Exemplo n.º 1
def make_bmesh_geometry(node, context, geometry, idx, layers):
    scene = context.scene
    meshes = bpy.data.meshes
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    verts, edges, matrix, _, _ = geometry
    name = node.basemesh_name + '.' + str("%04d" % idx)

    # remove object
    if name in objects:
        obj = objects[name]
        # assign the object an empty mesh, this allows the current mesh
        # to be uncoupled and removed from bpy.data.meshes
        obj.data = assign_empty_mesh(idx)

        # remove uncoupled mesh, and add it straight back.
        if name in meshes:
        mesh = meshes.new(name)
        obj.data = mesh
        # this is only executed once, upon the first run.
        mesh = meshes.new(name)
        obj = objects.new(name, mesh)

    # at this point the mesh is always fresh and empty
    obj['idx'] = idx
    obj['basename'] = node.basemesh_name

    data_layers = None
    if node.distance_doubles > 0.0:
        bm = bmesh_from_pydata(verts, edges, [])
        verts, edges, faces, d1, d2 = shrink_geometry(bm, node.distance_doubles, layers)
        data_layers = d1, d2

    force_pydata(obj.data, verts, edges)
    obj.update_tag(refresh={'OBJECT', 'DATA'})

    if node.live_updates:

        if 'sv_skin' in obj.modifiers:
            sk = obj.modifiers['sv_skin']

        if 'sv_subsurf' in obj.modifiers:
            sd = obj.modifiers['sv_subsurf']

        _ = obj.modifiers.new(type='SKIN', name='sv_skin')
        b = obj.modifiers.new(type='SUBSURF', name='sv_subsurf')
        b.levels = node.levels
        b.render_levels = node.render_levels

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        obj.matrix_local = matrix
        obj.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)

    return obj, data_layers
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_text_object(node, idx, context, data):
    scene = context.scene
    curves = bpy.data.curves
    objects = bpy.data.objects

    txt, matrix = data

    name = node.basemesh_name + "_" + str(idx)

    # CURVES
    if not (name in curves):
        f = curves.new(name, 'FONT')
        f = curves[name]

    if name in objects:
        sv_object = objects[name]
        sv_object = objects.new(name, f)

    default = bpy.data.fonts.get('Bfont')

    f.body = txt

    # misc
    f.size = node.fsize
    f.font = bpy.data.fonts.get(node.fontname, default)

    # space
    f.space_character = node.space_character
    f.space_word = node.space_word
    f.space_line = node.space_line

    f.offset_x = node.xoffset
    f.offset_y = node.yoffset

    # modifications
    f.offset = node.offset
    f.extrude = node.extrude

    # bevel
    f.bevel_depth = node.bevel_depth
    f.bevel_resolution = node.bevel_resolution

    f.align = node.align  # artifical restriction l/r/c

    sv_object['idx'] = idx
    sv_object['madeby'] = node.name
    sv_object['basename'] = node.basemesh_name
    sv_object.hide_select = False

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        sv_object.matrix_local = matrix
        sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
Exemplo n.º 3
def make_curve_geometry(node, context, name, verts, matrix, close):

    sv_object = live_curve(node, name, verts, close)
    sv_object.hide_select = False

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        sv_object.matrix_local = matrix
        sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
Exemplo n.º 4
def make_curve_geometry(node, context, name, verts, matrix, close):

    sv_object = live_curve(node, name, verts, close)
    sv_object.hide_select = False

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        sv_object.matrix_local = matrix
        sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
Exemplo n.º 5
def make_bmesh_geometry(node, idx, context, verts, *topology):
    scene = context.scene
    meshes = bpy.data.meshes
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    edges, faces, matrix = topology
    name = node.basemesh_name + "_" + str(idx)

    if name in objects:
        sv_object = objects[name]
        temp_mesh = default_mesh(name)
        sv_object = objects.new(name, temp_mesh)

    # book-keeping via ID-props!? even this is can be broken by renames
    sv_object['idx'] = idx
    sv_object['madeby'] = node.name
    sv_object['basename'] = node.basemesh_name

    mesh = sv_object.data
    current_count = len(mesh.vertices)
    propose_count = len(verts)
    difference = (propose_count - current_count)
    ''' With this mode you make a massive assumption about the
        constant state of geometry. Assumes the count of verts
        edges/faces stays the same, and only updates the locations

        node.fixed_verts is not suitable for initial object creation
        but if over time you find that the only change is going to be
        vertices, this mode can be switched to to increase efficiency
    if node.fixed_verts and difference == 0:
        f_v = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(verts))
        mesh.vertices.foreach_set('co', f_v)
        ''' get bmesh, write bmesh to obj, free bmesh'''
        bm = bmesh_from_pydata(verts,

        sv_object.hide_select = False

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        if node.extended_matrix:
            sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
            sv_object.matrix_local = matrix
        sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
def make_bmesh_geometry(node, idx, context, verts, *topology):
    scene = context.scene
    meshes = bpy.data.meshes
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    edges, faces, matrix = topology
    name = node.basemesh_name + "_" + str(idx)

    if name in objects:
        sv_object = objects[name]
        temp_mesh = default_mesh(name)
        sv_object = objects.new(name, temp_mesh)

    # book-keeping via ID-props!? even this is can be broken by renames
    sv_object['idx'] = idx
    sv_object['madeby'] = node.name
    sv_object['basename'] = node.basemesh_name

    mesh = sv_object.data
    current_count = len(mesh.vertices)
    propose_count = len(verts)
    difference = (propose_count - current_count)

    ''' With this mode you make a massive assumption about the
        constant state of geometry. Assumes the count of verts
        edges/faces stays the same, and only updates the locations

        node.fixed_verts is not suitable for initial object creation
        but if over time you find that the only change is going to be
        vertices, this mode can be switched to to increase efficiency
    if node.fixed_verts and difference == 0:
        f_v = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(verts))
        mesh.vertices.foreach_set('co', f_v)

        ''' get bmesh, write bmesh to obj, free bmesh'''
        bm = bmesh_from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)

        sv_object.hide_select = False

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        if node.extended_matrix:
            sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
            sv_object.matrix_local = matrix
        sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
Exemplo n.º 7
def make_curve_geometry(obj_index, node, verts, matrix, radii, twist):
    sv_object = live_curve(obj_index, node, verts, radii, twist)
    sv_object.hide_select = False

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        sv_object.matrix_local = matrix
        sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)

    return sv_object
Exemplo n.º 8
def make_bmesh_geometry_merged(node, idx, context, yielder_object):
    scene = context.scene
    meshes = bpy.data.meshes
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    name = node.basemesh_name + "_" + str(idx)

    if name in objects:
        sv_object = objects[name]
        temp_mesh = default_mesh(name)
        sv_object = objects.new(name, temp_mesh)

    # book-keeping via ID-props!
    sv_object['idx'] = idx
    sv_object['madeby'] = node.name
    sv_object['basename'] = node.basemesh_name

    vert_count = 0
    big_verts = []
    big_edges = []
    big_faces = []

    for result in yielder_object:

        verts, topology = result
        edges, faces, matrix = topology

        if matrix:
            matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
            verts = [matrix * Vector(v) for v in verts]

        big_edges.extend([[a + vert_count, b + vert_count] for a, b in edges])
        big_faces.extend([[j + vert_count for j in f] for f in faces])

        vert_count += len(verts)

    if node.fixed_verts and len(sv_object.data.vertices) == len(big_verts):
        mesh = sv_object.data
        f_v = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(big_verts))
        mesh.vertices.foreach_set('co', f_v)
        ''' get bmesh, write bmesh to obj, free bmesh'''
        bm = bmesh_from_pydata(big_verts,

    sv_object.hide_select = False
    sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
Exemplo n.º 9
def make_curve_geometry(node, context, name, verts, *topology):
    edges, matrix = topology

    sv_object = live_curve(name, verts, edges, matrix, node)
    sv_object.hide_select = False

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        sv_object.matrix_local = matrix
        sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
def make_curve_geometry(obj_index, node, verts, matrix, radii, twist):
    sv_object = live_curve(obj_index, node, verts, radii, twist)
    sv_object.hide_select = False

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        sv_object.matrix_local = matrix
        sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)

    return sv_object
Exemplo n.º 11
def make_curve_geometry(node, context, name, verts, *topology):
    edges, matrix = topology

    sv_object = live_curve(name, verts, edges, matrix, node)
    sv_object.hide_select = False

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        sv_object.matrix_local = matrix
        sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def process(self):
        #objectsP = self.inputs['parent'].sv_get(default=None)
        objectsC = self.inputs['child'].sv_get()
        transforms = self.inputs['matr/vert'].sv_get()
        objects = bpy.data.objects
        #if any([x.name == self.name_node_generated_parent for x in objects]):
        ob = objects.get(self.name_node_generated_parent)
        #self.name_node_generated_parent = ob.name

        if ob:

        # minimum requirements.
        if (not transforms) and (not objectsC):
            if ob:
                ob.dupli_type = 'NONE'

        if not ob:
            name = self.name_node_generated_parent
            mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name + '_mesh')
            ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, mesh)

        # at this point there's a reference to an ob, and the mesh is empty.
        child = self.inputs['child'].sv_get()[0]

        if transforms and transforms[0]:
            sin, cos = math.sin, math.cos

            theta = 2 * math.pi / 3
            thetb = theta * 2
            ofs = 0.5 * math.pi + theta

            A = Vector((cos(0 + ofs), sin(0 + ofs), 0))
            B = Vector((cos(theta + ofs), sin(theta + ofs), 0))
            C = Vector((cos(thetb + ofs), sin(thetb + ofs), 0))

            verts = []
            add_verts = verts.extend

            num_matrices = len(transforms)
            for m in transforms:
                M = matrix_sanitizer(m)
                add_verts([(M * A)[:], (M * B)[:], (M * C)[:]])

            strides = range(0, num_matrices * 3, 3)
            faces = [[i, i + 1, i + 2] for i in strides]

            ob.data.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
            ob.dupli_type = self.mode
            ob.use_dupli_faces_scale = self.scale
            child.parent = ob
Exemplo n.º 13
def make_bmesh_geometry_merged(node, idx, context, yielder_object):
    scene = context.scene
    meshes = bpy.data.meshes
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    name = node.basemesh_name + "_" + str(idx)

    if name in objects:
        sv_object = objects[name]
        temp_mesh = default_mesh(name)
        sv_object = objects.new(name, temp_mesh)

    # book-keeping via ID-props!
    sv_object['idx'] = idx
    sv_object['madeby'] = node.name
    sv_object['basename'] = node.basemesh_name

    vert_count = 0
    big_verts = []
    big_edges = []
    big_faces = []

    for result in yielder_object:

        verts, topology = result
        edges, faces, matrix = topology

        if matrix:
            matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
            verts = [matrix * Vector(v) for v in verts]

        big_edges.extend([[a + vert_count, b + vert_count] for a, b in edges])
        big_faces.extend([[j + vert_count for j in f] for f in faces])

        vert_count += len(verts)

    if node.fixed_verts and len(sv_object.data.vertices) == len(big_verts):
        mesh = sv_object.data
        f_v = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(big_verts))
        mesh.vertices.foreach_set('co', f_v)
        ''' get bmesh, write bmesh to obj, free bmesh'''
        bm = bmesh_from_pydata(big_verts, big_edges, big_faces, normal_update=node.calc_normals)

    sv_object.hide_select = False
    sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
Exemplo n.º 14
def make_bmesh_geometry_merged(node, idx, context, yielder_object):
    scene = context.scene
    meshes = bpy.data.meshes
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    name = node.basemesh_name + "_" + str(idx)

    if name in objects:
        sv_object = objects[name]
        temp_mesh = default_mesh(name)
        sv_object = objects.new(name, temp_mesh)

    # book-keeping via ID-props!
    sv_object['idx'] = idx
    sv_object['madeby'] = node.name
    sv_object['basename'] = node.basemesh_name

    vert_count = 0
    big_verts = []
    big_edges = []
    big_faces = []

    while (True):
        result = next(yielder_object)
        if result == 'FINAL':

        verts, topology = result
        edges, faces, matrix = topology

        if matrix:
            matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
            verts = [matrix * Vector(v) for v in verts]

        big_edges.extend([[a+vert_count, b+vert_count] for a, b in edges])
        big_faces.extend([[j+vert_count for j in f] for f in faces])

        vert_count += len(verts)

    ''' get bmesh, write bmesh to obj, free bmesh'''
    bm = bmesh_from_pydata(big_verts, big_edges, big_faces)

    sv_object.hide_select = False
    sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
Exemplo n.º 15
def make_bmesh_geometry_merged(node, idx, context, yielder_object):
    scene = context.scene
    meshes = bpy.data.meshes
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    name = node.basemesh_name + "_" + str(idx)

    if name in objects:
        sv_object = objects[name]
        temp_mesh = default_mesh(name)
        sv_object = objects.new(name, temp_mesh)

    # book-keeping via ID-props!
    sv_object['idx'] = idx
    sv_object['madeby'] = node.name
    sv_object['basename'] = node.basemesh_name

    vert_count = 0
    big_verts = []
    big_edges = []
    big_faces = []

    while (True):
        result = next(yielder_object)
        if result == 'FINAL':

        verts, topology = result
        edges, faces, matrix = topology

        if matrix:
            matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
            verts = [matrix * Vector(v) for v in verts]

        big_edges.extend([[a + vert_count, b + vert_count] for a, b in edges])
        big_faces.extend([[j + vert_count for j in f] for f in faces])

        vert_count += len(verts)
    ''' get bmesh, write bmesh to obj, free bmesh'''
    bm = bmesh_from_pydata(big_verts, big_edges, big_faces)

    sv_object.hide_select = False
    sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
Exemplo n.º 16
def make_duplicates_live_curve(node, curve_name, verts, edges, matrices):
    curves = bpy.data.curves
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    scene = bpy.context.scene

    # if curve data exists, pick it up else make new curve
    # this curve is then used as a data.curve for all objects.
    # objects still have slow creation time, but storage is very good due to
    # reuse of curve data and applying matrices to objects instead.
    cu = curves.get(curve_name)
    if not cu:
        cu = curves.new(name=curve_name, type='CURVE')

    cu.bevel_depth = node.depth
    cu.bevel_resolution = node.resolution
    cu.dimensions = '3D'
    cu.fill_mode = 'FULL'

    # wipe!
    if cu.splines:

    # rebuild!
    for edge in edges:
        v0, v1 = verts[edge[0]], verts[edge[1]]
        full_flat = [v0[0], v0[1], v0[2], 0.0, v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], 0.0]

        # each spline has a default first coordinate but we need two.
        segment = cu.splines.new('POLY')
        segment.points.foreach_set('co', full_flat)

    # to proceed we need to add or update objects.
    obj_base_name = curve_name[:-1]

    # if object reference exists, pick it up else make a new one
    # assign the same curve to all Objects.
    for idx, matrix in enumerate(matrices):
        m = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        obj_name = obj_base_name + str(idx)
        obj = objects.get(obj_name)
        if not obj:
            obj = objects.new(obj_name, cu)
        obj.matrix_local = m
Exemplo n.º 17
def make_duplicates_live_curve(node, curve_name, verts, edges, matrices):
    curves = bpy.data.curves
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    scene = bpy.context.scene

    # if curve data exists, pick it up else make new curve
    # this curve is then used as a data.curve for all objects.
    # objects still have slow creation time, but storage is very good due to
    # reuse of curve data and applying matrices to objects instead.
    cu = curves.get(curve_name)
    if not cu:
        cu = curves.new(name=curve_name, type='CURVE')

    cu.bevel_depth = node.depth
    cu.bevel_resolution = node.resolution
    cu.dimensions = '3D'
    cu.fill_mode = 'FULL'

    # wipe!
    if cu.splines:

    # rebuild!
    for edge in edges:
        v0, v1 = verts[edge[0]], verts[edge[1]]
        full_flat = [v0[0], v0[1], v0[2], 0.0, v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], 0.0]

        # each spline has a default first coordinate but we need two.
        segment = cu.splines.new('POLY')
        segment.points.foreach_set('co', full_flat)

    # to proceed we need to add or update objects.
    obj_base_name = curve_name[:-1]

    # if object reference exists, pick it up else make a new one
    # assign the same curve to all Objects.
    for idx, matrix in enumerate(matrices):
        m = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        obj_name = obj_base_name + str(idx)
        obj = objects.get(obj_name)
        if not obj:
            obj = objects.new(obj_name, cu)
        obj.matrix_local = m
Exemplo n.º 18
def make_bmesh_geometry(node, context, name, verts, *topology):
    scene = context.scene
    meshes = bpy.data.meshes
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    edges, faces, matrix = topology

    if name in objects:
        sv_object = objects[name]
        temp_mesh = default_mesh(name)
        sv_object = objects.new(name, temp_mesh)
    ''' There is overalapping code here for testing! '''

    mesh = sv_object.data
    current_count = len(mesh.vertices)
    propose_count = len(verts)
    difference = (propose_count - current_count)
    ''' With this mode you make a massive assumption about the
        constant state of geometry. Assumes the count of verts
        edges/faces stays the same, and only updates the locations

        node.fixed_verts is not suitable for initial object creation
        but if over time you find that the only change is going to be
        vertices, this mode can be switched to to increase efficiency
    if node.fixed_verts and difference == 0:
        f_v = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(verts))
        mesh.vertices.foreach_set('co', f_v)
        ''' get bmesh, write bmesh to obj, free bmesh'''
        bm = bmesh_from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)
        sv_object.hide_select = False

    if matrix:
        matrix = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)
        sv_object.matrix_local = matrix
        sv_object.matrix_local = Matrix.Identity(4)
Exemplo n.º 19
def make_merged_live_curve(node, curve_name, verts, edges, matrices):
    curves = bpy.data.curves
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    scene = bpy.context.scene

    # if curve data exists, pick it up else make new curve
    cu = curves.get(curve_name)
    if not cu:
        cu = curves.new(name=curve_name, type='CURVE')

    # if object reference exists, pick it up else make a new one
    obj = objects.get(curve_name)
    if not obj:
        obj = objects.new(curve_name, cu)

    # break down existing splines entirely.
    if cu.splines:

    cu.bevel_depth = node.depth
    cu.bevel_resolution = node.resolution
    cu.dimensions = '3D'
    cu.fill_mode = 'FULL'

    for matrix in matrices:
        m = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)

        # and rebuild
        for edge in edges:
            v0, v1 = m * Vector(verts[edge[0]]), m * Vector(verts[edge[1]])

            full_flat = [v0[0], v0[1], v0[2], 0.0, v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], 0.0]

            # each spline has a default first coordinate but we need two.
            segment = cu.splines.new('POLY')
            segment.points.foreach_set('co', full_flat)
Exemplo n.º 20
def make_merged_live_curve(node, curve_name, verts, edges, matrices):
    curves = bpy.data.curves
    objects = bpy.data.objects
    scene = bpy.context.scene

    # if curve data exists, pick it up else make new curve
    cu = curves.get(curve_name)
    if not cu:
        cu = curves.new(name=curve_name, type='CURVE')

    # if object reference exists, pick it up else make a new one
    obj = objects.get(curve_name)
    if not obj:
        obj = objects.new(curve_name, cu)

    # break down existing splines entirely.
    if cu.splines:

    cu.bevel_depth = node.depth
    cu.bevel_resolution = node.resolution
    cu.dimensions = '3D'
    cu.fill_mode = 'FULL'

    for matrix in matrices:
        m = matrix_sanitizer(matrix)

        # and rebuild
        for edge in edges:
            v0, v1 = m * Vector(verts[edge[0]]), m * Vector(verts[edge[1]])

            full_flat = [v0[0], v0[1], v0[2], 0.0, v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], 0.0]

            # each spline has a default first coordinate but we need two.
            segment = cu.splines.new('POLY')
            segment.points.foreach_set('co', full_flat)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def process(self):
        #objectsP = self.inputs['parent'].sv_get(default=None)
        objectsC = self.inputs['child'].sv_get()
        transforms = self.inputs['matr/vert'].sv_get()
        objects = bpy.data.objects
        #if any([x.name == self.name_node_generated_parent for x in objects]):
        ob = objects.get(self.name_node_generated_parent)
        #self.name_node_generated_parent = ob.name

        if ob:

        # minimum requirements.
        if (not transforms) and (not objectsC):
            if ob:
                ob.dupli_type = 'NONE'

        if not ob:
            name = self.name_node_generated_parent
            mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name + '_mesh')
            ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, mesh)

        # at this point there's a reference to an ob, and the mesh is empty.
        child = self.inputs['child'].sv_get()[0]

        if transforms and transforms[0]:
            # -- this mode will face duplicate --
            # i expect this can be done faster using numpy
            # please view this only as exploratory

            if self.inputs['matr/vert'].links[
                    0].from_socket.bl_idname == 'VerticesSocket':
                transforms = transforms[0]
                # -- this mode will vertex duplicate --
                ob.data.from_pydata(transforms, [], [])
                ob.dupli_type = 'VERTS'
                child.parent = ob

            elif self.inputs['matr/vert'].links[
                    0].from_socket.bl_idname == 'MatrixSocket':
                sin, cos = math.sin, math.cos

                theta = 2 * math.pi / 3
                thetb = theta * 2
                ofs = 0.5 * math.pi + theta

                A = Vector((cos(0 + ofs), sin(0 + ofs), 0))
                B = Vector((cos(theta + ofs), sin(theta + ofs), 0))
                C = Vector((cos(thetb + ofs), sin(thetb + ofs), 0))

                verts = []
                add_verts = verts.extend

                num_matrices = len(transforms)
                for m in transforms:
                    M = matrix_sanitizer(m)
                    add_verts([(M * A)[:], (M * B)[:], (M * C)[:]])

                strides = range(0, num_matrices * 3, 3)
                faces = [[i, i + 1, i + 2] for i in strides]

                ob.data.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
                ob.dupli_type = 'FACES'
                ob.use_dupli_faces_scale = self.scale
                child.parent = ob
    def process(self):
        locations = self.inputs['Locations'].sv_get(default=None)
        transforms = self.inputs['Transforms'].sv_get(default=None)

        objects = bpy.data.objects
        ob = objects.get(self.name_node_generated_parent)

        if ob:

        # minimum requirements.
        if (not any([locations, transforms])) or (not self.name_child):
            if ob:
                ob.dupli_type = 'NONE'

        if not ob:
            name = self.name_node_generated_parent
            mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name + '_mesh')
            ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, mesh)

        # at this point there's a reference to an ob, and the mesh is empty.
        child = objects.get(self.name_child)

        if locations and locations[0] and (not transforms):
            locations = locations[0]
            # -- this mode will vertex duplicate --
            ob.data.from_pydata(locations, [], [])
            ob.dupli_type = 'VERTS'
            child.parent = ob

        elif transforms:
            # -- this mode will face duplicate --
            # i expect this can be done faster using numpy
            # please view this only as exploratory
            sin, cos = math.sin, math.cos

            theta = 2 * math.pi / 3
            thetb = theta * 2
            ofs = 0.5 * math.pi + theta

            A = Vector((cos(0 + ofs), sin(0 + ofs), 0))
            B = Vector((cos(theta + ofs), sin(theta + ofs), 0))
            C = Vector((cos(thetb + ofs), sin(thetb + ofs), 0))

            verts = []
            add_verts = verts.extend

            num_matrices = len(transforms)
            for m in transforms:
                M = matrix_sanitizer(m)
                add_verts([(M * A)[:], (M * B)[:], (M * C)[:]])

            strides = range(0, num_matrices * 3, 3)
            faces = [[i, i + 1, i + 2] for i in strides]

            ob.data.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
            ob.dupli_type = 'FACES'
            ob.use_dupli_faces_scale = True
            child.parent = ob
Exemplo n.º 23
    def process(self):
        #objectsP = self.inputs['parent'].sv_get(default=None)
        objectsC = self.inputs['child'].sv_get()
        transforms = self.inputs['matr/vert'].sv_get()
        objects = bpy.data.objects
        #if any([x.name == self.name_node_generated_parent for x in objects]):
        ob = objects.get(self.name_node_generated_parent)
        #self.name_node_generated_parent = ob.name

        if ob:

        # minimum requirements.
        if (not transforms) and (not objectsC):
            if ob:
                ob.dupli_type = 'NONE'

        if not ob:
            name = self.name_node_generated_parent
            mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name + '_mesh')
            ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, mesh)

        # at this point there's a reference to an ob, and the mesh is empty.
        child = self.inputs['child'].sv_get()[0]

        if transforms and transforms[0]:
            # -- this mode will face duplicate --
            # i expect this can be done faster using numpy
            # please view this only as exploratory

            if self.inputs['matr/vert'].links[0].from_socket.bl_idname == 'VerticesSocket':
                transforms = transforms[0]
                # -- this mode will vertex duplicate --
                ob.data.from_pydata(transforms, [], [])
                ob.dupli_type = 'VERTS'
                child.parent = ob

            elif self.inputs['matr/vert'].links[0].from_socket.bl_idname == 'MatrixSocket':
                sin, cos = math.sin, math.cos

                theta = 2 * math.pi / 3
                thetb = theta * 2
                ofs = 0.5 * math.pi + theta

                A = Vector((cos(0 + ofs), sin(0 + ofs), 0))
                B = Vector((cos(theta + ofs), sin(theta + ofs), 0))
                C = Vector((cos(thetb + ofs), sin(thetb + ofs), 0))

                verts = []
                add_verts = verts.extend

                num_matrices = len(transforms)
                for m in transforms:
                    M = matrix_sanitizer(m)
                    add_verts([(M * A)[:], (M * B)[:], (M * C)[:]])

                strides = range(0, num_matrices * 3, 3)
                faces = [[i, i + 1, i + 2] for i in strides]

                ob.data.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
                ob.dupli_type = 'FACES'
                ob.use_dupli_faces_scale = self.scale
                child.parent = ob
Exemplo n.º 24
    def process(self):
        locations = self.inputs['Locations'].sv_get(default=None)
        transforms = self.inputs['Transforms'].sv_get(default=None)

        objects = bpy.data.objects
        ob = objects.get(self.name_node_generated_parent)

        if ob:

        # minimum requirements.
        if (not any([locations, transforms])) or (not self.name_child):
            if ob:
                ob.dupli_type = 'NONE'

        if not ob:
            name = self.name_node_generated_parent
            mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name + '_mesh')
            ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name, mesh)

        # at this point there's a reference to an ob, and the mesh is empty.
        child = objects.get(self.name_child)

        if locations and locations[0] and (not transforms):
            locations = locations[0]
            # -- this mode will vertex duplicate --
            ob.data.from_pydata(locations, [], [])
            ob.dupli_type = 'VERTS'
            child.parent = ob

        elif transforms:
            # -- this mode will face duplicate --
            # i expect this can be done faster using numpy
            # please view this only as exploratory
            sin, cos = math.sin, math.cos

            theta = 2 * math.pi / 3
            thetb = theta * 2
            ofs = 0.5 * math.pi + theta

            A = Vector((cos(0 + ofs), sin(0 + ofs), 0))
            B = Vector((cos(theta + ofs), sin(theta + ofs), 0))
            C = Vector((cos(thetb + ofs), sin(thetb + ofs), 0))

            verts = []
            add_verts = verts.extend

            num_matrices = len(transforms)
            for m in transforms:
                M = matrix_sanitizer(m)
                add_verts([(M * A)[:], (M * B)[:], (M * C)[:]])

            strides = range(0, num_matrices * 3, 3)
            faces = [[i, i + 1, i + 2] for i in strides]

            ob.data.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
            ob.dupli_type = 'FACES'
            ob.use_dupli_faces_scale = True
            child.parent = ob