Exemplo n.º 1
def test_as_explicit():
    c0, c1, c2 = symbols('c0:3')
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert CompanionMatrix(Poly([1, c0], x)).as_explicit() == \
    assert CompanionMatrix(Poly([1, c1, c0], x)).as_explicit() == \
        ImmutableDenseMatrix([[0, -c0], [1, -c1]])
    assert CompanionMatrix(Poly([1, c2, c1, c0], x)).as_explicit() == \
        ImmutableDenseMatrix([[0, 0, -c0], [1, 0, -c1], [0, 1, -c2]])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
        args = map(sympify, args)
        mat = ImmutableDenseMatrix(*args)

        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, mat)
        return obj
Exemplo n.º 3
    def as_explicit(self):
        Returns a dense Matrix with elements represented explicitly

        Returns an object of type ImmutableDenseMatrix.


        >>> from sympy import Identity
        >>> I = Identity(3)
        >>> I
        >>> I.as_explicit()
        [1, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 1]])

        See Also
        as_mutable: returns mutable Matrix type

        if (not isinstance(self.rows, (SYMPY_INTS, Integer))
                or not isinstance(self.cols, (SYMPY_INTS, Integer))):
            raise ValueError('Matrix with symbolic shape '
                             'cannot be represented explicitly.')
        from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
        return ImmutableDenseMatrix([[self[i, j] for j in range(self.cols)]
                                     for i in range(self.rows)])
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_Identity():
    n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    i, j = symbols('i j')

    In = Identity(n)
    Im = Identity(m)

    assert A * Im == A
    assert In * A == A

    assert In.transpose() == In
    assert In.inverse() == In
    assert In.conjugate() == In

    assert In[i, j] != 0
    assert Sum(In[i, j], (i, 0, n - 1), (j, 0, n - 1)).subs(n, 3).doit() == 3
    assert Sum(Sum(In[i, j], (i, 0, n - 1)), (j, 0, n - 1)).subs(n,
                                                                 3).doit() == 3

    # If range exceeds the limit `(0, n-1)`, do not remove `Piecewise`:
    expr = Sum(In[i, j], (i, 0, n - 1))
    assert expr.doit() == 1
    expr = Sum(In[i, j], (i, 0, n - 2))
    assert expr.doit().dummy_eq(
        Piecewise((1, (j >= 0) & (j <= n - 2)), (0, True)))
    expr = Sum(In[i, j], (i, 1, n - 1))
    assert expr.doit().dummy_eq(
        Piecewise((1, (j >= 1) & (j <= n - 1)), (0, True)))
    assert Identity(3).as_explicit() == ImmutableDenseMatrix.eye(3)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_OneMatrix():
    n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    a = MatrixSymbol('a', n, 1)
    U = OneMatrix(n, m)

    assert U.shape == (n, m)
    assert isinstance(A + U, Add)
    assert U.transpose() == OneMatrix(m, n)
    assert U.conjugate() == U

    assert OneMatrix(n, n)**0 == Identity(n)
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):
    with raises(ShapeError):
        a + U

    U = OneMatrix(n, n)
    assert U[1, 2] == 1

    U = OneMatrix(2, 3)
    assert U.as_explicit() == ImmutableDenseMatrix.ones(2, 3)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def blocks(self):
     from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
     mats = self.args
     data = [[mats[i] if i == j else ZeroMatrix(mats[i].rows, mats[j].cols)
                     for j in range(len(mats))]
                     for i in range(len(mats))]
     return ImmutableDenseMatrix(data, evaluate=False)
    def as_explicit(self):
        Returns a dense Matrix with elements represented explicitly

        Returns an object of type ImmutableDenseMatrix.


        >>> from sympy import Identity
        >>> I = Identity(3)
        >>> I
        >>> I.as_explicit()
        [1, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 1]])

        See Also
        as_mutable: returns mutable Matrix type

        from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
        return ImmutableDenseMatrix([[    self[i, j]
                            for j in range(self.cols)]
                            for i in range(self.rows)])
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
     from sympy.matrices import zeros
     from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
     from sympy.utilities.iterables import is_sequence
     isMat = lambda i: getattr(i, 'is_Matrix', False)
     if len(args) != 1 or \
             not is_sequence(args[0]) or \
             len(set([isMat(r) for r in args[0]])) != 1:
         raise ValueError(
             expecting a sequence of 1 or more rows
             containing Matrices.'''))
     rows = args[0] if args else []
     if not isMat(rows):
         if rows and isMat(rows[0]):
             rows = [rows]  # rows is not list of lists or []
         # regularity check
         # same number of matrices in each row
         blocky = ok = len(set([len(r) for r in rows])) == 1
         if ok:
             # same number of rows for each matrix in a row
             for r in rows:
                 ok = len(set([i.rows for i in r])) == 1
                 if not ok:
             blocky = ok
             # same number of cols for each matrix in each col
             for c in range(len(rows[0])):
                 ok = len(set([rows[i][c].cols
                               for i in range(len(rows))])) == 1
                 if not ok:
         if not ok:
             # same total cols in each row
             ok = len(set([sum([i.cols for i in r]) for r in rows])) == 1
             if blocky and ok:
                 raise ValueError(
                     Although this matrix is comprised of blocks,
                     the blocks do not fill the matrix in a
                     size-symmetric fashion. To create a full matrix
                     from these arguments, pass them directly to
             raise ValueError(
                 When there are not the same number of rows in each
                 row's matrices or there are not the same number of
                 total columns in each row, the matrix is not a
                 block matrix. If this matrix is known to consist of
                 blocks fully filling a 2-D space then see
     mat = ImmutableDenseMatrix(rows, evaluate=False)
     obj = Basic.__new__(cls, mat)
     return obj
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _check_orthogonality(equations):
        Helper method for _connect_to_cartesian. It checks if
        set of transformation equations create orthogonal curvilinear
        coordinate system


        equations : Lambda
            Lambda of transformation equations


        x1, x2, x3 = symbols("x1, x2, x3", cls=Dummy)
        equations = equations(x1, x2, x3)
        v1 = Matrix([diff(equations[0], x1),
                     diff(equations[1], x1), diff(equations[2], x1)])

        v2 = Matrix([diff(equations[0], x2),
                     diff(equations[1], x2), diff(equations[2], x2)])

        v3 = Matrix([diff(equations[0], x3),
                     diff(equations[1], x3), diff(equations[2], x3)])

        if any(simplify(i[0] + i[1] + i[2]) == 0 for i in (v1, v2, v3)):
            return False
            if simplify(v1.dot(v2)) == 0 and simplify(v2.dot(v3)) == 0 \
                and simplify(v3.dot(v1)) == 0:
                return True
                return False
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_ZeroMatrix():
    n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    Z = ZeroMatrix(n, m)

    assert A + Z == A
    assert A * Z.T == ZeroMatrix(n, n)
    assert Z * A.T == ZeroMatrix(n, n)
    assert A - A == ZeroMatrix(*A.shape)

    assert Z

    assert Z.transpose() == ZeroMatrix(m, n)
    assert Z.conjugate() == Z

    assert ZeroMatrix(n, n)**0 == Identity(n)
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):
    with raises(NonSquareMatrixError):

    assert ZeroMatrix(3, 3).as_explicit() == ImmutableDenseMatrix.zeros(3, 3)
Exemplo n.º 11
def _make_matrix(x):
    from sympy import ImmutableDenseMatrix
    if isinstance(x, MatrixExpr):
        return x
    return ImmutableDenseMatrix([[x]])
Exemplo n.º 12
 def as_explicit(self):
     from sympy import ImmutableDenseMatrix
     return ImmutableDenseMatrix.ones(*self.shape)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_slicing():
    assert IM[1, :] == ImmutableDenseMatrix([[4, 5, 6]])
    assert IM[:2, :2] == ImmutableDenseMatrix([[1, 2], [4, 5]])
    assert ISM[1, :] == ImmutableSparseMatrix([[4, 5, 6]])
    assert ISM[:2, :2] == ImmutableSparseMatrix([[1, 2], [4, 5]])
Exemplo n.º 14
 def as_explicit(self):
     from sympy import ImmutableDenseMatrix
     return ImmutableDenseMatrix.ones(*self.shape)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __new__(cls, name, transformation=None, parent=None, location=None,
                rotation_matrix=None, vector_names=None, variable_names=None):
        The orientation/location parameters are necessary if this system
        is being defined at a certain orientation or location wrt another.


        name : str
            The name of the new CoordSys3D instance.

        transformation : Lambda, Tuple, str
            Transformation defined by transformation equations or chosen
            from predefined ones.

        location : Vector
            The position vector of the new system's origin wrt the parent

        rotation_matrix : SymPy ImmutableMatrix
            The rotation matrix of the new coordinate system with respect
            to the parent. In other words, the output of

        parent : CoordSys3D
            The coordinate system wrt which the orientation/location
            (or both) is being defined.

        vector_names, variable_names : iterable(optional)
            Iterables of 3 strings each, with custom names for base
            vectors and base scalars of the new system respectively.
            Used for simple str printing.


        name = str(name)
        Vector = sympy.vector.Vector
        Point = sympy.vector.Point

        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise TypeError("name should be a string")

        if transformation is not None:
            if (location is not None) or (rotation_matrix is not None):
                raise ValueError("specify either `transformation` or "
            if isinstance(transformation, (Tuple, tuple, list)):
                if isinstance(transformation[0], MatrixBase):
                    rotation_matrix = transformation[0]
                    location = transformation[1]
                    transformation = Lambda(transformation[0],
            elif isinstance(transformation, Callable):
                x1, x2, x3 = symbols('x1 x2 x3', cls=Dummy)
                transformation = Lambda((x1, x2, x3),
                                        transformation(x1, x2, x3))
            elif isinstance(transformation, str):
                transformation = Str(transformation)
            elif isinstance(transformation, (Str, Lambda)):
                raise TypeError("transformation: "
                                "wrong type {}".format(type(transformation)))

        # If orientation information has been provided, store
        # the rotation matrix accordingly
        if rotation_matrix is None:
            rotation_matrix = ImmutableDenseMatrix(eye(3))
            if not isinstance(rotation_matrix, MatrixBase):
                raise TypeError("rotation_matrix should be an Immutable" +
                                "Matrix instance")
            rotation_matrix = rotation_matrix.as_immutable()

        # If location information is not given, adjust the default
        # location as Vector.zero
        if parent is not None:
            if not isinstance(parent, CoordSys3D):
                raise TypeError("parent should be a " +
            if location is None:
                location = Vector.zero
                if not isinstance(location, Vector):
                    raise TypeError("location should be a Vector")
                # Check that location does not contain base
                # scalars
                for x in location.free_symbols:
                    if isinstance(x, BaseScalar):
                        raise ValueError("location should not contain" +
                                         " BaseScalars")
            origin = parent.origin.locate_new(name + '.origin',
            location = Vector.zero
            origin = Point(name + '.origin')

        if transformation is None:
            transformation = Tuple(rotation_matrix, location)

        if isinstance(transformation, Tuple):
            lambda_transformation = CoordSys3D._compose_rotation_and_translation(
            r, l = transformation
            l = l._projections
            lambda_lame = CoordSys3D._get_lame_coeff('cartesian')
            lambda_inverse = lambda x, y, z: r.inv()*Matrix(
                [x-l[0], y-l[1], z-l[2]])
        elif isinstance(transformation, Str):
            trname = transformation.name
            lambda_transformation = CoordSys3D._get_transformation_lambdas(trname)
            if parent is not None:
                if parent.lame_coefficients() != (S.One, S.One, S.One):
                    raise ValueError('Parent for pre-defined coordinate '
                                 'system should be Cartesian.')
            lambda_lame = CoordSys3D._get_lame_coeff(trname)
            lambda_inverse = CoordSys3D._set_inv_trans_equations(trname)
        elif isinstance(transformation, Lambda):
            if not CoordSys3D._check_orthogonality(transformation):
                raise ValueError("The transformation equation does not "
                                 "create orthogonal coordinate system")
            lambda_transformation = transformation
            lambda_lame = CoordSys3D._calculate_lame_coeff(lambda_transformation)
            lambda_inverse = None
            lambda_transformation = lambda x, y, z: transformation(x, y, z)
            lambda_lame = CoordSys3D._get_lame_coeff(transformation)
            lambda_inverse = None

        if variable_names is None:
            if isinstance(transformation, Lambda):
                variable_names = ["x1", "x2", "x3"]
            elif isinstance(transformation, Str):
                if transformation.name == 'spherical':
                    variable_names = ["r", "theta", "phi"]
                elif transformation.name == 'cylindrical':
                    variable_names = ["r", "theta", "z"]
                    variable_names = ["x", "y", "z"]
                variable_names = ["x", "y", "z"]
        if vector_names is None:
            vector_names = ["i", "j", "k"]

        # All systems that are defined as 'roots' are unequal, unless
        # they have the same name.
        # Systems defined at same orientation/position wrt the same
        # 'parent' are equal, irrespective of the name.
        # This is true even if the same orientation is provided via
        # different methods like Axis/Body/Space/Quaternion.
        # However, coincident systems may be seen as unequal if
        # positioned/oriented wrt different parents, even though
        # they may actually be 'coincident' wrt the root system.
        if parent is not None:
            obj = super().__new__(
                cls, Str(name), transformation, parent)
            obj = super().__new__(
                cls, Str(name), transformation)
        obj._name = name
        # Initialize the base vectors

        _check_strings('vector_names', vector_names)
        vector_names = list(vector_names)
        latex_vects = [(r'\mathbf{\hat{%s}_{%s}}' % (x, name)) for
                           x in vector_names]
        pretty_vects = ['%s_%s' % (x, name) for x in vector_names]

        obj._vector_names = vector_names

        v1 = BaseVector(0, obj, pretty_vects[0], latex_vects[0])
        v2 = BaseVector(1, obj, pretty_vects[1], latex_vects[1])
        v3 = BaseVector(2, obj, pretty_vects[2], latex_vects[2])

        obj._base_vectors = (v1, v2, v3)

        # Initialize the base scalars

        _check_strings('variable_names', vector_names)
        variable_names = list(variable_names)
        latex_scalars = [(r"\mathbf{{%s}_{%s}}" % (x, name)) for
                         x in variable_names]
        pretty_scalars = ['%s_%s' % (x, name) for x in variable_names]

        obj._variable_names = variable_names
        obj._vector_names = vector_names

        x1 = BaseScalar(0, obj, pretty_scalars[0], latex_scalars[0])
        x2 = BaseScalar(1, obj, pretty_scalars[1], latex_scalars[1])
        x3 = BaseScalar(2, obj, pretty_scalars[2], latex_scalars[2])

        obj._base_scalars = (x1, x2, x3)

        obj._transformation = transformation
        obj._transformation_lambda = lambda_transformation
        obj._lame_coefficients = lambda_lame(x1, x2, x3)
        obj._transformation_from_parent_lambda = lambda_inverse

        setattr(obj, variable_names[0], x1)
        setattr(obj, variable_names[1], x2)
        setattr(obj, variable_names[2], x3)

        setattr(obj, vector_names[0], v1)
        setattr(obj, vector_names[1], v2)
        setattr(obj, vector_names[2], v3)

        # Assign params
        obj._parent = parent
        if obj._parent is not None:
            obj._root = obj._parent._root
            obj._root = obj

        obj._parent_rotation_matrix = rotation_matrix
        obj._origin = origin

        # Return the instance
        return obj
Exemplo n.º 16
from itertools import product

from sympy.core.relational import (Equality, Unequality)
from sympy.core.singleton import S
from sympy.core.sympify import sympify
from sympy.integrals.integrals import integrate
from sympy.matrices.dense import (Matrix, eye, zeros)
from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableMatrix
from sympy.matrices import SparseMatrix
from sympy.matrices.immutable import \
    ImmutableDenseMatrix, ImmutableSparseMatrix
from sympy.abc import x, y
from sympy.testing.pytest import raises

IM = ImmutableDenseMatrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
ISM = ImmutableSparseMatrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
ieye = ImmutableDenseMatrix(eye(3))

def test_creation():
    assert IM.shape == ISM.shape == (3, 3)
    assert IM[1, 2] == ISM[1, 2] == 6
    assert IM[2, 2] == ISM[2, 2] == 9

def test_immutability():
    with raises(TypeError):
        IM[2, 2] = 5
    with raises(TypeError):
        ISM[2, 2] = 5
Exemplo n.º 17
 def as_explicit(self):
     from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
     return ImmutableDenseMatrix.companion(self.args[0])