def collapse(c):
    tmp = Dagger(c) * c / 2
    return spre(c) * spost(Dagger(c)) - spre(tmp) - spost(tmp)
Exemplo n.º 2
from sympy.core.rules import Transform
fold_conjugates = Transform(
    lambda f: 2 * re(f.args[0]), lambda f: isinstance(f, Add) and len(f.args)
    == 2 and f.args[1] == f.args[0].conjugate())

fold_conjugates_2 = Transform(
    lambda f: f.args[0] + 2 * re(f.args[1]), lambda f: isinstance(f, Add) and
    len(f.args) == 3 and f.args[2] == f.args[1].conjugate())

I, Q, U, V, l, m, n = symbols('I Q U V l m n', real=True)
Jxxi, Jxyi, Jyxi, Jyyi = symbols("Jxxi Jxyi Jyxi Jyyi")
Ji = Matrix([[Jxxi, Jxyi], [Jyxi, Jyyi]])
Jxxj, Jxyj, Jyxj, Jyyj = symbols("Jxxj Jxyj Jyxj Jyyj")
Jj = Matrix([[Jxxj, Jxyj], [Jyxj, Jyyj]])

Jxx, Jxy, Jyx, Jyy = symbols("Jxx Jxy Jyx Jyy")
J = Matrix([[Jxx, Jxy], [Jyx, Jyy]])

Vxxij, Vxyij, Vyxij, Vyyij = symbols("Vxxij Vxyij Vyxij Vyyij")

Vij = Matrix([[Vxxij, Vxyij], [Vyxij, Vyyij]])

Cij = J * Vij * Dagger(J)


pprint(collect(Cij, Vxxij))

Exemplo n.º 3
def test_unitary_XGate():
    x = XGate(1, 2)
    x_dagger = Dagger(x)

    assert (x * x_dagger == 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_unitary_ZGate():
    z = ZGate(1, 2)
    z_dagger = Dagger(z)

    assert (z * z_dagger == 1)
def test_normal_ordered_form():
    a = BosonOp('a')
    b = BosonOp('b')

    c = FermionOp('c')
    d = FermionOp('d')

    assert normal_ordered_form(Dagger(a) * a) == Dagger(a) * a
    assert normal_ordered_form(a * Dagger(a)) == 1 + Dagger(a) * a
    assert normal_ordered_form(a ** 2 * Dagger(a)) == \
        2 * a + Dagger(a) * a ** 2
    assert normal_ordered_form(a ** 3 * Dagger(a)) == \
        3 * a ** 2 + Dagger(a) * a ** 3

    assert normal_ordered_form(Dagger(c) * c) == Dagger(c) * c
    assert normal_ordered_form(c * Dagger(c)) == 1 - Dagger(c) * c
    assert normal_ordered_form(c**2 * Dagger(c)) == Dagger(c) * c**2
    assert normal_ordered_form(c ** 3 * Dagger(c)) == \
        c ** 2 - Dagger(c) * c ** 3
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_hermitian_YGate():
    y = YGate(1, 2)
    y_dagger = Dagger(y)

    assert (y == y_dagger)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_normal_order():
    a = BosonOp("a")

    c = FermionOp("c")

    assert normal_order(a * Dagger(a)) == Dagger(a) * a
    assert normal_order(Dagger(a) * a) == Dagger(a) * a
    assert normal_order(a * Dagger(a)**2) == Dagger(a)**2 * a

    assert normal_order(c * Dagger(c)) == -Dagger(c) * c
    assert normal_order(Dagger(c) * c) == Dagger(c) * c
    assert normal_order(c * Dagger(c)**2) == Dagger(c)**2 * c
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_pauli_operators_adjoint():

    assert Dagger(sx) == sx
    assert Dagger(sy) == sy
    assert Dagger(sz) == sz
Exemplo n.º 9
 def eval_state(self, state):
     return qapply(Dagger(state) * self.args[0] * state, dagger=True).doit()
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_normal_ordered_form():
    a = BosonOp("a")

    c = FermionOp("c")

    assert normal_ordered_form(Dagger(a) * a) == Dagger(a) * a
    assert normal_ordered_form(a * Dagger(a)) == 1 + Dagger(a) * a
    assert normal_ordered_form(a**2 * Dagger(a)) == 2 * a + Dagger(a) * a**2
    assert normal_ordered_form(a**3 * Dagger(a)) == 3 * a**2 + Dagger(a) * a**3

    assert normal_ordered_form(Dagger(c) * c) == Dagger(c) * c
    assert normal_ordered_form(c * Dagger(c)) == 1 - Dagger(c) * c
    assert normal_ordered_form(c**2 * Dagger(c)) == Dagger(c) * c**2
    assert normal_ordered_form(c**3 * Dagger(c)) == c**2 - Dagger(c) * c**3
Exemplo n.º 11
from sympy import symbols
from sympy.physics.quantum import AntiCommutator
from sympy.physics.quantum import Operator, Dagger
x, y = symbols('x,y')
A = Operator('A')
B = Operator('B')

ac = AntiCommutator(A, B)

#doit multiple the anti A*B + B*A
#define un autre anti
ab = AntiCommutator(3 * x * A, x * y * B)
#Adjoint operations applied to the anticommutator are properly applied to the arguments:
aa = Dagger(AntiCommutator(A, B))
Exemplo n.º 12
def density_matrix(state):
    return state @ Dagger(state)
Exemplo n.º 13
# Construction of U
# Basis states
s0 = sp.Matrix([[1], [0]])
s1 = sp.Matrix([[0], [1]])
# s0 = Ket(0)
# s1 = Ket(1)
s00 = TensorProduct(s0, s0)
s01 = TensorProduct(s0, s1)
s10 = TensorProduct(s1, s0)
s11 = TensorProduct(s1, s1)

# Bell states
_sp = (s01 + s10) / sp.sqrt(2)  # (|01> + |10>)/√2
_sm = (s01 - s10) / sp.sqrt(2)  # (|01> - |10>)/√2

o0000 = TensorProduct(s00, Dagger(s00))
o1111 = TensorProduct(s11, Dagger(s11))
opp = TensorProduct(_sp, Dagger(_sp))
omm = TensorProduct(_sm, Dagger(_sm))
I = sp.I

def U00(t):
    return sp.Matrix(
        [[1, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, (sp.exp(-I * t) + 1) / 2, (sp.exp(-I * t) - 1) / 2, 0],
         [0, (sp.exp(-I * t) - 1) / 2, (sp.exp(-I * t) + 1) / 2, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, sp.exp(-I * t)]])

def U11(t):
Exemplo n.º 14
eigenvectors_tp = np.transpose(np.array(eigenvectors))
N = int(2 * J + 1)
N_sq = N * N

#To calculate the reduced density matrix of the system (C_Dagger * C)
for vector in eigenvectors_tp:
    C = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.complex64)
    dummy_index = 0

    for i in range(N_sq):
        C[dummy_index][i % N] = vector[i]
        if i % N == N - 1:
            dummy_index = dummy_index + 1

    C = np.matrix(C)
    DensityMatrix1 = C * Dagger(C)
    Lambda = eigvalsh(DensityMatrix1)
    Sv = 0.0
    for x in Lambda:
        if x > 0:
            Sv = Sv - x * np.log(x)


#plt.title('J=20, epsilon=5.0')
plt.axis([0, N_sq, -0.5, 4])
plt.plot(Sv_array, 'bo')
Exemplo n.º 15
s11 = s12*s21
s22 = s21*s12
s33 = s31*s13

delo,delm=sym.symbols('delta_o delta_mu', real=True)
#delao, delam =sym.symbols('delta_a_o delta_a_mu') #detunings between atom and cavity
gamma13,gamma23,gamma2d,gamma3d,nbath,gammamu=sym.symbols('gamma_13 gamma_23 gamma_2d gamma_3d n_b gamma_mu', real=True, negative=False) #energy decay for atom levels
Omega=sym.symbols('Omega', real=False, negative=False) #pump Rabi frequency
rho11, rho12, rho13, rho21, rho22, rho23, rho31, rho32, rho33=sym.symbols('rho_11 rho_12 rho_13 rho_21 rho_22 rho_23 rho_31 rho_32 rho_33') #Density matrix elements
a, b = sym.symbols('a b') #classical amplitudes of the optical and microwave fields
#ar,ai=sym.symbols('a_r a_i', real=True)
go, gm=sym.symbols('g_o, g_mu',real=False, negative=False) #coupling strengths for optical and microwave fields


L21 = gammamu*(nbath+1)*collapse(s12)
L12 = gammamu*nbath*collapse(s21)
L32 = gamma23*collapse(s23)
L31 = gamma13*collapse(s13)
L22 = gamma2d*collapse(s22)
L33 = gamma3d*collapse(s33)

L=LH + L21 + L12 + L32 + L31 + L22 + L33

#define the density matrix in square and row form
#the row form is so the Liovillian in matrix form can be acted on it
Exemplo n.º 16
from sympy import *
from sympy.physics.quantum import Dagger
x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t')
k, m, n = symbols('k m n', integer=True)
f, g, h = symbols('f g h', cls=Function)

from sympy import I, Matrix, symbols
from sympy.physics.quantum import TensorProduct
m1 = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
m2 = Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
TensorProduct(m1, m2)

A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
B = Symbol('B', commutative=False)
C = Symbol('C', commutative=False)
D = Symbol('D', commutative=False)

tp = TensorProduct(A, B)  #A⊗B

Dagger(tp)  #adjoint

l = TensorProduct(A + B, C)
#(A + B)xC
#AxC + BxC
e = TensorProduct(A, B) * TensorProduct(C, D)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _eval_rewrite_as_gg(self,a,t):
     return (1+I*hh_plus(a,t)-Dagger(gg_plus(a,a,t)))
Exemplo n.º 18
from sympy import *
from sympy.physics.quantum import TensorProduct
from sympy.physics.quantum import Dagger

subsystem_base = [Matrix([1, 0, 0]), Matrix([0, 1, 0]), Matrix([0, 0, 1])]

base = [None] * 9
for i in range(9):
    base[i] = [None] * 9

for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        base[i][j] = TensorProduct(subsystem_base[i], subsystem_base[j])

sigma = 1 / 3 * (TensorProduct(base[0][1], Dagger(base[0][1])) +
                 TensorProduct(base[1][2], Dagger(base[1][2])) +
                 TensorProduct(base[2][0], Dagger(base[2][0])))

v = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
            [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])

psi = 1 / sqrt(3) * (base[0][0] + base[1][1] + base[2][2])

alpha = Symbol("a")

rho = 2 / 7 * TensorProduct(
    psi, Dagger(psi)) + alpha / 7 * sigma + (5 - alpha) / 7 * v * sigma * v
Exemplo n.º 19
 def _eval_rewrite_as_gg(self,a,t):
     return (1-I*hh_minus(a,t)-Dagger(gg_minus(a,a,t)))
def test_normal_order():
    a = BosonOp('a')
    b = BosonOp('b')

    c = FermionOp('c')
    d = FermionOp('d')

    assert normal_order(a * Dagger(a)) == Dagger(a) * a
    assert normal_order(Dagger(a) * a) == Dagger(a) * a
    assert normal_order(a * Dagger(a)**2) == Dagger(a)**2 * a

    assert normal_order(c * Dagger(c)) == -Dagger(c) * c
    assert normal_order(Dagger(c) * c) == Dagger(c) * c
    assert normal_order(c * Dagger(c)**2) == Dagger(c)**2 * c
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _evaluate_second_order_rules(self):   
        Evaluates second order terms in terms of the line shape function 
        a = Wild('a')
        b = Wild('b')
        w = Wild('w')
        t1 = Wild('t1')
        t2 = Wild('t2')
        Combinations of hh
        hh_plus * hh_plus --->         
        hh_minus * hh_minus --->        
        hh_minus**2 --->         
        hh_plus * hh_minus --->         
        hh_minus * hh_plus --->        
        A = self.replace(w*hh_plus(a,t1)*hh_plus(b,t2), \
        A = A.replace(w*hh_plus(a,t1)**2,w*(gg(a,a,t1)+conjugate(gg(a,a,t1)))) 
        A = A.replace(w*hh_minus(a,t1)*hh_minus(b,t2), \
                         w*(conjugate(gg(b,a,t1)) \
        A = A.replace(w*hh_minus(a,t1)**2,w*(gg(a,a,t1)+conjugate(gg(a,a,t1))))       
        A = A.replace(w*hh_plus(a,t1)*hh_minus(b,t2), \
                         w*(-gg(a,b,t1) \
        A = A.replace(w*hh_minus(a,t1)*hh_plus(b,t2), \
                         w*(conjugate(-gg(b,a,t1) \
        Replacement rules for ggs

        First daggered ggs
        and that the normal ones
        gg_plus ---> gg 
        \hat{g}^{(-)}_{ab}(t) ---> g^{*}_{ab}(t)
        A = A.replace(w*Dagger(gg_plus(a,b,t1)),w*conjugate(gg(a,b,t1)))
        A = A.replace(w*Dagger(gg_minus(a,b,t1)),w*gg(a,b,t1))
        A = A.replace(w*gg_plus(a,b,t1),w*gg(a,b,t1))
        A = A.replace(w*gg_minus(a,b,t1),w*conjugate(gg(a,b,t1)))
        Replacement rules for dVs and their combinations with hh
        A = A.replace(w*dV(a,t1)*dV(b,t2),w*g2(a,b,t1-t2))
        A = A.replace(w*dV(a,t1)**2,w*g2(a,a,0))
        A = A.replace(w*dV(a,t1)*hh_plus(b,t2),w*(-g1(a,b,t1-t2)+g1(a,b,t1)))
        A = A.replace(w*dV(a,t1)*hh_minus(b,t2),w*(g1(a,b,t1+t2)-g1(a,b,t1)))
        A = A.replace(w*hh_plus(a,t1)*dV(b,t2), \
        A = A.replace(w*hh_minus(a,t1)*dV(b,t2),
        #A = A.replace(w*hh_plus(a,t1)*dV(b,t2), \
        #              w*(g1(a,b,t1-t2)-conjugate(g1(a,b,t2))))
        #A = A.replace(w*hh_minus(a,t1)*dV(b,t2),
        #              w*conjugate(g1(a,b,t1+t2)-g1(a,b,t2)))        
        return A
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_hermitian_ZGate():
    z = ZGate(1, 2)
    z_dagger = Dagger(z)

    assert (z == z_dagger)
Exemplo n.º 23
def lindblad_dissipator(a, rho):
    Lindblad dissipator
    return (a * rho * Dagger(a) - rho * Dagger(a) * a / 2 -
            Dagger(a) * a * rho / 2)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_unitary_YGate():
    y = YGate(1, 2)
    y_dagger = Dagger(y)

    assert (y * y_dagger == 1)
Exemplo n.º 25
def operator_lindblad_dissipator(a, rho):
    Lindblad operator dissipator
    return (Dagger(a) * rho * a - rho * Dagger(a) * a / 2 -
            Dagger(a) * a * rho / 2)
    negative=False)  #energy decay for atom levels
Omega = sym.symbols('Omega', real=False, negative=False)  #pump Rabi frequency
rho11, rho12, rho13, rho21, rho22, rho23, rho31, rho32, rho33 = sym.symbols(
    'rho_11 rho_12 rho_13 rho_21 rho_22 rho_23 rho_31 rho_32 rho_33'
)  #Density matrix elements
a, b = sym.symbols(
    'a b')  #classical amplitudes of the optical and microwave fields
#ar,ai=sym.symbols('a_r a_i', real=True)
go, gm = sym.symbols(
    'g_o, g_mu', real=False,
    negative=False)  #coupling strengths for optical and microwave fields
lam = sym.symbols('lambda')

H_sys = Omega * s32 + gm * s21 * b + go * s31 * a
H_sys = H_sys + Dagger(H_sys)
H_sys = H_sys + (delao - delo) * s33 + (delam - delm) * s22

LH = -I * spre(H_sys) + I * spost(H_sys)
L21 = gammamu * (nbath + 1) * collapse(s12)
L12 = gammamu * nbath * collapse(s21)
L32 = gamma23 * collapse(s23)
L31 = gamma13 * collapse(s13)
L22 = gamma2d * collapse(s22)
L33 = gamma3d * collapse(s33)

L = LH + L21 + L12 + L32 + L31 + L22 + L33

L = L.row_insert(0, Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]]))
Exemplo n.º 27
from sympy.physics.quantum import Commutator, Dagger, Operator
from import x, y

A = Operator('A')
B = Operator('B')
C = Operator('C')
comm = Commutator(A, B)

#A*B - B*A
comm = Commutator(B, A)
Commutator(3 * x * A, x * y * B)
Commutator(A + B, C).expand(commutator=True)
#[A,C] + [B,C]
Commutator(A, B + C).expand(commutator=True)
#[A,B] + [A,C]
Commutator(A * B, C).expand(commutator=True)
#[A,C]*B + A*[B,C]
Commutator(A, B * C).expand(commutator=True)
#[A,B]*C + B*[A,C]
Dagger(Commutator(A, B))
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_hermitian_XGate():
    x = XGate(1, 2)
    x_dagger = Dagger(x)

    assert (x == x_dagger)
Exemplo n.º 29
def nested_commutator_cc(nested_level,
    Compute the BCH nested commutator in coupled cluster theory.
    :param nested_level: the level of nested commutator
    :param cluster_levels: a list of integers for cluster operator, e.g., [1,2,3] for T1 + T2 + T3
    :param max_cu: max value of cumulant allowed for contraction
    :param max_n_open: the max number of open indices for contractions kept for return
    :param min_n_open: the min number of open indices for contractions kept for return
    :param for_commutator: compute only non-zero terms for commutators if True
    :param expand_hole: expand HoleDensity to Kronecker minus Cumulant if True
    :param single_reference: use single-reference amplitudes if True
    :param unitary: use unitary formalism if True
    :param n_process: number of processes launched for tensor canonicalization
    :param hermitian_tensor: assume tensors being Hermitian if True
    :return: a list of contracted canonicalized Term objects
    if not isinstance(nested_level, int):
        raise ValueError("Invalid nested_level (must be an integer)")
    if not isinstance(cluster_levels, Iterable):
        raise ValueError("Invalid type for cluster_operator")
    if not all(isinstance(t, int) for t in cluster_levels):
        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid content in cluster_operator (must be all integers)")

    scale_factor = 1.0 / factorial(nested_level)
    out = []

    hole_label = 'c' if single_reference else 'h'
    particle_label = 'v' if single_reference else 'p'

    # symbolic evaluate nested commutator
    t = sum(Operator(f'T{i}') for i in cluster_levels)
    h = HermitianOperator('H1') + HermitianOperator('H2')
    a = t - Dagger(t) if unitary else t

    for term in sympy_nested_commutator_recursive(nested_level, h,
        coeff, tensors = term.as_coeff_mul()
        factor = scale_factor * int(coeff)

        tensor_names = []
        for tensor in tensors:
            if isinstance(tensor, Pow):
                if isinstance(tensor.base, Dagger):
                    tensor_names += ['X' + str(tensor.base.args[0])[1:]] * int(
                    tensor_names += [str(tensor.base)] * int(tensor.exp)
                if isinstance(tensor, Dagger):
                    tensor_names.append('X' + str(tensor.args[0])[1:])

        list_of_terms = []
        start = 0
        for name in tensor_names:
            real_name, n_body = name[0], int(name[1:])
            if real_name == 'T' or real_name == 'X':
                                     excitation=(real_name == 'T'),
                start += n_body

        out += contract_terms(list_of_terms, max_cu, max_n_open, min_n_open,
                              factor, for_commutator, expand_hole, n_process,

    return combine_terms(out)