Exemplo n.º 1
def test_extended_real():
    x = symbols('x')
    assert ask(Q.extended_real(x), Q.positive(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.extended_real(-x), Q.positive(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.extended_real(-x), Q.negative(x)) == True

    assert ask(Q.extended_real(x+S.Infinity), Q.real(x)) == True
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_functions_in_assumptions():
    from sympy.logic.boolalg import Equivalent, Xor

    x = symbols("x")
    assert ask(x, Q.negative, Q.real(x) >> Q.positive(x)) is False
    assert ask(x, Q.negative, Equivalent(Q.real(x), Q.positive(x))) is False
    assert ask(x, Q.negative, Xor(Q.real(x), Q.negative(x))) is False
Exemplo n.º 3
 def Pow(expr, assumptions):
     Real**Integer         -> Real
     Positive**Real        -> Real
     Real**(Integer/Even)  -> Real if base is nonnegative
     Real**(Integer/Odd)   -> Real
     Real**Imaginary       -> ?
     Imaginary**Real       -> ?
     Real**Real            -> ?
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskRealHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
             if ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions):
                 return False
             elif ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
                 return True
     elif ask(Q.real(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
             if expr.exp.is_Rational and \
                ask(Q.even(expr.exp.q), assumptions):
                 return ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions)
             elif ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                 return True
             elif ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
                 return True
             elif ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions):
                 return False
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_float_1():
    z = 1.0
    assert ask(Q.commutative(z))      == True
    assert ask(Q.integer(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.rational(z))         == True
    assert ask(Q.real(z))             == True
    assert ask(Q.complex(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.irrational(z))       == False
    assert ask(Q.imaginary(z))        == False
    assert ask(Q.positive(z))         == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.even(z))             == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(z))              == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.infinitesimal(z))    == False
    assert ask(Q.prime(z))            == False
    assert ask(Q.composite(z))        == True

    z = 7.2123
    assert ask(Q.commutative(z))      == True
    assert ask(Q.integer(z))          == False
    assert ask(Q.rational(z))         == True
    assert ask(Q.real(z))             == True
    assert ask(Q.complex(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.irrational(z))       == False
    assert ask(Q.imaginary(z))        == False
    assert ask(Q.positive(z))         == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.even(z))             == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(z))              == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.infinitesimal(z))    == False
    assert ask(Q.prime(z))            == False
    assert ask(Q.composite(z))        == False
Exemplo n.º 5
def refine_atan2(expr, assumptions):
    Handler for the atan2 function


    >>> from sympy import Symbol, Q, refine, atan2
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_atan2
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.real(y) & Q.positive(x))
    >>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.negative(y) & Q.negative(x))
    atan(y/x) - pi
    >>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.positive(y) & Q.negative(x))
    atan(y/x) + pi
    from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import atan
    from sympy.core import S
    y, x = expr.args
    if ask(Q.real(y) & Q.positive(x), assumptions):
        return atan(y / x)
    elif ask(Q.negative(y) & Q.negative(x), assumptions):
        return atan(y / x) - S.Pi
    elif ask(Q.positive(y) & Q.negative(x), assumptions):
        return atan(y / x) + S.Pi
        return expr
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_refine():
    m0 = OperationsOnlyMatrix([[Abs(x)**2, sqrt(x**2)],
                 [sqrt(x**2)*Abs(y)**2, sqrt(y**2)*Abs(x)**2]])
    m1 = m0.refine(Q.real(x) & Q.real(y))
    assert m1 == Matrix([[x**2, Abs(x)], [y**2*Abs(x), x**2*Abs(y)]])

    m1 = m0.refine(Q.positive(x) & Q.positive(y))
    assert m1 == Matrix([[x**2, x], [x*y**2, x**2*y]])

    m1 = m0.refine(Q.negative(x) & Q.negative(y))
    assert m1 == Matrix([[x**2, -x], [-x*y**2, -x**2*y]])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def Pow(expr, assumptions):
        Real**Integer              -> Real
        Positive**Real             -> Real
        Real**(Integer/Even)       -> Real if base is nonnegative
        Real**(Integer/Odd)        -> Real
        Imaginary**(Integer/Even)  -> Real
        Imaginary**(Integer/Odd)   -> not Real
        Imaginary**Real            -> ? since Real could be 0 (giving real) or 1 (giving imaginary)
        b**Imaginary               -> Real if log(b) is imaginary and b != 0 and exponent != integer multiple of I*pi/log(b)
        Real**Real                 -> ? e.g. sqrt(-1) is imaginary and sqrt(2) is not
        if expr.is_number:
            return AskRealHandler._number(expr, assumptions)

        if expr.base.func == exp:
            if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base.args[0]), assumptions):
                if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
                    return True
            # If the i = (exp's arg)/(I*pi) is an integer or half-integer
            # multiple of I*pi then 2*i will be an integer. In addition,
            # exp(i*I*pi) = (-1)**i so the overall realness of the expr
            # can be determined by replacing exp(i*I*pi) with (-1)**i.
            i = expr.base.args[0]/I/pi
            if ask(Q.integer(2*i), assumptions):
                return ask(Q.real(((-1)**i)**expr.exp), assumptions)

        if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base), assumptions):
            if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                odd = ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions)
                if odd is not None:
                    return not odd

        if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
            imlog = ask(Q.imaginary(log(expr.base)), assumptions)
            if imlog is not None:
                # I**i -> real, log(I) is imag;
                # (2*I)**i -> complex, log(2*I) is not imag
                return imlog

        if ask(Q.real(expr.base), assumptions):
            if ask(Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
                if expr.exp.is_Rational and \
                        ask(Q.even(expr.exp.q), assumptions):
                    return ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions)
                elif ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                    return True
                elif ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
                    return True
                elif ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions):
                    return False
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_I():
    I = S.ImaginaryUnit
    z = I
    assert ask(Q.commutative(z))      == True
    assert ask(Q.integer(z))          == False
    assert ask(Q.rational(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.real(z))             == False
    assert ask(Q.complex(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.irrational(z))       == False
    assert ask(Q.imaginary(z))        == True
    assert ask(Q.positive(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.even(z))             == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(z))              == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.infinitesimal(z))    == False
    assert ask(Q.prime(z))            == False
    assert ask(Q.composite(z))        == False

    z = 1 + I
    assert ask(Q.commutative(z))      == True
    assert ask(Q.integer(z))          == False
    assert ask(Q.rational(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.real(z))             == False
    assert ask(Q.complex(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.irrational(z))       == False
    assert ask(Q.imaginary(z))        == False
    assert ask(Q.positive(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.even(z))             == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(z))              == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.infinitesimal(z))    == False
    assert ask(Q.prime(z))            == False
    assert ask(Q.composite(z))        == False

    z = I*(1+I)
    assert ask(Q.commutative(z))      == True
    assert ask(Q.integer(z))          == False
    assert ask(Q.rational(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.real(z))             == False
    assert ask(Q.complex(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.irrational(z))       == False
    assert ask(Q.imaginary(z))        == False
    assert ask(Q.positive(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(z))         == False
    assert ask(Q.even(z))             == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(z))              == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(z))          == True
    assert ask(Q.infinitesimal(z))    == False
    assert ask(Q.prime(z))            == False
    assert ask(Q.composite(z))        == False
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_negative():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    assert ask(Q.negative(x), Q.negative(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(x), Q.positive(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(x), ~Q.real(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(x), Q.prime(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(x), ~Q.prime(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.negative(-x), Q.positive(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(-x), ~Q.positive(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.negative(-x), Q.negative(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(-x), Q.positive(x)) == True

    assert ask(Q.negative(x-1), Q.negative(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(x+y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.negative(x+y), Q.negative(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.negative(x+y), Q.negative(x) & Q.negative(y)) == True

    assert ask(Q.negative(x**2)) == None
    assert ask(Q.negative(x**2), Q.real(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(x**1.4), Q.real(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.negative(x*y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.negative(x*y), Q.positive(x) & Q.positive(y)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(x*y), Q.positive(x) & Q.negative(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(x*y), Q.complex(x) & Q.complex(y)) == None

    assert ask(Q.negative(x**y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.negative(x**y), Q.negative(x) & Q.even(y)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(x**y), Q.negative(x) & Q.odd(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(x**y), Q.positive(x) & Q.integer(y)) == False

    assert ask(Q.negative(Abs(x))) == False
Exemplo n.º 10
 def Pow(expr, assumptions):
     Imaginary**integer -> Imaginary if integer % 2 == 1
     Imaginary**integer -> real if integer % 2 == 0
     Imaginary**Imaginary    -> ?
     Imaginary**Real         -> ?
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskImaginaryHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
             if ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions):
                 return True
             elif ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
                 return False
     elif ask(Q.real(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
             if expr.exp.is_Rational and \
                ask(Q.even(expr.exp.q), assumptions):
                 return ask(Q.negative(expr.base),assumptions)
             elif ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                 return False
             elif ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
                 return False
             elif ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions):
                 return True
Exemplo n.º 11
 def log(expr, assumptions):
     r = ask(Q.real(expr.args[0]), assumptions)
     if r is not True:
         return r
     if ask(Q.positive(expr.args[0] - 1), assumptions):
         return True
     if ask(Q.negative(expr.args[0] - 1), assumptions):
         return False
Exemplo n.º 12
 def log(expr, assumptions):
     r = ask(Q.real(expr.args[0]), assumptions)
     if r is not True:
         return r
     if ask(Q.positive(expr.args[0] - 1), assumptions):
         return True
     if ask(Q.negative(expr.args[0] - 1), assumptions):
         return False
Exemplo n.º 13
def refine_atan2(expr, assumptions):
    Handler for the atan2 function


    >>> from sympy import Symbol, Q, refine, atan2
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_atan2
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.real(y) & Q.positive(x))
    >>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.negative(y) & Q.negative(x))
    atan(y/x) - pi
    >>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.positive(y) & Q.negative(x))
    atan(y/x) + pi
    >>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.zero(y) & Q.negative(x))
    >>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.positive(y) & Q.zero(x))
    >>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.negative(y) & Q.zero(x))
    >>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.zero(y) & Q.zero(x))
    from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import atan
    from sympy.core import S

    y, x = expr.args
    if ask(Q.real(y) & Q.positive(x), assumptions):
        return atan(y / x)
    elif ask(Q.negative(y) & Q.negative(x), assumptions):
        return atan(y / x) - S.Pi
    elif ask(Q.positive(y) & Q.negative(x), assumptions):
        return atan(y / x) + S.Pi
    elif ask(Q.zero(y) & Q.negative(x), assumptions):
        return S.Pi
    elif ask(Q.positive(y) & Q.zero(x), assumptions):
        return S.Pi / 2
    elif ask(Q.negative(y) & Q.zero(x), assumptions):
        return -S.Pi / 2
    elif ask(Q.zero(y) & Q.zero(x), assumptions):
        return S.NaN
        return expr
Exemplo n.º 14
 def Pow(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number: return expr.evalf() > 0
     if ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
         return True
     if ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return True
         if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return False
Exemplo n.º 15
 def Add(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskPositiveHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     for arg in expr.args:
         if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions) is not True:
         # if all argument's are positive
         return True
Exemplo n.º 16
 def Add(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskPositiveHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     for arg in expr.args:
         if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions) is not True:
         # if all argument's are positive
         return True
Exemplo n.º 17
 def Pow(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number: return expr.evalf() > 0
     if ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
         return True
     if ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return True
         if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return False
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_real():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    assert ask(Q.real(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.nonzero(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.positive(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.negative(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.integer(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.even(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.prime(x)) == True

    assert ask(Q.real(x/sqrt(2)), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x/sqrt(-2)), Q.real(x)) == False

    I = S.ImaginaryUnit
    assert ask(Q.real(x+1), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x+I), Q.real(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.real(x+I), Q.complex(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.real(2*x), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(I*x), Q.real(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.real(I*x), Q.imaginary(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(I*x), Q.complex(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.real(x**2), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(sqrt(x)), Q.negative(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.real(x**y), Q.real(x) & Q.integer(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x**y), Q.real(x) & Q.real(y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.real(x**y), Q.positive(x) & Q.real(y)) == True

    # trigonometric functions
    assert ask(Q.real(sin(x))) == None
    assert ask(Q.real(cos(x))) == None
    assert ask(Q.real(sin(x)), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(cos(x)), Q.real(x)) == True

    # exponential function
    assert ask(Q.real(exp(x))) == None
    assert ask(Q.real(exp(x)), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x + exp(x)), Q.real(x)) == True

    # Q.complexes
    assert ask(Q.real(re(x))) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(im(x))) == True
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_real():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    assert ask(Q.real(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.nonzero(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.positive(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.negative(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.integer(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.even(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x), Q.prime(x)) == True

    assert ask(Q.real(x / sqrt(2)), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x / sqrt(-2)), Q.real(x)) == False

    I = S.ImaginaryUnit
    assert ask(Q.real(x + 1), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x + I), Q.real(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.real(x + I), Q.complex(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.real(2 * x), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(I * x), Q.real(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.real(I * x), Q.imaginary(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(I * x), Q.complex(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.real(x**2), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(sqrt(x)), Q.negative(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.real(x**y), Q.real(x) & Q.integer(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x**y), Q.real(x) & Q.real(y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.real(x**y), Q.positive(x) & Q.real(y)) == True

    # trigonometric functions
    assert ask(Q.real(sin(x))) == None
    assert ask(Q.real(cos(x))) == None
    assert ask(Q.real(sin(x)), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(cos(x)), Q.real(x)) == True

    # exponential function
    assert ask(Q.real(exp(x))) == None
    assert ask(Q.real(exp(x)), Q.real(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(x + exp(x)), Q.real(x)) == True

    # Q.complexes
    assert ask(Q.real(re(x))) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(im(x))) == True
Exemplo n.º 20
 def Pow(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskEvenHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.positive(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return ask(Q.even(expr.base), assumptions)
         elif ask(~Q.negative(expr.exp) & Q.odd(expr.base), assumptions):
             return False
         elif expr.base is S.NegativeOne:
             return False
Exemplo n.º 21
 def Basic(expr, assumptions):
     _positive = ask(Q.positive(expr), assumptions)
     if _positive:
         _integer = ask(Q.integer(expr), assumptions)
         if _integer:
             _prime = ask(Q.prime(expr), assumptions)
             if _prime is None: return
             return not _prime
         else: return _integer
     else: return _positive
Exemplo n.º 22
 def Mul(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskPositiveHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     result = True
     for arg in expr.args:
         if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions): continue
         elif ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions):
             result = result ^ True
         else: return
     return result
Exemplo n.º 23
 def Pow(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskEvenHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.positive(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return ask(Q.even(expr.base), assumptions)
         elif ask(~Q.negative(expr.exp) & Q.odd(expr.base), assumptions):
             return False
         elif expr.base is S.NegativeOne:
             return False
Exemplo n.º 24
def _(expr, assumptions):
    if expr.is_number:
        return _EvenPredicate_number(expr, assumptions)
    if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
        if ask(Q.positive(expr.exp), assumptions):
            return ask(Q.even(expr.base), assumptions)
        elif ask(~Q.negative(expr.exp) & Q.odd(expr.base), assumptions):
            return False
        elif expr.base is S.NegativeOne:
            return False
Exemplo n.º 25
def _(expr, assumptions):
    * Imaginary**Odd        -> Imaginary
    * Imaginary**Even       -> Real
    * b**Imaginary          -> !Imaginary if exponent is an integer
                               multiple of I*pi/log(b)
    * Imaginary**Real       -> ?
    * Positive**Real        -> Real
    * Negative**Integer     -> Real
    * Negative**(Integer/2) -> Imaginary
    * Negative**Real        -> not Imaginary if exponent is not Rational
    if expr.is_number:
        return _Imaginary_number(expr, assumptions)

    if expr.base == E:
        a = expr.exp / I / pi
        return ask(Q.integer(2 * a) & ~Q.integer(a), assumptions)

    if expr.base.func == exp or (expr.base.is_Pow and expr.base.base == E):
        if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base.exp), assumptions):
            if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
                return False
            i = expr.base.exp / I / pi
            if ask(Q.integer(2 * i), assumptions):
                return ask(Q.imaginary((S.NegativeOne**i)**expr.exp),

    if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base), assumptions):
        if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
            odd = ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions)
            if odd is not None:
                return odd

    if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
        imlog = ask(Q.imaginary(log(expr.base)), assumptions)
        if imlog is not None:
            # I**i -> real; (2*I)**i -> complex ==> not imaginary
            return False

    if ask(Q.real(expr.base) & Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
        if ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
            return False
            rat = ask(Q.rational(expr.exp), assumptions)
            if not rat:
                return rat
            if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                return False
                half = ask(Q.integer(2 * expr.exp), assumptions)
                if half:
                    return ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions)
                return half
Exemplo n.º 26
def _(expr, assumptions):
    if expr.is_number:
        return _PositivePredicate_number(expr, assumptions)
    if ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
        if ask(Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
            return True
    if ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions):
        if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
            return True
        if ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions):
            return False
Exemplo n.º 27
 def Mul(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskPositiveHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     result = True
     for arg in expr.args:
         if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions): continue
         elif ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions):
             result = result ^ True
     return result
Exemplo n.º 28
 def Pow(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskPositiveHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     if ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return True
     if ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return True
         if ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return False
Exemplo n.º 29
 def Pow(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskPositiveHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     if ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return True
     if ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return True
         if ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return False
Exemplo n.º 30
def _(expr, assumptions):
    if expr.is_number:
        return _PositivePredicate_number(expr, assumptions)
    result = True
    for arg in expr.args:
        if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions):
        elif ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions):
            result = result ^ True
    return result
Exemplo n.º 31
 def Basic(expr, assumptions):
     _positive = ask(Q.positive(expr), assumptions)
     if _positive:
         _integer = ask(Q.integer(expr), assumptions)
         if _integer:
             _prime = ask(Q.prime(expr), assumptions)
             if _prime is None: return
             return not _prime
             return _integer
         return _positive
Exemplo n.º 32
 def Mul(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskNegativeHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     result = None
     for arg in expr.args:
         if result is None: result = False
         if ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions):
             result = not result
         elif ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions):
         else: return
     return result
Exemplo n.º 33
 def Mul(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskNegativeHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     result = None
     for arg in expr.args:
         if result is None: result = False
         if ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions):
             result = not result
         elif ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions):
     return result
Exemplo n.º 34
 def Add(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskPositiveHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     nonneg = 0
     for arg in expr.args:
         if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions) is not True:
             if ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions) is False:
                 nonneg += 1
         if nonneg < len(expr.args):
             return True
Exemplo n.º 35
 def Add(expr, assumptions):
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskPositiveHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     nonneg = 0
     for arg in expr.args:
         if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions) is not True:
             if ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions) is False:
                 nonneg += 1
         if nonneg < len(expr.args):
             return True
Exemplo n.º 36
def refine_sign(expr, assumptions):
    Handler for sign.


    >>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_sign
    >>> from sympy import Symbol, Q, sign, im
    >>> x = Symbol('x', real = True)
    >>> expr = sign(x)
    >>> refine_sign(expr, Q.positive(x) & Q.nonzero(x))
    >>> refine_sign(expr, Q.negative(x) & Q.nonzero(x))
    >>> refine_sign(expr, Q.zero(x))
    >>> y = Symbol('y', imaginary = True)
    >>> expr = sign(y)
    >>> refine_sign(expr, Q.positive(im(y)))
    >>> refine_sign(expr, Q.negative(im(y)))
    arg = expr.args[0]
    if ask(Q.zero(arg), assumptions):
        return S.Zero
    if ask(Q.real(arg)):
        if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions):
            return S.One
        if ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions):
            return S.NegativeOne
    if ask(Q.imaginary(arg)):
        arg_re, arg_im = arg.as_real_imag()
        if ask(Q.positive(arg_im), assumptions):
            return S.ImaginaryUnit
        if ask(Q.negative(arg_im), assumptions):
            return -S.ImaginaryUnit
    return expr
Exemplo n.º 37
def _(expr, assumptions):
    if expr.is_number:
        return _NegativePredicate_number(expr, assumptions)
    result = None
    for arg in expr.args:
        if result is None:
            result = False
        if ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions):
            result = not result
        elif ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions):
    return result
Exemplo n.º 38
Arquivo: sets.py Projeto: helpin/sympy
 def log(expr, assumptions):
     if ask(Q.real(expr.args[0]), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.positive(expr.args[0]), assumptions):
             return False
     # XXX it should be enough to do
     # return ask(Q.nonpositive(expr.args[0]), assumptions)
     # but ask(Q.nonpositive(exp(x)), Q.imaginary(x)) -> None;
     # it should return True since exp(x) will be either 0 or complex
     if expr.args[0].func == exp:
         if expr.args[0].args[0] in [I, -I]:
             return True
     im = ask(Q.imaginary(expr.args[0]), assumptions)
     if im is False:
         return False
Exemplo n.º 39
def simplify_multiple_exp_sum(expr, do_simplify=False, optims=None):
    if optims is None:
        #         optims = sympy.codegen.rewriting.optims_c99 + (logsumexp_2terms_opt,)
        optims = (
    if not (ask(Q.positive(expr)) or ask(Q.negative(expr))):
        if expr.args:
            return expr.func(*[
                simplify_multiple_exp_sum(arg, do_simplify, optims)
                for arg in expr.args
        return expr

    sign = 1 if ask(Q.positive(expr)) else -1
    # expand log so that the resulting expression is a sum
    # given it is a multiplication/division before
    # expand_log apparently is not aware of assumptions given by a context manager
    # Therefore, use the force optin for now.
    log_expr = sy.expand_log(sy.log(sign * expr), force=True)
    log_expr = sympy.codegen.rewriting.optimize(log_expr, optims)
    val = sign * sy.exp(log_expr, evaluate=False)
    return val
Exemplo n.º 40
 def Pow(expr, assumptions):
     Real ** Even -> NonNegative
     Real ** Odd  -> same_as_base
     NonNegative ** Positive -> NonNegative
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskNegativeHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     if ask(Q.real(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
             return False
         if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return False
         if ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions)
Exemplo n.º 41
 def Pow(expr, assumptions):
     Real ** Even -> NonNegative
     Real ** Odd  -> same_as_base
     NonNegative ** Positive -> NonNegative
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskNegativeHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     if ask(Q.real(expr.base), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
             return False
         if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return False
         if ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions):
             return ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def log(expr, assumptions):
     if ask(Q.real(expr.args[0]), assumptions):
         if ask(Q.positive(expr.args[0]), assumptions):
             return False
     # XXX it should be enough to do
     # return ask(Q.nonpositive(expr.args[0]), assumptions)
     # but ask(Q.nonpositive(exp(x)), Q.imaginary(x)) -> None;
     # it should return True since exp(x) will be either 0 or complex
     if expr.args[0].func == exp:
         if expr.args[0].args[0] in [I, -I]:
             return True
     im = ask(Q.imaginary(expr.args[0]), assumptions)
     if im is False:
         return False
Exemplo n.º 43
    def Add(expr, assumptions):
        Return True if expr is bounded, False if not and None if unknown.

               TRUTH TABLE

              B    U     ?
                 + - x + - x
        B   | B |  U  |? ? ?|  legend:
            +---+-----+-----+    B  = Bounded
          +     |U ? ?|U ? ?|    U  = Unbounded
        U -     |? U ?|? U ?|    ?  = unknown boundedness
          x     |? ? ?|? ? ?|    +  = positive sign
                +-----+--+--+    -  = negative sign
        ?             |? ? ?|    x  = sign unknown

        All Bounded -> True
        1 Unbounded and the rest Bounded -> False
        >1 Unbounded, all with same known sign -> False
        Any Unknown and unknown sign -> None
        Else -> None

        When the signs are not the same you can have an undefined
        result as in oo - oo, hence 'bounded' is also undefined.

        sign = -1  # sign of unknown or unbounded
        result = True
        for arg in expr.args:
            _bounded = ask(Q.bounded(arg), assumptions)
            if _bounded:
            s = ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions)
            # if there has been more than one sign or if the sign of this arg
            # is None and Bounded is None or there was already
            # an unknown sign, return None
            if sign != -1 and s != sign or \
               s == None and (s == _bounded or s == sign):
                return None
                sign = s
            # once False, do not change
            if result is not False:
                result = _bounded
        return result
Exemplo n.º 44
def test_bounded():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x), Q.bounded(y)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x), Q.complex(x)) == False

    assert ask(Q.bounded(x + 1)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x + 1), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x + y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x + y), Q.bounded(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x + 1), Q.bounded(x) & Q.bounded(y)) == True

    assert ask(Q.bounded(2 * x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(2 * x), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x * y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x * y), Q.bounded(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x * y), Q.bounded(x) & Q.bounded(y)) == True

    assert ask(Q.bounded(x**2)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(2**x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(2**x), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x**x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(Rational(1, 2)**x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.bounded(Rational(1, 2)**x), Q.positive(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(Rational(1, 2)**x), Q.negative(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sqrt(x))) == False

    # sign function
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sign(x))) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sign(x)), ~Q.bounded(x)) == True

    # exponential functions
    assert ask(Q.bounded(log(x))) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(log(x)), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(exp(x))) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(exp(x)), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(exp(2))) == True

    # trigonometric functions
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sin(x))) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sin(x)), ~Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(cos(x))) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(cos(x)), ~Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(2 * sin(x))) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sin(x)**2)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(cos(x)**2)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(cos(x) + sin(x))) == True
Exemplo n.º 45
def test_bounded():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x), Q.bounded(y)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x), Q.complex(x)) == False

    assert ask(Q.bounded(x+1)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x+1), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x+y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x+y), Q.bounded(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x+1), Q.bounded(x) & Q.bounded(y)) == True

    assert ask(Q.bounded(2*x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(2*x), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x*y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x*y), Q.bounded(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x*y), Q.bounded(x) & Q.bounded(y)) == True

    assert ask(Q.bounded(x**2)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(2**x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(2**x), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(x**x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(Rational(1,2) ** x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.bounded(Rational(1,2) ** x), Q.positive(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(Rational(1,2) ** x), Q.negative(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sqrt(x))) == False

    # sign function
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sign(x))) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sign(x)), ~Q.bounded(x)) == True

    # exponential functions
    assert ask(Q.bounded(log(x))) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(log(x)), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(exp(x))) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(exp(x)), Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(exp(2))) == True

    # trigonometric functions
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sin(x))) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sin(x)), ~Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(cos(x))) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(cos(x)), ~Q.bounded(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(2*sin(x))) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(sin(x)**2)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(cos(x)**2)) == True
    assert ask(Q.bounded(cos(x) + sin(x))) == True
Exemplo n.º 46
    def Pow(expr, assumptions):
        Imaginary**Odd        -> Imaginary
        Imaginary**Even       -> Real
        b**Imaginary          -> !Imaginary if exponent is an integer multiple of I*pi/log(b)
        Imaginary**Real       -> ?
        Positive**Real        -> Real
        Negative**Integer     -> Real
        Negative**(Integer/2) -> Imaginary
        Negative**Real        -> not Imaginary if exponent is not Rational
        if expr.is_number:
            return AskImaginaryHandler._number(expr, assumptions)

        if expr.base.func == exp:
            if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base.args[0]), assumptions):
                if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
                    return False
                i = expr.base.args[0]/I/pi
                if ask(Q.integer(2*i), assumptions):
                    return ask(Q.imaginary(((-1)**i)**expr.exp), assumptions)

        if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base), assumptions):
            if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                odd = ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions)
                if odd is not None:
                    return odd

        if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
            imlog = ask(Q.imaginary(log(expr.base)), assumptions)
            if imlog is not None:
                return False  # I**i -> real; (2*I)**i -> complex ==> not imaginary

        if ask(Q.real(expr.base) & Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
            if ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
                return False
                rat = ask(Q.rational(expr.exp), assumptions)
                if not rat:
                    return rat
                if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                    return False
                    half = ask(Q.integer(2*expr.exp), assumptions)
                    if half:
                        return ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions)
                    return half
Exemplo n.º 47
Arquivo: sets.py Projeto: helpin/sympy
    def Pow(expr, assumptions):
        Imaginary**Odd        -> Imaginary
        Imaginary**Even       -> Real
        b**Imaginary          -> !Imaginary if exponent is an integer multiple of I*pi/log(b)
        Imaginary**Real       -> ?
        Positive**Real        -> Real
        Negative**Integer     -> Real
        Negative**(Integer/2) -> Imaginary
        Negative**Real        -> not Imaginary if exponent is not Rational
        if expr.is_number:
            return AskImaginaryHandler._number(expr, assumptions)

        if expr.base.func == exp:
            if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base.args[0]), assumptions):
                if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
                    return False
                i = expr.base.args[0] / I / pi
                if ask(Q.integer(2 * i), assumptions):
                    return ask(Q.imaginary(((-1)**i)**expr.exp), assumptions)

        if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base), assumptions):
            if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                odd = ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions)
                if odd is not None:
                    return odd

        if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
            imlog = ask(Q.imaginary(log(expr.base)), assumptions)
            if imlog is not None:
                return False  # I**i -> real; (2*I)**i -> complex ==> not imaginary

        if ask(Q.real(expr.base) & Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
            if ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
                return False
                rat = ask(Q.rational(expr.exp), assumptions)
                if not rat:
                    return rat
                if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                    return False
                    half = ask(Q.integer(2 * expr.exp), assumptions)
                    if half:
                        return ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions)
                    return half
Exemplo n.º 48
    def Add(expr, assumptions):
        Return True if expr is bounded, False if not and None if unknown.

               TRUTH TABLE

              B    U     ?
                 + - x + - x
        B   | B |  U  |? ? ?|  legend:
            +---+-----+-----+    B  = Bounded
          +     |U ? ?|U ? ?|    U  = Unbounded
        U -     |? U ?|? U ?|    ?  = unknown boundedness
          x     |? ? ?|? ? ?|    +  = positive sign
                +-----+--+--+    -  = negative sign
        ?             |? ? ?|    x  = sign unknown

        All Bounded -> True
        1 Unbounded and the rest Bounded -> False
        >1 Unbounded, all with same known sign -> False
        Any Unknown and unknown sign -> None
        Else -> None

        When the signs are not the same you can have an undefined
        result as in oo - oo, hence 'bounded' is also undefined.

        sign = -1 # sign of unknown or unbounded
        result = True
        for arg in expr.args:
            _bounded = ask(Q.bounded(arg), assumptions)
            if _bounded:
            s = ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions)
            # if there has been more than one sign or if the sign of this arg
            # is None and Bounded is None or there was already
            # an unknown sign, return None
            if sign != -1 and s != sign or \
               s == None and (s == _bounded or s == sign):
                return None
                sign = s
            # once False, do not change
            if result is not False:
                result = _bounded
        return result
Exemplo n.º 49
def test_Rational_number():
    r = Rational(3, 4)
    assert ask(Q.commutative(r)) == True
    assert ask(Q.integer(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.rational(r)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(r)) == True
    assert ask(Q.complex(r)) == True
    assert ask(Q.irrational(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.imaginary(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.positive(r)) == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.even(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(r)) == True
    assert ask(Q.infinitesimal(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.prime(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.composite(r)) == False

    r = Rational(1, 4)
    assert ask(Q.positive(r)) == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(r)) == False

    r = Rational(5, 4)
    assert ask(Q.negative(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.positive(r)) == True

    r = Rational(5, 3)
    assert ask(Q.positive(r)) == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(r)) == False

    r = Rational(-3, 4)
    assert ask(Q.positive(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(r)) == True

    r = Rational(-1, 4)
    assert ask(Q.positive(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(r)) == True

    r = Rational(-5, 4)
    assert ask(Q.negative(r)) == True
    assert ask(Q.positive(r)) == False

    r = Rational(-5, 3)
    assert ask(Q.positive(r)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(r)) == True
Exemplo n.º 50
def test_Rational_number():
    r = Rational(3,4)
    assert ask(Q.commutative(r))      == True
    assert ask(Q.integer(r))          == False
    assert ask(Q.rational(r))         == True
    assert ask(Q.real(r))             == True
    assert ask(Q.complex(r))          == True
    assert ask(Q.irrational(r))       == False
    assert ask(Q.imaginary(r))        == False
    assert ask(Q.positive(r))         == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(r))         == False
    assert ask(Q.even(r))             == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(r))              == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(r))          == True
    assert ask(Q.infinitesimal(r))    == False
    assert ask(Q.prime(r))            == False
    assert ask(Q.composite(r))        == False

    r = Rational(1,4)
    assert ask(Q.positive(r))         == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(r))         == False

    r = Rational(5,4)
    assert ask(Q.negative(r))         == False
    assert ask(Q.positive(r))         == True

    r = Rational(5,3)
    assert ask(Q.positive(r))         == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(r))         == False

    r = Rational(-3,4)
    assert ask(Q.positive(r))         == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(r))         == True

    r = Rational(-1,4)
    assert ask(Q.positive(r))         == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(r))         == True

    r = Rational(-5,4)
    assert ask(Q.negative(r))         == True
    assert ask(Q.positive(r))         == False

    r = Rational(-5,3)
    assert ask(Q.positive(r))         == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(r))         == True
Exemplo n.º 51
    def Add(expr, assumptions):
        Return True if expr is bounded, False if not and None if unknown.

               TRUTH TABLE

              B    U     ?
                 + - x + - x
        B   | B |  U  |? ? ?|  legend:
            +---+-----+-----+    B  = Bounded
          +     |U ? ?|U ? ?|    U  = Unbounded
        U -     |? U ?|? U ?|    ?  = unknown boundedness
          x     |? ? ?|? ? ?|    +  = positive sign
                +-----+--+--+    -  = negative sign
        ?             |? ? ?|    x  = sign unknown

        All Bounded -> True
        Any Unbounded and all same sign -> False
        Any Unknown and unknown sign -> None
        Else -> None

        When the signs are not the same you can have an undefined
        (hence bounded undefined) result as in oo - oo

        result = True
        sign = -1 # not assigned yet
        for arg in expr.args:
            _bounded = ask(Q.bounded(arg), assumptions)
            if _bounded:
            if result is None and _bounded is None and sign is None:
                return None
            if result is not False:
                result = _bounded
            pos = ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions)
            if sign == -1:
                sign = pos
            if sign != pos:
                return None
            if sign is None and pos is None:
                return None
        return result
Exemplo n.º 52
    def Pow(expr, assumptions):
        Imaginary**integer/odd  -> Imaginary
        Imaginary**integer/even -> Real if integer % 2 == 0
        b**Imaginary            -> !Imaginary if exponent is an integer multiple of I*pi/log(b)
        Imaginary**Real         -> ?
        Negative**even root     -> Imaginary
        Negative**odd root      -> Real
        Negative**Real          -> Imaginary
        Real**Integer           -> Real
        Real**Positive          -> Real
        if expr.is_number:
            return AskImaginaryHandler._number(expr, assumptions)

        if expr.base.func == C.exp:
            if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base.args[0]), assumptions):
                if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
                    return False
                i = expr.base.args[0] / I / pi
                if ask(Q.integer(2 * i), assumptions):
                    return ask(Q.imaginary(((-1)**i)**expr.exp), assumptions)

        if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base), assumptions):
            if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                odd = ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions)
                if odd is not None:
                    return odd

        if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
            imlog = ask(Q.imaginary(C.log(expr.base)), assumptions)
            if imlog is not None:
                return False  # I**i -> real; (2*I)**i -> complex ==> not imaginary

        if ask(Q.real(expr.base), assumptions):
            if ask(Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
                if ask(
                        Q.rational(expr.exp) & Q.even(denom(expr.exp)),
                    return ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions)
                elif ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
                    return False
                elif ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
                    return False
                elif ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions):
                    return True
Exemplo n.º 53
def test_odd():
    x, y, z, t = symbols('x,y,z,t')
    assert ask(Q.odd(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(x), Q.odd(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(x), Q.integer(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(x), ~Q.integer(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(x), Q.rational(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(x), Q.positive(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.odd(-x), Q.odd(x)) == True

    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x), Q.integer(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x), Q.odd(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x), Q.irrational(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x), ~Q.integer(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(3*x), Q.integer(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.odd(x/3), Q.odd(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(x/3), Q.even(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.odd(x+1), Q.even(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(x+2), Q.even(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(x+2), Q.odd(x))  == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(3-x), Q.odd(x))  == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(3-x), Q.even(x))  == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(3+x), Q.odd(x))  == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(3+x), Q.even(x))  == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(x+y), Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(y)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(x+y), Q.odd(x) & Q.even(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(x-y), Q.even(x) & Q.odd(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(x-y), Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(y)) == False

    assert ask(Q.odd(x+y+z), Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(y) & Q.even(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(x+y+z+t),
               Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(y) & Q.even(z) & Q.integer(t)) == None

    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x + 1), Q.integer(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x + y), Q.integer(x) & Q.odd(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x + y), Q.integer(x) & Q.even(y)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x + y), Q.integer(x) & Q.integer(y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(x*y), Q.odd(x) & Q.even(y)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(x*y), Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x*y), Q.rational(x) & Q.rational(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(2*x*y), Q.irrational(x) & Q.irrational(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.odd(Abs(x)), Q.odd(x)) == True
Exemplo n.º 54
def test_odd():
    x, y, z, t = symbols('x,y,z,t')
    assert ask(Q.odd(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(x), Q.odd(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(x), Q.integer(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(x), ~Q.integer(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(x), Q.rational(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(x), Q.positive(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.odd(-x), Q.odd(x)) == True

    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x), Q.integer(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x), Q.odd(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x), Q.irrational(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x), ~Q.integer(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(3 * x), Q.integer(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.odd(x / 3), Q.odd(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(x / 3), Q.even(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.odd(x + 1), Q.even(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(x + 2), Q.even(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(x + 2), Q.odd(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(3 - x), Q.odd(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(3 - x), Q.even(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(3 + x), Q.odd(x)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(3 + x), Q.even(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(x + y), Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(y)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(x + y), Q.odd(x) & Q.even(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(x - y), Q.even(x) & Q.odd(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(x - y), Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(y)) == False

    assert ask(Q.odd(x + y + z), Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(y) & Q.even(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(x + y + z + t),
               Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(y) & Q.even(z) & Q.integer(t)) == None

    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x + 1), Q.integer(x)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x + y), Q.integer(x) & Q.odd(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x + y), Q.integer(x) & Q.even(y)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x + y), Q.integer(x) & Q.integer(y)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(x * y), Q.odd(x) & Q.even(y)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(x * y), Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(y)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x * y), Q.rational(x) & Q.rational(x)) == None
    assert ask(Q.odd(2 * x * y), Q.irrational(x) & Q.irrational(x)) == None

    assert ask(Q.odd(Abs(x)), Q.odd(x)) == True
Exemplo n.º 55
 def Add(expr, assumptions):
     Positive + Positive -> Positive,
     Negative + Negative -> Negative
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskNegativeHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     nonpos = 0
     for arg in expr.args:
         if ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions) is not True:
             if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions) is False:
                 nonpos += 1
         if nonpos < len(expr.args):
             return True
Exemplo n.º 56
 def Add(expr, assumptions):
     Positive + Positive -> Positive,
     Negative + Negative -> Negative
     if expr.is_number:
         return AskNegativeHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
     nonpos = 0
     for arg in expr.args:
         if ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions) is not True:
             if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions) is False:
                 nonpos += 1
         if nonpos < len(expr.args):
             return True
Exemplo n.º 57
def test_zero_0():
    z = Integer(0)
    assert ask(Q.nonzero(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.commutative(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.integer(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.rational(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.real(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.complex(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.imaginary(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.positive(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.negative(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.even(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.odd(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.infinitesimal(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.prime(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.composite(z)) == False
Exemplo n.º 58
def test_E():
    z = S.Exp1
    assert ask(Q.commutative(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.integer(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.rational(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.real(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.complex(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.irrational(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.imaginary(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.positive(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.negative(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.even(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.odd(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.bounded(z)) == True
    assert ask(Q.infinitesimal(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.prime(z)) == False
    assert ask(Q.composite(z)) == False
Exemplo n.º 59
def _(expr, assumptions):
    _positive = ask(Q.positive(expr), assumptions)
    if _positive:
        _integer = ask(Q.integer(expr), assumptions)
        if _integer:
            _prime = ask(Q.prime(expr), assumptions)
            if _prime is None:
            # Positive integer which is not prime is not
            # necessarily composite
            if expr.equals(1):
                return False
            return not _prime
            return _integer
        return _positive
Exemplo n.º 60
 def Basic(expr, assumptions):
     _positive = ask(Q.positive(expr), assumptions)
     if _positive:
         _integer = ask(Q.integer(expr), assumptions)
         if _integer:
             _prime = ask(Q.prime(expr), assumptions)
             if _prime is None:
             # Positive integer which is not prime is not
             # necessarily composite
             if expr.equals(1):
                 return False
             return not _prime
             return _integer
         return _positive