges['cut'] = {'icl': icl, 'opl': opl}
Exemplo n.º 4
def make_cut_and_choose_challenges(election, rand_name, challenges):
    """ Return random split of [0,1,...,n_reps-1] into two lists.

    Use specified randomness source.
    This icl/opl split will be the same for all races.
    (This can be easily changed if desired.)
    # icl = subset of election.k_list used for "input comparison"
    # opl = subset of election.k_list used for "output production"
    Save results in challenges dict.
    m = election.n_reps // 2
    pi = sv.random_permutation(2*m, rand_name)
    pi = [pi[i] for i in range(2*m)]
    # icl = copies for input comparison
    # opl = copies for output production
    icl = [election.k_list[i] for i in sorted(pi[:m])]
    opl = [election.k_list[i] for i in sorted(pi[m:])]
    challenges['cut'] = {'icl': icl, 'opl': opl}
Exemplo n.º 5
def read_verifier_challenges(sbb_dict, sbb, db):
    """ Read verifier challenges from proof:verifier_challenges; save into db.
    chs = sbb_dict['proof:verifier_challenges']['challenges']
    assert isdict(chs, ['cut', 'leftright'])
    assert isdict(chs['cut'], ['icl', 'opl'])
    icl = chs['cut']['icl']
    assert isinstance(icl, list)
    assert len(icl) == db['n_reps'] // 2
    assert set(icl).issubset(db['k_list'])
    opl = chs['cut']['opl']
    assert isinstance(opl, list)
    assert len(opl) == db['n_reps'] // 2
    assert set(opl).issubset(db['k_list'])
    assert set(icl).isdisjoint(set(opl))
    db['icl'] = icl
    db['opl'] = opl
    leftright = chs['leftright']
    assert isdict(leftright, db['race_ids'])
    for race_id in leftright.keys():
        lr_dict = leftright[race_id]
        assert set(lr_dict.keys()) == set(db['p_list'])
        for p in db['p_list']:
            lr = lr_dict[p]
            assert lr == 'left' or lr == 'right'
    db['leftright'] = leftright
    # now check that icl, opl, and leftright are consistent with sbb_hash
    # see make_verifier_challenges in sv_prover.py
    rand_name = 'verifier_challenges'
    sbb_hash = sbb_dict['proof:verifier_challenges']['sbb_hash']
    stop_before_header = 'proof:verifier_challenges'
    sbb_hash2 = sv.bytes2hex(hash_sbb(sbb, stop_before_header))
    assert sbb_hash2 == sbb_hash
    sv.init_randomness_source(rand_name, sv.hex2bytes(sbb_hash))
    pi = sv.random_permutation(db['n_reps'], rand_name)
    m = db['n_reps'] // 2
    pi = [pi[i] for i in range(2 * m)]
    icl2 = [db['k_list'][i] for i in sorted(pi[:m])]
    opl2 = [db['k_list'][i] for i in sorted(pi[m:])]
    assert icl2 == icl
    assert opl2 == opl
    leftright2 = make_left_right_challenges(rand_name, db)
    assert leftright2 == leftright
    print('read_verifier_challenges: successful.')
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_verifier_challenges(sbb_dict, sbb, db):
    """ Read verifier challenges from proof:verifier_challenges; save into db.
    chs = sbb_dict['proof:verifier_challenges']['challenges']
    assert isdict(chs, ['cut', 'leftright'])
    assert isdict(chs['cut'], ['icl', 'opl'])
    icl = chs['cut']['icl']
    assert isinstance(icl, list)
    assert len(icl) == db['n_reps'] // 2
    assert set(icl).issubset(db['k_list'])
    opl = chs['cut']['opl']
    assert isinstance(opl, list)
    assert len(opl) == db['n_reps'] // 2
    assert set(opl).issubset(db['k_list'])
    assert set(icl).isdisjoint(set(opl))
    db['icl'] = icl
    db['opl'] = opl
    leftright = chs['leftright']
    assert isdict(leftright, db['race_ids'])
    for race_id in leftright.keys():
        lr_dict = leftright[race_id]
        assert set(lr_dict.keys()) == set(db['p_list'])
        for p in db['p_list']:
            lr = lr_dict[p]
            assert lr == 'left' or lr == 'right'
    db['leftright'] = leftright
    # now check that icl, opl, and leftright are consistent with sbb_hash
    # see make_verifier_challenges in sv_prover.py
    rand_name = 'verifier_challenges'
    sbb_hash = sbb_dict['proof:verifier_challenges']['sbb_hash']
    stop_before_header = 'proof:verifier_challenges'
    sbb_hash2 = sv.bytes2hex(hash_sbb(sbb, stop_before_header))
    assert sbb_hash2 == sbb_hash
    sv.init_randomness_source(rand_name, sv.hex2bytes(sbb_hash))
    pi = sv.random_permutation(db['n_reps'], rand_name)
    m = db['n_reps'] // 2
    pi = [pi[i] for i in range(2*m)]
    icl2 = [db['k_list'][i] for i in sorted(pi[:m])]
    opl2 = [db['k_list'][i] for i in sorted(pi[m:])]
    assert icl2 == icl
    assert opl2 == opl
    leftright2 = make_left_right_challenges(rand_name, db)
    assert leftright2 == leftright
    print('read_verifier_challenges: successful.')
Exemplo n.º 7
 def mix(self):
     """ Mix votes.  Information flows left to right. """
     election = self.election
     # replicate input to become first-column x inputs for each race & pass
     for race_id in election.race_ids:
         for k in election.k_list:
             for i in self.row_list:
                 x = self.sdb[race_id][i][0]['x']   # dict of n x's
                 self.sdb[race_id][i][0][k]['x'] = x.copy()
     # generate permutations (and inverses) used in each column
     # in practice, these could be generated by row 0 server
     # and sent securely to the others in the same column.
     for race_id in election.race_ids:
         for j in range(self.cols):
             rand_name = self.sdb[race_id]['a'][j]['rand_name']
             for k in election.k_list:
                 pi = sv.random_permutation(election.p_list, rand_name)
                 pi_inv = sv.inverse_permutation(pi)
                 for i in self.row_list:
                     self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['pi'] = pi
                     self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['pi_inv'] = pi_inv
     # generate obfuscation values used in each column
     # in practice, these could be generated by row 0 server
     # and sent securely to the others in the same column.
     for race in election.races:
         race_id = race.race_id
         for j in range(self.cols):
             rand_name = self.sdb[race_id]['a'][j]['rand_name']
             for k in election.k_list:
                 fuzz_dict = dict()      # fuzz_dict[i][pnn]
                 for i in self.row_list:
                     fuzz_dict[i] = dict()
                 for v in election.p_list:
                     share_list = sv.share(0,
                     for row, i in enumerate(self.row_list):
                         fuzz_dict[i][v] = share_list[row][1]
                 for i in self.row_list:
                     # note that fuzz_dict[i] is dict of size n
                     self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['fuzz_dict'] = fuzz_dict[i]
     # process columns left-to-right, mixing as you go
     for race in self.election.races:
         race_id = race.race_id
         race_modulus = race.race_modulus
         for j in range(self.cols):
             for k in election.k_list:
                 for i in self.row_list:
                     # shuffle first
                     pi = self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['pi'] # length n
                     # note that pi is independent of i
                     x = self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['x']   # length n
                     xp = sv.apply_permutation(pi, x)      # length n
                     # then obfuscate by adding "fuzz"
                     fuzz_dict = self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['fuzz_dict']
                     xpo = dict()
                     for v in election.p_list:
                         xpo[v] = (xp[v] + fuzz_dict[v]) % race_modulus
                     y = xpo
                     self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['y'] = y
                     # this column's y's become next column's x's.
                     # in practice would be sent via secure channels
                     if j < self.cols - 1:
                         self.sdb[race_id][i][j+1][k]['x'] = y
Exemplo n.º 8
 def mix(self):
     """ Mix votes.  Information flows left to right. """
     election = self.election
     # replicate input to become first-column x inputs for each race & pass
     for race_id in election.race_ids:
         for k in election.k_list:
             for i in self.row_list:
                 x = self.sdb[race_id][i][0]['x']  # dict of n x's
                 self.sdb[race_id][i][0][k]['x'] = x.copy()
     # generate permutations (and inverses) used in each column
     # in practice, these could be generated by row 0 server
     # and sent securely to the others in the same column.
     for race_id in election.race_ids:
         for j in range(self.cols):
             rand_name = self.sdb[race_id]['a'][j]['rand_name']
             for k in election.k_list:
                 pi = sv.random_permutation(election.p_list, rand_name)
                 pi_inv = sv.inverse_permutation(pi)
                 for i in self.row_list:
                     self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['pi'] = pi
                     self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['pi_inv'] = pi_inv
     # generate obfuscation values used in each column
     # in practice, these could be generated by row 0 server
     # and sent securely to the others in the same column.
     for race in election.races:
         race_id = race.race_id
         for j in range(self.cols):
             rand_name = self.sdb[race_id]['a'][j]['rand_name']
             for k in election.k_list:
                 fuzz_dict = dict()  # fuzz_dict[i][pnn]
                 for i in self.row_list:
                     fuzz_dict[i] = dict()
                 for v in election.p_list:
                     share_list = sv.share(0, self.rows, self.threshold,
                                           rand_name, race.race_modulus)
                     for row, i in enumerate(self.row_list):
                         fuzz_dict[i][v] = share_list[row][1]
                 for i in self.row_list:
                     # note that fuzz_dict[i] is dict of size n
                     self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['fuzz_dict'] = fuzz_dict[i]
     # process columns left-to-right, mixing as you go
     for race in self.election.races:
         race_id = race.race_id
         race_modulus = race.race_modulus
         for j in range(self.cols):
             for k in election.k_list:
                 for i in self.row_list:
                     # shuffle first
                     pi = self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['pi']  # length n
                     # note that pi is independent of i
                     x = self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['x']  # length n
                     xp = sv.apply_permutation(pi, x)  # length n
                     # then obfuscate by adding "fuzz"
                     fuzz_dict = self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['fuzz_dict']
                     xpo = dict()
                     for v in election.p_list:
                         xpo[v] = (xp[v] + fuzz_dict[v]) % race_modulus
                     y = xpo
                     self.sdb[race_id][i][j][k]['y'] = y
                     # this column's y's become next column's x's.
                     # in practice would be sent via secure channels
                     if j < self.cols - 1:
                         self.sdb[race_id][i][j + 1][k]['x'] = y