Exemplo n.º 1
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        #setup CV ######
        print "processing frame"
        (w, h) = cv.GetSize(frame)

        #generate hue selection frames
        ones = np.ones((h, w, 1), dtype='uint8')
        a = ones * (180 - self.target_hue)
        b = ones * (180 - self.target_hue + 20)
        a_array = cv.fromarray(a)
        b_array = cv.fromarray(b)

        #create locations for the test frame and binary frame
        frametest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binarytest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)

        #use the red channel for the binary frame (just for debugging purposes)
        cv.Copy(frame, frametest)
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 3)
        cv.Copy(frametest, binarytest)

        #reset the COI for test frame to RGB.
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 0)

        # Resize image to 320x240
        #copy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        #cv.Copy(frame, copy)
        #cv.SetImageROI(frame, (0, 0, 320, 240))
        #cv.Resize(copy, frame, cv.CV_INTER_NN)
        found_gate = False

        #create a new frame for comparison purposes
        unchanged_frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        cv.Copy(frame, unchanged_frame)

        #apply noise filter #1
        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have saturation channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 1)
        cv.Copy(hsv, binary)

        #spin the color wheel (psuedo-code for later if necessary)
        # truncate spectrum marked as end
        # shift all values up based on truncating value (mask out 0 regions)
        # take truncated bits, and flip them (180->0, 179->1...)
        # dnow that truncated bits are flipped, add them back in to final image

        #Reset hsv COI
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)

        #correct for wraparound on red spectrum
        cv.InRange(binary, a_array, b_array, binarytest)  #generate mask
        cv.Add(binary, cv.fromarray(ones * 180), binary,
               mask=binarytest)  #use mask to selectively add values

        #run adaptive threshold for edge detection

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 3, 3, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        if self.debug:
            color_filtered = cv.CloneImage(binary)

        # Get Edges
        cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary,
                                   theta=math.pi / 180,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_lines = []
        i = 0
        for line in raw_lines:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_threshold or \
                line[1] > (math.pi-self.vertical_threshold):

                #absolute value does better grouping currently
                vertical_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))
            i += 1

        # print message to user for performance purposes
        logging.debug("{} possibilities reduced to {} lines".format(
            i, len(vertical_lines)))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groups = [
        ]  #A list of line groups which are each a line list
        i = 0
        for line in vertical_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
                i += 1
                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        #quick debugging statement
        logging.debug("{} internal iterations for {} groups".format(
            i, len(vertical_line_groups)))

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)  #get rho of each line
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        self.returning = 0
        self.found = False

        if len(vertical_lines) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(
                min(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
            self.right_pole = round(
                max(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width / 2

            self.returning = (self.left_pole + self.right_pole) / 2
            logging.info("Returning {}".format(self.returning))

            #If this is first iteration, count this as seeing the gate
            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0

            #increment a counter if result is good.
            if self.last_center is None:
                self.last_center = self.returning
                self.seen_count = 1
            elif math.fabs(self.last_center -
                           self.returning) < self.center_trans_thresh:
                self.seen_count += 1
                self.last_seen += 2
                self.last_seen -= 1

            #if not convinced, forget left/right pole. Else, proclaim success.
            if self.seen_count < self.seen_count_thresh:
                self.left_pole = None
                self.right_pole = None
                print "FOUND CENTER AND RETURNED IT"
                self.found = True

            self.returning = 0

            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0

            self.last_seen -= 1
            self.left_pole = None
            self.right_POLE = None

        #extra debugging stuff
        if self.debug:
            cv.CvtColor(color_filtered, frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, vertical_lines)

            if self.found:
                cv.Circle(frame, (int(frame.width / 2 + self.returning),
                                  int(frame.height / 2)), 15, (0, 255, 0), 2,
                          8, 0)
                font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 1, 1, 3)
                cv.PutText(frame, "Gate Sent to Mission Control", (100, 400),
                           font, (255, 255, 0))
                #print frame.width

        #cv.ShowImage("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))
        svr.debug("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))
        svr.debug("Unchanged", cv.CloneImage(unchanged_frame))

Exemplo n.º 2
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        found_path = False
        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # use RGB color finder
        binary = libvision.cmodules.target_color_rgb.find_target_color_rgb(
            frame, self.R, self.G, self.B, self.min_blob_size, self.dev_thresh,
            self.precision / 1000.0)

        if self.debug:
            color_filtered = cv.CloneImage(binary)
            svr.debug("color_filtered", color_filtered)

        # Get Edges
        cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary,
                               theta=math.pi / 180,
        lines = lines[:self.lines_to_consider]  # Limit number of lines

        # If there are at least 2 lines and they are close to parallel...
        # There's a path!
        #print lines
        if len(lines) >= 2:

            # Find: min, max, average
            theta_max = lines[0][1]
            theta_min = lines[0][1]
            total_theta = 0
            for rho, theta in lines:
                total_theta += theta
                if theta_max < theta:
                    theta_max = theta
                if theta_min > theta:
                    theta_min = theta

            theta_range = theta_max - theta_min
            # Near vertical angles will wrap around from pi to 0.  If the range
            # crosses this vertical line, the range will be way too large.  To
            # correct for this, we always take the smallest angle between the
            # min and max.
            if theta_range > math.pi / 2:
                theta_range = math.pi - theta_range

            if theta_range < self.theta_threshold:
                found_path = True

                angles = map(lambda line: line[1], lines)
                self.theta = circular_average(angles, math.pi)

        print found_path
        if found_path:
            self.seen_in_a_row += 1
            self.seen_in_a_row = 0

        # stores whether or not we are confident about the path's presence
        object_present = False
        print self.seen_in_a_row  ###

        if self.seen_in_a_row >= self.seen_in_a_row_threshold:
            object_present = True
            self.image_coordinate_center = self.find_centroid(binary)
            # Move the origin to the center of the image
            self.center = (self.image_coordinate_center[0] - frame.width / 2,
                           self.image_coordinate_center[1] * -1 +
                           frame.height / 2)

        if self.debug:

            # Show color filtered
            color_filtered_rgb = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
            cv.CvtColor(color_filtered, color_filtered_rgb, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            cv.SubS(color_filtered_rgb, (255, 0, 0), color_filtered_rgb)
            cv.Sub(frame, color_filtered_rgb, frame)

            # Show edges
            binary_rgb = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
            cv.CvtColor(binary, binary_rgb, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            cv.Add(frame, binary_rgb, frame)  # Add white to edge pixels
            cv.SubS(binary_rgb, (0, 0, 255), binary_rgb)
            cv.Sub(frame, binary_rgb, frame)  # Remove all but Red

            # Show lines
            if self.seen_in_a_row >= self.seen_in_a_row_threshold:
                rounded_center = (
                cv.Circle(frame, rounded_center, 5, (0, 255, 0))
                                          [(frame.width / 2, self.theta)])
                libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, lines)

            #cv.ShowImage("Path", frame)
            svr.debug("Path", frame)

        # populate self.output with infos
        self.output.found = object_present
        self.output.theta = self.theta

        if self.center:
            # scale center coordinates of path based on frame size
            self.output.x = self.center[0] / (frame.width / 2)
            self.output.y = self.center[1] / (frame.height / 2)
                                       [(frame.width / 2, self.output.theta)],
                                       [255, 0, 255])
            print "Output Returned!!! ", self.output.theta
            self.output.x = None
            self.output.y = None
            print "No output..."

        if self.output.found and self.center:
            print self.output

Exemplo n.º 3
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        (w, h) = cv.GetSize(frame)

        #generate hue selection frames

        #create locations for the a pair of test frames
        frametest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binarytest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)

        #use the red channel for the binary frame (just for debugging purposes)
        cv.Copy(frame, frametest)
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 3)
        cv.Copy(frametest, binarytest)
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 0)  #reset COI

        # Resize image to 320x240
        #copy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        #cv.Copy(frame, copy)
        #cv.SetImageROI(frame, (0, 0, 320, 240))
        #cv.Resize(copy, frame, cv.CV_INTER_NN)

        found_gate = False

        #create a new frame just for comparison purposes
        unchanged_frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        cv.Copy(frame, unchanged_frame)

        #apply a course noise filter
        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have saturation channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 1)
        cv.Copy(hsv, binary)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)  #reset COI

        #shift hue of image such that orange->red are at top of spectrum
        binary = libvision.misc.cv_to_cv2(binary)
        binary = libvision.misc.shift_hueCV2(binary, self.target_shift)
        binary = libvision.misc.cv2_to_cv(binary)

        #correct for wraparound on red spectrum
        #cv.InRange(binary,a_array,b_array,binarytest) #generate mask
        #cv.Add(binary,cv.fromarray(ones*180),binary,mask=binarytest) #use mask to selectively add values
        svr.debug("R2?", binary)
        svr.debug("R2?", binary)

        #run adaptive threshold for edge detection and more noise filtering

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 3, 3, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        if self.debug:
            color_filtered = cv.CloneImage(binary)

        # Get Edges
        cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary,
                                   theta=math.pi / 180,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_threshold or \
               line[1] > math.pi-self.vertical_threshold:

                #absolute value does better grouping currently
                vertical_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        #print message to user for performance purposes
        logging.debug("{} possibilities reduced to {} lines".format(
            len(raw_lines), len(vertical_lines)))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groups = [
        ]  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        i = 0
        for line in vertical_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
                i += 1
                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        #quick debugging statement
        logging.debug("{} internal iterations for {} groups".format(
            i, len(vertical_line_groups)))

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        #vvvv Horizontal line code isn't used for anything

        # Get horizontal lines
        horizontal_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            dist_from_horizontal = (math.pi / 2 + line[1]) % math.pi
            if dist_from_horizontal < self.horizontal_threshold or \
               dist_from_horizontal > math.pi-self.horizontal_threshold:

                horizontal_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group horizontal lines
        horizontal_line_groups = [
        ]  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in horizontal_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in horizontal_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        if len(horizontal_line_groups) is 1:
            self.seen_crossbar = True
            if self.debug:
                rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], horizontal_line_groups[0])
                angles = map(lambda line: line[1], horizontal_line_groups[0])
                line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos),
                        circular_average(angles, math.pi))
                horizontal_lines = [line]
            self.seen_crossbar = False
            horizontal_lines = []

        #^^^ Horizontal line code isn't used for anything

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        #print vertical_lines
        self.returning = 0
        self.found = False

        if len(vertical_lines) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(
                min(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
            self.right_pole = round(
                max(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width / 2

            self.returning = (self.left_pole + self.right_pole) / 2
            logging.info("Returning {} as gate center delta.".format(

            #initialize first iteration with 2 known poles
            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0

            #increment a counter if result is good.
            if self.last_center is None:
                self.last_center = self.returning
                self.seen_count = 1
            elif math.fabs(self.last_center -
                           self.returning) < self.center_trans_thresh:
                self.seen_count += 1
                self.last_seen += 2
                self.last_seen -= 1

            #if not conviced, forget left/right pole. Else proclaim success.
            if self.seen_count < self.seen_count_thresh:
                self.left_pole = None
                self.right_pole = None
                print "FOUND CENTER AND RETURNED IT"
                self.found = True
            self.returning = 0
            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0
            self.last_seen -= 1
            self.left_pole = None
            self.right_pole = None

        #TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?

        if self.debug:
            cv.CvtColor(color_filtered, frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, vertical_lines)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, horizontal_lines)

            if self.found:
                cv.Circle(frame, (int(frame.width / 2 + self.returning),
                                  int(frame.height / 2)), 15, (0, 255, 0), 2,
                          8, 0)
                font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 1, 1, 3)
                cv.PutText(frame, "Gate Sent to Mission Control", (100, 400),
                           font, (255, 255, 0))
                #print frame.width

            #cv.ShowImage("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))
            svr.debug("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))
            svr.debug("Unchanged", cv.CloneImage(unchanged_frame))

        #populate self.output with infos
        self.output.seen_crossbar = self.seen_crossbar
        self.output.left_pole = self.left_pole
        self.output.right_pole = self.right_pole

Exemplo n.º 4
    def process_frame(self, frame):

        # Resize image to 320x240
        #copy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        #cv.Copy(frame, copy)
        #cv.SetImageROI(frame, (0, 0, 320, 240))
        #cv.Resize(copy, frame, cv.CV_INTER_NN)

        found_hedge = False

        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have value channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 1)
        cv.Copy(hsv, binary)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)

        cv.AdaptiveThreshold(binary, binary,

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        if self.debug:
            color_filtered = cv.CloneImage(binary)

        # Get Edges
        #cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary, line_storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_threshold or \
                line[1] > math.pi-self.vertical_threshold:

                vertical_lines.append( (abs(line[0]), line[1]) )

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groups = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in vertical_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        # Get horizontal lines
        horizontal_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            dist_from_horizontal = (math.pi/2 + line[1]) % math.pi
            if dist_from_horizontal < self.horizontal_threshold or \
                dist_from_horizontal > math.pi-self.horizontal_threshold:

                horizontal_lines.append( (abs(line[0]), line[1]) )

        # Group horizontal lines
        horizontal_line_groups = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in horizontal_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in horizontal_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        if len(horizontal_line_groups) is 1:
            self.seen_crossbar = True
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], horizontal_line_groups[0])
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], horizontal_line_groups[0])
            line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))
            horizontal_lines = [line]
            self.seen_crossbar = False
            horizontal_lines = []

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        if len(vertical_lines) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(min(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width/2
            self.right_pole = round(max(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width/2
        #TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?

        # Calculate planar distance r (assuming we are moving perpendicular to
        # the hedge)
        if self.left_pole and self.right_pole:
            theta = abs(self.left_pole - self.right_pole)
            self.r = 3 / tan(radians(theta/2))
            self.r = None

        if self.r and self.seen_crossbar:
            bar_phi = (-1*horizontal_lines[0][0] + frame.height/2) / (frame.height/2) * 32
            self.crossbar_depth = self.r * atan(radians(bar_phi))
            self.crossbar_depth = None

        if self.debug:
            cv.CvtColor(color_filtered, frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, vertical_lines)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, horizontal_lines)

            #cv.ShowImage("Hedge", cv.CloneImage(frame))
            svr.debug("Hedge", cv.CloneImage(frame))

        #populate self.output with infos
        self.output.seen_crossbar = self.seen_crossbar
        self.output.left_pole = self.left_pole
        self.output.right_pole = self.right_pole
        self.output.r = self.r
        self.output.crossbar_depth = self.crossbar_depth

        print self
Exemplo n.º 5
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        self.numpy_frame = libvision.cv_to_cv2(frame)
        self.debug_frame = self.numpy_frame.copy()
        self.test_frame = self.numpy_frame.copy()

        self.numpy_frame = cv2.medianBlur(self.numpy_frame, 7)
        self.numpy_frame = cv2.cvtColor(self.numpy_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

        (rf1, rf2, rf3) = cv2.split(self.numpy_frame)

        Rbinary = rf3
        Gbinary = rf1

        # Adaptive Threshold
        Rbinary = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(Rbinary, 255,

        Gbinary = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(Gbinary, 255,

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3))

        Rbinary = cv2.erode(Rbinary, kernel)
        Rbinary = cv2.dilate(Rbinary, kernel)
        Gbinary = cv2.erode(Gbinary, kernel)
        Gbinary = cv2.dilate(Gbinary, kernel)

        Rframe = cv2.cvtColor(Rbinary, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
        Gframe = cv2.cvtColor(Gbinary, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

        # Hough Transform
        raw_linesG = cv2.HoughLines(Gbinary,
                                    theta=math.pi / 180,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_linesG = []
        for line in raw_linesG[0]:
            rho = line[0]
            theta = line[1]
            if theta < self.vertical_thresholdG or \
                    theta > math.pi - self.vertical_thresholdG:

                vertical_linesG.append((abs(rho), theta))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groupsG = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in vertical_linesG:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groupsG:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_linesG = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groupsG:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        # Get horizontal lines
        horizontal_lines = []
        for line in raw_linesG[0]:
            rho = line[0]
            theta = line[1]
            dist_from_horizontal = (math.pi / 2 + line[1]) % math.pi
            if dist_from_horizontal < self.horizontal_threshold or \
                    dist_from_horizontal > math.pi - self.horizontal_threshold:

                horizontal_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group horizontal lines
        horizontal_line_groups = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        print "Horizontal lines: ",
        for line in horizontal_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in horizontal_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        if len(horizontal_line_groups) is 1:
            self.seen_crossbar = True
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], horizontal_line_groups[0])
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], horizontal_line_groups[0])
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))
            horizontal_lines = [line]
            self.seen_crossbar = False
            horizontal_lines = []

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None

        Rframe = libvision.cv2_to_cv(Rframe)
        Gframe = libvision.cv2_to_cv(self.debug_frame)
        Rbinary = libvision.cv2_to_cv(Rbinary)
        self.debug_frame = libvision.cv2_to_cv(self.debug_frame)
        self.test_frame = libvision.cv2_to_cv(self.test_frame)
        Gbinary = libvision.cv2_to_cv(Gbinary)

        if len(vertical_linesG) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(min(vertical_linesG[0][0], vertical_linesG[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
            self.right_pole = round(max(vertical_linesG[0][0], vertical_linesG[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
        # TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?

        # Calculate planar distance r (assuming we are moving perpendicular to
        # the hedge)
        if self.left_pole and self.right_pole:
            theta = abs(self.left_pole - self.right_pole)
            self.r = 3 / math.tan(math.radians(theta / 2))
            self.r = None

        if self.r and self.seen_crossbar:
            bar_phi = (-1 * horizontal_lines[0][0] + Gframe.height / 2) / (Gframe.height / 2) * 32
            self.crossbar_depth = self.r * math.atan(math.radians(bar_phi))
            self.crossbar_depth = None

        # Line Finding on Red pvc
        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_linesR = cv.HoughLines2(Rbinary, line_storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD,
                                    theta=math.pi / 180,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_linesR = []
        for line in raw_linesR:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_thresholdR or \
               line[1] > math.pi - self.vertical_thresholdR:

                vertical_linesR.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groupsR = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in vertical_linesR:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groupsR:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_linesR = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groupsR:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))
        for red_line in vertical_linesR:
            print "Red Line:", red_line[0],", ",red_line[1]
        for green_line in vertical_linesG:
            print "Green Line:", green_line[0],", ",green_line[1]
        for red_line in vertical_linesR:
            for green_line in vertical_linesG[:]:
                if math.fabs(green_line[0] - red_line[0]) < self.GR_Threshold0 and \
                   math.fabs(green_line[1] - red_line[1]) < self.GR_Threshold1:

        for red_line in vertical_linesR:
            print "New Red Line:", red_line[0], ", ", red_line[1]
        for green_line in vertical_linesG:
            print "New Green Line:", green_line[0], ", ", green_line[1]

        if len(vertical_linesR) is 0:
            print "No Red Found"

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        if len(vertical_linesR) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(min(vertical_linesR[0][0], vertical_linesR[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
            self.right_pole = round(max(vertical_linesR[0][0], vertical_linesR[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
        # TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?

        # Calculate planar distance r (assuming we are moving perpendicular to
        # the hedge)
        if self.left_pole and self.right_pole:
            theta = abs(self.left_pole - self.right_pole)
            self.r = 3 / math.tan(math.radians(theta / 2))
            self.r = None

        for i in range(len(vertical_linesR[:])):
            if vertical_linesR[i][1] > math.pi / 2:
                vertical_linesR[i] = (vertical_linesR[i][0], -(math.pi - vertical_linesR[i][1]))
                print "Line changed to ", vertical_linesR[i]
        for line in vertical_linesR:
            print line
            if line[1] > math.pi / 2:
                line = (line[0], math.pi - line[1])
                print "Line changed to ", line

        libvision.misc.draw_lines(Gframe, vertical_linesG)
        libvision.misc.draw_lines(Gframe, horizontal_lines)
        libvision.misc.draw_lines(Rframe, vertical_linesR)

        # there was a merge error, these 3 lines conflicted b/c your copy out of date

        for line in vertical_linesR:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            x = line[0] * math.cos(line[1])
            y = line[0] * math.sin(line[1])
            cv.Circle(Rframe, (int(x), int(y)), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1, 8, 0)
            if x > width or y > width or x < 0 or y < 0:
                print "Lost point  ", x

        svr.debug("Original", self.test_frame)
        svr.debug("Red", Rframe)
        svr.debug("Green", Gframe)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        self.numpy_frame = libvision.cv_to_cv2(frame)
        self.debug_frame = self.numpy_frame.copy()
        self.test_frame = self.numpy_frame.copy()

        self.numpy_frame = cv2.medianBlur(self.numpy_frame, 7)
        self.numpy_frame = cv2.cvtColor(self.numpy_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

        (rf1, rf2, rf3) = cv2.split(self.numpy_frame)

        Rbinary = rf3
        Gbinary = rf1

        # Adaptive Threshold
        Rbinary = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(Rbinary, 255,

        Gbinary = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(Gbinary, 255,

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3))

        Rbinary = cv2.erode(Rbinary, kernel)
        Rbinary = cv2.dilate(Rbinary, kernel)
        Gbinary = cv2.erode(Gbinary, kernel)
        Gbinary = cv2.dilate(Gbinary, kernel)

        Rframe = cv2.cvtColor(Rbinary, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
        Gframe = cv2.cvtColor(Gbinary, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

        # Hough Transform
        raw_linesG = cv2.HoughLines(Gbinary,
                                    theta=math.pi / 180,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_linesG = []

        if raw_linesG is None:
            raw_linesG = []

        if len(raw_linesG) > 0:
            for line in raw_linesG[0]:
                rho = line[0]
                theta = line[1]
                if theta < self.vertical_thresholdG or theta > (
                        math.pi - self.vertical_thresholdG):
                    vertical_linesG.append((rho, theta))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groupsG = [
        ]  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in vertical_linesG:
            #print "Green Line Grouping Possibility:", line[0], ", ", line[1]
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groupsG:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_linesG = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groupsG:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        # Get horizontal lines
        horizontal_lines = []
        if len(raw_linesG) > 0:
            for line in raw_linesG[0]:
                rho = line[0]
                theta = line[1]
                dist_from_horizontal = (math.pi / 2 + line[1]) % math.pi
                if dist_from_horizontal < self.horizontal_threshold or dist_from_horizontal > math.pi - self.horizontal_threshold:
                    horizontal_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group horizontal lines
        horizontal_line_groups = [
        ]  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in horizontal_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in horizontal_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        if len(horizontal_line_groups) is 1:
            self.seen_crossbar = True
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], horizontal_line_groups[0])
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], horizontal_line_groups[0])
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))
            horizontal_lines = [line]
            self.seen_crossbar = False
            horizontal_lines = []

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None

        Rframe = libvision.cv2_to_cv(Rframe)
        Gframe = libvision.cv2_to_cv(self.debug_frame)
        Rbinary = libvision.cv2_to_cv(Rbinary)
        self.debug_frame = libvision.cv2_to_cv(self.debug_frame)
        self.test_frame = libvision.cv2_to_cv(self.test_frame)
        Gbinary = libvision.cv2_to_cv(Gbinary)

        if len(vertical_linesG) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(
                min(vertical_linesG[0][0], vertical_linesG[1][0]),
                2) - width / 2
            self.right_pole = round(
                max(vertical_linesG[0][0], vertical_linesG[1][0]),
                2) - width / 2

        # TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?

        # Calculate planar distance r (assuming we are moving perpendicular to
        # the hedge)
        if self.left_pole and self.right_pole:
            theta = abs(self.left_pole - self.right_pole)
            self.r = 3 / math.tan(math.radians(theta / 2))
            self.r = None

        if self.r and self.seen_crossbar:
            bar_phi = (-1 * horizontal_lines[0][0] +
                       Gframe.height / 2) / (Gframe.height / 2) * 32
            self.crossbar_depth = self.r * math.atan(math.radians(bar_phi))
            self.crossbar_depth = None

        # Line Finding on Red pvc
        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_linesR = cv.HoughLines2(Rbinary,
                                    theta=math.pi / 180,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_linesR = []
        for line in raw_linesR:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_thresholdR or \
               line[1] > math.pi - self.vertical_thresholdR:

                vertical_linesR.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groupsR = [
        ]  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in vertical_linesR:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groupsR:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_linesR = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groupsR:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))
        for red_line in vertical_linesR:
            print "Red Line:", red_line[0],", ",red_line[1]
        for green_line in vertical_linesG:
            print "Green Line:", green_line[0],", ",green_line[1]
        for red_line in vertical_linesR:
            for green_line in vertical_linesG[:]:
                if math.fabs(green_line[0] - red_line[0]) < self.GR_Threshold0 and \
                   math.fabs(green_line[1] - red_line[1]) < self.GR_Threshold1:

        for red_line in vertical_linesR:
            print "New Red Line:", red_line[0], ", ", red_line[1]
        for green_line in vertical_linesG:
            print "New Green VLine:", green_line[0], ", ", green_line[1]
        for green_line in horizontal_lines:
            print "New Green HLine:", green_line[0], ", ", green_line[1]

        if len(vertical_linesR) is 0:
            print "No Red Found"

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        if len(vertical_linesR) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(
                min(vertical_linesR[0][0], vertical_linesR[1][0]),
                2) - width / 2
            self.right_pole = round(
                max(vertical_linesR[0][0], vertical_linesR[1][0]),
                2) - width / 2
        # TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?

        # Calculate planar distance r (assuming we are moving perpendicular to
        # the hedge)
        if self.left_pole and self.right_pole:
            theta = abs(self.left_pole - self.right_pole)
            self.r = 3 / math.tan(math.radians(theta / 2))
            self.r = None

        for i in range(len(vertical_linesR[:])):
            if vertical_linesR[i][1] > math.pi / 2:
                vertical_linesR[i] = (vertical_linesR[i][0],
                                      -(math.pi - vertical_linesR[i][1]))
                print "Line changed to ", vertical_linesR[i]
        for line in vertical_linesR:
            print line
            if line[1] > math.pi / 2:
                line = (line[0], math.pi - line[1])
                print "Line changed to ", line

        libvision.misc.draw_lines(Gframe, vertical_linesG)
        libvision.misc.draw_lines(Gframe, horizontal_lines)
        libvision.misc.draw_lines(Rframe, vertical_linesR)

        # there was a merge error, these 3 lines conflicted b/c your copy out of date

        for line in vertical_linesR:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            x = line[0] * math.cos(line[1])
            y = line[0] * math.sin(line[1])
            cv.Circle(Rframe, (int(x), int(y)), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1, 8, 0)
            if x > width or y > width or x < 0 or y < 0:
                print "Lost point  ", x

        svr.debug("Original", self.test_frame)
        svr.debug("Red", Rframe)
        svr.debug("Green", Gframe)
        svr.debug("Green Binary", Gbinary)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        debug_frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame),8,3)
        cv.Copy(frame, debug_frame)
        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have saturation channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 2)
        cv.Copy(hsv, binary)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)

        cv.AdaptiveThreshold(binary, binary,

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 3, 3, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        # Get Edges
        #cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)
        cv.CvtColor(binary, debug_frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary, line_storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD,
        line_groups = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in raw_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

            # Average line groups into lines
            lines = []
            for line_group in line_groups:
                rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
                angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
                line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        libvision.misc.draw_lines(debug_frame, raw_lines)
           # cv.CvtColor(color_filtered,debug_frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
        svr.debug("Bins", debug_frame)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        #setup CV ######
        print "processing frame"
        (w,h) = cv.GetSize(frame)

        #generate hue selection frames
        ones = np.ones((h,w,1), dtype='uint8')
        a = ones*(180 - self.target_hue)
        b = ones*(180 - self.target_hue + 20)
        a_array = cv.fromarray(a)
        b_array = cv.fromarray(b)

        #create locations for the test frame and binary frame
        frametest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binarytest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)

        #use the red channel for the binary frame (just for debugging purposes)
        cv.Copy(frame, frametest)
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 3)
        cv.Copy(frametest, binarytest)

        #reset the COI for test frame to RGB.
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 0)

        # Resize image to 320x240
        #copy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        #cv.Copy(frame, copy)
        #cv.SetImageROI(frame, (0, 0, 320, 240))
        #cv.Resize(copy, frame, cv.CV_INTER_NN)
        found_gate = False

        #create a new frame for comparison purposes
        unchanged_frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)

        #apply noise filter #1
        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have saturation channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 1)
        cv.Copy(hsv, binary)

        #spin the color wheel (psuedo-code for later if necessary)
        # truncate spectrum marked as end
        # shift all values up based on truncating value (mask out 0 regions)
        # take truncated bits, and flip them (180->0, 179->1...)
        # dnow that truncated bits are flipped, add them back in to final image

	    #Reset hsv COI
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)

        #correct for wraparound on red spectrum
        cv.InRange(binary,a_array,b_array,binarytest) #generate mask
        cv.Add(binary,cv.fromarray(ones*180),binary,mask=binarytest) #use mask to selectively add values

        #run adaptive threshold for edge detection
        cv.AdaptiveThreshold(binary, binary,

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 3, 3, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        if self.debug:
            color_filtered = cv.CloneImage(binary)

        # Get Edges
        cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary, line_storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD,
        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_lines = []
        i = 0
        for line in raw_lines:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_threshold or \
                line[1] > (math.pi-self.vertical_threshold):

                #absolute value does better grouping currently
                vertical_lines.append( (abs(line[0]),line[1]) )
            i += 1

        # print message to user for performance purposes
        logging.debug("{} possibilities reduced to {} lines".format(
                      i, len(vertical_lines)
        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groups = [] #A list of line groups which are each a line list
        i = 0
        for line in vertical_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:
        #quick debugging statement
        logging.debug("{} internal iterations for {} groups".format(i, len(vertical_line_groups)))              

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group) #get rho of each line
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        self.returning = 0
        self.found = False

        if len(vertical_lines) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(min(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width/2
            self.right_pole = round(max(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width/2
            self.returning = (self.left_pole + self.right_pole)/2
            logging.info("Returning {}".format(self.returning))

            #If this is first iteration, count this as seeing the gate
            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0

            #increment a counter if result is good.
            if self.last_center is None:
                self.last_center = self.returning
                self.seen_count = 1
            elif math.fabs(self.last_center - self.returning) < self.center_trans_thresh:
                self.seen_count += 1
                self.last_seen += 2
                self.last_seen -= 1

            #if not convinced, forget left/right pole. Else, proclaim success.
            if self.seen_count < self.seen_count_thresh:
                self.left_pole = None
                self.right_pole = None
                print "FOUND CENTER AND RETURNED IT"
                self.found = True

            self.returning = 0

            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0

            self.last_seen -= 1
            self.left_pole = None
            self.right_POLE = None

        #extra debugging stuff
        if self.debug:
            cv.CvtColor(color_filtered, frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, vertical_lines)

            if self.found:
                cv.Circle(frame, (int(frame.width/2 + self.returning), int(frame.height/2)),
                       15, (0, 255,0), 2, 8, 0)
                font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 1, 1, 3)
                cv.PutText(frame, "Gate Sent to Mission Control", (100, 400) , font, (255, 255, 0))
                #print frame.width

        #cv.ShowImage("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))
        svr.debug("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))
        svr.debug("Unchanged", cv.CloneImage(unchanged_frame))

Exemplo n.º 9
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        debug_frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        cv.Copy(frame, debug_frame)

        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have saturation channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 2)
        cv.Copy(hsv, binary)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)


        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 3, 3, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(binary, binary, kernel, 1)

        # Get Edges
        #cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        cv.CvtColor(binary, debug_frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary,
                                   theta=math.pi / 180,

        line_groups = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list

        for line in raw_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

            # Average line groups into lines
            lines = []
            for line_group in line_groups:
                rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
                angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
                line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos),
                        circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        libvision.misc.draw_lines(debug_frame, raw_lines)
        # cv.CvtColor(color_filtered,debug_frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
        svr.debug("Bins", debug_frame)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        (w,h) = cv.GetSize(frame)

        #generate hue selection frames

        #create locations for the a pair of test frames
        frametest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binarytest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        #use the red channel for the binary frame (just for debugging purposes)
        cv.Copy(frame, frametest)
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 3)
        cv.Copy(frametest, binarytest)
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 0)    #reset COI

        # Resize image to 320x240
        #copy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        #cv.Copy(frame, copy)
        #cv.SetImageROI(frame, (0, 0, 320, 240))
        #cv.Resize(copy, frame, cv.CV_INTER_NN)

        found_gate = False

        #create a new frame just for comparison purposes
        unchanged_frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)

        #apply a course noise filter
        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have saturation channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 1)
        cv.Copy(hsv, binary)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)  #reset COI
        #shift hue of image such that orange->red are at top of spectrum
        binary = libvision.misc.cv_to_cv2(binary)
        binary = libvision.misc.shift_hueCV2(binary, self.target_shift)
        binary = libvision.misc.cv2_to_cv(binary)

        #correct for wraparound on red spectrum
        #cv.InRange(binary,a_array,b_array,binarytest) #generate mask
        #cv.Add(binary,cv.fromarray(ones*180),binary,mask=binarytest) #use mask to selectively add values

        #run adaptive threshold for edge detection and more noise filtering
        cv.AdaptiveThreshold(binary, binary,

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 3, 3, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        if self.debug:
            color_filtered = cv.CloneImage(binary)

        # Get Edges
        cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary, line_storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_threshold or \
               line[1] > math.pi-self.vertical_threshold:

                #absolute value does better grouping currently
                vertical_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        #print message to user for performance purposes
        logging.debug("{} possibilities reduced to {} lines".format(
                        len(raw_lines), len(vertical_lines) ))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groups = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        i = 0
        for line in vertical_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
                i += 1
                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        #quick debugging statement
        logging.debug("{} internal iterations for {} groups".format(i, len(vertical_line_groups)))

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        #vvvv Horizontal line code isn't used for anything

        # Get horizontal lines
        horizontal_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            dist_from_horizontal = (math.pi/2 + line[1]) % math.pi
            if dist_from_horizontal < self.horizontal_threshold or \
               dist_from_horizontal > math.pi-self.horizontal_threshold:

                horizontal_lines.append( (abs(line[0]), line[1]) )

        # Group horizontal lines
        horizontal_line_groups = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in horizontal_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in horizontal_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        if len(horizontal_line_groups) is 1:
            self.seen_crossbar = True
            if self.debug:
                rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], horizontal_line_groups[0])
                angles = map(lambda line: line[1], horizontal_line_groups[0])
                line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))
                horizontal_lines = [line]
            self.seen_crossbar = False
            horizontal_lines = []

        #^^^ Horizontal line code isn't used for anything

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        #print vertical_lines
        self.returning = 0
        self.found = False

        if len(vertical_lines) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(min(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width/2
            self.right_pole = round(max(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width/2

            self.returning = (self.left_pole + self.right_pole)/2
            logging.info("Returning {} as gate center delta.".format(self.returning))

            #initialize first iteration with 2 known poles
            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0

            #increment a counter if result is good.
            if self.last_center is None:
                self.last_center = self.returning
                self.seen_count = 1
            elif math.fabs(self.last_center - self.returning) < self.center_trans_thresh:
                self.seen_count += 1
                self.last_seen += 2
                self.last_seen -= 1

            #if not conviced, forget left/right pole. Else proclaim success.
            if self.seen_count < self.seen_count_thresh:
                self.left_pole = None
                self.right_pole = None
                print "FOUND CENTER AND RETURNED IT"
                self.found = True
            self.returning = 0
            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0
            self.last_seen -= 1
            self.left_pole = None
            self.right_pole = None


        #TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?
        if self.debug:
            cv.CvtColor(color_filtered, frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, vertical_lines)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, horizontal_lines)

            if self.found:
                cv.Circle(frame, (int(frame.width/2 + self.returning), int(frame.height/2)),
                       15, (0, 255,0), 2, 8, 0)
                font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 1, 1, 3)
                cv.PutText(frame, "Gate Sent to Mission Control", (100, 400) , font, (255, 255, 0))
                #print frame.width

            #cv.ShowImage("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))
            svr.debug("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))

        #populate self.output with infos
        self.output.seen_crossbar = self.seen_crossbar
        self.output.left_pole = self.left_pole
        self.output.right_pole = self.right_pole

Exemplo n.º 11
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        frametest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binarytest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)

        cv.Copy(frame, frametest)
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 3)
        cv.Copy(frametest, binarytest)
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 0)

        # Resize image to 320x240
        #copy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        #cv.Copy(frame, copy)
        #cv.SetImageROI(frame, (0, 0, 320, 240))
        #cv.Resize(copy, frame, cv.CV_INTER_NN)

        found_gate = False

        unchanged_frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)

        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have saturation channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 1)
        cv.Copy(hsv, binary)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)

        cv.AdaptiveThreshold(binary, binary,

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 3, 3, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        if self.debug:
            color_filtered = cv.CloneImage(binary)

        # Get Edges
        cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary, line_storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_threshold or \
               line[1] > math.pi-self.vertical_threshold:

                #absolute value does better grouping currently
                vertical_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groups = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in vertical_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        # Get horizontal lines
        horizontal_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            dist_from_horizontal = (math.pi/2 + line[1]) % math.pi
            if dist_from_horizontal < self.horizontal_threshold or \
               dist_from_horizontal > math.pi-self.horizontal_threshold:

                horizontal_lines.append( (abs(line[0]), line[1]) )

        # Group horizontal lines
        horizontal_line_groups = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in horizontal_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in horizontal_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        if len(horizontal_line_groups) is 1:
            self.seen_crossbar = True
            if self.debug:
                rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], horizontal_line_groups[0])
                angles = map(lambda line: line[1], horizontal_line_groups[0])
                line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))
                horizontal_lines = [line]
            self.seen_crossbar = False
            horizontal_lines = []

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        print vertical_lines
        self.returning = 0
        self.found = False
        if len(vertical_lines) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(min(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width/2
            self.right_pole = round(max(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width/2

            self.returning = (self.left_pole + self.right_pole)/2
	    print "Returning ", self.returning

            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0
            if self.last_center is None:
                self.last_center = self.returning
                self.seen_count = 1
            elif math.fabs(self.last_center - self.returning) < self.center_trans_thresh:
                self.seen_count += 1
                self.last_seen += 2
                self.last_seen -= 1

            if self.seen_count < self.seen_count_thresh:
                self.left_pole = None
                self.right_pole = None
                print "FOUND CENTER AND RETURNED IT"
                self.found = True
            self.returning = 0
            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0
            self.last_seen -= 1
            self.left_pole = None
            self.right_pole = None


        #TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?
        if self.debug:
            cv.CvtColor(color_filtered, frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, vertical_lines)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, horizontal_lines)

            if self.found:
                cv.Circle(frame, (int(frame.width/2 + self.returning), int(frame.height/2)),
                       15, (0, 255,0), 2, 8, 0)
                font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 1, 1, 3)
                cv.PutText(frame, "Gate Sent to Mission Control", (100, 400) , font, (255, 255, 0))
                print frame.width

            #cv.ShowImage("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))
            svr.debug("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))

        #populate self.output with infos
        self.output.seen_crossbar = self.seen_crossbar
        self.output.left_pole = self.left_pole
        self.output.right_pole = self.right_pole

        print self
Exemplo n.º 12
    def process_frame(self, frame):

        # Resize image to 320x240
        #copy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        #cv.Copy(frame, copy)
        #cv.SetImageROI(frame, (0, 0, 320, 240))
        #cv.Resize(copy, frame, cv.CV_INTER_NN)

        found_hedge = False

        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have value channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 1)
        cv.Copy(hsv, binary)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)


        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        if self.debug:
            color_filtered = cv.CloneImage(binary)

        # Get Edges
        #cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary,
                                   theta=math.pi / 180,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_threshold or \
                    line[1] > math.pi - self.vertical_threshold:

                vertical_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groups = [
        ]  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in vertical_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        # Get horizontal lines
        horizontal_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            dist_from_horizontal = (math.pi / 2 + line[1]) % math.pi
            if dist_from_horizontal < self.horizontal_threshold or \
                    dist_from_horizontal > math.pi - self.horizontal_threshold:

                horizontal_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group horizontal lines
        horizontal_line_groups = [
        ]  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in horizontal_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in horizontal_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        if len(horizontal_line_groups) is 1:
            self.seen_crossbar = True
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], horizontal_line_groups[0])
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], horizontal_line_groups[0])
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))
            horizontal_lines = [line]
            self.seen_crossbar = False
            horizontal_lines = []

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        if len(vertical_lines) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(
                min(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
            self.right_pole = round(
                max(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
        # TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?

        # Calculate planar distance r (assuming we are moving perpendicular to
        # the hedge)
        if self.left_pole and self.right_pole:
            theta = abs(self.left_pole - self.right_pole)
            self.r = 3 / tan(radians(theta / 2))
            self.r = None

        if self.r and self.seen_crossbar:
            bar_phi = (-1 * horizontal_lines[0][0] +
                       frame.height / 2) / (frame.height / 2) * 32
            self.crossbar_depth = self.r * atan(radians(bar_phi))
            self.crossbar_depth = None

        if self.debug:
            cv.CvtColor(color_filtered, frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, vertical_lines)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, horizontal_lines)

            #cv.ShowImage("Hedge", cv.CloneImage(frame))
            svr.debug("Hedge", cv.CloneImage(frame))

        # populate self.output with infos
        self.output.seen_crossbar = self.seen_crossbar
        self.output.left_pole = self.left_pole
        self.output.right_pole = self.right_pole
        self.output.r = self.r
        self.output.crossbar_depth = self.crossbar_depth

        print self
Exemplo n.º 13
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        self.debug_frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        self.test_frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        Rframe = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        Gframe = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)

        cv.Copy(frame, self.test_frame)
        cv.Copy(frame, Gframe)
        cv.Copy(frame, Rframe)

        # self.debug_frame = libvision.cv_to_cv2(frame)
        # self.test_frame = self.debug_frame.copy()
        # Rframe = self.debug_frame.copy()
        # Gframe = self.debug_frame.copy()

        Rframe = cv2.boxFilter(Rframe, (7, 7))

    # Red frame
        cv.Smooth(Rframe, Rframe, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have saturation channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(Rframe), 8, 3)
        Rbinary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(Rframe), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(Rframe, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 3)  #1 for only green pvc #3 for red pvc
        cv.Copy(hsv, Rbinary)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)

        #Adaptive Threshold
        cv.AdaptiveThreshold(Rbinary, Rbinary,

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 3, 3, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(Rbinary, Rbinary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(Rbinary, Rbinary, kernel, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(Rbinary, Rframe, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)

    #Green frame
        cv.Smooth(Gframe, Gframe, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have saturation channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(Gframe), 8, 3)
        Gbinary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(Gframe), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(Gframe, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 1)  #1 for only green pvc #3 for red pvc
        cv.Copy(hsv, Gbinary)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)
        #Adaptive Threshold
        cv.AdaptiveThreshold(Gbinary, Gbinary,

        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 3, 3, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(Gbinary, Gbinary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(Gbinary, Gbinary, kernel, 1)

        cv.CvtColor(Gbinary, Gframe, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)

        # Line Finding on Green pvc

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_linesG = cv.HoughLines2(Gbinary, line_storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_linesG = []
        for line in raw_linesG:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_thresholdG or \
                line[1] > math.pi-self.vertical_thresholdG:

                vertical_linesG.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groupsG = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in vertical_linesG:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groupsG:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_linesG = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groupsG:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        # Get horizontal lines
        horizontal_lines = []
        for line in raw_linesG:
            dist_from_horizontal = (math.pi/2 + line[1]) % math.pi
            if dist_from_horizontal < self.horizontal_threshold or \
                dist_from_horizontal > math.pi-self.horizontal_threshold:

                horizontal_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group horizontal lines
        horizontal_line_groups = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        print "Horizontal lines: ", 
        for line in horizontal_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in horizontal_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        if len(horizontal_line_groups) is 1:
            self.seen_crossbar = True
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], horizontal_line_groups[0])
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], horizontal_line_groups[0])
            line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))
            horizontal_lines = [line]
            self.seen_crossbar = False
            horizontal_lines = []

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        if len(vertical_linesG) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(min(vertical_linesG[0][0], vertical_linesG[1][0]), 2) - width/2
            self.right_pole = round(max(vertical_linesG[0][0], vertical_linesG[1][0]), 2) - width/2
        #TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?

        # Calculate planar distance r (assuming we are moving perpendicular to
        # the hedge)
        if self.left_pole and self.right_pole:
            theta = abs(self.left_pole - self.right_pole)
            self.r = 3 / math.tan(math.radians(theta/2))
            self.r = None

        if self.r and self.seen_crossbar:
            bar_phi = (-1*horizontal_lines[0][0] + Gframe.height/2) / (Gframe.height/2) * 32
            self.crossbar_depth = self.r * math.atan(math.radians(bar_phi))
            self.crossbar_depth = None

        # Line Finding on Red pvc

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_linesR = cv.HoughLines2(Rbinary, line_storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_linesR = []
        for line in raw_linesR:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_thresholdR or \
               line[1] > math.pi-self.vertical_thresholdR:

                vertical_linesR.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groupsR = []  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in vertical_linesR:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groupsR:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_linesR = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groupsR:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos)/len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))
        for red_line in vertical_linesR:
            print "Red Line:", red_line[0],", ",red_line[1]
        for green_line in vertical_linesG:
            print "Green Line:", green_line[0],", ",green_line[1]
        for red_line in vertical_linesR:
            for green_line in vertical_linesG[:]: 
                if math.fabs(green_line[0] - red_line[0]) < self.GR_Threshold0 and \
                   math.fabs(green_line[1] - red_line[1]) < self.GR_Threshold1:

        for red_line in vertical_linesR:
            print "New Red Line:", red_line[0], ", ", red_line[1]
        for green_line in vertical_linesG:
            print "New Green Line:", green_line[0], ", ", green_line[1]

        if len(vertical_linesR) is 0:
            print "No Red Found"

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        if len(vertical_linesR) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(min(vertical_linesR[0][0], vertical_linesR[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
            self.right_pole = round(max(vertical_linesR[0][0], vertical_linesR[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
        #TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?

        # Calculate planar distance r (assuming we are moving perpendicular to
        # the hedge)
        if self.left_pole and self.right_pole:
            theta = abs(self.left_pole - self.right_pole)
            self.r = 3 / math.tan(math.radians(theta / 2))
            self.r = None

        for i in range(len(vertical_linesR[:])):
            if vertical_linesR[i][1] > math.pi/2:
                vertical_linesR[i] = (vertical_linesR[i][0],-(math.pi-vertical_linesR[i][1]))
                print "Line changed to ", vertical_linesR[i]
        for line in vertical_linesR:
            print line
            if line[1] > math.pi / 2:
                line = (line[0], math.pi - line[1])
                print "Line changed to ", line

        libvision.misc.draw_lines(Gframe, vertical_linesG)
        libvision.misc.draw_lines(Gframe, horizontal_lines)
        libvision.misc.draw_lines(Rframe, vertical_linesR)

        libvision.misc.draw_linesC(self.test_frame, vertical_linesG,(0,100,0))
        libvision.misc.draw_linesC(self.test_frame, horizontal_lines,(0,100,0))
        libvision.misc.draw_lines(self.test_frame, vertical_linesR)

        for line in vertical_linesR:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            x = line[0]*math.cos(line[1])
            y = line[0]*math.sin(line[1])
            cv.Circle(Rframe, (int(x), int(y)), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1, 8, 0)
            if x > width or y > width or x < 0 or y < 0:
                print "Lost point  ", x

        svr.debug("Original", self.test_frame)
        svr.debug("Red", Rframe)
        svr.debug("Green", Gframe)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        found_path = False
        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # use RGB color finder
        binary = libvision.cmodules.target_color_rgb.find_target_color_rgb(frame, 250, 125, 0, 1500, 500, .3)

        if self.debug:
            color_filtered = cv.CloneImage(binary)

        # Get Edges
        cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary, line_storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD,
                               theta=math.pi / 180,
        lines = lines[:self.lines_to_consider]  # Limit number of lines

        # If there are at least 2 lines and they are close to parallel...
        # There's a path!
        if len(lines) >= 2:

            # Find: min, max, average
            theta_max = lines[0][1]
            theta_min = lines[0][1]
            total_theta = 0
            for rho, theta in lines:
                total_theta += theta
                if theta_max < theta:
                    theta_max = theta
                if theta_min > theta:
                    theta_min = theta

            theta_range = theta_max - theta_min
            # Near vertical angles will wrap around from pi to 0.  If the range
            # crosses this vertical line, the range will be way too large.  To
            # correct for this, we always take the smallest angle between the
            # min and max.
            if theta_range > math.pi / 2:
                theta_range = math.pi - theta_range

            if theta_range < self.theta_threshold:
                found_path = True

                angles = map(lambda line: line[1], lines)
                self.theta = circular_average(angles, math.pi)

        if found_path:
            self.seen_in_a_row += 1
            self.seen_in_a_row = 0

        # stores whether or not we are confident about the path's presence
        object_present = False

        if self.seen_in_a_row >= self.seen_in_a_row_threshold:
            object_present = True
            self.image_coordinate_center = self.find_centroid(binary)
            # Move the origin to the center of the image
            self.center = (
                self.image_coordinate_center[0] - frame.width / 2,
                self.image_coordinate_center[1] * -1 + frame.height / 2

        if self.debug:

            # Show color filtered
            color_filtered_rgb = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
            cv.CvtColor(color_filtered, color_filtered_rgb, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            cv.SubS(color_filtered_rgb, (255, 0, 0), color_filtered_rgb)
            cv.Sub(frame, color_filtered_rgb, frame)

            # Show edges
            binary_rgb = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
            cv.CvtColor(binary, binary_rgb, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            cv.Add(frame, binary_rgb, frame)  # Add white to edge pixels
            cv.SubS(binary_rgb, (0, 0, 255), binary_rgb)
            cv.Sub(frame, binary_rgb, frame)  # Remove all but Red

            # Show lines
            if self.seen_in_a_row >= self.seen_in_a_row_threshold:
                rounded_center = (
                cv.Circle(frame, rounded_center, 5, (0, 255, 0))
                libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, [(frame.width / 2, self.theta)])
                libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, lines)

            #cv.ShowImage("Path", frame)
            svr.debug("Path", frame)

        # populate self.output with infos
        self.output.found = object_present
        self.output.theta = self.theta

        if self.center:
            # scale center coordinates of path based on frame size
            self.output.x = self.center[0] / (frame.width / 2)
            self.output.y = self.center[1] / (frame.height / 2)
            libvision.misc.draw_linesC(frame, [(frame.width / 2, self.output.theta)],[255,0,255])
	    print "Output Returned!!! ", self.output.theta 
            self.output.x = None
            self.output.y = None
	    print "No output..."

        if self.output.found and self.center:
            print self.output

Exemplo n.º 15
    def process_frame(self, frame):
        frametest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binarytest = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)

        cv.Copy(frame, frametest)
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 3)
        cv.Copy(frametest, binarytest)
        cv.SetImageCOI(frametest, 0)
        svr.debug("R?", binarytest)

        # Resize image to 320x240
        #copy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        #cv.Copy(frame, copy)
        #cv.SetImageROI(frame, (0, 0, 320, 240))
        #cv.Resize(copy, frame, cv.CV_INTER_NN)

        found_gate = False

        unchanged_frame = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        cv.Copy(frame, unchanged_frame)

        cv.Smooth(frame, frame, cv.CV_MEDIAN, 7, 7)

        # Set binary image to have saturation channel
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        binary = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 1)
        cv.Copy(hsv, binary)
        cv.SetImageCOI(hsv, 0)


        # Morphology
        kernel = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 3, 3, cv.CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
        cv.Erode(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        cv.Dilate(binary, binary, kernel, 1)
        if self.debug:
            color_filtered = cv.CloneImage(binary)

        # Get Edges
        cv.Canny(binary, binary, 30, 40)

        # Hough Transform
        line_storage = cv.CreateMemStorage()
        raw_lines = cv.HoughLines2(binary,
                                   theta=math.pi / 180,

        # Get vertical lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            if line[1] < self.vertical_threshold or \
               line[1] > math.pi-self.vertical_threshold:

                #absolute value does better grouping currently
                vertical_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group vertical lines
        vertical_line_groups = [
        ]  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in vertical_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in vertical_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        # Average line groups into lines
        vertical_lines = []
        for line_group in vertical_line_groups:
            rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], line_group)
            angles = map(lambda line: line[1], line_group)
            line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos), circular_average(angles, math.pi))

        # Get horizontal lines
        horizontal_lines = []
        for line in raw_lines:
            dist_from_horizontal = (math.pi / 2 + line[1]) % math.pi
            if dist_from_horizontal < self.horizontal_threshold or \
               dist_from_horizontal > math.pi-self.horizontal_threshold:

                horizontal_lines.append((abs(line[0]), line[1]))

        # Group horizontal lines
        horizontal_line_groups = [
        ]  # A list of line groups which are each a line list
        for line in horizontal_lines:
            group_found = False
            for line_group in horizontal_line_groups:

                if line_group_accept_test(line_group, line, self.max_range):
                    group_found = True

            if not group_found:

        if len(horizontal_line_groups) is 1:
            self.seen_crossbar = True
            if self.debug:
                rhos = map(lambda line: line[0], horizontal_line_groups[0])
                angles = map(lambda line: line[1], horizontal_line_groups[0])
                line = (sum(rhos) / len(rhos),
                        circular_average(angles, math.pi))
                horizontal_lines = [line]
            self.seen_crossbar = False
            horizontal_lines = []

        self.left_pole = None
        self.right_pole = None
        print vertical_lines
        self.returning = 0
        self.found = False
        if len(vertical_lines) is 2:
            roi = cv.GetImageROI(frame)
            width = roi[2]
            height = roi[3]
            self.left_pole = round(
                min(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width / 2
            self.right_pole = round(
                max(vertical_lines[0][0], vertical_lines[1][0]), 2) - width / 2

            self.returning = (self.left_pole + self.right_pole) / 2
            print "Returning ", self.returning

            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0
            if self.last_center is None:
                self.last_center = self.returning
                self.seen_count = 1
            elif math.fabs(self.last_center -
                           self.returning) < self.center_trans_thresh:
                self.seen_count += 1
                self.last_seen += 2
                self.last_seen -= 1

            if self.seen_count < self.seen_count_thresh:
                self.left_pole = None
                self.right_pole = None
                print "FOUND CENTER AND RETURNED IT"
                self.found = True
            self.returning = 0
            if self.last_seen < 0:
                self.last_center = None
                self.last_seen = 0
            self.last_seen -= 1
            self.left_pole = None
            self.right_pole = None

        #TODO: If one pole is seen, is it left or right pole?

        if self.debug:
            cv.CvtColor(color_filtered, frame, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, vertical_lines)
            libvision.misc.draw_lines(frame, horizontal_lines)

            if self.found:
                cv.Circle(frame, (int(frame.width / 2 + self.returning),
                                  int(frame.height / 2)), 15, (0, 255, 0), 2,
                          8, 0)
                font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 1, 1, 3)
                cv.PutText(frame, "Gate Sent to Mission Control", (100, 400),
                           font, (255, 255, 0))
                print frame.width

            #cv.ShowImage("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))
            svr.debug("Gate", cv.CloneImage(frame))
            svr.debug("Unchanged", cv.CloneImage(unchanged_frame))

        #populate self.output with infos
        self.output.seen_crossbar = self.seen_crossbar
        self.output.left_pole = self.left_pole
        self.output.right_pole = self.right_pole

        print self