Exemplo n.º 1
def test_parabola_intersection():
    l1 = Line(Point(1, -2), Point(-1, -2))
    l2 = Line(Point(1, 2), Point(-1, 2))
    l3 = Line(Point(1, 0), Point(-1, 0))

    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(0, -2)
    p3 = Point(120, -12)
    parabola1 = Parabola(p1, l1)

    # parabola with parabola
    assert parabola1.intersection(parabola1) == [parabola1]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Parabola(
        p1, l2)) == [Point2D(-2, 0), Point2D(2, 0)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Parabola(p2, l3)) == [Point2D(0, -1)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Parabola(Point(16, 0),
                                           l1)) == [Point2D(8, 15)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Parabola(Point(
        0, 16), l1)) == [Point2D(-6, 8), Point2D(6, 8)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Parabola(p3, l3)) == []
    # parabola with point
    assert parabola1.intersection(p1) == []
    assert parabola1.intersection(Point2D(0, -1)) == [Point2D(0, -1)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Point2D(4, 3)) == [Point2D(4, 3)]
    # parabola with line
    assert parabola1.intersection(Line(Point2D(-7, 3), Point(
        12, 3))) == [Point2D(-4, 3), Point2D(4, 3)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Line(Point(-4, -1),
                                       Point(4, -1))) == [Point(0, -1)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Line(Point(2, 0),
                                       Point(0, -2))) == [Point2D(2, 0)]
        lambda: parabola1.intersection(Line(Point(0, 0, 0), Point(1, 1, 1))))
    # parabola with segment
    assert parabola1.intersection(Segment2D(
        (-4, -5), (4, 3))) == [Point2D(0, -1), Point2D(4, 3)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Segment2D((0, -5),
                                            (0, 6))) == [Point2D(0, -1)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Segment2D((-12, -65), (14, -68))) == []
    # parabola with ray
    assert parabola1.intersection(Ray2D(
        (-4, -5), (4, 3))) == [Point2D(0, -1), Point2D(4, 3)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Ray2D(
        (0, 7), (1, 14))) == [Point2D(14 + 2 * sqrt(57), 105 + 14 * sqrt(57))]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Ray2D((0, 7), (0, 14))) == []
    # parabola with ellipse/circle
    assert parabola1.intersection(Circle(
        p1, 2)) == [Point2D(-2, 0), Point2D(2, 0)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Circle(
        p2, 1)) == [Point2D(0, -1), Point2D(0, -1)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Ellipse(
        p2, 2, 1)) == [Point2D(0, -1), Point2D(0, -1)]
    assert parabola1.intersection(Ellipse(Point(0, 19), 5, 7)) == []
    assert parabola1.intersection(Ellipse((0, 3), 12, 4)) == \
           [Point2D(0, -1), Point2D(0, -1), Point2D(-4*sqrt(17)/3, Rational(59, 9)), Point2D(4*sqrt(17)/3, Rational(59, 9))]
    # parabola with unsupported type
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parabola1.intersection(2))
Exemplo n.º 2
def compute(center):
    global shops, polygons, esp_mapping

    for shop in shops.values:
        segment, pair = Segment2D(shop, center), Pair(shop, center)
        esp_mapping[pair.hash()] = geometry.esp(segment)

    logging.info(f'\tesp calculation completed for {center}')
Exemplo n.º 3
def node_fitness(center, instance, radius):
    n_nodes = instance.shape[0]
    covered = np.array([0 for _ in range(n_nodes)])
    nodes = instance.values
    for i in range(n_nodes):
        segment = Segment2D(nodes[i], center)
        if geometry.esp(segment) <= radius:
            covered[i] = 1
        logging.info(f'\tnode {i} for center: {center} completed')

    logging.info(f'node_fitness for {center} completed')

    return covered
Exemplo n.º 4
def draw_gacluster(df, region, tag, obstacles):
    centers = pd.read_csv(

    Model.Init(df, constants.RADIUS, constants.N_CIRCLES)
    model = Model(gnome=centers, log=True)

    Y = [i for i in range(len(centers))]
    y = [len(centers) for i in range(df.shape[0])]
    nodes = df.values[:, 1:]
    for i in range(df.shape[0]):
        for j in range(len(centers)):
            segment = Segment2D(nodes[i], centers[j])
            if geometry.esp(segment) <= Model.radius:
                y[i] = j

    sns.scatterplot(x="lat", y="lon", data=df, hue=y)
    plt.plot(centers[:, 0], centers[:, 1], 'o')
    plt.savefig(f'experiments/#{tag}/fig/{region}.gacluster.png', format='png')
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_best_origin():
    expr1 = y ** 2 * x ** 5 + y ** 5 * x ** 7 + 7 * x + x ** 12 + y ** 7 * x

    l1 = Segment2D(Point(0, 3), Point(1, 1))
    l2 = Segment2D(Point(S(3) / 2, 0), Point(S(3) / 2, 3))
    l3 = Segment2D(Point(0, S(3) / 2), Point(3, S(3) / 2))
    l4 = Segment2D(Point(0, 2), Point(2, 0))
    l5 = Segment2D(Point(0, 2), Point(1, 1))
    l6 = Segment2D(Point(2, 0), Point(1, 1))

    assert best_origin((2, 1), 3, l1, expr1) == (0, 3)
    assert best_origin((2, 0), 3, l2, x ** 7) == (S(3) / 2, 0)
    assert best_origin((0, 2), 3, l3, x ** 7) == (0, S(3) / 2)
    assert best_origin((1, 1), 2, l4, x ** 7 * y ** 3) == (0, 2)
    assert best_origin((1, 1), 2, l4, x ** 3 * y ** 7) == (2, 0)
    assert best_origin((1, 1), 2, l5, x ** 2 * y ** 9) == (0, 2)
    assert best_origin((1, 1), 2, l6, x ** 9 * y ** 2) == (2, 0)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_ellipse_geom():
    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', real=True)
    t = Symbol('t', real=True)
    y1 = Symbol('y1', real=True)
    half = S.Half
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(1, 1)
    p4 = Point(0, 1)

    e1 = Ellipse(p1, 1, 1)
    e2 = Ellipse(p2, half, 1)
    e3 = Ellipse(p1, y1, y1)
    c1 = Circle(p1, 1)
    c2 = Circle(p2, 1)
    c3 = Circle(Point(sqrt(2), sqrt(2)), 1)
    l1 = Line(p1, p2)

    # Test creation with three points
    cen, rad = Point(3*half, 2), 5*half
    assert Circle(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0), Point(0, 4)) == Circle(cen, rad)
    assert Circle(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2)) == Segment2D(Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(2, 2))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Ellipse(None, None, None, 1))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Ellipse())
    raises(GeometryError, lambda: Circle(Point(0, 0)))
    raises(GeometryError, lambda: Circle(Symbol('x')*Symbol('y')))

    # Basic Stuff
    assert Ellipse(None, 1, 1).center == Point(0, 0)
    assert e1 == c1
    assert e1 != e2
    assert e1 != l1
    assert p4 in e1
    assert e1 in e1
    assert e2 in e2
    assert 1 not in e2
    assert p2 not in e2
    assert e1.area == pi
    assert e2.area == pi/2
    assert e3.area == pi*y1*abs(y1)
    assert c1.area == e1.area
    assert c1.circumference == e1.circumference
    assert e3.circumference == 2*pi*y1
    assert e1.plot_interval() == e2.plot_interval() == [t, -pi, pi]
    assert e1.plot_interval(x) == e2.plot_interval(x) == [x, -pi, pi]

    assert c1.minor == 1
    assert c1.major == 1
    assert c1.hradius == 1
    assert c1.vradius == 1

    assert Ellipse((1, 1), 0, 0) == Point(1, 1)
    assert Ellipse((1, 1), 1, 0) == Segment(Point(0, 1), Point(2, 1))
    assert Ellipse((1, 1), 0, 1) == Segment(Point(1, 0), Point(1, 2))

    # Private Functions
    assert hash(c1) == hash(Circle(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1)))
    assert c1 in e1
    assert (Line(p1, p2) in e1) is False
    assert e1.__cmp__(e1) == 0
    assert e1.__cmp__(Point(0, 0)) > 0

    # Encloses
    assert e1.encloses(Segment(Point(-0.5, -0.5), Point(0.5, 0.5))) is True
    assert e1.encloses(Line(p1, p2)) is False
    assert e1.encloses(Ray(p1, p2)) is False
    assert e1.encloses(e1) is False
    assert e1.encloses(
        Polygon(Point(-0.5, -0.5), Point(-0.5, 0.5), Point(0.5, 0.5))) is True
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p1, 0.5, 3)) is True
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p1, 5, 3)) is False
    assert e1.encloses(RegularPolygon(p2, 5, 3)) is False

    assert e2.arbitrary_point() in e2
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Ellipse(Point(x, y), 1, 1).arbitrary_point(parameter='x'))

    # Foci
    f1, f2 = Point(sqrt(12), 0), Point(-sqrt(12), 0)
    ef = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 4, 2)
    assert ef.foci in [(f1, f2), (f2, f1)]

    # Tangents
    v = sqrt(2) / 2
    p1_1 = Point(v, v)
    p1_2 = p2 + Point(half, 0)
    p1_3 = p2 + Point(0, 1)
    assert e1.tangent_lines(p4) == c1.tangent_lines(p4)
    assert e2.tangent_lines(p1_2) == [Line(Point(Rational(3, 2), 1), Point(Rational(3, 2), S.Half))]
    assert e2.tangent_lines(p1_3) == [Line(Point(1, 2), Point(Rational(5, 4), 2))]
    assert c1.tangent_lines(p1_1) != [Line(p1_1, Point(0, sqrt(2)))]
    assert c1.tangent_lines(p1) == []
    assert e2.is_tangent(Line(p1_2, p2 + Point(half, 1)))
    assert e2.is_tangent(Line(p1_3, p2 + Point(half, 1)))
    assert c1.is_tangent(Line(p1_1, Point(0, sqrt(2))))
    assert e1.is_tangent(Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))) is False
    assert c1.is_tangent(e1) is True
    assert c1.is_tangent(Ellipse(Point(2, 0), 1, 1)) is True
    assert c1.is_tangent(
        Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(1, -1), Point(2, 0))) is True
    assert c1.is_tangent(
        Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0))) is False
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 3).is_tangent(Circle(Point(0, 5), 1)) is False

    assert Ellipse(Point(5, 5), 2, 1).tangent_lines(Point(0, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(Rational(77, 25), Rational(132, 25))),
     Line(Point(0, 0), Point(Rational(33, 5), Rational(22, 5)))]
    assert Ellipse(Point(5, 5), 2, 1).tangent_lines(Point(3, 4)) == \
        [Line(Point(3, 4), Point(4, 4)), Line(Point(3, 4), Point(3, 5))]
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 2).tangent_lines(Point(3, 3)) == \
        [Line(Point(3, 3), Point(4, 3)), Line(Point(3, 3), Point(3, 4))]
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 2).tangent_lines(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5)) == \
        [Line(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5), Point(5 - sqrt(2), 5 - sqrt(2))),
     Line(Point(5 - 2*sqrt(2), 5), Point(5 - sqrt(2), 5 + sqrt(2))), ]
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 5).tangent_lines(Point(4, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(4, 0), Point(Rational(40, 13), Rational(5, 13))),
     Line(Point(4, 0), Point(5, 0))]
    assert Circle(Point(5, 5), 5).tangent_lines(Point(0, 6)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 6), Point(0, 7)),
        Line(Point(0, 6), Point(Rational(5, 13), Rational(90, 13)))]

    # for numerical calculations, we shouldn't demand exact equality,
    # so only test up to the desired precision
    def lines_close(l1, l2, prec):
        """ tests whether l1 and 12 are within 10**(-prec)
        of each other """
        return abs(l1.p1 - l2.p1) < 10**(-prec) and abs(l1.p2 - l2.p2) < 10**(-prec)
    def line_list_close(ll1, ll2, prec):
        return all(lines_close(l1, l2, prec) for l1, l2 in zip(ll1, ll2))

    e = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 2, 1)
    assert e.normal_lines(Point(0, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1)), Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))]
    assert e.normal_lines(Point(1, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))]
    assert e.normal_lines((0, 1)) == \
        [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1))]
    assert line_list_close(e.normal_lines(Point(1, 1), 2), [
        Line(Point(Rational(-51, 26), Rational(-1, 5)), Point(Rational(-25, 26), Rational(17, 83))),
        Line(Point(Rational(28, 29), Rational(-7, 8)), Point(Rational(57, 29), Rational(-9, 2)))], 2)
    # test the failure of Poly.intervals and checks a point on the boundary
    p = Point(sqrt(3), S.Half)
    assert p in e
    assert line_list_close(e.normal_lines(p, 2), [
        Line(Point(Rational(-341, 171), Rational(-1, 13)), Point(Rational(-170, 171), Rational(5, 64))),
        Line(Point(Rational(26, 15), Rational(-1, 2)), Point(Rational(41, 15), Rational(-43, 26)))], 2)
    # be sure to use the slope that isn't undefined on boundary
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 2, 2*sqrt(3)/3)
    assert line_list_close(e.normal_lines((1, 1), 2), [
        Line(Point(Rational(-64, 33), Rational(-20, 71)), Point(Rational(-31, 33), Rational(2, 13))),
        Line(Point(1, -1), Point(2, -4))], 2)
    # general ellipse fails except under certain conditions
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), x, 1)
    assert e.normal_lines((x + 1, 0)) == [Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))]
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: e.normal_lines((x + 1, 1)))
    # Properties
    major = 3
    minor = 1
    e4 = Ellipse(p2, minor, major)
    assert e4.focus_distance == sqrt(major**2 - minor**2)
    ecc = e4.focus_distance / major
    assert e4.eccentricity == ecc
    assert e4.periapsis == major*(1 - ecc)
    assert e4.apoapsis == major*(1 + ecc)
    assert e4.semilatus_rectum == major*(1 - ecc ** 2)
    # independent of orientation
    e4 = Ellipse(p2, major, minor)
    assert e4.focus_distance == sqrt(major**2 - minor**2)
    ecc = e4.focus_distance / major
    assert e4.eccentricity == ecc
    assert e4.periapsis == major*(1 - ecc)
    assert e4.apoapsis == major*(1 + ecc)

    # Intersection
    l1 = Line(Point(1, -5), Point(1, 5))
    l2 = Line(Point(-5, -1), Point(5, -1))
    l3 = Line(Point(-1, -1), Point(1, 1))
    l4 = Line(Point(-10, 0), Point(0, 10))
    pts_c1_l3 = [Point(sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2), Point(-sqrt(2)/2, -sqrt(2)/2)]

    assert intersection(e2, l4) == []
    assert intersection(c1, Point(1, 0)) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, l1) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, l2) == [Point(0, -1)]
    assert intersection(c1, l3) in [pts_c1_l3, [pts_c1_l3[1], pts_c1_l3[0]]]
    assert intersection(c1, c2) == [Point(0, 1), Point(1, 0)]
    assert intersection(c1, c3) == [Point(sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(2)/2)]
    assert e1.intersection(l1) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert e2.intersection(l4) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Circle(Point(0, 2), 1)) == [Point(0, 1)]
    assert e1.intersection(Circle(Point(5, 0), 1)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Ellipse(Point(2, 0), 1, 1)) == [Point(1, 0)]
    assert e1.intersection(Ellipse(Point(5, 0), 1, 1)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(Point(2, 0)) == []
    assert e1.intersection(e1) == e1
    assert intersection(Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 2, 1), Ellipse(Point(3, 0), 1, 2)) == [Point(2, 0)]
    assert intersection(Circle(Point(0, 0), 2), Circle(Point(3, 0), 1)) == [Point(2, 0)]
    assert intersection(Circle(Point(0, 0), 2), Circle(Point(7, 0), 1)) == []
    assert intersection(Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 17), Ellipse(Point(4, 0), 1, 0.2)) == [Point(5, 0)]
    assert intersection(Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 17), Ellipse(Point(4, 0), 0.999, 0.2)) == []
    assert Circle((0, 0), S.Half).intersection(
        Triangle((-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1))) == [
        Point(Rational(-1, 2), 0), Point(S.Half, 0)]
    raises(TypeError, lambda: intersection(e2, Line((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1))))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: intersection(e2, Rational(12)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Ellipse.intersection(e2, 1))
    # some special case intersections
    csmall = Circle(p1, 3)
    cbig = Circle(p1, 5)
    cout = Circle(Point(5, 5), 1)
    # one circle inside of another
    assert csmall.intersection(cbig) == []
    # separate circles
    assert csmall.intersection(cout) == []
    # coincident circles
    assert csmall.intersection(csmall) == csmall

    v = sqrt(2)
    t1 = Triangle(Point(0, v), Point(0, -v), Point(v, 0))
    points = intersection(t1, c1)
    assert len(points) == 4
    assert Point(0, 1) in points
    assert Point(0, -1) in points
    assert Point(v/2, v/2) in points
    assert Point(v/2, -v/2) in points

    circ = Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    elip = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 20)
    assert intersection(circ, elip) in \
        [[Point(5, 0), Point(-5, 0)], [Point(-5, 0), Point(5, 0)]]
    assert elip.tangent_lines(Point(0, 0)) == []
    elip = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 3, 2)
    assert elip.tangent_lines(Point(3, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(3, 0), Point(3, -12))]

    e1 = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 10)
    e2 = Ellipse(Point(2, 1), 4, 8)
    a = Rational(53, 17)
    c = 2*sqrt(3991)/17
    ans = [Point(a - c/8, a/2 + c), Point(a + c/8, a/2 - c)]
    assert e1.intersection(e2) == ans
    e2 = Ellipse(Point(x, y), 4, 8)
    c = sqrt(3991)
    ans = [Point(-c/68 + a, c*Rational(2, 17) + a/2), Point(c/68 + a, c*Rational(-2, 17) + a/2)]
    assert [p.subs({x: 2, y:1}) for p in e1.intersection(e2)] == ans

    # Combinations of above
    assert e3.is_tangent(e3.tangent_lines(p1 + Point(y1, 0))[0])

    e = Ellipse((1, 2), 3, 2)
    assert e.tangent_lines(Point(10, 0)) == \
        [Line(Point(10, 0), Point(1, 0)),
        Line(Point(10, 0), Point(Rational(14, 5), Rational(18, 5)))]

    # encloses_point
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 1, 2)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(0, e.vradius - Rational(1, 10)))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius - Rational(1, 10), 0))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius, 0)) is False
    assert e.encloses_point(
        e.center + Point(e.hradius + Rational(1, 10), 0)) is False
    e = Ellipse((0, 0), 2, 1)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center)
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(0, e.vradius - Rational(1, 10)))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius - Rational(1, 10), 0))
    assert e.encloses_point(e.center + Point(e.hradius, 0)) is False
    assert e.encloses_point(
        e.center + Point(e.hradius + Rational(1, 10), 0)) is False
    assert c1.encloses_point(Point(1, 0)) is False
    assert c1.encloses_point(Point(0.3, 0.4)) is True

    assert e.scale(2, 3) == Ellipse((0, 0), 4, 3)
    assert e.scale(3, 6) == Ellipse((0, 0), 6, 6)
    assert e.rotate(pi) == e
    assert e.rotate(pi, (1, 2)) == Ellipse(Point(2, 4), 2, 1)
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: e.rotate(pi/3))

    # Circle rotation tests (Issue #11743)
    # Link - https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/11743
    cir = Circle(Point(1, 0), 1)
    assert cir.rotate(pi/2) == Circle(Point(0, 1), 1)
    assert cir.rotate(pi/3) == Circle(Point(S.Half, sqrt(3)/2), 1)
    assert cir.rotate(pi/3, Point(1, 0)) == Circle(Point(1, 0), 1)
    assert cir.rotate(pi/3, Point(0, 1)) == Circle(Point(S.Half + sqrt(3)/2, S.Half + sqrt(3)/2), 1)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_symmetric_difference(self) -> Tuple[List[Chain], List[Chain]]:
        c1, c2 = to_chain(self.pol1), to_chain(self.pol2)

        if is_inside(self.pol1, self.pol2):
            return [c1], [c2]
        if is_inside(self.pol2, self.pol1):
            return [c2], [c1]

        ps_in = set()
        ps_out = set()
        cur_point = c1[0]
        to_inside = not self.pol2.encloses_point(cur_point)
        full_c1, full_c2 = [cur_point], c2

        for point in c1[1:]:
            line = Segment2D(cur_point, point)
            intersection = sorted(self.pol2.intersection(line),
                                  key=lambda p: p.distance(cur_point))

            if len(intersection) == 0:
                cur_point = point

            for i in range(len(intersection)):
                i_point = (intersection[i].x / 1.0, intersection[i].y / 1.0)
                i_line = get_line_with_point(self.pol2, i_point)
                pos = get_insert_pos(c2, i_line, i_point)
                full_c2.insert(pos, i_point)

                if to_inside:
                    if i / 2 == 0:
                    if i / 2 == 0:

            cur_point = point
            to_inside = not self.pol2.encloses_point(cur_point)

        if len(ps_in) == 0:
            return [], [c1, c2]

        inside_chains, outside_chains = [], []
        c_full_c1, c_full_c2 = full_c1 + full_c1[1:], full_c2 + full_c2[1:]

        for p_in in ps_in:
            inside_chain = [p_in]
            outside_chain = [p_in]
            pos1 = full_c1.index(p_in)
            pos2 = full_c2.index(p_in)

            for i in range(pos1 + 1, len(c_full_c1)):
                point = c_full_c1[i]

                if point in ps_out:
                    pos = full_c2.index(point)

                    for j in range(pos + 1, len(c_full_c2)):
                        point = c_full_c2[j]

                        if point in ps_in:

            for i in range(pos2 + 1, len(c_full_c2)):
                point = c_full_c2[i]

                if point in ps_out:


        for p_out in ps_out:
            outside_chain = [p_out]
            pos = full_c1.index(p_out)

            for i in range(pos + 1, len(c_full_c1)):
                point = c_full_c1[i]

                if point in ps_in:

        return inside_chains, outside_chains