Exemplo n.º 1
def test_Identity_doit():
    Inn = Identity(Add(n, n, evaluate=False))
    assert isinstance(Inn.rows, Add)
    assert Inn.doit() == Identity(2 * n)
    assert isinstance(Inn.doit().rows, Mul)
    def rule_gamma(expr, level=0):
        """ Simplify products of gamma functions further. """

        if expr.is_Atom:
            return expr

        def gamma_rat(x):
            # helper to simplify ratios of gammas
            was = x.count(gamma)
            xx = x.replace(
                gamma, lambda n: _rf(1, (n - 1).expand()).replace(
                    _rf, lambda a, b: gamma(a + b) / gamma(a)))
            if xx.count(gamma) < was:
                x = xx
            return x

        def gamma_factor(x):
            # return True if there is a gamma factor in shallow args
            if isinstance(x, gamma):
                return True
            if x.is_Add or x.is_Mul:
                return any(gamma_factor(xi) for xi in x.args)
            if x.is_Pow and (x.exp.is_integer or x.base.is_positive):
                return gamma_factor(x.base)
            return False

        # recursion step
        if level == 0:
            expr = expr.func(*[rule_gamma(x, level + 1) for x in expr.args])
            level += 1

        if not expr.is_Mul:
            return expr

        # non-commutative step
        if level == 1:
            args, nc = expr.args_cnc()
            if not args:
                return expr
            if nc:
                return rule_gamma(Mul._from_args(args),
                                  level + 1) * Mul._from_args(nc)
            level += 1

        # pure gamma handling, not factor absorption
        if level == 2:
            T, F = sift(expr.args, gamma_factor, binary=True)
            gamma_ind = Mul(*F)
            d = Mul(*T)

            nd, dd = d.as_numer_denom()
            for ipass in range(2):
                args = list(ordered(Mul.make_args(nd)))
                for i, ni in enumerate(args):
                    if ni.is_Add:
                        ni, dd = Add(*[
                            rule_gamma(gamma_rat(a / dd), level + 1)
                            for a in ni.args
                        args[i] = ni
                        if not dd.has(gamma):
                nd = Mul(*args)
                if ipass == 0 and not gamma_factor(nd):
                nd, dd = dd, nd  # now process in reversed order
            expr = gamma_ind * nd / dd
            if not (expr.is_Mul and (gamma_factor(dd) or gamma_factor(nd))):
                return expr
            level += 1

        # iteration until constant
        if level == 3:
            while True:
                was = expr
                expr = rule_gamma(expr, 4)
                if expr == was:
                    return expr

        numer_gammas = []
        denom_gammas = []
        numer_others = []
        denom_others = []

        def explicate(p):
            if p is S.One:
                return None, []
            b, e = p.as_base_exp()
            if e.is_Integer:
                if isinstance(b, gamma):
                    return True, [b.args[0]] * e
                    return False, [b] * e
                return False, [p]

        newargs = list(ordered(expr.args))
        while newargs:
            n, d = newargs.pop().as_numer_denom()
            isg, l = explicate(n)
            if isg:
            elif isg is False:
            isg, l = explicate(d)
            if isg:
            elif isg is False:

        # =========== level 2 work: pure gamma manipulation =========

        if not as_comb:
            # Try to reduce the number of gamma factors by applying the
            # reflection formula gamma(x)*gamma(1-x) = pi/sin(pi*x)
            for gammas, numer, denom in [
                (numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                (denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)
                new = []
                while gammas:
                    g1 = gammas.pop()
                    if g1.is_integer:
                    for i, g2 in enumerate(gammas):
                        n = g1 + g2 - 1
                        if not n.is_Integer:
                        denom.append(sin(S.Pi * g1))
                        if n > 0:
                            for k in range(n):
                                numer.append(1 - g1 + k)
                        elif n < 0:
                            for k in range(-n):
                                denom.append(-g1 - k)
                # /!\ updating IN PLACE
                gammas[:] = new

            # Try to reduce the number of gammas by using the duplication
            # theorem to cancel an upper and lower: gamma(2*s)/gamma(s) =
            # 2**(2*s + 1)/(4*sqrt(pi))*gamma(s + 1/2). Although this could
            # be done with higher argument ratios like gamma(3*x)/gamma(x),
            # this would not reduce the number of gammas as in this case.
            for ng, dg, no, do in [
                (numer_gammas, denom_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                (denom_gammas, numer_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)

                while True:
                    for x in ng:
                        for y in dg:
                            n = x - 2 * y
                            if n.is_Integer:
                    if n > 0:
                        for k in range(n):
                            no.append(2 * y + k)
                    elif n < 0:
                        for k in range(-n):
                            do.append(2 * y - 1 - k)
                    ng.append(y + S(1) / 2)
                    no.append(2**(2 * y - 1))

            # Try to reduce the number of gamma factors by applying the
            # multiplication theorem (used when n gammas with args differing
            # by 1/n mod 1 are encountered).
            # run of 2 with args differing by 1/2
            # >>> gammasimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S.Half))
            # 2*sqrt(2)*2**(-2*x - 1/2)*sqrt(pi)*gamma(2*x)
            # run of 3 args differing by 1/3 (mod 1)
            # >>> gammasimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S(1)/3)*gamma(x+S(2)/3))
            # 6*3**(-3*x - 1/2)*pi*gamma(3*x)
            # >>> gammasimp(gamma(x)*gamma(x+S(1)/3)*gamma(x+S(5)/3))
            # 2*3**(-3*x - 1/2)*pi*(3*x + 2)*gamma(3*x)
            def _run(coeffs):
                # find runs in coeffs such that the difference in terms (mod 1)
                # of t1, t2, ..., tn is 1/n
                u = list(uniq(coeffs))
                for i in range(len(u)):
                    dj = ([((u[j] - u[i]) % 1, j)
                           for j in range(i + 1, len(u))])
                    for one, j in dj:
                        if one.p == 1 and one.q != 1:
                            n = one.q
                            got = [i]
                            get = list(range(1, n))
                            for d, j in dj:
                                m = n * d
                                if m.is_Integer and m in get:
                                    if not get:
                            for i, j in enumerate(got):
                                c = u[j]
                                got[i] = c
                            return one.q, got[0], got[1:]

            def _mult_thm(gammas, numer, denom):
                # pull off and analyze the leading coefficient from each gamma arg
                # looking for runs in those Rationals

                # expr -> coeff + resid -> rats[resid] = coeff
                rats = {}
                for g in gammas:
                    c, resid = g.as_coeff_Add()
                    rats.setdefault(resid, []).append(c)

                # look for runs in Rationals for each resid
                keys = sorted(rats, key=default_sort_key)
                for resid in keys:
                    coeffs = list(sorted(rats[resid]))
                    new = []
                    while True:
                        run = _run(coeffs)
                        if run is None:

                        # process the sequence that was found:
                        # 1) convert all the gamma functions to have the right
                        #    argument (could be off by an integer)
                        # 2) append the factors corresponding to the theorem
                        # 3) append the new gamma function

                        n, ui, other = run

                        # (1)
                        for u in other:
                            con = resid + u - 1
                            for k in range(int(u - ui)):
                                numer.append(con - k)

                        con = n * (resid + ui)  # for (2) and (3)

                        # (2)
                            (2 * S.Pi)**(S(n - 1) / 2) * n**(S(1) / 2 - con))
                        # (3)

                    # restore resid to coeffs
                    rats[resid] = [resid + c for c in coeffs] + new

                # rebuild the gamma arguments
                g = []
                for resid in keys:
                    g += rats[resid]
                # /!\ updating IN PLACE
                gammas[:] = g

            for l, numer, denom in [(numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                                    (denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)
                _mult_thm(l, numer, denom)

        # =========== level >= 2 work: factor absorption =========

        if level >= 2:
            # Try to absorb factors into the gammas: x*gamma(x) -> gamma(x + 1)
            # and gamma(x)/(x - 1) -> gamma(x - 1)
            # This code (in particular repeated calls to find_fuzzy) can be very
            # slow.
            def find_fuzzy(l, x):
                if not l:
                S1, T1 = compute_ST(x)
                for y in l:
                    S2, T2 = inv[y]
                    if T1 != T2 or (not S1.intersection(S2) and
                                    (S1 != set() or S2 != set())):
                    # XXX we want some simplification (e.g. cancel or
                    # simplify) but no matter what it's slow.
                    a = len(cancel(x / y).free_symbols)
                    b = len(x.free_symbols)
                    c = len(y.free_symbols)
                    # TODO is there a better heuristic?
                    if a == 0 and (b > 0 or c > 0):
                        return y

            # We thus try to avoid expensive calls by building the following
            # "invariants": For every factor or gamma function argument
            #   - the set of free symbols S
            #   - the set of functional components T
            # We will only try to absorb if T1==T2 and (S1 intersect S2 != emptyset
            # or S1 == S2 == emptyset)
            inv = {}

            def compute_ST(expr):
                if expr in inv:
                    return inv[expr]
                return (expr.free_symbols, expr.atoms(Function).union(
                    set(e.exp for e in expr.atoms(Pow))))

            def update_ST(expr):
                inv[expr] = compute_ST(expr)

            for expr in numer_gammas + denom_gammas + numer_others + denom_others:

            for gammas, numer, denom in [
                (numer_gammas, numer_others, denom_others),
                (denom_gammas, denom_others, numer_others)
                new = []
                while gammas:
                    g = gammas.pop()
                    cont = True
                    while cont:
                        cont = False
                        y = find_fuzzy(numer, g)
                        if y is not None:
                            if y != g:
                                numer.append(y / g)
                                update_ST(y / g)
                            g += 1
                            cont = True
                        y = find_fuzzy(denom, g - 1)
                        if y is not None:
                            if y != g - 1:
                                numer.append((g - 1) / y)
                                update_ST((g - 1) / y)
                            g -= 1
                            cont = True
                # /!\ updating IN PLACE
                gammas[:] = new

        # =========== rebuild expr ==================================

        return Mul(*[gamma(g) for g in numer_gammas]) \
            / Mul(*[gamma(g) for g in denom_gammas]) \
            * Mul(*numer_others) / Mul(*denom_others)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _eval_trace(self):
     if self.rowblocksizes == self.colblocksizes:
         return Add(
             *[Trace(self.blocks[i, i]) for i in range(self.blockshape[0])])
     raise NotImplementedError(
         "Can't perform trace of irregular blockshape")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __new__(cls, expr, *symbols):

        expr = sympify(expr)
        if expr is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        point = S.Zero
        if symbols:
            symbols = map(sympify, symbols)
            if symbols[-1] in (S.Infinity, S.Zero):
                point = symbols[-1]
                symbols = symbols[:-1]
            if not all(isinstance(s, Symbol) for s in symbols):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Order at points other than 0 or oo not supported.')
        if not symbols:
            symbols = list(expr.free_symbols)

        if expr.is_Order:
            v = set(expr.variables)
            symbols = v | set(symbols)
            if symbols == v:
                return expr
            symbols = list(symbols)

        elif symbols:

            symbols = list(set(symbols))
            args = tuple(symbols) + (point, )

            if len(symbols) > 1:
                # XXX: better way?  We need this expand() to
                # workaround e.g: expr = x*(x + y).
                # (x*(x + y)).as_leading_term(x, y) currently returns
                # x*y (wrong order term!).  That's why we want to deal with
                # expand()'ed expr (handled in "if expr.is_Add" branch below).
                expr = expr.expand()

            if expr.is_Add:
                lst = expr.extract_leading_order(*args)
                expr = Add(*[f.expr for (e, f) in lst])

            elif expr:
                expr = expr.as_leading_term(*symbols)
                expr = expr.as_independent(*symbols, as_Add=False)[1]

                expr = expand_power_base(expr)
                expr = expand_log(expr)

                if len(symbols) == 1:
                    # The definition of O(f(x)) symbol explicitly stated that
                    # the argument of f(x) is irrelevant.  That's why we can
                    # combine some power exponents (only "on top" of the
                    # expression tree for f(x)), e.g.:
                    # x**p * (-x)**q -> x**(p+q) for real p, q.
                    x = symbols[0]
                    margs = list(
                        Mul.make_args(expr.as_independent(x, as_Add=False)[1]))

                    for i, t in enumerate(margs):
                        if t.is_Pow:
                            b, q = t.args
                            if b in (x, -x) and q.is_real and not q.has(x):
                                margs[i] = x**q
                            elif b.is_Pow and not b.exp.has(x):
                                b, r = b.args
                                if b in (x, -x) and r.is_real:
                                    margs[i] = x**(r * q)
                            elif b.is_Mul and b.args[0] is S.NegativeOne:
                                b = -b
                                if b.is_Pow and not b.exp.has(x):
                                    b, r = b.args
                                    if b in (x, -x) and r.is_real:
                                        margs[i] = x**(r * q)

                    expr = Mul(*margs)

        if expr is S.Zero:
            return expr

        if not expr.has(*symbols):
            expr = S.One

        # create Order instance:
        args = (expr, ) + tuple(symbols) + (point, )
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *args)
        return obj
Exemplo n.º 5
def is_log_deriv_k_t_radical(fa, fd, DE, Df=True):
    Checks if Df is the logarithmic derivative of a k(t)-radical.

    b in k(t) can be written as the logarithmic derivative of a k(t) radical if
    there exist n in ZZ and u in k(t) with n, u != 0 such that n*b == Du/u.
    Either returns (ans, u, n, const) or None, which means that Df cannot be
    written as the logarithmic derivative of a k(t)-radical.  ans is a list of
    tuples such that Mul(*[i**j for i, j in ans]) == u.  This is useful for
    seeing exactly what elements of k(t) produce u.

    This function uses the structure theorem approach, which says that for any
    f in K, Df is the logarithmic derivative of a K-radical if and only if there
    are ri in QQ such that::

            ---               ---       Dt
            \    r  * Dt   +  \    r  *   i
            /     i     i     /     i   ---   =  Df.
            ---               ---        t
         i in L            i in E         i
               K/C(x)            K/C(x)

    Where C = Const(K), L_K/C(x) = { i in {1, ..., n} such that t_i is
    transcendental over C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) and Dt_i = Da_i/a_i, for some a_i
    in C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1)* } (i.e., the set of all indices of logarithmic
    monomials of K over C(x)), and E_K/C(x) = { i in {1, ..., n} such that t_i
    is transcendental over C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) and Dt_i/t_i = Da_i, for some
    a_i in C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) } (i.e., the set of all indices of
    hyperexponential monomials of K over C(x)).  If K is an elementary extension
    over C(x), then the cardinality of L_K/C(x) U E_K/C(x) is exactly the
    transcendence degree of K over C(x).  Furthermore, because Const_D(K) ==
    Const_D(C(x)) == C, deg(Dt_i) == 1 when t_i is in E_K/C(x) and
    deg(Dt_i) == 0 when t_i is in L_K/C(x), implying in particular that E_K/C(x)
    and L_K/C(x) are disjoint.

    The sets L_K/C(x) and E_K/C(x) must, by their nature, be computed
    recursively using this same function.  Therefore, it is required to pass
    them as indices to D (or T).  L_args are the arguments of the logarithms
    indexed by L_K (i.e., if i is in L_K, then T[i] == log(L_args[i])).  This is
    needed to compute the final answer u such that n*f == Du/u.

    exp(f) will be the same as u up to a multiplicative constant.  This is
    because they will both behave the same as monomials.  For example, both
    exp(x) and exp(x + 1) == E*exp(x) satisfy Dt == t. Therefore, the term const
    is returned.  const is such that exp(const)*f == u.  This is calculated by
    subtracting the arguments of one exponential from the other.  Therefore, it
    is necessary to pass the arguments of the exponential terms in E_args.

    To handle the case where we are given Df, not f, use
    H = []
    if Df:
        dfa, dfd = (fd * derivation(fa, DE) - fa * derivation(fd, DE)).cancel(
            fd**2, include=True)
        dfa, dfd = fa, fd

    # Our assumption here is that each monomial is recursively transcendental
    if len(DE.L_K) + len(DE.E_K) != len(DE.D) - 1:
        if [i for i in DE.cases if i == 'tan'] or \
                set([i for i in DE.cases if i == 'primitive']) - set(DE.L_K):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Real version of the structure "
                "theorems with hypertangent support is not yet implemented.")

        # TODO: What should really be done in this case?
        raise NotImplementedError("Nonelementary extensions not supported "
                                  "in the structure theorems.")

    E_part = [DE.D[i].quo(Poly(DE.T[i], DE.T[i])).as_expr() for i in DE.E_K]
    L_part = [DE.D[i].as_expr() for i in DE.L_K]

    lhs = Matrix([E_part + L_part])
    rhs = Matrix([dfa.as_expr() / dfd.as_expr()])

    A, u = constant_system(lhs, rhs, DE)
    if not all(derivation(i, DE, basic=True).is_zero for i in u) or not A:
        # If the elements of u are not all constant
        # Note: See comment in constant_system

        # Also note: derivation(basic=True) calls cancel()
        return None
        if not all(i.is_Rational for i in u):
            # TODO: But maybe we can tell if they're not rational, like
            # log(2)/log(3). Also, there should be an option to continue
            # anyway, even if the result might potentially be wrong.
            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot work with non-rational "
                                      "coefficients in this case.")
            n = reduce(ilcm, [i.as_numer_denom()[1] for i in u])
            u *= n
            terms = [DE.T[i] for i in DE.E_K] + DE.L_args
            ans = list(zip(terms, u))
            result = Mul(*[Pow(i, j) for i, j in ans])

            # exp(f) will be the same as result up to a multiplicative
            # constant.  We now find the log of that constant.
            argterms = DE.E_args + [DE.T[i] for i in DE.L_K]
            const = cancel(fa.as_expr() / fd.as_expr() -
                           Add(*[Mul(i, j / n) for i, j in zip(argterms, u)]))

            return (ans, result, n, const)
Exemplo n.º 6
def trigsimp_groebner(expr,
    Simplify trigonometric expressions using a groebner basis algorithm.

    This routine takes a fraction involving trigonometric or hyperbolic
    expressions, and tries to simplify it. The primary metric is the
    total degree. Some attempts are made to choose the simplest possible
    expression of the minimal degree, but this is non-rigorous, and also
    very slow (see the ``quick=True`` option).

    If ``polynomial`` is set to True, instead of simplifying numerator and
    denominator together, this function just brings numerator and denominator
    into a canonical form. This is much faster, but has potentially worse
    results. However, if the input is a polynomial, then the result is
    guaranteed to be an equivalent polynomial of minimal degree.

    The most important option is hints. Its entries can be any of the

    - a natural number
    - a function
    - an iterable of the form (func, var1, var2, ...)
    - anything else, interpreted as a generator

    A number is used to indicate that the search space should be increased.
    A function is used to indicate that said function is likely to occur in a
    simplified expression.
    An iterable is used indicate that func(var1 + var2 + ...) is likely to
    occur in a simplified .
    An additional generator also indicates that it is likely to occur.
    (See examples below).

    This routine carries out various computationally intensive algorithms.
    The option ``quick=True`` can be used to suppress one particularly slow
    step (at the expense of potentially more complicated results, but never at
    the expense of increased total degree).


    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> from sympy import sin, tan, cos, sinh, cosh, tanh
    >>> from sympy.simplify.trigsimp import trigsimp_groebner

    Suppose you want to simplify ``sin(x)*cos(x)``. Naively, nothing happens:

    >>> ex = sin(x)*cos(x)
    >>> trigsimp_groebner(ex)

    This is because ``trigsimp_groebner`` only looks for a simplification
    involving just ``sin(x)`` and ``cos(x)``. You can tell it to also try
    ``2*x`` by passing ``hints=[2]``:

    >>> trigsimp_groebner(ex, hints=[2])
    >>> trigsimp_groebner(sin(x)**2 - cos(x)**2, hints=[2])

    Increasing the search space this way can quickly become expensive. A much
    faster way is to give a specific expression that is likely to occur:

    >>> trigsimp_groebner(ex, hints=[sin(2*x)])

    Hyperbolic expressions are similarly supported:

    >>> trigsimp_groebner(sinh(2*x)/sinh(x))

    Note how no hints had to be passed, since the expression already involved

    The tangent function is also supported. You can either pass ``tan`` in the
    hints, to indicate that tan should be tried whenever cosine or sine are,
    or you can pass a specific generator:

    >>> trigsimp_groebner(sin(x)/cos(x), hints=[tan])
    >>> trigsimp_groebner(sinh(x)/cosh(x), hints=[tanh(x)])

    Finally, you can use the iterable form to suggest that angle sum formulae
    should be tried:

    >>> ex = (tan(x) + tan(y))/(1 - tan(x)*tan(y))
    >>> trigsimp_groebner(ex, hints=[(tan, x, y)])
    tan(x + y)

    # TODO
    #  - preprocess by replacing everything by funcs we can handle
    # - optionally use cot instead of tan
    # - more intelligent hinting.
    #     For example, if the ideal is small, and we have sin(x), sin(y),
    #     add sin(x + y) automatically... ?
    # - algebraic numbers ...
    # - expressions of lowest degree are not distinguished properly
    #   e.g. 1 - sin(x)**2
    # - we could try to order the generators intelligently, so as to influence
    #   which monomials appear in the quotient basis

    # THEORY
    # ------
    # Ratsimpmodprime above can be used to "simplify" a rational function
    # modulo a prime ideal. "Simplify" mainly means finding an equivalent
    # expression of lower total degree.
    # We intend to use this to simplify trigonometric functions. To do that,
    # we need to decide (a) which ring to use, and (b) modulo which ideal to
    # simplify. In practice, (a) means settling on a list of "generators"
    # a, b, c, ..., such that the fraction we want to simplify is a rational
    # function in a, b, c, ..., with coefficients in ZZ (integers).
    # (2) means that we have to decide what relations to impose on the
    # generators. There are two practical problems:
    #   (1) The ideal has to be *prime* (a technical term).
    #   (2) The relations have to be polynomials in the generators.
    # We typically have two kinds of generators:
    # - trigonometric expressions, like sin(x), cos(5*x), etc
    # - "everything else", like gamma(x), pi, etc.
    # Since this function is trigsimp, we will concentrate on what to do with
    # trigonometric expressions. We can also simplify hyperbolic expressions,
    # but the extensions should be clear.
    # One crucial point is that all *other* generators really should behave
    # like indeterminates. In particular if (say) "I" is one of them, then
    # in fact I**2 + 1 = 0 and we may and will compute non-sensical
    # expressions. However, we can work with a dummy and add the relation
    # I**2 + 1 = 0 to our ideal, then substitute back in the end.
    # Now regarding trigonometric generators. We split them into groups,
    # according to the argument of the trigonometric functions. We want to
    # organise this in such a way that most trigonometric identities apply in
    # the same group. For example, given sin(x), cos(2*x) and cos(y), we would
    # group as [sin(x), cos(2*x)] and [cos(y)].
    # Our prime ideal will be built in three steps:
    # (1) For each group, compute a "geometrically prime" ideal of relations.
    #     Geometrically prime means that it generates a prime ideal in
    #     CC[gens], not just ZZ[gens].
    # (2) Take the union of all the generators of the ideals for all groups.
    #     By the geometric primality condition, this is still prime.
    # (3) Add further inter-group relations which preserve primality.
    # Step (1) works as follows. We will isolate common factors in the
    # argument, so that all our generators are of the form sin(n*x), cos(n*x)
    # or tan(n*x), with n an integer. Suppose first there are no tan terms.
    # The ideal [sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2 - 1] is geometrically prime, since
    # X**2 + Y**2 - 1 is irreducible over CC.
    # Now, if we have a generator sin(n*x), than we can, using trig identities,
    # express sin(n*x) as a polynomial in sin(x) and cos(x). We can add this
    # relation to the ideal, preserving geometric primality, since the quotient
    # ring is unchanged.
    # Thus we have treated all sin and cos terms.
    # For tan(n*x), we add a relation tan(n*x)*cos(n*x) - sin(n*x) = 0.
    # (This requires of course that we already have relations for cos(n*x) and
    # sin(n*x).) It is not obvious, but it seems that this preserves geometric
    # primality.
    # XXX A real proof would be nice. HELP!
    #     Sketch that <S**2 + C**2 - 1, C*T - S> is a prime ideal of
    #     CC[S, C, T]:
    #     - it suffices to show that the projective closure in CP**3 is
    #       irreducible
    #     - using the half-angle substitutions, we can express sin(x), tan(x),
    #       cos(x) as rational functions in tan(x/2)
    #     - from this, we get a rational map from CP**1 to our curve
    #     - this is a morphism, hence the curve is prime
    # Step (2) is trivial.
    # Step (3) works by adding selected relations of the form
    # sin(x + y) - sin(x)*cos(y) - sin(y)*cos(x), etc. Geometric primality is
    # preserved by the same argument as before.

    def parse_hints(hints):
        """Split hints into (n, funcs, iterables, gens)."""
        n = 1
        funcs, iterables, gens = [], [], []
        for e in hints:
            if isinstance(e, (SYMPY_INTS, Integer)):
                n = e
            elif isinstance(e, FunctionClass):
            elif iterable(e):
                iterables.append((e[0], e[1:]))
                # XXX sin(x+2y)?
                # Note: we go through polys so e.g.
                # sin(-x) -> -sin(x) -> sin(x)
                    parallel_poly_from_expr([e[0](x) for x in e[1:]] +
        return n, funcs, iterables, gens

    def build_ideal(x, terms):
        Build generators for our ideal. Terms is an iterable with elements of
        the form (fn, coeff), indicating that we have a generator fn(coeff*x).

        If any of the terms is trigonometric, sin(x) and cos(x) are guaranteed
        to appear in terms. Similarly for hyperbolic functions. For tan(n*x),
        sin(n*x) and cos(n*x) are guaranteed.
        I = []
        y = Dummy('y')
        for fn, coeff in terms:
            for c, s, t, rel in ([cos, sin, tan,
                                  cos(x)**2 + sin(x)**2 - 1], [
                                      cosh, sinh, tanh,
                                      cosh(x)**2 - sinh(x)**2 - 1
                if coeff == 1 and fn in [c, s]:
                elif fn == t:
                    I.append(t(coeff * x) * c(coeff * x) - s(coeff * x))
                elif fn in [c, s]:
                    cn = fn(coeff * y).expand(trig=True).subs(y, x)
                    I.append(fn(coeff * x) - cn)
        return list(set(I))

    def analyse_gens(gens, hints):
        Analyse the generators ``gens``, using the hints ``hints``.

        The meaning of ``hints`` is described in the main docstring.
        Return a new list of generators, and also the ideal we should
        work with.
        # First parse the hints
        n, funcs, iterables, extragens = parse_hints(hints)
        debug('n=%s' % n, 'funcs:', funcs, 'iterables:', iterables,
              'extragens:', extragens)

        # We just add the extragens to gens and analyse them as before
        gens = list(gens)

        # remove duplicates
        funcs = list(set(funcs))
        iterables = list(set(iterables))
        gens = list(set(gens))

        # all the functions we can do anything with
        allfuncs = {sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh}
        # sin(3*x) -> ((3, x), sin)
        trigterms = [(g.args[0].as_coeff_mul(), g.func) for g in gens
                     if g.func in allfuncs]
        # Our list of new generators - start with anything that we cannot
        # work with (i.e. is not a trigonometric term)
        freegens = [g for g in gens if g.func not in allfuncs]
        newgens = []
        trigdict = {}
        for (coeff, var), fn in trigterms:
            trigdict.setdefault(var, []).append((coeff, fn))
        res = []  # the ideal

        for key, val in trigdict.items():
            # We have now assembeled a dictionary. Its keys are common
            # arguments in trigonometric expressions, and values are lists of
            # pairs (fn, coeff). x0, (fn, coeff) in trigdict means that we
            # need to deal with fn(coeff*x0). We take the rational gcd of the
            # coeffs, call it ``gcd``. We then use x = x0/gcd as "base symbol",
            # all other arguments are integral multiples thereof.
            # We will build an ideal which works with sin(x), cos(x).
            # If hint tan is provided, also work with tan(x). Moreover, if
            # n > 1, also work with sin(k*x) for k <= n, and similarly for cos
            # (and tan if the hint is provided). Finally, any generators which
            # the ideal does not work with but we need to accommodate (either
            # because it was in expr or because it was provided as a hint)
            # we also build into the ideal.
            # This selection process is expressed in the list ``terms``.
            # build_ideal then generates the actual relations in our ideal,
            # from this list.
            fns = [x[1] for x in val]
            val = [x[0] for x in val]
            gcd = reduce(igcd, val)
            terms = [(fn, v / gcd) for (fn, v) in zip(fns, val)]
            fs = set(funcs + fns)
            for c, s, t in ([cos, sin, tan], [cosh, sinh, tanh]):
                if any(x in fs for x in (c, s, t)):
            for fn in fs:
                for k in range(1, n + 1):
                    terms.append((fn, k))
            extra = []
            for fn, v in terms:
                if fn == tan:
                    extra.append((sin, v))
                    extra.append((cos, v))
                if fn in [sin, cos] and tan in fs:
                    extra.append((tan, v))
                if fn == tanh:
                    extra.append((sinh, v))
                    extra.append((cosh, v))
                if fn in [sinh, cosh] and tanh in fs:
                    extra.append((tanh, v))
            x = gcd * Mul(*key)
            r = build_ideal(x, terms)
            newgens.extend(set(fn(v * x) for fn, v in terms))

        # Add generators for compound expressions from iterables
        for fn, args in iterables:
            if fn == tan:
                # Tan expressions are recovered from sin and cos.
                iterables.extend([(sin, args), (cos, args)])
            elif fn == tanh:
                # Tanh expressions are recovered from sihn and cosh.
                iterables.extend([(sinh, args), (cosh, args)])
                dummys = symbols('d:%i' % len(args), cls=Dummy)
                expr = fn(Add(*dummys)).expand(trig=True).subs(
                    list(zip(dummys, args)))
                res.append(fn(Add(*args)) - expr)

        if myI in gens:
            res.append(myI**2 + 1)

        return res, freegens, newgens

    myI = Dummy('I')
    expr = expr.subs(S.ImaginaryUnit, myI)
    subs = [(myI, S.ImaginaryUnit)]

    num, denom = cancel(expr).as_numer_denom()
        (pnum, pdenom), opt = parallel_poly_from_expr([num, denom])
    except PolificationFailed:
        return expr
    debug('initial gens:', opt.gens)
    ideal, freegens, gens = analyse_gens(opt.gens, hints)
    debug('ideal:', ideal)
    debug('new gens:', gens, " -- len", len(gens))
    debug('free gens:', freegens, " -- len", len(gens))
    # NOTE we force the domain to be ZZ to stop polys from injecting generators
    #      (which is usually a sign of a bug in the way we build the ideal)
    if not gens:
        return expr
    G = groebner(ideal, order=order, gens=gens, domain=ZZ)
    debug('groebner basis:', list(G), " -- len", len(G))

    # If our fraction is a polynomial in the free generators, simplify all
    # coefficients separately:

    from sympy.simplify.ratsimp import ratsimpmodprime

    if freegens and pdenom.has_only_gens(*set(gens).intersection(pdenom.gens)):
        num = Poly(num, gens=gens + freegens).eject(*gens)
        res = []
        for monom, coeff in num.terms():
            ourgens = set(parallel_poly_from_expr([coeff, denom])[1].gens)
            # We compute the transitive closure of all generators that can
            # be reached from our generators through relations in the ideal.
            changed = True
            while changed:
                changed = False
                for p in ideal:
                    p = Poly(p)
                    if not ourgens.issuperset(p.gens) and \
                       not p.has_only_gens(*set(p.gens).difference(ourgens)):
                        changed = True
            # NOTE preserve order!
            realgens = [x for x in gens if x in ourgens]
            # The generators of the ideal have now been (implicitly) split
            # into two groups: those involving ourgens and those that don't.
            # Since we took the transitive closure above, these two groups
            # live in subgrings generated by a *disjoint* set of variables.
            # Any sensible groebner basis algorithm will preserve this disjoint
            # structure (i.e. the elements of the groebner basis can be split
            # similarly), and and the two subsets of the groebner basis then
            # form groebner bases by themselves. (For the smaller generating
            # sets, of course.)
            ourG = [
                g.as_expr() for g in G.polys
                if g.has_only_gens(*ourgens.intersection(g.gens))
            res.append(Mul(*[a**b for a, b in zip(freegens, monom)]) * \
                       ratsimpmodprime(coeff/denom, ourG, order=order,
                                       gens=realgens, quick=quick, domain=ZZ,
        return Add(*res)
        # NOTE The following is simpler and has less assumptions on the
        #      groebner basis algorithm. If the above turns out to be broken,
        #      use this.
        return Add(*[Mul(*[a**b for a, b in zip(freegens, monom)]) * \
                     ratsimpmodprime(coeff/denom, list(G), order=order,
                                     gens=gens, quick=quick, domain=ZZ)
                     for monom, coeff in num.terms()])
        return ratsimpmodprime(expr,
                               gens=freegens + gens,
Exemplo n.º 7
def __trigsimp(expr, deep=False):
    """recursive helper for trigsimp"""
    from sympy.simplify.fu import TR10i

    if _trigpat is None:
    a, b, c, d, matchers_division, matchers_add, \
    matchers_identity, artifacts = _trigpat

    if expr.is_Mul:
        # do some simplifications like sin/cos -> tan:
        if not expr.is_commutative:
            com, nc = expr.args_cnc()
            expr = _trigsimp(Mul._from_args(com), deep) * Mul._from_args(nc)
            for i, (pattern, simp, ok1, ok2) in enumerate(matchers_division):
                if not _dotrig(expr, pattern):

                newexpr = _match_div_rewrite(expr, i)
                if newexpr is not None:
                    if newexpr != expr:
                        expr = newexpr

                # use SymPy matching instead
                res = expr.match(pattern)
                if res and res.get(c, 0):
                    if not res[c].is_integer:
                        ok = ok1.subs(res)
                        if not ok.is_positive:
                        ok = ok2.subs(res)
                        if not ok.is_positive:
                    # if "a" contains any of trig or hyperbolic funcs with
                    # argument "b" then skip the simplification
                    if any(w.args[0] == res[b] for w in res[a].atoms(
                            TrigonometricFunction, HyperbolicFunction)):
                    # simplify and finish:
                    expr = simp.subs(res)
                    break  # process below

    if expr.is_Add:
        args = []
        for term in expr.args:
            if not term.is_commutative:
                com, nc = term.args_cnc()
                nc = Mul._from_args(nc)
                term = Mul._from_args(com)
                nc = S.One
            term = _trigsimp(term, deep)
            for pattern, result in matchers_identity:
                res = term.match(pattern)
                if res is not None:
                    term = result.subs(res)
            args.append(term * nc)
        if args != expr.args:
            expr = Add(*args)
            expr = min(expr, expand(expr), key=count_ops)
        if expr.is_Add:
            for pattern, result in matchers_add:
                if not _dotrig(expr, pattern):
                expr = TR10i(expr)
                if expr.has(HyperbolicFunction):
                    res = expr.match(pattern)
                    # if "d" contains any trig or hyperbolic funcs with
                    # argument "a" or "b" then skip the simplification;
                    # this isn't perfect -- see tests
                    if res is None or not (a in res and b in res) or any(
                            w.args[0] in (res[a], res[b])
                            for w in res[d].atoms(TrigonometricFunction,
                    expr = result.subs(res)

        # Reduce any lingering artifacts, such as sin(x)**2 changing
        # to 1 - cos(x)**2 when sin(x)**2 was "simpler"
        for pattern, result, ex in artifacts:
            if not _dotrig(expr, pattern):
            # Substitute a new wild that excludes some function(s)
            # to help influence a better match. This is because
            # sometimes, for example, 'a' would match sec(x)**2
            a_t = Wild('a', exclude=[ex])
            pattern = pattern.subs(a, a_t)
            result = result.subs(a, a_t)

            m = expr.match(pattern)
            was = None
            while m and was != expr:
                was = expr
                if m[a_t] == 0 or \
                        -m[a_t] in m[c].args or m[a_t] + m[c] == 0:
                if d in m and m[a_t] * m[d] + m[c] == 0:
                expr = result.subs(m)
                m = expr.match(pattern)
                m.setdefault(c, S.Zero)

    elif expr.is_Mul or expr.is_Pow or deep and expr.args:
        expr = expr.func(*[_trigsimp(a, deep) for a in expr.args])

        if not expr.has(*_trigs):
            raise TypeError
        e = expr.atoms(exp)
        new = expr.rewrite(exp, deep=deep)
        if new == e:
            raise TypeError
        fnew = factor(new)
        if fnew != new:
            new = sorted([new, factor(new)], key=count_ops)[0]
        # if all exp that were introduced disappeared then accept it
        if not (new.atoms(exp) - e):
            expr = new
    except TypeError:

    return expr
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _eval_trace(self):
     from .trace import trace
     return Add(*[trace(arg) for arg in self.args]).doit()
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _entry(self, i, j):
     return Add(*[arg._entry(i, j) for arg in self.args])
Exemplo n.º 10
    def handle(expr):
        # Handle first reduces to the case
        # expr = 1/d, where d is an add, or d is base**p/2.
        # We do this by recursively calling handle on each piece.
        from sympy.simplify.simplify import nsimplify

        n, d = fraction(expr)

        if expr.is_Atom or (d.is_Atom and n.is_Atom):
            return expr
        elif not n.is_Atom:
            n = n.func(*[handle(a) for a in n.args])
            return _unevaluated_Mul(n, handle(1 / d))
        elif n is not S.One:
            return _unevaluated_Mul(n, handle(1 / d))
        elif d.is_Mul:
            return _unevaluated_Mul(*[handle(1 / d) for d in d.args])

        # By this step, expr is 1/d, and d is not a mul.
        if not symbolic and d.free_symbols:
            return expr

        if ispow2(d):
            d2 = sqrtdenest(sqrt(d.base))**fraction(d.exp)[0]
            if d2 != d:
                return handle(1 / d2)
        elif d.is_Pow and (d.exp.is_integer or d.base.is_positive):
            # (1/d**i) = (1/d)**i
            return handle(1 / d.base)**d.exp

        if not (d.is_Add or ispow2(d)):
            return 1 / d.func(*[handle(a) for a in d.args])

        # handle 1/d treating d as an Add (though it may not be)

        keep = True  # keep changes that are made

        # flatten it and collect radicals after checking for special
        # conditions
        d = _mexpand(d)

        # did it change?
        if d.is_Atom:
            return 1 / d

        # is it a number that might be handled easily?
        if d.is_number:
            _d = nsimplify(d)
            if _d.is_Number and _d.equals(d):
                return 1 / _d

        while True:
            # collect similar terms
            collected = defaultdict(list)
            for m in Add.make_args(d):  # d might have become non-Add
                p2 = []
                other = []
                for i in Mul.make_args(m):
                    if ispow2(i, log2=True):
                        p2.append(i.base if i.exp is S.Half else i.base**(
                            2 * i.exp))
                    elif i is S.ImaginaryUnit:
            rterms = list(ordered(list(collected.items())))
            rterms = [(Mul(*i), Add(*j)) for i, j in rterms]
            nrad = len(rterms) - (1 if rterms[0][0] is S.One else 0)
            if nrad < 1:
            elif nrad > max_terms:
                # there may have been invalid operations leading to this point
                # so don't keep changes, e.g. this expression is troublesome
                # in collecting terms so as not to raise the issue of 2834:
                # r = sqrt(sqrt(5) + 5)
                # eq = 1/(sqrt(5)*r + 2*sqrt(5)*sqrt(-sqrt(5) + 5) + 5*r)
                keep = False
            if len(rterms) > 4:
                # in general, only 4 terms can be removed with repeated squaring
                # but other considerations can guide selection of radical terms
                # so that radicals are removed
                if all(
                    [x.is_Integer and (y**2).is_Rational for x, y in rterms]):
                    nd, d = rad_rationalize(
                        Add._from_args([sqrt(x) * y for x, y in rterms]))
                    n *= nd
                    # is there anything else that might be attempted?
                    keep = False
            from sympy.simplify.powsimp import powsimp, powdenest

            num = powsimp(_num(rterms))
            n *= num
            d *= num
            d = powdenest(_mexpand(d), force=symbolic)
            if d.is_Atom:

        if not keep:
            return expr
        return _unevaluated_Mul(n, 1 / d)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _entry(self, i, j, expand=None):
     return Add(*[arg._entry(i, j) for arg in self.args])
Exemplo n.º 12
def collect_const(expr, *vars, **kwargs):
    """A non-greedy collection of terms with similar number coefficients in
    an Add expr. If ``vars`` is given then only those constants will be
    targeted. Although any Number can also be targeted, if this is not
    desired set ``Numbers=False`` and no Float or Rational will be collected.


    >>> from sympy import sqrt
    >>> from sympy.abc import a, s, x, y, z
    >>> from sympy.simplify.radsimp import collect_const
    >>> collect_const(sqrt(3) + sqrt(3)*(1 + sqrt(2)))
    sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2) + 2)
    >>> collect_const(sqrt(3)*s + sqrt(7)*s + sqrt(3) + sqrt(7))
    (sqrt(3) + sqrt(7))*(s + 1)
    >>> s = sqrt(2) + 2
    >>> collect_const(sqrt(3)*s + sqrt(3) + sqrt(7)*s + sqrt(7))
    (sqrt(2) + 3)*(sqrt(3) + sqrt(7))
    >>> collect_const(sqrt(3)*s + sqrt(3) + sqrt(7)*s + sqrt(7), sqrt(3))
    sqrt(7) + sqrt(3)*(sqrt(2) + 3) + sqrt(7)*(sqrt(2) + 2)

    The collection is sign-sensitive, giving higher precedence to the
    unsigned values:

    >>> collect_const(x - y - z)
    x - (y + z)
    >>> collect_const(-y - z)
    -(y + z)
    >>> collect_const(2*x - 2*y - 2*z, 2)
    2*(x - y - z)
    >>> collect_const(2*x - 2*y - 2*z, -2)
    2*x - 2*(y + z)

    See Also
    collect, collect_sqrt, rcollect
    if not expr.is_Add:
        return expr

    recurse = False
    Numbers = kwargs.get('Numbers', True)

    if not vars:
        recurse = True
        vars = set()
        for a in expr.args:
            for m in Mul.make_args(a):
                if m.is_number:
        vars = sympify(vars)
    if not Numbers:
        vars = [v for v in vars if not v.is_Number]

    vars = list(ordered(vars))
    for v in vars:
        terms = defaultdict(list)
        Fv = Factors(v)
        for m in Add.make_args(expr):
            f = Factors(m)
            q, r = f.div(Fv)
            if r.is_one:
                # only accept this as a true factor if
                # it didn't change an exponent from an Integer
                # to a non-Integer, e.g. 2/sqrt(2) -> sqrt(2)
                # -- we aren't looking for this sort of change
                fwas = f.factors.copy()
                fnow = q.factors
                if not any(k in fwas and fwas[k].is_Integer
                           and not fnow[k].is_Integer for k in fnow):

        args = []
        hit = False
        uneval = False
        for k in ordered(terms):
            v = terms[k]
            if k is S.One:

            if len(v) > 1:
                v = Add(*v)
                hit = True
                if recurse and v != expr:
                v = v[0]

            # be careful not to let uneval become True unless
            # it must be because it's going to be more expensive
            # to rebuild the expression as an unevaluated one
            if Numbers and k.is_Number and v.is_Add:
                args.append(_keep_coeff(k, v, sign=True))
                uneval = True
                args.append(k * v)

        if hit:
            if uneval:
                expr = _unevaluated_Add(*args)
                expr = Add(*args)
            if not expr.is_Add:

    return expr
Exemplo n.º 13
def collect_sqrt(expr, evaluate=None):
    """Return expr with terms having common square roots collected together.
    If ``evaluate`` is False a count indicating the number of sqrt-containing
    terms will be returned and, if non-zero, the terms of the Add will be
    returned, else the expression itself will be returned as a single term.
    If ``evaluate`` is True, the expression with any collected terms will be

    Note: since I = sqrt(-1), it is collected, too.


    >>> from sympy import sqrt
    >>> from sympy.simplify.radsimp import collect_sqrt
    >>> from sympy.abc import a, b

    >>> r2, r3, r5 = [sqrt(i) for i in [2, 3, 5]]
    >>> collect_sqrt(a*r2 + b*r2)
    sqrt(2)*(a + b)
    >>> collect_sqrt(a*r2 + b*r2 + a*r3 + b*r3)
    sqrt(2)*(a + b) + sqrt(3)*(a + b)
    >>> collect_sqrt(a*r2 + b*r2 + a*r3 + b*r5)
    sqrt(3)*a + sqrt(5)*b + sqrt(2)*(a + b)

    If evaluate is False then the arguments will be sorted and
    returned as a list and a count of the number of sqrt-containing
    terms will be returned:

    >>> collect_sqrt(a*r2 + b*r2 + a*r3 + b*r5, evaluate=False)
    ((sqrt(3)*a, sqrt(5)*b, sqrt(2)*(a + b)), 3)
    >>> collect_sqrt(a*sqrt(2) + b, evaluate=False)
    ((b, sqrt(2)*a), 1)
    >>> collect_sqrt(a + b, evaluate=False)
    ((a + b,), 0)

    See Also
    collect, collect_const, rcollect
    if evaluate is None:
        evaluate = global_evaluate[0]
    # this step will help to standardize any complex arguments
    # of sqrts
    coeff, expr = expr.as_content_primitive()
    vars = set()
    for a in Add.make_args(expr):
        for m in a.args_cnc()[0]:
            if m.is_number and (m.is_Pow and m.exp.is_Rational and m.exp.q == 2
                                or m is S.ImaginaryUnit):

    # we only want radicals, so exclude Number handling; in this case
    # d will be evaluated
    d = collect_const(expr, *vars, Numbers=False)
    hit = expr != d

    if not evaluate:
        nrad = 0
        # make the evaluated args canonical
        args = list(ordered(Add.make_args(d)))
        for i, m in enumerate(args):
            c, nc = m.args_cnc()
            for ci in c:
                # XXX should this be restricted to ci.is_number as above?
                if ci.is_Pow and ci.exp.is_Rational and ci.exp.q == 2 or \
                        ci is S.ImaginaryUnit:
                    nrad += 1
            args[i] *= coeff
        if not (hit or nrad):
            args = [Add(*args)]
        return tuple(args), nrad

    return coeff * d
Exemplo n.º 14
def collect(expr,
    Collect additive terms of an expression.

    This function collects additive terms of an expression with respect
    to a list of expression up to powers with rational exponents. By the
    term symbol here are meant arbitrary expressions, which can contain
    powers, products, sums etc. In other words symbol is a pattern which
    will be searched for in the expression's terms.

    The input expression is not expanded by :func:`collect`, so user is
    expected to provide an expression is an appropriate form. This makes
    :func:`collect` more predictable as there is no magic happening behind the
    scenes. However, it is important to note, that powers of products are
    converted to products of powers using the :func:`expand_power_base`

    There are two possible types of output. First, if ``evaluate`` flag is
    set, this function will return an expression with collected terms or
    else it will return a dictionary with expressions up to rational powers
    as keys and collected coefficients as values.


    >>> from sympy import S, collect, expand, factor, Wild
    >>> from sympy.abc import a, b, c, x, y, z

    This function can collect symbolic coefficients in polynomials or
    rational expressions. It will manage to find all integer or rational
    powers of collection variable::

        >>> collect(a*x**2 + b*x**2 + a*x - b*x + c, x)
        c + x**2*(a + b) + x*(a - b)

    The same result can be achieved in dictionary form::

        >>> d = collect(a*x**2 + b*x**2 + a*x - b*x + c, x, evaluate=False)
        >>> d[x**2]
        a + b
        >>> d[x]
        a - b
        >>> d[S.One]

    You can also work with multivariate polynomials. However, remember that
    this function is greedy so it will care only about a single symbol at time,
    in specification order::

        >>> collect(x**2 + y*x**2 + x*y + y + a*y, [x, y])
        x**2*(y + 1) + x*y + y*(a + 1)

    Also more complicated expressions can be used as patterns::

        >>> from sympy import sin, log
        >>> collect(a*sin(2*x) + b*sin(2*x), sin(2*x))
        (a + b)*sin(2*x)

        >>> collect(a*x*log(x) + b*(x*log(x)), x*log(x))
        x*(a + b)*log(x)

    You can use wildcards in the pattern::

        >>> w = Wild('w1')
        >>> collect(a*x**y - b*x**y, w**y)
        x**y*(a - b)

    It is also possible to work with symbolic powers, although it has more
    complicated behavior, because in this case power's base and symbolic part
    of the exponent are treated as a single symbol::

        >>> collect(a*x**c + b*x**c, x)
        a*x**c + b*x**c
        >>> collect(a*x**c + b*x**c, x**c)
        x**c*(a + b)

    However if you incorporate rationals to the exponents, then you will get
    well known behavior::

        >>> collect(a*x**(2*c) + b*x**(2*c), x**c)
        x**(2*c)*(a + b)

    Note also that all previously stated facts about :func:`collect` function
    apply to the exponential function, so you can get::

        >>> from sympy import exp
        >>> collect(a*exp(2*x) + b*exp(2*x), exp(x))
        (a + b)*exp(2*x)

    If you are interested only in collecting specific powers of some symbols
    then set ``exact`` flag in arguments::

        >>> collect(a*x**7 + b*x**7, x, exact=True)
        a*x**7 + b*x**7
        >>> collect(a*x**7 + b*x**7, x**7, exact=True)
        x**7*(a + b)

    You can also apply this function to differential equations, where
    derivatives of arbitrary order can be collected. Note that if you
    collect with respect to a function or a derivative of a function, all
    derivatives of that function will also be collected. Use
    ``exact=True`` to prevent this from happening::

        >>> from sympy import Derivative as D, collect, Function
        >>> f = Function('f') (x)

        >>> collect(a*D(f,x) + b*D(f,x), D(f,x))
        (a + b)*Derivative(f(x), x)

        >>> collect(a*D(D(f,x),x) + b*D(D(f,x),x), f)
        (a + b)*Derivative(f(x), x, x)

        >>> collect(a*D(D(f,x),x) + b*D(D(f,x),x), D(f,x), exact=True)
        a*Derivative(f(x), x, x) + b*Derivative(f(x), x, x)

        >>> collect(a*D(f,x) + b*D(f,x) + a*f + b*f, f)
        (a + b)*f(x) + (a + b)*Derivative(f(x), x)

    Or you can even match both derivative order and exponent at the same time::

        >>> collect(a*D(D(f,x),x)**2 + b*D(D(f,x),x)**2, D(f,x))
        (a + b)*Derivative(f(x), x, x)**2

    Finally, you can apply a function to each of the collected coefficients.
    For example you can factorize symbolic coefficients of polynomial::

        >>> f = expand((x + a + 1)**3)

        >>> collect(f, x, factor)
        x**3 + 3*x**2*(a + 1) + 3*x*(a + 1)**2 + (a + 1)**3

    .. note:: Arguments are expected to be in expanded form, so you might have
              to call :func:`expand` prior to calling this function.

    See Also
    collect_const, collect_sqrt, rcollect
    if evaluate is None:
        evaluate = global_evaluate[0]

    def make_expression(terms):
        product = []

        for term, rat, sym, deriv in terms:
            if deriv is not None:
                var, order = deriv

                while order > 0:
                    term, order = Derivative(term, var), order - 1

            if sym is None:
                if rat is S.One:
                    product.append(Pow(term, rat))
                product.append(Pow(term, rat * sym))

        return Mul(*product)

    def parse_derivative(deriv):
        # scan derivatives tower in the input expression and return
        # underlying function and maximal differentiation order
        expr, sym, order = deriv.expr, deriv.variables[0], 1

        for s in deriv.variables[1:]:
            if s == sym:
                order += 1
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Improve MV Derivative support in collect')

        while isinstance(expr, Derivative):
            s0 = expr.variables[0]

            for s in expr.variables:
                if s != s0:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'Improve MV Derivative support in collect')

            if s0 == sym:
                expr, order = expr.expr, order + len(expr.variables)

        return expr, (sym, Rational(order))

    def parse_term(expr):
        """Parses expression expr and outputs tuple (sexpr, rat_expo,
        sym_expo, deriv)
         - sexpr is the base expression
         - rat_expo is the rational exponent that sexpr is raised to
         - sym_expo is the symbolic exponent that sexpr is raised to
         - deriv contains the derivatives the the expression

         for example, the output of x would be (x, 1, None, None)
         the output of 2**x would be (2, 1, x, None)
        rat_expo, sym_expo = S.One, None
        sexpr, deriv = expr, None

        if expr.is_Pow:
            if isinstance(expr.base, Derivative):
                sexpr, deriv = parse_derivative(expr.base)
                sexpr = expr.base

            if expr.exp.is_Number:
                rat_expo = expr.exp
                coeff, tail = expr.exp.as_coeff_Mul()

                if coeff.is_Number:
                    rat_expo, sym_expo = coeff, tail
                    sym_expo = expr.exp
        elif expr.func is exp:
            arg = expr.args[0]
            if arg.is_Rational:
                sexpr, rat_expo = S.Exp1, arg
            elif arg.is_Mul:
                coeff, tail = arg.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True)
                sexpr, rat_expo = exp(tail), coeff
        elif isinstance(expr, Derivative):
            sexpr, deriv = parse_derivative(expr)

        return sexpr, rat_expo, sym_expo, deriv

    def parse_expression(terms, pattern):
        """Parse terms searching for a pattern.
        terms is a list of tuples as returned by parse_terms;
        pattern is an expression treated as a product of factors
        pattern = Mul.make_args(pattern)

        if len(terms) < len(pattern):
            # pattern is longer than matched product
            # so no chance for positive parsing result
            return None
            pattern = [parse_term(elem) for elem in pattern]

            terms = terms[:]  # need a copy
            elems, common_expo, has_deriv = [], None, False

            for elem, e_rat, e_sym, e_ord in pattern:

                if elem.is_Number and e_rat == 1 and e_sym is None:
                    # a constant is a match for everything

                for j in range(len(terms)):
                    if terms[j] is None:

                    term, t_rat, t_sym, t_ord = terms[j]

                    # keeping track of whether one of the terms had
                    # a derivative or not as this will require rebuilding
                    # the expression later
                    if t_ord is not None:
                        has_deriv = True

                    if (term.match(elem) is not None
                            and (t_sym == e_sym
                                 or t_sym is not None and e_sym is not None
                                 and t_sym.match(e_sym) is not None)):
                        if exact is False:
                            # we don't have to be exact so find common exponent
                            # for both expression's term and pattern's element
                            expo = t_rat / e_rat

                            if common_expo is None:
                                # first time
                                common_expo = expo
                                # common exponent was negotiated before so
                                # there is no chance for a pattern match unless
                                # common and current exponents are equal
                                if common_expo != expo:
                                    common_expo = 1
                            # we ought to be exact so all fields of
                            # interest must match in every details
                            if e_rat != t_rat or e_ord != t_ord:

                        # found common term so remove it from the expression
                        # and try to match next element in the pattern
                        terms[j] = None


                    # pattern element not found
                    return None

            return [_f for _f in terms if _f], elems, common_expo, has_deriv

    if evaluate:
        if expr.is_Mul:
            return expr.func(*[
                collect(term, syms, func, True, exact, distribute_order_term)
                for term in expr.args
        elif expr.is_Pow:
            b = collect(expr.base, syms, func, True, exact,
            return Pow(b, expr.exp)

    if iterable(syms):
        syms = [expand_power_base(i, deep=False) for i in syms]
        syms = [expand_power_base(syms, deep=False)]

    expr = sympify(expr)
    order_term = None

    if distribute_order_term:
        order_term = expr.getO()

        if order_term is not None:
            if order_term.has(*syms):
                order_term = None
                expr = expr.removeO()

    summa = [expand_power_base(i, deep=False) for i in Add.make_args(expr)]

    collected, disliked = defaultdict(list), S.Zero
    for product in summa:
        terms = [parse_term(i) for i in Mul.make_args(product)]

        for symbol in syms:
            if SYMPY_DEBUG:
                print("DEBUG: parsing of expression %s with symbol %s " %
                      (str(terms), str(symbol)))

            result = parse_expression(terms, symbol)

            if SYMPY_DEBUG:
                print("DEBUG: returned %s" % str(result))

            if result is not None:
                terms, elems, common_expo, has_deriv = result

                # when there was derivative in current pattern we
                # will need to rebuild its expression from scratch
                if not has_deriv:
                    index = 1
                    for elem in elems:
                        e = elem[1]
                        if elem[2] is not None:
                            e *= elem[2]
                        index *= Pow(elem[0], e)
                    index = make_expression(elems)
                terms = expand_power_base(make_expression(terms), deep=False)
                index = expand_power_base(index, deep=False)
            # none of the patterns matched
            disliked += product
    # add terms now for each key
    collected = {k: Add(*v) for k, v in collected.items()}

    if disliked is not S.Zero:
        collected[S.One] = disliked

    if order_term is not None:
        for key, val in collected.items():
            collected[key] = val + order_term

    if func is not None:
        collected = dict([(key, func(val)) for key, val in collected.items()])

    if evaluate:
        return Add(*[key * val for key, val in collected.items()])
        return collected
Exemplo n.º 15
def solveset(f, symbol=None):
    """Solves a given inequality or equation with set as output


    f : Expr or a relational.
        The target equation or inequality
    symbol : Symbol
        The variable for which the equation is solved


        A set of values for `symbol` for which `f` is True or is equal to
        zero. An `EmptySet` is returned if no solution is found.

    `solveset` claims to be complete in the solution set that it returns.


        The algorithms for to find the solution of the given equation are
        not yet implemented.
        The input is not valid.
        It is a bug, please report to the github issue tracker.

    `solveset` uses two underlying functions `solveset_real` and
    `solveset_complex` to solve equations. They are
    the solvers for real and complex domain respectively. The domain of
    the solver is decided by the assumption on the variable for which the
    equation is being solved.

    See Also

    solveset_real: solver for real domain
    solveset_complex: solver for complex domain


    >>> from sympy import exp, Symbol, Eq, pprint
    >>> from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset
    >>> from sympy.abc import x

    * Symbols in Sympy are complex by default. A complex variable
      will lead to the solving of the equation in complex domain.

    >>> pprint(solveset(exp(x) - 1, x), use_unicode=False)
    {2*n*I*pi | n in Integers()}

    * If you want to solve equation in real domain by the `solveset`
      interface, then specify the variable to real. Alternatively use

    >>> x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    >>> solveset(exp(x) - 1, x)
    >>> solveset(Eq(exp(x), 1), x)

    * Inequalities are always solved in the real domain irrespective of
      the assumption on the variable for which the inequality is solved.

    >>> solveset(exp(x) > 1, x)
    (0, oo)


    from sympy.solvers.inequalities import solve_univariate_inequality

    if symbol is None:
        free_symbols = f.free_symbols
        if len(free_symbols) == 1:
            symbol = free_symbols.pop()
            raise ValueError(
                The independent variable must be specified for a
                multivariate equation.'''))
    elif not symbol.is_Symbol:
        raise ValueError('A Symbol must be given, not type %s: %s' %
                         (type(symbol), symbol))

    real = (symbol.is_real is True)

    f = sympify(f)

    if f is S.false:
        return EmptySet()

    if f is S.true:
        if real:
            return S.Reals
            return S.Complexes

    if isinstance(f, Eq):
        from sympy.core import Add
        f = Add(f.lhs, -f.rhs, evaluate=False)

    if f.is_Relational:
        if real is False:
                The variable you are solving for is complex
                but will assumed to be real since solving complex
                inequalities is not supported.
        return solve_univariate_inequality(f, symbol, relational=False)

    if isinstance(f, (Expr, Number)):
        if real is True:
            return solveset_real(f, symbol)
            return solveset_complex(f, symbol)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def eval(cls, *_args, **kwargs):

        if not _args:

        if not len(_args) == 1:
            raise ValueError('Expecting one argument')

        expr = _args[0]
        code = kwargs.pop('code', None)

        if isinstance(expr, Add):
            args = [cls.eval(a, code=code) for a in expr.args]
            v = Add(*args)
            return v

        elif isinstance(expr, Mul):
            args = [cls.eval(a, code=code) for a in expr.args]
            v = Mul(*args)
            return v

        elif isinstance(expr, Pow):
            b = expr.base
            e = expr.exp
            v = Pow(cls.eval(b, code=code), e)
            return v

        elif isinstance(expr, _coeffs_registery):
            return expr

        elif isinstance(expr, (list, tuple, Tuple)):
            expr = [cls.eval(a, code=code) for a in expr]
            return Tuple(*expr)

        elif isinstance(expr, (Matrix, ImmutableDenseMatrix)):

            lines = []
            n_row, n_col = expr.shape
            for i_row in range(0, n_row):
                line = []
                for i_col in range(0, n_col):
                    line.append(cls.eval(expr[i_row, i_col], code=code))


            return type(expr)(lines)

        elif isinstance(expr, (ScalarFunction, VectorFunction)):
            if code:
                name = '{name}_{code}'.format(name=expr.name, code=code)
                name = str(expr.name)

            return Symbol(name)

        elif isinstance(expr, (PlusInterfaceOperator, MinusInterfaceOperator)):
            return cls.eval(expr.args[0], code=code)

        elif isinstance(expr, Indexed):
            base = expr.base
            if isinstance(base, Mapping):
                if expr.indices[0] == 0:
                    name = 'x'
                elif expr.indices[0] == 1:
                    name = 'y'
                elif expr.indices[0] == 2:
                    name = 'z'
                    raise ValueError('Wrong index')

                name = '{base}_{i}'.format(base=base.name, i=expr.indices[0])

            if code:
                name = '{name}_{code}'.format(name=name, code=code)

            return Symbol(name)

        elif isinstance(expr, _partial_derivatives):
            atom = get_atom_derivatives(expr)
            indices = get_index_derivatives_atom(expr, atom)
            code = None
            if indices:
                index = indices[0]
                code = ''
                index = dict(sorted(index.items()))

                for k, n in list(index.items()):
                    code += k * n
            return cls.eval(atom, code=code)

        elif isinstance(expr, _logical_partial_derivatives):
            atom = get_atom_logical_derivatives(expr)
            indices = get_index_logical_derivatives_atom(expr, atom)
            code = None
            if indices:
                index = indices[0]
                code = ''
                index = dict(sorted(index.items()))
                for k, n in list(index.items()):
                    code += k * n
            return cls.eval(atom, code=code)

        elif isinstance(expr, Mapping):
            return Symbol(expr.name)

        # ... this must be done here, otherwise codegen for FEM will not work
        elif isinstance(expr, Symbol):
            return expr

        elif isinstance(expr, IndexedBase):
            return expr

        elif isinstance(expr, Indexed):
            return expr

        elif isinstance(expr, Idx):
            return expr

        elif isinstance(expr, Function):
            args = [cls.eval(a, code=code) for a in expr.args]
            return type(expr)(*args)

        elif isinstance(expr, ImaginaryUnit):
            return expr

        elif isinstance(expr, SymbolicWeightedVolume):
            mapping = expr.args[0]
            if isinstance(mapping, InterfaceMapping):
                mapping = mapping.minus
            name = 'wvol_{mapping}'.format(mapping=mapping)

            return Symbol(name)

        elif isinstance(expr, SymbolicDeterminant):
            name = 'det_{}'.format(str(expr.args[0]))
            return Symbol(name)

        elif isinstance(expr, PullBack):
            return cls.eval(expr.expr, code=code)

        # Expression must always be translated to Sympy!
        # TODO: check if we should use 'sympy.sympify(expr)' instead
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'Cannot translate to Sympy: {}'.format(expr))
Exemplo n.º 17
def classify_pde(eq, func=None, dict=False, **kwargs):
    Returns a tuple of possible pdsolve() classifications for a PDE.

    The tuple is ordered so that first item is the classification that
    pdsolve() uses to solve the PDE by default.  In general,
    classifications near the beginning of the list will produce
    better solutions faster than those near the end, though there are
    always exceptions.  To make pdsolve use a different classification,
    use pdsolve(PDE, func, hint=<classification>).  See also the pdsolve()
    docstring for different meta-hints you can use.

    If ``dict`` is true, classify_pde() will return a dictionary of
    hint:match expression terms. This is intended for internal use by
    pdsolve().  Note that because dictionaries are ordered arbitrarily,
    this will most likely not be in the same order as the tuple.

    You can get help on different hints by doing help(pde.pde_hintname),
    where hintname is the name of the hint without "_Integral".

    See sympy.pde.allhints or the sympy.pde docstring for a list of all
    supported hints that can be returned from classify_pde.


    >>> from sympy.solvers.pde import classify_pde
    >>> from sympy import Function, diff, Eq
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> f = Function('f')
    >>> u = f(x, y)
    >>> ux = u.diff(x)
    >>> uy = u.diff(y)
    >>> eq = Eq(1 + (2*(ux/u)) + (3*(uy/u)))
    >>> classify_pde(eq)

    prep = kwargs.pop('prep', True)

    if func and len(func.args) != 2:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Right now only partial "
            "differential equations of two variables are supported")

    if prep or func is None:
        prep, func_ = _preprocess(eq, func)
        if func is None:
            func = func_

    if isinstance(eq, Equality):
        if eq.rhs != 0:
            return classify_pde(eq.lhs - eq.rhs, func)
        eq = eq.lhs

    f = func.func
    x = func.args[0]
    y = func.args[1]
    fx = f(x, y).diff(x)
    fy = f(x, y).diff(y)

    # TODO : For now pde.py uses support offered by the ode_order function
    # to find the order with respect to a multi-variable function. An
    # improvement could be to classify the order of the PDE on the basis of
    # individual variables.
    order = ode_order(eq, f(x, y))

    # hint:matchdict or hint:(tuple of matchdicts)
    # Also will contain "default":<default hint> and "order":order items.
    matching_hints = {'order': order}

    if not order:
        if dict:
            matching_hints["default"] = None
            return matching_hints
            return ()

    eq = expand(eq)

    a = Wild('a', exclude=[f(x, y)])
    b = Wild('b', exclude=[f(x, y), fx, fy, x, y])
    c = Wild('c', exclude=[f(x, y), fx, fy, x, y])
    d = Wild('d', exclude=[f(x, y), fx, fy, x, y])
    e = Wild('e', exclude=[f(x, y), fx, fy])
    n = Wild('n', exclude=[x, y])
    # Try removing the smallest power of f(x,y)
    # from the highest partial derivatives of f(x,y)
    reduced_eq = None
    if eq.is_Add:
        var = set(combinations_with_replacement((x, y), order))
        dummyvar = var.copy()
        power = None
        for i in var:
            coeff = eq.coeff(f(x, y).diff(*i))
            if coeff != 1:
                match = coeff.match(a * f(x, y)**n)
                if match and match[a]:
                    power = match[n]
        for i in dummyvar:
            coeff = eq.coeff(f(x, y).diff(*i))
            if coeff != 1:
                match = coeff.match(a * f(x, y)**n)
                if match and match[a] and match[n] < power:
                    power = match[n]
        if power:
            den = f(x, y)**power
            reduced_eq = Add(*[arg / den for arg in eq.args])
    if not reduced_eq:
        reduced_eq = eq

    if order == 1:
        reduced_eq = collect(reduced_eq, f(x, y))
        r = reduced_eq.match(b * fx + c * fy + d * f(x, y) + e)
        if r:
            if not r[e]:
                ## Linear first-order homogeneous partial-differential
                ## equation with constant coefficients
                r.update({'b': b, 'c': c, 'd': d})
                matching_hints["1st_linear_constant_coeff_homogeneous"] = r
                if r[b]**2 + r[c]**2 != 0:
                    ## Linear first-order general partial-differential
                    ## equation with constant coefficients
                    r.update({'b': b, 'c': c, 'd': d, 'e': e})
                    matching_hints["1st_linear_constant_coeff"] = r
                    matching_hints["1st_linear_constant_coeff_Integral"] = r

            b = Wild('b', exclude=[f(x, y), fx, fy])
            c = Wild('c', exclude=[f(x, y), fx, fy])
            d = Wild('d', exclude=[f(x, y), fx, fy])
            r = reduced_eq.match(b * fx + c * fy + d * f(x, y) + e)
            if r:
                r.update({'b': b, 'c': c, 'd': d, 'e': e})
                matching_hints["1st_linear_variable_coeff"] = r

    # Order keys based on allhints.
    retlist = []
    for i in allhints:
        if i in matching_hints:

    if dict:
        # Dictionaries are ordered arbitrarily, so make note of which
        # hint would come first for pdsolve().  Use an ordered dict in Py 3.
        matching_hints["default"] = None
        matching_hints["ordered_hints"] = tuple(retlist)
        for i in allhints:
            if i in matching_hints:
                matching_hints["default"] = i
        return matching_hints
        return tuple(retlist)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_MatAdd_postprocessor_xfail():
    # This is difficult to get working because of the way that Add processes
    # its args.
    z = zeros(2)
    assert Add(z, S.NaN) == Add(S.NaN, z)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def analyse_gens(gens, hints):
        Analyse the generators ``gens``, using the hints ``hints``.

        The meaning of ``hints`` is described in the main docstring.
        Return a new list of generators, and also the ideal we should
        work with.
        # First parse the hints
        n, funcs, iterables, extragens = parse_hints(hints)
        debug('n=%s' % n, 'funcs:', funcs, 'iterables:', iterables,
              'extragens:', extragens)

        # We just add the extragens to gens and analyse them as before
        gens = list(gens)

        # remove duplicates
        funcs = list(set(funcs))
        iterables = list(set(iterables))
        gens = list(set(gens))

        # all the functions we can do anything with
        allfuncs = {sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh}
        # sin(3*x) -> ((3, x), sin)
        trigterms = [(g.args[0].as_coeff_mul(), g.func) for g in gens
                     if g.func in allfuncs]
        # Our list of new generators - start with anything that we cannot
        # work with (i.e. is not a trigonometric term)
        freegens = [g for g in gens if g.func not in allfuncs]
        newgens = []
        trigdict = {}
        for (coeff, var), fn in trigterms:
            trigdict.setdefault(var, []).append((coeff, fn))
        res = []  # the ideal

        for key, val in trigdict.items():
            # We have now assembeled a dictionary. Its keys are common
            # arguments in trigonometric expressions, and values are lists of
            # pairs (fn, coeff). x0, (fn, coeff) in trigdict means that we
            # need to deal with fn(coeff*x0). We take the rational gcd of the
            # coeffs, call it ``gcd``. We then use x = x0/gcd as "base symbol",
            # all other arguments are integral multiples thereof.
            # We will build an ideal which works with sin(x), cos(x).
            # If hint tan is provided, also work with tan(x). Moreover, if
            # n > 1, also work with sin(k*x) for k <= n, and similarly for cos
            # (and tan if the hint is provided). Finally, any generators which
            # the ideal does not work with but we need to accommodate (either
            # because it was in expr or because it was provided as a hint)
            # we also build into the ideal.
            # This selection process is expressed in the list ``terms``.
            # build_ideal then generates the actual relations in our ideal,
            # from this list.
            fns = [x[1] for x in val]
            val = [x[0] for x in val]
            gcd = reduce(igcd, val)
            terms = [(fn, v / gcd) for (fn, v) in zip(fns, val)]
            fs = set(funcs + fns)
            for c, s, t in ([cos, sin, tan], [cosh, sinh, tanh]):
                if any(x in fs for x in (c, s, t)):
            for fn in fs:
                for k in range(1, n + 1):
                    terms.append((fn, k))
            extra = []
            for fn, v in terms:
                if fn == tan:
                    extra.append((sin, v))
                    extra.append((cos, v))
                if fn in [sin, cos] and tan in fs:
                    extra.append((tan, v))
                if fn == tanh:
                    extra.append((sinh, v))
                    extra.append((cosh, v))
                if fn in [sinh, cosh] and tanh in fs:
                    extra.append((tanh, v))
            x = gcd * Mul(*key)
            r = build_ideal(x, terms)
            newgens.extend(set(fn(v * x) for fn, v in terms))

        # Add generators for compound expressions from iterables
        for fn, args in iterables:
            if fn == tan:
                # Tan expressions are recovered from sin and cos.
                iterables.extend([(sin, args), (cos, args)])
            elif fn == tanh:
                # Tanh expressions are recovered from sihn and cosh.
                iterables.extend([(sinh, args), (cosh, args)])
                dummys = symbols('d:%i' % len(args), cls=Dummy)
                expr = fn(Add(*dummys)).expand(trig=True).subs(
                    list(zip(dummys, args)))
                res.append(fn(Add(*args)) - expr)

        if myI in gens:
            res.append(myI**2 + 1)

        return res, freegens, newgens
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_MatAdd_postprocessor():
    # Some of these are nonsensical, but we do not raise errors for Add
    # because that breaks algorithms that want to replace matrices with dummy
    # symbols.

    z = zeros(2)

    assert Add(0, z) == Add(z, 0) == z

    a = Add(S.Infinity, z)
    assert a == Add(z, S.Infinity)
    assert isinstance(a, Add)
    assert a.args == (S.Infinity, z)

    a = Add(S.ComplexInfinity, z)
    assert a == Add(z, S.ComplexInfinity)
    assert isinstance(a, Add)
    assert a.args == (S.ComplexInfinity, z)

    a = Add(z, S.NaN)
    # assert a == Add(S.NaN, z) # See the XFAIL above
    assert isinstance(a, Add)
    assert a.args == (S.NaN, z)

    M = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    a = Add(x, M)
    assert a == Add(M, x)
    assert isinstance(a, Add)
    assert a.args == (x, M)

    A = MatrixSymbol("A", 2, 2)
    assert Add(A, M) == Add(M, A) == A + M

    # Scalars should be absorbed into constant matrices (producing an error)
    a = Add(x, M, A)
    assert a == Add(M, x, A) == Add(M, A, x) == Add(x, A, M) == Add(A, x, M) == Add(A, M, x)
    assert isinstance(a, Add)
    assert a.args == (x, A + M)

    assert Add(M, M) == 2*M
    assert Add(M, A, M) == Add(M, M, A) == Add(A, M, M) == A + 2*M

    a = Add(A, x, M, M, x)
    assert isinstance(a, Add)
    assert a.args == (2*x, A + 2*M)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __new__(cls, expr, *args, **kwargs):
        expr = sympify(expr)

        if not args:
            if expr.is_Order:
                variables = expr.variables
                point = expr.point
                variables = list(expr.free_symbols)
                point = [S.Zero]*len(variables)
            args = list(args if is_sequence(args) else [args])
            variables, point = [], []
            if is_sequence(args[0]):
                for a in args:
                    v, p = list(map(sympify, a))
                variables = list(map(sympify, args))
                point = [S.Zero]*len(variables)

        if not all(v.is_Symbol for v in variables):
            raise TypeError('Variables are not symbols, got %s' % variables)

        if len(list(uniq(variables))) != len(variables):
            raise ValueError('Variables are supposed to be unique symbols, got %s' % variables)

        if expr.is_Order:
            expr_vp = dict(expr.args[1:])
            new_vp = dict(expr_vp)
            vp = dict(zip(variables, point))
            for v, p in vp.items():
                if v in new_vp.keys():
                    if p != new_vp[v]:
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            "Mixing Order at different points is not supported.")
                    new_vp[v] = p
            if set(expr_vp.keys()) == set(new_vp.keys()):
                return expr
                variables = list(new_vp.keys())
                point = [new_vp[v] for v in variables]

        if expr is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        if any(x in p.free_symbols for x in variables for p in point):
            raise ValueError('Got %s as a point.' % point)

        if variables:
            if any(p != point[0] for p in point):
                raise NotImplementedError
            if point[0] is S.Infinity:
                s = {k: 1/Dummy() for k in variables}
                rs = {1/v: 1/k for k, v in s.items()}
            elif point[0] is not S.Zero:
                s = dict((k, Dummy() + point[0]) for k in variables)
                rs = dict((v - point[0], k - point[0]) for k, v in s.items())
                s = ()
                rs = ()

            expr = expr.subs(s)

            if expr.is_Add:
                from sympy import expand_multinomial
                expr = expand_multinomial(expr)

            if s:
                args = tuple([r[0] for r in rs.items()])
                args = tuple(variables)

            if len(variables) > 1:
                # XXX: better way?  We need this expand() to
                # workaround e.g: expr = x*(x + y).
                # (x*(x + y)).as_leading_term(x, y) currently returns
                # x*y (wrong order term!).  That's why we want to deal with
                # expand()'ed expr (handled in "if expr.is_Add" branch below).
                expr = expr.expand()

            if expr.is_Add:
                lst = expr.extract_leading_order(args)
                expr = Add(*[f.expr for (e, f) in lst])

            elif expr:
                expr = expr.as_leading_term(*args)
                expr = expr.as_independent(*args, as_Add=False)[1]

                expr = expand_power_base(expr)
                expr = expand_log(expr)

                if len(args) == 1:
                    # The definition of O(f(x)) symbol explicitly stated that
                    # the argument of f(x) is irrelevant.  That's why we can
                    # combine some power exponents (only "on top" of the
                    # expression tree for f(x)), e.g.:
                    # x**p * (-x)**q -> x**(p+q) for real p, q.
                    x = args[0]
                    margs = list(Mul.make_args(
                        expr.as_independent(x, as_Add=False)[1]))

                    for i, t in enumerate(margs):
                        if t.is_Pow:
                            b, q = t.args
                            if b in (x, -x) and q.is_real and not q.has(x):
                                margs[i] = x**q
                            elif b.is_Pow and not b.exp.has(x):
                                b, r = b.args
                                if b in (x, -x) and r.is_real:
                                    margs[i] = x**(r*q)
                            elif b.is_Mul and b.args[0] is S.NegativeOne:
                                b = -b
                                if b.is_Pow and not b.exp.has(x):
                                    b, r = b.args
                                    if b in (x, -x) and r.is_real:
                                        margs[i] = x**(r*q)

                    expr = Mul(*margs)

            expr = expr.subs(rs)

        if expr is S.Zero:
            return expr

        if expr.is_Order:
            expr = expr.expr

        if not expr.has(*variables):
            expr = S.One

        # create Order instance:
        vp = dict(zip(variables, point))
        point = [vp[v] for v in variables]
        args = (expr,) + Tuple(*zip(variables, point))
        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, *args)
        return obj
Exemplo n.º 22
def limit(e, z, z0, dir="+"):
    Compute the limit of e(z) at the point z0.

    z0 can be any expression, including oo and -oo.

    For dir="+" (default) it calculates the limit from the right
    (z->z0+) and for dir="-" the limit from the left (z->z0-). For infinite z0
    (oo or -oo), the dir argument doesn't matter.


    >>> from sympy import limit, sin, Symbol, oo
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> limit(sin(x)/x, x, 0)
    >>> limit(1/x, x, 0, dir="+")
    >>> limit(1/x, x, 0, dir="-")
    >>> limit(1/x, x, oo)


    First we try some heuristics for easy and frequent cases like "x", "1/x",
    "x**2" and similar, so that it's fast. For all other cases, we use the
    Gruntz algorithm (see the gruntz() function).
    from sympy import Wild, log

    e = sympify(e)
    z = sympify(z)
    z0 = sympify(z0)

    if e == z:
        return z0

    if e.is_Rational:
        return e

    if not e.has(z):
        return e

    if e.func is tan:
        # discontinuity at odd multiples of pi/2; 0 at even
        disc = S.Pi/2
        sign = 1
        if dir == '-':
            sign *= -1
        i = limit(sign*e.args[0], z, z0)/disc
        if i.is_integer:
            if i.is_even:
                return S.Zero
            elif i.is_odd:
                if dir == '+':
                    return S.NegativeInfinity
                    return S.Infinity

    if e.func is cot:
        # discontinuity at multiples of pi; 0 at odd pi/2 multiples
        disc = S.Pi
        sign = 1
        if dir == '-':
            sign *= -1
        i = limit(sign*e.args[0], z, z0)/disc
        if i.is_integer:
            if dir == '-':
                return S.NegativeInfinity
                return S.Infinity
        elif (2*i).is_integer:
            return S.Zero

    if e.is_Pow:
        b, ex = e.args
        c = None # records sign of b if b is +/-z or has a bounded value
        if b.is_Mul:
            c, b = b.as_two_terms()
            if c is S.NegativeOne and b == z:
                c = '-'
        elif b == z:
            c = '+'

        if ex.is_number:
            if c is None:
                base = b.subs(z, z0)
                if base.is_finite and (ex.is_bounded or base is not S.One):
                    return base**ex
                if z0 == 0 and ex < 0:
                    if dir != c:
                        # integer
                        if ex.is_even:
                            return S.Infinity
                        elif ex.is_odd:
                            return S.NegativeInfinity
                        # rational
                        elif ex.is_Rational:
                            return (S.NegativeOne**ex)*S.Infinity
                            return S.ComplexInfinity
                    return S.Infinity
                return z0**ex

    if e.is_Mul or not z0 and e.is_Pow and b.func is log:
        if e.is_Mul:
            if abs(z0) is S.Infinity:
                n, d = e.as_numer_denom()
                # XXX todo: this should probably be stated in the
                # negative -- i.e. to exclude expressions that should
                # not be handled this way but I'm not sure what that
                # condition is; when ok is True it means that the leading
                # term approach is going to succeed (hopefully)
                ok = lambda w: (z in w.free_symbols and
                     any(a.is_polynomial(z) or
                     any(z in m.free_symbols and m.is_polynomial(z)
                     for m in Mul.make_args(a))
                     for a in Add.make_args(w)))
                if all(ok(w) for w in (n, d)):
                    u = C.Dummy(positive=(z0 is S.Infinity))
                    inve = (n/d).subs(z, 1/u)
                    return limit(inve.as_leading_term(u), u,
                        S.Zero, "+" if z0 is S.Infinity else "-")

            # weed out the z-independent terms
            i, d = e.as_independent(z)
            if i is not S.One and i.is_bounded:
                return i*limit(d, z, z0, dir)
            i, d = S.One, e
        if not z0:
            # look for log(z)**q or z**p*log(z)**q
            p, q = Wild("p"), Wild("q")
            r = d.match(z**p * log(z)**q)
            if r:
                p, q = [r.get(w, w) for w in [p, q]]
                if q and q.is_number and p.is_number:
                    if q > 0:
                        if p > 0:
                            return S.Zero
                            return -oo*i
                        if p >= 0:
                            return S.Zero
                            return -oo*i

    if e.is_Add:
        if e.is_polynomial() and not z0.is_unbounded:
            return Add(*[limit(term, z, z0, dir) for term in e.args])

        # this is a case like limit(x*y+x*z, z, 2) == x*y+2*x
        # but we need to make sure, that the general gruntz() algorithm is
        # executed for a case like "limit(sqrt(x+1)-sqrt(x),x,oo)==0"

        unbounded = []
        unbounded_result = []
        unbounded_const = []
        unknown = []
        unknown_result = []
        finite = []
        zero = []
        def _sift(term):
            if z not in term.free_symbols:
                if term.is_unbounded:
                result = term.subs(z, z0)
                bounded = result.is_bounded
                if bounded is False or result is S.NaN:
                    if result != S.NaN:
                        # take result from direction given
                        result = limit(term, z, z0, dir)
                elif bounded:
                    if result:

        for term in e.args:

        bad = bool(unknown and unbounded)
        if bad or len(unknown) > 1 or len(unbounded) > 1 and not zero:
            uu = unknown + unbounded
            # we won't be able to resolve this with unbounded
            # terms, e.g. Sum(1/k, (k, 1, n)) - log(n) as n -> oo:
            # since the Sum is unevaluated it's boundedness is
            # unknown and the log(n) is oo so you get Sum - oo
            # which is unsatisfactory. BUT...if there are both
            # unknown and unbounded terms (condition 'bad') or
            # there are multiple terms that are unknown, or
            # there are multiple symbolic unbounded terms they may
            # respond better if they are made into a rational
            # function, so give them a chance to do so before
            # reporting failure.
            u = Add(*uu)
            f = u.normal()
            if f != u:
                unknown = []
                unbounded = []
                unbounded_result = []
                unknown_result = []
                _sift(limit(f, z, z0, dir))

            # We came in with a) unknown and unbounded terms or b) had multiple
            # unknown terms

            # At this point we've done one of 3 things.
            # (1) We did nothing with f so we now report the error
            # showing the troublesome terms which are now in uu. OR

            # (2) We did something with f but the result came back as unknown.
            # Normally this wouldn't be a problem,
            # but we had either multiple terms that were troublesome (unk and
            # unbounded or multiple unknown terms) so if we
            # weren't able to resolve the boundedness by now, that indicates a
            # problem so we report the error showing the troublesome terms which are
            # now in uu.
            if unknown:
                if bad:
                    msg = 'unknown and unbounded terms present in %s'
                elif unknown:
                    msg = 'multiple terms with unknown boundedness in %s'
                raise NotImplementedError(msg % uu)
            # OR
            # (3) the troublesome terms have been identified as finite or unbounded
            # and we proceed with the non-error code since the lists have been updated.

        u = Add(*unknown_result)
        if unbounded_result or unbounded_const:
            inf_limit = Add(*(unbounded_result + unbounded_const))
            if inf_limit is not S.NaN:
                return inf_limit + u
            if finite:
                return Add(*finite) + limit(Add(*unbounded), z, z0, dir) + u
            return Add(*finite) + u

    if e.is_Order:
        args = e.args
        return C.Order(limit(args[0], z, z0), *args[1:])

        r = gruntz(e, z, z0, dir)
        if r is S.NaN:
            raise PoleError()
    except (PoleError, ValueError):
        r = heuristics(e, z, z0, dir)
    return r
Exemplo n.º 23
def is_deriv_k(fa, fd, DE):
    Checks if Df/f is the derivative of an element of k(t).

    a in k(t) is the derivative of an element of k(t) if there exists b in k(t)
    such that a = Db.  Either returns (ans, u), such that Df/f == Du, or None,
    which means that Df/f is not the derivative of an element of k(t).  ans is
    a list of tuples such that Add(*[i*j for i, j in ans]) == u.  This is useful
    for seeing exactly which elements of k(t) produce u.

    This function uses the structure theorem approach, which says that for any
    f in K, Df/f is the derivative of a element of K if and only if there are ri
    in QQ such that::

            ---               ---       Dt
            \    r  * Dt   +  \    r  *   i      Df
            /     i     i     /     i   ---   =  --.
            ---               ---        t        f
         i in L            i in E         i
               K/C(x)            K/C(x)

    Where C = Const(K), L_K/C(x) = { i in {1, ..., n} such that t_i is
    transcendental over C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) and Dt_i = Da_i/a_i, for some a_i
    in C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1)* } (i.e., the set of all indices of logarithmic
    monomials of K over C(x)), and E_K/C(x) = { i in {1, ..., n} such that t_i
    is transcendental over C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) and Dt_i/t_i = Da_i, for some
    a_i in C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) } (i.e., the set of all indices of
    hyperexponential monomials of K over C(x)).  If K is an elementary extension
    over C(x), then the cardinality of L_K/C(x) U E_K/C(x) is exactly the
    transcendence degree of K over C(x).  Furthermore, because Const_D(K) ==
    Const_D(C(x)) == C, deg(Dt_i) == 1 when t_i is in E_K/C(x) and
    deg(Dt_i) == 0 when t_i is in L_K/C(x), implying in particular that E_K/C(x)
    and L_K/C(x) are disjoint.

    The sets L_K/C(x) and E_K/C(x) must, by their nature, be computed
    recursively using this same function.  Therefore, it is required to pass
    them as indices to D (or T).  E_args are the arguments of the
    hyperexponentials indexed by E_K (i.e., if i is in E_K, then T[i] ==
    exp(E_args[i])).  This is needed to compute the final answer u such that
    Df/f == Du.

    log(f) will be the same as u up to a additive constant.  This is because
    they will both behave the same as monomials. For example, both log(x) and
    log(2*x) == log(x) + log(2) satisfy Dt == 1/x, because log(2) is constant.
    Therefore, the term const is returned.  const is such that
    log(const) + f == u.  This is calculated by dividing the arguments of one
    logarithm from the other.  Therefore, it is necessary to pass the arguments
    of the logarithmic terms in L_args.

    To handle the case where we are given Df/f, not f, use is_deriv_k_in_field().
    # Compute Df/f
    dfa, dfd = fd * (fd * derivation(fa, DE) -
                     fa * derivation(fd, DE)), fd**2 * fa
    dfa, dfd = dfa.cancel(dfd, include=True)

    # Our assumption here is that each monomial is recursively transcendental
    if len(DE.L_K) + len(DE.E_K) != len(DE.D) - 1:
        if [i for i in DE.cases if i == 'tan'] or \
                set([i for i in DE.cases if i == 'primitive']) - set(DE.L_K):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Real version of the structure "
                "theorems with hypertangent support is not yet implemented.")

        # TODO: What should really be done in this case?
        raise NotImplementedError("Nonelementary extensions not supported "
                                  "in the structure theorems.")

    E_part = [DE.D[i].quo(Poly(DE.T[i], DE.T[i])).as_expr() for i in DE.E_K]
    L_part = [DE.D[i].as_expr() for i in DE.L_K]

    lhs = Matrix([E_part + L_part])
    rhs = Matrix([dfa.as_expr() / dfd.as_expr()])

    A, u = constant_system(lhs, rhs, DE)

    if not all(derivation(i, DE, basic=True).is_zero for i in u) or not A:
        # If the elements of u are not all constant
        # Note: See comment in constant_system

        # Also note: derivation(basic=True) calls cancel()
        return None
        if not all(i.is_Rational for i in u):
            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot work with non-rational "
                                      "coefficients in this case.")
            terms = DE.E_args + [DE.T[i] for i in DE.L_K]
            ans = list(zip(terms, u))
            result = Add(*[Mul(i, j) for i, j in ans])
            argterms = [DE.T[i] for i in DE.E_K] + DE.L_args
            l = []
            ld = []
            for i, j in zip(argterms, u):
                # We need to get around things like sqrt(x**2) != x
                # and also sqrt(x**2 + 2*x + 1) != x + 1
                # Issue 10798: i need not be a polynomial
                i, d = i.as_numer_denom()
                icoeff, iterms = sqf_list(i)
                    Mul(*([Pow(icoeff, j)] +
                          [Pow(b, e * j) for b, e in iterms])))
                dcoeff, dterms = sqf_list(d)
                    Mul(*([Pow(dcoeff, j)] +
                          [Pow(b, e * j) for b, e in dterms])))
            const = cancel(fa.as_expr() / fd.as_expr() / Mul(*l) * Mul(*ld))

            return (ans, result, const)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def f(rv):
        if not (rv.is_Add or rv.is_Mul):
            return rv

        def gooda(a):
            # bool to tell whether the leading ``a`` in ``a*log(x)``
            # could appear as log(x**a)
            return (a is not S.NegativeOne and  # -1 *could* go, but we disallow
                (a.is_real or force and a.is_real is not False))

        def goodlog(l):
            # bool to tell whether log ``l``'s argument can combine with others
            a = l.args[0]
            return a.is_positive or force and a.is_nonpositive is not False

        other = []
        logs = []
        log1 = defaultdict(list)
        for a in Add.make_args(rv):
            if a.func is log and goodlog(a):
                log1[()].append(([], a))
            elif not a.is_Mul:
                ot = []
                co = []
                lo = []
                for ai in a.args:
                    if ai.is_Rational and ai < 0:
                    elif ai.func is log and goodlog(ai):
                    elif gooda(ai):
                if len(lo) > 1:
                    logs.append((ot, co, lo))
                elif lo:
                    log1[tuple(ot)].append((co, lo[0]))

        # if there is only one log at each coefficient and none have
        # an exponent to place inside the log then there is nothing to do
        if not logs and all(len(log1[k]) == 1 and log1[k][0] == [] for k in log1):
            return rv

        # collapse multi-logs as far as possible in a canonical way
        # TODO: see if x*log(a)+x*log(a)*log(b) -> x*log(a)*(1+log(b))?
        # -- in this case, it's unambiguous, but if it were were a log(c) in
        # each term then it's arbitrary whether they are grouped by log(a) or
        # by log(c). So for now, just leave this alone; it's probably better to
        # let the user decide
        for o, e, l in logs:
            l = list(ordered(l))
            e = log(l.pop(0).args[0]**Mul(*e))
            while l:
                li = l.pop(0)
                e = log(li.args[0]**e)
            c, l = Mul(*o), e
            if l.func is log:  # it should be, but check to be sure
                log1[(c,)].append(([], l))

        # logs that have the same coefficient can multiply
        for k in list(log1.keys()):
            log1[Mul(*k)] = log(logcombine(Mul(*[
                l.args[0]**Mul(*c) for c, l in log1.pop(k)]),

        # logs that have oppositely signed coefficients can divide
        for k in ordered(list(log1.keys())):
            if not k in log1:  # already popped as -k
            if -k in log1:
                # figure out which has the minus sign; the one with
                # more op counts should be the one
                num, den = k, -k
                if num.count_ops() > den.count_ops():
                    num, den = den, num

        return Add(*other)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _doprint_loops(self, expr, assign_to=None):
        # Here we print an expression that contains Indexed objects, they
        # correspond to arrays in the generated code.  The low-level implementation
        # involves looping over array elements and possibly storing results in temporary
        # variables or accumulate it in the assign_to object.

        if self._settings.get('contract', True):
            from sympy.tensor import get_contraction_structure
            # Setup loops over non-dummy indices  --  all terms need these
            indices = self._get_expression_indices(expr, assign_to)
            # Setup loops over dummy indices  --  each term needs separate treatment
            dummies = get_contraction_structure(expr)
            indices = []
            dummies = {None: (expr,)}
        openloop, closeloop = self._get_loop_opening_ending(indices)

        # terms with no summations first
        if None in dummies:
            text = StrPrinter.doprint(self, Add(*dummies[None]))
            # If all terms have summations we must initialize array to Zero
            text = StrPrinter.doprint(self, 0)

        # skip redundant assignments (where lhs == rhs)
        lhs_printed = self._print(assign_to)
        lines = []
        if text != lhs_printed:
            if assign_to is not None:
                text = self._get_statement("%s = %s" % (lhs_printed, text))

        # then terms with summations
        for d in dummies:
            if isinstance(d, tuple):
                indices = self._sort_optimized(d, expr)
                openloop_d, closeloop_d = self._get_loop_opening_ending(

                for term in dummies[d]:
                    if term in dummies and not ([list(f.keys()) for f in dummies[term]]
                            == [[None] for f in dummies[term]]):
                        # If one factor in the term has it's own internal
                        # contractions, those must be computed first.
                        # (temporary variables?)
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            "FIXME: no support for contractions in factor yet")

                        # We need the lhs expression as an accumulator for
                        # the loops, i.e
                        # for (int d=0; d < dim; d++){
                        #    lhs[] = lhs[] + term[][d]
                        # }           ^.................. the accumulator
                        # We check if the expression already contains the
                        # lhs, and raise an exception if it does, as that
                        # syntax is currently undefined.  FIXME: What would be
                        # a good interpretation?
                        if assign_to is None:
                            raise AssignmentError(
                                "need assignment variable for loops")
                        if term.has(assign_to):
                            raise ValueError("FIXME: lhs present in rhs,\
                                this is undefined in CodePrinter")

                        text = "%s = %s" % (lhs_printed, StrPrinter.doprint(
                            self, assign_to + term))

        return "\n".join(lines)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_zero_matrix_add():
    assert Add(ZeroMatrix(2, 2), ZeroMatrix(2, 2)) == ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
Exemplo n.º 27
def _gelatize(a, degrees=None, evaluate=False, verbose=False):
    if isinstance(a, BilinearForm) and not(isinstance(a, BilinearAtomicForm)):
        expr = tensorize(a)
        if verbose:
            print('> tensorized = ', expr)
        expr = a

    if isinstance(expr, Add):
        args = [_gelatize(i, degrees=degrees, evaluate=evaluate) for i in expr.args]
        return Add(*args)

    elif isinstance(expr, Mul):
        coeffs  = [i for i in expr.args if isinstance(i, _coeffs_registery)]
        vectors = [i for i in expr.args if not(i in coeffs)]

        i = S.One
        if coeffs:
            i = Mul(*coeffs)

        j = S.One
        if vectors:
            args = [_gelatize(i, degrees=degrees, evaluate=evaluate) for i in vectors]
            j = Mul(*args)

        return Mul(i, j)

    elif isinstance(expr, (Matrix, ImmutableDenseMatrix)):

        n_rows, n_cols = expr.shape
        lines = []
        for i in range(0, n_rows):
            line = []
            for j in range(0, n_cols):
                eij = _gelatize(expr[i,j], degrees=degrees, evaluate=evaluate)
        return Matrix(lines)

    elif isinstance(expr, BilinearAtomicForm):

        coord = expr.trial_spaces[0].coordinates

        # ... construct the fourier variable and the number of elements
        t_name = 't{}'.format(coord)
        n_name = 'n{}'.format(coord)

        t = Symbol(t_name)
        n = Symbol(n_name, integer=True)
        # ...

        # ...
        _coordinates = ['x', 'y', 'z']
        index = _coordinates.index(str(coord.name))
        # ...

        if evaluate and ( degrees is None ):
            raise ValueError('> degrees must be provided')

        # ... get the degree
        if not( degrees is None ):
            if not isinstance(degrees, (tuple, list, Tuple)):
                degrees = [degrees]

            p = degrees[index]
            p_name = 'p{}'.format(coord)
            p = Symbol(p_name, integer=True)
        # ...

        if isinstance(expr, MassForm):
            symbol = Mass(p, t, evaluate=evaluate)
            return symbol / n

        elif isinstance(expr, StiffnessForm):
            symbol = Stiffness(p, t, evaluate=evaluate)
            return symbol * n

        elif isinstance(expr, AdvectionForm):
            symbol = sympy_I * Advection(p, t, evaluate=evaluate)
            return symbol

        elif isinstance(expr, AdvectionTForm):
            symbol = - sympy_I * Advection(p, t, evaluate=evaluate)
            return symbol

            raise NotImplementedError('TODO')

    return expr
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_matrix_add_with_scalar():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Add(0, ZeroMatrix(2, 2)))
Exemplo n.º 29
def refine_Pow(expr, assumptions):
    Handler for instances of Pow.

    >>> from sympy import Symbol, Q
    >>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_Pow
    >>> from sympy.abc import x,y,z
    >>> refine_Pow((-1)**x, Q.real(x))
    >>> refine_Pow((-1)**x, Q.even(x))
    >>> refine_Pow((-1)**x, Q.odd(x))

    For powers of -1, even parts of the exponent can be simplified:

    >>> refine_Pow((-1)**(x+y), Q.even(x))
    >>> refine_Pow((-1)**(x+y+z), Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(z))
    >>> refine_Pow((-1)**(x+y+2), Q.odd(x))
    (-1)**(y + 1)
    >>> refine_Pow((-1)**(x+3), True)
    (-1)**(x + 1)

    from sympy.core import Pow, Rational
    from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import Abs
    from sympy.functions import sign
    if isinstance(expr.base, Abs):
        if ask(Q.real(expr.base.args[0]), assumptions) and \
                ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
            return expr.base.args[0]**expr.exp
    if ask(Q.real(expr.base), assumptions):
        if expr.base.is_number:
            if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
                return abs(expr.base)**expr.exp
            if ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions):
                return sign(expr.base) * abs(expr.base)**expr.exp
        if isinstance(expr.exp, Rational):
            if type(expr.base) is Pow:
                return abs(expr.base.base)**(expr.base.exp * expr.exp)

        if expr.base is S.NegativeOne:
            if expr.exp.is_Add:

                old = expr

                # For powers of (-1) we can remove
                #  - even terms
                #  - pairs of odd terms
                #  - a single odd term + 1
                #  - A numerical constant N can be replaced with mod(N,2)

                coeff, terms = expr.exp.as_coeff_add()
                terms = set(terms)
                even_terms = set([])
                odd_terms = set([])
                initial_number_of_terms = len(terms)

                for t in terms:
                    if ask(Q.even(t), assumptions):
                    elif ask(Q.odd(t), assumptions):

                terms -= even_terms
                if len(odd_terms) % 2:
                    terms -= odd_terms
                    new_coeff = (coeff + S.One) % 2
                    terms -= odd_terms
                    new_coeff = coeff % 2

                if new_coeff != coeff or len(terms) < initial_number_of_terms:
                    expr = expr.base**(Add(*terms))

                # Handle (-1)**((-1)**n/2 + m/2)
                e2 = 2 * expr.exp
                if ask(Q.even(e2), assumptions):
                    if e2.could_extract_minus_sign():
                        e2 *= expr.base
                if e2.is_Add:
                    i, p = e2.as_two_terms()
                    if p.is_Pow and p.base is S.NegativeOne:
                        if ask(Q.integer(p.exp), assumptions):
                            i = (i + 1) / 2
                            if ask(Q.even(i), assumptions):
                                return expr.base**p.exp
                            elif ask(Q.odd(i), assumptions):
                                return expr.base**(p.exp + 1)
                                return expr.base**(p.exp + i)

                if old != expr:
                    return expr
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_OneMatrix_doit():
    Unn = OneMatrix(Add(n, n, evaluate=False), n)
    assert isinstance(Unn.rows, Add)
    assert Unn.doit() == OneMatrix(2 * n, n)
    assert isinstance(Unn.doit().rows, Mul)