Exemplo n.º 1
    def _eval_derivative(self, x):
        Differentiate wrt x as long as x is not in the free symbols of any of
        the upper or lower limits.

        Sum(a*b*x, (x, 1, a)) can be differentiated wrt x or b but not `a`
        since the value of the sum is discontinuous in `a`. In a case
        involving a limit variable, the unevaluated derivative is returned.

        # diff already confirmed that x is in the free symbols of self, but we
        # don't want to differentiate wrt any free symbol in the upper or lower
        # limits
        # XXX remove this test for free_symbols when the default _eval_derivative is in
        if x not in self.free_symbols:
            return S.Zero

        # get limits and the function
        f, limits = self.function, list(self.limits)

        limit = limits.pop(-1)

        if limits:  # f is the argument to a Sum
            f = self.func(f, *limits)

        if len(limit) == 3:
            _, a, b = limit
            if x in a.free_symbols or x in b.free_symbols:
                return None
            df = Derivative(f, x, evaluate=True)
            rv = self.func(df, limit)
            if limit[0] not in df.free_symbols:
                rv = rv.doit()
            return rv
            return NotImplementedError('Lower and upper bound expected.')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def cross(self, vect, doit=False):
        Represents the cross product between this operator and a given
        vector - equal to the curl of the vector field.


        vect : Vector
            The vector whose curl is to be calculated.

        doit : bool
            If True, the result is returned after calling .doit() on
            each component. Else, the returned expression contains
            Derivative instances


        >>> from sympy.vector import CoordSysCartesian
        >>> C = CoordSysCartesian('C')
        >>> v = C.x*C.y*C.z * (C.i + C.j + C.k)
        >>> C.delop.cross(v, doit = True)
        (-C.x*C.y + C.x*C.z)*C.i + (C.x*C.y - C.y*C.z)*C.j + (-C.x*C.z + C.y*C.z)*C.k
        >>> (C.delop ^ C.i).doit()


        vectx = express(vect.dot(self._i), self.system, variables=True)
        vecty = express(vect.dot(self._j), self.system, variables=True)
        vectz = express(vect.dot(self._k), self.system, variables=True)
        outvec = Vector.zero
        outvec += (Derivative(vectz, self._y) -
                   Derivative(vecty, self._z)) * self._i
        outvec += (Derivative(vectx, self._z) -
                   Derivative(vectz, self._x)) * self._j
        outvec += (Derivative(vecty, self._x) -
                   Derivative(vectx, self._y)) * self._k

        if doit:
            return outvec.doit()
        return outvec
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_sympy__physics__quantum__operator__DifferentialOperator():
    from sympy.physics.quantum.operator import DifferentialOperator
    from sympy import Derivative, Function
    f = Function('f')
    assert _test_args(DifferentialOperator(1 / x * Derivative(f(x), x), f(x)))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _eval_derivative(self, x):
     if x.is_real or self.args[0].is_real:
         return im(Derivative(self.args[0], x, **{'evaluate': True}))
     if x.is_imaginary or self.args[0].is_imaginary:
         return -S.ImaginaryUnit \
             * re(Derivative(self.args[0], x, **{'evaluate': True}))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_Derivative_kind():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 2, 2)
    assert Derivative(comm_x, comm_x).kind is NumberKind
    assert Derivative(A, comm_x).kind is MatrixKind(NumberKind)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _eval_derivative(self, x):
     if x.is_real:
         return conjugate(Derivative(self.args[0], x, evaluate=True))
     elif x.is_imaginary:
         return -conjugate(Derivative(self.args[0], x, evaluate=True))
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_Derivative():
    assert precedence(Derivative(x, y)) == PRECEDENCE["Atom"]
Exemplo n.º 8
 def unreplace(eq, var):
     return eq.replace(diffx, lambda e: Derivative(e, var))
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_core_function():
    x = Symbol("x")
    for f in (Derivative, Derivative(x), Function, FunctionClass, Lambda,
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_jacobi():
    n = Symbol("n")
    a = Symbol("a")
    b = Symbol("b")

    assert jacobi(0, a, b, x) == 1
    assert jacobi(1, a, b, x) == a / 2 - b / 2 + x * (a / 2 + b / 2 + 1)

    assert jacobi(n, a, a, x) == RisingFactorial(a + 1, n) * gegenbauer(
        n, a + S.Half, x) / RisingFactorial(2 * a + 1, n)
    assert jacobi(n, a, -a,
                  x) == ((-1)**a * (-x + 1)**(-a / 2) * (x + 1)**(a / 2) *
                         assoc_legendre(n, a, x) * factorial(-a + n) *
                         gamma(a + n + 1) / (factorial(a + n) * gamma(n + 1)))
    assert jacobi(n, -b, b, x) == ((-x + 1)**(b / 2) * (x + 1)**(-b / 2) *
                                   assoc_legendre(n, b, x) *
                                   gamma(-b + n + 1) / gamma(n + 1))
    assert jacobi(n, 0, 0, x) == legendre(n, x)
    assert jacobi(n, S.Half, S.Half, x) == RisingFactorial(Rational(
        3, 2), n) * chebyshevu(n, x) / factorial(n + 1)
    assert jacobi(
        n, Rational(-1, 2), Rational(-1, 2),
        x) == RisingFactorial(S.Half, n) * chebyshevt(n, x) / factorial(n)

    X = jacobi(n, a, b, x)
    assert isinstance(X, jacobi)

    assert jacobi(n, a, b, -x) == (-1)**n * jacobi(n, b, a, x)
    assert jacobi(n, a, b, 0) == 2**(-n) * gamma(a + n + 1) * hyper(
        (-b - n, -n), (a + 1, ), -1) / (factorial(n) * gamma(a + 1))
    assert jacobi(n, a, b, 1) == RisingFactorial(a + 1, n) / factorial(n)

    m = Symbol("m", positive=True)
    assert jacobi(m, a, b, oo) == oo * RisingFactorial(a + b + m + 1, m)
    assert unchanged(jacobi, n, a, b, oo)

    assert conjugate(jacobi(m, a, b, x)) == \
        jacobi(m, conjugate(a), conjugate(b), conjugate(x))

    _k = Dummy('k')
    assert diff(jacobi(n, a, b, x), n) == Derivative(jacobi(n, a, b, x), n)
    assert diff(jacobi(n, a, b, x), a).dummy_eq(
        Sum((jacobi(n, a, b, x) + (2 * _k + a + b + 1) *
             RisingFactorial(_k + b + 1, -_k + n) * jacobi(_k, a, b, x) /
             ((-_k + n) * RisingFactorial(_k + a + b + 1, -_k + n))) /
            (_k + a + b + n + 1), (_k, 0, n - 1)))
    assert diff(jacobi(n, a, b, x), b).dummy_eq(
        Sum(((-1)**(-_k + n) * (2 * _k + a + b + 1) *
             RisingFactorial(_k + a + 1, -_k + n) * jacobi(_k, a, b, x) /
             ((-_k + n) * RisingFactorial(_k + a + b + 1, -_k + n)) +
             jacobi(n, a, b, x)) / (_k + a + b + n + 1), (_k, 0, n - 1)))
    assert diff(jacobi(n, a, b, x), x) == \
        (a/2 + b/2 + n/2 + S.Half)*jacobi(n - 1, a + 1, b + 1, x)

    assert jacobi_normalized(n, a, b, x) == \
           (jacobi(n, a, b, x)/sqrt(2**(a + b + 1)*gamma(a + n + 1)*gamma(b + n + 1)
                                    /((a + b + 2*n + 1)*factorial(n)*gamma(a + b + n + 1))))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: jacobi(-2.1, a, b, x))
           lambda: jacobi(Dummy(positive=True, integer=True), 1, 2, oo))

    assert jacobi(n, a, b, x).rewrite("polynomial").dummy_eq(
        Sum((S.Half - x / 2)**_k * RisingFactorial(-n, _k) *
            RisingFactorial(_k + a + 1, -_k + n) *
            RisingFactorial(a + b + n + 1, _k) / factorial(_k),
            (_k, 0, n)) / factorial(n))
    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: jacobi(n, a, b, x).fdiff(5))
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_issue_16160():
    assert Derivative(x**3, (x, x)).subs(x, 2) == Subs(
        Derivative(x**3, (x, 2)), x, 2)
    assert Derivative(1 + x**3, (x, x)).subs(x, 0
        ) == Derivative(1 + y**3, (y, 0)).subs(y, 0)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_derivative2():
    f = Function("f")
    x = Symbol("x")
    a = Wild("a", exclude=[f, x])
    b = Wild("b", exclude=[f])
    e = Derivative(f(x), x)
    assert e.match(Derivative(f(x), x)) == {}
    assert e.match(Derivative(f(x), x, x)) is None
    e = Derivative(f(x), x, x)
    assert e.match(Derivative(f(x), x)) is None
    assert e.match(Derivative(f(x), x, x)) == {}
    e = Derivative(f(x), x) + x**2
    assert e.match(a*Derivative(f(x), x) + b) == {a: 1, b: x**2}
    assert e.match(a*Derivative(f(x), x, x) + b) is None
    e = Derivative(f(x), x, x) + x**2
    assert e.match(a*Derivative(f(x), x) + b) is None
    assert e.match(a*Derivative(f(x), x, x) + b) == {a: 1, b: x**2}
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_Derivative():
    assert str(Derivative(x, y)) == "Derivative(x, y)"
    assert str(Derivative(x**2, x, evaluate=False)) == "Derivative(x**2, x)"
    assert str(Derivative(
        x**2/y, x, y, evaluate=False)) == "Derivative(x**2/y, x, y)"
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_big_expr():
    f = Function('f')
    x = symbols('x')
    e1 = Dagger(AntiCommutator(Operator('A') + Operator('B'), Pow(DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x), f(x)), 3))*TensorProduct(Jz**2, Operator('A') + Operator('B')))*(JzBra(1, 0) + JzBra(1, 1))*(JzKet(0, 0) + JzKet(1, -1))
    e2 = Commutator(Jz**2, Operator('A') + Operator('B'))*AntiCommutator(Dagger(Operator('C')*Operator('D')), Operator('E').inv()**2)*Dagger(Commutator(Jz, J2))
    e3 = Wigner3j(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)*TensorProduct(Commutator(Operator('A') + Dagger(Operator('B')), Operator('C') + Operator('D')), Jz - J2)*Dagger(OuterProduct(Dagger(JzBra(1, 1)), JzBra(1, 0)))*TensorProduct(JzKetCoupled(1, 1, (1, 1)) + JzKetCoupled(1, 0, (1, 1)), JzKetCoupled(1, -1, (1, 1)))
    e4 = (ComplexSpace(1)*ComplexSpace(2) + FockSpace()**2)*(L2(Interval(
        0, oo)) + HilbertSpace())
    assert str(e1) == '(Jz**2)x(Dagger(A) + Dagger(B))*{Dagger(DifferentialOperator(Derivative(f(x), x),f(x)))**3,Dagger(A) + Dagger(B)}*(<1,0| + <1,1|)*(|0,0> + |1,-1>)'
    ascii_str = \
                 /                                      3        \\                                 \n\
                 |/                                   +\\         |                                 \n\
    2  / +    +\\ <|                    /d            \\ |   +    +>                                 \n\
/J \\ x \\A  + B /*||DifferentialOperator|--(f(x)),f(x)| | ,A  + B |*(<1,0| + <1,1|)*(|0,0> + |1,-1>)\n\
\\ z/             \\\\                    \\dx           / /         /                                 \
    ucode_str = \
                 ⎧                                      3        ⎫                                 \n\
                 ⎪⎛                                   †⎞         ⎪                                 \n\
    2  ⎛ †    †⎞ ⎨⎜                    ⎛d            ⎞ ⎟   †    †⎬                                 \n\
⎛J ⎞ ⨂ ⎝A  + B ⎠⋅⎪⎜DifferentialOperator⎜──(f(x)),f(x)⎟ ⎟ ,A  + B ⎪⋅(⟨1,0❘ + ⟨1,1❘)⋅(❘0,0⟩ + ❘1,-1⟩)\n\
⎝ z⎠             ⎩⎝                    ⎝dx           ⎠ ⎠         ⎭                                 \
    assert pretty(e1) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(e1) == ucode_str
    assert latex(e1) == \
        r'{J_z^{2}}\otimes \left({A^{\dagger} + B^{\dagger}}\right) \left\{\left(DifferentialOperator\left(\frac{d}{d x} f{\left(x \right)},f{\left(x \right)}\right)^{\dagger}\right)^{3},A^{\dagger} + B^{\dagger}\right\} \left({\left\langle 1,0\right|} + {\left\langle 1,1\right|}\right) \left({\left|0,0\right\rangle } + {\left|1,-1\right\rangle }\right)'
    sT(e1, "Mul(TensorProduct(Pow(JzOp(Symbol('J')), Integer(2)), Add(Dagger(Operator(Symbol('A'))), Dagger(Operator(Symbol('B'))))), AntiCommutator(Pow(Dagger(DifferentialOperator(Derivative(Function('f')(Symbol('x')), Tuple(Symbol('x'), Integer(1))),Function('f')(Symbol('x')))), Integer(3)),Add(Dagger(Operator(Symbol('A'))), Dagger(Operator(Symbol('B'))))), Add(JzBra(Integer(1),Integer(0)), JzBra(Integer(1),Integer(1))), Add(JzKet(Integer(0),Integer(0)), JzKet(Integer(1),Integer(-1))))")
    assert str(e2) == '[Jz**2,A + B]*{E**(-2),Dagger(D)*Dagger(C)}*[J2,Jz]'
    ascii_str = \
[    2      ] / -2  +  +\\ [ 2   ]\n\
[/J \\ ,A + B]*<E  ,D *C >*[J ,J ]\n\
[\\ z/       ] \\         / [    z]\
    ucode_str = \
⎡    2      ⎤ ⎧ -2  †  †⎫ ⎡ 2   ⎤\n\
⎢⎛J ⎞ ,A + B⎥⋅⎨E  ,D ⋅C ⎬⋅⎢J ,J ⎥\n\
⎣⎝ z⎠       ⎦ ⎩         ⎭ ⎣    z⎦\
    assert pretty(e2) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(e2) == ucode_str
    assert latex(e2) == \
        r'\left[J_z^{2},A + B\right] \left\{E^{-2},D^{\dagger} C^{\dagger}\right\} \left[J^2,J_z\right]'
    sT(e2, "Mul(Commutator(Pow(JzOp(Symbol('J')), Integer(2)),Add(Operator(Symbol('A')), Operator(Symbol('B')))), AntiCommutator(Pow(Operator(Symbol('E')), Integer(-2)),Mul(Dagger(Operator(Symbol('D'))), Dagger(Operator(Symbol('C'))))), Commutator(J2Op(Symbol('J')),JzOp(Symbol('J'))))")
    assert str(e3) == \
        "Wigner3j(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)*[Dagger(B) + A,C + D]x(-J2 + Jz)*|1,0><1,1|*(|1,0,j1=1,j2=1> + |1,1,j1=1,j2=1>)x|1,-1,j1=1,j2=1>"
    ascii_str = \
          [ +          ]  /   2     \\                                                                 \n\
/1  3  5\\*[B  + A,C + D]x |- J  + J |*|1,0><1,1|*(|1,0,j1=1,j2=1> + |1,1,j1=1,j2=1>)x |1,-1,j1=1,j2=1>\n\
|       |                 \\        z/                                                                 \n\
\\2  4  6/                                                                                             \
    ucode_str = \
          ⎡ †          ⎤  ⎛   2     ⎞                                                                 \n\
⎛1  3  5⎞⋅⎣B  + A,C + D⎦⨂ ⎜- J  + J ⎟⋅❘1,0⟩⟨1,1❘⋅(❘1,0,j₁=1,j₂=1⟩ + ❘1,1,j₁=1,j₂=1⟩)⨂ ❘1,-1,j₁=1,j₂=1⟩\n\
⎜       ⎟                 ⎝        z⎠                                                                 \n\
⎝2  4  6⎠                                                                                             \
    assert pretty(e3) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(e3) == ucode_str
    assert latex(e3) == \
        r'\left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 3 & 5 \\ 2 & 4 & 6 \end{array}\right) {\left[B^{\dagger} + A,C + D\right]}\otimes \left({- J^2 + J_z}\right) {\left|1,0\right\rangle }{\left\langle 1,1\right|} \left({{\left|1,0,j_{1}=1,j_{2}=1\right\rangle } + {\left|1,1,j_{1}=1,j_{2}=1\right\rangle }}\right)\otimes {{\left|1,-1,j_{1}=1,j_{2}=1\right\rangle }}'
    sT(e3, "Mul(Wigner3j(Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4), Integer(5), Integer(6)), TensorProduct(Commutator(Add(Dagger(Operator(Symbol('B'))), Operator(Symbol('A'))),Add(Operator(Symbol('C')), Operator(Symbol('D')))), Add(Mul(Integer(-1), J2Op(Symbol('J'))), JzOp(Symbol('J')))), OuterProduct(JzKet(Integer(1),Integer(0)),JzBra(Integer(1),Integer(1))), TensorProduct(Add(JzKetCoupled(Integer(1),Integer(0),Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(1)),Tuple(Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(1)))), JzKetCoupled(Integer(1),Integer(1),Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(1)),Tuple(Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(1))))), JzKetCoupled(Integer(1),Integer(-1),Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(1)),Tuple(Tuple(Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(1))))))")
    assert str(e4) == '(C(1)*C(2)+F**2)*(L2(Interval(0, oo))+H)'
    ascii_str = \
// 1    2\\    x2\\   / 2    \\\n\
\\\\C  x C / + F  / x \\L  + H/\
    ucode_str = \
⎛⎛ 1    2⎞    ⨂2⎞   ⎛ 2    ⎞\n\
⎝⎝C  ⨂ C ⎠ ⊕ F  ⎠ ⨂ ⎝L  ⊕ H⎠\
    assert pretty(e4) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(e4) == ucode_str
    assert latex(e4) == \
        r'\left(\left(\mathcal{C}^{1}\otimes \mathcal{C}^{2}\right)\oplus {\mathcal{F}}^{\otimes 2}\right)\otimes \left({\mathcal{L}^2}\left( \left[0, \infty\right) \right)\oplus \mathcal{H}\right)'
    sT(e4, "TensorProductHilbertSpace((DirectSumHilbertSpace(TensorProductHilbertSpace(ComplexSpace(Integer(1)),ComplexSpace(Integer(2))),TensorPowerHilbertSpace(FockSpace(),Integer(2)))),(DirectSumHilbertSpace(L2(Interval(Integer(0), oo, false, true)),HilbertSpace())))")
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_twave():
    A1, phi1, A2, phi2, f = symbols('A1, phi1, A2, phi2, f')
    n = Symbol('n')  # Refractive index
    t = Symbol('t')  # Time
    x = Symbol('x')  # Spatial variable
    E = Function('E')
    w1 = TWave(A1, f, phi1)
    w2 = TWave(A2, f, phi2)
    assert w1.amplitude == A1
    assert w1.frequency == f
    assert w1.phase == phi1
    assert w1.wavelength == c / (f * n)
    assert w1.time_period == 1 / f
    assert w1.angular_velocity == 2 * pi * f
    assert w1.wavenumber == 2 * pi * f * n / c
    assert w1.speed == c / n

    w3 = w1 + w2
    assert w3.amplitude == sqrt(A1**2 + 2 * A1 * A2 * cos(phi1 - phi2) + A2**2)
    assert w3.frequency == f
    assert w3.phase == atan2(A1 * sin(phi1) + A2 * sin(phi2),
                             A1 * cos(phi1) + A2 * cos(phi2))
    assert w3.wavelength == c / (f * n)
    assert w3.time_period == 1 / f
    assert w3.angular_velocity == 2 * pi * f
    assert w3.wavenumber == 2 * pi * f * n / c
    assert w3.speed == c / n
    assert simplify(w3.rewrite(sin) - w2.rewrite(sin) - w1.rewrite(sin)) == 0
    assert w3.rewrite('pde') == epsilon * mu * Derivative(E(
        x, t), t, t) + Derivative(E(x, t), x, x)
    assert w3.rewrite(
        cos) == sqrt(A1**2 + 2 * A1 * A2 * cos(phi1 - phi2) +
                     A2**2) * cos(pi * f * n * x * s /
                                  (149896229 * m) - 2 * pi * f * t +
                                  atan2(A1 * sin(phi1) + A2 * sin(phi2),
                                        A1 * cos(phi1) + A2 * cos(phi2)))
    assert w3.rewrite(
        exp) == sqrt(A1**2 + 2 * A1 * A2 * cos(phi1 - phi2) + A2**2) * exp(
            I * (-2 * pi * f * t + atan2(A1 * sin(phi1) + A2 * sin(phi2),
                                         A1 * cos(phi1) + A2 * cos(phi2)) +
                 pi * s * f * n * x / (149896229 * m)))

    w4 = TWave(A1, None, 0, 1 / f)
    assert w4.frequency == f

    w5 = w1 - w2
    assert w5.amplitude == sqrt(A1**2 - 2 * A1 * A2 * cos(phi1 - phi2) + A2**2)
    assert w5.frequency == f
    assert w5.phase == atan2(A1 * sin(phi1) - A2 * sin(phi2),
                             A1 * cos(phi1) - A2 * cos(phi2))
    assert w5.wavelength == c / (f * n)
    assert w5.time_period == 1 / f
    assert w5.angular_velocity == 2 * pi * f
    assert w5.wavenumber == 2 * pi * f * n / c
    assert w5.speed == c / n
    assert simplify(w5.rewrite(sin) - w1.rewrite(sin) + w2.rewrite(sin)) == 0
    assert w5.rewrite('pde') == epsilon * mu * Derivative(E(
        x, t), t, t) + Derivative(E(x, t), x, x)
    assert w5.rewrite(cos) == sqrt(
        A1**2 - 2 * A1 * A2 * cos(phi1 - phi2) +
        A2**2) * cos(-2 * pi * f * t + atan2(A1 * sin(phi1) - A2 * sin(phi2),
                                             A1 * cos(phi1) - A2 * cos(phi2)) +
                     pi * s * f * n * x / (149896229 * m))
    assert w5.rewrite(
        exp) == sqrt(A1**2 - 2 * A1 * A2 * cos(phi1 - phi2) + A2**2) * exp(
            I * (-2 * pi * f * t + atan2(A1 * sin(phi1) - A2 * sin(phi2),
                                         A1 * cos(phi1) - A2 * cos(phi2)) +
                 pi * s * f * n * x / (149896229 * m)))

    w6 = 2 * w1
    assert w6.amplitude == 2 * A1
    assert w6.frequency == f
    assert w6.phase == phi1
    w7 = -w6
    assert w7.amplitude == -2 * A1
    assert w7.frequency == f
    assert w7.phase == phi1

    raises(ValueError, lambda: TWave(A1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: TWave(A1, f, phi1, t))
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_del_operator():

    #Tests for curl
    assert (delop
            ^ Vector.zero == (Derivative(0, C.y) - Derivative(0, C.z)) * C.i +
            (-Derivative(0, C.x) + Derivative(0, C.z)) * C.j +
            (Derivative(0, C.x) - Derivative(0, C.y)) * C.k)
    assert ((delop ^ Vector.zero).doit() == Vector.zero == curl(
        Vector.zero, C))
    assert delop.cross(Vector.zero) == delop ^ Vector.zero
    assert (delop ^ i).doit() == Vector.zero
    assert delop.cross(2 * y**2 * j, doit=True) == Vector.zero
    assert delop.cross(2 * y**2 * j) == delop ^ 2 * y**2 * j
    v = x * y * z * (i + j + k)
    assert ((delop ^ v).doit() == (-x * y + x * z) * i + (x * y - y * z) * j +
            (-x * z + y * z) * k == curl(v, C))
    assert delop ^ v == delop.cross(v)
    assert (delop.cross(
        2 * x**2 *
        j) == (Derivative(0, C.y) - Derivative(2 * C.x**2, C.z)) * C.i +
            (-Derivative(0, C.x) + Derivative(0, C.z)) * C.j +
            (-Derivative(0, C.y) + Derivative(2 * C.x**2, C.x)) * C.k)
    assert (delop.cross(2 * x**2 * j, doit=True) == 4 * x * k == curl(
        2 * x**2 * j, C))

    #Tests for divergence
    assert delop & Vector.zero == S(0) == divergence(Vector.zero, C)
    assert (delop & Vector.zero).doit() == S(0)
    assert delop.dot(Vector.zero) == delop & Vector.zero
    assert (delop & i).doit() == S(0)
    assert (delop & x**2 * i).doit() == 2 * x == divergence(x**2 * i, C)
    assert (delop.dot(v, doit=True) == x * y + y * z + z * x == divergence(
        v, C))
    assert delop & v == delop.dot(v)
    assert delop.dot(1/(x*y*z) * (i + j + k), doit = True) == \
           - 1 / (x*y*z**2) - 1 / (x*y**2*z) - 1 / (x**2*y*z)
    v = x * i + y * j + z * k
    assert (delop & v == Derivative(C.x, C.x) + Derivative(C.y, C.y) +
            Derivative(C.z, C.z))
    assert delop.dot(v, doit=True) == 3 == divergence(v, C)
    assert delop & v == delop.dot(v)
    assert simplify((delop & v).doit()) == 3

    #Tests for gradient
    assert (delop.gradient(0, doit=True) == Vector.zero == gradient(0, C))
    assert delop.gradient(0) == delop(0)
    assert (delop(S(0))).doit() == Vector.zero
    assert (delop(x) == (Derivative(C.x, C.x)) * C.i +
            (Derivative(C.x, C.y)) * C.j + (Derivative(C.x, C.z)) * C.k)
    assert (delop(x)).doit() == i == gradient(x, C)
    assert (delop(x * y * z) == (Derivative(C.x * C.y * C.z, C.x)) * C.i +
            (Derivative(C.x * C.y * C.z, C.y)) * C.j +
            (Derivative(C.x * C.y * C.z, C.z)) * C.k)
    assert (delop.gradient(x * y * z, doit=True) ==
            y * z * i + z * x * j + x * y * k == gradient(x * y * z, C))
    assert delop(x * y * z) == delop.gradient(x * y * z)
    assert (delop(2 * x**2)).doit() == 4 * x * i
    assert ((delop(a * sin(y) / x)).doit() == -a * sin(y) / x**2 * i +
            a * cos(y) / x * j)

    #Tests for directional derivative
    assert (Vector.zero & delop)(a) == S(0)
    assert ((Vector.zero & delop)(a)).doit() == S(0)
    assert ((v & delop)(Vector.zero)).doit() == Vector.zero
    assert ((v & delop)(S(0))).doit() == S(0)
    assert ((i & delop)(x)).doit() == 1
    assert ((j & delop)(y)).doit() == 1
    assert ((k & delop)(z)).doit() == 1
    assert ((i & delop)(x * y * z)).doit() == y * z
    assert ((v & delop)(x)).doit() == x
    assert ((v & delop)(x * y * z)).doit() == 3 * x * y * z
    assert (v & delop)(x + y + z) == C.x + C.y + C.z
    assert ((v & delop)(x + y + z)).doit() == x + y + z
    assert ((v & delop)(v)).doit() == v
    assert ((i & delop)(v)).doit() == i
    assert ((j & delop)(v)).doit() == j
    assert ((k & delop)(v)).doit() == k
    assert ((v & delop)(Vector.zero)).doit() == Vector.zero
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_sympy__core__function__Derivative():
    from sympy.core.function import Derivative
    assert _test_args(Derivative(2, x, y, 3))
Exemplo n.º 18
 def _eval_derivative(self, t):
     x, y = re(self.args[0]), im(self.args[0])
     return (x * Derivative(y, t, **{'evaluate': True}) -
             y * Derivative(x, t, **{'evaluate': True})) / (x**2 + y**2)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def define_controller(self, A, B, C, f, eta, phi):
        Define the Dynamic controller given by the differential equations:

        .. math::
            \\frac{dz(t)}{dt} = A.z(t) - B.f(\\sigma(t)) + \\eta\\left(w(t), \\frac{dw(t)}{dt}\\right)
        .. math::
            \\sigma(t) = C'.z
        .. math::
            u_0 = \\phi\\left(z(t), \\frac{dz(t)}{dt}\\right)
        with z(t) the state vector, w(t) the input vector and t the time in seconds. the symbol ' refers to the transpose. 
            * A is Hurwitz,
            * (A, B) should be controllable, 
            * (A, C) is observable,
            * rank(B) = rang (C) = s <= n, with s the dimension of sigma, and n the number of states.

        **HINT:** use create_variables() for an easy notation of the equations.

        A : array-like
            Hurwitz matrix. Size: n x n
        B : array-like
            In combination with matrix A, the controllability is checked. The linear definition can be used. Size: s x n
        C : array-like
            In combination with matrix A, the observability is checked. The linear definition can be used. Size: n x 1
        f : callable (lambda-function)
            A (non)linear lambda function with argument sigma, which equals C'.z.
        eta : array-like
            The (non)linear relation between the inputs plus its derivatives to the change in state. Size: n x 1
        phi : array-like
            The (non)linear output equation. The equations should only contain states and its derivatives. Size: n x 1

        See DyncamicController object.
        dim_states = self.states.shape[0]

        # Allow scalar inputs
        if np.isscalar(A):
            A = [[A]]
        if np.isscalar(B):
            B = [[B]]
        if np.isscalar(C):
            C = [[C]]
        if type(eta) not in (list, Matrix):
            eta = [[eta]]
        if type(phi) not in (list, Matrix):
            phi = [[phi]]

        if Matrix(A).shape[1] == dim_states:
            if self.hurwitz(A):
                self.A = Matrix(A)
                error_text = '[nlcontrol.systems.DynamicController] The A matrix should be Hurwitz.'
                raise AssertionError(error_text)
            error_text = '[nlcontrol.systems.DynamicController] The number of columns of A should be equal to the number of states.'
            raise AssertionError(error_text)

        if Matrix(B).shape[0] == dim_states:
            if self.controllability_linear(A, B):
                self.B = Matrix(B)
                error_text = '[nlcontrol.systems.DynamicController] The system is not controllable.'
                raise AssertionError(error_text)
            error_text = '[nlcontrol.systems.DynamicController] The number of rows of B should be equal to the number of states.'
            raise AssertionError(error_text)

        if Matrix(C).shape[0] == dim_states:
            if self.observability_linear(A, C):
                self.C = Matrix(C)
                error_text = '[nlcontrol.systems.DynamicController] The system is not observable.'
                raise AssertionError(error_text)
            error_text = '[nlcontrol.systems.DynamicController] The number of rows of C should be equal to the number of states.'
            raise AssertionError(error_text)

        if type(f) is not Matrix:
            if callable(f):
                argument = self.C.T * Matrix(self.states)
                #TODO: make an array of f
                self.f = f(argument[0, 0])
            elif f == 0:
                self.f = 0
                error_text = '[nlcontrol.systems.DynamicController] Argument f should be a callable function or identical 0.'
                raise AssertionError(error_text)
            self.f = f

        def return_dynamic_symbols(expr):
                return find_dynamicsymbols(expr)
                return set()

        if Matrix(eta).shape[0] == dim_states and Matrix(eta).shape[1] == 1:
            # Check whether the expressions only contain inputs
            if type(eta) is Matrix:
                dynamic_symbols_eta = [
                    for eta_el in eta.tolist()
                dynamic_symbols_eta = [
                    for eta_el in list(itertools.chain(*eta))
            dynamic_symbols_eta = set.union(*dynamic_symbols_eta)

            if dynamic_symbols_eta <= (set(self.inputs)):
                self.eta = Matrix(eta)
                error_text = '[nlcontrol.systems.DynamicController] Vector eta cannot contain other dynamic symbols than the inputs.'
                raise AssertionError(error_text)
            error_text = '[nlcontrol.systems.DynamicController] Vector eta has an equal amount of columns as there are states. Eta has only one row.'
            raise AssertionError(error_text)

        # Check whether the expressions only contain inputs and derivatives of the input
        if type(phi) is Matrix:
            dynamic_symbols_phi = [
                return_dynamic_symbols(phi_el[0]) for phi_el in phi.tolist()
            dynamic_symbols_phi = [
                for phi_el in list(itertools.chain(*phi))
        dynamic_symbols_phi = set.union(*dynamic_symbols_phi)

        if dynamic_symbols_phi <= (set(self.states) | set(self.dstates)):
            self.phi = Matrix(phi)
            error_text = '[nlcontrol.systems.DynamicController] Vector phi cannot contain other dynamic symbols than the states and its derivatives.'
            raise AssertionError(error_text)

        state_equation = Array(self.A * Matrix(self.states) - self.B * self.f +
        output_equation = Array(self.phi)
        diff_states = []
        for state in self.states:
            diff_states.append(Derivative(state, Symbol('t')))
        substitutions = dict(zip(diff_states, state_equation))
        # print('Subs: ', substitutions)
        output_equation = msubs(output_equation, substitutions)
        self.system = DynamicalSystem(state_equation=state_equation,
Exemplo n.º 20
 def _eval_derivative(self, x):
     return re(Derivative(self.args[0], x, **{'evaluate': True}))
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _eval_derivative(self, t):
     x, y = self.args[0].as_real_imag()
     return (x * Derivative(y, t, evaluate=True) -
             y * Derivative(x, t, evaluate=True)) / (x**2 + y**2)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def _eval_derivative(self, symbol):
     new_expr = Derivative(self.expr, symbol)
     return DifferentialOperator(new_expr, self.args[-1])
Exemplo n.º 23
 def _eval_derivative(self, t):
     x, y = re(self.args[0]), im(self.args[0])
     return (x * Derivative(y, t, evaluate=True) -
             y * Derivative(x, t, evaluate=True)) / (x**2 + y**2)
Exemplo n.º 24
def _as_finite_diff(derivative, points=1, x0=None, wrt=None):
    Returns an approximation of a derivative of a function in
    the form of a finite difference formula. The expression is a
    weighted sum of the function at a number of discrete values of
    (one of) the independent variable(s).


    derivative: a Derivative instance

    points: sequence or coefficient, optional
        If sequence: discrete values (length >= order+1) of the
        independent variable used for generating the finite
        difference weights.
        If it is a coefficient, it will be used as the step-size
        for generating an equidistant sequence of length order+1
        centered around ``x0``. default: 1 (step-size 1)

    x0: number or Symbol, optional
        the value of the independent variable (``wrt``) at which the
        derivative is to be approximated. Default: same as ``wrt``.

    wrt: Symbol, optional
        "with respect to" the variable for which the (partial)
        derivative is to be approximated for. If not provided it
        is required that the Derivative is ordinary. Default: ``None``.


    >>> from sympy import symbols, Function, exp, sqrt, Symbol
    >>> from sympy.calculus.finite_diff import _as_finite_diff
    >>> x, h = symbols('x h')
    >>> f = Function('f')
    >>> _as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x))
    -f(x - 1/2) + f(x + 1/2)

    The default step size and number of points are 1 and ``order + 1``
    respectively. We can change the step size by passing a symbol
    as a parameter:

    >>> _as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), h)
    -f(-h/2 + x)/h + f(h/2 + x)/h

    We can also specify the discretized values to be used in a sequence:

    >>> _as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x, x+h, x+2*h])
    -3*f(x)/(2*h) + 2*f(h + x)/h - f(2*h + x)/(2*h)

    The algorithm is not restricted to use equidistant spacing, nor
    do we need to make the approximation around ``x0``, but we can get
    an expression estimating the derivative at an offset:

    >>> e, sq2 = exp(1), sqrt(2)
    >>> xl = [x-h, x+h, x+e*h]
    >>> _as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 1), xl, x+h*sq2)
    2*h*((h + sqrt(2)*h)/(2*h) - (-sqrt(2)*h + h)/(2*h))*f(E*h + x)/((-h + E*h)*(h + E*h)) +
    (-(-sqrt(2)*h + h)/(2*h) - (-sqrt(2)*h + E*h)/(2*h))*f(-h + x)/(h + E*h) +
    (-(h + sqrt(2)*h)/(2*h) + (-sqrt(2)*h + E*h)/(2*h))*f(h + x)/(-h + E*h)

    Partial derivatives are also supported:

    >>> y = Symbol('y')
    >>> d2fdxdy=f(x,y).diff(x,y)
    >>> _as_finite_diff(d2fdxdy, wrt=x)
    -Derivative(f(x - 1/2, y), y) + Derivative(f(x + 1/2, y), y)

    See also


    if derivative.is_Derivative:
    elif derivative.is_Atom:
        return derivative
        return derivative.fromiter(
            [_as_finite_diff(ar, points, x0, wrt) for ar in derivative.args],

    if wrt is None:
        old = None
        for v in derivative.variables:
            if old is v:
            derivative = _as_finite_diff(derivative, points, x0, v)
            old = v
        return derivative

    order = derivative.variables.count(wrt)

    if x0 is None:
        x0 = wrt

    if not iterable(points):
        if getattr(points, 'is_Function', False) and wrt in points.args:
            points = points.subs(wrt, x0)
        # points is simply the step-size, let's make it a
        # equidistant sequence centered around x0
        if order % 2 == 0:
            # even order => odd number of points, grid point included
            points = [
                x0 + points * i for i in range(-order // 2, order // 2 + 1)
            # odd order => even number of points, half-way wrt grid point
            points = [
                x0 + points * S(i) / 2 for i in range(-order, order + 1, 2)
    others = [wrt, 0]
    for v in set(derivative.variables):
        if v == wrt:
        others += [v, derivative.variables.count(v)]
    if len(points) < order + 1:
        raise ValueError("Too few points for order %d" % order)
    return apply_finite_diff(
        order, points,
        [Derivative(derivative.expr.subs({wrt: x}), *others)
         for x in points], x0)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def _eval_derivative(self, x):
     if x.is_real or self.args[0].is_real:
         return re(Derivative(self.args[0], x, evaluate=True))
     if x.is_imaginary or self.args[0].is_imaginary:
         return -S.ImaginaryUnit \
             * im(Derivative(self.args[0], x, evaluate=True))
Exemplo n.º 26
 def _eval_diff(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if kwargs.pop("evaluate", True):
         return self.diff(*args)
         return Derivative(self, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_Function():
    assert precedence(sin(x)) == PRECEDENCE["Atom"]
    assert precedence(Derivative(x, y)) == PRECEDENCE["Atom"]
Exemplo n.º 28
                                  "\\frac{d}{d x}( \\frac{f{\\left(x \\right)}}{g{\left(x \\right)}})")
    expresion = expresion.replace(
        "\\frac{- f{\\left(x \\right)} \\frac{d}{d x} g{\\left(x \\right)} + g{\\left(x \\right)} \\frac{d}{d x} f{\\left(x \\right)}}{g^{2}{\\left(x \\right)}}",
        "\\frac{- f{\\left(x \\right)} \\frac{d}{d x}( g{\\left(x \\right)}) + g{\\left(x \\right)} \\frac{d}{d x}( f{\\left(x \\right))}}{g^{2}{\\left(x \\right)}}")
    expresion = expresion.replace("\\frac{d}{d x} f{\\left(x \\right)}",
                                "\\frac{d}{d x}( f{\\left(x \\right)})")
    expresion = expresion.replace("\\frac{d}{d x} g{\\left(x \\right)}",
                                "\\frac{d}{d x}( g{\\left(x \\right)})")
    return expresion


salida = open("/tmp/solucion_28d36c18-7985-42e7-bce1-11babf379715.txt","w")
x = symbols('x')
expr = parse_latex(r"2x^3+12x^2-30x-1").subs({Symbol('pi'): pi})
salida.write("Obtener: $$%s$$<br><br>" % latex(Derivative(expr, x)))
solucion = print_html_steps(expr, x)
solucion = acomodaNotacion(solucion)
derivada = Derivative(expr)
derivada = derivada.doit()
anula = solve(derivada, x)
puntos = []
xmin,xmax = 0,0
ymin,ymax = 0,0
solucion = "Resolviendo $$%s=0$$ obtenemos las raices<br/>" % (latex(derivada))
n = 1
for x_0 in anula:
    solucion = solucion + "$$x_%s=%s$$ <br/>" % (n, latex(x_0))
    n = n+1
n = 1
Exemplo n.º 29
def curl(vect, coord_sys=None, doit=True):
    Returns the curl of a vector field computed wrt the base scalars
    of the given coordinate system.


    vect : Vector
        The vector operand

    coord_sys : CoordSys3D
        The coordinate system to calculate the gradient in.
        Deprecated since version 1.1

    doit : bool
        If True, the result is returned after calling .doit() on
        each component. Else, the returned expression contains
        Derivative instances


    >>> from sympy.vector import CoordSys3D, curl
    >>> R = CoordSys3D('R')
    >>> v1 = R.y*R.z*R.i + R.x*R.z*R.j + R.x*R.y*R.k
    >>> curl(v1)
    >>> v2 = R.x*R.y*R.z*R.i
    >>> curl(v2)
    R.x*R.y*R.j + (-R.x*R.z)*R.k


    coord_sys = _get_coord_sys_from_expr(vect, coord_sys)

    if len(coord_sys) == 0:
        return Vector.zero
    elif len(coord_sys) == 1:
        coord_sys = next(iter(coord_sys))
        i, j, k = coord_sys.base_vectors()
        x, y, z = coord_sys.base_scalars()
        h1, h2, h3 = coord_sys.lame_coefficients()
        vectx = vect.dot(i)
        vecty = vect.dot(j)
        vectz = vect.dot(k)
        outvec = Vector.zero
        outvec += (Derivative(vectz * h3, y) -
                   Derivative(vecty * h2, z)) * i / (h2 * h3)
        outvec += (Derivative(vectx * h1, z) -
                   Derivative(vectz * h3, x)) * j / (h1 * h3)
        outvec += (Derivative(vecty * h2, x) -
                   Derivative(vectx * h1, y)) * k / (h2 * h1)

        if doit:
            return outvec.doit()
        return outvec
        if isinstance(vect, (Add, VectorAdd)):
            from sympy.vector import express
                cs = next(iter(coord_sys))
                args = [express(i, cs, variables=True) for i in vect.args]
            except ValueError:
                args = vect.args
            return VectorAdd.fromiter(curl(i, doit=doit) for i in args)
        elif isinstance(vect, (Mul, VectorMul)):
            vector = [
                i for i in vect.args
                if isinstance(i, (Vector, Cross, Gradient))
            scalar = Mul.fromiter(
                i for i in vect.args
                if not isinstance(i, (Vector, Cross, Gradient)))
            res = Cross(gradient(scalar),
                        vector).doit() + scalar * curl(vector, doit=doit)
            if doit:
                return res.doit()
            return res
        elif isinstance(vect, (Cross, Curl, Gradient)):
            return Curl(vect)
            raise Curl(vect)
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_del_operator():
    # Tests for curl

    assert delop ^ Vector.zero == Vector.zero
    assert (delop ^ Vector.zero).doit() == Vector.zero == curl(Vector.zero)
    assert delop.cross(Vector.zero) == delop ^ Vector.zero
    assert (delop ^ i).doit() == Vector.zero
    assert delop.cross(2 * y ** 2 * j, doit=True) == Vector.zero
    assert delop.cross(2 * y ** 2 * j) == delop ^ 2 * y ** 2 * j
    v = x * y * z * (i + j + k)
    assert (
        (delop ^ v).doit()
        == (-x * y + x * z) * i + (x * y - y * z) * j + (-x * z + y * z) * k
        == curl(v)
    assert delop ^ v == delop.cross(v)
    assert (
        delop.cross(2 * x ** 2 * j)
        == (Derivative(0, C.y) - Derivative(2 * C.x ** 2, C.z)) * C.i
        + (-Derivative(0, C.x) + Derivative(0, C.z)) * C.j
        + (-Derivative(0, C.y) + Derivative(2 * C.x ** 2, C.x)) * C.k
    assert delop.cross(2 * x ** 2 * j, doit=True) == 4 * x * k == curl(2 * x ** 2 * j)

    # Tests for divergence
    assert delop & Vector.zero is S.Zero == divergence(Vector.zero)
    assert (delop & Vector.zero).doit() is S.Zero
    assert delop.dot(Vector.zero) == delop & Vector.zero
    assert (delop & i).doit() is S.Zero
    assert (delop & x ** 2 * i).doit() == 2 * x == divergence(x ** 2 * i)
    assert delop.dot(v, doit=True) == x * y + y * z + z * x == divergence(v)
    assert delop & v == delop.dot(v)
    assert delop.dot(1 / (x * y * z) * (i + j + k), doit=True) == -1 / (
        x * y * z ** 2
    ) - 1 / (x * y ** 2 * z) - 1 / (x ** 2 * y * z)
    v = x * i + y * j + z * k
    assert delop & v == Derivative(C.x, C.x) + Derivative(C.y, C.y) + Derivative(
        C.z, C.z
    assert delop.dot(v, doit=True) == 3 == divergence(v)
    assert delop & v == delop.dot(v)
    assert simplify((delop & v).doit()) == 3

    # Tests for gradient
    assert delop.gradient(0, doit=True) == Vector.zero == gradient(0)
    assert delop.gradient(0) == delop(0)
    assert (delop(S.Zero)).doit() == Vector.zero
    assert (
        == (Derivative(C.x, C.x)) * C.i
        + (Derivative(C.x, C.y)) * C.j
        + (Derivative(C.x, C.z)) * C.k
    assert (delop(x)).doit() == i == gradient(x)
    assert (
        delop(x * y * z)
        == (Derivative(C.x * C.y * C.z, C.x)) * C.i
        + (Derivative(C.x * C.y * C.z, C.y)) * C.j
        + (Derivative(C.x * C.y * C.z, C.z)) * C.k
    assert (
        delop.gradient(x * y * z, doit=True)
        == y * z * i + z * x * j + x * y * k
        == gradient(x * y * z)
    assert delop(x * y * z) == delop.gradient(x * y * z)
    assert (delop(2 * x ** 2)).doit() == 4 * x * i
    assert (delop(a * sin(y) / x)).doit() == -a * sin(y) / x ** 2 * i + a * cos(
    ) / x * j

    # Tests for directional derivative
    assert (Vector.zero & delop)(a) is S.Zero
    assert ((Vector.zero & delop)(a)).doit() is S.Zero
    assert ((v & delop)(Vector.zero)).doit() == Vector.zero
    assert ((v & delop)(S.Zero)).doit() is S.Zero
    assert ((i & delop)(x)).doit() == 1
    assert ((j & delop)(y)).doit() == 1
    assert ((k & delop)(z)).doit() == 1
    assert ((i & delop)(x * y * z)).doit() == y * z
    assert ((v & delop)(x)).doit() == x
    assert ((v & delop)(x * y * z)).doit() == 3 * x * y * z
    assert (v & delop)(x + y + z) == C.x + C.y + C.z
    assert ((v & delop)(x + y + z)).doit() == x + y + z
    assert ((v & delop)(v)).doit() == v
    assert ((i & delop)(v)).doit() == i
    assert ((j & delop)(v)).doit() == j
    assert ((k & delop)(v)).doit() == k
    assert ((v & delop)(Vector.zero)).doit() == Vector.zero

    # Tests for laplacian on scalar fields
    assert laplacian(x * y * z) is S.Zero
    assert laplacian(x ** 2) == S(2)
    assert (
        laplacian(x ** 2 * y ** 2 * z ** 2)
        == 2 * y ** 2 * z ** 2 + 2 * x ** 2 * z ** 2 + 2 * x ** 2 * y ** 2
    A = CoordSys3D(
        "A", transformation="spherical", variable_names=["r", "theta", "phi"]
    B = CoordSys3D(
        "B", transformation="cylindrical", variable_names=["r", "theta", "z"]
    assert laplacian(A.r + A.theta + A.phi) == 2 / A.r + cos(A.theta) / (
        A.r ** 2 * sin(A.theta)
    assert laplacian(B.r + B.theta + B.z) == 1 / B.r

    # Tests for laplacian on vector fields
    assert laplacian(x * y * z * (i + j + k)) == Vector.zero
    assert (
        laplacian(x * y ** 2 * z * (i + j + k))
        == 2 * x * z * i + 2 * x * z * j + 2 * x * z * k