Exemplo n.º 1
def historical_from_ib(directory: str, data_range):
    directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
    if not os.path.exists(directory):
        print('Root directory "%s" has been created.' % directory)
        print('Root directory "%s" already exists.' % directory)

    tws = TwsClient(client_id=CLIENT_ID)
    with tws.connect():
        hsi = Contract()
        hsi.exchange = "HKFE"
        hsi.secType = "IND"
        hsi.symbol = "HSI"
        hsi.currency = "HKD"

        hhi = Contract()
        hhi.exchange = "HKFE"
        hhi.secType = "IND"
        hhi.symbol = "HHI.HK"
        hhi.currency = "HKD"

        for the_date in data_range:
            store_file(directory, tws, the_date, hsi)
            store_file(directory, tws, the_date, hhi)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):
        # Simple contract for GOOG
        contract = Contract()
        #contract.conId = 114376112
        contract.exchange = "SMART"
        contract.symbol = "ATK"
        contract.secType = "STK"
        #contract.right = "PUT"
        contract.currency = "USD"
        #contract.secType = 'OPT'
        #contract.strike = 24
        #contract.expiry = '20121116'
        today = datetime.today()

        order = Order()
        order.orderId = 89
        order.clientId = 44
        order.action = "BUY"
        order.totalQuantity = 1  # may have to calculate a smarter number
        order.orderType = "MKT"
        order.tif = "DAY"
        order.transmit = True
        order.sweepToFill = True
        order.outsideRth = True

        contract.symbol = "alkjdf"
        self.callback.askPrice = None
        self.tws.reqMktData(2, contract, "", 1)
        max_wait = timedelta(seconds=30) + datetime.now()
        while self.callback.askPrice is None:
            if datetime.now() > max_wait:
                print "max wait giving up"
        print self.callback.askPrice
Exemplo n.º 3
 def createContract(self, ticker, secType):
     contract = Contract()
     contract.exchange = "SMART"  # Default exchange, IB routing algo
     contract.symbol = ticker
     contract.secType = secType
     contract.currency = "USD"
     return contract
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_contract_by_sid(self, sid):
     contract = Contract()
     contract.symbol = sid
     contract.secType = 'STK'
     contract.exchange = 'SMART'
     contract.currency = 'USD'
     return contract
Exemplo n.º 5
 def create_contract(self):
     # Simple contract for GOOG
     contract = Contract()
     contract.exchange = "SMART"
     contract.symbol = "GOOG"
     contract.secType = "STK"
     contract.currency = "USD"
     return contract
Exemplo n.º 6
def dbcontract_to_ibcontract(dbcontract):
    symbol = str(dbcontract.sym)
    localSym = str(dbcontract.local_sym)
    if str(dbcontract.secType) == 'CASH':
        symbol = str(dbcontract.sym) + str(dbcontract.cur)

    if str(dbcontract.secType) == 'FUT':
        year = str(dbcontract.contractMonth)[0:4]
        mon = str(dbcontract.contractMonth)[4:6]
        addSym = ''
        print symbol, year, int(mon)

        if int(mon) == 1:
            addSym = 'F'
            print addSym
        if int(mon) == 2:
            addSym = 'G'
        if int(mon) == 3:
            addSym = 'H'
        if int(mon) == 4:
            addSym = 'J'
        if int(mon) == 5:
            addSym = 'K'
        if int(mon) == 6:
            addSym = 'M'
        if int(mon) == 7:
            addSym = 'N'
        if int(mon) == 8:
            addSym = 'Q'
        if int(mon) == 9:
            addSym = 'U'
        if int(mon) == 10:
            addSym = 'V'
        if int(mon) == 11:
            addSym = 'X'
        if int(mon) == 12:
            addSym = 'Z'
        addSym += year[3:4]
        print addSym
        localSym += addSym
    print 'Found', localSym
    contract = Contract()
    contract.symbol = str(symbol)
    contract.secType = str(dbcontract.secType)
    contract.exchange = str(dbcontract.exch)
    contract.primaryExchange = str(dbcontract.exch)
    contract.currency = str(dbcontract.cur)
    contract.expiry = str(dbcontract.expiry)
    #contract.strike= # Strike Price
    contract.localSymbol = localSym
    return contract
Exemplo n.º 7
    def subscribe_to_market_data(self, symbol, exchange, sec_type, currency):
        c = Contract()
        c.symbol = symbol
        c.secType = sec_type
        c.exchange = exchange
        c.currency = currency

        self.reqMktData(self._ewrapper.next_ticker_id, c, "", False, None)

            self._ewrapper.next_ticker_id] = symbol
        self._ewrapper.next_ticker_id += 1

        self._ewrapper.symbol_contract_dict[symbol] = c
Exemplo n.º 8
    def getPortfolio(self):
	Returns list of triplets of current (contract, position in number of shares/contracts, market value of position)
        portfolioList = []
        # setup call back variables
        self.callback.accountEnd = False
        #self.callback.portfolioContract = None
        #self.callback.portfolioPosition = None
        #self.callback.portfolioSecMarketValue = None

        self.tws.reqAccountUpdates(1, self.accountNumber)
        while (not self.callback.accountEnd):
            self.callback.portfolioContract = None
            self.callback.portfolioPosition = None
            self.callback.portfolioSecMarketValue = None
            max_wait = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) + datetime.datetime.now()
            while (self.callback.portfolioPosition is None
                   or self.callback.portfolioContract is None
                   or self.callback.portfolioSecMarketValue is None):
                if datetime.datetime.now() > max_wait:
            if self.callback.portfolioPosition is not None and self.callback.portfolioContract is not None and self.callback.portfolioSecMarketValue is not None:
                myContract = Contract()
                myContract.exchange = "SMART"
                myContract.currency = "USD"
                myContract.symbol = self.callback.portfolioContractSymbol
                myContract.conId = self.callback.portfolioContractConId
                myContract.secType = self.callback.portfolioContractSecType
                myContract.strike = self.callback.portfolioContractStrike
                myContract.expiry = self.callback.portfolioContractExpiry
                myContract.right = self.callback.portfolioContractRight
                myPosition = self.callback.portfolioPosition
                mySecMarketValue = self.callback.portfolioSecMarketValue
                    (myContract, myPosition, mySecMarketValue))

        self.tws.reqAccountUpdates(0, self.accountNumber)
        return portfolioList
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_cash_contracts():
    symList = dict()

    systemdata = pd.read_csv('./data/systems/system.csv')
    print systemdata.columns
    systemdata = systemdata.reset_index()
    for i in systemdata.index:
        #print 'Read: ',i
        system = systemdata.ix[i]
        #print system
        contract = Contract()
        symbol = system['ibsym']
        if system['ibtype'] == 'CASH':
            symbol = system['ibsym'] + system['ibcur']
            if system['ibtype'] != 'BITCOIN':
                contract.symbol = system['ibsym']
                contract.secType = system['ibtype']
                contract.exchange = system['ibexch']
                contract.currency = system['ibcur']
                if system['ibtype'] == 'FUT':
                    contract.localSymbol = system['iblocalsym']
                symList[symbol] = contract

    return symList.values()
Exemplo n.º 10
                   "account, are you sure? (Type yes to continue): ")
if prompt.lower() != 'yes':

# Instantiate our callback object
callback = PlaceOrderExample()

# Instantiate a socket object, allowing us to call TWS directly. Pass our
# callback object so TWS can respond.
tws = EPosixClientSocket(callback)

# Connect to tws running on localhost
tws.eConnect("", 7496, 42)

# Simple contract for GOOG
contract = Contract()
contract.exchange = "SMART"
contract.symbol = "DELL"
contract.secType = "STK"
contract.currency = "USD"

if orderId is None:
    print 'Waiting for valid order id'
    while orderId is None:
        print 'Still waiting for valid order id...'

# Order details
order = Order()
order.action = 'BUY'
Exemplo n.º 11
            print("History %s - Open: %s, High: %s, Low: %s, Close: " +
                  "%s, Volume: %d") % (date, open, high, low, close, volume)

# Instantiate our callback object
callback = HistoricalDataExample()

# Instantiate a socket object, allowing us to call TWS directly. Pass our
# callback object so TWS can respond.
tws = EPosixClientSocket(callback)

# Connect to tws running on localhost
tws.eConnect("", 7496, 42)

# Simple contract for DELL
dell = Contract()
dell.exchange = "SMART"
dell.symbol = "DELL"
dell.secType = "STK"
dell.currency = "USD"
today = datetime.today()

print "Requesting historical data for %s" % dell.symbol

# Request some historical data.
    1,  #tickerId, 
    dell,  #contract, 
    today.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %Z"),  #endDateTime, 
    "1 W",  #durationStr, 
    "1 day",  #barSizeSetting,