Exemplo n.º 1
def test_CMod():
    assert apply_operators(CMod(4, 2, 2)*Qubit(0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0)) ==\
    assert apply_operators(CMod(5, 5, 7)*Qubit(0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)) ==\
    assert apply_operators(CMod(3, 2, 3)*Qubit(0,1,0,0,0,0)) ==\
Exemplo n.º 2
def period_find(a, N):
    """Finds the period of a in modulo N arithmetic

    This is quantum part of Shor's algorithm.It takes two registers,
    puts first in superposition of states with Hadamards so: |k>|0>
    with k being all possible choices. It then does a controlled mod and
    a QFT to determine the order of a.
    epsilon = .5
    #picks out t's such that maintains accuracy within epsilon
    t = int(2 * math.ceil(log(N, 2)))
    # make the first half of register be 0's |000...000>
    start = [0 for x in range(t)]
    #Put second half into superposition of states so we have |1>x|0> + |2>x|0> + ... |k>x>|0> + ... + |2**n-1>x|0>
    factor = 1 / sqrt(2**t)
    qubits = 0
    for i in range(2**t):
        qbitArray = arr(i, t) + start
        qubits = qubits + Qubit(*qbitArray)
    circuit = (factor * qubits).expand()
    #Controlled second half of register so that we have:
    # |1>x|a**1 %N> + |2>x|a**2 %N> + ... + |k>x|a**k %N >+ ... + |2**n-1=k>x|a**k % n>
    circuit = CMod(t, a, N) * circuit
    #will measure first half of register giving one of the a**k%N's
    circuit = apply_operators(circuit)
    print "controlled Mod'd"
    for i in range(t):
        circuit = measure_partial_oneshot(circuit, i)
        # circuit = measure(i)*circuit
    # circuit = apply_operators(circuit)
    print "measured 1"
    #Now apply Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform on the second half of the register
    circuit = apply_operators(QFT(t, t * 2).decompose() * circuit,
    print "QFT'd"
    for i in range(t):
        circuit = measure_partial_oneshot(circuit, i + t)
        # circuit = measure(i+t)*circuit
    # circuit = apply_operators(circuit)
    print circuit
    if isinstance(circuit, Qubit):
        register = circuit
    elif isinstance(circuit, Mul):
        register = circuit.args[-1]
        register = circuit.args[-1].args[-1]

    print register
    n = 1
    answer = 0
    for i in range(len(register) / 2):
        answer += n * register[i + t]
        n = n << 1
    if answer == 0:
        raise OrderFindingException(
            "Order finder returned 0. Happens with chance %f" % epsilon)
    #turn answer into r using continued fractions
    g = getr(answer, 2**t, N)
    print g
    return g
Exemplo n.º 3
def period_find(a, N):
    """Finds the period of a in modulo N arithmetic

    This is quantum part of Shor's algorithm.It takes two registers,
    puts first in superposition of states with Hadamards so: |k>|0>
    with k being all possible choices. It then does a controlled mod and
    a QFT to determine the order of a.
    epsilon = .5
    #picks out t's such that maintains accuracy within epsilon
    t = int(2*math.ceil(log(N,2)))
    # make the first half of register be 0's |000...000>
    start = [0 for x in range(t)]
    #Put second half into superposition of states so we have |1>x|0> + |2>x|0> + ... |k>x>|0> + ... + |2**n-1>x|0>
    factor = 1/sqrt(2**t)
    qubits = 0
    for i in range(2**t):
        qbitArray = arr(i, t) + start
        qubits = qubits + Qubit(*qbitArray)
    circuit = (factor*qubits).expand()
    #Controlled second half of register so that we have:
    # |1>x|a**1 %N> + |2>x|a**2 %N> + ... + |k>x|a**k %N >+ ... + |2**n-1=k>x|a**k % n>
    circuit = CMod(t,a,N)*circuit
    #will measure first half of register giving one of the a**k%N's
    circuit = apply_operators(circuit)
    print "controlled Mod'd"
    for i in range(t):
        circuit = measure_partial_oneshot(circuit, i)
        # circuit = measure(i)*circuit
    # circuit = apply_operators(circuit)
    print "measured 1"
    #Now apply Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform on the second half of the register
    circuit = apply_operators(QFT(t, t*2).decompose()*circuit, floatingPoint = True)
    print "QFT'd"
    for i in range(t):
        circuit = measure_partial_oneshot(circuit, i+t)
        # circuit = measure(i+t)*circuit
    # circuit = apply_operators(circuit)
    print circuit
    if isinstance(circuit, Qubit):
        register = circuit
    elif isinstance(circuit, Mul):
        register = circuit.args[-1]
        register = circuit.args[-1].args[-1]

    print register
    n = 1
    answer = 0
    for i in range(len(register)/2):
        answer += n*register[i+t]
        n = n<<1
    if answer == 0:
        raise OrderFindingException("Order finder returned 0. Happens with chance %f" % epsilon)
    #turn answer into r using continued fractions
    g = getr(answer, 2**t, N)
    print g
    return g
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_quantum_fourier():
    assert QFT(0,3).decompose() == SwapGate(0,2)*HadamardGate(0)*CGate((0,), PhaseGate(1))\
    *HadamardGate(1)*CGate((0,), TGate(2))*CGate((1,), PhaseGate(2))*HadamardGate(2)

    assert IQFT(0,3).decompose() == HadamardGate(2)*CGate((1,), RkGate(2,-2))*CGate((0,),RkGate(2,-3))\
    *HadamardGate(1)*CGate((0,), RkGate(1,-2))*HadamardGate(0)*SwapGate(0,2)

    assert represent(QFT(0,3), nqubits=3)\
     == Matrix([[exp(2*pi*I/8)**(i*j%8)/sqrt(8) for i in range(8)] for j in range(8)])

    assert QFT(0,4).decompose() #non-trivial decomposition
    assert apply_operators(QFT(0,3).decompose()*Qubit(0,0,0)).expand() ==\
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_ugate():
    """Test the general UGate."""
    a,b,c,d = symbols('abcd')
    uMat = Matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space
    u1 = UGate((0,), uMat)
    assert represent(u1, nqubits = 1) == uMat
    assert apply_operators(u1*Qubit('0')) == a*Qubit('0') + c*Qubit('1')
    assert apply_operators(u1*Qubit('1')) == b*Qubit('0') + d*Qubit('1')

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space
    u2 = UGate((1,), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep*qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i,2)) ==\
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_cnot_gate():
    """Test the CNOT gate."""
    circuit = CNotGate(1,0)
    assert represent(circuit, nqubits=2) ==\
    circuit = circuit*Qubit('111')
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(circuit, nqubits=3)) ==\
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_ugate():
    """Test the general UGate."""
    a, b, c, d = symbols('abcd')
    uMat = Matrix([[a, b], [c, d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space
    u1 = UGate((0, ), uMat)
    assert represent(u1, nqubits=1) == uMat
    assert apply_operators(u1 * Qubit('0')) == a * Qubit('0') + c * Qubit('1')
    assert apply_operators(u1 * Qubit('1')) == b * Qubit('0') + d * Qubit('1')

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space
    u2 = UGate((1, ), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep*qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i,2)) ==\
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_cnot_gate():
    """Test the CNOT gate."""
    circuit = CNotGate(1, 0)
    assert represent(circuit, nqubits=2) ==\
    circuit = circuit * Qubit('111')
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(circuit, nqubits=3)) ==\
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_swap_gate():
    """Test the SWAP gate."""
    swap_gate_matrix = Matrix(((1,0,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,0,1)))
    assert represent(SwapGate(1,0).decompose(), nqubits=2) == swap_gate_matrix
    assert apply_operators(SwapGate(1,3)*Qubit('0010')) == Qubit('1000')
    nqubits = 4
    for i in range(nqubits):
        for j in range(i):
            assert represent(SwapGate(i,j), nqubits=nqubits) ==\
                represent(SwapGate(i,j).decompose(), nqubits=nqubits)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_swap_gate():
    """Test the SWAP gate."""
    swap_gate_matrix = Matrix(
        ((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1)))
    assert represent(SwapGate(1, 0).decompose(), nqubits=2) == swap_gate_matrix
    assert apply_operators(SwapGate(1, 3) * Qubit('0010')) == Qubit('1000')
    nqubits = 4
    for i in range(nqubits):
        for j in range(i):
            assert represent(SwapGate(i,j), nqubits=nqubits) ==\
                represent(SwapGate(i,j).decompose(), nqubits=nqubits)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_ugate_cgate_combo():
    """Test a UGate/CGate combination."""
    a,b,c,d = symbols('abcd')
    uMat = Matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])
    cMat = Matrix([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,a,b],[0,0,c,d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space.
    u1 = UGate((0,), uMat)
    cu1 = CGate(1, u1)
    assert represent(cu1, nqubits = 2) == cMat
    assert apply_operators(cu1*Qubit('10')) == a*Qubit('10') + c*Qubit('11')
    assert apply_operators(cu1*Qubit('11')) == b*Qubit('10') + d*Qubit('11')
    assert apply_operators(cu1*Qubit('01')) == Qubit('01')
    assert apply_operators(cu1*Qubit('00')) == Qubit('00')

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space.
    u2 = UGate((1,), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep*qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i,2)) ==\
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_cgate():
    """Test the general CGate."""
    # Test single control functionality
    CNOTMatrix = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1],
                         [0, 0, 1, 0]])
    assert represent(CGate(1, XGate(0)), nqubits=2) == CNOTMatrix

    # Test multiple control bit functionality
    ToffoliGate = CGate((1, 2), XGate(0))
    assert represent(ToffoliGate, nqubits=3) == \

    ToffoliGate = CGate((3, 0), XGate(1))
    assert apply_operators(ToffoliGate*Qubit('1001')) == \
    matrix_to_qubit(represent(ToffoliGate*Qubit('1001'), nqubits=4))
    assert apply_operators(ToffoliGate*Qubit('0000')) == \
    matrix_to_qubit(represent(ToffoliGate*Qubit('0000'), nqubits=4))

    CYGate = CGate(1, YGate(0))
    CYGate_matrix = Matrix(
        ((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, -I), (0, 0, I, 0)))
    # Test 2 qubit controlled-Y gate decompose method.
    assert represent(CYGate.decompose(), nqubits=2) == CYGate_matrix

    CZGate = CGate(0, ZGate(1))
    CZGate_matrix = Matrix(
        ((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, -1)))
    assert apply_operators(CZGate * Qubit('11')) == -Qubit('11')
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CZGate*Qubit('11'),nqubits=2)) ==\
    # Test 2 qubit controlled-Z gate decompose method.
    assert represent(CZGate.decompose(), nqubits=2) == CZGate_matrix

    CPhaseGate = CGate(0, PhaseGate(1))
    assert apply_operators(CPhaseGate*Qubit('11')) ==\
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CPhaseGate*Qubit('11'), nqubits=2)) == \
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_ugate_cgate_combo():
    """Test a UGate/CGate combination."""
    a, b, c, d = symbols('abcd')
    uMat = Matrix([[a, b], [c, d]])
    cMat = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, a, b], [0, 0, c, d]])

    # Test basic case where gate exists in 1-qubit space.
    u1 = UGate((0, ), uMat)
    cu1 = CGate(1, u1)
    assert represent(cu1, nqubits=2) == cMat
    assert apply_operators(cu1 *
                           Qubit('10')) == a * Qubit('10') + c * Qubit('11')
    assert apply_operators(cu1 *
                           Qubit('11')) == b * Qubit('10') + d * Qubit('11')
    assert apply_operators(cu1 * Qubit('01')) == Qubit('01')
    assert apply_operators(cu1 * Qubit('00')) == Qubit('00')

    # Test case where gate exists in a larger space.
    u2 = UGate((1, ), uMat)
    u2Rep = represent(u2, nqubits=2)
    for i in range(4):
        assert u2Rep*qubit_to_matrix(IntQubit(i,2)) ==\
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_cgate():
    """Test the general CGate."""
    # Test single control functionality
    CNOTMatrix = Matrix([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0]])
    assert represent(CGate(1, XGate(0)), nqubits=2) == CNOTMatrix

    # Test multiple control bit functionality
    ToffoliGate = CGate((1,2), XGate(0))
    assert represent(ToffoliGate, nqubits=3) == \

    ToffoliGate = CGate((3,0), XGate(1))
    assert apply_operators(ToffoliGate*Qubit('1001')) == \
    matrix_to_qubit(represent(ToffoliGate*Qubit('1001'), nqubits=4))
    assert apply_operators(ToffoliGate*Qubit('0000')) == \
    matrix_to_qubit(represent(ToffoliGate*Qubit('0000'), nqubits=4))

    CYGate = CGate(1, YGate(0))
    CYGate_matrix = Matrix(((1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,0,-I),(0,0,I,0)))
    # Test 2 qubit controlled-Y gate decompose method.
    assert represent(CYGate.decompose(), nqubits=2) == CYGate_matrix

    CZGate = CGate(0, ZGate(1))
    CZGate_matrix = Matrix(((1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,-1)))
    assert apply_operators(CZGate*Qubit('11')) == -Qubit('11')
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CZGate*Qubit('11'),nqubits=2)) ==\
    # Test 2 qubit controlled-Z gate decompose method.
    assert represent(CZGate.decompose(), nqubits=2) == CZGate_matrix

    CPhaseGate = CGate(0, PhaseGate(1))
    assert apply_operators(CPhaseGate*Qubit('11')) ==\
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CPhaseGate*Qubit('11'), nqubits=2)) == \
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _apply_operator_Qubit(self, qubits, **options):
     return apply_operators(self.decompose() * qubits)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def _apply_operator_Qubit(self, qubits, **options):
     return apply_operators(self.decompose()*qubits)