Exemplo n.º 1
def test_atoms():
    m = PropertiesOnlyMatrix(2, 2, [1, 2, x, 1 - 1 / x])
    assert m.atoms() == {S.One, S(2), S.NegativeOne, x}
    assert m.atoms(Symbol) == {x}
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_rational_laurent_series():
    This function tests the computation of coefficients
    of Laurent series of a rational function.

    Each test case has 5 values -

    1. num - Numerator of the rational function.
    2. den - Denominator of the rational function.
    3. x0 - Point about which Laurent series is to
       be calculated.
    4. mul - Multiplicity of x0 if x0 is a pole of
       the rational function (0 otherwise).
    5. n - Number of terms upto which the series
       is to be calcuated.
    tests = [
    # Laurent series about simple pole (Multiplicity = 1)
        Poly(x**2 - 3*x + 9, x, extension=True),
        Poly(x**2 - x, x, extension=True),
        S(1), 1, 6,
        {1: 7, 0: -8, -1: 9, -2: -9, -3: 9, -4: -9}
    # Laurent series about multiple pole (Multiplicty > 1)
        Poly(64*x**3 - 1728*x + 1216, x, extension=True),
        Poly(64*x**4 - 80*x**3 - 831*x**2 + 1809*x - 972, x, extension=True),
        S(9)/8, 2, 3,
        {0: S(32177152)/46521675, 2: S(1019)/984, -1: S(11947565056)/28610830125, \
        1: S(209149)/75645}
        Poly(1, x, extension=True),
        Poly(x**5 + (-4*sqrt(2) - 1)*x**4 + (4*sqrt(2) + 12)*x**3 + (-12 - 8*sqrt(2))*x**2 \
        + (4 + 8*sqrt(2))*x - 4, x, extension=True),
        sqrt(2), 4, 6,
        {4: 1 + sqrt(2), 3: -3 - 2*sqrt(2), 2: Mul(-1, -3 - 2*sqrt(2), evaluate=False)/(-1 \
        + sqrt(2)), 1: (-3 - 2*sqrt(2))/(-1 + sqrt(2))**2, 0: Mul(-1, -3 - 2*sqrt(2), evaluate=False \
        )/(-1 + sqrt(2))**3, -1: (-3 - 2*sqrt(2))/(-1 + sqrt(2))**4}
    # Laurent series about oo
        Poly(x**5 - 4*x**3 + 6*x**2 + 10*x - 13, x, extension=True),
        Poly(x**2 - 5, x, extension=True),
        oo, 3, 6,
        {3: 1, 2: 0, 1: 1, 0: 6, -1: 15, -2: 17}
    # Laurent series at x0 where x0 is not a pole of the function
    # Using multiplicity as 0 (as x0 will not be a pole)
        Poly(3*x**3 + 6*x**2 - 2*x + 5, x, extension=True),
        Poly(9*x**4 - x**3 - 3*x**2 + 4*x + 4, x, extension=True),
        S(2)/5, 0, 1,
        {0: S(3345)/3304, -1: S(399325)/2729104, -2: S(3926413375)/4508479808, \
        -3: S(-5000852751875)/1862002160704, -4: S(-6683640101653125)/6152055138966016}
        Poly(-7*x**2 + 2*x - 4, x, extension=True),
        Poly(7*x**5 + 9*x**4 + 8*x**3 + 3*x**2 + 6*x + 9, x, extension=True),
        oo, 0, 6,
        {0: 0, -2: 0, -5: -S(71)/49, -1: 0, -3: -1, -4: S(11)/7}
    for num, den, x0, mul, n, ser in tests:
        assert ser == rational_laurent_series(num, den, x, x0, mul, n)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_solve_riccati():
    This function tests the computation of rational
    particular solutions for a Riccati ODE.

    Each test case has 2 values -

    1. eq - Riccati ODE to be solved.
    2. sol - Expected solution to the equation.

    Some examples have been taken from the paper - "Statistical Investigation of
    First-Order Algebraic ODEs and their Rational General Solutions" by
    Georg Grasegger, N. Thieu Vo, Franz Winkler

    C0 = Dummy('C0')
    # Type: 1st Order Rational Riccati, dy/dx = a + b*y + c*y**2,
    # a, b, c are rational functions of x

    tests = [
    # a(x) is a constant
        Eq(f(x).diff(x) + f(x)**2 - 2, 0),
        [Eq(f(x), sqrt(2)), Eq(f(x), -sqrt(2))]
    # a(x) is a constant
        f(x)**2 + f(x).diff(x) + 4*f(x)/x + 2/x**2,
        [Eq(f(x), (-2*C0 - x)/(C0*x + x**2))]
    # a(x) is a constant
        2*x**2*f(x).diff(x) - x*(4*f(x) + f(x).diff(x) - 4) + (f(x) - 1)*f(x),
        [Eq(f(x), (C0 + 2*x**2)/(C0 + x))]
    # Pole with multiplicity 1
        Eq(f(x).diff(x), -f(x)**2 - 2/(x**3 - x**2)),
        [Eq(f(x), 1/(x**2 - x))]
    # One pole of multiplicity 2
        x**2 - (2*x + 1/x)*f(x) + f(x)**2 + f(x).diff(x),
        [Eq(f(x), (C0*x + x**3 + 2*x)/(C0 + x**2)), Eq(f(x), x)]
        x**4*f(x).diff(x) + x**2 - x*(2*f(x)**2 + f(x).diff(x)) + f(x),
        [Eq(f(x), (C0*x**2 + x)/(C0 + x**2)), Eq(f(x), x**2)]
    # Multiple poles of multiplicity 2
        -f(x)**2 + f(x).diff(x) + (15*x**2 - 20*x + 7)/((x - 1)**2*(2*x \
            - 1)**2),
        [Eq(f(x), (9*C0*x - 6*C0 - 15*x**5 + 60*x**4 - 94*x**3 + 72*x**2 \
        - 30*x + 6)/(6*C0*x**2 - 9*C0*x + 3*C0 + 6*x**6 - 29*x**5 + \
        57*x**4 - 58*x**3 + 30*x**2 - 6*x)), Eq(f(x), (3*x - 2)/(2*x**2 \
        - 3*x + 1))]
    # Regression: Poles with even multiplicity > 2 fixed
        f(x)**2 + f(x).diff(x) - (4*x**6 - 8*x**5 + 12*x**4 + 4*x**3 + \
            7*x**2 - 20*x + 4)/(4*x**4),
        [Eq(f(x), (2*x**5 - 2*x**4 - x**3 + 4*x**2 + 3*x - 2)/(2*x**4 \
            - 2*x**2))]
    # Regression: Poles with even multiplicity > 2 fixed
        Eq(f(x).diff(x), (-x**6 + 15*x**4 - 40*x**3 + 45*x**2 - 24*x + 4)/\
            (x**12 - 12*x**11 + 66*x**10 - 220*x**9 + 495*x**8 - 792*x**7 + 924*x**6 - \
            792*x**5 + 495*x**4 - 220*x**3 + 66*x**2 - 12*x + 1) + f(x)**2 + f(x)),
        [Eq(f(x), 1/(x**6 - 6*x**5 + 15*x**4 - 20*x**3 + 15*x**2 - 6*x + 1))]
    # More than 2 poles with multiplicity 2
    # Regression: Fixed mistake in necessary conditions
        Eq(f(x).diff(x), x*f(x) + 2*x + (3*x - 2)*f(x)**2/(4*x + 2) + \
            (8*x**2 - 7*x + 26)/(16*x**3 - 24*x**2 + 8) - S(3)/2),
        [Eq(f(x), (1 - 4*x)/(2*x - 2))]
    # Regression: Fixed mistake in necessary conditions
        Eq(f(x).diff(x), (-12*x**2 - 48*x - 15)/(24*x**3 - 40*x**2 + 8*x + 8) \
            + 3*f(x)**2/(6*x + 2)),
        [Eq(f(x), (2*x + 1)/(2*x - 2))]
    # Imaginary poles
        f(x).diff(x) + (3*x**2 + 1)*f(x)**2/x + (6*x**2 - x + 3)*f(x)/(x*(x \
            - 1)) + (3*x**2 - 2*x + 2)/(x*(x - 1)**2),
        [Eq(f(x), (-C0 - x**3 + x**2 - 2*x)/(C0*x - C0 + x**4 - x**3 + x**2 \
            - x)), Eq(f(x), -1/(x - 1))],
    # Imaginary coefficients in equation
        f(x).diff(x) - 2*I*(f(x)**2 + 1)/x,
        [Eq(f(x), (-I*C0 + I*x**4)/(C0 + x**4)), Eq(f(x), -I)]
    # Regression: linsolve returning empty solution
    # Large value of m (> 10)
        Eq(f(x).diff(x), x*f(x)/(S(3)/2 - 2*x) + (x/2 - S(1)/3)*f(x)**2/\
            (2*x/3 - S(1)/2) - S(5)/4 + (281*x**2 - 1260*x + 756)/(16*x**3 - 12*x**2)),
        [Eq(f(x), (9 - x)/x), Eq(f(x), (40*x**14 + 28*x**13 + 420*x**12 + 2940*x**11 + \
            18480*x**10 + 103950*x**9 + 519750*x**8 + 2286900*x**7 + 8731800*x**6 + 28378350*\
            x**5 + 76403250*x**4 + 163721250*x**3 + 261954000*x**2 + 278326125*x + 147349125)/\
            ((24*x**14 + 140*x**13 + 840*x**12 + 4620*x**11 + 23100*x**10 + 103950*x**9 + \
            415800*x**8 + 1455300*x**7 + 4365900*x**6 + 10914750*x**5 + 21829500*x**4 + 32744250\
            *x**3 + 32744250*x**2 + 16372125*x)))]
    # Regression: Fixed bug due to a typo in paper
        Eq(f(x).diff(x), 18*x**3 + 18*x**2 + (-x/2 - S(1)/2)*f(x)**2 + 6),
        [Eq(f(x), 6*x)]
    # Regression: Fixed bug due to a typo in paper
        Eq(f(x).diff(x), -3*x**3/4 + 15*x/2 + (x/3 - S(4)/3)*f(x)**2 \
            + 9 + (1 - x)*f(x)/x + 3/x),
        [Eq(f(x), -3*x/2 - 3)]
    for eq, sol in tests:
        check_dummy_sol(eq, sol, C0)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_Min():
    from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    n = Symbol('n', negative=True)
    n_ = Symbol('n_', negative=True)
    nn = Symbol('nn', nonnegative=True)
    nn_ = Symbol('nn_', nonnegative=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    p_ = Symbol('p_', positive=True)
    np = Symbol('np', nonpositive=True)
    np_ = Symbol('np_', nonpositive=True)
    r = Symbol('r', real=True)

    assert Min(5, 4) == 4
    assert Min(-oo, -oo) == -oo
    assert Min(-oo, n) == -oo
    assert Min(n, -oo) == -oo
    assert Min(-oo, np) == -oo
    assert Min(np, -oo) == -oo
    assert Min(-oo, 0) == -oo
    assert Min(0, -oo) == -oo
    assert Min(-oo, nn) == -oo
    assert Min(nn, -oo) == -oo
    assert Min(-oo, p) == -oo
    assert Min(p, -oo) == -oo
    assert Min(-oo, oo) == -oo
    assert Min(oo, -oo) == -oo
    assert Min(n, n) == n
    assert unchanged(Min, n, np)
    assert Min(np, n) == Min(n, np)
    assert Min(n, 0) == n
    assert Min(0, n) == n
    assert Min(n, nn) == n
    assert Min(nn, n) == n
    assert Min(n, p) == n
    assert Min(p, n) == n
    assert Min(n, oo) == n
    assert Min(oo, n) == n
    assert Min(np, np) == np
    assert Min(np, 0) == np
    assert Min(0, np) == np
    assert Min(np, nn) == np
    assert Min(nn, np) == np
    assert Min(np, p) == np
    assert Min(p, np) == np
    assert Min(np, oo) == np
    assert Min(oo, np) == np
    assert Min(0, 0) == 0
    assert Min(0, nn) == 0
    assert Min(nn, 0) == 0
    assert Min(0, p) == 0
    assert Min(p, 0) == 0
    assert Min(0, oo) == 0
    assert Min(oo, 0) == 0
    assert Min(nn, nn) == nn
    assert unchanged(Min, nn, p)
    assert Min(p, nn) == Min(nn, p)
    assert Min(nn, oo) == nn
    assert Min(oo, nn) == nn
    assert Min(p, p) == p
    assert Min(p, oo) == p
    assert Min(oo, p) == p
    assert Min(oo, oo) == oo

    assert Min(n, n_).func is Min
    assert Min(nn, nn_).func is Min
    assert Min(np, np_).func is Min
    assert Min(p, p_).func is Min

    # lists
    assert Min() == S.Infinity
    assert Min(x) == x
    assert Min(x, y) == Min(y, x)
    assert Min(x, y, z) == Min(z, y, x)
    assert Min(x, Min(y, z)) == Min(z, y, x)
    assert Min(x, Max(y, -oo)) == Min(x, y)
    assert Min(p, oo, n, p, p, p_) == n
    assert Min(p_, n_, p) == n_
    assert Min(n, oo, -7, p, p, 2) == Min(n, -7)
    assert Min(2, x, p, n, oo, n_, p, 2, -2, -2) == Min(-2, x, n, n_)
    assert Min(0, x, 1, y) == Min(0, x, y)
    assert Min(1000, 100, -100, x, p, n) == Min(n, x, -100)
    assert unchanged(Min, sin(x), cos(x))
    assert Min(sin(x), cos(x)) == Min(cos(x), sin(x))
    assert Min(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, 1) == cos(1)
    assert Min(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, S(1) / 2) == sin(S(1) / 2)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Min(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Min(I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Min(I, x))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Min(S.ComplexInfinity, x))

    assert Min(1, x).diff(x) == Heaviside(1 - x)
    assert Min(x, 1).diff(x) == Heaviside(1 - x)
    assert Min(0, -x, 1 - 2*x).diff(x) == -Heaviside(x + Min(0, -2*x + 1)) \
        - 2*Heaviside(2*x + Min(0, -x) - 1)

    # issue 7619
    f = Function('f')
    assert Min(1, 2 * Min(f(1), 2))  # doesn't fail

    # issue 7233
    e = Min(0, x)
    assert e.evalf == e.n
    assert e.n().args == (0, x)

    # issue 8643
    m = Min(n, p_, n_, r)
    assert m.is_positive is False
    assert m.is_nonnegative is False
    assert m.is_negative is True

    m = Min(p, p_)
    assert m.is_positive is True
    assert m.is_nonnegative is True
    assert m.is_negative is False

    m = Min(p, nn_, p_)
    assert m.is_positive is None
    assert m.is_nonnegative is True
    assert m.is_negative is False

    m = Min(nn, p, r)
    assert m.is_positive is None
    assert m.is_nonnegative is None
    assert m.is_negative is None
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_construct_c_case_2():
    This function tests the Case 2 in the step
    to calculate coefficients of c-vectors.

    Each test case has 5 values -

    1. num - Numerator of the rational function a(x).
    2. den - Denominator of the rational function a(x).
    3. pole - Pole of a(x) for which c-vector is being
    4. mul - The multiplicity of the pole.
    5. c - The c-vector for the pole.
    tests = [
    # Testing poles with multiplicity 2
        Poly(1, x, extension=True),
        Poly((x - 1)**2*(x - 2), x, extension=True),
        1, 2,
        [[-I*(-1 - I)/2], [I*(-1 + I)/2]]
        Poly(3*x**5 - 12*x**4 - 7*x**3 + 1, x, extension=True),
        Poly((3*x - 1)**2*(x + 2)**2, x, extension=True),
        S(1)/3, 2,
        [[-S(89)/98], [-S(9)/98]]
    # Testing poles with multiplicity 4
        Poly(x**3 - x**2 + 4*x, x, extension=True),
        Poly((x - 2)**4*(x + 5)**2, x, extension=True),
        2, 4,
        [[7*sqrt(3)*(S(60)/343 - 4*sqrt(3)/7)/12, 2*sqrt(3)/7], \
        [-7*sqrt(3)*(S(60)/343 + 4*sqrt(3)/7)/12, -2*sqrt(3)/7]]
        Poly(3*x**5 + x**4 + 3, x, extension=True),
        Poly((4*x + 1)**4*(x + 2), x, extension=True),
        -S(1)/4, 4,
        [[128*sqrt(439)*(-sqrt(439)/128 - S(55)/14336)/439, sqrt(439)/256], \
        [-128*sqrt(439)*(sqrt(439)/128 - S(55)/14336)/439, -sqrt(439)/256]]
    # Testing poles with multiplicity 6
        Poly(x**3 + 2, x, extension=True),
        Poly((3*x - 1)**6*(x**2 + 1), x, extension=True),
        S(1)/3, 6,
        [[27*sqrt(66)*(-sqrt(66)/54 - S(131)/267300)/22, -2*sqrt(66)/1485, sqrt(66)/162], \
        [-27*sqrt(66)*(sqrt(66)/54 - S(131)/267300)/22, 2*sqrt(66)/1485, -sqrt(66)/162]]
        Poly(x**2 + 12, x, extension=True),
        Poly((x - sqrt(2))**6, x, extension=True),
        sqrt(2), 6,
        [[sqrt(14)*(S(6)/7 - 3*sqrt(14))/28, sqrt(7)/7, sqrt(14)], \
        [-sqrt(14)*(S(6)/7 + 3*sqrt(14))/28, -sqrt(7)/7, -sqrt(14)]]
    for num, den, pole, mul, c in tests:
        assert construct_c_case_2(num, den, x, pole, mul) == c
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _eval_rewrite_as_log(self, x):
     return S.ImaginaryUnit / 2 * (C.log(
         (S(1) - S.ImaginaryUnit * x) / (S(1) + S.ImaginaryUnit * x)))
Exemplo n.º 7
def _monotonic_sign(self):
    """Return the value closest to 0 that ``self`` may have if all symbols
    are signed and the result is uniformly the same sign for all values of symbols.
    If a symbol is only signed but not known to be an
    integer or the result is 0 then a symbol representative of the sign of self
    will be returned. Otherwise, None is returned if a) the sign could be positive
    or negative or b) self is not in one of the following forms:

    - L(x, y, ...) + A: a function linear in all symbols x, y, ... with an
      additive constant; if A is zero then the function can be a monomial whose
      sign is monotonic over the range of the variables, e.g. (x + 1)**3 if x is
    - A/L(x, y, ...) + B: the inverse of a function linear in all symbols x, y, ...
      that does not have a sign change from positive to negative for any set
      of values for the variables.
    - M(x, y, ...) + A: a monomial M whose factors are all signed and a constant, A.
    - A/M(x, y, ...) + B: the inverse of a monomial and constants A and B.
    - P(x): a univariate polynomial


    >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import _monotonic_sign as F
    >>> from sympy import Dummy, S
    >>> nn = Dummy(integer=True, nonnegative=True)
    >>> p = Dummy(integer=True, positive=True)
    >>> p2 = Dummy(integer=True, positive=True)
    >>> F(nn + 1)
    >>> F(p - 1)
    >>> F(nn*p + 1)
    >>> F(p2*p + 1)
    >>> F(nn - 1)  # could be negative, zero or positive
    if not self.is_real:

    if (-self).is_Symbol:
        rv = _monotonic_sign(-self)
        return rv if rv is None else -rv

    if not self.is_Add and self.as_numer_denom()[1].is_number:
        s = self
        if s.is_prime:
            if s.is_odd:
                return S(3)
                return S(2)
        elif s.is_positive:
            if s.is_even:
                return S(2)
            elif s.is_integer:
                return S.One
                return _eps
        elif s.is_negative:
            if s.is_even:
                return S(-2)
            elif s.is_integer:
                return S.NegativeOne
                return -_eps
        if s.is_zero or s.is_nonpositive or s.is_nonnegative:
            return S.Zero
        return None

    # univariate polynomial
    free = self.free_symbols
    if len(free) == 1:
        if self.is_polynomial():
            from sympy.polys.polytools import real_roots
            from sympy.polys.polyroots import roots
            from sympy.polys.polyerrors import PolynomialError
            x = free.pop()
            x0 = _monotonic_sign(x)
            if x0 == _eps or x0 == -_eps:
                x0 = S.Zero
            if x0 is not None:
                d = self.diff(x)
                if d.is_number:
                    roots = []
                        roots = real_roots(d)
                    except (PolynomialError, NotImplementedError):
                        roots = [r for r in roots(d, x) if r.is_real]
                y = self.subs(x, x0)
                if x.is_nonnegative and all(r <= x0 for r in roots):
                    if y.is_nonnegative and d.is_positive:
                        if y:
                            return y if y.is_positive else Dummy('pos',
                            return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
                    if y.is_nonpositive and d.is_negative:
                        if y:
                            return y if y.is_negative else Dummy('neg',
                            return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
                elif x.is_nonpositive and all(r >= x0 for r in roots):
                    if y.is_nonnegative and d.is_negative:
                        if y:
                            return Dummy('pos', positive=True)
                            return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
                    if y.is_nonpositive and d.is_positive:
                        if y:
                            return Dummy('neg', negative=True)
                            return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
            n, d = self.as_numer_denom()
            den = None
            if n.is_number:
                den = _monotonic_sign(d)
            elif not d.is_number:
                if _monotonic_sign(n) is not None:
                    den = _monotonic_sign(d)
            if den is not None and (den.is_positive or den.is_negative):
                v = n * den
                if v.is_positive:
                    return Dummy('pos', positive=True)
                elif v.is_nonnegative:
                    return Dummy('nneg', nonnegative=True)
                elif v.is_negative:
                    return Dummy('neg', negative=True)
                elif v.is_nonpositive:
                    return Dummy('npos', nonpositive=True)
        return None

    # multivariate
    c, a = self.as_coeff_Add()
    v = None
    if not a.is_polynomial():
        # F/A or A/F where A is a number and F is a signed, rational monomial
        n, d = a.as_numer_denom()
        if not (n.is_number or d.is_number):
        if (
                a.is_Mul or a.is_Pow) and \
                a.is_rational and \
                all(p.exp.is_Integer for p in a.atoms(Pow) if p.is_Pow) and \
                (a.is_positive or a.is_negative):
            v = S(1)
            for ai in Mul.make_args(a):
                if ai.is_number:
                    v *= ai
                reps = {}
                for x in ai.free_symbols:
                    reps[x] = _monotonic_sign(x)
                    if reps[x] is None:
                v *= ai.subs(reps)
    elif c:
        # signed linear expression
        if not any(p for p in a.atoms(Pow) if not p.is_number) and (
                a.is_nonpositive or a.is_nonnegative):
            free = list(a.free_symbols)
            p = {}
            for i in free:
                v = _monotonic_sign(i)
                if v is None:
                p[i] = v or (_eps if i.is_nonnegative else -_eps)
            v = a.xreplace(p)
    if v is not None:
        rv = v + c
        if v.is_nonnegative and rv.is_positive:
            return rv.subs(_eps, 0)
        if v.is_nonpositive and rv.is_negative:
            return rv.subs(_eps, 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_harmonic_rational():
    ne = S(6)
    no = S(5)
    pe = S(8)
    po = S(9)
    qe = S(10)
    qo = S(13)

    Heee = harmonic(ne + pe / qe)
    Aeee = (-log(10) + 2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
            log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
            (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
            log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) +
            pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) / 5 + 1) / 2 + Rational(13944145, 4720968))

    Heeo = harmonic(ne + pe / qo)
    Aeeo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(4, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(32, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(80, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(5, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(3, 13)) +
            Rational(2422020029, 702257080))

    Heoe = harmonic(ne + po / qe)
    Aeoe = (
        -log(20) + 2 *
        (Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
        log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
        log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 + Rational(1, 4)) * log(Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        Rational(11818877030, 4286604231) + pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) + 5) / 2)

    Heoo = harmonic(ne + po / qo)
    Aeoo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(54, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(6, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(108, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(4, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(3, 13)) +
            Rational(11669332571, 3628714320))

    Hoee = harmonic(no + pe / qe)
    Aoee = (-log(10) + 2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
            log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
            (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
            log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) +
            pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) / 5 + 1) / 2 + Rational(779405, 277704))

    Hoeo = harmonic(no + pe / qo)
    Aoeo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(4, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(32, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(80, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(5, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(3, 13)) +
            Rational(53857323, 16331560))

    Hooe = harmonic(no + po / qe)
    Aooe = (
        -log(20) + 2 *
        (Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) * log(Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        2 * (Rational(-1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) *
        log(sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 - Rational(1, 4)) *
        log(sqrt(sqrt(5) / 8 + Rational(5, 8))) + 2 *
        (-sqrt(5) / 4 + Rational(1, 4)) * log(Rational(1, 4) + sqrt(5) / 4) +
        Rational(486853480, 186374097) + pi * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) + 5) / 2)

    Hooo = harmonic(no + po / qo)
    Aooo = (-log(26) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(3, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(54, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(4, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(6, 13)) +
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(6, 13))) * cos(pi * Rational(108, 13)) -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(5, 13))) * cos(pi / 13) -
            2 * log(sin(pi / 13)) * cos(pi * Rational(5, 13)) +
            pi * cot(pi * Rational(4, 13)) / 2 -
            2 * log(sin(pi * Rational(2, 13))) * cos(3 * pi / 13) +
            Rational(383693479, 125128080))

    H = [Heee, Heeo, Heoe, Heoo, Hoee, Hoeo, Hooe, Hooo]
    A = [Aeee, Aeeo, Aeoe, Aeoo, Aoee, Aoeo, Aooe, Aooo]
    for h, a in zip(H, A):
        e = expand_func(h).doit()
        assert cancel(e / a) == 1
        assert abs(h.n() - a.n()) < 1e-12
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_zeta():
    s = S(5)
    x = Zeta('x', s)
    assert E(x) == zeta(s - 1) / zeta(s)
    assert simplify(
        variance(x)) == (zeta(s) * zeta(s - 2) - zeta(s - 1)**2) / zeta(s)**2
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_dmp_from_sympy():
    assert dmp_from_sympy([[S(1), S(2)], [S(0)]], 1, ZZ) == \
        [[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], []]
    assert dmp_from_sympy([[S(1)/2, S(2)]], 1, QQ) == \
        [[QQ(1, 2), QQ(2, 1)]]
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_issue_6121():
    eq = -I * exp(-3 * I * pi / 4) / (4 * pi**(S(3) / 2) * sqrt(x))
    assert eq.expand(complex=True)  # does not give oo recursion
    eq = -I * exp(-3 * I * pi / 4) / (4 * pi**(R(3, 2)) * sqrt(x))
    assert eq.expand(complex=True)  # does not give oo recursion
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_dup_from_sympy():
    assert dup_from_sympy([S(1), S(2)], ZZ) == \
        [ZZ(1), ZZ(2)]
    assert dup_from_sympy([S(1)/2, S(3)], QQ) == \
        [QQ(1, 2), QQ(3, 1)]
Exemplo n.º 13
 def as_base_exp(self):
     # XXX exp_polar(0) is special!
     if self.args[0] == 0:
         return self, S(1)
     return ExpBase.as_base_exp(self)
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_div():
    n = ArithmeticOnlyMatrix(1, 2, [1, 2])
    assert n / 2 == ArithmeticOnlyMatrix(1, 2, [S.Half, S(2) / 2])
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_settings():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: sstr(S(4), method="garbage"))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, factors=None):  # Factors
        """Initialize Factors from dict or expr.


        >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> from sympy import I
        >>> e = 2*x**3
        >>> Factors(e)
        Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
        >>> Factors(e.as_powers_dict())
        Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
        >>> f = _
        >>> f.factors  # underlying dictionary
        {2: 1, x: 3}
        >>> f.gens  # base of each factor
        frozenset([2, x])
        >>> Factors(0)
        Factors({0: 1})
        >>> Factors(I)
        Factors({I: 1})


        Although a dictionary can be passed, no checking will be done to
        ensure that -1 is split from Rationals. This will then affect
        gcd and normal caclulations:

        >>> Factors(-2*x).factors
        {-1: 1, 2: 1, x: 1}
        >>> Factors((-2*x).as_powers_dict()).factors
        {-2: 1, x: 1}

        if factors is None or factors == 1:
            factors = {}
        elif factors is S.Zero or factors == 0:
            factors = {S.Zero: S.One}
        elif isinstance(
                Number) and factors < 0 and not factors is S.NegativeOne:
            factors = {-factors: S.One, S.NegativeOne: S.One}
        elif isinstance(factors, Expr):
            c, nc = factors.args_cnc()
            factors = dict(Mul(*c, **dict(evaluate=False)).as_powers_dict())
            if nc:
                factors[Mul(*nc, **dict(evaluate=False))] = S.One

        # sanitizing
        if factors.get(S.NegativeOne, S.One) is not S.One:
            e = factors.pop(S.NegativeOne)
            factors[S.ImaginaryUnit] = 1
            if e == S(3) / 2:
                factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
            elif e is not S.Half:
                raise ValueError('unanticipated value for exponent of -1')

        self.factors = factors
            self.gens = frozenset(factors.keys())
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError('expecting Expr or dictionary')
Exemplo n.º 17
    def is_convergent(self):
        r"""Checks for the convergence of a Sum.

        We divide the study of convergence of infinite sums and products in
        two parts.

        First Part:
        One part is the question whether all the terms are well defined, i.e.,
        they are finite in a sum and also non-zero in a product. Zero
        is the analogy of (minus) infinity in products as
        :math:`e^{-\infty} = 0`.

        Second Part:
        The second part is the question of convergence after infinities,
        and zeros in products, have been omitted assuming that their number
        is finite. This means that we only consider the tail of the sum or
        product, starting from some point after which all terms are well

        For example, in a sum of the form:

        .. math::

            \sum_{1 \leq i < \infty} \frac{1}{n^2 + an + b}

        where a and b are numbers. The routine will return true, even if there
        are infinities in the term sequence (at most two). An analogous
        product would be:

        .. math::

            \prod_{1 \leq i < \infty} e^{\frac{1}{n^2 + an + b}}

        This is how convergence is interpreted. It is concerned with what
        happens at the limit. Finding the bad terms is another independent

        Note: It is responsibility of user to see that the sum or product
        is well defined.

        There are various tests employed to check the convergence like
        divergence test, root test, integral test, alternating series test,
        comparison tests, Dirichlet tests. It returns true if Sum is convergent
        and false if divergent and NotImplementedError if it can not be checked.


        .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergence_tests


        >>> from sympy import factorial, S, Sum, Symbol, oo
        >>> n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
        >>> Sum(n/(n - 1), (n, 4, 7)).is_convergent()
        >>> Sum(n/(2*n + 1), (n, 1, oo)).is_convergent()
        >>> Sum(factorial(n)/5**n, (n, 1, oo)).is_convergent()
        >>> Sum(1/n**(S(6)/5), (n, 1, oo)).is_convergent()

        See Also

        from sympy import Interval, Integral, log, symbols, simplify
        p, q, r = symbols('p q r', cls=Wild)

        sym = self.limits[0][0]
        lower_limit = self.limits[0][1]
        upper_limit = self.limits[0][2]
        sequence_term = self.function

        if len(sequence_term.free_symbols) > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "convergence checking for more than one symbol "
                "containing series is not handled")

        if lower_limit.is_finite and upper_limit.is_finite:
            return S.true

        # transform sym -> -sym and swap the upper_limit = S.Infinity
        # and lower_limit = - upper_limit
        if lower_limit is S.NegativeInfinity:
            if upper_limit is S.Infinity:
                return Sum(sequence_term, (sym, 0, S.Infinity)).is_convergent() and \
                        Sum(sequence_term, (sym, S.NegativeInfinity, 0)).is_convergent()
            sequence_term = simplify(sequence_term.xreplace({sym: -sym}))
            lower_limit = -upper_limit
            upper_limit = S.Infinity

        sym_ = Dummy(sym.name, integer=True, positive=True)
        sequence_term = sequence_term.xreplace({sym: sym_})
        sym = sym_

        interval = Interval(lower_limit, upper_limit)

        # Piecewise function handle
        if sequence_term.is_Piecewise:
            for func, cond in sequence_term.args:
                # see if it represents something going to oo
                if cond == True or cond.as_set().sup is S.Infinity:
                    s = Sum(func, (sym, lower_limit, upper_limit))
                    return s.is_convergent()
            return S.true

        ###  -------- Divergence test ----------- ###
            lim_val = limit_seq(sequence_term, sym)
            if lim_val is not None and lim_val.is_zero is False:
                return S.false
        except NotImplementedError:

            lim_val_abs = limit_seq(abs(sequence_term), sym)
            if lim_val_abs is not None and lim_val_abs.is_zero is False:
                return S.false
        except NotImplementedError:

        order = O(sequence_term, (sym, S.Infinity))

        ### --------- p-series test (1/n**p) ---------- ###
        p_series_test = order.expr.match(sym**p)
        if p_series_test is not None:
            if p_series_test[p] < -1:
                return S.true
            if p_series_test[p] >= -1:
                return S.false

        ### ------------- comparison test ------------- ###
        # 1/(n**p*log(n)**q*log(log(n))**r) comparison
        n_log_test = order.expr.match(
            1 / (sym**p * log(sym)**q * log(log(sym))**r))
        if n_log_test is not None:
            if (n_log_test[p] > 1 or (n_log_test[p] == 1 and n_log_test[q] > 1)
                (n_log_test[p] == n_log_test[q] == 1 and n_log_test[r] > 1)):
                return S.true
            return S.false

        ### ------------- Limit comparison test -----------###
        # (1/n) comparison
            lim_comp = limit_seq(sym * sequence_term, sym)
            if lim_comp is not None and lim_comp.is_number and lim_comp > 0:
                return S.false
        except NotImplementedError:

        ### ----------- ratio test ---------------- ###
        next_sequence_term = sequence_term.xreplace({sym: sym + 1})
        ratio = combsimp(powsimp(next_sequence_term / sequence_term))
            lim_ratio = limit_seq(ratio, sym)
            if lim_ratio is not None and lim_ratio.is_number:
                if abs(lim_ratio) > 1:
                    return S.false
                if abs(lim_ratio) < 1:
                    return S.true
        except NotImplementedError:

        ### ----------- root test ---------------- ###
        # lim = Limit(abs(sequence_term)**(1/sym), sym, S.Infinity)
            lim_evaluated = limit_seq(abs(sequence_term)**(1 / sym), sym)
            if lim_evaluated is not None and lim_evaluated.is_number:
                if lim_evaluated < 1:
                    return S.true
                if lim_evaluated > 1:
                    return S.false
        except NotImplementedError:

        ### ------------- alternating series test ----------- ###
        dict_val = sequence_term.match((-1)**(sym + p) * q)
        if not dict_val[p].has(sym) and is_decreasing(dict_val[q], interval):
            return S.true

        ### ------------- integral test -------------- ###
        check_interval = None
        maxima = solveset(sequence_term.diff(sym), sym, interval)
        if not maxima:
            check_interval = interval
        elif isinstance(maxima, FiniteSet) and maxima.sup.is_number:
            check_interval = Interval(maxima.sup, interval.sup)
        if (check_interval is not None
                and (is_decreasing(sequence_term, check_interval)
                     or is_decreasing(-sequence_term, check_interval))):
            integral_val = Integral(sequence_term,
                                    (sym, lower_limit, upper_limit))
                integral_val_evaluated = integral_val.doit()
                if integral_val_evaluated.is_number:
                    return S(integral_val_evaluated.is_finite)
            except NotImplementedError:

        ### ----- Dirichlet and bounded times convergent tests ----- ###
        # TODO
        # Dirichlet_test
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirichlet%27s_test
        # Bounded times convergent test
        # It is based on comparison theorems for series.
        # In particular, if the general term of a series can
        # be written as a product of two terms a_n and b_n
        # and if a_n is bounded and if Sum(b_n) is absolutely
        # convergent, then the original series Sum(a_n * b_n)
        # is absolutely convergent and so convergent.
        # The following code can grows like 2**n where n is the
        # number of args in order.expr
        # Possibly combined with the potentially slow checks
        # inside the loop, could make this test extremely slow
        # for larger summation expressions.

        if order.expr.is_Mul:
            args = order.expr.args
            argset = set(args)

            ### -------------- Dirichlet tests -------------- ###
            m = Dummy('m', integer=True)

            def _dirichlet_test(g_n):
                    ing_val = limit_seq(
                        Sum(g_n, (sym, interval.inf, m)).doit(), m)
                    if ing_val is not None and ing_val.is_finite:
                        return S.true
                except NotImplementedError:

            ### -------- bounded times convergent test ---------###
            def _bounded_convergent_test(g1_n, g2_n):
                    lim_val = limit_seq(g1_n, sym)
                    if lim_val is not None and (
                            lim_val.is_finite or
                        (isinstance(lim_val, AccumulationBounds) and
                         (lim_val.max - lim_val.min).is_finite)):
                        if Sum(g2_n, (sym, lower_limit,
                            return S.true
                except NotImplementedError:

            for n in range(1, len(argset)):
                for a_tuple in itertools.combinations(args, n):
                    b_set = argset - set(a_tuple)
                    a_n = Mul(*a_tuple)
                    b_n = Mul(*b_set)

                    if is_decreasing(a_n, interval):
                        dirich = _dirichlet_test(b_n)
                        if dirich is not None:
                            return dirich

                    bc_test = _bounded_convergent_test(a_n, b_n)
                    if bc_test is not None:
                        return bc_test

        _sym = self.limits[0][0]
        sequence_term = sequence_term.xreplace({sym: _sym})
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "The algorithm to find the Sum convergence of %s "
            "is not yet implemented" % (sequence_term))
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_lattice_make_args():
    assert join.make_args(join(2, 3, 4)) == {S(2), S(3), S(4)}
    assert join.make_args(0) == {0}
    assert list(join.make_args(0))[0] is S.Zero
    assert Add.make_args(0)[0] is S.Zero
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, factors=None):  # Factors
        """Initialize Factors from dict or expr.


        >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import Factors
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> from sympy import I
        >>> e = 2*x**3
        >>> Factors(e)
        Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
        >>> Factors(e.as_powers_dict())
        Factors({2: 1, x: 3})
        >>> f = _
        >>> f.factors  # underlying dictionary
        {2: 1, x: 3}
        >>> f.gens  # base of each factor
        frozenset([2, x])
        >>> Factors(0)
        Factors({0: 1})
        >>> Factors(I)
        Factors({I: 1})


        Although a dictionary can be passed, only minimal checking is
        performed: powers of -1 and I are made canonical.

        if isinstance(factors, (SYMPY_INTS, float)):
            factors = S(factors)

        if isinstance(factors, Factors):
            factors = factors.factors.copy()
        elif factors is None or factors is S.One:
            factors = {}
        elif factors is S.Zero or factors == 0:
            factors = {S.Zero: S.One}
        elif isinstance(factors, Number):
            n = factors
            factors = {}
            if n < 0:
                factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
                n = -n
            if n is not S.One:
                if n.is_Float or n.is_Integer or n is S.Infinity:
                    factors[n] = S.One
                elif n.is_Rational:
                    # since we're processing Numbers, the denominator is
                    # stored with a negative exponent; all other factors
                    # are left .
                    if n.p != 1:
                        factors[Integer(n.p)] = S.One
                    factors[Integer(n.q)] = S.NegativeOne
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Expected Float|Rational|Integer, not %s' % n)
        elif isinstance(factors, Basic) and not factors.args:
            factors = {factors: S.One}
        elif isinstance(factors, Expr):
            c, nc = factors.args_cnc()
            i = c.count(I)
            for _ in range(i):
            factors = dict(Mul._from_args(c).as_powers_dict())
            if i:
                factors[I] = S.One * i
            if nc:
                factors[Mul(*nc, evaluate=False)] = S.One
            factors = factors.copy()  # /!\ should be dict-like

            # tidy up -/+1 and I exponents if Rational

            handle = []
            for k in factors:
                if k is I or k in (-1, 1):
            if handle:
                i1 = S.One
                for k in handle:
                    if not _isnumber(factors[k]):
                    i1 *= k**factors.pop(k)
                if i1 is not S.One:
                    for a in i1.args if i1.is_Mul else [
                    ]:  # at worst, -1.0*I*(-1)**e
                        if a is S.NegativeOne:
                            factors[a] = S.One
                        elif a is I:
                            factors[I] = S.One
                        elif a.is_Pow:
                            if S.NegativeOne not in factors:
                                factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.Zero
                            factors[S.NegativeOne] += a.exp
                        elif a == 1:
                            factors[a] = S.One
                        elif a == -1:
                            factors[-a] = S.One
                            factors[S.NegativeOne] = S.One
                            raise ValueError('unexpected factor in i1: %s' % a)

        self.factors = factors
            self.gens = frozenset(factors.keys())
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError('expecting Expr or dictionary')
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_evalf_bugs():
    assert NS(sin(1) + exp(-10**10), 10) == NS(sin(1), 10)
    assert NS(exp(10**10) + sin(1), 10) == NS(exp(10**10), 10)
    assert NS('expand_log(log(1+1/10**50))', 20) == '1.0000000000000000000e-50'
    assert NS('log(10**100,10)', 10) == '100.0000000'
    assert NS('log(2)', 10) == '0.6931471806'
    assert NS('(sin(x)-x)/x**3', 15, subs={x:
                                           '1/10**50'}) == '-0.166666666666667'
    assert NS(sin(1) + Rational(1, 10**100) * I,
              15) == '0.841470984807897 + 1.00000000000000e-100*I'
    assert x.evalf() == x
    assert NS((1 + I)**2 * I, 6) == '-2.00000'
    d = {
        n: (-1)**Rational(6, 7),
        y: (-1)**Rational(4, 7),
        x: (-1)**Rational(2, 7)
    assert NS((x * (1 + y * (1 + n))).subs(d).evalf(),
              6) == '0.346011 + 0.433884*I'
    assert NS(((-I - sqrt(2) * I)**2).evalf()) == '-5.82842712474619'
    assert NS((1 + I)**2 * I, 15) == '-2.00000000000000'
    # issue 4758 (1/2):
    assert NS(pi.evalf(69) - pi) == '-4.43863937855894e-71'
    # issue 4758 (2/2): With the bug present, this still only fails if the
    # terms are in the order given here. This is not generally the case,
    # because the order depends on the hashes of the terms.
    assert NS(20 - 5008329267844 * n**25 - 477638700 * n**37 - 19 * n,
              subs={n: .01}) == '19.8100000000000'
    assert NS(
        ((x - 1) * (1 - x)**
         1000).n()) == '(1.00000000000000 - x)**1000*(x - 1.00000000000000)'
    assert NS((-x).n()) == '-x'
    assert NS((-2 * x).n()) == '-2.00000000000000*x'
    assert NS((-2 * x * y).n()) == '-2.00000000000000*x*y'
    assert cos(x).n(subs={x: 1 + I}) == cos(x).subs(x, 1 + I).n()
    # issue 6660. Also NaN != mpmath.nan
    # In this order:
    # 0*nan, 0/nan, 0*inf, 0/inf
    # 0+nan, 0-nan, 0+inf, 0-inf
    # >>> n = Some Number
    # n*nan, n/nan, n*inf, n/inf
    # n+nan, n-nan, n+inf, n-inf
    assert (0 * E**(oo)).n() is S.NaN
    assert (0 / E**(oo)).n() is S.Zero

    assert (0 + E**(oo)).n() is S.Infinity
    assert (0 - E**(oo)).n() is S.NegativeInfinity

    assert (5 * E**(oo)).n() is S.Infinity
    assert (5 / E**(oo)).n() is S.Zero

    assert (5 + E**(oo)).n() is S.Infinity
    assert (5 - E**(oo)).n() is S.NegativeInfinity

    #issue 7416
    assert as_mpmath(0.0, 10, {'chop': True}) == 0

    #issue 5412
    assert ((oo * I).n() == S.Infinity * I)
    assert ((oo + oo * I).n() == S.Infinity + S.Infinity * I)

    #issue 11518
    assert NS(2 * x**2.5, 5) == '2.0000*x**2.5000'

    #issue 13076
    assert NS(Mul(Max(0, y), x, evaluate=False).evalf()) == 'x*Max(0, y)'

    #issue 18516
    assert NS(
              ) /
        ).evalf(15, chop=True)) == '-oo'
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_Max():
    from sympy.abc import x, y, z
    n = Symbol('n', negative=True)
    n_ = Symbol('n_', negative=True)
    nn = Symbol('nn', nonnegative=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    p_ = Symbol('p_', positive=True)
    r = Symbol('r', real=True)

    assert Max(5, 4) == 5

    # lists

    assert Max() == S.NegativeInfinity
    assert Max(x) == x
    assert Max(x, y) == Max(y, x)
    assert Max(x, y, z) == Max(z, y, x)
    assert Max(x, Max(y, z)) == Max(z, y, x)
    assert Max(x, Min(y, oo)) == Max(x, y)
    assert Max(n, -oo, n_, p, 2) == Max(p, 2)
    assert Max(n, -oo, n_, p) == p
    assert Max(2, x, p, n, -oo, S.NegativeInfinity, n_, p, 2) == Max(2, x, p)
    assert Max(0, x, 1, y) == Max(1, x, y)
    assert Max(r, r + 1, r - 1) == 1 + r
    assert Max(1000, 100, -100, x, p, n) == Max(p, x, 1000)
    assert Max(cos(x), sin(x)) == Max(sin(x), cos(x))
    assert Max(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, 1) == sin(1)
    assert Max(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, S(1) / 2) == cos(S(1) / 2)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Max(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Max(I))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Max(I, x))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Max(S.ComplexInfinity, 1))
    assert Max(n, -oo, n_, p, 2) == Max(p, 2)
    assert Max(n, -oo, n_, p, 1000) == Max(p, 1000)

    assert Max(1, x).diff(x) == Heaviside(x - 1)
    assert Max(x, 1).diff(x) == Heaviside(x - 1)
    assert Max(x**2, 1 + x, 1).diff(x) == \
        2*x*Heaviside(x**2 - Max(1, x + 1)) \
        + Heaviside(x - Max(1, x**2) + 1)

    e = Max(0, x)
    assert e.evalf == e.n
    assert e.n().args == (0, x)

    # issue 8643
    m = Max(p, p_, n, r)
    assert m.is_positive is True
    assert m.is_nonnegative is True
    assert m.is_negative is False

    m = Max(n, n_)
    assert m.is_positive is False
    assert m.is_nonnegative is False
    assert m.is_negative is True

    m = Max(n, n_, r)
    assert m.is_positive is None
    assert m.is_nonnegative is None
    assert m.is_negative is None

    m = Max(n, nn, r)
    assert m.is_positive is None
    assert m.is_nonnegative is True
    assert m.is_negative is False
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_to_mpmath():
    assert sqrt(3)._to_mpmath(20)._mpf_ == (0, int(908093), -19, 20)
    assert S(3.2)._to_mpmath(20)._mpf_ == (0, int(838861), -18, 20)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_match_riccati():
    This function tests if an ODE is Riccati or not.

    Each test case has 5 values -

    1. eq - The Riccati ODE.
    2. match - Boolean indicating if eq is a Riccati ODE.
    3. b0 -
    4. b1 - Coefficient of f(x) in eq.
    5. b2 - Coefficient of f(x)**2 in eq.
    tests = [
    # Test Rational Riccati ODEs
        f(x).diff(x) - (405*x**3 - 882*x**2 - 78*x + 92)/(243*x**4 \
        - 945*x**3 + 846*x**2 + 180*x - 72) - 2 - f(x)**2/(3*x + 1) \
        - (S(1)/3 - x)*f(x)/(S(1)/3 - 3*x/2),


        45*x**3/(27*x**4 - 105*x**3 + 94*x**2 + 20*x - 8) - 98*x**2/ \
        (27*x**4 - 105*x**3 + 94*x**2 + 20*x - 8) - 26*x/(81*x**4 - \
        315*x**3 + 282*x**2 + 60*x - 24) + 2 + 92/(243*x**4 - 945*x**3 \
        + 846*x**2 + 180*x - 72),

        Mul(-1, 2 - 6*x, evaluate=False)/(9*x - 2),

        1/(3*x + 1)
        f(x).diff(x) + 4*x/27 - (x/3 - 1)*f(x)**2 - (2*x/3 + \
        1)*f(x)/(3*x + 2) - S(10)/27 - (265*x**2 + 423*x + 162) \
        /(324*x**3 + 216*x**2),


        -4*x/27 + S(10)/27 + 3/(6*x**3 + 4*x**2) + 47/(36*x**2 \
        + 24*x) + 265/(324*x + 216),

        Mul(-1, -2*x - 3, evaluate=False)/(9*x + 6),

        x/3 - 1
        f(x).diff(x) - (304*x**5 - 745*x**4 + 631*x**3 - 876*x**2 \
        + 198*x - 108)/(36*x**6 - 216*x**5 + 477*x**4 - 567*x**3 + \
        360*x**2 - 108*x) - S(17)/9 - (x - S(3)/2)*f(x)/(x/2 - \
        S(3)/2) - (x/3 - 3)*f(x)**2/(3*x),


        304*x**4/(36*x**5 - 216*x**4 + 477*x**3 - 567*x**2 + 360*x - \
        108) - 745*x**3/(36*x**5 - 216*x**4 + 477*x**3 - 567*x**2 + \
        360*x - 108) + 631*x**2/(36*x**5 - 216*x**4 + 477*x**3 - 567* \
        x**2 + 360*x - 108) - 292*x/(12*x**5 - 72*x**4 + 159*x**3 - \
        189*x**2 + 120*x - 36) + S(17)/9 - 12/(4*x**6 - 24*x**5 + \
        53*x**4 - 63*x**3 + 40*x**2 - 12*x) + 22/(4*x**5 - 24*x**4 \
        + 53*x**3 - 63*x**2 + 40*x - 12),

        Mul(-1, 3 - 2*x, evaluate=False)/(x - 3),

        Mul(-1, 9 - x, evaluate=False)/(9*x)
    # Test Non-Rational Riccati ODEs
        f(x).diff(x) - x**(S(3)/2)/(x**(S(1)/2) - 2) + x**2*f(x) + \
        False, 0, 0, 0
        f(x).diff(x) - sin(x**2) + exp(x)*f(x) + log(x)*f(x)**2,
        False, 0, 0, 0
        f(x).diff(x) - tanh(x + sqrt(x)) + f(x) + x**4*f(x)**2,
        False, 0, 0, 0
    # Test Non-Riccati ODEs
        (1 - x**2)*f(x).diff(x, 2) - 2*x*f(x).diff(x) + 20*f(x),
        False, 0, 0, 0
        f(x).diff(x) - x**2 + x**3*f(x) + (x**2/(x + 1))*f(x)**3,
        False, 0, 0, 0
        f(x).diff(x)*f(x)**2 + (x**2 - 1)/(x**3 + 1)*f(x) + 1/(2*x \
        + 3) + f(x)**2,
        False, 0, 0, 0
    for eq, res, b0, b1, b2 in tests:
        match, funcs = match_riccati(eq, f, x)
        assert match == res
        if res:
            assert [b0, b1, b2] == funcs
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_issue_13098():
    assert floor(log(S('9.' + '9' * 20), 10)) == 0
    assert ceiling(log(S('9.' + '9' * 20), 10)) == 1
    assert floor(log(20 - S('9.' + '9' * 20), 10)) == 1
    assert ceiling(log(20 - S('9.' + '9' * 20), 10)) == 2
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_construct_d_case_4():
    This function tests the Case 4 in the step
    to calculate coefficients of the d-vector.

    Each test case has 4 values -

    1. num - Numerator of the rational function a(x).
    2. den - Denominator of the rational function a(x).
    3. mul - Multiplicity of oo as a pole.
    4. d - The d-vector.
    tests = [
    # Tests with multiplicity at oo = 2
        Poly(-x**5 - 2*x**4 + 4*x**3 + 2*x + 5, x, extension=True),
        Poly(9*x**3 - 2*x**2 + 10*x - 2, x, extension=True),
        [[10*I/27, I/3, -3*I*(S(158)/243 - I/3)/2], \
        [-10*I/27, -I/3, 3*I*(S(158)/243 + I/3)/2]]
        Poly(-x**6 + 9*x**5 + 5*x**4 + 6*x**3 + 5*x**2 + 6*x + 7, x, extension=True),
        Poly(x**4 + 3*x**3 + 12*x**2 - x + 7, x, extension=True),
        [[-6*I, I, -I*(17 - I)/2], [6*I, -I, I*(17 + I)/2]]
    # Tests with multiplicity at oo = 4
        Poly(-2*x**6 - x**5 - x**4 - 2*x**3 - x**2 - 3*x - 3, x, extension=True),
        Poly(3*x**2 + 10*x + 7, x, extension=True),
        [[269*sqrt(6)*I/288, -17*sqrt(6)*I/36, sqrt(6)*I/3, -sqrt(6)*I*(S(16969)/2592 \
        - 2*sqrt(6)*I/3)/4], [-269*sqrt(6)*I/288, 17*sqrt(6)*I/36, -sqrt(6)*I/3, \
        sqrt(6)*I*(S(16969)/2592 + 2*sqrt(6)*I/3)/4]]
        Poly(-3*x**5 - 3*x**4 - 3*x**3 - x**2 - 1, x, extension=True),
        Poly(12*x - 2, x, extension=True),
        [[41*I/192, 7*I/24, I/2, -I*(-S(59)/6912 - I)], \
        [-41*I/192, -7*I/24, -I/2, I*(-S(59)/6912 + I)]]
    # Tests with multiplicity at oo = 4
        Poly(-x**7 - x**5 - x**4 - x**2 - x, x, extension=True),
        Poly(x + 2, x, extension=True),
        [[-5*I/2, 2*I, -I, I, -I*(-9 - 3*I)/2], [5*I/2, -2*I, I, -I, I*(-9 + 3*I)/2]]
        Poly(-x**7 - x**6 - 2*x**5 - 2*x**4 - x**3 - x**2 + 2*x - 2, x, extension=True),
        Poly(2*x - 2, x, extension=True),
        [[3*sqrt(2)*I/4, 3*sqrt(2)*I/4, sqrt(2)*I/2, sqrt(2)*I/2, -sqrt(2)*I*(-S(7)/8 - \
        3*sqrt(2)*I/2)/2], [-3*sqrt(2)*I/4, -3*sqrt(2)*I/4, -sqrt(2)*I/2, -sqrt(2)*I/2, \
        sqrt(2)*I*(-S(7)/8 + 3*sqrt(2)*I/2)/2]]
    for num, den, mul, d in tests:
        ser = rational_laurent_series(num, den, x, oo, mul, 1)
        assert construct_d_case_4(ser, mul // 2) == d
Exemplo n.º 26
    def is_convergent(self):
        r"""Checks for the convergence of a Sum.

        We divide the study of convergence of infinite sums and products in
        two parts.

        First Part:
        One part is the question whether all the terms are well defined, i.e.,
        they are finite in a sum and also non-zero in a product. Zero
        is the analogy of (minus) infinity in products as :math:`e^{-\infty} = 0`.

        Second Part:
        The second part is the question of convergence after infinities,
        and zeros in products, have been omitted assuming that their number
        is finite. This means that we only consider the tail of the sum or
        product, starting from some point after which all terms are well

        For example, in a sum of the form:

        .. math::

            \sum_{1 \leq i < \infty} \frac{1}{n^2 + an + b}

        where a and b are numbers. The routine will return true, even if there
        are infinities in the term sequence (at most two). An analogous
        product would be:

        .. math::

            \prod_{1 \leq i < \infty} e^{\frac{1}{n^2 + an + b}}

        This is how convergence is interpreted. It is concerned with what
        happens at the limit. Finding the bad terms is another independent

        Note: It is responsibility of user to see that the sum or product
        is well defined.

        There are various tests employed to check the convergence like
        divergence test, root test, integral test, alternating series test,
        comparison tests, Dirichlet tests. It returns true if Sum is convergent
        and false if divergent and NotImplementedError if it can not be checked.


        .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergence_tests


        >>> from sympy import factorial, S, Sum, Symbol, oo
        >>> n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
        >>> Sum(n/(n - 1), (n, 4, 7)).is_convergent()
        >>> Sum(n/(2*n + 1), (n, 1, oo)).is_convergent()
        >>> Sum(factorial(n)/5**n, (n, 1, oo)).is_convergent()
        >>> Sum(1/n**(S(6)/5), (n, 1, oo)).is_convergent()

        See Also


        from sympy import Interval, Integral, Limit, log, symbols, Ge, Gt, simplify
        p, q = symbols('p q', cls=Wild)

        sym = self.limits[0][0]
        lower_limit = self.limits[0][1]
        upper_limit = self.limits[0][2]
        sequence_term = self.function

        if len(sequence_term.free_symbols) > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "convergence checking for more that one symbol "
                "containing series is not handled")

        if lower_limit.is_finite and upper_limit.is_finite:
            return S.true

        # transform sym -> -sym and swap the upper_limit = S.Infinity
        # and lower_limit = - upper_limit
        if lower_limit is S.NegativeInfinity:
            if upper_limit is S.Infinity:
                return Sum(sequence_term, (sym, 0, S.Infinity)).is_convergent() and \
                        Sum(sequence_term, (sym, S.NegativeInfinity, 0)).is_convergent()
            sequence_term = simplify(sequence_term.xreplace({sym: -sym}))
            lower_limit = -upper_limit
            upper_limit = S.Infinity

        interval = Interval(lower_limit, upper_limit)

        # Piecewise function handle
        if sequence_term.is_Piecewise:
            for func_cond in sequence_term.args:
                if func_cond[1].func is Ge or func_cond[
                        1].func is Gt or func_cond[1] == True:
                    return Sum(
                        (sym, lower_limit, upper_limit)).is_convergent()
            return S.true

        ###  -------- Divergence test ----------- ###
            lim_val = limit(sequence_term, sym, upper_limit)
            if lim_val.is_number and lim_val is not S.Zero:
                return S.false
        except NotImplementedError:

            lim_val_abs = limit(abs(sequence_term), sym, upper_limit)
            if lim_val_abs.is_number and lim_val_abs is not S.Zero:
                return S.false
        except NotImplementedError:

        order = O(sequence_term, (sym, S.Infinity))

        ### --------- p-series test (1/n**p) ---------- ###
        p1_series_test = order.expr.match(sym**p)
        if p1_series_test is not None:
            if p1_series_test[p] < -1:
                return S.true
            if p1_series_test[p] > -1:
                return S.false

        p2_series_test = order.expr.match((1 / sym)**p)
        if p2_series_test is not None:
            if p2_series_test[p] > 1:
                return S.true
            if p2_series_test[p] < 1:
                return S.false

        ### ----------- root test ---------------- ###
        lim = Limit(abs(sequence_term)**(1 / sym), sym, S.Infinity)
        lim_evaluated = lim.doit()
        if lim_evaluated.is_number:
            if lim_evaluated < 1:
                return S.true
            if lim_evaluated > 1:
                return S.false

        ### ------------- alternating series test ----------- ###
        dict_val = sequence_term.match((-1)**(sym + p) * q)
        if not dict_val[p].has(sym) and is_decreasing(dict_val[q], interval):
            return S.true

        ### ------------- comparison test ------------- ###
        # (1/log(n)**p) comparison
        log_test = order.expr.match(1 / (log(sym)**p))
        if log_test is not None:
            return S.false

        # (1/(n*log(n)**p)) comparison
        log_n_test = order.expr.match(1 / (sym * (log(sym))**p))
        if log_n_test is not None:
            if log_n_test[p] > 1:
                return S.true
            return S.false

        # (1/(n*log(n)*log(log(n))*p)) comparison
        log_log_n_test = order.expr.match(1 / (sym *
                                               (log(sym) * log(log(sym))**p)))
        if log_log_n_test is not None:
            if log_log_n_test[p] > 1:
                return S.true
            return S.false

        # (1/(n**p*log(n))) comparison
        n_log_test = order.expr.match(1 / (sym**p * log(sym)))
        if n_log_test is not None:
            if n_log_test[p] > 1:
                return S.true
            return S.false

        ### ------------- integral test -------------- ###
        if is_decreasing(sequence_term, interval):
            integral_val = Integral(sequence_term,
                                    (sym, lower_limit, upper_limit))
                integral_val_evaluated = integral_val.doit()
                if integral_val_evaluated.is_number:
                    return S(integral_val_evaluated.is_finite)
            except NotImplementedError:

        ### -------------- Dirichlet tests -------------- ###
        if order.expr.is_Mul:
            a_n, b_n = order.expr.args[0], order.expr.args[1]
            m = Dummy('m', integer=True)

            def _dirichlet_test(g_n):
                    ing_val = limit(
                        Sum(g_n, (sym, interval.inf, m)).doit(), m, S.Infinity)
                    if ing_val.is_finite:
                        return S.true
                except NotImplementedError:

            if is_decreasing(a_n, interval):
                dirich1 = _dirichlet_test(b_n)
                if dirich1 is not None:
                    return dirich1

            if is_decreasing(b_n, interval):
                dirich2 = _dirichlet_test(a_n)
                if dirich2 is not None:
                    return dirich2

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "The algorithm to find the Sum convergence of %s "
            "is not yet implemented" % (sequence_term))
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_riccati_transformation():
    This function tests the transformation of the
    solution of a Riccati ODE to the solution of
    its corresponding normal Riccati ODE.

    Each test case 4 values -

    1. w - The solution to be transformed
    2. b1 - The coefficient of f(x) in the ODE.
    3. b2 - The coefficient of f(x)**2 in the ODE.
    4. y - The solution to the normal Riccati ODE.
    tests = [
        x/(x - 1),
        (x**2 + 7)/3*x,
        -x**2/(x - 1) - x*(x**2/3 + S(7)/3)/2 - 1/(2*x)
        (2*x + 3)/(2*x + 2),
        (3 - 3*x)/(x + 1),
        -5*x*(2*x + 3)/(2*x + 2) - (3 - 3*x)/(Mul(2, x + 1, evaluate=False)) - 1/(2*x)
        -1/(2*x**2 - 1),
        (2 - x)/(4*x - 2),
        (2 - x)/((4*x - 2)*(2*x**2 - 1)) - (4*x - 2)*(Mul(-4, 2 - x, evaluate=False)/(4*x - \
        2)**2 - 1/(4*x - 2))/(Mul(2, 2 - x, evaluate=False))
        (8*x - 12)/(12*x + 9),
        x**3/(6*x - 9),
        -x**4/(6*x - 9) - (8*x - 12)/(Mul(2, 12*x + 9, evaluate=False)) - (6*x - 9)*(-6*x**3/(6*x \
        - 9)**2 + 3*x**2/(6*x - 9))/(2*x**3)
    for w, b1, b2, y in tests:
        assert y == riccati_normal(w, x, b1, b2)
        assert w == riccati_inverse_normal(y, x, b1, b2).cancel()

    # Test bp parameter in riccati_inverse_normal
    tests = [
        (-2*x - 1)/(2*x**2 + 2*x - 2),
        (-x - 1)/(4*x),
        8*x**2*(1/(4*x) + (-x - 1)/(4*x**2))/(-x - 1)**2 + 4/(-x - 1),
        -2*x*(-1/(4*x) - (-x - 1)/(4*x**2))/(-x - 1) - (-2*x - 1)*(-x - 1)/(4*x*(2*x**2 + 2*x \
        - 2)) + 1/x
        (-x - 1)/(4*x),
        8*x**2*(1/(4*x) + (-x - 1)/(4*x**2))/(-x - 1)**2 + 4/(-x - 1),
        -2*x*(-1/(4*x) - (-x - 1)/(4*x**2))/(-x - 1) + 1/x - Mul(3, -x - 1, evaluate=False)/(8*x**3)
    for w, b1, b2, bp, y in tests:
        assert y == riccati_normal(w, x, b1, b2)
        assert w == riccati_inverse_normal(y, x, b1, b2, bp).cancel()
Exemplo n.º 28
 def _eval_is_extended_real(self):
     if self.args[0].is_extended_real:
         return True
     elif self.args[0].is_imaginary:
         arg2 = -S(2) * S.ImaginaryUnit * self.args[0] / S.Pi
         return arg2.is_even
Exemplo n.º 29
    def _eval_is_finite(self):
        if (self.args[0] + S.One).is_zero:
            return False
        return self.args[0].is_finite

    def _eval_is_positive(self):
        return self.args[0].is_positive

    def _eval_is_zero(self):
        return self.args[0].is_zero

    def _eval_is_nonnegative(self):
        return self.args[0].is_nonnegative

_Two = S(2)

def _exp2(x):
    return Pow(_Two, x)

class exp2(Function):
    Represents the exponential function with base two.

    The benefit of using ``exp2(x)`` over ``2**x``
    is that the latter is not as efficient under finite precision

Exemplo n.º 30
def test_expr_fns():
    expr = x + y**3
    e = bottom_up(lambda v: v + 1, expr_fns)(expr)
    b = bottom_up(lambda v: Basic.__new__(Add, v, S(1)), basic_fns)(expr)

    assert rebuild(b) == e