Exemplo n.º 1
def merge_process_state_event(data, state, cfi=None):
    data['platform'] = 'native'
    data['level'] = 'fatal' if state.crashed else 'info'

    if state.timestamp:
        data['timestamp'] = float(state.timestamp)

    # Extract as much context information as we can.
    info = state.system_info
    context = data.setdefault('contexts', {})
    os = context.setdefault('os', {})
    device = context.setdefault('device', {})
    os['type'] = 'os'  # Required by "get_sdk_from_event"
    os['name'] = MINIDUMP_OS_TYPES.get(info.os_name, info.os_name)
    os['version'] = info.os_version
    os['build'] = info.os_build
    device['arch'] = normalize_arch(info.cpu_family)

    # We can extract stack traces here already but since CFI is not
    # available yet (without debug symbols), the stackwalker will
    # resort to stack scanning which yields low-quality results. If
    # the user provides us with debug symbols, we reprocess this
    # minidump and add improved stacktraces later.
    data['threads'] = [{
        'id': thread.thread_id,
        'crashed': False,
        'stacktrace': {
            thread.get_frame(0).registers if thread.frame_count else None,
    } for thread in state.threads()]

    # Mark the crashed thread and add its stacktrace to the exception
    crashed_thread = data['threads'][state.requesting_thread]
    crashed_thread['crashed'] = True

    # Extract the crash reason and infos
    exc_value = 'Assertion Error: %s' % state.assertion if state.assertion \
        else 'Fatal Error: %s' % state.crash_reason
    data['exception'] = {
        'value': exc_value,
        'thread_id': crashed_thread['id'],
        'type': state.crash_reason,
        # Move stacktrace here from crashed_thread (mutating!)
        'stacktrace': crashed_thread.pop('stacktrace'),
        'mechanism': {
            'type': 'minidump',
            'handled': False,
            'synthetic': True,
            # We cannot extract exception codes or signals with the breakpad
            # extractor just yet. Once these capabilities are added to symbolic,
            # these values should go in the mechanism here.

    # Extract referenced (not all loaded) images
    images = [{
        'type': MINIDUMP_IMAGE_TYPES.get(info.os_name, 'symbolic'),
        'code_id': module.code_id,
        'code_file': module.code_file,
        'debug_id': id_from_breakpad(module.debug_id),
        'debug_file': module.debug_file,
        'image_addr': '0x%x' % module.addr,
        'image_size': module.size,
    } for module in state.modules() if module.debug_id]
    data.setdefault('debug_meta', {})['images'] = images
Exemplo n.º 2
def merge_process_state_event(data, state, cfi=None):
    data['platform'] = 'native'
    data['level'] = 'fatal' if state.crashed else 'info'

    if state.timestamp:
        data['timestamp'] = float(state.timestamp)

    # Extract as much context information as we can.
    info = state.system_info
    context = data.setdefault('contexts', {})
    os = context.setdefault('os', {})
    device = context.setdefault('device', {})
    os['type'] = 'os'  # Required by "get_sdk_from_event"
    os['name'] = MINIDUMP_OS_TYPES.get(info.os_name, info.os_name)
    os['version'] = info.os_version
    os['build'] = info.os_build
    device['arch'] = normalize_arch(info.cpu_family)

    # We can extract stack traces here already but since CFI is not
    # available yet (without debug symbols), the stackwalker will
    # resort to stack scanning which yields low-quality results. If
    # the user provides us with debug symbols, we reprocess this
    # minidump and add improved stacktraces later.
    data['threads'] = [{
        'id': thread.thread_id,
        'crashed': False,
        'stacktrace': {
            'frames': frames_from_minidump_thread(thread),
            'registers': thread.get_frame(0).registers if thread.frame_count else None,
    } for thread in state.threads()]

    # Mark the crashed thread and add its stacktrace to the exception
    crashed_thread = data['threads'][state.requesting_thread]
    crashed_thread['crashed'] = True

    # Extract the crash reason and infos
    exc_value = 'Assertion Error: %s' % state.assertion if state.assertion \
        else 'Fatal Error: %s' % state.crash_reason
    data['exception'] = {'values': [{
        'value': exc_value,
        'thread_id': crashed_thread['id'],
        'type': state.crash_reason,
        # Move stacktrace here from crashed_thread (mutating!)
        'stacktrace': crashed_thread.pop('stacktrace'),
        'mechanism': {
            'type': 'minidump',
            'handled': False,
            'synthetic': True,
            # We cannot extract exception codes or signals with the breakpad
            # extractor just yet. Once these capabilities are added to symbolic,
            # these values should go in the mechanism here.

    # Extract referenced (not all loaded) images
    images = [{
        'type': MINIDUMP_IMAGE_TYPES.get(info.os_name, 'symbolic'),
        'code_id': module.code_id,
        'code_file': module.code_file,
        'debug_id': id_from_breakpad(module.debug_id),
        'debug_file': module.debug_file,
        'image_addr': '0x%x' % module.addr,
        'image_size': module.size,
    } for module in state.modules() if module.debug_id]
    data.setdefault('debug_meta', {})['images'] = images