Exemplo n.º 1
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == 'math.pi'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi'}}
    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == 'math.acos(x)'
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()
    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((x, x > 1), (y, True))) == ('if x > 1:\n'
                                                               '    return x\n'
                                                               '    return y')
    pw = Piecewise((x, x > 1), (y, x > 0))
    assert prntr.doprint(pw) == (
        'if x > 1:\n'
        '    return x\n'
        'elif x > 0:\n'
        '    return y\n'
        '    raise NotImplementedError("Unhandled condition in: %s")' % pw)
Exemplo n.º 3
def render_as_module(content):
    """ Renders python code as a module (with the required imports) """
    printer = PythonCodePrinter()
    pystr = printer.doprint(content)
    if printer._settings['fully_qualified_modules']:
        module_imports_str = '\n'.join('import %s' % k for k in printer.module_imports)
        module_imports_str = '\n'.join(['from %s import %s' % (k, ', '.join(v)) for
                                        k, v in printer.module_imports.items()])
    return module_imports_str + '\n\n' + pystr
Exemplo n.º 4
def render_as_module(content):
    """ Renders python code as a module (with the required imports) """
    printer = PythonCodePrinter()
    pystr = printer.doprint(content)
    if printer._settings['fully_qualified_modules']:
        module_imports_str = '\n'.join('import %s' % k for k in printer.module_imports)
        module_imports_str = '\n'.join(['from %s import %s' % (k, ', '.join(v)) for
                                        k, v in printer.module_imports.items()])
    return module_imports_str + '\n\n' + pystr
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()
    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((x, x > 1), (y, True))) == (
        'if x > 1:\n'
        '    return x\n'
        '    return y'
    pw = Piecewise((x, x > 1), (y, x > 0))
    assert prntr.doprint(pw) == (
        'if x > 1:\n'
        '    return x\n'
        'elif x > 0:\n'
        '    return y\n'
        '    raise NotImplementedError("Unhandled condition in: %s")' % pw
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == 'math.pi'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi'}}
    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == 'math.acos(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(x, 2)) == 'x = 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((1, Eq(x, 0)),
                        (2, x>6))) == '((1) if (x == 0) else (2) if (x > 6) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((2, Le(x, 0)),
                        (3, Gt(x, 0)), evaluate=False)) == '((2) if (x <= 0) else'\
                                                        ' (3) if (x > 0) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(sign(x)) == '(0.0 if x == 0 else math.copysign(1, x))'
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == 'math.pi'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi'}}
    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == 'math.acos(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(x, 2)) == 'x = 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((1, Eq(x, 0)),
                        (2, x>6))) == '((1) if (x == 0) else (2) if (x > 6) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((2, Le(x, 0)),
                        (3, Gt(x, 0)), evaluate=False)) == '((2) if (x <= 0) else'\
                                                        ' (3) if (x > 0) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(sign(x)) == '(0.0 if x == 0 else math.copysign(1, x))'
Exemplo n.º 8
def Translate(formula, dep, args, Type):

    i = 0
    for arg in args:
        arg = str(arg) + "=" + "Symbol" + "(" + "'" + str(arg) + "'" + ")"
        i = i + 1

    func = simplify(eval(formula)).evalf(4)
    #print "after func"
    if ("java" in Type):  #Type == "java" or Type == "All":
        convertToJava(jcode(func), dep, args).writeMath()
        #if Type != "All":
        #   return
    if ("python" in Type):  #Type == "python"  or Type == "All":
        from sympy.printing.pycode import (PythonCodePrinter, pycode)
        pr = PythonCodePrinter()
        convertToPy(pr.doprint(func), dep, args).writeMath()
        #if Type != "All":
        #   return
    if ("javascript" in Type):  #Type == "javascript"  or Type == "All":
        convertToJS(jscode(func), dep, args).writeMath()
        #if Type != "All":
        #   return
    if ("matlab" in Type):  #Type == "matlab"  or Type == "All":
        convertToMatlab(octave_code(func), dep, args).writeMath()
        #if Type != "All":
        #  return

    if ("c" in Type):  #Type == "c"  or Type == "All":
        convertToC(ccode(func), dep, args).writeMath()
        #if Type != "All":
        #   return
    if ("c++" in Type):  #Type == "c++"  or Type == "All":
        convertToCpp(cxxcode(func), dep, args).writeMath()
        #if Type != "All":
        #  return
    if ("r" in Type):  #f Type == "r"  or Type == "All":
        convertToR(rcode(func), dep, args).writeMath()
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert not prntr.module_imports
    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == 'math.pi'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi'}}
    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == 'math.acos(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(x, 2)) == 'x = 2'
Exemplo n.º 10
def render_as_module(content, standard='python3'):
    """Renders Python code as a module (with the required imports).


    standard :
        See the parameter ``standard`` in

    printer = PythonCodePrinter({'standard':standard})
    pystr = printer.doprint(content)
    if printer._settings['fully_qualified_modules']:
        module_imports_str = '\n'.join('import %s' % k for k in printer.module_imports)
        module_imports_str = '\n'.join(['from %s import %s' % (k, ', '.join(v)) for
                                        k, v in printer.module_imports.items()])
    return module_imports_str + '\n\n' + pystr
Exemplo n.º 11
def render_as_module(content, standard="python3"):
    """Renders python code as a module (with the required imports)


        See the parameter ``standard`` in
    # XXX Remove the keyword 'standard' after dropping python 2 support.
    printer = PythonCodePrinter({"standard": standard})
    pystr = printer.doprint(content)
    if printer._settings["fully_qualified_modules"]:
        module_imports_str = "\n".join("import %s" % k
                                       for k in printer.module_imports)
        module_imports_str = "\n".join([
            "from %s import %s" % (k, ", ".join(v))
            for k, v in printer.module_imports.items()
    return module_imports_str + "\n\n" + pystr
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_issue_14283():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()

    assert prntr.doprint(zoo) == "float('nan')"
    assert prntr.doprint(-oo) == "float('-inf')"
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_issue_14283():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()

    assert prntr.doprint(zoo) == "float('nan')"
    assert prntr.doprint(-oo) == "float('-inf')"
Exemplo n.º 14
def gen_three_body():

    ri = Symbol('r_i')
    rj = Symbol('r_j')
    rij = Symbol('r_ij')

    C = Symbol('C')
    L = Symbol('L')
    gamma = IndexedBase('gamma')
    r = IndexedBase('r')
    l = Symbol('l',integer=True)
    m = Symbol('m',integer=True)
    n = Symbol('n',integer=True)
    N = Symbol('N',integer=True)
    N_ee = Symbol("N_ee",integer=True)
    N_en = Symbol("N_en",integer=True)

    f = (ri - L)**C * (rj -L)**C * Sum(Sum(Sum(gamma[l,m,n]*ri**l *rj**m*rij**n,(l,0,N_en)),(n,0,N_en)),(m,0,N_ee))

    # Concrete values for the expansion of the above sum
    NN_ee = 3
    NN_en = 3

    ff = f.subs(N_en, NN_en).subs(N_ee, NN_ee).doit()

    # Constraints on values of gamma

    # Indices are l,m,n
    #  l : e1_N
    #  m : e2_n
    #  n : e1_e2

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Symmetric under electron interchange (swap l and m)
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    # Generate substitutions

    sym_subs = {}
    for i1 in range(NN_en+1):
        for i2 in range(i1):
            for i3 in range(NN_ee+1):
                sym_subs[gamma[i2,i1,i3]] = gamma[i1,i2,i3]


    # -----------
    # No e-e cusp
    # -----------

    ff_ee = diff(ff, rij).subs(rij,0).subs(rj,ri).subs(sym_subs)

    # remove the (ri-L)**C part.
    ff_ee2 = ff_ee.args[1]

    #  Collect powers of ri
    ff_ee3 = collect(expand(ff_ee2), ri)
    # For the expression to be zero for arbitrary ri, each coefficient must be zero separately

    pt_ee = poly(ff_ee3, ri)
    cf_ee = pt_ee.all_coeffs()

    ee_soln = solve(cf_ee)
    print('e-e constraints')

    # -----------
    # No e-n cusp
    # -----------

    ff_en = diff(ff,ri).subs(ri, 0).subs(rij, rj)

    ff_en2 = simplify(expand(ff_en))

    # remove the (-L)**(C-1) * (rj - L)**C part
    ff_en3 = ff_en2.args[2]

    ff_en4 = ff_en3.subs(sym_subs).subs(ee_soln)

    # For the expression to be zero for arbitrary ri, each coefficient must be zero separately

    pt_en = poly(ff_en4, rj)
    cf_en = pt_en.all_coeffs()
    print('e-n constraint equations')

    #en_soln = solve(cf_en)

    en_gamma = {a for a in ff_en4.free_symbols if type(a) is Indexed}
    print('en_gamma = ',en_gamma)
    en_soln = linsolve(cf_en, en_gamma)
    print('e-n solution')

    en_soln_idx = 0

    # Sometimes {C:0, L:0} is the first solution.  Don't want that one.
    #if len(en_soln) > 1:
    #    if C in en_soln[0].keys():
    #        en_soln_idx = 1
    #  Attempts to add constraints to C to avoid that solution never worked
    #  as expected

    #en_soln2 = en_soln[en_soln_idx]
    en_soln2 = None
    for tmp_en in en_soln:
        en_soln2 = {g:v for g,v in zip(en_gamma, tmp_en)}

    print('e-n constraints')

    fout = ff.subs(sym_subs).subs(ee_soln).subs(en_soln2)

    print('Final value')
    free_gamma = {a for a in fout.free_symbols if type(a) is Indexed}
    print('Number of free gamma:', len(free_gamma))
    print('Free gamma: ',free_gamma)

    # Replace indexing with variable names
    #gamma_subs = {}
    #for gamma_indexed in free_gamma:
    #    suffix = ''.join([str(j) for j in gamma_indexed.args[1:]])
    #    gamma_name = 'g' + suffix
    #    gamma_subs[gamma_indexed] = gamma_name
    #fout = fout.subs(gamma[1,1,0], Symbol('g110'))

    # Replace 3-dim index with 1-dim contiguous
    gamma_subs = {}
    gbase = IndexedBase('g')
    for idx,gamma_indexed in enumerate(free_gamma):
        gamma_subs[gamma_indexed] = gbase[idx+1]

    fout = fout.subs(gamma_subs)

    if True:
        JC = JuliaCodePrinter(settings={'inline':False})
        s = JC.doprint(fout)
        print('Julia code')

    if False:
        PC = PythonCodePrinter(settings={'inline':False})
        s = PC.doprint(fout)
        print('Python code')
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()

    assert not prntr.module_imports

    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(-Mod(x, y)) == '-(x % y)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(-x, y)) == '(-x) % y'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert not prntr.module_imports

    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == 'math.pi'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi'}}

    assert prntr.doprint(x**Rational(1, 2)) == 'math.sqrt(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(sqrt(x)) == 'math.sqrt(x)'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi', 'sqrt'}}

    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == 'math.acos(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(x, 2)) == 'x = 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((1, Eq(x, 0)),
                        (2, x>6))) == '((1) if (x == 0) else (2) if (x > 6) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((2, Le(x, 0)),
                        (3, Gt(x, 0)), evaluate=False)) == '((2) if (x <= 0) else'\
                                                        ' (3) if (x > 0) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(sign(x)) == '(0.0 if x == 0 else math.copysign(1, x))'
    assert prntr.doprint(p[0, 1]) == 'p[0, 1]'
    assert prntr.doprint(KroneckerDelta(x,y)) == '(1 if x == y else 0)'

    assert prntr.doprint((2,3)) == "(2, 3)"
    assert prntr.doprint([2,3]) == "[2, 3]"
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()

    assert not prntr.module_imports

    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == "x**y"
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == "x % 2"
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == "x and y"
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == "x or y"
    assert not prntr.module_imports

    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == "math.pi"
    assert prntr.module_imports == {"math": {"pi"}}

    assert prntr.doprint(x**Rational(1, 2)) == "math.sqrt(x)"
    assert prntr.doprint(sqrt(x)) == "math.sqrt(x)"
    assert prntr.module_imports == {"math": {"pi", "sqrt"}}

    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == "math.acos(x)"
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(x, 2)) == "x = 2"
    assert (prntr.doprint(Piecewise(
        (1, Eq(x, 0)),
        (2, x > 6))) == "((1) if (x == 0) else (2) if (x > 6) else None)")
    assert (prntr.doprint(
        Piecewise((2, Le(x, 0)), (3, Gt(x, 0)),
                  evaluate=False)) == "((2) if (x <= 0) else"
            " (3) if (x > 0) else None)")
    assert prntr.doprint(sign(x)) == "(0.0 if x == 0 else math.copysign(1, x))"
    assert prntr.doprint(p[0, 1]) == "p[0, 1]"