Exemplo n.º 1
def test_issue_15654():
    if not scipy:
        skip("scipy not installed")
    from sympy.abc import n, l, r, Z
    from sympy.physics import hydrogen
    nv, lv, rv, Zv = 1, 0, 3, 1
    sympy_value = hydrogen.R_nl(nv, lv, rv, Zv).evalf()
    f = lambdify((n, l, r, Z), hydrogen.R_nl(n, l, r, Z))
    scipy_value = f(nv, lv, rv, Zv)
    assert abs(sympy_value - scipy_value) < 1e-15
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_lookup_tables(num_grid_points,

    # Exponential grid construction with trapezoidal integration strips

    if R_c is None:
        R_c = 10 + (
        ) * n_max**2  # automatically calculated cutoff that seems to work well

        'Using %d grid points with a cutoff of %.3f Bohr. Nuclear charge Z = %.3f'
        % (num_grid_points, R_c, charge))

    #grid_points_exp = [ ( 1e-6 * (radial_cutoff/1e-6)**(n/(num_grid_points)) - 1e-6 ) for n in range(0,num_grid_points) ] # Adapted exponential grid from: https://math.nist.gov/DFTdata/atomdata/node6.html
    grid_points_exp = [
        (R_c**(n / num_grid_points) - 1) for n in range(0, num_grid_points)
    ]  # But this seems to work better
    grid_points_exp_spacing = [
        (grid_points_exp[n + 1] - grid_points_exp[n - 1]) / 2
        for n in range(1, num_grid_points - 1)
    ]  # spacing for nth grid point, excluding n=0 and n=num_grid_points-1 (done on next line)
        0, (grid_points_exp[1] - grid_points_exp[0]) / 2)  # n=0 spacing
    grid_points_exp_spacing.append((grid_points_exp[num_grid_points - 1] -
                                    grid_points_exp[num_grid_points - 2]) /
                                   2)  # n=num_grid_points-1 spacing

    radial_grid = grid_points_exp

    # Construct radial lookup table for the hydrogenic R_nl

    print('Initialising radial lookup tables...')
    radial_lookup_table = np.zeros(
        [n_max, n_max, len(radial_grid)]
    )  # n_cutoff * n_cutoff arrays each consisting of len(radial_grid) zeros. Obviously, this table is `triangular' (l_max<n).
    for n in range(1, n_max + 1):
        for l in range(n):
            if (n, l) in unique_nl_values:
                for r_i, r in enumerate(radial_grid):
                    radial_lookup_table[n - 1][l][r_i] = hydrogenic.R_nl(
                        n, l, r, charge)
    print('Finished initialising radial lookup tables.')

    return (radial_grid, radial_lookup_table, grid_points_exp_spacing)
Exemplo n.º 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sympy.abc import n, l, r, Z
from sympy.physics import hydrogen
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify

R_nl = lambdify((n, l, r, Z), hydrogen.R_nl(n, l, r, Z),
                ('numpy', 'math', 'sympy'))

Z = 1
n, l = 2, 0
r = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)

plt.plot(r, R_nl(n, l, r, Z))