Exemplo n.º 1
def test_clebsch_gordan3():
    j_1 = S(3)/2
    j_2 = S(3)/2
    m = S(3)
    j = S(3)
    m_1 = S(3)/2
    m_2 = S(3)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(3)/2
    j_2 = S(3)/2
    m = S(2)
    j = S(2)
    m_1 = S(3)/2
    m_2 = S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1/sqrt(2)

    j_1 = S(3)/2
    j_2 = S(3)/2
    m = S(2)
    j = S(3)
    m_1 = S(3)/2
    m_2 = S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1/sqrt(2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_clebsch_gordan4():
    j_1 = S(2)
    j_2 = S(2)
    m = S(4)
    j = S(4)
    m_1 = S(2)
    m_2 = S(2)
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(2)
    j_2 = S(2)
    m = S(3)
    j = S(3)
    m_1 = S(2)
    m_2 = 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1/sqrt(2)

    j_1 = S(2)
    j_2 = S(2)
    m = S(2)
    j = S(3)
    m_1 = 1
    m_2 = 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 0
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_clebsch_gordan5():
    j_1 = S(5)/2
    j_2 = S(1)
    m = S(7)/2
    j = S(7)/2
    m_1 = S(5)/2
    m_2 = 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(5)/2
    j_2 = S(1)
    m = S(5)/2
    j = S(5)/2
    m_1 = S(5)/2
    m_2 = 0
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(5)/sqrt(7)

    j_1 = S(5)/2
    j_2 = S(1)
    m = S(3)/2
    j = S(3)/2
    m_1 = S(1)/2
    m_2 = 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1/sqrt(15)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def AME(self, state1, state2, p):
   l1, j1, m1 = state1.angular_momentum()
   l2, j2, m2 = state2.angular_momentum()
   res =(-1)**int(j1+l2-0.5)*sqrt((2*j1+1)*(2*l1+1))
   res *= clebsch_gordan(j1, 1, j2, m1, p, m2)
   res *= clebsch_gordan(l1, 1, l2, 0, 0, 0)
   res *= wigner_6j(l1,0.5,j1,j2,1,l2)
   return res
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_clebsch_gordan_docs():
    assert clebsch_gordan(S(3) / 2, S(1) / 2, 2, S(3) / 2, S(1) / 2, 2) == 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(S(3) / 2,
                          S(1) / 2, 1,
                          S(3) / 2, -S(1) / 2, 1) == sqrt(3) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(S(3) / 2,
                          S(1) / 2, 1, -S(1) / 2,
                          S(1) / 2, 0) == -sqrt(2) / 2
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_matrix_element(self, a, b, c, d):
        Compute the J^2 operator in a two-body M-scheme basis.
        Calculation is done by expanding the bra and the ket (given in M-scheme basis) in coupled J basis in the following manner.
        <a,b|J^2|c,d> = \sum_J <J_a,M_a,J_b,M_b|Jtot,M_a+M_b>*<J_c,M_c,J_d,M_d|Jtot,M_c+M_d>*<(J_a,J_b)Jtot|J^2|(J_c,J_d)Jtot>
                      = \sum_J <J_a,M_a,J_b,M_b|Jtot,M_a+M_b>*<J_c,M_c,J_d,M_d|Jtot,M_c+M_d>*Jtot(Jtot+1).
        The sum is over J even only.
        :param a:
        :param b:
        :param c:
        :param d:
        if ((not comp_shell(a, c)) or (not comp_shell(b, d))
                or (a.get_m_j() + b.get_m_j() != c.get_m_j() + d.get_m_j())):
            return 0

        min_jab = abs(a.get_j() - b.get_j())
        max_jab = a.get_j() + b.get_j()
        min_jcd = abs(c.get_j() - d.get_j())
        max_jcd = c.get_j() + d.get_j()
        pauli = False
        N = 1
        if (comp_shell(a, d) ^ comp_shell(b, c)):
            N = -1
        if comp_shell(a, b):
            pauli = True
            N *= sqrt(2)
        if comp_shell(c, d):
            pauli = True
            N *= sqrt(2)
        contrib = 0
        #if a == c and b == d:
        #    contrib-=a.get_j()*0.5*(a.get_j()*0.5+1)+b.get_j()*0.5*(b.get_j()*0.5+1)
        for J_tot in range(max(min_jab, min_jcd),
                           min(max_jab, max_jcd) + 1, 2):
            if pauli and (J_tot / 2) % 2 == 1:
            cg1 = clebsch_gordan(
                S(a.get_j()) / 2,
                S(b.get_j()) / 2,
                S(J_tot) / 2,
                S(a.get_m_j()) / 2,
                S(b.get_m_j()) / 2,
                S(a.get_m_j() + b.get_m_j()) / 2).evalf(15)
            cg2 = clebsch_gordan(
                S(c.get_j()) / 2,
                S(d.get_j()) / 2,
                S(J_tot) / 2,
                S(c.get_m_j()) / 2,
                S(d.get_m_j()) / 2,
                S(c.get_m_j() + d.get_m_j()) / 2).evalf(15)
            contrib += cg1 * cg2 * J_tot * 0.5 * (J_tot * 0.5 + 1)
        return contrib * N
Exemplo n.º 7
def zeeman_me_fs(B: float, b_pol: SphericalVector, lo: moment, j: moment,
                 mj: moment, jp: moment, mp: moment) -> float:
    Computes the matrix element between two states in the fine structure basis given a DC
    magnetic field.

    <a, lo, jp, mp | H_B | a, lo, j, mj>
    where H_B is the perturbing Hamiltonian due to the Zeeman effect and a abstracts away all other
    quantum numbers

        B : magnitude of the magnetic field perturbing the atoms. (T)
        b_pol : SphericalVector describing the direction of the magnetic field.
        lo : orbital angular momentum quantum number of the states. Integer or half-integer
        j : fine structure angular momentum quantum number of the un-primed state. Integer or
        mj : azimuthal angular momentum quantum number of the un-primed state. Integer or
        jp : fine structure angular momentum quantum number of the primed state. Integer or
        mp : azimuthal angular momentum quantum number of the primed state. Integer or half-integer

        Matrix element between the states provided. (J)
    s = 0
    for q in [-1, 0, 1]:
        for ms in [-1 / 2, 1 / 2]:
            ml = mj - ms
            if abs(ml) > lo:
            for msp in [-1 / 2, 1 / 2]:
                mlp = mp - msp
                if abs(mlp) > lo:
                # print(f"lo,j,mj,ml,ms,jp,mp,mlp,msp : {lo,j,mj,ml,ms,jp,mp,mlp,msp}")
                clgd = clebsch_gordan(lo, 1 / 2, jp, mlp, msp,
                                      mp) * clebsch_gordan(
                                          lo, 1 / 2, j, ml, ms, mj)
                # print(f"clgd : {clgd}")
                if ml != mlp:
                    s_cont = 0
                    s_cont = gs * np.sqrt(3) / 2 * clebsch_gordan(
                        1, 1 / 2, 1 / 2, q, ms, msp)
                if ms != msp:
                    l_cont = 0
                    l_cont = gl_cs * np.sqrt(lo * (lo + 1)) * clebsch_gordan(
                        1, lo, lo, q, ml, mlp)
                s += b_pol[-q] * clgd * (s_cont + l_cont) * (-1)**q
                # print(f"s : {s}")

    return B * mub * s
Exemplo n.º 8
def PseudoPotential(n,l,m):
	sumrange = np.linspace(-l,l,int(2*l)+1,endpoint=True)
	result = 0.0
	for m1 in sumrange:
		for m2 in sumrange:
			for m3 in sumrange:
				for m4 in sumrange:
					tmp = Kdelta(m1+m2,m3+m4)*Kdelta(m1+m2,2*l-m)
					#	tmp*=0.0
					result += tmp
	return result/math.sqrt(float(l-n))
Exemplo n.º 9
def diamagnetic_1o_fs(B, n, lo, j, mj):
    Computes the diamagnetic response of a state |n, lo, j, mj> to a magnetic field along the
    quantization axis.

    TODO: perform the numerical integral so this works for Cesium not Hydrogen
        B : Field strength of the perturbing magnetic field along the quantization axis (T)
        n : principle quantum number of the state
        lo : orbital angular momentum quantum number of the state. Integer or half-integer
        j : fine structure angular momentum quantum number of the state. Integer or half-integer
        mj : azimuthal angular quantum number of the state . Integer or half-integer

        Correction to the state's energy due to the diamagnetic term. (Hz)
    s = 0
    for ms in np.arange(-1 / 2, 1 / 2 + 1, 1):
        ml = mj - ms
        if abs(ml) > lo:
        clgd = clebsch_gordan(lo, 1 / 2, j, ml, ms, mj)**2
        dia = diamagnetic_1o(B, n, lo, ml)
        # print(dia / h)
        s += clgd * dia

    return s
Exemplo n.º 10
def filter_molecular_states(atom, state1, state2, mol_angmon, F_cut, R0, n1_range, n2_range):
  # save states as tuples first, then convert into State classes
  # since I doubt that the set stuff will work correctly with classes
  newStates = set()
  E0 = abs(consts.c*(TermEnergy(atom, state1)[0] + TermEnergy(atom, state2)[0])) # Hz
  for ang_states in mol_angmon:
    #print ang_states
    p = ang_states[0][-1] - state1.mj
    dl1 = state1.l - ang_states[0][0]
    dl2 = state2.l - ang_states[1][0]
    if (abs(p)<=1) and (abs(dl1)==1) and (abs(dl2)==1):   
      # rme database lookups
      l1b, j1b, mj1b = ang_states[0]
      l2b, j2b, mj2b = ang_states[1]
      # precalculate angular factors
      ang_factor = atom.AME(state1, State(0,l1b,j1b,mj1b), p)
      ang_factor *= atom.AME(state2, State(0,l2b,j2b,mj2b), -p)
      ang_factor *= clebsch_gordan(1,1,2,p,-p,0)
      # calculate threshold to add molecular state to the basis
      if ang_factor != 0:
        cut = abs(N(F_cut*R0**3/(ang_factor*atom.GHz_um3_factor*sqrt(6.0))))
        #print("cut: {}".format(cut))
        # now check all permutations of the n-levels in the range
        s1bs = [ [ (x[0],)+ang_states[0], x[1]] for x in atom.RMEs(state1,n1_range,l1b,j1b) ]
        s2bs = [ [ (x[0],)+ang_states[1], x[1]] for x in atom.RMEs(state2,n2_range,l2b,j2b) ]
        for ms in itertools.product(s1bs,s2bs):
          state1b = State(ms[0][0][0],ms[0][0][1],ms[0][0][2],ms[0][0][3])
          state2b = State(ms[1][0][0],ms[1][0][1],ms[1][0][2],ms[1][0][3])
          # check the energy first since its easier
          E = abs(consts.c*(TermEnergy(atom, state1b)[0] + TermEnergy(atom, state2b)[0])) # Hz
          if abs(ms[0][1]*ms[1][1]/((E-E0)*1e-9)) > cut:
            #print("E (GHz): {}".format((E-E0)*1e-9))
  return newStates
Exemplo n.º 11
def dump_cg(tjmax, use_sympy=False):
    name = "cg"
    if use_sympy:
        import sympy.physics.wigner as spw
        name = "sym" + name
    for write in dump_output(name, tjmax):
        for tj1, tm1, tj2, tm2, tj12, tm12 in iter_12tjms(tjmax):
            if use_sympy:
                z = spw.clebsch_gordan(
                    Fraction(tj1, 2),
                    Fraction(tj2, 2),
                    Fraction(tj12, 2),
                    Fraction(tm1, 2),
                    Fraction(tm2, 2),
                    Fraction(tm12, 2),
                    map(str, (
                    ))) + "\n")
                s, r = clebschgordansq(tj1, tm1, tj2, tm2, tj12, tm12)
                    map(str, (tj1, tm1, tj2, tm2, tj12, tm12, "{0}/{1}".format(
                        s * r.numerator, r.denominator)))) + "\n")
Exemplo n.º 12
def expected_JJ2b(mp_basis):
    if (len(mp_basis[0]) != 2):
        print "Expects a 2 body basis"
    mat = np.zeros((len(mp_basis), len(mp_basis)))
    for i, a in enumerate(mp_basis):
        min_jta = abs(a[0].get_j() - a[1].get_j())
        max_jta = a[0].get_j() + a[1].get_j()
        paulia = False
        Na = 1
        if comp_shell(a[0], a[1]):
            Na = sqrt(2)
            paulia = True
        for j, b in enumerate(mp_basis):
            min_jtb = abs(b[0].get_j() - b[1].get_j())
            max_jtb = b[0].get_j() + b[1].get_j()
            Nb = 1
            paulib = False
            if comp_shell(b[0], b[1]):
                Nb = sqrt(2)
                paulib = True
            if comp_shell(a[0], b[0]) and comp_shell(a[1], b[1]):
                for J_tot in range(max(min_jta, min_jtb),
                                   min(max_jta, max_jtb) + 1, 2):
                    if (paulia or paulib) and (J_tot / 2) % 2 == 0:
                    cg1 = clebsch_gordan(
                        S(a[0].get_j()) / 2,
                        S(a[1].get_j()) / 2,
                        S(J_tot) / 2,
                        S(a[0].get_m_j()) / 2,
                        S(a[1].get_m_j()) / 2,
                        S(a[0].get_m_j() + a[1].get_m_j()) / 2).evalf(15)
                    if (abs(cg1) < 1e-5):
                    cg2 = clebsch_gordan(
                        S(b[0].get_j()) / 2,
                        S(b[1].get_j()) / 2,
                        S(J_tot) / 2,
                        S(b[0].get_m_j()) / 2,
                        S(b[1].get_m_j()) / 2,
                        S(b[0].get_m_j() + b[1].get_m_j()) / 2).evalf(15)
                    if (abs(cg2) < 1e-5):
                    mat[i, j] += cg1 * cg2 * (J_tot * 0.5) * (
                        (J_tot) * 0.5 + 1) * Na * Nb
    return mat
Exemplo n.º 13
def stark_interaction_Wigner_3j(state_1, state_2, **kwargs):
    """ Stark interaction between two states.

        <n' l' S' J' MJ'| H_S |n l S J MJ>.
    field_angle = kwargs.get('field_angle', 0.0)
    if not np.mod(field_angle, 180.0) == 90.0:  # parallel fields
        field_orientation = 'parallel'
    elif not np.mod(field_angle, 180.0) == 0.0:  # perpendicular fields
        field_orientation = 'perpendicular'
        raise Exception('Arbitrary angles not yet supported!')

    delta_L = state_1.L - state_2.L
    delta_S = state_1.S - state_2.S
    delta_MJ = state_1.M - state_2.M
    # Projection of spin, cannot change
    if abs(delta_L) == 1 and delta_S == 0 and \
     ((field_orientation=='parallel'      and     delta_MJ  == 0) or \
      (field_orientation=='perpendicular' and abs(delta_MJ) == 1)):
        # For accumulating each element in the ML sum
        sum_ML = []
        # Loop through all combination of ML for each state
        for MS_1 in np.arange(-state_1.S, state_1.S + 1):
            for MS_2 in np.arange(-state_2.S, state_2.S + 1):
                delta_MS = MS_1 - MS_2
                # Change in projection of spin:  0, +/- 1
                if ((field_orientation=='parallel'      and abs(delta_MS) in [0]) or \
                    (field_orientation=='perpendicular' and abs(delta_MS) in [0,1])):
                    ML_1 = state_1.M - MS_1
                    ML_2 = state_2.M - MS_2
                    if (abs(ML_1) <= state_1.L) and (abs(ML_2) <= state_2.L):
                        _angular_overlap = angular_overlap(
                            state_1.L, state_2.L, ML_1, ML_2, **kwargs)
                        if _angular_overlap != 0.0:
                            sum_ML.append(float(clebsch_gordan(state_1.L, state_1.S, state_1.J,
                                          ML_1, state_1.M - ML_1, state_1.M)) * \
                                          float(clebsch_gordan(state_2.L, state_2.S, state_2.J,
                                          ML_2, state_2.M - ML_2, state_2.M)) * \

        # Stark interaction
        return np.sum(sum_ML) * radial_overlap(state_1.n_eff, state_1.L,
                                               state_2.n_eff, state_2.L)
        return 0.0
    def _interactionConstantsForCOM_Iteration(self):
        # no special internal c.o.m interaction constants for the Central ME
        factor = safe_racah(self.L_bra, self.L_ket, self._l, self._l_q, 2,
        if self.isNullValue(factor):
            return 0

        factor *= float(clebsch_gordan(self._l, 2, self._l_q, 0, 0, 0))

        return factor * np.sqrt(2 * self._l + 1)
Exemplo n.º 15
def safe_clebsch_gordan(j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3):
    :args   j1, j2, j3,   m1, m2, m3
    Calculates the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient
    < j1 m1, j2 m2 | j3 m3 >.
    Return float value for Zero Clebsh-Gordan coefficient, avoid Zero object
    return float(clebsch_gordan(j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3))
Exemplo n.º 16
def dipole_trans_oper(l1, l2):
    from sympy import N

    n1, n2 = 2 * l1 + 1, 2 * l2 + 1
    op = np.zeros((3, n1, n2), dtype=np.complex128)
    for i1, m1 in enumerate(range(-l1, l1 + 1)):
        for i2, m2 in enumerate(range(-l2, l2 + 1)):
            tmp1 = clebsch_gordan(l2, 1, l1, m2, -1, m1)
            tmp2 = clebsch_gordan(l2, 1, l1, m2, 1, m1)
            tmp3 = clebsch_gordan(l2, 1, l1, m2, 0, m1)
            tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 = N(tmp1), N(tmp2), N(tmp3)
            op[0, i1, i2] = (tmp1 - tmp2) * np.sqrt(2.0) / 2.0
            op[1, i1, i2] = (tmp1 + tmp2) * 1j * np.sqrt(2.0) / 2.0
            op[2, i1, i2] = tmp3
    op_spin = np.zeros((3, 2 * n1, 2 * n2), dtype=np.complex128)
    for i in range(3):
        op_spin[i, 0:2 * n1:2, 0:2 * n2:2] = op[i]
        op_spin[i, 1:2 * n1:2, 1:2 * n2:2] = op[i]

    return op_spin
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_clebsch_gordan1():
    j_1 = S.Half
    j_2 = S.Half
    m = 1
    j = 1
    m_1 = S.Half
    m_2 = S.Half
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S.Half
    j_2 = S.Half
    m = -1
    j = 1
    m_1 = Rational(-1, 2)
    m_2 = Rational(-1, 2)
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S.Half
    j_2 = S.Half
    m = 0
    j = 1
    m_1 = S.Half
    m_2 = S.Half
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 0

    j_1 = S.Half
    j_2 = S.Half
    m = 0
    j = 1
    m_1 = S.Half
    m_2 = Rational(-1, 2)
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2) / 2

    j_1 = S.Half
    j_2 = S.Half
    m = 0
    j = 0
    m_1 = S.Half
    m_2 = Rational(-1, 2)
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2) / 2

    j_1 = S.Half
    j_2 = S.Half
    m = 0
    j = 1
    m_1 = Rational(-1, 2)
    m_2 = S.Half
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2) / 2

    j_1 = S.Half
    j_2 = S.Half
    m = 0
    j = 0
    m_1 = Rational(-1, 2)
    m_2 = S.Half
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == -sqrt(2) / 2
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_clebsch_gordan1():
    j_1 = S(1)/2
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = 1
    j = 1
    m_1 = S(1)/2
    m_2 = S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(1)/2
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = -1
    j = 1
    m_1 = -S(1)/2
    m_2 = -S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(1)/2
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = 0
    j = 1
    m_1 = S(1)/2
    m_2 = S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 0

    j_1 = S(1)/2
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = 0
    j = 1
    m_1 = S(1)/2
    m_2 = -S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2)/2

    j_1 = S(1)/2
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = 0
    j = 0
    m_1 = S(1)/2
    m_2 = -S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2)/2

    j_1 = S(1)/2
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = 0
    j = 1
    m_1 = -S(1)/2
    m_2 = S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2)/2

    j_1 = S(1)/2
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = 0
    j = 0
    m_1 = -S(1)/2
    m_2 = S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == -sqrt(2)/2
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_clebsch_gordan1():
    j_1 = S(1) / 2
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = 1
    j = 1
    m_1 = S(1) / 2
    m_2 = S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(1) / 2
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = -1
    j = 1
    m_1 = -S(1) / 2
    m_2 = -S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(1) / 2
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = 0
    j = 1
    m_1 = S(1) / 2
    m_2 = S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 0

    j_1 = S(1) / 2
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = 0
    j = 1
    m_1 = S(1) / 2
    m_2 = -S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2) / 2

    j_1 = S(1) / 2
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = 0
    j = 0
    m_1 = S(1) / 2
    m_2 = -S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2) / 2

    j_1 = S(1) / 2
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = 0
    j = 1
    m_1 = -S(1) / 2
    m_2 = S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2) / 2

    j_1 = S(1) / 2
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = 0
    j = 0
    m_1 = -S(1) / 2
    m_2 = S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == -sqrt(2) / 2
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_clebsch_gordan2():
    j_1 = S(1)
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = S(3) / 2
    j = S(3) / 2
    m_1 = 1
    m_2 = S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(1)
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = S(1) / 2
    j = S(3) / 2
    m_1 = 1
    m_2 = -S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1 / sqrt(3)

    j_1 = S(1)
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = S(1) / 2
    j = S(1) / 2
    m_1 = 1
    m_2 = -S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2) / sqrt(3)

    j_1 = S(1)
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = S(1) / 2
    j = S(1) / 2
    m_1 = 0
    m_2 = S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == -1 / sqrt(3)

    j_1 = S(1)
    j_2 = S(1) / 2
    m = S(1) / 2
    j = S(3) / 2
    m_1 = 0
    m_2 = S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2) / sqrt(3)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_clebsch_gordan2():
    j_1 = S(1)
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = S(3)/2
    j = S(3)/2
    m_1 = 1
    m_2 = S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(1)
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = S(1)/2
    j = S(3)/2
    m_1 = 1
    m_2 = -S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1/sqrt(3)

    j_1 = S(1)
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = S(1)/2
    j = S(1)/2
    m_1 = 1
    m_2 = -S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2)/sqrt(3)

    j_1 = S(1)
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = S(1)/2
    j = S(1)/2
    m_1 = 0
    m_2 = S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == -1/sqrt(3)

    j_1 = S(1)
    j_2 = S(1)/2
    m = S(1)/2
    j = S(3)/2
    m_1 = 0
    m_2 = S(1)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(2)/sqrt(3)
Exemplo n.º 22
def dipole_rabi_frequency(
        electric_field: complex,
        q: SphericalVector,
        d_rme: complex,
        j: moment,
        m: moment,
        jp: moment,
        mp: moment,
) -> complex:
    Computes rabi frequency between two states zeeman states given electric field strength and
    the reduced dipole moment between them.

    Our two states can be described as |a,j,m> and |ap,jp,mp> where p represents primed states,
    and a/ap correspond to unaccounted for quantum numbers between the states.

    The returned value is given by the Wigner–Eckart theorem.

    rabi_frequency =
        electric_field/hb * c_a * clebsch_gordan(1, jp, j, q_a, mp, m) * d / sqrt(2*jp+1)

        hb = reduced planck constant, as provided in constants.py
        c_a = weight of polarization that is allowed for dipole coupling between m and mp
        q_a = polarization that is allowed for dipole coupling between m and mp
        clebsch_gordan = function from sympy.physics.wigner

        electric_field : electric field amplitude of the oscillating field coupling two states (V/m)
        q : length three list describing the relative polarization of the oscillating field in the
            spherical basis Components should be indexed [e_0, e_+1, e_-1].
        d_rme : reduced dipole matrix element between the states (Cm)
        j : angular momentum quantum number for initial state. Int or half-int.
        m : zeeman state quantum number for initial state. Int or half-int.
        jp : angular momentum quantum number for primed state. Int or half-int.
        mp : zeeman state quantum number for primed state. Int or half-int.

        rabi frequency coupling |a,j,m> and |ap,jp,mp> in Hz (assuming values passed in were in
            correct units)
    q_a = mp-m  # dipole allowed field polarization
    if abs(q_a) > 1:  # dipole only allows change of 1
        return 0

    # proportion of field in that polarization state
    c_a = q[int(q_a)]
    # print(f"m-mp:{q_a},polarization_array:{q},c_a:{c_a}")
    return N(
        electric_field / hb * c_a * clebsch_gordan(1, j, jp, q_a, m, mp) * d_rme / np.sqrt(2 * jp
                                                                                          + 1)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def compute_s(self, shell):
        shell = shell.copy()
        shell.m_j = 1 / 2
        in_states = self.nucleus1.get_eigenstates()
        out_states = self.nucleus2.get_eigenstates()
        in_j = self.nucleus1.get_total_j()
        out_j = self.nucleus2.get_total_j()
        in_basis = self.nucleus1.get_m_scheme_basis()
        out_basis = self.nucleus2.get_m_scheme_basis()
        # Enough to compute it for m = 1/2 and then use Wigner-Eckart
        # Therefore the code now determines which states contains shell
        filtered_in_basis = [
            (list(out_basis).index(np.array([s for s in state if s != shell])),
             i, list(state).index(shell))
            for i, state in enumerate(np.transpose(in_basis)) if shell in state
        print("filtered_in_basis = {}".format(filtered_in_basis))

        print in_basis

        #for i in xrange(len(in_basis)):
        #    if shell in in_basis(

        specs = []
        #for i,inv in enumerate(in_states):
        i = 0
        inv = in_states[:, 0]
        cur_specs = []
        for j in xrange(len(out_states)):
            outv = out_states[:, j]
            print "|{1}-{2}|<={0}<={1}+{2}".format(shell.get_j() / 2.0,
                                                   in_j[i], out_j[j])
            if shell.get_j() <= 2 * abs(in_j[i] - out_j[j]) or shell.get_j(
            ) >= 2 * (in_j[i] + out_j[j]):
            Sm = np.sum(
                    outv[comp[0]] * inv[comp[1]] * ((-1)**comp[2])
                    for comp in filtered_in_basis
            print "Sm = {}".format(Sm)
            cur_specs.append((Sm / (clebsch_gordan(
                S(int(2 * out_j[j])) / 2,
                S(shell.get_j()) / 2,
                S(int(2 * in_j[i])) / 2,
                S(self.nucleus2.get_m()) / 2,
                S(shell.get_m_j()) / 2,
                S(self.nucleus1.get_m()) / 2).evalf(10)))**2)
        return specs
Exemplo n.º 24
def hf_zeeman(states, gJ, gI, Bz=None, units='Joules'):
    """ Return Zeeman Hamiltonian in hyperfine basis |L J I F mF>. Assumes the 
        field is along the z axis, i.e. q = 0.

        'states': list-like, pair of quantum states given by [I,J,F,mF,FF,mFF]
        If Bz is none initially, the sympy free_symbol is the magnetic dipole energy,
        uB*B, not just B. 
        'units': 'Joules' (default), 'eV', 'UB' (units of the magnetic dipole 
        From Mark's notes for the general hf Zeeman matrix elements. Units
        are determined by UB. Could implement decorator function to change

    ## TODO: build in better unit functionality or remove option to choose units

    I, J, F, mF, FF, mFF = states
    q = 0  # assume B = Bz for now

    elem = 0
    if mF == mFF:  # q=0 => selection rule mF = mF'
        elem += N(clebsch_gordan(F,1,FF,mF,q,mFF) \
                *sqrt(2*F+1)*(-1)**(1+J+I) \
                *(gJ*(-1)**F*sqrt(J*(J+1)*(2*J+1)) \
                *wigner_6j(J,I,F,FF,1,J) \
                +gI*(-1)**FF*sqrt(I*(I+1)*(2*I+1)) \
        # N() is used to ensure diagnolization doesn't get tripped up

    if Bz is not None:
        elem *= uB * Bz  # hmm check the sign
        if units == 'Joules':
            return elem
        elif units == 'eV':
            return JToeV(elem)
        elif units == 'GHz':
            return eVToGHz(JToeV(elem))
            print(f"invalid unit [{units}] for non-zero Bz. Result in 'J'.")
            return elem
        if units == 'UB':
            return elem
            UB = symbols('U_B')  # symbolic B field P.E. for now
            elem *= UB
            return elem
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_clebsch_gordan3():
    j_1 = S(3) / 2
    j_2 = S(3) / 2
    m = S(3)
    j = S(3)
    m_1 = S(3) / 2
    m_2 = S(3) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(3) / 2
    j_2 = S(3) / 2
    m = S(2)
    j = S(2)
    m_1 = S(3) / 2
    m_2 = S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1 / sqrt(2)

    j_1 = S(3) / 2
    j_2 = S(3) / 2
    m = S(2)
    j = S(3)
    m_1 = S(3) / 2
    m_2 = S(1) / 2
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1 / sqrt(2)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_clebsch_gordan5():
    j_1 = S(5) / 2
    j_2 = S(1)
    m = S(7) / 2
    j = S(7) / 2
    m_1 = S(5) / 2
    m_2 = 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(5) / 2
    j_2 = S(1)
    m = S(5) / 2
    j = S(5) / 2
    m_1 = S(5) / 2
    m_2 = 0
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(5) / sqrt(7)

    j_1 = S(5) / 2
    j_2 = S(1)
    m = S(3) / 2
    j = S(3) / 2
    m_1 = S(1) / 2
    m_2 = 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1 / sqrt(15)
Exemplo n.º 27
def diamagnetic_1o(Bz: float, n: int, lo: moment, m: moment) -> float:
    Computes the diamagnetic response of an atom to a magnetic field along the quantization axis, to
    first order.

    TODO: perform the numerical integral so this works for Cesium not Hydrogen
        Bz : Magnetic field strength perturbing the atom, along the quantization axis
        n : principle quantum number
        lo : orbital angular momentum quantum number of the state. Should be an integer or
        m : azimuthal angular momentum quantum number of the state. Should be an integer or

        <H_diamag> : diagonal matrix element of the diamagnetic response of an atom to a magnetic
            field. (J)
    rsq = n**2 * (5 * n**2 + 1 - 3 * lo *
                  (lo + 1)) / 2  # True for hydrogen, need cs function
    sn_lm = 2 / 3 * (1 - clebsch_gordan(lo, 2, lo, 0, 0, 0) *
                     clebsch_gordan(lo, 2, lo, m, 0, m))

    return (mub * Bz)**2 / (Eh * 4) * rsq * sn_lm
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_clebsch_gordan5():
    j_1 = Rational(5, 2)
    j_2 = S.One
    m = Rational(7, 2)
    j = Rational(7, 2)
    m_1 = Rational(5, 2)
    m_2 = 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = Rational(5, 2)
    j_2 = S.One
    m = Rational(5, 2)
    j = Rational(5, 2)
    m_1 = Rational(5, 2)
    m_2 = 0
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == sqrt(5) / sqrt(7)

    j_1 = Rational(5, 2)
    j_2 = S.One
    m = Rational(3, 2)
    j = Rational(3, 2)
    m_1 = S.Half
    m_2 = 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1 / sqrt(15)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_clebsch_gordan3():
    j_1 = Rational(3, 2)
    j_2 = Rational(3, 2)
    m = S(3)
    j = S(3)
    m_1 = Rational(3, 2)
    m_2 = Rational(3, 2)
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = Rational(3, 2)
    j_2 = Rational(3, 2)
    m = S(2)
    j = S(2)
    m_1 = Rational(3, 2)
    m_2 = S.Half
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1 / sqrt(2)

    j_1 = Rational(3, 2)
    j_2 = Rational(3, 2)
    m = S(2)
    j = S(3)
    m_1 = Rational(3, 2)
    m_2 = S.Half
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1 / sqrt(2)
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_clebsch_gordan4():
    j_1 = S(2)
    j_2 = S(2)
    m = S(4)
    j = S(4)
    m_1 = S(2)
    m_2 = S(2)
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1

    j_1 = S(2)
    j_2 = S(2)
    m = S(3)
    j = S(3)
    m_1 = S(2)
    m_2 = 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 1 / sqrt(2)

    j_1 = S(2)
    j_2 = S(2)
    m = S(2)
    j = S(3)
    m_1 = 1
    m_2 = 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(j_1, j_2, j, m_1, m_2, m) == 0
Exemplo n.º 31
def quadrupole_rabi_frequency(
        electric_field: complex,
        frequency: float,
        q_ar: SphericalVector,
        k_ar: SphericalVector,
        q_rme: complex,
        j: moment,
        m: moment,
        jp: moment,
        mp: moment
) -> complex:
    Computes the rabi frequency between two zeeman states given the electric field strength, reduced
    quadrupole moment between them, the field polarization, and the field k-vector polarization.

    The two zeeman states can be denoted as |a, j, m> and |ap, jp, mp>, where p denotes primed
    states, and a/ap abstract away all unaccounted for quantum numbers that describe the states.

        electric_field : electric field amplitude of the oscillating field coupling two states (V/m)
        frequency : radial oscillation frequency of the field coupling the two states (Hz)
        q_ar : length three list describing the relative polarization of the oscillating field in
            the spherical basis. Components should be indexed [e_0, e_+1, e_-1].
        k_ar : length three list describing the relative polarizatio of the oscillating field's
            k-vector in the spherical basis. Components should be indexed [e_0, e_+1, e_-1]
        q_rme : reduced quadrupole matrix element between the states (Cm^2)
        j : angular momentum quantum number for initial state. Int or half-int.
        m : zeeman state quantum number for initial state. Int or half-int.
        jp : angular momentum quantum number for primed state. Int or half-int.
        mp : zeeman state quantum number for primed state. Int or half-int.


    def m_q(qs: SphericalVector, ks: SphericalVector, q: int) -> float:
        ret = 0
        for moo in range(-1, 2):  # supposed to be $\mu$
            for nuu in range(-1, 2):  # supposed to be $\nu$
                ret += clebsch_gordan(1, 1, 2, moo, nuu, -q)*ks[moo]*qs[nuu]
        return (-1)**q * np.sqrt(10) * ret
    pre = 1j * k_mag(frequency*2*pi) * electric_field * q_rme / (hb * np.sqrt(2 * jp + 1))
    # print(pre)
    # print(electric_field)
    # print(f"f = {frequency*1e-12}THz")
    # print(f"k = {k_mag(frequency*2*pi)}m^-1")

    m_sum = sum([m_q(q_ar, k_ar, q)*clebsch_gordan(2, j, jp, q, m, mp) for q in range(-2, 3)])
    return complex(N(pre * m_sum))
Exemplo n.º 32
def filter_molecular_states(atom, state1, state2, mol_angmon, F_cut, R0,
                            n1_range, n2_range):
    # save states as tuples first, then convert into State classes
    # since I doubt that the set stuff will work correctly with classes
    newStates = set()
    E0 = abs(consts.c *
             (TermEnergy(atom, state1)[0] + TermEnergy(atom, state2)[0]))  # Hz
    for ang_states in mol_angmon:
        #print ang_states
        p = ang_states[0][-1] - state1.mj
        dl1 = state1.l - ang_states[0][0]
        dl2 = state2.l - ang_states[1][0]
        if (abs(p) <= 1) and (abs(dl1) == 1) and (abs(dl2) == 1):
            # rme database lookups
            l1b, j1b, mj1b = ang_states[0]
            l2b, j2b, mj2b = ang_states[1]
            # precalculate angular factors
            ang_factor = atom.AME(state1, State(0, l1b, j1b, mj1b), p)
            ang_factor *= atom.AME(state2, State(0, l2b, j2b, mj2b), -p)
            ang_factor *= clebsch_gordan(1, 1, 2, p, -p, 0)
            # calculate threshold to add molecular state to the basis
            if ang_factor != 0:
                cut = abs(
                    N(F_cut * R0**3 /
                      (ang_factor * atom.GHz_um3_factor * sqrt(6.0))))
                #print("cut: {}".format(cut))
                # now check all permutations of the n-levels in the range
                s1bs = [[(x[0], ) + ang_states[0], x[1]]
                        for x in atom.RMEs(state1, n1_range, l1b, j1b)]
                s2bs = [[(x[0], ) + ang_states[1], x[1]]
                        for x in atom.RMEs(state2, n2_range, l2b, j2b)]
                for ms in itertools.product(s1bs, s2bs):
                    state1b = State(ms[0][0][0], ms[0][0][1], ms[0][0][2],
                    state2b = State(ms[1][0][0], ms[1][0][1], ms[1][0][2],
                    # check the energy first since its easier
                    E = abs(consts.c * (TermEnergy(atom, state1b)[0] +
                                        TermEnergy(atom, state2b)[0]))  # Hz

                    if abs(ms[0][1] * ms[1][1] / ((E - E0) * 1e-9)) > cut:
                        #print("E (GHz): {}".format((E-E0)*1e-9))
                        newStates.add((ms[0][0], ms[1][0]))
    return newStates
Exemplo n.º 33
def hf_coupling(F, mF, J, q, FF, mFF, JJ, I, RME=None):
    """ Returns the matrix element <F,mF,J|T_q|F',mF',J'>. 
        'RME': the reduced matrix element, e.g. the D2 line matrix
        element. If RME=None, the 
        matrix element is in units of [RME].
        I is the nuclear spin of the atom.

    rme = 1
    if RME != None:
        rme = RME

    ## From Mark's notes, eqs. A-50,51
    mat_elem = rme*pow(-1,F+JJ+1+I)*sqrt((2*F+1)*(2*JJ+1)) \
                *wigner_6j(J,I,F,FF,1,JJ) \

    return mat_elem
Exemplo n.º 34
def F(k, jf, l1, l2, ji):

    verbose = False
    # cg_coeff_homebrew = float(clebsch_gordan(l1, 1, l2, -1, k, 0)) # works, but takes arguments in different order compared to the sympy version
    cg_coeff = float(wg.clebsch_gordan(l1, l2, k, 1, -1, 0))
    if cg_coeff == 0:
        return 0

    w = float(wg.racah(ji, ji, l1, l2, k, jf))
    # w = racah_w(ji, ji, l1, l2, k, jf) # returning strange values

    if w == 0:
        return 0

    if verbose:
        print(f'GC: {cg_coeff} W: {w}')

    return pow(
        (-1), (jf - ji - 1)) * (pow((2 * l1 + 1) * (2 * l2 + 1) * (2 * ji + 1),
                                    (1.0 / 2.0))) * cg_coeff * w
Exemplo n.º 35
def hf_coupling(F, mF, J, q, FF, mFF, JJ, I):
    Returns the constant relating matrix element <J,mJ|T_q|J',mJ'> to the 
    reduced fine structure matrix element. 
        I is the nuclear spin of the atom.
        ## From Mark's notes, eqs. A-50,51. Also see Steck Rb datasheet.
        mat_elem = rme*pow(-1,F+JJ+1+I)*sqrt((2*F+1)*(2*JJ+1)) \
                   *wigner_6j(J,I,F,FF,1,JJ) \

    ## From Mark's notes, eqs. A-50,51
    coupling = pow(-1,F+JJ+1+I)*sqrt((2*F+1)*(2*JJ+1)) \
                *wigner_6j(J,I,F,FF,1,JJ) \

    return coupling
Exemplo n.º 36
  def c3(self, stateI1, stateI2, stateF1, stateF2):
    # electric dipole transitions
    #print stateI1
    #print stateI2
    if(abs(stateI1.l-stateF1.l) != 1):
      #print(1,stateI1, stateF1, stateI1.l, stateF1.l)
      return 0
    if(abs(stateI2.l-stateF2.l) != 1):
      #print(2,stateI2, stateF2, stateI2.l, stateF2.l)
      return 0

    p = stateF1.mj - stateI1.mj # -1,0,+1
    if abs(p)>1:
      return 0
    if stateI2.mj - stateF2.mj != p: # dmj = 0
      return 0

    a = self.AME(stateI1, stateF1, p)*self.RME(stateI1, stateF1)[0]
    b = self.AME(stateI2, stateF2, -p)*self.RME(stateI2, stateF2)[0]
    c = clebsch_gordan(1,1,2,p,-p,0)
    return [N(-self.GHz_um3_factor*sqrt(6)*c*a*b), 'GHz/um**3', None]
Exemplo n.º 37
def dump_cg(tjmax, use_sympy=False):
    name = "cg"
    if use_sympy:
        import sympy.physics.wigner as spw
        name = "sym" + name
    for write in dump_output(name, tjmax):
        for tj1, tm1, tj2, tm2, tj12, tm12 in iter_12tjms(tjmax):
            if use_sympy:
                z = spw.clebsch_gordan(
                    Fraction(tj1, 2), Fraction(tj2, 2), Fraction(tj12, 2),
                    Fraction(tm1, 2), Fraction(tm2, 2), Fraction(tm12, 2),
                write("\t".join(map(str, (
                    tj1, tm1, tj2, tm2, tj12, tm12, show_signedsqrtfrac(z),
                ))) + "\n")
                s, r = clebschgordansq(tj1, tm1, tj2, tm2, tj12, tm12)
                write("\t".join(map(str, (
                    tj1, tm1, tj2, tm2, tj12, tm12,
                    "{0}/{1}".format(s * r.numerator, r.denominator)
                ))) + "\n")
Exemplo n.º 38
    def c3(self, stateI1, stateI2, stateF1, stateF2):
        # electric dipole transitions
        #print stateI1
        #print stateI2
        if (abs(stateI1.l - stateF1.l) != 1):
            #print(1,stateI1, stateF1, stateI1.l, stateF1.l)
            return 0
        if (abs(stateI2.l - stateF2.l) != 1):
            #print(2,stateI2, stateF2, stateI2.l, stateF2.l)
            return 0

        p = stateF1.mj - stateI1.mj  # -1,0,+1
        if abs(p) > 1:
            return 0
        if stateI2.mj - stateF2.mj != p:  # dmj = 0
            return 0

        a = self.AME(stateI1, stateF1, p) * self.RME(stateI1, stateF1)[0]
        b = self.AME(stateI2, stateF2, -p) * self.RME(stateI2, stateF2)[0]
        c = clebsch_gordan(1, 1, 2, p, -p, 0)
        return [
            N(-self.GHz_um3_factor * sqrt(6) * c * a * b), 'GHz/um**3', None
Exemplo n.º 39
def f_coupling(L, J, mJ, q, LL, JJ, mJJ, I):
    Returns the constant relating matrix element <J,mJ|T_q|J',mJ'> to the 
    reduced fine structure matrix element. 
        'RME': the reduced matrix element <alpha;J||r||alpha'J'> with alpha 
        including quantum numbers not relevant to the coupling, e.g. n. 
        If RME=None, the matrix element is in units of [RME].
        I is the nuclear spin of the atom.
        ## From Mark's notes, eqs. A-50,51. Also see Steck Rb datasheet.
        mat_elem = rme*pow(-1,F+JJ+1+I)*sqrt((2*F+1)*(2*JJ+1)) \
                   *wigner_6j(J,I,F,FF,1,JJ) \

    ## From Mark's notes, eqs. A-50,51
    mat_elem = clebsch_gordan(1, J, JJ, q, mJ, mJJ)

    return mat_elem
Exemplo n.º 40
 def cg(*args):
     return float(wigner.clebsch_gordan(*args))
Exemplo n.º 41
Arquivo: cg.py Projeto: lazovich/sympy
 def doit(self, **hints):
     if self.is_symbolic:
         raise ValueError("Coefficients must be numerical")
     return clebsch_gordan(self.j1,self.j2, self.j3, self.m1, self.m2, self.m3)
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_clebsch_gordan_docs():
    assert clebsch_gordan(S(3)/2, S(1)/2, 2, S(3)/2, S(1)/2, 2) == 1
    assert clebsch_gordan(S(3)/2, S(1)/2, 1, S(3)/2, -S(1)/2, 1) == sqrt(3)/2
    assert clebsch_gordan(S(3)/2, S(1)/2, 1, -S(1)/2, S(1)/2, 0) == -sqrt(2)/2