Exemplo n.º 1
def test_n():
    x = Symbol("x")
    raises(RuntimeError, lambda: (x.n()))

    x = 2 + I
    raises(RuntimeError, lambda: (x.n(real=True)))

    x = sqrt(Integer(4))
    y = RealDouble(2.0)
    assert x.n(real=True) == y

    x = 1 + 2*I
    y = 1.0 + 2.0*I
    assert x.n() == y

        from symengine import RealMPFR
        x = sqrt(Integer(2))
        y = RealMPFR('1.41421356237309504880169', 75)
        assert x.n(75, real=True) == y
    except ImportError:
        x = sqrt(Integer(2))
        raises(ValueError, lambda: (x.n(75, real=True)))

        from symengine import ComplexMPC
        x = sqrt(Integer(2)) + 3*I
        y = ComplexMPC('1.41421356237309504880169', '3.0', 75)
        assert x.n(75) == y
    except ImportError:
        x = sqrt(Integer(2))
        raises(ValueError, lambda: (x.n(75)))
Exemplo n.º 2
def reproject_axis_gen2(X, Y, Z, axis, cal):
    #(phase_cal, tilt_cal, curve_cal, gibPhase_cal, gibMag_cal, ogeePhase_cal, ogeeMag_cal) = cal

    B = atan2(Z, X)

    Ydeg = cal.tilt + (-1 if axis else 1) * math.pi / 6.
    tanA = tan(Ydeg)
    normXZ = sqrt(X * X + Z * Z)

    asinArg = tanA * Y / normXZ

    sinYdeg = sin(Ydeg)
    cosYdeg = cos(Ydeg)

    sinPart = sin(B - asin(asinArg) + cal.ogeephase) * cal.ogeemag

    normXYZ = sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z)

    modAsinArg = Y / normXYZ / cosYdeg

    asinOut = asin(modAsinArg)

    mod, acc = calc_cal_series(asinOut)

    BcalCurved = sinPart + cal.curve
    asinArg2 = asinArg + mod * BcalCurved / (cosYdeg -
                                             acc * BcalCurved * sinYdeg)

    asinOut2 = asin(asinArg2)
    sinOut2 = sin(B - asinOut2 + cal.gibpha)

    return B - asinOut2 + sinOut2 * cal.gibmag - cal.phase - math.pi / 2.
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_benchmark(n):
    x, y = symbols("x y")
    e = (1 + sqrt(3) * x + sqrt(5) * y)**n
    f = e * (e + sqrt(7))
    t1 = clock()
    f = expand(f)
    t2 = clock()
    print("%s ms" % (1000 * (t2 - t1)))
Exemplo n.º 4
def sqrt(expr):
    """Square root"""
    if type(expr) == GC:
        return GC(se.sqrt(expr.expr), {
            s: d / (2 * se.sqrt(expr.expr))
            for s, d in expr.gradients.items()
    return se.sqrt(expr)
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_benchmark(n):
    x, y = symbols("x y")
    e = (1 + sqrt(3) * x + sqrt(5) * y) ** n
    f = e * (e + sqrt(7))
    t1 = clock()
    f = expand(f)
    t2 = clock()
    print("%s ms" % (1000 * (t2 - t1)))
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_n_mpc():
        from symengine import ComplexMPC
        x = sqrt(Integer(2)) + 3 * I
        y = ComplexMPC('1.41421356237309504880169', '3.0', 75)
        assert x.n(75) == y
    except ImportError:
        x = sqrt(Integer(2))
        raises(ValueError, lambda: (x.n(75)))
        raise SkipTest("No MPC support")
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_n_mpfr():
        from symengine import RealMPFR
        x = sqrt(Integer(2))
        y = RealMPFR('1.41421356237309504880169', 75)
        assert x.n(75, real=True) == y
    except ImportError:
        x = sqrt(Integer(2))
        raises(ValueError, lambda: (x.n(75, real=True)))
        raise SkipTest("No MPFR support")
Exemplo n.º 8
def diffable_slerp(q1, q2, t):
    !takes a long time to compile!
    :param q1: 4x1 Matrix
    :type q1: Matrix
    :param q2: 4x1 Matrix
    :type q2: Matrix
    :param t: float, 0-1
    :type t:  Union[float, Symbol]
    :return: 4x1 Matrix; Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions.
    :rtype: Matrix
    cos_half_theta = dot(q1, q2)

    if0 = -cos_half_theta
    q2 = diffable_if_greater_zero(if0, -q2, q2)
    cos_half_theta = diffable_if_greater_zero(if0, -cos_half_theta, cos_half_theta)

    if1 = diffable_abs(cos_half_theta) - 1.0

    # enforce acos(x) with -1 < x < 1
    cos_half_theta = diffable_min_fast(1, cos_half_theta)
    cos_half_theta = diffable_max_fast(-1, cos_half_theta)

    half_theta = acos(cos_half_theta)

    sin_half_theta = sqrt(1.0 - cos_half_theta * cos_half_theta)
    # prevent /0
    sin_half_theta = diffable_if_eq_zero(sin_half_theta, 1, sin_half_theta)
    if2 = 0.001 - diffable_abs(sin_half_theta)

    ratio_a = sin((1.0 - t) * half_theta) / sin_half_theta
    ratio_b = sin(t * half_theta) / sin_half_theta
    return diffable_if_greater_eq_zero(if1, se.Matrix(q1),
                                       diffable_if_greater_zero(if2, 0.5 * q1 + 0.5 * q2, ratio_a * q1 + ratio_b * q2))
Exemplo n.º 9
def quat2axisangle(q):
    qw, qi, qj, qk = q
    mag = sqrt(qi*qi+qj*qj+qk*qk + 1e-10)
    angle = 2 * atan2(mag, q[0])
    return q[1] * angle / mag,\
           q[2] * angle / mag,\
           q[3] * angle / mag
Exemplo n.º 10
def diffable_abs(x):
    :type x: Union[float, Symbol]
    :return: abs(x)
    :rtype: Union[float, Symbol]
    return se.sqrt(x**2)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _derivatives(self, coupling_variables):
        ) = self._unwrap_state_vector()

        exc_inp, inh_inp, exc_inp_sq, inh_inp_sq = self._compute_couplings(

        I_sigma = se.sqrt(
            2 * self.params["Jie_max"]**2 * I_syn_sigma_exc *
            self.params["tau_se"] * self.params["taum"] /
            ((1.0 + exc_inp) * self.params["taum"] + self.params["tau_se"]) +
            2 * self.params["Jii_max"]**2 * I_syn_sigma_inh *
            self.params["tau_si"] * self.params["taum"] /
            ((1.0 + inh_inp) * self.params["taum"] + self.params["tau_si"]) +

        # get values from linear-nonlinear lookup table
        firing_rate_now = self.callback_functions["firing_rate_lookup"](
            I_mu, I_sigma)
        tau = self.callback_functions["tau_lookup"](I_mu, I_sigma)

        d_I_mu = (self.params["Jie_max"] * I_syn_mu_exc +
                  self.params["Jii_max"] * I_syn_mu_inh +
                  system_input(self.noise_input_idx[0]) +
                  self.params["ext_inh_current"] - I_mu) / tau

        d_I_syn_mu_exc = ((1.0 - I_syn_mu_exc) * exc_inp -
                          I_syn_mu_exc) / self.params["tau_se"]

        d_I_syn_mu_inh = ((1.0 - I_syn_mu_inh) * inh_inp -
                          I_syn_mu_inh) / self.params["tau_si"]

        d_I_syn_sigma_exc = (
            (1.0 - I_syn_mu_exc)**2 * exc_inp_sq +
            (exc_inp_sq - 2.0 * self.params["tau_se"] *
             (exc_inp + 1.0)) * I_syn_sigma_exc) / (self.params["tau_se"]**2)

        d_I_syn_sigma_inh = (
            (1.0 - I_syn_mu_inh)**2 * inh_inp_sq +
            (inh_inp_sq - 2.0 * self.params["tau_si"] *
             (inh_inp + 1.0)) * I_syn_sigma_inh) / (self.params["tau_si"]**2)
        # firing rate as dummy dynamical variable with infinitely fast
        # fixed-point dynamics
        d_firing_rate = -self.params["lambda"] * (firing_rate -

        return [
Exemplo n.º 12
    def cylinder_grasp_affordance(self, gripper, obj_input):
        frame = obj_input.get_frame()
        shape = obj_input.get_dimensions()
        cylinder_z = z_col(frame)
        cylinder_pos = pos_of(frame)

        gripper_x = x_col(gripper.frame)
        gripper_z = z_col(gripper.frame)
        gripper_pos = pos_of(gripper.frame)
        c_to_g = gripper_pos - cylinder_pos

        zz_align = abs(dot(gripper_z, cylinder_z))
        xz_align = dot(gripper_x, cylinder_z)
        dist_z = dot(cylinder_z, c_to_g)
        border_z = (shape[2] - gripper.height) * 0.5
        cap_dist_normalized_signed = dist_z / border_z
        cap_dist_normalized = abs(cap_dist_normalized_signed)

        cap_grasp = tip_at_one(-xz_align * cap_dist_normalized_signed)

        dist_z_center_normalized = -saturate(cap_dist_normalized)
        dist_ax = sp.sqrt(
            dot(x_col(frame), c_to_g)**2 + dot(y_col(frame), c_to_g)**2)

        center_grasp = (1 - dist_z_center_normalized - dist_ax) * zz_align

        return max(center_grasp, cap_grasp) * obj_input.get_class_probability()
Exemplo n.º 13
def axis_angle_from_matrix(rotation_matrix):
    :param rotation_matrix: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type rotation_matrix: Matrix
    :return: 3x1 Matrix, angle
    :rtype: (Matrix, Union[float, Symbol])
    rm = rotation_matrix
    angle = (trace(rm[:3, :3]) - 1) / 2
    angle = se.Min(angle, 1)
    angle = se.Max(angle, -1)
    angle = se.acos(angle)
    x = (rm[2, 1] - rm[1, 2])
    y = (rm[0, 2] - rm[2, 0])
    z = (rm[1, 0] - rm[0, 1])
    n = se.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
    m = if_eq_zero(n, 1, n)
    axis = se.Matrix([
        if_eq_zero(n, 0, x / m),
        if_eq_zero(n, 0, y / m),
        if_eq_zero(n, 1, z / m)
    sign = diffable_sign(angle)
    axis *= sign
    angle = sign * angle
    return axis, angle
Exemplo n.º 14
def quaternion_from_matrix(matrix):
    !takes a loooong time to compile!
    :param matrix: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type matrix: Matrix
    :return: 4x1 Matrix
    :rtype: Matrix
    q = Matrix([0, 0, 0, 0])
    M = Matrix(matrix)
    t = trace(M)

    if0 = t - M[3, 3]

    if1 = M[1, 1] - M[0, 0]

    m_i_i = if_greater_zero(if1, M[1, 1], M[0, 0])
    m_i_j = if_greater_zero(if1, M[1, 2], M[0, 1])
    m_i_k = if_greater_zero(if1, M[1, 0], M[0, 2])

    m_j_i = if_greater_zero(if1, M[2, 1], M[1, 0])
    m_j_j = if_greater_zero(if1, M[2, 2], M[1, 1])
    m_j_k = if_greater_zero(if1, M[2, 0], M[1, 2])

    m_k_i = if_greater_zero(if1, M[0, 1], M[2, 0])
    m_k_j = if_greater_zero(if1, M[0, 2], M[2, 1])
    m_k_k = if_greater_zero(if1, M[0, 0], M[2, 2])

    if2 = M[2, 2] - m_i_i

    m_i_i = if_greater_zero(if2, M[2, 2], m_i_i)
    m_i_j = if_greater_zero(if2, M[2, 0], m_i_j)
    m_i_k = if_greater_zero(if2, M[2, 1], m_i_k)

    m_j_i = if_greater_zero(if2, M[0, 2], m_j_i)
    m_j_j = if_greater_zero(if2, M[0, 0], m_j_j)
    m_j_k = if_greater_zero(if2, M[0, 1], m_j_k)

    m_k_i = if_greater_zero(if2, M[1, 2], m_k_i)
    m_k_j = if_greater_zero(if2, M[1, 0], m_k_j)
    m_k_k = if_greater_zero(if2, M[1, 1], m_k_k)

    t = if_greater_zero(if0, t, m_i_i - (m_j_j + m_k_k) + M[3, 3])
    q[0] = if_greater_zero(
        if0, M[2, 1] - M[1, 2],
        if_greater_zero(if2, m_i_j + m_j_i,
                        if_greater_zero(if1, m_k_i + m_i_k, t)))
    q[1] = if_greater_zero(
        if0, M[0, 2] - M[2, 0],
        if_greater_zero(if2, m_k_i + m_i_k,
                        if_greater_zero(if1, t, m_i_j + m_j_i)))
    q[2] = if_greater_zero(
        if0, M[1, 0] - M[0, 1],
        if_greater_zero(if2, t,
                        if_greater_zero(if1, m_i_j + m_j_i, m_k_i + m_i_k)))
    q[3] = if_greater_zero(if0, t, m_k_j - m_j_k)

    q *= 0.5 / sp.sqrt(t * M[3, 3])
    return q
Exemplo n.º 15
def acosh(expr):
    """Hyperbolic arccosine"""
    if type(expr) == GC:
        return GC(se.acosh(expr.expr), {
            s: d / se.sqrt(expr.expr**2 - 1)
            for s, d in expr.gradients.items()
    return se.acosh(expr)
Exemplo n.º 16
def acos(expr):
    if type(expr) == GC:
        return GC(se.acos(expr.expr), {
            s: -d / se.sqrt(1 - expr.expr**2)
            for s, d in expr.gradients.items()
    return se.acos(expr)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def preMatrixMinus(self, a):
        b = si.sqrt(1 + a**2)
        matrix = si.zeros(2)

        matrix[0, 0] = 1 - b
        matrix[0, 1] = -a
        matrix[1, 0] = a
        matrix[1, 1] = 1 + b
        return matrix
Exemplo n.º 18
def abs(expr):
    """Absolute value"""
    if type(expr) == GC:
        return GC(
            fake_abs(expr.expr), {
                s: d * expr.expr / se.sqrt(expr.expr**2)
                for s, d in expr.gradients.items()
    return fake_abs(expr)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_Pow_base_exp():
    x = Symbol("x")
    y = Symbol("y")
    e = Pow(x + y, 2)
    assert isinstance(e, Pow)
    assert e.exp == 2
    assert e.base == x + y

    assert sqrt(x - 1).as_base_exp() == (x - 1, Rational(1, 2))
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_broadcast():
    a = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi)
    inp = np.ascontiguousarray(np.vstack((np.cos(a), np.sin(a))).T)  # 50 rows 2 cols
    assert inp.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']
    x, y = se.symbols('x y')
    distance = se.Lambdify([x, y], [se.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)])
    assert np.allclose(distance([inp[0, 0], inp[0, 1]]), [1])
    dists = distance(inp)
    assert dists.shape == (50, 1)
    assert np.allclose(dists, 1)
Exemplo n.º 21
def norm(v):
    :type v: Matrix
    :return: |v|_2
    :rtype: Union[float, Symbol]
    r = 0
    for x in v:
        r += x**2
    return se.sqrt(r)
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_broadcast():
    if not HAVE_NUMPY:  # nosetests work-around
    a = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi)
    inp = np.vstack((np.cos(a), np.sin(a))).T  # 50 rows 2 cols
    x, y = se.symbols('x y')
    distance = se.Lambdify([x, y], [se.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)])
    assert np.allclose(distance([inp[0, 0], inp[0, 1]]), [1])
    dists = distance(inp)
    assert dists.shape == (50, 1)
    assert np.allclose(dists, 1)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_broadcast():
    if not HAVE_NUMPY:  # nosetests work-around
    a = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi)
    inp = np.vstack((np.cos(a), np.sin(a))).T  # 50 rows 2 cols
    x, y = se.symbols('x y')
    distance = se.Lambdify([x, y], [se.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)])
    assert np.allclose(distance([inp[0, 0], inp[0, 1]]), [1])
    dists = distance(inp)
    assert dists.shape == (50, 1)
    assert np.allclose(dists, 1)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def f_Xt(self,
             t=Symbol('t', positive=True),
        if from_cache and self.cached_order == order and self.cached_f_Xt is not None:
            return self.cached_f_Xt

        expr1_f_xt = self.Sigma(t)
        expr2_f_xt = x / sqrt(expr1_f_xt)

        # coef
        expr3_f_xt = 0.5 * self.n(x, expr1_f_xt)

        if order <= 1:
            if simplify:
                output = self.simplify(expr3_f_xt * 2)
                output = expr3_f_xt * 2
            self.cached_order = order
            self.cached_f_Xt = output
            return output

        # term1
        expr4_f_xt = self.q3(t) / (expr1_f_xt**3) * self.hermite(expr2_f_xt, 6)

        # term2
        if order == 2:
            expr5_f_xt = self.q4(t) / (expr1_f_xt**2) * self.hermite(
                expr2_f_xt, 4)
            expr5_f_xt = (2 * self.q2(t) + self.q4(t)) / (
                expr1_f_xt**2) * self.hermite(expr2_f_xt, 4)

        # term3
        expr6_f_xt = 2 * self.q1(t) / (expr1_f_xt**1.5) * self.hermite(
            expr2_f_xt, 3)

        # term4
        expr7_f_xt = self.q5(t) / expr1_f_xt * self.hermite(expr2_f_xt, 2)

        if simplify:
            output = self.simplify(
                expr3_f_xt *
                (expr4_f_xt + expr5_f_xt + expr6_f_xt + expr7_f_xt + 2))
            output = expr3_f_xt * (expr4_f_xt + expr5_f_xt + expr6_f_xt +
                                   expr7_f_xt + 2)
        self.cached_order = order
        self.cached_f_Xt = output
        return output
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_sin():
    x = Symbol("x")
    e = sin(x)
    assert e == sin(x)
    assert e != cos(x)

    assert sin(x).diff(x) == cos(x)
    assert cos(x).diff(x) == -sin(x)

    e = sqrt(x).diff(x).diff(x)
    f = sin(e)
    g = f.diff(x).diff(x)
    assert isinstance(g, Add)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_sin():
    x = Symbol("x")
    e = sin(x)
    assert e == sin(x)
    assert e != cos(x)

    assert sin(x).diff(x) == cos(x)
    assert cos(x).diff(x) == -sin(x)

    e = sqrt(x).diff(x).diff(x)
    f = sin(e)
    g = f.diff(x).diff(x)
    assert isinstance(g, Add)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_n():
    x = Symbol("x")
    raises(RuntimeError, lambda: (x.n()))

    x = 2 + I
    raises(RuntimeError, lambda: (x.n(real=True)))

    x = sqrt(Integer(4))
    y = RealDouble(2.0)
    assert x.n(real=True) == y

    x = 1 + 2 * I
    y = 1.0 + 2.0 * I
    assert x.n() == y
Exemplo n.º 28
 def _get_current_sigma(self, I_syn_sigma_exc, I_syn_sigma_inh, exc_inp,
                        inh_inp, J_exc_max, J_inh_max, ext_sigma):
     Compute membrane current standard deviation sigma.
     return se.sqrt(
         2 * J_exc_max**2 * I_syn_sigma_exc * self.params["tau_se"] *
         (self.params["C"] / self.params["gL"]) /
         ((1.0 + exc_inp) *
          (self.params["C"] / self.params["gL"]) + self.params["tau_se"]) +
         2 * J_inh_max**2 * I_syn_sigma_inh * self.params["tau_si"] *
         (self.params["C"] / self.params["gL"]) /
         ((1.0 + inh_inp) *
          (self.params["C"] / self.params["gL"]) + self.params["tau_si"]) +
Exemplo n.º 29
def _get_2_to_2by2_list(real=True):
    args = x, y = se.symbols('x y')
    exprs = [[x + y*y, y*y], [x*y*y, se.sqrt(x)+y*y]]
    L = se.Lambdify(args, exprs, real=real)

    def check(A, inp):
        X, Y = inp
        assert A.shape[-2:] == (2, 2)
        ref = [X + Y*Y, Y*Y, X*Y*Y, cmath.sqrt(X)+Y*Y]
        ravA = ravelled(A)
        size = _size(ravA)
        for i in range(size//4):
            for j in range(4):
                assert isclose(ravA[i*4 + j], ref[j])
    return L, check
Exemplo n.º 30
def _get_2_to_2by2_list(real=True):
    args = x, y = se.symbols('x y')
    exprs = [[x + y*y, y*y], [x*y*y, se.sqrt(x)+y*y]]
    l = se.Lambdify(args, exprs, real=real)

    def check(A, inp):
        X, Y = inp
        assert A.shape[-2:] == (2, 2)
        ref = [X + Y*Y, Y*Y, X*Y*Y, cmath.sqrt(X)+Y*Y]
        ravA = ravelled(A)
        size = _size(ravA)
        for i in range(size//4):
            for j in range(4):
                assert isclose(ravA[i*4 + j], ref[j])
    return l, check
Exemplo n.º 31
def axis_angle_from_quaternion(x, y, z, w):
    :type x: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type y: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type z: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type w: Union[float, Symbol]
    :return: 4x1 Matrix
    :rtype: Matrix
    # TODO buggy, angle goes from 0 - 2*pi instead of -pi - +pi
    w2 = sp.sqrt(1 - w**2)
    angle = (2 * sp.acos(w))
    x = x / w2
    y = y / w2
    z = z / w2
    return sp.Matrix([x, y, z]), angle
Exemplo n.º 32
def axis_angle_from_quaternion(x, y, z, w):
    :type x: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type y: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type z: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type w: Union[float, Symbol]
    :return: 4x1 Matrix
    :rtype: Matrix
    l = norm([x, y, z, w])
    x, y, z, w = x / l, y / l, z / l, w / l
    w2 = se.sqrt(1 - w**2)
    angle = (2 * se.acos(se.Min(se.Max(-1, w), 1)))
    m = if_eq_zero(w2, 1, w2)  # avoid /0
    x = if_eq_zero(w2, 0, x / m)
    y = if_eq_zero(w2, 0, y / m)
    z = if_eq_zero(w2, 1, z / m)
    return se.Matrix([x, y, z]), angle
Exemplo n.º 33
def axis_angle_from_matrix(rotation_matrix):
    :param rotation_matrix: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type rotation_matrix: Matrix
    :return: 3x1 Matrix, angle
    :rtype: (Matrix, Union[float, Symbol])
    # TODO nan if angle 0
    # TODO use 'if' to make angle always positive?
    rm = rotation_matrix
    angle = (trace(rm[:3, :3]) - 1) / 2
    angle = sp.acos(angle)
    x = (rm[2, 1] - rm[1, 2])
    y = (rm[0, 2] - rm[2, 0])
    z = (rm[1, 0] - rm[0, 1])
    n = sp.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)

    axis = sp.Matrix([x / n, y / n, z / n])
    return axis, angle
Exemplo n.º 34
def solve_chi_saddlepoint(mu, Sigma):
    """Compute the saddlepoint approximation for the generalized chi square distribution given a mean and a covariance matrix. Currently has two different ways of solving:
        1. If the mean is close to zero, the system can be solved symbolically."""
    P = None
    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(Sigma)
    if (eigenvectors == np.diag(eigenvalues)).all():
        P = np.eye(len(mu))
        P = eigenvectors.T
    Sigma_12 = np.linalg.cholesky(Sigma)
    b = P @ Sigma_12 @ mu

    x = sym.Symbol("x")
    t = sym.Symbol("t")

    # Cumulant function
    K = 0
    for i, l in enumerate(eigenvalues):
        K += (t * b[i]**2 * l) / (1 - 2 * t * l) - 1 / 2 * sym.log(1 -
                                                                   2 * l * t)

    Kp = sym.diff(K, t).simplify()
    Kpp = sym.diff(K, t, t).simplify()

    roots = sym.lib.symengine_wrapper.solve(sym.Eq(Kp, x), t).args
    if len(roots) > 1:
        for expr in roots:
            trial = Kpp.subs(t, expr).subs(x, np.dot(b, b))
            if trial >= 0.0:
                s_hat = expr
        s_hat = roots[0]

    f = 1 / sym.sqrt(2 * sym.pi * Kpp.subs(
        t, s_hat)) * sym.exp(K.subs(t, s_hat) - s_hat * x)
    fp = sym.Lambdify(x, f.simplify())

    c = integrate.quad(fp, 0, np.inf)[0]
    return lambda x: 1 / c * fp(x)
Exemplo n.º 35
def sym_real_norm_2(x):
    return sym.sqrt((x.T*x)[0, 0])