Exemplo n.º 1
def ALGO11(As, Bs, Cs, Ds, do_test):
    # =======================STEP 1======================================
    r = As.rows
    m = Bs.cols
    p = Cs.rows

    Ps = BlockMatrix([[As, Bs], [-Cs, Ds]]).as_mutable()
    List_P = mc.matrix_coeffs(Ps, s)
    q = len(List_P)
    k = List_P[0].rows
    l = List_P[0].cols
    Zero_Mat = zeros(List_P[0].rows, List_P[0].cols)  # list of zeroes
    # ==================END==STEP 1======================================

    # =======================STEP 2======================================
    # Haskel matrices #wikipedia ???

    # PiE
    A = []
    for i in range(2, q):
        A.append([List_P[j] for j in range(i, q)])

    for i in range(1, len(A)):
        A[i] = A[i] + [Zero_Mat] * i

    PiE = BlockMatrix(A).as_mutable()

    A = []
    for i in range(3, q + 1):
        A.append([List_P[j] for j in range(i, q)])
        A[i - 3] = A[i - 3] + [Zero_Mat] * (i - 2)

    PiA = BlockMatrix(A)
    PiB = BlockMatrix((q - 2), 1, List_P[2:])
    PiC = BlockMatrix(1, q - 2, List_P[2:])

    rE = PiE.rank()
    # ===================END=====STEP 2==================================
    # =======================STEP 3======================================
    J = PiE.rref()[1]  # pivot columns
    I = (PiE.transpose()).rref()[1]  # pivot rows

    PE = Matrix(mat(PiE)[ix_(I, J)])  # mat and ix are Numpy functions
    PA = Matrix(mat(PiA)[ix_(I, J)])
    PB = Matrix(mat(PiB)[ix_(I, range(l))])
    PC = Matrix(mat(PiC)[ix_(range(k), J)])
    # ===================END=STEP 3======================================
    # =======================STEP 4======================================
    Lambda = r + rE + p + m
    E = BlockMatrix(
        [[List_P[1], PC], [PB, PA], [zeros(Lambda - k - PB.rows, PB.cols), zeros(Lambda - k - PB.rows, PA.cols)]]
    E = E.row_join(zeros(Lambda, Lambda - l - PC.cols))
    A = BlockMatrix(
            [-List_P[0], zeros(k, PE.cols), zeros(k - p, Lambda - l - PE.cols).col_join(-eye(p))],
            [zeros(PE.rows, l), PE, zeros(PE.rows, p)],
            [zeros(m, l - m).row_join(eye(m)), zeros(m, PE.cols), zeros(m, p)],

    B = BlockMatrix([[zeros(r + p + rE, m)], [eye(m)]]).as_mutable()
    C = BlockMatrix([[zeros(p, r + m + rE), eye(p)]]).as_mutable()
    D = zeros(p, m)
    # ===============END==STEP 4=========================================

    if do_test == True:
        test_result = test(rE, r, p, m, PE, PA, PC, As, Bs, Cs, Ds, E, A, B, C, D)
        test_result = "not done"
    return E, A, B, C, D, test_result