Exemplo n.º 1
def get_temporal_interpolation(time_data, value_data, interpolation_degree=1):
    Obtain a symbolic piecewise function that interpolates between values
    given in ``value_data`` for the intervals defined in ``time_data``,
    based on a spline interpolation of degree ``interpolation_degree``.
    If ``interpolation_degree == 0``, the function changes according to step
    functions. In this case ``time_data`` needs to have one value more than

    The values in ``time_data`` and ``value_data`` can be symbols or numeric

    time_data : list
        Sorted list of time values.
    value_data : list
        List of values corresponding to the times given in ``time_data``.
    interpolation_degree : int
        The degree of the polynomial that interpolates between values.
    t = sympy.symbols("t")
    if interpolation_degree == 0:
        if len(time_data) != len(value_data) + 1:
            raise ValueError("For ``interpolation_degree == 0``, `time_data`` " +\
                             "needs to have one value more than ``value_data``.")
        return sympy.Piecewise(*[
                    (v, (time_data[i] <= t) & ( t < time_data[i+1])) \
                    for i, v in enumerate(value_data)
        return sympy.interpolating_spline(interpolation_degree, t, time_data,
Exemplo n.º 2
def plotArgs(args):
    if type(args[0]) in (tuple, list):
        args = list(args)
        args[0] = sympy.interpolating_spline(
    return args
Exemplo n.º 3
def build_spline_lineshape(degree, nodes):
    Spline interpolated line shape
    from sympy import interpolating_spline, symarray
    from sympy.abc import x
    from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify, lambdastr

    coeffs = symarray("c", len(nodes))
    spl = interpolating_spline(degree, x, nodes, coeffs)
    f = lambdify([x, coeffs], spl, "tensorflow")

    def spline_lineshape(m, ampl_re, ampl_im):
        return atfi.complex(f(m, ampl_re), f(m, ampl_im))

    return spline_lineshape
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_temporal_interpolation(self):

                          get_temporal_interpolation, [0, 1], [0, 1],

        t = sympy.symbols("t")
        p = sympy.Piecewise((1, (0 <= t) & (t < 1)), (2, (1 <= t) & (t < 2)))
        p2 = get_temporal_interpolation([0, 1, 2], [1, 2], 0)
        assert (p.subs(t, 0.5) == p2.subs(t, 0.5))
        assert (p.subs(t, 1.5) == p2.subs(t, 1.5))
        assert (str(p) == str(p2))

        p = sympy.interpolating_spline(1, t, [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])
        p2 = get_temporal_interpolation([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], 1)
        assert (p.subs(t, 0.5) == p2.subs(t, 0.5))
        assert (p.subs(t, 1.5) == p2.subs(t, 1.5))
        assert (str(p) == str(p2))
Exemplo n.º 5
def interpolating_spline(x):
    return diffify(sympy.interpolating_spline(x))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, dk, n, nh, isf, nsf, xsf, zsf, cfuns, chfuns, hfuns, order, sys):
        assert len(cfuns) == len(hfuns) == n + 1
        if nsf > 1:
            assert len(chfuns) == nh + 1
        assert order != 0
        self.dk = dk
        self.n = n
        self.nh = nh
        assert isf == 0
        self.isf = isf
        self.nsf = nsf
        assert len(xsf) == len(zsf) == nsf
        self.xsf = xsf
        self.zsf = zsf
        self.order = order
        self.sys = sys
        self.xdom = 2.0 * sp.pi / self.dk
        # Express swd coordinates using application coordinates (x,y,z,t)
        self.xswd, self.yswd, self.zswd, self.tswd = sys.app2swd()
        self.cfuns = cfuns
        if self.nsf == 1:
            self.chfuns = []
            for j in range(nh + 1):
                gamh = sp.exp(- 2 * j * self.dk * (-self.zsf[0]))
                cjh = self.cfuns[j].scale(gamh)
            self.chfuns = chfuns
        self.hfuns = hfuns
        if self.order < 0:
            self.Zfun = self.Zfun_exact
            self.Zhfun = self.Zhfun_exact
            self.Zfun = self.Zfun_exact_taylor
            self.Zhfun = self.Zhfun_exact_taylor

        if self.isf == 0:
            if self.nsf == 0:
                self.f_zfloor = sp.interpolating_spline(1, x, [0.0, self.xdom], [1.0, 1.0])  # Floor above z=0
            elif self.nsf == 1:
                self.f_zfloor = sp.interpolating_spline(1, x, [0.0, self.xdom], [self.zsf[0], self.zsf[0]])
            elif self.nsf > 1:
                self.f_zfloor = sp.interpolating_spline(1, x, self.xsf, self.zsf)
        self.f_zfloor_dzdx = sp.diff(self.f_zfloor, x)

        fun_phi_a = 0
        fun_elev = 0
        for j in range(n + 1):
            cj = self.cfuns[j].fun(self.tswd)
            fun_phi_a += cj * self.Xfun(j) * self.Zfun(j)
            hj = self.hfuns[j].fun(self.tswd)
            fun_elev += hj * self.Xfun(j)
        fun_phi_b = 0
        for j in range(nh + 1):
            chj = self.chfuns[j].fun(self.tswd)
            fun_phi_b += chj * self.Xfun(j) * self.Zhfun(j)
        fun_phi = fun_phi_a + fun_phi_b
        fun_str = fun_phi_a - fun_phi_b

        self.f_phi = sp.re(fun_phi)
        self.f_stream = sp.im(fun_str)
        self.f_phi_t = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, t))

        self.f_phi_x = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, x))
        self.f_phi_y = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, y))
        self.f_phi_z = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, z))

        self.f_phi_tx = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, t, x))
        self.f_phi_ty = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, t, y))
        self.f_phi_tz = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, t, z))

        self.f_phi_xx = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, x, x))
        self.f_phi_xy = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, x, y))
        self.f_phi_xz = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, x, z))
        self.f_phi_yy = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, y, y))
        self.f_phi_yz = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, y, z))
        self.f_phi_zz = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_phi, z, z))

        self.f_elev = sp.re(fun_elev)
        self.f_elev_t = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_elev, t))

        self.f_elev_x = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_elev, x))
        self.f_elev_y = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_elev, y))

        self.f_elev_xx = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_elev, x, x))
        self.f_elev_xy = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_elev, x, y))
        self.f_elev_yy = sp.re(sp.diff(fun_elev, y, y))
Exemplo n.º 7
def mPRR3(t):
    return interpolating_spline(1, t, times3, mPRR3s)
Exemplo n.º 8
def mGI(t):
    return interpolating_spline(1, t, times2, mGIs)
Exemplo n.º 9
def mTOC1(t):
    return interpolating_spline(1, t, times1, mTOC1s)