Exemplo n.º 1
 def balance(self):
     # Get list of unique elements
     elements = set()
         elements.add(element) for reactant in self.left
         for element in reactant.count().keys()
     elements = tuple(elements)
     # Build the matrix
     rows = []
     for element in elements:
         row = []
         for reactant in self.left:
         for reactant in self.right:
     # Balance equation with linear algebra
     # http://www.ctroms.com/blog/math/2011/05/01/balancing-chemical-equations-with-linear-algebra/
     mat = Matrix(rows)
     solution, pivots = mat.rref()
     values = [solution.row(r)[-1] for r in range(solution.rows)]
     factor = lcm([value.as_numer_denom()[1] for value in values])
     coeffs = [
         -solution.row(i)[i] * solution.row(i)[-1] * factor for i in pivots
     ] + [factor]
     for reactant, coeff in zip(self.left + self.right, coeffs):
         reactant.coefficient = coeff
     return self
Exemplo n.º 2
def lambda_n(n, k):
    factors = factor(k)
    result = 1
    x = symbols('x')
    term = 1
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        term = lcm(term, x ** i - 1)

    for p, e in factors:
        result = lcm(result, int(p ** (e + math.floor(math.log(n) / math.log(p))) * term.evalf(subs={'x': p})))

    return result
 def balance(self):
     # Get list of unique elements
     elements = set()
      for reactant in self.left for element in reactant.count().keys()]
     elements = tuple(elements)
     # Build the matrix
     rows = []
     for element in elements:
         row = []
         for reactant in self.left:
         for reactant in self.right:
     # Balance equation with linear algebra
     # http://www.ctroms.com/blog/math/2011/05/01/balancing-chemical-equations-with-linear-algebra/
     mat = Matrix(rows)
     solution, pivots = mat.rref()
     values = [solution.row(r)[-1] for r in range(solution.rows)]
     factor = lcm([value.as_numer_denom()[1] for value in values])
     coeffs = [-solution.row(i)[i] * solution.row(i)[-1]
               * factor for i in pivots] + [factor]
     for reactant, coeff in zip(self.left + self.right, coeffs):
         reactant.coefficient = coeff
     return self
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __solve_matrix__(self, reactants, products, elems):
        # Create a coefficient matrix to solve
        coeff_matrix = []
        for e in elems.to_seq():
            row = [compnd.num_atoms(e) for compnd in reactants]
            row += [-compnd.num_atoms(e) for compnd in products]

        # Check if reaction is null
        if (reactants == [] and products == []):
            return [], []
            # Solve for lhs and rhs coefficients
            # Uses algorithm proposed here:
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42637872/solve-system-of-linear-integer-equations-in-python
            matrix = Matrix(coeff_matrix)
            null_vectors = matrix.nullspace()

            if null_vectors == []:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Invalid ReactionT. Reaction cannot be balanced.")

            null_vectors = null_vectors[0]
            multiple = lcm([val.q for val in null_vectors])
            x = multiple * null_vectors
            solution = np.array([int(val) for val in x]).tolist()

            lhs_coeffs = solution[:len(reactants)]
            rhs_coeffs = solution[len(reactants):]

        return lhs_coeffs, rhs_coeffs
Exemplo n.º 5
def balance(eq):
    M = form_mx(eq)
    lhs = re.split("=", eq)[0]
    rhs = re.split("=", eq)[1]

    left_compounds = re.split('\s*\+\s*', lhs)
    right_compounds = re.split('\s*\+\s*', rhs)

    elements = []

    for left_ele in left_compounds:
        help_list = re.findall(r'([A-Z][a-z]{0,1})(\d*)', left_ele)
        for ele in help_list:
            if ele[0] not in elements:

    n = len(left_compounds) + len(right_compounds)
    x = [parse_expr('x%d' % i) for i in range(n)]
    x = sp.symbols('x0:%d' % n)
    sols = sp.solve_linear_system(M, *x)
    new_dict = {}

    for i in x:
        new_dict[i] = 1
    for key in sols:
        if sols[key].args == ():
            new_dict[key] = 1
            new_dict[key] = (sols[key]).args[0]

    # remove fractions
    final_list = []
    for i in range(n):
    f = sp.lcm(final_list)
    for key in new_dict:
        new_dict[key] = new_dict[key] * f

    # form the final output string
    result_str = ""
    for i in range(len(left_compounds)):
        if new_dict[x[i]] == 1:
            result_str += left_compounds[i]
            result_str += str(new_dict[x[i]]) + left_compounds[i]
        if i != (len(left_compounds) - 1):
            result_str += '+'

    result_str += '='

    for i in range(len(right_compounds)):
        temp = len(left_compounds)
        if new_dict[x[i + temp]] == 1:
            result_str += right_compounds[i]
            result_str += str(new_dict[x[i + temp]]) + right_compounds[i]
        if i != (len(right_compounds) - 1):
            result_str += '+'

    return result_str
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_lcm_expr():
    assert_equal("\\lcm(1+1, 8)", lcm(1 + 1, 8))
    assert_equal("920*\\lcm(9, 12*4/2)", 920 * lcm(9, 12 * Rational('4/2')))
    assert_equal("\\lcm(32-128, 10)*22", lcm(32 - 128, 10) * 22)
    assert_equal("\\sqrt{\\lcm(1.25E24, 1E12)}",
                 sqrt(lcm(Rational('1.25E24'), Rational('1E12'))))
    assert_equal("\\lcm(92.0, 000+2)", lcm(Rational('92.0'), 000 + 2))

    assert_equal("\\operatorname{lcm}(1+1, 8)", lcm(1 + 1, 8))
    assert_equal("920*\\operatorname{lcm}(9, 12*4/2)",
                 920 * lcm(9, 12 * Rational('4/2')))
    assert_equal("\\operatorname{lcm}(32-128, 10)*22", lcm(32 - 128, 10) * 22)
    assert_equal("\\sqrt{\\operatorname{lcm}(1.25E24, 1E12)}",
                 sqrt(lcm(Rational('1.25E24'), Rational('1E12'))))
    assert_equal("\\operatorname{lcm}(92.0, 000+2)",
                 lcm(Rational('92.0'), 000 + 2))
def rat2int(N):
    """Convert a rational matrix to an integer matrix.

    N: numpy rational array

    mN:  numpy rational array

    mN is m*N where m is the least common multiple of all denominators

    >>> n1 = sp.Matrix([2,1]); n2 = sp.Matrix([4,6]); N = sp.Matrix([n1/2,n2/3])
    >>> print(N)
    Matrix([[1], [1/2], [4/3], [2]])
    >>> print(stoich.rat2int(N))
    Matrix([[6], [3], [8], [12]])
    n, m = N.shape

    lcm_den = 1
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            num, den = sp.fraction(N[i, j])
            lcm_den = sp.lcm(lcm_den, den)

    return lcm_den * N
Exemplo n.º 8
def calc_gen():
    Calculate generator polynomial based on a given primitive polynomial.
    # Initialize primitive polynomial in GF(q).
    prim_poly = Poly(alpha**m + alpha**4 + 1, alpha).set_domain(GF(q))
    print('Primitive poly: %s' % prim_poly)

    gen_poly = None
    for i in range(1, t * 2):
        # No need to calculate for even i.
        if i % 2 is not 0:
            print('Current i: %d' % i)
            # On first loop, calculate only minimal polynomial.
            if gen_poly is None:
                gen_poly = min_poly(i, prim_poly)
            # Otherwise calculate lowest common multiplier using current value
            # of generator polynomial and minimal polynomial with current i.
                gen_poly = lcm(gen_poly, min_poly(i, prim_poly))

    # Truncate to GF(q).
    gen_poly = gen_poly.trunc(q)
    print('Generator poly: %s' % gen_poly)
    return prim_poly, gen_poly
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, bits_modulo=2048, e=2**16 + 1):
		genera una clau RSA (de 2048 bits i amb exponent públic 2**16+1 per defecte)
        self.publicExponent = e
        correct_primes = False
        while not correct_primes:
            self.primeP = sympy.randprime(2**(bits_modulo // 2 - 1),
                                          2**(bits_modulo // 2) - 1)
            self.primeQ = sympy.randprime(2**(bits_modulo // 2 - 1),
                                          2**(bits_modulo // 2) - 1)
            phi_p = self.primeP - 1
            if sympy.gcd(phi_p, self.publicExponent) != 1:
            phi_q = self.primeQ - 1
            if sympy.gcd(phi_q, self.publicExponent) != 1:
            correct_primes = True
        phi_n = (self.primeP - 1) * (self.primeQ - 1)
        # lcm = phi_p * phi_q / math.gcd(phi_p,phi_q)
        lcm = sympy.lcm(phi_p, phi_q)
        self.privateExponent = sympy.invert(self.publicExponent, lcm)
        self.modulus = self.primeP * self.primeQ
        self.privateExponentModulusPhiP = self.privateExponent % phi_p
        self.privateExponentModulusPhiQ = self.privateExponent % phi_q
        self.inverseQModulusP = sympy.invert(self.primeQ, self.primeP)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def process(self, node: Union[c_ast.FileAST, c_ast.FuncDef]) \
         -> Tuple[c_ast.FuncDef, TypeSystem, Iterable[str], Iterable[str], str]:
     if not isinstance(node, (c_ast.FileAST, c_ast.FuncDef)):
         raise TypeError('node must be of type Union(FileAST, FuncDef)')
     processed = self.visit(node)
     # scale up the random noise scales due to limitations of symbolic executor KLEE only supporting integers
     all_scales = [
         f'1 / ({generate(func_call.args.exprs[0])})'
         for func_call in self._random_scales
     lcm = sp.lcm(
             map(lambda scale: sp.fraction(scale)[1],
                 all_scales + [self._goal])))
     # TODO: use less hackery method to tackle the Pow operation in sympy
     # see also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14264431/expanding-algebraic-powers-in-python-sympy
     if str(lcm) != '1':
             f'Scaling down the noise scales by {lcm} due to limitations of symbolic executor KLEE '
             f'only supporting integers, therefore the cost calculations will not contain divisions.'
         for scale in self._random_scales:
             scale.args.exprs[0] = parse(
                     f'({generate(scale.args.exprs[0])}) / ({lcm})'))
             f'Scaling up the final goal by {lcm} as well due to the cost scale-ups.'
         self._goal = expr_simplify(f'({self._goal}) * ({lcm})')
     return processed, self._type_system, self._preconditions, self._hole_preconditions, self._goal
Exemplo n.º 11
def _polynomial_coeffs_with_roots(roots, scale_entropy):
    """Returns a polynomial with the given roots.

  The polynomial is generated by expanding product_{root in roots} (x - root),
  and then (1) scaling by the coefficients so they are all integers with lcm 1,
  and then (2) further scaling the coefficients by a random integer or rational
  with `scale_entropy` digits.

    roots: List of values.
    scale_entropy: Float; entropy of the random coefficient scaling.

    List of coefficients `coeffs`, such that `coeffs[i]` is the coefficient of
    variable ** i.
    variable = sympy.Symbol('x')  # doesn't matter, only use coefficients
    polynomial = sympy.Poly(sympy.prod([variable - root for root in roots]))
    coeffs_reversed = polynomial.all_coeffs()
    assert len(coeffs_reversed) == len(roots) + 1
    coeffs = list(reversed(coeffs_reversed))
    # Multiply terms to change rationals to integers, and then maybe reintroduce.
    lcm = sympy.lcm([sympy.denom(coeff) for coeff in coeffs])
    if scale_entropy > 0:
        while True:
            scale = number.integer_or_rational(scale_entropy, signed=True)
            if scale != 0:
        scale = 1
    return [coeff * scale * lcm for coeff in coeffs]
Exemplo n.º 12
def scale_vector(vector, S, lb, ub, max_error=1e-6, normalize=False):
    """scale a vector

    Attempts to scale the vector to the smallest possible integers, while
    maintaining S * vector = 0 and lb <= vector <= ub

    If normalize is True, integer scaling is still performed, but the result
    is then normalized (||vector|| = 1). If the integer scaling works, this
    still results in less floating point error.
    def check(x):
        if abs(S * matrix(x).T).max() > max_error:
            return False
        if (x > ub).any() or (x < lb).any():
            return False
        return True
    def prepare_return(x):
        return x / sum(x * x) if normalize else x
    # scale the vector so the smallest entry is 1
    abolute_vector = abs(vector)
    scale = min(abolute_vector[abolute_vector > 1e-5])
    min_scaled_vector = vector * (1.0 / scale)
    min_scaled_vector[abs(min_scaled_vector) < 1e-9] = 0  # round down
    # if scaling makes the solution invalid, return the old one
    if not check(min_scaled_vector):
        return prepare_return(vector)
    # attempt scale the vector to make all entries integers
    factor = lcm([get_factor(i) for i in min_scaled_vector])
    int_scaled_vector = min_scaled_vector * float(factor)
    if max(abs(int_scaled_vector.round() - int_scaled_vector)) < max_error:
        int_scaled_vector = int_scaled_vector.round()
        if check(int_scaled_vector):
            return prepare_return(int_scaled_vector)
    # if this point is reached the integer scaling failed
    return prepare_return(min_scaled_vector)
Exemplo n.º 13
def get_coefficients(rref: MutableDenseMatrix,
                     chem_eq: str,
                     explain: bool = False) -> list:
    all_compounds = list(re.split(r"\+|=\>", chem_eq))
    coefficients = [1] * len(all_compounds)
    denoms = [num.denominator() for num in rref.col(-1)]
    the_lcm = sp.lcm(denoms)
    if explain:
            "Next, we extract the denominators of the last column from the rref:"
            f"Then we find the least common multiple of the denominators, which is: {the_lcm}"
            "After that, we multiply each value in that last column by the LCM (and keep the absolute value), and the first coefficient is the first value, the second is the second value, etc."
        print("The coefficient of the last compound is just the LCM")
    for i, _ in enumerate(coefficients[:-1]):
        numer, denom = rref[i, -1].p, rref[i, -1].q
        if numer == 0:
            return [0] * len(all_compounds)
        coefficients[i] = abs(numer * (the_lcm / denom))
    coefficients[-1] = the_lcm
    return coefficients
Exemplo n.º 14
def convert_rationals_to_ints(coef_list):
  ints = filter(lambda c: isinstance(c, int), coef_list)
  rationals = filter(lambda c: isinstance(c, sympy.Rational), coef_list)
  if len(ints) + len(rationals) > len(coef_list):
    raise Exception("int's and rationals are not mutually exclusive")

  lcm = reduce(lambda x, y: sympy.lcm(x, y.q), rationals, 1)
  no_rationals = map(lambda x: x * lcm, coef_list)
  int_coefs = [int(x) if isinstance(x, sympy.Integer) else x 
               for x in no_rationals]

  if len(rationals) + len(ints) != len(coef_list):
#    print "not equal"
    print "coef_list: %s" %coef_list
    print "rationals: %s" %rationals  
    print "lcm: %s" %lcm
    print "int_coefs: %s" %int_coefs
    print "types: %s" %map(type, int_coefs)

    raise Exception("not rational")

  return int_coefs
Exemplo n.º 15
def find_simple_recurrence_vector(l):
    This function is used internally by other functions from the
    sympy.concrete.guess module. While most users may want to rather use the
    function find_simple_recurrence when looking for recurrence relations
    among rational numbers, the current function may still be useful when
    some post-processing has to be done.

    The function returns a vector of length n when a recurrence relation of
    order n is detected in the sequence of rational numbers v.

    If the returned vector has a length 1, then the returned value is always
    the list [0], which means that no relation has been found.

    While the functions is intended to be used with rational numbers, it should
    work for other kinds of real numbers except for some cases involving
    quadratic numbers; for that reason it should be used with some caution when
    the argument is not a list of rational numbers.


    >>> from sympy.concrete.guess import find_simple_recurrence_vector
    >>> from sympy import fibonacci
    >>> find_simple_recurrence_vector([fibonacci(k) for k in range(12)])
    [1, -1, -1]

    See also

    See the function sympy.concrete.guess.find_simple_recurrence which is more

    q1 = [0]
    q2 = [Integer(1)]
    b, z = 0, len(l) >> 1
    while len(q2) <= z:
        while l[b]==0:
            b += 1
            if b == len(l):
                c = 1
                for x in q2:
                    c = lcm(c, denom(x))
                if q2[0]*c < 0: c = -c
                for k in range(len(q2)):
                    q2[k] = int(q2[k]*c)
                return q2
        a = Integer(1)/l[b]
        m = [a]
        for k in range(b+1, len(l)):
            m.append(-sum(l[j+1]*m[b-j-1] for j in range(b, k))*a)
        l, m = m, [0] * max(len(q2), b+len(q1))
        for k in range(len(q2)):
            m[k] = a*q2[k]
        for k in range(b, b+len(q1)):
            m[k] += q1[k-b]
        while m[-1]==0: m.pop() # because trailing zeros can occur
        q1, q2, b = q2, m, 1
    return [0]
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_normalized_circuit(self, g):
     B_g = self.B.dot(g)
     B_0 = np.zeros((1, self.n), dtype=int)
     for i in range(self.m_B):
         if abs(B_g[i]) <= EPS:
             B_0 = np.concatenate((B_0, self.B[i,:].reshape((1 ,self.n))))
     if self.A is not None:
         B_0 = np.concatenate((self.A, B_0), axis=0)
     D = sympy.Matrix(B_0)
     ker_D = D.nullspace()
     #if len(ker_D) != 1:
     #    raise ValueError('The direction {} is not a circuit of P'.format(g.T))
     circuit = np.array(ker_D[0]).reshape(self.n)
     circuit= circuit*sympy.lcm([circuit[i].q for i in range(self.n) if circuit[i] != 0])
     #make sure circuit has correct sign
     for i in range(self.n):
         if abs(g[i]) >= EPS:
             if circuit[i]*g[i] < 0:
                 circuit = -1*circuit
     return circuit
Exemplo n.º 17
def lcm_arr(Dmat):
    input1 = Dmat.flatten()
    Sz = input1.shape
    lcm1 = 1
    for ct1 in range(Sz[0]):
        lcm1 = spy.lcm(lcm1, input1[ct1])

    return int(lcm1)
def KerIntBasis(B):
    BKer = 1.0 * np.array(Matrix(B).nullspace())
    Bk = []
    for basis in BKer:
        l = lcm(
            map(lambda x: Fraction(x).limit_denominator().denominator,
                map(str, basis)))
        basis = map(int, l * basis)
    Bk = np.array(Bk).T  #Basis are column elements
    return Bk
Exemplo n.º 19
    def apply(self, ns, evaluation):

        ns = ns.get_sequence()
        result = 1
        for n in ns:
            value = n.get_int_value()
            if value is None:
            result = sympy.lcm(result, value)
        return Integer(result)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def apply(self, ns, evaluation):

        ns = ns.get_sequence()
        result = 1
        for n in ns:
            value = n.get_int_value()
            if value is None:
            result = sympy.lcm(result, value)
        return Integer(result)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def coefficients_integerize(self):
        """Transform coefficients to integers if it could be done."""

        #  Get the list that contains all items.
        all_items = self.__left_items + self.__right_items

        #  Initialize the LCM of denominators as 1.
        denom_lcm = _math_cst.ONE

        #  Process left items.
        for item in all_items:
            #  Get the coefficient.
            coeff = item.get_coefficient().simplify()

            #  Get the denominator.
            nd = coeff.as_numer_denom()
            nd_denom = nd[1].simplify()

            #  Calculate.
            if nd_denom.is_Integer:
                denom_lcm = _sympy.lcm(denom_lcm, nd_denom)

        #  Let all coefficients multiply with the LCM value.
        for item in all_items:
            item.set_coefficient(item.get_coefficient() * denom_lcm)

        #  Initialize the GCD of numerators.
        numer_gcd = None
        use_numer_gcd = True

        for item in all_items:
            #  Get the coefficient.
            coeff = item.get_coefficient().simplify()

            #  Get the numerator.
            nd = coeff.as_numer_denom()
            nd_numer = nd[0].simplify()

            #  Calculate.
            if nd_numer.is_Integer and not nd_numer.is_zero:
                if numer_gcd is None:
                    numer_gcd = nd_numer
                    numer_gcd = _sympy.gcd(nd_numer, numer_gcd)
                use_numer_gcd = False

        #  Let all coefficients divide by the GCD value if the GCD value is available.
        if use_numer_gcd and numer_gcd is not None:
            for item in all_items:
                    (item.get_coefficient() / numer_gcd).simplify())
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, p=0, q=0, g=0):
        self.__p = p
        self.__q = q
        self.__n = self.__p * self.__q
        self.__lambda = sympy.lcm(self.__p - 1, self.__q - 1)

        self.__g = g
        self.__u = 0
        if self.__g != 0:
            self.__u = sympy.mod_inverse(
                self.__L(g**self.__lambda % self.__n**2), self.__n)
        print("p,q,n,lambda,g,u = ", self.__p, self.__q, self.__n,
              self.__lambda, self.__g, self.__u)
        print("Paillier:: initialized")
Exemplo n.º 23
    def getMatrixDenomLCM(self, M):
        ''' Get lcm of matrix denominator.

            In sympy, operation of fractionals seems much slower than integers.
            Thus we multiply a fraction matrix with the LCM of all denominators,
            then divide the result with the LCM.

        dm = 1
        for e in M:
            if isinstance(e, Rational):
                nom, denom = e.as_numer_denom()
                dm = sympy.lcm(denom, dm)
        return (M * dm, dm)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def balance(self):
        Taking arguments from java file and separting LHS and RHS
        lst = [' {0} '.format(elem) for elem in sys.argv[1:]]
        eqn = ''.join(str(e) for e in lst)
        eqn_final = eqn.split('==')
        lhs_strings = eqn_final[0].split()
        lhs_compounds = [self.parse_compound(compound) for compound in lhs_strings]
        rhs_strings = eqn_final[1].split()
        rhs_compounds = [self.parse_compound(compound) for compound in rhs_strings]
        # Get list of elements
        els = sorted(set().union(*lhs_compounds, *rhs_compounds))
        els_index = dict(zip(els, range(len(els))))

        # Building matrix to solve
        w = len(lhs_compounds) + len(rhs_compounds)
        h = len(els)
        A = [[0] * w for _ in range(h)]
        # load with element coefficients
        for col, compound in enumerate(lhs_compounds):
            for el, num in compound.items():
                row = els_index[el]
                A[row][col] = num
        for col, compound in enumerate(rhs_compounds, len(lhs_compounds)):
            for el, num in compound.items():
                row = els_index[el]
                A[row][col] = -num   # invert coefficients for RHS

        # Solve using Sympy for absolute-precision math
        A = sympy.Matrix(A)  
        if not A.nullspace():
            print("Invalid Equation!!!")
        # finding first basis vector == primary solution
        coeffs = A.nullspace()[0]
        # finding least common denominator, multiply through to convert to integer solution
        coeffs *= sympy.lcm([term.q for term in coeffs])

        # Displaying result
        lhs = " + ".join(["{} {}".format(coeffs[i], s) for i, s in enumerate(lhs_strings)])
        rhs = " + ".join(["{} {}".format(coeffs[i], s) for i, s in enumerate(rhs_strings, len(lhs_strings))])
        print("{} --> {}".format(lhs, rhs))
Exemplo n.º 25
def lcm(value, sample_args, context=None):
    """Question for least common multiple of p and q."""
    del value  # unused
    if context is None:
        context = composition.Context()

    entropy, sample_args = sample_args.peel()

    p, q = _pair_with_large_hidden_factor(entropy)
    answer = sympy.lcm(p, q)

    if random.choice([False, True]):
        p, q = context.sample(sample_args, [p, q])
        # Ask the question directly.
        adjective = random.choice(
            ['paling sedikit', 'paling rendah', 'paling kecil'])
        template = random.choice([
            'Hitung kelipatan persekutuan {adjective} dari {p} dan {q}.',
            'Berapa {adjective} kelipatan persekutuan dari {p} dan {q}?',
        return example.Problem(question=example.question(
        # Phrase the question as finding the common denominator of two fractions.
        p = number.integer(2, signed=True, coprime_to=p) / p
        q = number.integer(2, signed=True, coprime_to=q) / q
        p, q = context.sample(sample_args, [p, q])

        template = random.choice([
            'Berapa penyebut dari {p} dan {q}?',
            'Temukan penyebut yang sama dari {p} dan {q}.',
            'Hitung penyebut dari {p} dan {q}.',
        return example.Problem(question=example.question(
Exemplo n.º 26
    def balanceCoeficients(self):
        if self.isBalanced():
            els = list()

            # Get a list of element symbols
            for compound in self.leftSide:
                for element in compound.elements:

            els_index = dict(zip(els, range(len(els))))  # {'C': 0, 'H': 1, 'O': 2}

            # Build matrix to solve
            w = len(self.leftSide) + len(self.rightSide) # 4
            h = len(els) # 3
            A = [[0] * w for _ in range(h)] # [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]

            # load the matrix with element coefficients
            for col, compound in enumerate(self.leftSide):
                for el in compound.elements:
                    row = els_index[el.symbol]
                    A[row][col] = int(el.amount)
            for col, compound in enumerate(self.rightSide, len(self.leftSide)):
                for el in compound.elements:
                    row = els_index[el.symbol]
                    A[row][col] = -int(el.amount)   # invert coefficients for RHS

            # Solve using Sympy for absolute-precision math
            A = sympy.Matrix(A)

            # find first basis vector == primary solution
            coeffs = A.nullspace()[0]

            # find least common denominator, multiply through to convert to integer solution
            coeffs *= sympy.lcm([term.q for term in coeffs])

            tmp = 0

            for i, comp in enumerate(self.leftSide):
                comp.amount = coeffs[i]
                tmp = i
            for i, comp in enumerate(self.rightSide):
                comp.amount = coeffs[i+tmp+1]
Exemplo n.º 27
def nullspace_blocked(matrix, **kwargs):
    Calculate the nullspace of a given matrix. This is functionally equivalent to sympy's ``nullspace`` method, but it first subdivides the matrix into block-diagonal parts if possible.

    Keyword arguments are forwarded to the sympy nullspace method.
    n_rows, n_cols = matrix.shape
    row_nodes = [(_NodeType.ROW, i) for i in range(n_rows)]
    column_nodes = [(_NodeType.COLUMN, i) for i in range(n_cols)]

    graph = nx.Graph()


    for row_idx in range(n_rows):
        for column_idx, val in enumerate(matrix.row(row_idx)):
            if val.is_nonzero:
                graph.add_edge((_NodeType.ROW, row_idx),
                               (_NodeType.COLUMN, column_idx))

    nullspace = []
    components = list(nx.connected_components(graph))
    for component in components:
        row_indices = sorted(idx for kind, idx in component
                             if kind is _NodeType.ROW)
        column_indices = sorted(idx for kind, idx in component
                                if kind is _NodeType.COLUMN)
        if len(column_indices) == 0:
        mat_part = matrix[row_indices, column_indices]
        # Get rid of fractions -- least common multiple of the denominators
        # This greatly improves the performance of sympy's nullspace -- for
        # whatever reason.
        mat_part *= sp.lcm([sp.fraction(val)[1] for val in mat_part])
        nullspace_part = np.array(mat_part.nullspace(**kwargs))
        if len(nullspace_part) == 0:
        nullspace_part_extended = np.zeros((len(nullspace_part), n_cols),
        nullspace_part_extended[:, column_indices] = nullspace_part
        nullspace.extend([sp.Matrix(vec) for vec in nullspace_part_extended])

    return nullspace
Exemplo n.º 28
def lcm(value, sample_args, context=None):
    """Question for least common multiple of p and q."""
    del value  # unused
    if context is None:
        context = composition.Context()

    entropy, sample_args = sample_args.peel()

    p, q = _pair_with_large_hidden_factor(entropy)
    answer = sympy.lcm(p, q)

    if random.choice([False, True]):
        p, q = context.sample(sample_args, [p, q])
        # Ask the question directly.
        adjective = random.choice(['наименьший'])
        template = random.choice([
            'Найдите {adjective} общий множитель {p} и {q}.',
            'Какой {adjective} общий множитель у {p} и {q}?',
        return example.Problem(question=example.question(
        # Phrase the question as finding the common denominator of two fractions.
        p = number.integer(2, signed=True, coprime_to=p) / p
        q = number.integer(2, signed=True, coprime_to=q) / q
        p, q = context.sample(sample_args, [p, q])

        template = random.choice([
            'Найдите общий знаменатель {p} и {q}.',
            'Чему равен общий знаменатель {p} и {q}?',
            # 'Calculate the common denominator of {p} and {q}.',
        return example.Problem(question=example.question(
Exemplo n.º 29
Arquivo: math.py Projeto: Iisting/Miza
class Random(sympy.Basic):
    def __init__(self, a=None, b=None):
        if a is None:
            self.a = 0
            self.b = 1
            self.isint = False
        elif b is None:
            self.a = 0
            self.b = a
            self.isint = True
            sgn = sympy.sign(b - a)
            self.a = sgn * a + (1 - sgn) * b
            self.b = sgn * b + (1 - sgn) * a + 1
            self.isint = True

    def evalf(self, prec):
        randfloat = sympy.Float(random.random(),
                                dps=prec) / 2.7**(prec / 7 - random.random())
        temp = (sympy.Float(random.random(), dps=prec) /
                (randfloat + time.time() % 1)) % 1
        temp *= self.b - self.a
        temp += self.a
        if self.isint:
            temp = sympy.Integer(temp)
        return temp

    gcd = lambda self, other, *gens, **args: sympy.gcd(self.evalf(BF_PREC),
                                                       other, *gens, **args)
    lcm = lambda self, other, *gens, **args: sympy.lcm(self.evalf(BF_PREC),
                                                       other, *gens, **args)
    is_Rational = lambda self: True
    expand = lambda self, **void: self.evalf(BF_PREC)
    nsimplify = lambda self, **void: self.evalf(BF_PREC)
    as_coeff_Add = lambda self, *void: (0, self.evalf(BF_PREC))
    as_coeff_Mul = lambda self, *void: (0, self.evalf(BF_PREC))
    _eval_power = lambda *void: None
    _eval_evalf = evalf
    __abs__ = lambda self: abs(self.evalf(BF_PREC))
    __neg__ = lambda self: -self.evalf(BF_PREC)
    __repr__ = lambda self, *void: str(self.evalf(BF_PREC))
    __str__ = __repr__
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_defect_calculation():
    """Tests defect calculation on the cosimulation made of ramps"""
    slope1, slope2 = 2., 3.
    step1, step2 = Fraction(5), Fraction(7)
    cosim = ramp_cosimulation(slope1, slope2, step1, step2)
    t_end = Fraction(20)
    defect = cs.evaluate(cosim, t_end)

    alpha = Fraction(int(lcm(step1.numerator, step2.numerator)),
                     int(gcd(step1.denominator, step2.denominator)))
    num1, num2 = tuple(map(int, [alpha / step for step in (step1, step2)]))
    big = max(num1, num2) + 1
    small = min(num1, num2) - 1
    assert defect.connection['Ramp1', 'u'] > small * slope2 * step2
    assert defect.connection['Ramp1', 'u'] < big * slope2 * step2
    assert defect.connection['Ramp2', 'u'] > small * slope1 * step1
    assert defect.connection['Ramp2', 'u'] < big * slope1 * step1

    assert defect.output['Ramp1', 'y'] == pytest.approx(slope1 * step1)
    assert defect.output['Ramp2', 'y'] == pytest.approx(slope2 * step2)
Exemplo n.º 31
Arquivo: qform.py Projeto: zholos/qml
    def common_denominator(f):
        def mul(a, b):
            if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
                return [mul(x, b) for x in a]
                return a * b

        if isinstance(f, (list, tuple)):
            ns, ds, rs = zip(*map(common_denominator, f))
            if None not in ds and len(set(rs)) == 1:
                cd = sp.lcm(map(S, ds))
                return [mul(n, cd // d) for n, d in zip(ns, ds)], cd, rs[0]
        if rational(f):
            return rational(f) + (1,)
        if isinstance(f, sp.Basic):
            a, b = f.as_coeff_mul()
            if a.is_Rational and len(b) == 1 and b[0].is_Pow and \
                    b[0].base.is_Rational and b[0].exp == S(1)/2:
                return a.p, a.q, b[0].base
        return None, None, None
Exemplo n.º 32
    def common_denominator(f):
        def mul(a, b):
            if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
                return [mul(x, b) for x in a]
                return a * b

        if isinstance(f, (list, tuple)):
            ns, ds, rs = zip(*map(common_denominator, f))
            if None not in ds and len(set(rs)) == 1:
                cd = sp.lcm(map(S, ds))
                return [mul(n, cd // d) for n, d in zip(ns, ds)], cd, rs[0]
        if rational(f):
            return rational(f) + (1, )
        if isinstance(f, sp.Basic):
            a, b = f.as_coeff_mul()
            if a.is_Rational and len(b) == 1 and b[0].is_Pow and \
                    b[0].base.is_Rational and b[0].exp == S(1)/2:
                return a.p, a.q, b[0].base
        return None, None, None
Exemplo n.º 33
 def gen(self):
     irr_poly = Poly(alpha ** self.m + alpha + 1, alpha).set_domain(GF(self.q))
     if gf_irreducible_p([int(c) for c in irr_poly.all_coeffs()], self.q, ZZ):
         quotient_size = len(power_dict(self.n, irr_poly, self.q))
         quotient_size = 0
     log.info("irr(q_size: {}): {}".format(quotient_size, irr_poly))
     while quotient_size < self.n:
         irr_poly = Poly([int(c.numerator) for c in gf_irreducible(self.m, self.q, ZZ)], alpha)
         quotient_size = len(power_dict(self.n, irr_poly, self.q))
         log.info("irr(q_size: {}): {}".format(quotient_size, irr_poly))
     g_poly = None
     for i in range(self.b, self.b + self.d - 1):
         if g_poly is None:
             g_poly = minimal_poly(i, self.n, self.q, irr_poly)
             g_poly = lcm(g_poly, minimal_poly(i, self.n, self.q, irr_poly))
     g_poly = g_poly.trunc(self.q)
     return irr_poly, g_poly
Exemplo n.º 34
def balance(productsSym, molMass, substances):
    global console
        "Skal reaktionsskemaet automatisk afstemmes? ([green]j[/green]/[red]n[/red]): ",
    autoBalance = input()
    if autoBalance.lower() == "j":
        global elementMatrix
        for i in range(len(reactants)):
            compoundDecipher(reactants[i], i, 1)
        for i in range(len(products)):
            compoundDecipher(products[i], i + len(reactants), -1)
        elementMatrix = Matrix(elementMatrix)
        elementMatrix = elementMatrix.transpose()
        solution = elementMatrix.nullspace()[0]
        multiple = lcm([val.q for val in solution])
        solution = multiple * solution
        coEffi = solution.tolist()
        return [coEffi[i][0] for i in range(len(reactants))] + [
            coEffi[i + len(reactants)][0] for i in range(len(products))
    elif autoBalance.lower() == "n":
        x = Table(show_header=True, header_style="cyan")
        x.add_column("Af: Daniel Nettelfield")
        for i in productsSym:
        x.add_row(*(["Molare Masse [g/mol]"] +
                    [str(round(i, decimals)) for i in molMass]))
        x.add_row(*(["Index Værdi"] +
                    [str(i + 1) for i in range(len(substances))]))
        return [
            int(input(f"Indsæt koefficient {i}: "))
            for i in range(1,
                           len(substances) + 1)
        console.print("Ugyldigt input")
        return balance(productsSym, molMass, substances)
Exemplo n.º 35
def findASolution(AMatrix):
  A = AMatrix
  U = [[       0,           A[1][0],           A[2][0],          -A[0][1],         0,                 0,          -A[0][2],                 0,        0],
       [ A[0][1], A[1][1] - A[0][0],           A[2][1],	                0,	-A[0][1],	                0,	               0,	         -A[0][2],        0],
       [ A[0][2],           A[1][2], A[2][2] - A[0][0],	                0,         0,	         -A[0][1],                 0,	                0, -A[0][2]],
       [-A[1][0],                 0,	               0, A[0][0] - A[1][1],   A[1][0],	          A[2][0],	        -A[1][2],                 0,        0],
       [       0,          -A[1][0],                 0,	          A[0][1],         0,	          A[2][1],                 0,	         -A[1][2],	      0],
       [       0,                 0,	        -A[1][0],          	A[0][2],	 A[1][2], A[2][2] - A[1][1],	               0,                 0, -A[1][2]],
       [-A[2][0],                 0,	               0,          -A[2][1],         0,	                0, A[0][0] - A[2][2],           A[1][0],  A[2][0]],
       [       0,          -A[2][0],	               0,	                0,	-A[2][1],	                0,           A[0][1],	A[1][1] - A[2][2],	A[2][1]], 
       [       0,                 0,          -A[2][0],                 0,	       0,          -A[2][1],           A[0][2],	          A[1][2],        0]]

  U = Matrix(U)
  NewSols = []
  for sol in U.nullspace():
    m = lcm([val.q for val in sol])
    x = m * sol

  return NewSols
Exemplo n.º 36
def lcm_vec(Dmat):
    The function computes the least common multiple (LCM).

    Dmat: int
        The input number.

    lcm1: int
        The least common multiple of the input number.
    input1 = Dmat.flatten()
    Sz = input1.shape
    lcm1 = 1
    for ct1 in range(Sz[0]):
        lcm1 = spy.lcm(lcm1, input1[ct1])

    return int(lcm1)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def _find_realization(self, G, s):
        """ Represenatation [A, B, C, D] of the state space model

        Returns the representation in state space of a given transfer function


        G: Matrix
            Matrix valued transfer function G(s) in laplace space
        s: symbol
            variable s, where G is dependent from

        See Also

        Utils : some quick tools for matrix polynomials


        Joao P. Hespanha, Linear Systems Theory. 2009.

        A, B, C, D = 4 * [None]

            m, k = G.shape

        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError("G must be a matrix")

        # test if G is proper
        if not utl.is_proper(G, s, strict=False):
            raise ValueError("G must be proper!")

        # define D as the limit of G for s to infinity
        D = G.limit(s, oo)

        # define G_sp as the (stricly proper) difference of G and D
        G_sp = simplify(G - D)

        # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
        # get the coefficients of the monic least common denominator of all entries of G_sp
        # compute a least common denominator using utl and lcm
        lcd = lcm(utl.fraction_list(G_sp, only_denoms=True))

        # make it monic
        lcd = simplify(lcd / LC(lcd, s))

        # and get a coefficient list of its monic. The [1:] cuts the LC away (thats a one)
        lcd_coeff = Poly(lcd, s).all_coeffs()[1:]

        # get the degree of the lcd
        lcd_deg = degree(lcd, s)

        # get the Matrix Valued Coeffs of G_sp in G_sp = 1/lcd * (N_1 * s**(n-1) + N_2 * s**(n-2) .. +N_n)
        G_sp_coeff = utl.matrix_coeff(simplify(G_sp * lcd), s)
        G_sp_coeff = [zeros(m, k)] * (lcd_deg - len(G_sp_coeff)) + G_sp_coeff

        # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
        # now store A, B, C, D in terms of the coefficients of lcd and G_sp
        # define A
        A = (-1) * lcd_coeff[0] * eye(k)

        for alpha in lcd_coeff[1:]:
            A = A.row_join((-1) * alpha * eye(k))

        for i in xrange(lcd_deg - 1):
            if i == 0:
                tmp = eye(k)
                tmp = zeros(k)

            for j in range(lcd_deg)[1:]:
                if j == i:
                    tmp = tmp.row_join(eye(k))
                    tmp = tmp.row_join(zeros(k))
            if tmp is not None:
                A = A.col_join(tmp)

        # define B
        B = eye(k)
        for i in xrange(lcd_deg - 1):
            B = B.col_join(zeros(k))

        # define C
        C = G_sp_coeff[0]
        for i in range(lcd_deg)[1:]:
            C = C.row_join(G_sp_coeff[i])

        # return the state space representation
        return [simplify(A), simplify(B), simplify(C), simplify(D)]
Exemplo n.º 38
def approximants(l, X=Symbol('x'), simplify=False):
    Return a generator for consecutive Pade approximants for a series.
    It can also be used for computing the rational generating function of a
    series when possible, since the last approximant returned by the generator
    will be the generating function (if any).

    The input list can contain more complex expressions than integer or rational
    numbers; symbols may also be involved in the computation. An example below
    show how to compute the generating function of the whole Pascal triangle.

    The generator can be asked to apply the sympy.simplify function on each
    generated term, which will make the computation slower; however it may be
    useful when symbols are involved in the expressions.


    >>> from sympy.series import approximants
    >>> from sympy import lucas, fibonacci, symbols, binomial
    >>> g = [lucas(k) for k in range(16)]
    >>> [e for e in approximants(g)]
    [2, -4/(x - 2), (5*x - 2)/(3*x - 1), (x - 2)/(x**2 + x - 1)]

    >>> h = [fibonacci(k) for k in range(16)]
    >>> [e for e in approximants(h)]
    [x, -x/(x - 1), (x**2 - x)/(2*x - 1), -x/(x**2 + x - 1)]

    >>> x, t = symbols("x,t")
    >>> p=[sum(binomial(k,i)*x**i for i in range(k+1)) for k in range(16)]
    >>> y = approximants(p, t)
    >>> for k in range(3): print(next(y))
    (x + 1)/((-x - 1)*(t*(x + 1) + (x + 1)/(-x - 1)))

    >>> y = approximants(p, t, simplify=True)
    >>> for k in range(3): print(next(y))
    -1/(t*(x + 1) - 1)

    See also
    See function sympy.concrete.guess.guess_generating_function_rational and
    function mpmath.pade

    p1, q1 = [Integer(1)], [Integer(0)]
    p2, q2 = [Integer(0)], [Integer(1)]
    while len(l):
        b = 0
        while l[b]==0:
            b += 1
            if b == len(l):
        m = [Integer(1)/l[b]]
        for k in range(b+1, len(l)):
            s = 0
            for j in range(b, k):
                s -= l[j+1] * m[b-j-1]
        l = m
        a, l[0] = l[0], 0
        p = [0] * max(len(p2), b+len(p1))
        q = [0] * max(len(q2), b+len(q1))
        for k in range(len(p2)):
            p[k] = a*p2[k]
        for k in range(b, b+len(p1)):
            p[k] += p1[k-b]
        for k in range(len(q2)):
            q[k] = a*q2[k]
        for k in range(b, b+len(q1)):
            q[k] += q1[k-b]
        while p[-1]==0: p.pop()
        while q[-1]==0: q.pop()
        p1, p2 = p2, p
        q1, q2 = q2, q

        # yield result
        from sympy import denom, lcm, simplify as simp
        c = 1
        for x in p:
            c = lcm(c, denom(x))
        for x in q:
            c = lcm(c, denom(x))
        out = ( sum(c*e*X**k for k, e in enumerate(p))
              / sum(c*e*X**k for k, e in enumerate(q)) )
        if simplify: yield(simp(out))
        else: yield out
Exemplo n.º 39
Project Euler Problem #5:

2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers
from 1 to 10 without any remainder.

What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all
of the numbers from 1 to 20?

import sympy
a = list(range(1,21))