Exemplo n.º 1
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])

        if iterable(args[0]):
            if isinstance(args[0], Point) and not evaluate:
                return args[0]
            args = args[0]

        # unpack the arguments into a friendly Tuple
        # if we were already a Point, we're doing an excess
        # iteration, but we'll worry about efficiency later
        coords = Tuple(*args)
        if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
            raise ValueError('Imaginary coordinates not permitted.')

        # Turn any Floats into rationals and simplify
        # any expressions before we instantiate
        if evaluate:
            coords = coords.xreplace(
                dict([(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                      for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
        if len(coords) == 2:
            return Point2D(coords, **kwargs)
        if len(coords) == 3:
            return Point3D(coords, **kwargs)

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])

        if iterable(args[0]):
            if isinstance(args[0], Point) and not evaluate:
                return args[0]
            args = args[0]

        # unpack the arguments into a friendly Tuple
        # if we were already a Point, we're doing an excess
        # iteration, but we'll worry about efficiency later
        coords = Tuple(*args)
        if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
            raise ValueError('Imaginary coordinates not permitted.')

        # Turn any Floats into rationals and simplify
        # any expressions before we instantiate
        if evaluate:
            coords = coords.xreplace(dict(
                [(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
        if len(coords) == 2:
            return Point2D(coords, **kwargs)
        if len(coords) == 3:
            return Point3D(coords, **kwargs)

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        from sympy.geometry.util import find
        from .polygon import Triangle
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])
        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Expr):
            x = kwargs.get('x', 'x')
            y = kwargs.get('y', 'y')
            equation = args[0]
            if isinstance(equation, Eq):
                equation = equation.lhs - equation.rhs
            x = find(x, equation)
            y = find(y, equation)

                a, b, c, d, e = linear_coeffs(equation, x**2, y**2, x, y)
            except ValueError:
                raise GeometryError(
                    "The given equation is not that of a circle.")

            if a == 0 or b == 0 or a != b:
                raise GeometryError(
                    "The given equation is not that of a circle.")

            center_x = -c / a / 2
            center_y = -d / b / 2
            r2 = (center_x**2) + (center_y**2) - e

            return Circle((center_x, center_y), sqrt(r2), evaluate=evaluate)

            c, r = None, None
            if len(args) == 3:
                args = [Point(a, dim=2, evaluate=evaluate) for a in args]
                t = Triangle(*args)
                if not isinstance(t, Triangle):
                    return t
                c = t.circumcenter
                r = t.circumradius
            elif len(args) == 2:
                # Assume (center, radius) pair
                c = Point(args[0], dim=2, evaluate=evaluate)
                r = args[1]
                # TODO: use this instead of the 'if evaluate' block below, but
                # this will prohibit imaginary radius
                # r = Point(r, 0, evaluate=evaluate).x  # convert via Point as necessary
                if evaluate:
                    r = simplify(nsimplify(r, rational=True))

            if not (c is None or r is None):
                if r == 0:
                    return c
                return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, c, r, **kwargs)

            raise GeometryError("Circle.__new__ received unknown arguments")
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     eval = kwargs.get("evaluate", global_evaluate[0])
     if isinstance(args[0], Point3D):
         if not eval:
             return args[0]
         args = args[0].args
         if iterable(args[0]):
             args = args[0]
         if len(args) != 3:
             raise TypeError("Enter a 3 dimensional point")
     coords = Tuple(*args)
     if eval:
         coords = coords.xreplace(dict([(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True))) for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
     return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if iterable(args[0]):
            coords = Tuple(*args[0])
        elif isinstance(args[0], Point):
            coords = args[0].args
            coords = Tuple(*args)

        if len(coords) != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Only two dimensional points currently supported")
        if kwargs.get('evaluate', True):
            coords = [simplify(nsimplify(c, rational=True)) for c in coords]

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if iterable(args[0]):
            coords = Tuple(*args[0])
        elif isinstance(args[0], Point):
            coords = args[0].args
            coords = Tuple(*args)

        if len(coords) != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Only two dimensional points currently supported")
        if kwargs.get('evaluate', True):
            coords = [simplify(nsimplify(c, rational=True)) for c in coords]

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if iterable(args[0]):
            args = args[0]
        elif isinstance(args[0], Point):
            args = args[0].args
        coords = Tuple(*args)

        if len(coords) != 2:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Only two dimensional points currently supported")
        if kwargs.get('evaluate', True):
            coords = coords.xreplace(dict(
                [(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))

        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     eval = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])
     if isinstance(args[0], Point3D):
         if not eval:
             return args[0]
         args = args[0].args
         if iterable(args[0]):
             args = args[0]
         if len(args) != 3:
             raise TypeError("Enter a 3 dimensional point")
     coords = Tuple(*args)
     if eval:
         coords = coords.xreplace(
             dict([(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                   for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
     return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     eval = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])
     check = True
     if isinstance(args[0], Point):
         if not eval:
             return args[0]
         args = args[0].args
         check = False
         if iterable(args[0]):
             args = args[0]
         if len(args) != 2:
             raise NotImplementedError(
                 "Only two dimensional points currently supported")
     coords = Tuple(*args)
     if check:
         if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
             raise ValueError('Imaginary args not permitted.')
     if eval:
         coords = coords.xreplace(
             dict([(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                   for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
     return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     eval = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])
     check = True
     if isinstance(args[0], Point):
         if not eval:
             return args[0]
         args = args[0].args
         check = False
         if iterable(args[0]):
             args = args[0]
         if len(args) != 2:
             raise ValueError(
                 "Only two dimensional points currently supported")
     coords = Tuple(*args)
     if check:
         if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
             raise ValueError('Imaginary args not permitted.')
     if eval:
         coords = coords.xreplace(dict(
             [(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
             for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))
     return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 11
def _jordan_form(M, calc_transform=True, *, chop=False):
    """Return $(P, J)$ where $J$ is a Jordan block
    matrix and $P$ is a matrix such that $M = P J P^{-1}$


    calc_transform : bool
        If ``False``, then only $J$ is returned.

    chop : bool
        All matrices are converted to exact types when computing
        eigenvalues and eigenvectors.  As a result, there may be
        approximation errors.  If ``chop==True``, these errors
        will be truncated.


    >>> from sympy.matrices import Matrix
    >>> M = Matrix([[ 6,  5, -2, -3], [-3, -1,  3,  3], [ 2,  1, -2, -3], [-1,  1,  5,  5]])
    >>> P, J = M.jordan_form()
    >>> J
    [2, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 2, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 2, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 2]])

    See Also


    if not M.is_square:
        raise NonSquareMatrixError("Only square matrices have Jordan forms")

    mat = M
    has_floats = M.has(Float)

    if has_floats:
            max_prec = max(term._prec for term in M.values()
                           if isinstance(term, Float))
        except ValueError:
            # if no term in the matrix is explicitly a Float calling max()
            # will throw a error so setting max_prec to default value of 53
            max_prec = 53

        # setting minimum max_dps to 15 to prevent loss of precision in
        # matrix containing non evaluated expressions
        max_dps = max(prec_to_dps(max_prec), 15)

    def restore_floats(*args):
        """If ``has_floats`` is `True`, cast all ``args`` as
        matrices of floats."""

        if has_floats:
            args = [m.evalf(n=max_dps, chop=chop) for m in args]
        if len(args) == 1:
            return args[0]

        return args

    # cache calculations for some speedup
    mat_cache = {}

    def eig_mat(val, pow):
        """Cache computations of ``(M - val*I)**pow`` for quick

        if (val, pow) in mat_cache:
            return mat_cache[(val, pow)]

        if (val, pow - 1) in mat_cache:
            mat_cache[(val, pow)] = mat_cache[(val, pow - 1)].multiply(
                mat_cache[(val, 1)], dotprodsimp=None)
            mat_cache[(val, pow)] = (mat - val * M.eye(M.rows)).pow(pow)

        return mat_cache[(val, pow)]

    # helper functions
    def nullity_chain(val, algebraic_multiplicity):
        """Calculate the sequence  [0, nullity(E), nullity(E**2), ...]
        until it is constant where ``E = M - val*I``"""

        # mat.rank() is faster than computing the null space,
        # so use the rank-nullity theorem
        cols = M.cols
        ret = [0]
        nullity = cols - eig_mat(val, 1).rank()
        i = 2

        while nullity != ret[-1]:

            if nullity == algebraic_multiplicity:

            nullity = cols - eig_mat(val, i).rank()
            i += 1

            # Due to issues like #7146 and #15872, SymPy sometimes
            # gives the wrong rank. In this case, raise an error
            # instead of returning an incorrect matrix
            if nullity < ret[-1] or nullity > algebraic_multiplicity:
                raise MatrixError("SymPy had encountered an inconsistent "
                                  "result while computing Jordan block: "

        return ret

    def blocks_from_nullity_chain(d):
        """Return a list of the size of each Jordan block.
        If d_n is the nullity of E**n, then the number
        of Jordan blocks of size n is

            2*d_n - d_(n-1) - d_(n+1)"""

        # d[0] is always the number of columns, so skip past it
        mid = [2 * d[n] - d[n - 1] - d[n + 1] for n in range(1, len(d) - 1)]
        # d is assumed to plateau with "d[ len(d) ] == d[-1]", so
        # 2*d_n - d_(n-1) - d_(n+1) == d_n - d_(n-1)
        end = [d[-1] - d[-2]] if len(d) > 1 else [d[0]]

        return mid + end

    def pick_vec(small_basis, big_basis):
        """Picks a vector from big_basis that isn't in
        the subspace spanned by small_basis"""

        if len(small_basis) == 0:
            return big_basis[0]

        for v in big_basis:
            _, pivots = M.hstack(*(small_basis +

            if pivots[-1] == len(small_basis):
                return v

    # roots doesn't like Floats, so replace them with Rationals
    if has_floats:
        mat = mat.applyfunc(lambda x: nsimplify(x, rational=True))

    # first calculate the jordan block structure
    eigs = mat.eigenvals()

    # Make sure that we have all roots in radical form
    for x in eigs:
        if x.has(CRootOf):
            raise MatrixError(
                "Jordan normal form is not implemented if the matrix have "
                "eigenvalues in CRootOf form")

    # most matrices have distinct eigenvalues
    # and so are diagonalizable.  In this case, don't
    # do extra work!
    if len(eigs.keys()) == mat.cols:
        blocks = list(sorted(eigs.keys(), key=default_sort_key))
        jordan_mat = mat.diag(*blocks)

        if not calc_transform:
            return restore_floats(jordan_mat)

        jordan_basis = [eig_mat(eig, 1).nullspace()[0] for eig in blocks]
        basis_mat = mat.hstack(*jordan_basis)

        return restore_floats(basis_mat, jordan_mat)

    block_structure = []

    for eig in sorted(eigs.keys(), key=default_sort_key):
        algebraic_multiplicity = eigs[eig]
        chain = nullity_chain(eig, algebraic_multiplicity)
        block_sizes = blocks_from_nullity_chain(chain)

        # if block_sizes =       = [a, b, c, ...], then the number of
        # Jordan blocks of size 1 is a, of size 2 is b, etc.
        # create an array that has (eig, block_size) with one
        # entry for each block
        size_nums = [(i + 1, num) for i, num in enumerate(block_sizes)]

        # we expect larger Jordan blocks to come earlier

            (eig, size) for size, num in size_nums for _ in range(num))

    jordan_form_size = sum(size for eig, size in block_structure)

    if jordan_form_size != M.rows:
        raise MatrixError("SymPy had encountered an inconsistent result while "
                          "computing Jordan block. : {}".format(M))

    blocks = (mat.jordan_block(size=size, eigenvalue=eig)
              for eig, size in block_structure)
    jordan_mat = mat.diag(*blocks)

    if not calc_transform:
        return restore_floats(jordan_mat)

    # For each generalized eigenspace, calculate a basis.
    # We start by looking for a vector in null( (A - eig*I)**n )
    # which isn't in null( (A - eig*I)**(n-1) ) where n is
    # the size of the Jordan block
    # Ideally we'd just loop through block_structure and
    # compute each generalized eigenspace.  However, this
    # causes a lot of unneeded computation.  Instead, we
    # go through the eigenvalues separately, since we know
    # their generalized eigenspaces must have bases that
    # are linearly independent.
    jordan_basis = []

    for eig in sorted(eigs.keys(), key=default_sort_key):
        eig_basis = []

        for block_eig, size in block_structure:
            if block_eig != eig:

            null_big = (eig_mat(eig, size)).nullspace()
            null_small = (eig_mat(eig, size - 1)).nullspace()

            # we want to pick something that is in the big basis
            # and not the small, but also something that is independent
            # of any other generalized eigenvectors from a different
            # generalized eigenspace sharing the same eigenvalue.
            vec = pick_vec(null_small + eig_basis, null_big)
            new_vecs = [
                eig_mat(eig, i).multiply(vec, dotprodsimp=None)
                for i in range(size)


    basis_mat = mat.hstack(*jordan_basis)

    return restore_floats(basis_mat, jordan_mat)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])
        on_morph = kwargs.get('on_morph', 'ignore')

        # unpack into coords
        coords = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args

        # check args and handle quickly handle Point instances
        if isinstance(coords, Point):
            # even if we're mutating the dimension of a point, we
            # don't reevaluate its coordinates
            evaluate = False
            if len(coords) == kwargs.get('dim', len(coords)):
                return coords

        if not is_sequence(coords):
            raise TypeError(filldedent('''
                Expecting sequence of coordinates, not `{}`'''
        # A point where only `dim` is specified is initialized
        # to zeros.
        if len(coords) == 0 and kwargs.get('dim', None):
            coords = (S.Zero,)*kwargs.get('dim')

        coords = Tuple(*coords)
        dim = kwargs.get('dim', len(coords))

        if len(coords) < 2:
            raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                Point requires 2 or more coordinates or
                keyword `dim` > 1.'''))
        if len(coords) != dim:
            message = ("Dimension of {} needs to be changed"
                       "from {} to {}.").format(coords, len(coords), dim)
            if on_morph == 'ignore':
            elif on_morph == "error":
                raise ValueError(message)
            elif on_morph == 'warn':
                raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                        on_morph value should be 'error',
                        'warn' or 'ignore'.'''))
        if any(i for i in coords[dim:]):
            raise ValueError('Nonzero coordinates cannot be removed.')
        if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
            raise ValueError('Imaginary coordinates are not permitted.')
        if not all(isinstance(a, Expr) for a in coords):
            raise TypeError('Coordinates must be valid SymPy expressions.')

        # pad with zeros appropriately
        coords = coords[:dim] + (S.Zero,)*(dim - len(coords))

        # Turn any Floats into rationals and simplify
        # any expressions before we instantiate
        if evaluate:
            coords = coords.xreplace(dict(
                [(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                 for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))

        # return 2D or 3D instances
        if len(coords) == 2:
            kwargs['_nocheck'] = True
            return Point2D(*coords, **kwargs)
        elif len(coords) == 3:
            kwargs['_nocheck'] = True
            return Point3D(*coords, **kwargs)

        # the general Point
        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])
        on_morph = kwargs.get('on_morph', 'ignore')

        # unpack into coords
        coords = args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args

        # check args and handle quickly handle Point instances
        if isinstance(coords, Point):
            # even if we're mutating the dimension of a point, we
            # don't reevaluate its coordinates
            evaluate = False
            if len(coords) == kwargs.get('dim', len(coords)):
                return coords

        if not is_sequence(coords):
            raise TypeError(filldedent('''
                Expecting sequence of coordinates, not `{}`'''
        # A point where only `dim` is specified is initialized
        # to zeros.
        if len(coords) == 0 and kwargs.get('dim', None):
            coords = (S.Zero,)*kwargs.get('dim')

        coords = Tuple(*coords)
        dim = kwargs.get('dim', len(coords))

        if len(coords) < 2:
            raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                Point requires 2 or more coordinates or
                keyword `dim` > 1.'''))
        if len(coords) != dim:
            message = ("Dimension of {} needs to be changed"
                       "from {} to {}.").format(coords, len(coords), dim)
            if on_morph == 'ignore':
            elif on_morph == "error":
                raise ValueError(message)
            elif on_morph == 'warn':
                raise ValueError(filldedent('''
                        on_morph value should be 'error',
                        'warn' or 'ignore'.'''))
        if any(i for i in coords[dim:]):
            raise ValueError('Nonzero coordinates cannot be removed.')
        if any(a.is_number and im(a) for a in coords):
            raise ValueError('Imaginary coordinates are not permitted.')
        if not all(isinstance(a, Expr) for a in coords):
            raise TypeError('Coordinates must be valid SymPy expressions.')

        # pad with zeros appropriately
        coords = coords[:dim] + (S.Zero,)*(dim - len(coords))

        # Turn any Floats into rationals and simplify
        # any expressions before we instantiate
        if evaluate:
            coords = coords.xreplace(dict(
                [(f, simplify(nsimplify(f, rational=True)))
                 for f in coords.atoms(Float)]))

        # return 2D or 3D instances
        if len(coords) == 2:
            kwargs['_nocheck'] = True
            return Point2D(*coords, **kwargs)
        elif len(coords) == 3:
            kwargs['_nocheck'] = True
            return Point3D(*coords, **kwargs)

        # the general Point
        return GeometryEntity.__new__(cls, *coords)
Exemplo n.º 14
def _eigenvals(M, error_when_incomplete=True, dotprodsimp=None, **flags):
    r"""Return eigenvalues using the Berkowitz agorithm to compute
    the characteristic polynomial.


    error_when_incomplete : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, it will raise an error if not all
        eigenvalues are computed. This is caused by ``roots`` not returning
        a full list of eigenvalues.

    dotprodsimp : bool, optional
        Specifies whether intermediate term algebraic simplification is used
        during matrix multiplications to control expression blowup and thus
        speed up calculation.

    simplify : bool or function, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, it attempts to return the most
        simplified form of expressions returned by applying default
        simplification method in every routine.

        If it is set to ``False``, it will skip simplification in this
        particular routine to save computation resources.

        If a function is passed to, it will attempt to apply
        the particular function as simplification method.

    rational : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, every floating point numbers would be
        replaced with rationals before computation. It can solve some
        issues of ``roots`` routine not working well with floats.

    multiple : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, the result will be in the form of a

        If it is set to ``False``, the result will be in the form of a


    eigs : list or dict
        Eigenvalues of a matrix. The return format would be specified by
        the key ``multiple``.


        If not enough roots had got computed.

        If attempted to compute eigenvalues from a non-square matrix.


    >>> from sympy.matrices import Matrix
    >>> M = Matrix(3, 3, [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    >>> M.eigenvals()
    {-1: 1, 0: 1, 2: 1}

    See Also



    Eigenvalues of a matrix `A` can be computed by solving a matrix
    equation `\det(A - \lambda I) = 0`

    simplify = flags.get(
        'simplify', False
    )  # Collect simplify flag before popped up, to reuse later in the routine.
    multiple = flags.get(
        'multiple', False
    )  # Collect multiple flag to decide whether return as a dict or list.
    rational = flags.pop('rational', True)

    if not M:
        return {}

    if rational:
        M = M.applyfunc(lambda x: nsimplify(x, rational=True)
                        if x.has(Float) else x)

    if M.is_upper or M.is_lower:
        if not M.is_square:
            raise NonSquareMatrixError()

        diagonal_entries = [M[i, i] for i in range(M.rows)]

        if multiple:
            eigs = diagonal_entries

            eigs = {}

            for diagonal_entry in diagonal_entries:
                if diagonal_entry not in eigs:
                    eigs[diagonal_entry] = 0

                eigs[diagonal_entry] += 1

        flags.pop('simplify', None)  # pop unsupported flag

        if isinstance(simplify, FunctionType):
            eigs = roots(
                           dotprodsimp=dotprodsimp), **flags)
            eigs = roots(M.charpoly(x=Dummy('x'), dotprodsimp=dotprodsimp),

    # make sure the algebraic multiplicity sums to the
    # size of the matrix
    if error_when_incomplete and (sum(eigs.values()) if isinstance(eigs, dict)
                                  else len(eigs)) != M.cols:
        raise MatrixError("Could not compute eigenvalues for {}".format(M))

    # Since 'simplify' flag is unsupported in roots()
    # simplify() function will be applied once at the end of the routine.
    if not simplify:
        return eigs
    if not isinstance(simplify, FunctionType):
        simplify = _simplify

    # With 'multiple' flag set true, simplify() will be mapped for the list
    # Otherwise, simplify() will be mapped for the keys of the dictionary
    if not multiple:
        return {simplify(key): value for key, value in eigs.items()}
        return [simplify(value) for value in eigs]
Exemplo n.º 15
def _eigenvals(
    M, error_when_incomplete=True, *, simplify=False, multiple=False,
    rational=False, **flags):
    r"""Return eigenvalues using the Berkowitz agorithm to compute
    the characteristic polynomial.


    error_when_incomplete : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, it will raise an error if not all
        eigenvalues are computed. This is caused by ``roots`` not returning
        a full list of eigenvalues.

    simplify : bool or function, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, it attempts to return the most
        simplified form of expressions returned by applying default
        simplification method in every routine.

        If it is set to ``False``, it will skip simplification in this
        particular routine to save computation resources.

        If a function is passed to, it will attempt to apply
        the particular function as simplification method.

    rational : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, every floating point numbers would be
        replaced with rationals before computation. It can solve some
        issues of ``roots`` routine not working well with floats.

    multiple : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, the result will be in the form of a

        If it is set to ``False``, the result will be in the form of a


    eigs : list or dict
        Eigenvalues of a matrix. The return format would be specified by
        the key ``multiple``.


        If not enough roots had got computed.

        If attempted to compute eigenvalues from a non-square matrix.


    >>> from sympy.matrices import Matrix
    >>> M = Matrix(3, 3, [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    >>> M.eigenvals()
    {-1: 1, 0: 1, 2: 1}

    See Also



    Eigenvalues of a matrix `A` can be computed by solving a matrix
    equation `\det(A - \lambda I) = 0`
    if not M:
        if multiple:
            return []
        return {}

    if not M.is_square:
        raise NonSquareMatrixError("{} must be a square matrix.".format(M))

    if M.is_upper or M.is_lower:
        return _eigenvals_triangular(M, multiple=multiple)

    if all(x.is_number for x in M) and M.has(Float):
        return _eigenvals_mpmath(M, multiple=multiple)

    if rational:
        M = M.applyfunc(
            lambda x: nsimplify(x, rational=True) if x.has(Float) else x)

    if multiple:
        return _eigenvals_list(
            M, error_when_incomplete=error_when_incomplete, simplify=simplify,
    return _eigenvals_dict(
        M, error_when_incomplete=error_when_incomplete, simplify=simplify,
Exemplo n.º 16
def _eigenvals(M, error_when_incomplete=True, **flags):
    r"""Return eigenvalues using the Berkowitz agorithm to compute
    the characteristic polynomial.


    error_when_incomplete : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, it will raise an error if not all
        eigenvalues are computed. This is caused by ``roots`` not returning
        a full list of eigenvalues.

    simplify : bool or function, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, it attempts to return the most
        simplified form of expressions returned by applying default
        simplification method in every routine.

        If it is set to ``False``, it will skip simplification in this
        particular routine to save computation resources.

        If a function is passed to, it will attempt to apply
        the particular function as simplification method.

    rational : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, every floating point numbers would be
        replaced with rationals before computation. It can solve some
        issues of ``roots`` routine not working well with floats.

    multiple : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, the result will be in the form of a

        If it is set to ``False``, the result will be in the form of a


    eigs : list or dict
        Eigenvalues of a matrix. The return format would be specified by
        the key ``multiple``.


        If not enough roots had got computed.

        If attempted to compute eigenvalues from a non-square matrix.


    >>> from sympy.matrices import Matrix
    >>> M = Matrix(3, 3, [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    >>> M.eigenvals()
    {-1: 1, 0: 1, 2: 1}

    See Also



    Eigenvalues of a matrix `A` can be computed by solving a matrix
    equation `\det(A - \lambda I) = 0`
    if not M:
        return {}

    if not M.is_square:
        raise NonSquareMatrixError("{} must be a square matrix.".format(M))

    simplify = flags.pop('simplify', False)
    multiple = flags.get('multiple', False)
    rational = flags.pop('rational', True)

    if M.is_upper or M.is_lower:
        return _eigenvals_triangular(M, multiple=multiple)

    if all(x.is_number for x in M) and M.has(Float):
        return _eigenvals_mpmath(M, multiple=multiple)

    if rational:
        M = M.applyfunc(lambda x: nsimplify(x, rational=True)
                        if x.has(Float) else x)

    if isinstance(simplify, FunctionType):
        eigs = roots(M.charpoly(simplify=simplify), **flags)
        eigs = roots(M.charpoly(), **flags)

    # make sure the algebraic multiplicity sums to the
    # size of the matrix
    if error_when_incomplete:
        if not multiple and sum(eigs.values()) != M.rows or \
            multiple and len(eigs) != M.cols:
            raise MatrixError("Could not compute eigenvalues for {}".format(M))

    # Since 'simplify' flag is unsupported in roots()
    # simplify() function will be applied once at the end of the routine.
    if not simplify:
        return eigs
    if not isinstance(simplify, FunctionType):
        simplify = _simplify

    # With 'multiple' flag set true, simplify() will be mapped for the list
    # Otherwise, simplify() will be mapped for the keys of the dictionary
    if not multiple:
        return {simplify(key): value for key, value in eigs.items()}
        return [simplify(value) for value in eigs]
Exemplo n.º 17
def _eigenvects(M,
    """Compute eigenvectors of the matrix.


    error_when_incomplete : bool, optional
        Raise an error when not all eigenvalues are computed. This is
        caused by ``roots`` not returning a full list of eigenvalues.

    iszerofunc : function, optional
        Specifies a zero testing function to be used in ``rref``.

        Default value is ``_iszero``, which uses SymPy's naive and fast
        default assumption handler.

        It can also accept any user-specified zero testing function, if it
        is formatted as a function which accepts a single symbolic argument
        and returns ``True`` if it is tested as zero and ``False`` if it
        is tested as non-zero, and ``None`` if it is undecidable.

    simplify : bool or function, optional
        If ``True``, ``as_content_primitive()`` will be used to tidy up
        normalization artifacts.

        It will also be used by the ``nullspace`` routine.

    chop : bool or positive number, optional
        If the matrix contains any Floats, they will be changed to Rationals
        for computation purposes, but the answers will be returned after
        being evaluated with evalf. The ``chop`` flag is passed to ``evalf``.
        When ``chop=True`` a default precision will be used; a number will
        be interpreted as the desired level of precision.


    ret : [(eigenval, multiplicity, eigenspace), ...]
        A ragged list containing tuples of data obtained by ``eigenvals``
        and ``nullspace``.

        ``eigenspace`` is a list containing the ``eigenvector`` for each

        ``eigenvector`` is a vector in the form of a ``Matrix``. e.g.
        a vector of length 3 is returned as ``Matrix([a_1, a_2, a_3])``.


        If failed to compute nullspace.


    >>> from sympy.matrices import Matrix
    >>> M = Matrix(3, 3, [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    >>> M.eigenvects()
    [(-1, 1, [Matrix([
    [ 1],
    [ 0]])]), (0, 1, [Matrix([
    [ 0],
    [ 1]])]), (2, 1, [Matrix([
    [  1]])])]

    See Also

    simplify = flags.get('simplify', True)
    primitive = flags.get('simplify', False)
    flags.pop('simplify', None)  # remove this if it's there
    flags.pop('multiple', None)  # remove this if it's there

    if not isinstance(simplify, FunctionType):
        simpfunc = _simplify if simplify else lambda x: x

    has_floats = M.has(Float)
    if has_floats:
        if all(x.is_number for x in M):
            return _eigenvects_mpmath(M)
        M = M.applyfunc(lambda x: nsimplify(x, rational=True))

    ret = _eigenvects_DOM(M)
    if ret is None:
        ret = _eigenvects_sympy(M, iszerofunc, simplify=simplify, **flags)

    if primitive:
        # if the primitive flag is set, get rid of any common
        # integer denominators
        def denom_clean(l):
            from sympy import gcd
            return [(v / gcd(list(v))).applyfunc(simpfunc) for v in l]

        ret = [(val, mult, denom_clean(es)) for val, mult, es in ret]

    if has_floats:
        # if we had floats to start with, turn the eigenvectors to floats
        ret = [(val.evalf(chop=chop), mult, [v.evalf(chop=chop) for v in es])
               for val, mult, es in ret]

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 18
 def nsimplify(self, constants=[], tolerance=None, full=False):
     """See the nsimplify function in sympy.simplify"""
     from sympy.simplify import nsimplify
     return nsimplify(self, constants, tolerance, full)
Exemplo n.º 19
def _eigenvects(M, error_when_incomplete=True, iszerofunc=_iszero, **flags):
    """Return list of triples (eigenval, multiplicity, eigenspace).


    error_when_incomplete : bool, optional
        Raise an error when not all eigenvalues are computed. This is
        caused by ``roots`` not returning a full list of eigenvalues.

    iszerofunc : function, optional
        Specifies a zero testing function to be used in ``rref``.

        Default value is ``_iszero``, which uses SymPy's naive and fast
        default assumption handler.

        It can also accept any user-specified zero testing function, if it
        is formatted as a function which accepts a single symbolic argument
        and returns ``True`` if it is tested as zero and ``False`` if it
        is tested as non-zero, and ``None`` if it is undecidable.

    simplify : bool or function, optional
        If ``True``, ``as_content_primitive()`` will be used to tidy up
        normalization artifacts.

        It will also be used by the ``nullspace`` routine.

    chop : bool or positive number, optional
        If the matrix contains any Floats, they will be changed to Rationals
        for computation purposes, but the answers will be returned after
        being evaluated with evalf. The ``chop`` flag is passed to ``evalf``.
        When ``chop=True`` a default precision will be used; a number will
        be interpreted as the desired level of precision.

    ret : [(eigenval, multiplicity, eigenspace), ...]
        A ragged list containing tuples of data obtained by ``eigenvals``
        and ``nullspace``.

        ``eigenspace`` is a list containing the ``eigenvector`` for each

        ``eigenvector`` is a vector in the form of a ``Matrix``. e.g.
        a vector of length 3 is returned as ``Matrix([a_1, a_2, a_3])``.


        If failed to compute nullspace.


    >>> from sympy.matrices import Matrix
    >>> M = Matrix(3, 3, [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    >>> M.eigenvects()
    [(-1, 1, [Matrix([
    [ 1],
    [ 0]])]), (0, 1, [Matrix([
    [ 0],
    [ 1]])]), (2, 1, [Matrix([
    [  1]])])]

    See Also


    def eigenspace(eigenval):
        """Get a basis for the eigenspace for a particular eigenvalue"""

        m = M - M.eye(M.rows) * eigenval
        ret = m.nullspace(iszerofunc=iszerofunc)

        # the nullspace for a real eigenvalue should be
        # non-trivial.  If we didn't find an eigenvector, try once
        # more a little harder
        if len(ret) == 0 and simplify:
            ret = m.nullspace(iszerofunc=iszerofunc, simplify=True)
        if len(ret) == 0:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Can't evaluate eigenvector for eigenvalue %s" % eigenval

        return ret

    simplify = flags.get("simplify", True)

    if not isinstance(simplify, FunctionType):
        simpfunc = _simplify if simplify else lambda x: x

    primitive = flags.get("simplify", False)
    chop = flags.pop("chop", False)

    flags.pop("multiple", None)  # remove this if it's there

    has_floats = M.has(
    )  # roots doesn't like Floats, so replace them with Rationals

    if has_floats:
        M = M.applyfunc(lambda x: nsimplify(x, rational=True))

    eigenvals = M.eigenvals(
        rational=False, error_when_incomplete=error_when_incomplete, **flags

    ret = [
        (val, mult, eigenspace(val))
        for val, mult in sorted(eigenvals.items(), key=default_sort_key)

    if primitive:
        # if the primitive flag is set, get rid of any common
        # integer denominators
        def denom_clean(l):
            from sympy import gcd

            return [(v / gcd(list(v))).applyfunc(simpfunc) for v in l]

        ret = [(val, mult, denom_clean(es)) for val, mult, es in ret]

    if has_floats:
        # if we had floats to start with, turn the eigenvectors to floats
        ret = [
            (val.evalf(chop=chop), mult, [v.evalf(chop=chop) for v in es])
            for val, mult, es in ret

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 20
def _eigenvals(M,
    r"""Compute eigenvalues of the matrix.


    error_when_incomplete : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, it will raise an error if not all
        eigenvalues are computed. This is caused by ``roots`` not returning
        a full list of eigenvalues.

    simplify : bool or function, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, it attempts to return the most
        simplified form of expressions returned by applying default
        simplification method in every routine.

        If it is set to ``False``, it will skip simplification in this
        particular routine to save computation resources.

        If a function is passed to, it will attempt to apply
        the particular function as simplification method.

    rational : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, every floating point numbers would be
        replaced with rationals before computation. It can solve some
        issues of ``roots`` routine not working well with floats.

    multiple : bool, optional
        If it is set to ``True``, the result will be in the form of a

        If it is set to ``False``, the result will be in the form of a


    eigs : list or dict
        Eigenvalues of a matrix. The return format would be specified by
        the key ``multiple``.


        If not enough roots had got computed.

        If attempted to compute eigenvalues from a non-square matrix.


    >>> from sympy.matrices import Matrix
    >>> M = Matrix(3, 3, [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    >>> M.eigenvals()
    {-1: 1, 0: 1, 2: 1}

    See Also



    Eigenvalues of a matrix $A$ can be computed by solving a matrix
    equation $\det(A - \lambda I) = 0$

    It's not always possible to return radical solutions for
    eigenvalues for matrices larger than $4, 4$ shape due to
    Abel-Ruffini theorem.

    If there is no radical solution is found for the eigenvalue,
    it may return eigenvalues in the form of
    if not M:
        if multiple:
            return []
        return {}

    if not M.is_square:
        raise NonSquareMatrixError("{} must be a square matrix.".format(M))

    if M._rep.domain not in (ZZ, QQ):
        # Skip this check for ZZ/QQ because it can be slow
        if all(x.is_number for x in M) and M.has(Float):
            return _eigenvals_mpmath(M, multiple=multiple)

    if rational:
        M = M.applyfunc(lambda x: nsimplify(x, rational=True)
                        if x.has(Float) else x)

    if multiple:
        return _eigenvals_list(M,
    return _eigenvals_dict(M,
Exemplo n.º 21
 def nsimplify(self, constants=[], tolerance=None, full=False):
     """See the nsimplify function in sympy.simplify"""
     from sympy.simplify import nsimplify
     return nsimplify(self, constants, tolerance, full)