Exemplo n.º 1
def apply(n):
    i = Symbol.i(integer=True)
    j = Symbol.j(integer=True)

    return Equality(
            Concatenate(Swap(n, i, j), ZeroMatrix(n)).T,
            Concatenate(ZeroMatrix(n), 1)), Swap(n + 1, i, j))
Exemplo n.º 2
def apply(n, m, b):
    i = Symbol.i(integer=True)

    return Equality(
            Concatenate(MatProduct[i:m](Swap(n, i, b[i])), ZeroMatrix(n)).T,
            Concatenate(ZeroMatrix(n), 1)).T,
        MatProduct[i:m](Swap(n + 1, i, b[i])))
Exemplo n.º 3
def apply(W):
    n = W.shape[0]
    k = Symbol.k(integer=True)

    return Equality(
            Concatenate(W.T, ZeroMatrix(n)).T,
            LAMBDA[k:n + 1](KroneckerDelta(k, n))),
            Concatenate(W, ZeroMatrix(n)).T,
            LAMBDA[k:n + 1](KroneckerDelta(k, n))).T)
Exemplo n.º 4
def any_zeros(mul):
    if any([
            arg.is_zero or (arg.is_Matrix and arg.is_ZeroMatrix)
            for arg in mul.args
        matrices = [arg for arg in mul.args if arg.is_Matrix]
        if len(matrices[0].shape) == 1:
            if len(matrices[-1].shape) == 1:
                from sympy import S
                return S.Zero
            return ZeroMatrix(matrices[-1].cols)
        if len(matrices[-1].shape) == 1:
            return ZeroMatrix(matrices[0].rows)
        return ZeroMatrix(matrices[0].rows, matrices[-1].cols)
    return mul
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_MatrixPermute_doit():
    p = Permutation(0, 1, 2)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 3)
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p).doit() == MatrixPermute(A, p)

    p = Permutation(0, size=3)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 3)
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p).doit().as_explicit() == \
        MatrixPermute(A, p).as_explicit()

    p = Permutation(0, 1, 2)
    A = Identity(3)
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p, 0).doit().as_explicit() == \
        MatrixPermute(A, p, 0).as_explicit()
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p, 1).doit().as_explicit() == \
        MatrixPermute(A, p, 1).as_explicit()

    A = ZeroMatrix(3, 3)
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p).doit() == A
    A = OneMatrix(3, 3)
    assert MatrixPermute(A, p).doit() == A

    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 4, 4)
    p1 = Permutation(0, 1, 2, 3)
    p2 = Permutation(0, 2, 3, 1)
    expr = MatrixPermute(MatrixPermute(A, p1, 0), p2, 0)
    assert expr.as_explicit() == expr.doit().as_explicit()
    expr = MatrixPermute(MatrixPermute(A, p1, 1), p2, 1)
    assert expr.as_explicit() == expr.doit().as_explicit()
Exemplo n.º 6
 def blocks(self):
     from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
     mats = self.args
     data = [[mats[i] if i == j else ZeroMatrix(mats[i].rows, mats[j].cols)
                     for j in range(len(mats))]
                     for i in range(len(mats))]
     return ImmutableDenseMatrix(data, evaluate=False)
Exemplo n.º 7
def gru_recursive(x, *limits):
    (Wx, ), (Wh, ), (b, ), (t, ) = limits
    h = gru[Wx, Wh, b, t - 1](x)

    d = h.shape[-1]

    xt = x[t]
    Wxz = Wx[:, :d]
    Wxr = Wx[:, d:2 * d]
    Wxh = Wx[:, -d:]

    Whz = Wh[:, :d]
    Whr = Wh[:, d:2 * d]
    Whh = Wh[:, -d:]

    bz = b[:d]
    br = b[d:2 * d]
    bh = b[-d:]

    z = sigmoid(xt @ Wxz + h @ Whz + bz)
    r = sigmoid(xt @ Wxr + h @ Whr + br)
    gh = tanh(xt @ Wxh + (r * h) @ Whh + bh)

    return Piecewise(((1 - z) * gh + z * h, t > 0),
                     (ZeroMatrix(*h.shape), True))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_MatrixSet():
    n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', n, n)

    M = MatrixSet(2, 2, set=S.Reals)
    assert M.shape == (2, 2)
    assert M.set == S.Reals
    X = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert X in M
    X = ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
    assert X in M
    raises(TypeError, lambda: A in M)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: 1 in M)
    M = MatrixSet(n, m, set=S.Reals)
    assert A in M
    raises(TypeError, lambda: C in M)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: X in M)
    M = MatrixSet(2, 2, set={1, 2, 3})
    X = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    Y = Matrix([[1, 2]])
    assert (X in M) == S.false
    assert (Y in M) == S.false
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixSet(2, -2, S.Reals))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: MatrixSet(2.4, -1, S.Reals))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: MatrixSet(2, 2, (1, 2, 3)))
Exemplo n.º 9
def lstm_recursive(x, *limits):
    (W, ), (Wh, ), (b, ), (t, ) = limits
    hc = lstm[W, Wh, b, t - 1](x)

    xt = x[t]
    h = Indexed(hc, 0)
    c = Indexed(hc, 1)
    d = h.shape[-1]

    Wi = W[:, :d]
    Wf = W[:, d:2 * d]
    Wc = W[:, 2 * d:3 * d]
    Wo = W[:, -d:]

    Whi = Wh[:, :d]
    Whf = Wh[:, d:2 * d]
    Whc = Wh[:, 2 * d:3 * d]
    Who = Wh[:, -d:]

    bi = b[:d]
    bf = b[d:2 * d]
    bc = b[2 * d:3 * d]
    bo = b[-d:]

    i = sigmoid(xt @ Wi + h @ Whi + bi)
    f = sigmoid(xt @ Wf + h @ Whf + bf)
    c = f * c + i * tanh(xt @ Wc + h @ Whc + bc)
    o = sigmoid(xt @ Wo + h @ Who + bo)

    return Piecewise((BlockMatrix(o * tanh(c), c), t > 0),
                     (ZeroMatrix(*hc.shape), True))
Exemplo n.º 10
def any_zeros(mul):
    if any([
            arg.is_zero or (arg.is_Matrix and arg.is_ZeroMatrix)
            for arg in mul.args
        matrices = [arg for arg in mul.args if arg.is_Matrix]
        return ZeroMatrix(matrices[0].rows, matrices[-1].cols)
    return mul
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import Piecewise
        if isinstance(key, slice):
            start, stop = key.start, key.stop
            if start is None:
                start = 0
            if stop is None:
                stop = self.shape[0]

            if start == 0 and stop == self.shape[0]:
                return self

            rows = 0
            args = []

            len_self_shape = len(self.shape)
            for arg in self.args:
                if start >= stop:
                index = rows
                if len(arg.shape) < len_self_shape:
                    rows += 1
                    rows += arg.shape[0]

                if start < rows:
                    if len(arg.shape) < len_self_shape:
                        start += 1
                    elif rows <= stop:
                        if rows - start < arg.shape[0]:
                        start = rows
                        args.append(arg[start - index:stop - index])
                        start = stop
            if len(args) == 1:
                return args[0]
            if len(args) == 0:
                return ZeroMatrix(*self.shape)
            return self.func(*args)
        if isinstance(key, tuple):
            if len(key) == 1:
                key = key[0]

            elif len(key) == 2:
                i, j = key
                if isinstance(i, slice):
                    if isinstance(j, slice):
                        raise Exception('unimplemented method')
                        assert i.step is None, 'unimplemented slice object %s' % i
                        start, stop = i.start, i.stop
                        if start is None:
                            if stop is None:
                                # v have the same columns
                                args = []
                                for v in self.args:
                                    if len(v.shape) > 1:
                                        indexed = v[:, j]
                                        indexed = v[j]
                                return self.func(*args)

                        raise Exception('unimplemented slice object %s' % i)
                elif isinstance(j, slice):
                    raise Exception('unimplemented method')
                from sympy.core.sympify import _sympify
                i, j = _sympify(i), _sympify(j)
                if self.valid_index(i, j) != False:
                    args = []
                    length = 0
                    for arg in self.args:
                        _length = length

                        shape = arg.shape
                        length += shape[0]
                        cond = i < length
                        if len(arg.shape) == 1:
                            args.append([arg[j], cond])
                            if cond.is_BooleanFalse:
                            args.append([arg[i - _length, j], cond])

                    args[-1][-1] = True
                    return Piecewise(*args)
                    raise IndexError("Invalid indices (%s, %s)" % (i, j))

        if isinstance(key,
                      int) or key.is_Integer or key.is_Symbol or key.is_Expr:
            if self.axis == 0:
                from sympy import S
                rows = S.Zero
                args = []
                for arg in self.args:
                    index = rows
                    if len(arg.shape) < len(self.shape):
                        rows += S.One
                        rows += arg.shape[0]

                    cond = key < rows
                    if cond.is_BooleanFalse:

                    if len(arg.shape) < len(self.shape):
                        args.append([arg, cond])
                        args.append([arg[key - index], cond])
                args[-1][-1] = True
                return Piecewise(*args)
                return self.func(*(a[key] for a in self.args),
                                 axis=self.axis - 1)

        raise IndexError("Invalid index, wanted %s[i,j]" % self)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def absorb(x):
     if any(isinstance(c, ZeroMatrix) for c in x.args):
         return ZeroMatrix(*x.shape)
         return x
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_matrix_add_with_scalar():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Add(0, ZeroMatrix(2, 2)))
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_zero_matrix_add():
    assert Add(ZeroMatrix(2, 2), ZeroMatrix(2, 2)) == ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
Exemplo n.º 15
def apply(n):
    k = Symbol.k(integer=True)

    return Equality(LAMBDA[k:n + 1](KroneckerDelta(k, n)),
                    Concatenate(ZeroMatrix(n), 1))