Exemplo n.º 1
def test_Scope():
    assign = Assignment(x, y)
    incr = AddAugmentedAssignment(x, 1)
    scp = Scope([assign, incr])
    cblk = CodeBlock(assign, incr)
    assert scp.body == cblk
    assert scp == Scope(cblk)
    assert scp != Scope([incr, assign])
    assert scp.func(*scp.args) == scp
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_Scope():
    assign = Assignment(x, y)
    incr = AddAugmentedAssignment(x, 1)
    scp = Scope([assign, incr])
    cblk = CodeBlock(assign, incr)
    assert scp.body == cblk
    assert scp == Scope(cblk)
    assert scp != Scope([incr, assign])
    assert scp.func(*scp.args) == scp
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_ccode_codegen_ast():
    assert ccode(Comment("this is a comment")) == "// this is a comment"
    assert ccode(While(abs(x) > 1,
                       [aug_assign(x, '-', 1)])) == ('while (fabs(x) > 1) {\n'
                                                     '   x -= 1;\n'
    assert ccode(Scope([AddAugmentedAssignment(x, 1)])) == ('{\n'
                                                            '   x += 1;\n'
    inp_x = Declaration(Variable(x, type=real))
    assert ccode(FunctionPrototype(real, 'pwer',
                                   [inp_x])) == 'double pwer(double x)'
    assert ccode(
            real, 'pwer', [inp_x],
            [Assignment(x, x**2)])) == ('double pwer(double x){\n'
                                        '   x = pow(x, 2);\n'

    # Elements of CodeBlock are formatted as statements:
    block = CodeBlock(
        Print([x, y], "%d %d"),
        FunctionCall('pwer', [x]),
    assert ccode(block) == '\n'.join([
        'printf("%d %d", x, y);',
        'return x;',
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_ccode_codegen_ast():
    assert ccode(Comment("this is a comment")) == "// this is a comment"
    assert ccode(While(abs(x) > 1, [aug_assign(x, "-", 1)])) == (
        "while (fabs(x) > 1) {\n" "   x -= 1;\n" "}"
    assert ccode(Scope([AddAugmentedAssignment(x, 1)])) == ("{\n" "   x += 1;\n" "}")
    inp_x = Declaration(Variable(x, type=real))
    assert ccode(FunctionPrototype(real, "pwer", [inp_x])) == "double pwer(double x)"
    assert ccode(
        FunctionDefinition(real, "pwer", [inp_x], [Assignment(x, x ** 2)])
    ) == ("double pwer(double x){\n" "   x = pow(x, 2);\n" "}")

    # Elements of CodeBlock are formatted as statements:
    block = CodeBlock(x, Print([x, y], "%d %d"), FunctionCall("pwer", [x]), Return(x),)
    assert ccode(block) == "\n".join(
        ["x;", 'printf("%d %d", x, y);', "pwer(x);", "return x;",]
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_ccode_codegen_ast():
    # Note that C only allows comments of the form /* ... */, double forward
    # slash is not standard C, and some C compilers will grind to a halt upon
    # encountering them.
    assert ccode(
        Comment("this is a comment")) == "/* this is a comment */"  # not //
    assert ccode(While(abs(x) > 1,
                       [aug_assign(x, '-', 1)])) == ('while (fabs(x) > 1) {\n'
                                                     '   x -= 1;\n'
    assert ccode(Scope([AddAugmentedAssignment(x, 1)])) == ('{\n'
                                                            '   x += 1;\n'
    inp_x = Declaration(Variable(x, type=real))
    assert ccode(FunctionPrototype(real, 'pwer',
                                   [inp_x])) == 'double pwer(double x)'
    assert ccode(
            real, 'pwer', [inp_x],
            [Assignment(x, x**2)])) == ('double pwer(double x){\n'
                                        '   x = pow(x, 2);\n'

    # Elements of CodeBlock are formatted as statements:
    block = CodeBlock(
        Print([x, y], "%d %d"),
        FunctionCall('pwer', [x]),
    assert ccode(block) == '\n'.join([
        'printf("%d %d", x, y);',
        'return x;',