Exemplo n.º 1
def test_latex_sum():
    assert latex(Sum(x*y**2, (x, -2, 2), (y, -5, 5))) == \
        r"\sum_{\substack{-2 \leq x \leq 2\\-5 \leq y \leq 5}} x y^{2}"
    assert latex(Sum(x**2, (x, -2, 2))) == \
        r"\sum_{x=-2}^{2} x^{2}"
    assert latex(Sum(x**2 + y, (x, -2, 2))) == \
        r"\sum_{x=-2}^{2} \left(x^{2} + y\right)"
    def _repr_html_(self, include_terms_cache=True, doit=True):
        Jupyter notebook integration for pretty printing

        Taken from: http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/integrating.html

        def subscripts_of(key):
            with bind_Mul_indexed(key, self.indexed) as (_, subscripts):
                return tuple(subscripts)

        substitutions = dict(zip(self.index, itertools.repeat(0)))
        keys_with_integral_subscripts = {k.subs(substitutions):k for k in self.terms_cache}
        integral_subscrips = {subscripts_of(k):k for k in keys_with_integral_subscripts}
        sorted_subscripts = sorted(integral_subscrips.keys())
        ordered_terms_cache = [Eq(symbolic_key, self.terms_cache[symbolic_key]) 
                                for k in sorted_subscripts
                                for symbolic_key in [keys_with_integral_subscripts[integral_subscrips[k]]]]

        src = r'$\left(\Theta, \Gamma\right)_{{{index}}}^{{{sym}}}$ where: <br><ul>{Theta}{Gamma}</ul>'.format(
            index=','.join(map(latex, self.index)),
            Theta=r'<li>$\Theta = \left\{{ {rec_eqs} \right\}}$</li>'.format(
                rec_eqs=latex(self.recurrence_eq.doit() if doit else self.recurrence_eq)),
            Gamma=r'<li>$\Gamma = \left\{{\begin{{array}}{{c}}{terms_cache}\end{{array}}\right\}}$</li>'.format(
                terms_cache=r'\\'.join(map(latex, ordered_terms_cache))))

        return src
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_latex_intervals():
    a = Symbol('a', real=True)
    assert latex(Interval(0, a)) == r"\left[0, a\right]"
    assert latex(Interval(0, a, False, False)) == r"\left[0, a\right]"
    assert latex(Interval(0, a, True, False)) == r"\left(0, a\right]"
    assert latex(Interval(0, a, False, True)) == r"\left[0, a\right)"
    assert latex(Interval(0, a, True, True)) == r"\left(0, a\right)"
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_commutator():
    A = Operator("A")
    B = Operator("B")
    c = Commutator(A, B)
    c_tall = Commutator(A ** 2, B)
    assert str(c) == "[A,B]"
    assert pretty(c) == "[A,B]"
    assert upretty(c) == u"[A,B]"
    assert latex(c) == r"\left[A,B\right]"
    sT(c, "Commutator(Operator(Symbol('A')),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
    assert str(c_tall) == "[A**2,B]"
    ascii_str = """\
[ 2  ]\n\
[A ,B]\
    ucode_str = u(
⎡ 2  ⎤\n\
⎣A ,B⎦\
    assert pretty(c_tall) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(c_tall) == ucode_str
    assert latex(c_tall) == r"\left[A^{2},B\right]"
    sT(c_tall, "Commutator(Pow(Operator(Symbol('A')), Integer(2)),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_anticommutator():
    A = Operator("A")
    B = Operator("B")
    ac = AntiCommutator(A, B)
    ac_tall = AntiCommutator(A ** 2, B)
    assert str(ac) == "{A,B}"
    assert pretty(ac) == "{A,B}"
    assert upretty(ac) == u"{A,B}"
    assert latex(ac) == r"\left\{A,B\right\}"
    sT(ac, "AntiCommutator(Operator(Symbol('A')),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
    assert str(ac_tall) == "{A**2,B}"
    ascii_str = """\
/ 2  \\\n\
<A ,B>\n\
\\    /\
    ucode_str = u(
⎧ 2  ⎫\n\
⎨A ,B⎬\n\
⎩    ⎭\
    assert pretty(ac_tall) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(ac_tall) == ucode_str
    assert latex(ac_tall) == r"\left\{A^{2},B\right\}"
    sT(ac_tall, "AntiCommutator(Pow(Operator(Symbol('A')), Integer(2)),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_mode():
    expr = x+y
    assert latex(expr) == 'x + y'
    assert latex(expr, mode='plain') == 'x + y'
    assert latex(expr, mode='inline') == '$x + y$'
    assert latex(expr, mode='equation*')== '\\begin{equation*}x + y\\end{equation*}'
    assert latex(expr, mode='equation')== '\\begin{equation}x + y\\end{equation}'
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_latex():
    assert latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2)) == "8 \\sqrt{2} \\tau^{\\frac{7}{2}}"
    assert latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation*') == \
            "\\begin{equation*}8 \\sqrt{2} \\mu^{\\frac{7}{2}}\\end{equation*}"
    assert latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation', itex=True) == \
            "$$8 \\sqrt{2} \\mu^{\\frac{7}{2}}$$"
    assert latex([2/x, y]) =="\\begin{bmatrix}\\frac{2}{x}, & y\\end{bmatrix}"
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_latex_Matrix():
    M = Matrix([[1 + x, y], [y, x - 1]])
    assert latex(M) == "$\\left(\\begin{smallmatrix}1 + x & y\\\\y & -1 + " "x\\end{smallmatrix}\\right)$"
    profile = {"mat_str": "bmatrix"}
    assert latex(M, profile) == "$\\left(\\begin{bmatrix}1 + x & y\\\\y & -1 + " + "x\\end{bmatrix}\\right)$"
    profile["mat_delim"] = None
    assert latex(M, profile) == "$\\begin{bmatrix}1 + x & y\\\\y & -1 + " "x\\end{bmatrix}$"
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_latex():
    assert latex((2 * tau) ** Rational(7, 2)) == "$8 \\sqrt{2} \\sqrt[7]{\\tau}$"
    assert (
        latex((2 * mu) ** Rational(7, 2), inline=False)
        == "\\begin{equation*}8 \\sqrt{2} \\sqrt[7]{\\mu}\\end{equation*}"
    assert latex([2 / x, y]) == "$\\begin{bmatrix}\\frac{2}{x}, & y\\end{bmatrix}$"
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_latex():
    assert latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2)) == "$8 \\sqrt{2} \\tau^{\\frac{7}{2}}$"
    assert latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), inline=False) == \
            "\\begin{equation*}8 \\sqrt{2} \\mu^{\\frac{7}{2}}\\end{equation*}"
    assert latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), inline=False, itex=True) == \
            "$$8 \\sqrt{2} \\mu^{\\frac{7}{2}}$$"
    assert latex([2/x, y]) =="$\\begin{bmatrix}\\frac{2}{x}, & y\\end{bmatrix}$"
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_latex_fresnel():
    from sympy.functions.special.error_functions import (fresnels, fresnelc)
    from sympy.abc import z
    assert latex(fresnels(z)) == r'S\left(z\right)'
    assert latex(fresnelc(z)) == r'C\left(z\right)'
    assert latex(fresnels(z)**2) == r'S^{2}\left(z\right)'
    assert latex(fresnelc(z)**2) == r'C^{2}\left(z\right)'
def clean_up_zeros(matrix_spec, label="", colors={}, 
                    environment="equation", cancel_zeros=True, diagonal_col_offset=None):

    matrix, indexed_sym = matrix_spec
    if diagonal_col_offset is None: diagonal_col_offset = 1

    tex_code = r"\begin{" + environment + r"}" + "\n" if environment else ""
    tex_code += r"\left[\begin{array}{" + ('c' * matrix.cols) + r'}' + "\n"

    for r in range(matrix.rows):
        for c in range(matrix.cols):
            space = "" if c == 0 else " "

            if r*diagonal_col_offset < c: coeff_str = ""
            elif cancel_zeros: coeff_str = latex(matrix[r,c]) if matrix[r,c] != 0 else ""
            else: coeff_str = latex(matrix[r,c])

            if (r,c) in colors: coeff_str = r'\textcolor{' + colors[(r,c)] + r'}{' + coeff_str + "}"
            tex_code += "{}{} {}".format(space, coeff_str, r'\\' if c == matrix.cols-1 else r'&') 

        tex_code += "" if r == matrix.rows - 1 else "\n"

    label = "\n{}".format(r'\label{eq:' + label + r'}' + "\n" if label else "")
    tex_code += "\n" + r'\end{array}\right]' 
    tex_code += label + r'\end{' + environment + '}' if environment else ""

    return tex_code
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_latex_Poly():
    assert latex(Poly(x**2 + 2 * x, x)) == \
        r"\operatorname{Poly}{\left( x^{2} + 2 x, x, domain=\mathbb{Z} \right)}"
    assert latex(Poly(x/y, x)) == \
        r"\operatorname{Poly}{\left( \frac{x}{y}, x, domain=\mathbb{Z}\left(y\right) \right)}"
    assert latex(Poly(2.0*x + y)) == \
        r"\operatorname{Poly}{\left( 2.0 x + 1.0 y, x, y, domain=\mathbb{R} \right)}"
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_Hadamard():
    from sympy.matrices import MatrixSymbol, HadamardProduct

    X = MatrixSymbol("X", 2, 2)
    Y = MatrixSymbol("Y", 2, 2)
    assert latex(HadamardProduct(X, Y * Y)) == r"X \circ \left(Y Y\right)"
    assert latex(HadamardProduct(X, Y) * Y) == r"\left(X \circ Y\right) Y"
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_commutator():
    A = Operator('A')
    B = Operator('B')
    c = Commutator(A, B)
    c_tall = Commutator(A**2, B)
    assert str(c) == '[A,B]'
    assert pretty(c) == '[A,B]'
    assert upretty(c) == u('[A,B]')
    assert latex(c) == r'\left[A,B\right]'
    sT(c, "Commutator(Operator(Symbol('A')),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
    assert str(c_tall) == '[A**2,B]'
    ascii_str = \
[ 2  ]\n\
[A ,B]\
    ucode_str = \
⎡ 2  ⎤\n\
⎣A ,B⎦\
    assert pretty(c_tall) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(c_tall) == ucode_str
    assert latex(c_tall) == r'\left[\left(A\right)^{2},B\right]'
    sT(c_tall, "Commutator(Pow(Operator(Symbol('A')), Integer(2)),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_PrettyPoly():
    from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
    F = QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    R = QQ[x, y]

    assert latex(F.convert(x/(x + y))) == latex(x/(x + y))
    assert latex(R.convert(x + y)) == latex(x + y)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_anticommutator():
    A = Operator('A')
    B = Operator('B')
    ac = AntiCommutator(A, B)
    ac_tall = AntiCommutator(A**2, B)
    assert str(ac) == '{A,B}'
    assert pretty(ac) == '{A,B}'
    assert upretty(ac) == u('{A,B}')
    assert latex(ac) == r'\left\{A,B\right\}'
    sT(ac, "AntiCommutator(Operator(Symbol('A')),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
    assert str(ac_tall) == '{A**2,B}'
    ascii_str = \
/ 2  \\\n\
<A ,B>\n\
\\    /\
    ucode_str = \
⎧ 2  ⎫\n\
⎨A ,B⎬\n\
⎩    ⎭\
    assert pretty(ac_tall) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(ac_tall) == ucode_str
    assert latex(ac_tall) == r'\left\{\left(A\right)^{2},B\right\}'
    sT(ac_tall, "AntiCommutator(Pow(Operator(Symbol('A')), Integer(2)),Operator(Symbol('B')))")
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_latex_product():
    assert (
        latex(Product(x * y ** 2, (x, -2, 2), (y, -5, 5)))
        == r"\prod_{\substack{-2 \leq x \leq 2\\-5 \leq y \leq 5}} x y^{2}"
    assert latex(Product(x ** 2, (x, -2, 2))) == r"\prod_{x=-2}^{2} x^{2}"
    assert latex(Product(x ** 2 + y, (x, -2, 2))) == r"\prod_{x=-2}^{2} \left(x^{2} + y\right)"
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_mode():
    expr = x + y
    assert latex(expr) == "x + y"
    assert latex(expr, mode="plain") == "x + y"
    assert latex(expr, mode="inline") == "$x + y$"
    assert latex(expr, mode="equation*") == "\\begin{equation*}x + y\\end{equation*}"
    assert latex(expr, mode="equation") == "\\begin{equation}x + y\\end{equation}"
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_QuotientRing():
    from sympy.polys.domains import QQ

    R = QQ[x] / [x ** 2 + 1]

    assert latex(R) == r"\frac{\mathbb{Q}\left[x\right]}{\left< {x^{2} + 1} \right>}"
    assert latex(R.one) == r"{1} + {\left< {x^{2} + 1} \right>}"
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_latex_functions():
    assert latex(exp(x)) == "${e}^{x}$"   

    f = Function('f')
    beta = Function('beta')
    assert latex(f(x)) == r"$f\left(x\right)$"
    assert latex(beta(x)) == r"$\beta\left(x\right)$"
    assert latex(sin(x)) == r"$\mathrm{sin}\left(x\right)$"
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_latex_Matrix():
    M = Matrix([[1 + x, y], [y, x - 1]])
    assert latex(M) == "\\left(\\begin{smallmatrix}1 + x & y\\\\y & -1 + " "x\\end{smallmatrix}\\right)"
    settings = {"mat_str": "bmatrix"}
    assert latex(M, **settings) == "\\left(\\begin{bmatrix}1 + x & y\\\\y &" " -1 + x\\end{bmatrix}\\right)"
    settings["mat_delim"] = None
    assert latex(M, **settings) == "\\begin{bmatrix}1 + x & y\\\\y & -1 + " "x\\end{bmatrix}"
    assert latex(M) == "\\left(\\begin{smallmatrix}1 + x & y\\\\y & -1 + " "x\\end{smallmatrix}\\right)"
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_latex_symbols():
    Gamma, lmbda, rho = map(Symbol, ('Gamma', 'lambda', 'rho'))
    mass, volume = map(Symbol, ('mass', 'volume'))
    assert latex(Gamma + lmbda) == "$\Gamma+\lambda$"
    assert latex(Gamma * lmbda) == "$\Gamma \lambda$"
    assert latex(volume * rho == mass) == r"$\rho \cdot \mathrm{volume} = \mathrm{mass}$"
    assert latex(volume / mass * rho == 1) == r"$\rho \cdot \mathrm{volume} \cdot {\mathrm{mass}}^{(-1)} = 1$"
    assert latex(mass**3 * volume**3) == r"${\mathrm{mass}}^{3} \cdot {\mathrm{volume}}^{3}$"
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_custom_symbol_names():
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    assert latex(x) == "x"
    assert latex(x, symbol_names={x:"x_i"}) == "x_i"
    assert latex(x + y, symbol_names={x:"x_i"}) == "x_i + y"
    assert latex(x**2, symbol_names={x:"x_i"}) == "x_i^{2}"
    assert latex(x + y, symbol_names={x:"x_i", y:"y_j"}) == "x_i + y_j"
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_latex_Piecewise():
    p = Piecewise((x, x < 1), (x ** 2, True))
    assert latex(p) == "\\begin{cases} x & \\text{for}\: x < 1 \\\\x^{2} &" " \\text{otherwise} \\end{cases}"
    assert (
        latex(p, itex=True) == "\\begin{cases} x & \\text{for}\: x \\lt 1 \\\\x^{2} &" " \\text{otherwise} \\end{cases}"
    p = Piecewise((x, x < 0), (0, x >= 0))
    assert latex(p) == "\\begin{cases} x & \\text{for}\\: x < 0 \\\\0 &" " \\text{for}\\: x \\geq 0 \\end{cases}"
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_boolean_args_order():
    syms = symbols("a:f")

    expr = And(*syms)
    assert latex(expr) == "a \\wedge b \\wedge c \\wedge d \\wedge e \\wedge f"

    expr = Or(*syms)
    assert latex(expr) == "a \\vee b \\vee c \\vee d \\vee e \\vee f"
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_issue469():
    beta = Symbol(r'\beta')
    y = beta+x
    assert latex(y) in [r'\beta + x', r'x + \beta']

    beta = Symbol(r'beta')
    y = beta+x
    assert latex(y) in [r'\beta + x', r'x + \beta']
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_latex_DiracDelta():
    assert latex(DiracDelta(x)) == r"\delta\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(DiracDelta(x)**2) == r"\left(\delta\left(x\right)\right)^{2}"
    assert latex(DiracDelta(x, 0)) == r"\delta\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(DiracDelta(x, 5)) == \
        r"\delta^{\left( 5 \right)}\left( x \right)"
    assert latex(DiracDelta(x, 5)**2) == \
        r"\left(\delta^{\left( 5 \right)}\left( x \right)\right)^{2}"
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_latex_Matrix():
    M = Matrix([[1 + x, y], [y, x - 1]])
    assert latex(M) == "\\left[\\begin{smallmatrix}x + 1 & y\\\\y & x - 1" "\\end{smallmatrix}\\right]"
    settings = {"mat_str": "bmatrix"}
    assert latex(M, **settings) == "\\left[\\begin{bmatrix}x + 1 & y\\\\y &" " x - 1\\end{bmatrix}\\right]"
    settings["mat_delim"] = None
    assert latex(M, **settings) == "\\begin{bmatrix}x + 1 & y\\\\y & x - 1" "\\end{bmatrix}"
    assert latex(M) == "\\left[\\begin{smallmatrix}x + 1 & y\\\\y & x - 1" "\\end{smallmatrix}\\right]"
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_issue469():
    beta = Symbol(r"\beta")
    y = beta + x
    assert latex(y) in [r"\beta + x", r"x + \beta"]

    beta = Symbol(r"beta")
    y = beta + x
    assert latex(y) in [r"\beta + x", r"x + \beta"]
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_latex_KroneckerDelta():
    assert latex(KroneckerDelta(x, y)) == r"\delta_{x y}"
    assert latex(KroneckerDelta(x, y)**2) == r"\left(\delta_{x y}\right)^{2}"
    assert latex(KroneckerDelta(x, y + 1)) == r"\delta_{x, y + 1}"
    assert latex(KroneckerDelta(x + 1, y)) == r"\delta_{x + 1, y}"
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_latex_Lambda():
    assert latex(Lambda(x, x + 1)) == \
        r"\Lambda {\left (x, x + 1 \right )}"
    assert latex(Lambda((x, y), x + 1)) == \
        r"\Lambda {\left (\begin{pmatrix}x, & y\end{pmatrix}, x + 1 \right )}"
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_latex_numbers():
    assert latex(catalan(n)) == r"C_{n}"
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_latex_union():
    assert latex(Union(Interval(0, 1), Interval(2, 3))) == \
        r"\left[0, 1\right] \cup \left[2, 3\right]"
    assert latex(Union(Interval(1, 1), Interval(2, 2), Interval(3, 4))) == \
        r"\left\{1, 2\right\} \cup \left[3, 4\right]"
Exemplo n.º 35
def test_latex_limits():
    assert latex(Limit(x, x, oo)) == r"\lim_{x \to \infty} x"
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_latex_Float():
    assert latex(Float(1.0e100)) == r"1.0 \times 10^{100}"
    assert latex(Float(1.0e-100)) == r"1.0 \times 10^{-100}"
    assert latex(Float(1.0e-100), mul_symbol="dot") == r"1.0 \cdot 10^{-100}"
    assert latex(1.0 * oo) == r"\infty"
    assert latex(-1.0 * oo) == r"- \infty"
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_constants():
    assert str(hbar) == 'hbar'
    assert pretty(hbar) == 'hbar'
    assert upretty(hbar) == 'ℏ'
    assert latex(hbar) == r'\hbar'
    sT(hbar, "HBar()")
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_Adjoint():
    from sympy.matrices import MatrixSymbol, Adjoint
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', 2, 2)
    # Either of these would be fine
    assert latex(Adjoint(X + Y)) == r'X^\dag + Y^\dag'
Exemplo n.º 39
def test_Hadamard():
    from sympy.matrices import MatrixSymbol, HadamardProduct
    X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2)
    Y = MatrixSymbol('Y', 2, 2)
    assert latex(HadamardProduct(X, Y * Y)) == r'X \circ \left(Y Y\right)'
    assert latex(HadamardProduct(X, Y) * Y) == r'\left(X \circ Y\right) Y'
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_Tr():
    #TODO: Handle indices
    A, B = symbols('A B', commutative=False)
    t = Tr(A * B)
    assert latex(t) == r'\mbox{Tr}\left(A B\right)'
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_PolynomialRing():
    from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
    assert latex(QQ[x, y]) == r"\mathbb{Q}\left[x, y\right]"
    assert latex(QQ.poly_ring(x, y, order="ilex")) == \
        r"S_<^{-1}\mathbb{Q}\left[x, y\right]"
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_noncommutative():
    A, B, C = symbols('A,B,C', commutative=False)

    assert latex(A * B * C**-1) == "A B C^{-1}"
    assert latex(C**-1 * A * B) == "C^{-1} A B"
    assert latex(A * C**-1 * B) == "A C^{-1} B"
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_latex_Heaviside():
    assert latex(Heaviside(x)) == r"\theta\left(x\right)"
    assert latex(Heaviside(x)**2) == r"\left(\theta\left(x\right)\right)^{2}"
Exemplo n.º 44
def test_gate():
    a, b, c, d = symbols('a,b,c,d')
    uMat = Matrix([[a, b], [c, d]])
    q = Qubit(1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
    g1 = IdentityGate(2)
    g2 = CGate((3, 0), XGate(1))
    g3 = CNotGate(1, 0)
    g4 = UGate((0, ), uMat)
    assert str(g1) == '1(2)'
    assert pretty(g1) == '1 \n 2'
    assert upretty(g1) == '1 \n 2'
    assert latex(g1) == r'1_{2}'
    sT(g1, "IdentityGate(Integer(2))")
    assert str(g1 * q) == '1(2)*|10101>'
    ascii_str = \
1 *|10101>\n\
 2        \
    ucode_str = \
1 ⋅❘10101⟩\n\
 2        \
    assert pretty(g1 * q) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(g1 * q) == ucode_str
    assert latex(g1 * q) == r'1_{2} {\left|10101\right\rangle }'
        g1 * q,
        "Mul(IdentityGate(Integer(2)), Qubit(Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1)))"
    assert str(g2) == 'C((3,0),X(1))'
    ascii_str = \
C   /X \\\n\
 3,0\\ 1/\
    ucode_str = \
C   ⎛X ⎞\n\
 3,0⎝ 1⎠\
    assert pretty(g2) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(g2) == ucode_str
    assert latex(g2) == r'C_{3,0}{\left(X_{1}\right)}'
    sT(g2, "CGate(Tuple(Integer(3), Integer(0)),XGate(Integer(1)))")
    assert str(g3) == 'CNOT(1,0)'
    ascii_str = \
CNOT   \n\
    ucode_str = \
CNOT   \n\
    assert pretty(g3) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(g3) == ucode_str
    assert latex(g3) == r'CNOT_{1,0}'
    sT(g3, "CNotGate(Integer(1),Integer(0))")
    ascii_str = \
U \n\
    ucode_str = \
U \n\
    assert str(g4) == \
[a, b],\n\
[c, d]]))\
    assert pretty(g4) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(g4) == ucode_str
    assert latex(g4) == r'U_{0}'
        "UGate(Tuple(Integer(0)),MutableDenseMatrix([[Symbol('a'), Symbol('b')], [Symbol('c'), Symbol('d')]]))"
Exemplo n.º 45
def test_latex_inverse():
    #tests issue 1030
    assert latex(1 / x) == "\\frac{1}{x}"
    assert latex(1 / (x + y)) in ["\\frac{1}{x + y}", "\\frac{1}{y + x}"]
Exemplo n.º 46
def test_hilbert():
    h1 = HilbertSpace()
    h2 = ComplexSpace(2)
    h3 = FockSpace()
    h4 = L2(Interval(0, oo))
    assert str(h1) == 'H'
    assert pretty(h1) == 'H'
    assert upretty(h1) == 'H'
    assert latex(h1) == r'\mathcal{H}'
    sT(h1, "HilbertSpace()")
    assert str(h2) == 'C(2)'
    ascii_str = \
C \
    ucode_str = \
C \
    assert pretty(h2) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(h2) == ucode_str
    assert latex(h2) == r'\mathcal{C}^{2}'
    sT(h2, "ComplexSpace(Integer(2))")
    assert str(h3) == 'F'
    assert pretty(h3) == 'F'
    assert upretty(h3) == 'F'
    assert latex(h3) == r'\mathcal{F}'
    sT(h3, "FockSpace()")
    assert str(h4) == 'L2(Interval(0, oo))'
    ascii_str = \
L \
    ucode_str = \
L \
    assert pretty(h4) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(h4) == ucode_str
    assert latex(h4) == r'{\mathcal{L}^2}\left( \left[0, \infty\right) \right)'
    sT(h4, "L2(Interval(Integer(0), oo, false, true))")
    assert str(h1 + h2) == 'H+C(2)'
    ascii_str = \
H + C \
    ucode_str = \
H ⊕ C \
    assert pretty(h1 + h2) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(h1 + h2) == ucode_str
    assert latex(h1 + h2)
    sT(h1 + h2,
    assert str(h1 * h2) == "H*C(2)"
    ascii_str = \
H x C \
    ucode_str = \
H ⨂ C \
    assert pretty(h1 * h2) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(h1 * h2) == ucode_str
    assert latex(h1 * h2)
    sT(h1 * h2,
    assert str(h1**2) == 'H**2'
    ascii_str = \
H  \
    ucode_str = \
H  \
    assert pretty(h1**2) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(h1**2) == ucode_str
    assert latex(h1**2) == r'{\mathcal{H}}^{\otimes 2}'
    sT(h1**2, "TensorPowerHilbertSpace(HilbertSpace(),Integer(2))")
Exemplo n.º 47
def test_latex_basic():
    assert latex(1 + x) == "x + 1"
    assert latex(x**2) == "x^{2}"
    assert latex(x**(1 + x)) == "x^{x + 1}"
    assert latex(x**3 + x + 1 + x**2) == "x^{3} + x^{2} + x + 1"

    assert latex(2 * x * y) == "2 x y"
    assert latex(2 * x * y, mul_symbol='dot') == r"2 \cdot x \cdot y"

    assert latex(sqrt(x)) == r"\sqrt{x}"
    assert latex(x**Rational(1, 3)) == r"\sqrt[3]{x}"
    assert latex(sqrt(x)**3) == r"x^{\frac{3}{2}}"
    assert latex(sqrt(x), itex=True) == r"\sqrt{x}"
    assert latex(x**Rational(1, 3), itex=True) == r"\root{3}{x}"
    assert latex(sqrt(x)**3, itex=True) == r"x^{\frac{3}{2}}"
    assert latex(x**Rational(3, 4)) == r"x^{\frac{3}{4}}"
    assert latex(x**Rational(3, 4), fold_frac_powers=True) == "x^{3/4}"

    assert latex(1.5e20 * x) == r"1.5 \times 10^{20} x"
    assert latex(1.5e20 * x, mul_symbol='dot') == r"1.5 \cdot 10^{20} \cdot x"

    assert latex(1 / sin(x)) == r"\frac{1}{\sin{\left (x \right )}}"
    assert latex(sin(x)**-1) == r"\frac{1}{\sin{\left (x \right )}}"

    assert latex(~x) == r"\neg x"
    assert latex(x & y) == r"x \wedge y"
    assert latex(x & y & z) == r"x \wedge y \wedge z"
    assert latex(x | y) == r"x \vee y"
    assert latex(x | y | z) == r"x \vee y \vee z"
    assert latex((x & y) | z) == r"z \vee \left(x \wedge y\right)"
    assert latex(Implies(x, y)) == r"x \Rightarrow y"
    assert latex(~(x >> ~y)) == r"\neg (x \Rightarrow \neg y)"

    assert latex(~x, symbol_names={x: "x_i"}) == r"\neg x_i"
    assert latex(x & y, symbol_names={x: "x_i", y: "y_i"}) == \
        r"x_i \wedge y_i"
    assert latex(x & y & z, symbol_names={x: "x_i", y: "y_i", z: "z_i"}) == \
        r"x_i \wedge y_i \wedge z_i"
    assert latex(x | y, symbol_names={x: "x_i", y: "y_i"}) == r"x_i \vee y_i"
    assert latex(x | y | z, symbol_names={x: "x_i", y: "y_i", z: "z_i"}) == \
        r"x_i \vee y_i \vee z_i"
    assert latex((x & y) | z, symbol_names={x: "x_i", y: "y_i", z: "z_i"}) == \
        r"z_i \vee \left(x_i \wedge y_i\right)"
    assert latex(Implies(x, y), symbol_names={x: "x_i", y: "y_i"}) == \
        r"x_i \Rightarrow y_i"
Exemplo n.º 48
def test_latex_emptyset():
    assert latex(S.EmptySet) == r"\emptyset"
Exemplo n.º 49
def test_latex_TransformationSet():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert latex(TransformationSet(Lambda(x, x**2), S.Naturals)) == \
        r"\left\{x^{2}\; |\; x \in \mathbb{N}\right\}"
Exemplo n.º 50
def test_latex_RootSum():
    assert latex(RootSum(x**5 + x + 3, sin)) == \
        r"\operatorname{RootSum} {\left(x^{5} + x + 3, \Lambda {\left (x, \sin{\left (x \right )} \right )}\right)}"
Exemplo n.º 51
def test_latex_Naturals():
    assert latex(S.Naturals) == r"\mathbb{N}"
    assert latex(S.Integers) == r"\mathbb{Z}"
Exemplo n.º 52
def test_latex_integrals():
    assert latex(Integral(log(x), x)) == r"\int \log{\left (x \right )}\, dx"
    assert latex(Integral(x**2, (x, 0, 1))) == r"\int_{0}^{1} x^{2}\, dx"
    assert latex(Integral(x**2, (x, 10, 20))) == r"\int_{10}^{20} x^{2}\, dx"
    assert latex(Integral(y * x**2, (x, 0, 1),
                          y)) == r"\int\int_{0}^{1} x^{2} y\, dx\, dy"
    assert latex(Integral(y*x**2, (x, 0, 1), y), mode='equation*') \
        == r"\begin{equation*}\int\int\limits_{0}^{1} x^{2} y\, dx\, dy\end{equation*}"
    assert latex(Integral(y*x**2, (x, 0, 1), y), mode='equation*', itex=True) \
        == r"$$\int\int_{0}^{1} x^{2} y\, dx\, dy$$"
    assert latex(Integral(x, (x, 0))) == r"\int^{0} x\, dx"
    assert latex(Integral(x * y, x, y)) == r"\iint x y\, dx\, dy"
    assert latex(Integral(x * y * z, x, y,
                          z)) == r"\iiint x y z\, dx\, dy\, dz"
    assert latex(Integral(x*y*z*t, x, y, z, t)) == \
        r"\iiiint t x y z\, dx\, dy\, dz\, dt"
    assert latex(Integral(x, x, x, x, x, x, x)) == \
        r"\int\int\int\int\int\int x\, dx\, dx\, dx\, dx\, dx\, dx"
    assert latex(Integral(x, x, y, (z, 0, 1))) == \
        r"\int_{0}^{1}\int\int x\, dx\, dy\, dz"
Exemplo n.º 53
def test_latex_RootOf():
    assert latex(RootOf(x**5 + x + 3, 0)) == \
        r"\operatorname{RootOf} {\left(x^{5} + x + 3, 0\right)}"
Exemplo n.º 54
def test_settings():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: latex(x * y, method="garbage"))
Exemplo n.º 55
def test_latex_Range():
    assert latex(Range(1, 51)) == \
        r'\left\{1, 2, \ldots, 50\right\}'
    assert latex(Range(1, 4)) == r'\left\{1, 2, 3\right\}'
Exemplo n.º 56
def test_latex_issue1477():
    assert latex(Symbol("beta_13_2")) == r"\beta_{13 2}"
    assert latex(Symbol("beta_132_20")) == r"\beta_{132 20}"
    assert latex(Symbol("beta_13")) == r"\beta_{13}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_a_b")) == r"x_{a b}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_1_2_3")) == r"x_{1 2 3}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_a_b1")) == r"x_{a b1}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_a_1")) == r"x_{a 1}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_1_a")) == r"x_{1 a}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_1^aa")) == r"x^{aa}_{1}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_1__aa")) == r"x^{aa}_{1}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_11^a")) == r"x^{a}_{11}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_11__a")) == r"x^{a}_{11}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_a_a_a_a")) == r"x_{a a a a}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_a_a^a^a")) == r"x^{a a}_{a a}"
    assert latex(Symbol("x_a_a__a__a")) == r"x^{a a}_{a a}"
    assert latex(Symbol("alpha_11")) == r"\alpha_{11}"
    assert latex(Symbol("alpha_11_11")) == r"\alpha_{11 11}"
    assert latex(Symbol("alpha_alpha")) == r"\alpha_{\alpha}"
    assert latex(Symbol("alpha^aleph")) == r"\alpha^{\aleph}"
    assert latex(Symbol("alpha__aleph")) == r"\alpha^{\aleph}"
Exemplo n.º 57
def test_latex_sets():
    for s in (FiniteSet, frozenset, set):
        assert latex(s([x * y, x**2])) == r"\left\{x^{2}, x y\right\}"
        assert latex(s(range(1, 6))) == r"\left\{1, 2, 3, 4, 5\right\}"
        assert latex(s(range(1, 13))) == \
            r"\left\{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12\right\}"
Exemplo n.º 58
def test_latex_issue1282():
    y = 4 * 4**log(2)
    assert latex(y) == '4 \\times 4^{\\log{\\left (2 \\right )}}'
    assert latex(1 /
                 y) == '\\frac{1}{4 \\times 4^{\\log{\\left (2 \\right )}}}'
Exemplo n.º 59
def test_lamda():
    assert latex(Symbol('lamda')) == r"\lambda"
    assert latex(Symbol('Lamda')) == r"\Lambda"
Exemplo n.º 60
def test_latex_order():
    expr = x**3 + x**2 * y + 3 * x * y**3 + y**4

    assert latex(expr, order='lex') == "x^{3} + x^{2} y + 3 x y^{3} + y^{4}"
    assert latex(expr,
                 order='rev-lex') == "y^{4} + 3 x y^{3} + x^{2} y + x^{3}"