Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, svgreader):

        # init helper for attribute reading
        self._attribReader = SVGAttributeReader(svgreader)
        # init helper for path handling
        self._pathReader = SVGPathReader(svgreader)

        self.px2mm = svgreader.px2mm
        self._handlers = {
            'g': self.g,
            'path': self.path,
            'polygon': self.polygon,
            'polyline': self.polyline,
            'rect': self.rect,
            'line': self.line,
            'circle': self.circle,
            'ellipse': self.ellipse,
            'image': self.image,
            'defs': self.defs,
            'style': self.style,
            'text': True  # text is special, see read_tag func

        self.re_findall_lasertags = re.compile(
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, svgreader):

        # init helper for attribute reading
        self._attribReader = SVGAttributeReader(svgreader)
        # init helper for path handling
        self._pathReader = SVGPathReader(svgreader)

        self.px2mm = svgreader.px2mm
        self._handlers = {
            'g': self.g,
            'path': self.path,
            'polygon': self.polygon,
            'polyline': self.polyline,
            'rect': self.rect,
            'line': self.line,
            'circle': self.circle,
            'ellipse': self.ellipse,
            'image': self.image,
            'defs': self.defs,
            'style': self.style,
            'text': True  # text is special, see read_tag func

        self.re_findall_lasertags = re.compile('=pass([0-9]+):([0-9]*)(mm\/min)?:([0-9]*)(%)?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?=').findall
Exemplo n.º 3
class SVGTagReader:
    def __init__(self, svgreader):

        # init helper for attribute reading
        self._attribReader = SVGAttributeReader(svgreader)
        # init helper for path handling
        self._pathReader = SVGPathReader(svgreader)

        self.px2mm = svgreader.px2mm
        self._handlers = {
            'g': self.g,
            'path': self.path,
            'polygon': self.polygon,
            'polyline': self.polyline,
            'rect': self.rect,
            'line': self.line,
            'circle': self.circle,
            'ellipse': self.ellipse,
            'image': self.image,
            'defs': self.defs,
            'style': self.style,
            'text': True  # text is special, see read_tag func

        self.re_findall_lasertags = re.compile(

    def read_tag(self, tag, node):
        """Read a tag.

        Any tag name that is in self._handlers will be handled.
        Similarly any attribute name in self._attribReader._handlers
        will be parsed. Both tag and attribute results are stored in

        Any path data is ultimately handled by
        self._pathReader.add_path(...). For any  geometry that is not
        already in the 'd' attribute of a 'path' tag this class
        converts it first to this format and then delegates it to

        tagName = self._get_tag(tag)
        if tagName in self._handlers:
            # log.debug("reading tag: " + tagName)
            # parse own attributes and overwrite in node
            for attr, value in tag.attrib.items():
                # log.debug("considering attrib: " + attr)
                self._attribReader.read_attrib(node, attr, value)
            # accumulate transformations
            node['xformToWorld'] = matrixMult(node['xformToWorld'],
            # read tag
            if (tagName == 'image'):
                self._handlers[tagName](tag, node)
            elif (tagName != 'text'):
                self.find_cut_settings_tags(tag, node)

    def has_handler(self, tag):
        tagName = self._get_tag(tag)
        return bool(tagName in self._handlers)

    def g(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/struct.html#Groups
        # has transform and style attributes

    def path(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/paths.html
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            d = node.get("d")
            self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def polygon(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#PolygonElement
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            d = ['M'] + node['points'] + ['z']
            node['points'] = None
            self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def polyline(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#PolylineElement
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            d = ['M'] + node['points']
            node['points'] = None
            self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def rect(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#RectElement
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            w = node.get('width') or 0.0
            h = node.get('height') or 0.0
            x = node.get('x') or 0.0
            y = node.get('y') or 0.0
            rx = node.get('rx')
            ry = node.get('ry')
            if rx is None and ry is None:  # no rounded corners
                d = ['M', x, y, 'h', w, 'v', h, 'h', -w, 'z']
                self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)
            else:  # rounded corners
                if rx is None:
                    rx = ry
                elif ry is None:
                    ry = rx
                if rx > w / 2.0:
                    rx = w / 2.0
                if ry > h / 2.0:
                    rx = h / 2.0
                if rx < 0.0:
                    rx *= -1
                if ry < 0.0:
                    ry *= -1
                d = [
                    'M', x + rx, y, 'h', w - 2 * rx, 'c', rx, 0.0, rx, ry, rx,
                    ry, 'v', h - 2 * ry, 'c', 0.0, ry, -rx, ry, -rx, ry, 'h',
                    -w + 2 * rx, 'c', -rx, 0.0, -rx, -ry, -rx, -ry, 'v',
                    -h + 2 * ry, 'c', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -ry, rx, -ry, 'z'
                self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def line(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#LineElement
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            x1 = node.get('x1') or 0.0
            y1 = node.get('y1') or 0.0
            x2 = node.get('x2') or 0.0
            y2 = node.get('y2') or 0.0
            d = ['M', x1, y1, 'L', x2, y2]
            self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def circle(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#CircleElement
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            r = node.get('r')
            cx = node.get('cx') or 0.0
            cy = node.get('cy') or 0.0
            if r > 0.0:
                d = [
                    'M', cx - r, cy, 'A', r, r, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx, cy + r, 'A',
                    r, r, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx + r, cy, 'A', r, r, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                    cx, cy - r, 'A', r, r, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx - r, cy, 'Z'
                self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def ellipse(self, node):
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            rx = node.get('rx')
            ry = node.get('ry')
            cx = node.get('cx') or 0.0
            cy = node.get('cy') or 0.0
            if rx > 0.0 and ry > 0.0:
                d = [
                    'M', cx - rx, cy, 'A', rx, ry, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx, cy + ry,
                    'A', rx, ry, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx + rx, cy, 'A', rx, ry, 0.0,
                    0.0, 0.0, cx, cy - ry, 'A', rx, ry, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx - rx,
                    cy, 'Z'
                self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def image(self, data, node):
        # data there: xlink:href
        log.warn("Loading image")
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            node_w = node.get('width') or 0.0
            node_h = node.get('height') or 0.0
            node_x = node.get('x') or 0.0
            node_y = node.get('y') or 0.0

        for name, value in data.attrib.items():
            attr = name.rpartition('}')[2].lower()
            if attr == 'href':
                # data:image/jpeg;base64,<base64payload>
                header, content = value.split(';')
                # mime = header.split(':')[1]
                encoding, payload = content.split(',')

        if payload:
            img = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(base64.b64decode(payload)))
            log.warn("Opening image, size {}x{}".format(img.width, img.height))
            # apparent size for the image
            new_width = int(node_w / self.px2mm)
            new_height = int(node_h / self.px2mm)
            log.warn("Resizing to {}x{}".format(new_width, new_height))
            img = img.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            img = img.convert("L")
            img = img.convert('P',

            draw = False
            for y in range(0, new_height):
                for x in range(0, new_width):
                    p = img.getpixel((x, y))
                    # print p,
                    if p == 1 and not draw:
                        start_x = x
                        start_y = y
                        draw = True

                    elif p == 0 and draw or x == new_width:
                            'M', start_x + node_x, start_y + node_y, 'L',
                            x + node_x, y + node_y
                        ], node)
                        draw = False
                # print ''

    def defs(self, node):
        # not supported
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/struct.html#Head
        # has transform and style attributes
        log.warn("'defs' tag is not supported, ignored")

    def style(self, node):
        # not supported: embedded style sheets
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/styling.html#StyleElement
        # instead presentation attributes and the 'style' attribute
        log.warn("'style' tag is not supported, use presentation \
                      attributes or the style attribute instead")

    def find_cut_settings_tags(self, tag, node):
        # Parse special text used for setting lasersaur cut
        # parameters from within the SVG file.
        # Any text in the SVG file within a 'text' tag (and one level deep)
        # with the following format gets read.
        # =pass1:550mm/min:90%:#ff0000=
        # =pass2:550:90:#00ff00:#ffff00:#000000=
        # =pass3:1200mm/min:80%:#00000=
        # =pass4:1200mm/min:80%=
        # =pass5:4000mm/min:100%=
        # =pass6:4000:100=
        text_accum = [tag.text or '']
        # # search one level deep
        for child in tag:
            text_accum.append(child.text or '')
        text_accum = ' '.join(text_accum)
        matches = self.re_findall_lasertags(text_accum)
        # Something like: =pass12:2550:100%:#fff000:#ababab:#ccc999=
        # Results in: [('12', '2550', '', '100', '%', ':#fff000', ':#ababab', ':#ccc999', '', '', '')]
        # convert values to actual numbers
        for i in xrange(len(matches)):
            vals = list(matches[i])
            # pass
            vals[0] = int(vals[0])
            # feedrate
            if vals[1]:
                vals[1] = int(vals[1])
            # intensity
            if vals[3]:
                vals[3] = int(vals[3])
            # colors, strip leading column
            for ii in range(5, 11):
                vals[ii] = vals[ii][1:]
            matches[i] = vals
        # store in the following format
        # [(12, 2550, '', 100, '%', '#fff000', '#ababab', '#ccc999', '', '', '')]
        node['lasertags'] = matches

    def _get_tag(self, domNode):
        """Get tag name without possible namespace prefix."""
        tag = domNode.tag
        return tag[tag.rfind('}') + 1:]

    def _has_valid_stroke(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/styling.html#SVGStylingProperties
        display = node.get('display')
        visibility = node.get('visibility')
        stroke_color = node.get('stroke')
        stroke_opacity = node.get('stroke-opacity')
        color = node.get('color')
        opacity = node.get('opacity')
        return bool(display and display != 'none' and visibility
                    and visibility != 'hidden' and visibility != 'collapse'
                    and stroke_color and stroke_color[0] == '#'
                    and stroke_opacity and stroke_opacity != 0.0 and color
                    and color[0] == '#' and opacity and opacity != 0.0)
Exemplo n.º 4
class SVGTagReader:

    def __init__(self, svgreader):

        # init helper for attribute reading
        self._attribReader = SVGAttributeReader(svgreader)
        # init helper for path handling
        self._pathReader = SVGPathReader(svgreader)

        self.px2mm = svgreader.px2mm
        self._handlers = {
            'g': self.g,
            'path': self.path,
            'polygon': self.polygon,
            'polyline': self.polyline,
            'rect': self.rect,
            'line': self.line,
            'circle': self.circle,
            'ellipse': self.ellipse,
            'image': self.image,
            'defs': self.defs,
            'style': self.style,
            'text': True  # text is special, see read_tag func

        self.re_findall_lasertags = re.compile('=pass([0-9]+):([0-9]*)(mm\/min)?:([0-9]*)(%)?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?(:#[a-fA-F0-9]{6})?=').findall

    def read_tag(self, tag, node):
        """Read a tag.

        Any tag name that is in self._handlers will be handled.
        Similarly any attribute name in self._attribReader._handlers
        will be parsed. Both tag and attribute results are stored in

        Any path data is ultimately handled by
        self._pathReader.add_path(...). For any  geometry that is not
        already in the 'd' attribute of a 'path' tag this class
        converts it first to this format and then delegates it to

        tagName = self._get_tag(tag)
        if tagName in self._handlers:
            # log.debug("reading tag: " + tagName)
            # parse own attributes and overwrite in node
            for attr,value in tag.attrib.items():
                # log.debug("considering attrib: " + attr)
                self._attribReader.read_attrib(node, attr, value)
            # accumulate transformations
            node['xformToWorld'] = matrixMult(node['xformToWorld'], node['xform'])
            # read tag
            if (tagName == 'image'):
            elif (tagName != 'text'):
                self.find_cut_settings_tags(tag, node)

    def has_handler(self, tag):
        tagName = self._get_tag(tag)
        return bool(tagName in self._handlers)

    def g(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/struct.html#Groups
        # has transform and style attributes

    def path(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/paths.html
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            d = node.get("d")
            self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def polygon(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#PolygonElement
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            d = ['M'] + node['points'] + ['z']
            node['points'] = None
            self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def polyline(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#PolylineElement
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            d = ['M'] + node['points']
            node['points'] = None
            self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def rect(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#RectElement
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            w = node.get('width') or 0.0
            h = node.get('height') or 0.0
            x = node.get('x') or 0.0
            y = node.get('y') or 0.0
            rx = node.get('rx')
            ry = node.get('ry')
            if rx is None and ry is None:  # no rounded corners
                d = ['M', x, y, 'h', w, 'v', h, 'h', -w, 'z']
                self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)
            else:                         # rounded corners
                if rx is None:
                    rx = ry
                elif ry is None:
                    ry = rx
                if rx > w/2.0:
                    rx = w/2.0
                if ry > h/2.0:
                    rx = h/2.0
                if rx < 0.0:
                    rx *= -1
                if ry < 0.0:
                    ry *= -1
                d = ['M', x+rx, y,
                     'h', w-2*rx,
                     'c', rx, 0.0, rx, ry, rx, ry,
                     'v', h-2*ry,
                     'c', 0.0, ry, -rx, ry, -rx, ry,
                     'h', -w+2*rx,
                     'c', -rx, 0.0, -rx, -ry, -rx, -ry,
                     'v', -h+2*ry,
                     'c', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -ry, rx, -ry,
                self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def line(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#LineElement
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            x1 = node.get('x1') or 0.0
            y1 = node.get('y1') or 0.0
            x2 = node.get('x2') or 0.0
            y2 = node.get('y2') or 0.0
            d = ['M', x1, y1, 'L', x2, y2]
            self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def circle(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#CircleElement
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            r = node.get('r')
            cx = node.get('cx') or 0.0
            cy = node.get('cy') or 0.0
            if r > 0.0:
                d = ['M', cx-r, cy,
                     'A', r, r, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx, cy+r,
                     'A', r, r, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx+r, cy,
                     'A', r, r, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx, cy-r,
                     'A', r, r, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx-r, cy,
                self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def ellipse(self, node):
        # has transform and style attributes
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            rx = node.get('rx')
            ry = node.get('ry')
            cx = node.get('cx') or 0.0
            cy = node.get('cy') or 0.0
            if rx > 0.0 and ry > 0.0:
                d = ['M', cx-rx, cy,
                     'A', rx, ry, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx, cy+ry,
                     'A', rx, ry, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx+rx, cy,
                     'A', rx, ry, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx, cy-ry,
                     'A', rx, ry, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cx-rx, cy,
                self._pathReader.add_path(d, node)

    def image(self, data, node):
        # data there: xlink:href
        log.warn("Loading image")
        if self._has_valid_stroke(node):
            node_w = node.get('width') or 0.0
            node_h = node.get('height') or 0.0
            node_x = node.get('x') or 0.0
            node_y = node.get('y') or 0.0

        for name, value in data.attrib.items():
            attr = name.rpartition('}')[2].lower()
            if attr == 'href':
                # data:image/jpeg;base64,<base64payload>
                header, content = value.split(';')
                # mime = header.split(':')[1]
                encoding, payload = content.split(',')

        if payload:
            img = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(base64.b64decode(payload)))
            log.warn("Opening image, size {}x{}".format(img.width, img.height))
            # apparent size for the image
            new_width = int(node_w / self.px2mm)
            new_height = int(node_h / self.px2mm)
            log.warn("Resizing to {}x{}".format(new_width, new_height))
            img = img.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            img = img.convert("L")
            img = img.convert('P', dither=None, palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=2)

            draw = False
            for y in range(0, new_height):
                for x in range(0, new_width):
                    p = img.getpixel((x, y))
                    # print p,
                    if p == 1 and not draw:
                        start_x = x
                        start_y = y
                        draw = True

                    elif p == 0 and draw or x == new_width:
                        self._pathReader.add_path(['M', start_x + node_x, start_y + node_y,
                                                   'L', x + node_x, y + node_y], node)
                        draw = False
                # print ''

    def defs(self, node):
        # not supported
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/struct.html#Head
        # has transform and style attributes
        log.warn("'defs' tag is not supported, ignored")

    def style(self, node):
        # not supported: embedded style sheets
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/styling.html#StyleElement
        # instead presentation attributes and the 'style' attribute
        log.warn("'style' tag is not supported, use presentation \
                      attributes or the style attribute instead")

    def find_cut_settings_tags(self, tag, node):
        # Parse special text used for setting lasersaur cut
        # parameters from within the SVG file.
        # Any text in the SVG file within a 'text' tag (and one level deep)
        # with the following format gets read.
        # =pass1:550mm/min:90%:#ff0000=
        # =pass2:550:90:#00ff00:#ffff00:#000000=
        # =pass3:1200mm/min:80%:#00000=
        # =pass4:1200mm/min:80%=
        # =pass5:4000mm/min:100%=
        # =pass6:4000:100=
        text_accum = [tag.text or '']
        # # search one level deep
        for child in tag:
            text_accum.append(child.text or '')
        text_accum = ' '.join(text_accum)
        matches = self.re_findall_lasertags(text_accum)
        # Something like: =pass12:2550:100%:#fff000:#ababab:#ccc999=
        # Results in: [('12', '2550', '', '100', '%', ':#fff000', ':#ababab', ':#ccc999', '', '', '')]
        # convert values to actual numbers
        for i in xrange(len(matches)):
            vals = list(matches[i])
            # pass
            vals[0] = int(vals[0])
            # feedrate
            if vals[1]:
                vals[1] = int(vals[1])
            # intensity
            if vals[3]:
                vals[3] = int(vals[3])
            # colors, strip leading column
            for ii in range(5,11):
                vals[ii] = vals[ii][1:]
            matches[i] = vals
        # store in the following format
        # [(12, 2550, '', 100, '%', '#fff000', '#ababab', '#ccc999', '', '', '')]
        node['lasertags'] = matches

    def _get_tag(self, domNode):
        """Get tag name without possible namespace prefix."""
        tag = domNode.tag
        return tag[tag.rfind('}')+1:]

    def _has_valid_stroke(self, node):
        # http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/styling.html#SVGStylingProperties
        display = node.get('display')
        visibility = node.get('visibility')
        stroke_color = node.get('stroke')
        stroke_opacity = node.get('stroke-opacity')
        color = node.get('color')
        opacity = node.get('opacity')
        return bool( display and display != 'none' and
                     visibility and visibility != 'hidden' and visibility != 'collapse' and
                     stroke_color and stroke_color[0] == '#' and
                     stroke_opacity and stroke_opacity != 0.0 and
                     color and color[0] == '#' and
                     opacity and opacity != 0.0 )