Exemplo n.º 1
def test_randprime():
    import random
    assert randprime(2, 3) == 2
    assert randprime(1, 3) == 2
    assert randprime(3, 5) == 3
    raises(ValueError, lambda: randprime(20, 22))
    for a in [100, 300, 500, 250000]:
        for b in [100, 300, 500, 250000]:
            p = randprime(a, a + b)
            assert a <= p < (a + b) and isprime(p)
Exemplo n.º 2
def FiatShamirGenerationKey():
    # Генерируем два простых числа и вычисляем их произведение
    p = randprime(2 ** 139, 2 ** 140)
    q = randprime(2 ** 139, 2 ** 140)      
    n = p * q
    # Выбираем s, взаимно-простое с mod, и вычисляем V
    s = random.randint(1, n)
    while(NOD(s, n) != 1):
        s = s + 1
    v = pow(s, 2, n)   
    return jsonify({"n": str(n), "s": str(s), "v": str(v)})
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_randprime():
    import random
    assert randprime(2, 3) == 2
    assert randprime(1, 3) == 2
    assert randprime(3, 5) == 3
    raises(ValueError, lambda: randprime(20, 22))
    for a in [100, 300, 500, 250000]:
        for b in [100, 300, 500, 250000]:
            p = randprime(a, a + b)
            assert a <= p < (a + b) and isprime(p)
Exemplo n.º 4
def generateKey(size):
     p = nt.randprime(2 ** (size - 1),2 **  size  - 1)
     q = nt.randprime(2 ** (size - 1),2 ** size - 1)
     n = p*q

     phiN = (p - 1) * (q - 1) # totient

     # choose e
     # e is coprime with phiN & 1 < e <= phiN
     while True:
          e = random.randrange(2 ** (size - 1), 2 **  size - 1)
          if (isCoPrime(e, phiN)):

     # choose d
     # d is mod inv of e with respect to phiN, e * d (mod phiN) = 1
     d = modinv(e, phiN)
     return p,q,n,phiN,e,d
Exemplo n.º 5
def GuillouQuisquaterGenerationKey():
    # Вытаскиваем данные из json
    data = request.get_json()
    attr = str(data.get('attr'))
    # Генерируем простые p и q из диапазона
    p = randprime(2 ** 139, 2 ** 140)
    q = randprime(2 ** 139, 2 ** 140)
    # Вычисляем произведение
    n = p * q
    # Вычисляем функцию эйлера для n
    f = euler(p,q)
    # Вычисляем e из [1, fn], взаимно простое с fn
    e = random.randint(1, f)  
    while(NOD(e, f) != 1):
        e = e + 1
    # Вычисляем s
    s = bezout(e,f) 
    att = bytes(attr, 'utf-8')
    hashAttr = hashlib.sha1(att)
    J = int(hashAttr.hexdigest(), 16)
    # Вычисляем закрытый ключ x и y
    x = pow(bezout(J, n), s, n)
    y = pow(x, e, n)
    return jsonify({"n": str(n), "e": str(e), "y": str(y), "x": str(x)})
Exemplo n.º 6
def SchnorrGenerationKey():
    # Генерируем простое число из диапазона
    q = randprime(2 ** 139, 2 ** 140)
    # Генерируем целое число
    rand = random.randint(2 ** 371, 2 ** 372)
    # Произведение
    testP = q * rand
    # Пока testP+1 не станет простым, генерируем заново и считаем произведение
    # в итоге получим, что простое q - делитель p - 1, а p - простое
    while(mr(testP + 1, [31, 72]) == False):
        q = randprime(2 ** 139, 2 ** 140)
        rand = random.randint(2 ** 371, 2 ** 372)
        testP = q * rand   
    p = testP + 1
    # Ищем g, мультипликативный порядок по модулю p которого равен q (g^q = (1 mod p))
    h = random.randint(1, p - 1)
    g = pow (h, (p - 1) // q, p)
    while(g == 1):
        h = random.randint(1, p - 1)
        g = pow (h, (p - 1) // q, p)
    # Вычисляем параметры w и y
    w = random.randint(0, q - 1)
    y = pow(bezout(g, p), w, p)
    return jsonify({"p": str(p), "q": str(q), "g": str(g), "y": str(y), "w": str(w)})
def safe_prime(bits=512):
	"""Generate a safe prime that is at least 'bits' bits long. The result
       should be greater than 1 << (bits-1).

    bits: An integer representing the number of bits in the safe prime.
       Must be greater than 1.

    An interger matching the spec.

	assert bits > 1
	min = 2 ** (bits - 2)
	max = 2 ** (bits - 1)
	q = ntheory.randprime(min,max)
	while q <= max:
		p = (q * 2) + 1
		if (ntheory.isprime(q) and ntheory.isprime(p)):
			return p
		q = ntheory.randprime(min,max)
	return 2
def test_randprime():
    assert randprime(10, 1) is None
    assert randprime(2, 3) == 2
    assert randprime(1, 3) == 2
    assert randprime(3, 5) == 3
    raises(ValueError, lambda: randprime(20, 22))
    for a in [100, 300, 500, 250000]:
        for b in [100, 300, 500, 250000]:
            p = randprime(a, a + b)
            assert a <= p < (a + b) and isprime(p)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_randprime():
    assert randprime(10, 1) is None
    assert randprime(2, 3) == 2
    assert randprime(1, 3) == 2
    assert randprime(3, 5) == 3
    raises(ValueError, lambda: randprime(20, 22))
    for a in [100, 300, 500, 250000]:
        for b in [100, 300, 500, 250000]:
            p = randprime(a, a + b)
            assert a <= p < (a + b) and isprime(p)
Exemplo n.º 10
def zzx_mod_gcd(f, g, **flags):
    """Modular small primes polynomial GCD over Z[x].

       Given univariate polynomials f and g over Z[x], returns their
       GCD and cofactors, i.e. polynomials h, cff and cfg such that:

              h = gcd(f, g), cff = quo(f, h) and cfg = quo(g, h)

       The algorithm uses modular small primes approach. It works by
       computing several GF(p)[x] GCDs for a set of randomly chosen
       primes and uses Chinese Remainder Theorem to recover the GCD
       over Z[x] from its images.

       The algorithm is probabilistic which means it never fails,
       however its running time depends on the number of unlucky
       primes chosen for computing GF(p)[x] images.

       For more details on the implemented algorithm refer to:

       [1] J. von zur Gathen, J. Gerhard, Modern Computer Algebra,
           First Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 158

    n = zzx_degree(f)
    m = zzx_degree(g)

    cf = zzx_content(f)
    cg = zzx_content(g)

    h = igcd(cf, cg)

    f = [c // h for c in f]
    g = [c // h for c in g]

    if n <= 0 or m <= 0:
        return zzx_strip([h]), f, g
        gcd = h

    A = max(zzx_abs(f) + zzx_abs(g))
    b = igcd(zzx_LC(f), zzx_LC(g))

    B = int(ceil(2**n * A * b * sqrt(n + 1)))
    k = int(ceil(2 * b * log((n + 1)**n * A**(2 * n), 2)))
    l = int(ceil(log(2 * B + 1, 2)))

    prime_max = max(int(ceil(2 * k * log(k))), 51)

    while True:
        while True:
            primes = set([])
            unlucky = set([])

            ff, gg, hh = {}, {}, {}

            while len(primes) < l:
                p = randprime(3, prime_max + 1)

                if (p in primes) and (b % p == 0):

                F = gf_from_int_poly(f, p)
                G = gf_from_int_poly(g, p)

                H = gf_gcd(F, G, p)


                ff[p] = F
                gg[p] = G
                hh[p] = H

            e = min([gf_degree(h) for h in hh.itervalues()])

            for p in set(primes):
                if gf_degree(hh[p]) != e:

                    del ff[p]
                    del gg[p]
                    del hh[p]

            if len(primes) < l // 2:

            while len(primes) < l:
                p = randprime(3, prime_max + 1)

                if (p in primes) or (p in unlucky) or (b % p == 0):

                F = gf_from_int_poly(f, p)
                G = gf_from_int_poly(g, p)

                H = gf_gcd(F, G, p)

                if gf_degree(H) != e:

                    ff[p] = F
                    gg[p] = G
                    hh[p] = H


        fff, ggg = {}, {}

        for p in primes:
            fff[p] = gf_quo(ff[p], hh[p], p)
            ggg[p] = gf_quo(gg[p], hh[p], p)

        F, G, H = [], [], []

        crt_mm, crt_e, crt_s = crt1(primes)

        for i in xrange(0, e + 1):
            C = [b * zzx_nth(hh[p], i) for p in primes]
            c = crt2(primes, C, crt_mm, crt_e, crt_s, True)

            H.insert(0, c)

        H = zzx_strip(H)

        for i in xrange(0, zzx_degree(f) - e + 1):
            C = [zzx_nth(fff[p], i) for p in primes]
            c = crt2(primes, C, crt_mm, crt_e, crt_s, True)

            F.insert(0, c)

        for i in xrange(0, zzx_degree(g) - e + 1):
            C = [zzx_nth(ggg[p], i) for p in primes]
            c = crt2(primes, C, crt_mm, crt_e, crt_s, True)

            G.insert(0, c)

        H_norm = zzx_l1_norm(H)

        F_norm = zzx_l1_norm(F)
        G_norm = zzx_l1_norm(G)

        if H_norm * F_norm <= B and H_norm * G_norm <= B:

    return zzx_mul_term(H, gcd, 0), F, G
Exemplo n.º 11
def private_key(limit):
    return randprime(2, limit)
Exemplo n.º 12
def zzx_mod_gcd(f, g, **flags):
    """Modular small primes polynomial GCD over Z[x].

       Given univariate polynomials f and g over Z[x], returns their
       GCD and cofactors, i.e. polynomials h, cff and cfg such that:

              h = gcd(f, g), cff = quo(f, h) and cfg = quo(g, h)

       The algorithm uses modular small primes approach. It works by
       computing several GF(p)[x] GCDs for a set of randomly chosen
       primes and uses Chinese Remainder Theorem to recover the GCD
       over Z[x] from its images.

       The algorithm is probabilistic which means it never fails,
       however its running time depends on the number of unlucky
       primes chosen for computing GF(p)[x] images.

       For more details on the implemented algorithm refer to:

       [1] J. von zur Gathen, J. Gerhard, Modern Computer Algebra,
           First Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 158

    n = zzx_degree(f)
    m = zzx_degree(g)

    cf = zzx_content(f)
    cg = zzx_content(g)

    h = igcd(cf, cg)

    f = [ c // h for c in f ]
    g = [ c // h for c in g ]

    if n <= 0 or m <= 0:
        return zzx_strip([h]), f, g
        gcd = h

    A = max(zzx_abs(f) + zzx_abs(g))
    b = igcd(zzx_LC(f), zzx_LC(g))

    B = int(ceil(2**n*A*b*sqrt(n + 1)))
    k = int(ceil(2*b*log((n + 1)**n*A**(2*n), 2)))
    l = int(ceil(log(2*B + 1, 2)))

    prime_max = max(int(ceil(2*k*log(k))), 51)

    while True:
        while True:
            primes  = set([])
            unlucky = set([])

            ff, gg, hh = {}, {}, {}

            while len(primes) < l:
                p = randprime(3, prime_max+1)

                if (p in primes) and (b % p == 0):

                F = gf_from_int_poly(f, p)
                G = gf_from_int_poly(g, p)

                H = gf_gcd(F, G, p)


                ff[p] = F
                gg[p] = G
                hh[p] = H

            e = min([ gf_degree(h) for h in hh.itervalues() ])

            for p in set(primes):
                if gf_degree(hh[p]) != e:

                    del ff[p]
                    del gg[p]
                    del hh[p]

            if len(primes) < l // 2:

            while len(primes) < l:
                p = randprime(3, prime_max+1)

                if (p in primes) or (p in unlucky) or (b % p == 0):

                F = gf_from_int_poly(f, p)
                G = gf_from_int_poly(g, p)

                H = gf_gcd(F, G, p)

                if gf_degree(H) != e:

                    ff[p] = F
                    gg[p] = G
                    hh[p] = H


        fff, ggg = {}, {}

        for p in primes:
            fff[p] = gf_quo(ff[p], hh[p], p)
            ggg[p] = gf_quo(gg[p], hh[p], p)

        F, G, H = [], [], []

        crt_mm, crt_e, crt_s = crt1(primes)

        for i in xrange(0, e + 1):
            C = [ b * zzx_nth(hh[p], i) for p in primes ]
            c = crt2(primes, C, crt_mm, crt_e, crt_s, True)

            H.insert(0, c)

        H = zzx_strip(H)

        for i in xrange(0, zzx_degree(f) - e + 1):
            C = [ zzx_nth(fff[p], i) for p in primes ]
            c = crt2(primes, C, crt_mm, crt_e, crt_s, True)

            F.insert(0, c)

        for i in xrange(0, zzx_degree(g) - e + 1):
            C = [ zzx_nth(ggg[p], i) for p in primes ]
            c = crt2(primes, C, crt_mm, crt_e, crt_s, True)

            G.insert(0, c)

        H_norm = zzx_l1_norm(H)

        F_norm = zzx_l1_norm(F)
        G_norm = zzx_l1_norm(G)

        if H_norm*F_norm <= B and H_norm*G_norm <= B:

    return zzx_mul_term(H, gcd, 0), F, G
Exemplo n.º 13
def generateLargePrime(keysize):
        return random large prime number of keysize bits in size
    return nt.randprime(2**(keysize - 1), 2**keysize - 1)
Exemplo n.º 14
def build_random_prime_from_interval(lower_value, higher_value):
    return nt.randprime(lower_value, higher_value)