Exemplo n.º 1
def hesaff_output():
    import sympy as sy
    import collections
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.factorizations import lu, LofCholesky, qr, svd
    import sympy
    import sympy.matrices
    import sympy.matrices.expressions
    import sympy.matrices.expressions.factorizations
    #from sympy.mpmath import sqrtm
    sqrtm = sympy.mpmath.sqrtm

    a, b, c, a11, a12, a21, a22 = sy.symbols('a b c a11 a12 a21 a22', real=True, commutative=True, nonzero=True, imaginary=False, comparable=True)
    E = sy.Matrix(((a, b), (b, c)))

    A = sy.Matrix(((a11, 0), (a21, a22)))

    #x = E.solve(A.T * A)

    # A.T * A == E
    eq1 = sy.Eq(E, A.T * A)
    a_ = sy.solve(eq1, a, check=False)
    b_ = sy.solve(eq1, b, check=False)
    c_ = sy.solve(eq1, c, check=False)

    a11_ = sy.solve(eq1, a11, check=False)
    a21_ = sy.solve(eq1, a21, check=False)
    a22_ = sy.solve(eq1, a22, check=False)

    eq2 = eq1.subs(a11, a11_[0][0])
    a21_ = sy.solve(eq2, a21, check=False)

    eq3 = eq1.subs(a21, a21_[a21])
    a22_ = sy.solve(eq3, a22, check=False)


    L1, D1 = E.LDLdecomposition()
    U1 = L1.T
    E_LDL1 = L1 * D1 * U1

    L3 = E.cholesky()
    E3 = L3 * L3.T * L3.inv() * L3 
    E3 = L3 * L3.T * (L3.inv() * L3)  * (L3.T.inv() * L3.T )
    E3 = L3 * (L3.inv() * L3).T L3.T * (L3.T.inv() * L3.T )  * 
    L3.inv() * E3 =  L3.T

    A2 = L3.T

    A2.T * A2

    L2, U2, p = E.LUdecomposition()
    E_LU2 = L2 * U2
    def asMatrix(list_): 
        N = int(len(list_) / 2)
        Z = sympy.Matrix([list_[0:N], list_[N:]])
        return Z

    def simplify_mat(X):
        list_ = [_.simplify() for _ in X]
        Z = asMatrix(list_)
        return Z

    def symdot(X, Y):
        Z = asMatrix(X.dot(Y))
        return Z

    Eq = sy.Eq
    solve = sy.solve

    R = A
    M = symdot(A,A)

    _b = sy.solve(b, eq1)

    # Solve in terms of A
    eq1 = sy.Eq(a, M[0])
    eq2 = sy.Eq(c, M[2])
    eq3 = sy.Eq(d, M[3])
    w1 = sy.solve(eq1, w)[1].subs(y,0)
    #y1 = sympy.Eq(0, M[1]) # y is 0
    x1 = sy.solve(eq2, x)[0]
    z1 = sy.solve(eq3, z)[1].subs(y,0)
    x2 = x1.subs(w, w1).subs(z, z1)

    R_itoA = simplify_mat(sympy.Matrix([(w1, x2), (0, z1)]))
    Rinv_itoA = simplify_mat(R_itoA.inv())

    print('Given the lower traingular matrix: A=[(a, 0), (c, d)]')

    print('Its inverse is: inv(A)')
    print(Ainv) # sub to lower triangular

    print('Its square root is: R = sqrtm(A)')

    Epinv = E.pinv()

    # Left sinuglar vectors are eigenvectors of M * M.H
    left_singular_vects = (E * E.T).eigenvects()
    # Right sinuglar vectors are eigenvectors of M * M.H
    right_singular_vects = (E.T * E).eigenvects()
    # Singular values
    singular_vals = E.singular_values()

    U = sy.Matrix([list(_[2][0]) for _ in left_singular_vects]).T
    S = sy.Matrix([(sing_vals[0], 0),(0, singular_vals[1])])
    V = sy.Matrix([list(_[2][0]) for _ in right_singular_vects]).T
    assert U.shape == S.shape == V.shape == E.shape
    assert sy.ask(sy.Q.orthogonal(U))
    assert sy.ask(sy.Q.orthogonal(V))
    assert sy.ask(sy.Q.diagonal(S))

    u,s,v = svd(E)

    #n = sy.Symbol('n')
    #X = sy.MatrixSymbol('X', n, n)
    U, S, V = svd(E)
    assert U.shape == S.shape == V.shape == E.shape
    assert sy.ask(sy.Q.orthogonal(U))
    assert sy.ask(sy.Q.orthogonal(V))
    assert sy.ask(sy.Q.diagonal(S))


    # L.H is conjugate transpose
    # E = L.dot(L.H)

    L, U, p = E.LUdecomposition_Simple()

    Q, R = E.QRdecomposition()


    def SVD(A):
        UEM, UEV = (A.T * A).diagonalize(normalize=True, sort=True)
        VEM, VEV = (A * A.T).diagonalize(normalize=True, sort=True)
        sigma = UEV ** sy.S(1)/2
        return UEM, sigma, VEM

    U, S, V = SVD(E)


    L = E.cholesky()
    E_2 = L * L.T

    M = Matrix(((1,0,0,0,2),(0,0,3,0,0),(0,0,0,0,0),(0,4,0,0,0)))
    M = sy.Matrix(2,3, [1,2,3,4,5,6])
    N = M.H * (M * M.H) ** -1

    N = M.H * (M * M.H) ** -1
    U, Sig, V = M.SVD()
    assert U * Sig * V.T == M
    assert U*U.T == U.T*U == eye(U.cols)
    assert V*V.T == V.T*V == eye(V.cols)
    #assert S.is_diagonal()
    M = Matrix(((0,1),(1,0),(1,1)))
    U, Sig, V = M.SVD()
    assert U * Sig * V.T == M
    assert U*U.T == U.T*U == eye(U.cols)
    assert V*V.T == V.T*V == eye(V.cols)

    import sympy
    import sympy.galgebra.GA as GA
    import sympy.galgebra.latex_ex as tex
    import sympy.printing as symprint
    import sympy.abc
    import sympy.mpmath
    a, b, c, d = sympy.symbols('a b c d')
    theta = sympy.abc.theta
    sin = sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric.sin
    cos = sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric.cos
    sqrtm = sympy.mpmath.sqrtm
    xc = sympy.Matrix([sin(theta), cos(theta)])
    E = sympy.Matrix([(a, b), (b, c)])
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_svd():
    U, S, V = svd(X)
    assert U.shape == S.shape == V.shape == X.shape
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(U))
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(V))
    assert ask(Q.diagonal(S))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_svd():
    U, S, V = svd(X)
    assert U.shape == S.shape == V.shape == X.shape
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(U))
    assert ask(Q.orthogonal(V))
    assert ask(Q.diagonal(S))