Exemplo n.º 1
def test_function_series3():
    Test our easy "tanh" function.

    This test tests two things:
      * that the Function interface works as expected and it's easy to use
      * that the general algorithm for the series expansion works even when the
        derivative is defined recursively in terms of the original function,
        since tanh(x).diff(x) == 1-tanh(x)**2

    class mytanh(Function):
        nargs = 1

        def fdiff(self, argindex = 1):
            return 1-mytanh(self.args[0])**2

        def canonize(cls, arg):
            arg = sympify(arg)
            if arg == 0:
                return sympify(0)

    e = tanh(x)
    f = mytanh(x)
    assert tanh(x).series(x, 0, 6) == mytanh(x).series(x, 0, 6)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_tan_rewrite():
    neg_exp, pos_exp = exp(-x*I), exp(x*I)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(exp) == I*(neg_exp - pos_exp)/(neg_exp + pos_exp)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(sin) == 2*sin(x)**2/sin(2*x)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(cos) == -cos(x + S.Pi/2)/cos(x)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(cot) == 1/cot(x)
    assert tan(sinh(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sinh(3)).n()
    assert tan(cosh(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cosh(3)).n()
    assert tan(tanh(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tanh(3)).n()
    assert tan(coth(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, coth(3)).n()
    assert tan(sin(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sin(3)).n()
    assert tan(cos(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cos(3)).n()
    assert tan(tan(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tan(3)).n()
    assert tan(cot(x)).rewrite(
        exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cot(3)).n()
    assert tan(log(x)).rewrite(Pow) == I*(x**-I - x**I)/(x**-I + x**I)
    assert 0 == (cos(pi/15)*tan(pi/15) - sin(pi/15)).rewrite(pow)
    assert tan(pi/19).rewrite(pow) == tan(pi/19)
    assert tan(8*pi/19).rewrite(sqrt) == tan(8*pi/19)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_simplifications():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert sinh(asinh(x)) == x
    assert sinh(acosh(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1)
    assert sinh(atanh(x)) == x/sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert sinh(acoth(x)) == 1/(sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))

    assert cosh(asinh(x)) == sqrt(1 + x**2)
    assert cosh(acosh(x)) == x
    assert cosh(atanh(x)) == 1/sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert cosh(acoth(x)) == x/(sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))

    assert tanh(asinh(x)) == x/sqrt(1 + x**2)
    assert tanh(acosh(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1) / x
    assert tanh(atanh(x)) == x
    assert tanh(acoth(x)) == 1/x

    assert coth(asinh(x)) == sqrt(1 + x**2)/x
    assert coth(acosh(x)) == x/(sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))
    assert coth(atanh(x)) == 1/x
    assert coth(acoth(x)) == x

    assert csch(asinh(x)) == 1/x
    assert csch(acosh(x)) == 1/(sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))
    assert csch(atanh(x)) == sqrt(1 - x**2)/x
    assert csch(acoth(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1)

    assert sech(asinh(x)) == 1/sqrt(1 + x**2)
    assert sech(acosh(x)) == 1/x
    assert sech(atanh(x)) == sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert sech(acoth(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1)/x
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_exp_rewrite():
    assert exp(x).rewrite(sin) == sinh(x) + cosh(x)
    assert exp(x*I).rewrite(cos) == cos(x) + I*sin(x)
    assert exp(1).rewrite(cos) == sinh(1) + cosh(1)
    assert exp(1).rewrite(sin) == sinh(1) + cosh(1)
    assert exp(1).rewrite(sin) == sinh(1) + cosh(1)
    assert exp(x).rewrite(tanh) == (1 + tanh(x/2))/(1 - tanh(x/2))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_evalc():
    x = Symbol("x", real=True)
    y = Symbol("y", real=True)
    z = Symbol("z")
    assert ((x+I*y)**2).expand(complex=True) == x**2+2*I*x*y - y**2
    assert expand_complex(z**(2*I)) == I*im(z**(2*I)) + re(z**(2*I))

    assert exp(I*x) != cos(x)+I*sin(x)
    assert exp(I*x).expand(complex=True) == cos(x)+I*sin(x)
    assert exp(I*x+y).expand(complex=True) == exp(y)*cos(x)+I*sin(x)*exp(y)

    assert sin(I*x).expand(complex=True) == I * sinh(x)
    assert sin(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == sin(x)*cosh(y) + \
            I * sinh(y) * cos(x)

    assert cos(I*x).expand(complex=True) == cosh(x)
    assert cos(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == cos(x)*cosh(y) - \
            I * sinh(y) * sin(x)

    assert tan(I*x).expand(complex=True) == tanh(x) * I
    assert tan(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == \
            ((sin(x)*cos(x) + I*cosh(y)*sinh(y)) / (cos(x)**2 + sinh(y)**2)).expand()

    assert sinh(I*x).expand(complex=True) == I * sin(x)
    assert sinh(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == sinh(x)*cos(y) + \
            I * sin(y) * cosh(x)

    assert cosh(I*x).expand(complex=True) == cos(x)
    assert cosh(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == cosh(x)*cos(y) + \
            I * sin(y) * sinh(x)

    assert tanh(I*x).expand(complex=True) == tan(x) * I
    assert tanh(x+I*y).expand(complex=True) == \
            ((sinh(x)*cosh(x) + I*cos(y)*sin(y)) / (sinh(x)**2 + cos(y)**2)).expand()
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_tanh_rewrite():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert tanh(x).rewrite(exp) == (exp(x) - exp(-x))/(exp(x) + exp(-x)) \
        == tanh(x).rewrite('tractable')
    assert tanh(x).rewrite(sinh) == I*sinh(x)/sinh(I*pi/2 - x)
    assert tanh(x).rewrite(cosh) == I*cosh(I*pi/2 - x)/cosh(x)
    assert tanh(x).rewrite(coth) == 1/coth(x)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_tan():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')

    r = Symbol('r', real=True)

    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)

    assert tan(nan) == nan

    assert tan(oo*I) == I
    assert tan(-oo*I) == -I

    assert tan(0) == 0

    assert tan(atan(x)) == x
    assert tan(asin(x)) == x / sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert tan(acos(x)) == sqrt(1 - x**2) / x
    assert tan(acot(x)) == 1 / x
    assert tan(atan2(y, x)) == y/x

    assert tan(pi*I) == tanh(pi)*I
    assert tan(-pi*I) == -tanh(pi)*I
    assert tan(-2*I) == -tanh(2)*I

    assert tan(pi) == 0
    assert tan(-pi) == 0
    assert tan(2*pi) == 0
    assert tan(-2*pi) == 0
    assert tan(-3*10**73*pi) == 0

    assert tan(pi/2) == zoo
    assert tan(3*pi/2) == zoo

    assert tan(pi/3) == sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-2*pi/3) == sqrt(3)

    assert tan(pi/4) == S.One
    assert tan(-pi/4) == -S.One
    assert tan(17*pi/4) == S.One
    assert tan(-3*pi/4) == S.One

    assert tan(pi/6) == 1/sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-pi/6) == -1/sqrt(3)
    assert tan(7*pi/6) == 1/sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-5*pi/6) == 1/sqrt(3)

    assert tan(x*I) == tanh(x)*I

    assert tan(k*pi) == 0
    assert tan(17*k*pi) == 0

    assert tan(k*pi*I) == tanh(k*pi)*I

    assert tan(r).is_real is True

    assert tan(10*pi/7) == tan(3*pi/7)
    assert tan(11*pi/7) == -tan(3*pi/7)
    assert tan(-11*pi/7) == tan(3*pi/7)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_tan():
    assert tan(nan) == nan

    assert tan.nargs == FiniteSet(1)
    assert tan(oo*I) == I
    assert tan(-oo*I) == -I

    assert tan(0) == 0

    assert tan(atan(x)) == x
    assert tan(asin(x)) == x / sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert tan(acos(x)) == sqrt(1 - x**2) / x
    assert tan(acot(x)) == 1 / x
    assert tan(atan2(y, x)) == y/x

    assert tan(pi*I) == tanh(pi)*I
    assert tan(-pi*I) == -tanh(pi)*I
    assert tan(-2*I) == -tanh(2)*I

    assert tan(pi) == 0
    assert tan(-pi) == 0
    assert tan(2*pi) == 0
    assert tan(-2*pi) == 0
    assert tan(-3*10**73*pi) == 0

    assert tan(pi/2) == zoo
    assert tan(3*pi/2) == zoo

    assert tan(pi/3) == sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-2*pi/3) == sqrt(3)

    assert tan(pi/4) == S.One
    assert tan(-pi/4) == -S.One
    assert tan(17*pi/4) == S.One
    assert tan(-3*pi/4) == S.One

    assert tan(pi/6) == 1/sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-pi/6) == -1/sqrt(3)
    assert tan(7*pi/6) == 1/sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-5*pi/6) == 1/sqrt(3)

    assert tan(x*I) == tanh(x)*I

    assert tan(k*pi) == 0
    assert tan(17*k*pi) == 0

    assert tan(k*pi*I) == tanh(k*pi)*I

    assert tan(r).is_real is True

    assert tan(0, evaluate=False).is_algebraic
    assert tan(a).is_algebraic is None
    assert tan(na).is_algebraic is False

    assert tan(10*pi/7) == tan(3*pi/7)
    assert tan(11*pi/7) == -tan(3*pi/7)
    assert tan(-11*pi/7) == tan(3*pi/7)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_derivs():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert coth(x).diff(x) == -sinh(x)**(-2)
    assert sinh(x).diff(x) == cosh(x)
    assert cosh(x).diff(x) == sinh(x)
    assert tanh(x).diff(x) == -tanh(x)**2 + 1
    assert acoth(x).diff(x) == 1/(-x**2 + 1)
    assert asinh(x).diff(x) == 1/sqrt(x**2 + 1)
    assert acosh(x).diff(x) == 1/sqrt(x**2 - 1)
    assert atanh(x).diff(x) == 1/(-x**2 + 1)
Exemplo n.º 10
def splice(a, b, x0, width, x, dx):
    from sympy import tanh
    ax = a(x)
    bx = b(x)
    dax = symdiff(a)(x)
    dbx = symdiff(b)(x)
    f = ax + (bx-ax) * (1+tanh((x-x0)/width)) / 2
    df = (dax
          + (dbx-dax) * (1+tanh((x-x0)/width)) / 2
          + (bx - ax) * (1-tanh((x-x0)/width)**2) / (2*width)) * dx
    return f, df
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_trigsimp1a():
    assert trigsimp(sin(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)/cos(2)**2) == tan(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(tan(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)*cos(2)**2) == sin(2)**2*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(cot(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*sin(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)*cos(2)
    assert trigsimp(tan(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/sin(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/cos(2)
    assert trigsimp(cot(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/cos(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/sin(2)
    assert trigsimp(cot(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*tan(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(sinh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/cosh(2)) == tanh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(tanh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*cosh(2)) == sinh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(coth(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*sinh(2)) == cosh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)
    assert trigsimp(tanh(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/sinh(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/cosh(2)
    assert trigsimp(coth(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)/cosh(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)/sinh(2)
    assert trigsimp(coth(2)*cos(3)*exp(2)*tanh(2)) == cos(3)*exp(2)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_sin_rewrite():
    assert sin(x).rewrite(exp) == -I * (exp(I * x) - exp(-I * x)) / 2
    assert sin(x).rewrite(tan) == 2 * tan(x / 2) / (1 + tan(x / 2) ** 2)
    assert sin(x).rewrite(cot) == 2 * cot(x / 2) / (1 + cot(x / 2) ** 2)
    assert sin(sinh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sinh(3)).n()
    assert sin(cosh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cosh(3)).n()
    assert sin(tanh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tanh(3)).n()
    assert sin(coth(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, coth(3)).n()
    assert sin(sin(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sin(3)).n()
    assert sin(cos(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cos(3)).n()
    assert sin(tan(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tan(3)).n()
    assert sin(cot(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == sin(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cot(3)).n()
    assert sin(log(x)).rewrite(Pow) == I * x ** -I / 2 - I * x ** I / 2
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_cos_rewrite():
    assert cos(x).rewrite(exp) == exp(I * x) / 2 + exp(-I * x) / 2
    assert cos(x).rewrite(tan) == (1 - tan(x / 2) ** 2) / (1 + tan(x / 2) ** 2)
    assert cos(x).rewrite(cot) == -(1 - cot(x / 2) ** 2) / (1 + cot(x / 2) ** 2)
    assert cos(sinh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sinh(3)).n()
    assert cos(cosh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cosh(3)).n()
    assert cos(tanh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tanh(3)).n()
    assert cos(coth(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, coth(3)).n()
    assert cos(sin(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sin(3)).n()
    assert cos(cos(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cos(3)).n()
    assert cos(tan(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tan(3)).n()
    assert cos(cot(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cos(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cot(3)).n()
    assert cos(log(x)).rewrite(Pow) == x ** I / 2 + x ** -I / 2
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_simplifications():
    x = Symbol("x")
    assert sinh(asinh(x)) == x
    assert sinh(acosh(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1)
    assert sinh(atanh(x)) == x / sqrt(1 - x ** 2)

    assert cosh(asinh(x)) == sqrt(1 + x ** 2)
    assert cosh(acosh(x)) == x
    assert cosh(atanh(x)) == 1 / sqrt(1 - x ** 2)

    assert tanh(asinh(x)) == x / sqrt(1 + x ** 2)
    assert tanh(acosh(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1) / x
    assert tanh(atanh(x)) == x
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_derivs():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert coth(x).diff(x) == -sinh(x)**(-2)
    assert sinh(x).diff(x) == cosh(x)
    assert cosh(x).diff(x) == sinh(x)
    assert tanh(x).diff(x) == -tanh(x)**2 + 1
    assert csch(x).diff(x) == -coth(x)*csch(x)
    assert sech(x).diff(x) == -tanh(x)*sech(x)
    assert acoth(x).diff(x) == 1/(-x**2 + 1)
    assert asinh(x).diff(x) == 1/sqrt(x**2 + 1)
    assert acosh(x).diff(x) == 1/sqrt(x**2 - 1)
    assert atanh(x).diff(x) == 1/(-x**2 + 1)
    assert asech(x).diff(x) == -1/(x*sqrt(1 - x**2))
    assert acsch(x).diff(x) == -1/(x**2*sqrt(1 + x**(-2)))
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_cot_rewrite():
    x = Symbol('x')
    neg_exp, pos_exp = exp(-x*I), exp(x*I)
    assert cot(x).rewrite(exp) == I*(pos_exp+neg_exp)/(pos_exp-neg_exp)
    assert cot(x).rewrite(sin) == 2*sin(2*x)/sin(x)**2
    assert cot(x).rewrite(cos) == -cos(x)/cos(x + S.Pi/2)
    assert cot(x).rewrite(tan) == 1/tan(x)
    assert cot(sinh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cot(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sinh(3)).n()
    assert cot(cosh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cot(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cosh(3)).n()
    assert cot(tanh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cot(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tanh(3)).n()
    assert cot(coth(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cot(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, coth(3)).n()
    assert cot(sin(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cot(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sin(3)).n()
    assert cot(tan(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == cot(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tan(3)).n()
    assert cot(log(x)).rewrite(Pow) == -I*(x**-I + x**I)/(x**-I - x**I)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_sign_assumptions():
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    n = Symbol('n', negative=True)
    assert sinh(n).is_negative is True
    assert sinh(p).is_positive is True
    assert cosh(n).is_positive is True
    assert cosh(p).is_positive is True
    assert tanh(n).is_negative is True
    assert tanh(p).is_positive is True
    assert csch(n).is_negative is True
    assert csch(p).is_positive is True
    assert sech(n).is_positive is True
    assert sech(p).is_positive is True
    assert coth(n).is_negative is True
    assert coth(p).is_positive is True
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_intrinsic_math1_codegen():
    # not included: log10
    from sympy import acos, asin, atan, ceiling, cos, cosh, floor, log, ln, \
        sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, N
    x = symbols('x')
    name_expr = [
        ("test_fabs", abs(x)),
        ("test_acos", acos(x)),
        ("test_asin", asin(x)),
        ("test_atan", atan(x)),
        ("test_cos", cos(x)),
        ("test_cosh", cosh(x)),
        ("test_log", log(x)),
        ("test_ln", ln(x)),
        ("test_sin", sin(x)),
        ("test_sinh", sinh(x)),
        ("test_sqrt", sqrt(x)),
        ("test_tan", tan(x)),
        ("test_tanh", tanh(x)),
    numerical_tests = []
    for name, expr in name_expr:
        for xval in 0.2, 0.5, 0.8:
            expected = N(expr.subs(x, xval))
            numerical_tests.append((name, (xval,), expected, 1e-14))
    for lang, commands in valid_lang_commands:
        if lang == "C":
            name_expr_C = [("test_floor", floor(x)), ("test_ceil", ceiling(x))]
            name_expr_C = []
        run_test("intrinsic_math1", name_expr + name_expr_C, numerical_tests, lang, commands)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_tan_rewrite():
    x = Symbol('x')
    neg_exp, pos_exp = exp(-x*I), exp(x*I)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(exp) == I*(neg_exp-pos_exp)/(neg_exp+pos_exp)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(sin) == 2*sin(x)**2/sin(2*x)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(cos) == -cos(x + S.Pi/2)/cos(x)
    assert tan(x).rewrite(cot) == 1/cot(x)
    assert tan(sinh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sinh(3)).n()
    assert tan(cosh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cosh(3)).n()
    assert tan(tanh(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tanh(3)).n()
    assert tan(coth(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, coth(3)).n()
    assert tan(sin(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, sin(3)).n()
    assert tan(cos(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cos(3)).n()
    assert tan(tan(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, tan(3)).n()
    assert tan(cot(x)).rewrite(exp).subs(x, 3).n() == tan(x).rewrite(exp).subs(x, cot(3)).n()
    assert tan(log(x)).rewrite(Pow) == I*(x**-I - x**I)/(x**-I + x**I)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_hyper_as_trig():
    from sympy.simplify.fu import _osborne, _osbornei

    eq = sinh(x)**2 + cosh(x)**2
    t, f = hyper_as_trig(eq)
    assert f(fu(t)) == cosh(2*x)
    assert _osborne(cosh(x)) == cos(x)
    assert _osborne(sinh(x)) == I*sin(x)
    assert _osborne(tanh(x)) == I*tan(x)
    assert _osborne(coth(x)) == cot(x)/I
    assert _osbornei(cos(x)) == cosh(x)
    assert _osbornei(sin(x)) == sinh(x)/I
    assert _osbornei(tan(x)) == tanh(x)/I
    assert _osbornei(cot(x)) == coth(x)*I
    assert _osbornei(sec(x)) == 1/cosh(x)
    assert _osbornei(csc(x)) == I/sinh(x)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_heurisch_trigonometric():
    assert heurisch(sin(x), x) == -cos(x)
    assert heurisch(pi*sin(x) + 1, x) == x - pi*cos(x)

    assert heurisch(cos(x), x) == sin(x)
    assert heurisch(tan(x), x) in [
        log(1 + tan(x)**2)/2,
        log(tan(x) + I) + I*x,
        log(tan(x) - I) - I*x,

    assert heurisch(sin(x)*sin(y), x) == -cos(x)*sin(y)
    assert heurisch(sin(x)*sin(y), y) == -cos(y)*sin(x)

    # gives sin(x) in answer when run via setup.py and cos(x) when run via py.test
    assert heurisch(sin(x)*cos(x), x) in [sin(x)**2 / 2, -cos(x)**2 / 2]
    assert heurisch(cos(x)/sin(x), x) == log(sin(x))

    assert heurisch(x*sin(7*x), x) == sin(7*x) / 49 - x*cos(7*x) / 7
    assert heurisch(1/pi/4 * x**2*cos(x), x) == 1/pi/4*(x**2*sin(x) -
                    2*sin(x) + 2*x*cos(x))

    assert heurisch(acos(x/4) * asin(x/4), x) == 2*x - (sqrt(16 - x**2))*asin(x/4) \
        + (sqrt(16 - x**2))*acos(x/4) + x*asin(x/4)*acos(x/4)

    assert heurisch(sin(x)/(cos(x)**2+1), x) == -atan(cos(x)) #fixes issue 13723
    assert heurisch(1/(cos(x)+2), x) == 2*sqrt(3)*atan(sqrt(3)*tan(x/2)/3)/3
    assert heurisch(2*sin(x)*cos(x)/(sin(x)**4 + 1), x) == atan(sqrt(2)*sin(x)
        - 1) - atan(sqrt(2)*sin(x) + 1)

    assert heurisch(1/cosh(x), x) == 2*atan(tanh(x/2))
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_exp_rewrite():
    from sympy.concrete.summations import Sum
    assert exp(x).rewrite(sin) == sinh(x) + cosh(x)
    assert exp(x*I).rewrite(cos) == cos(x) + I*sin(x)
    assert exp(1).rewrite(cos) == sinh(1) + cosh(1)
    assert exp(1).rewrite(sin) == sinh(1) + cosh(1)
    assert exp(1).rewrite(sin) == sinh(1) + cosh(1)
    assert exp(x).rewrite(tanh) == (1 + tanh(x/2))/(1 - tanh(x/2))
    assert exp(pi*I/4).rewrite(sqrt) == sqrt(2)/2 + sqrt(2)*I/2
    assert exp(pi*I/3).rewrite(sqrt) == 1/2 + sqrt(3)*I/2

    n = Symbol('n', integer=True)

    assert Sum((exp(pi*I/2)/2)**n, (n, 0, oo)).rewrite(sqrt).doit() == 4/5 + 2*I/5
    assert Sum((exp(pi*I/4)/2)**n, (n, 0, oo)).rewrite(sqrt).doit() == 1/(1 - sqrt(2)*(1 + I)/4)
    assert Sum((exp(pi*I/3)/2)**n, (n, 0, oo)).rewrite(sqrt).doit() == 1/(3/4 - sqrt(3)*I/4)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_ansi_math1_codegen():
    # not included: log10
    from sympy import acos, asin, atan, ceiling, cos, cosh, floor, log, ln, \
        sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, N
    x = symbols('x')
    name_expr = [
        ("test_fabs", abs(x)),
        ("test_acos", acos(x)),
        ("test_asin", asin(x)),
        ("test_atan", atan(x)),
        ("test_ceil", ceiling(x)),
        ("test_cos", cos(x)),
        ("test_cosh", cosh(x)),
        ("test_floor", floor(x)),
        ("test_log", log(x)),
        ("test_ln", ln(x)),
        ("test_sin", sin(x)),
        ("test_sinh", sinh(x)),
        ("test_sqrt", sqrt(x)),
        ("test_tan", tan(x)),
        ("test_tanh", tanh(x)),
    numerical_tests = []
    for name, expr in name_expr:
        for xval in 0.2, 0.5, 0.8:
            expected = N(expr.subs(x, xval))
            numerical_tests.append((name, (xval,), expected, 1e-14))
    run_cc_test("ansi_math1", name_expr, numerical_tests)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_csch_rewrite():
    x = Symbol("x")
    assert csch(x).rewrite(exp) == 1 / (exp(x) / 2 - exp(-x) / 2) == csch(x).rewrite("tractable")
    assert csch(x).rewrite(cosh) == I / cosh(x + I * pi / 2)
    tanh_half = tanh(S.Half * x)
    assert csch(x).rewrite(tanh) == (1 - tanh_half ** 2) / (2 * tanh_half)
    coth_half = coth(S.Half * x)
    assert csch(x).rewrite(coth) == (coth_half ** 2 - 1) / (2 * coth_half)
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_sech_rewrite():
    x = Symbol("x")
    assert sech(x).rewrite(exp) == 1 / (exp(x) / 2 + exp(-x) / 2) == sech(x).rewrite("tractable")
    assert sech(x).rewrite(sinh) == I / sinh(x + I * pi / 2)
    tanh_half = tanh(S.Half * x) ** 2
    assert sech(x).rewrite(tanh) == (1 - tanh_half) / (1 + tanh_half)
    coth_half = coth(S.Half * x) ** 2
    assert sech(x).rewrite(coth) == (coth_half - 1) / (coth_half + 1)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_real_assumptions():
    z = Symbol('z', real=False)
    assert sinh(z).is_real is None
    assert cosh(z).is_real is None
    assert tanh(z).is_real is None
    assert sech(z).is_real is None
    assert csch(z).is_real is None
    assert coth(z).is_real is None
Exemplo n.º 27
 def f(self, yvec, params):
     import sympy
     ymax = self.eqsys.upper_conc_bounds(
         min_=lambda a, b: sympy.Piecewise((a, a < b), (b, True)))
     ytanh = [yimax*(4 + 5*sympy.tanh(yi))/8
              for yimax, yi in zip(ymax, yvec)]
     return NumSysLin.f(self, ytanh, params)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_cosh_rewrite():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert cosh(x).rewrite(exp) == (exp(x)+exp(-x))/2
    assert cosh(x).rewrite(sinh) == -I*sinh(x+I*pi/2)
    tanh_half = tanh(S.Half*x)**2
    assert cosh(x).rewrite(tanh) == (1+tanh_half)/(1-tanh_half)
    coth_half = coth(S.Half*x)**2
    assert cosh(x).rewrite(coth) == (coth_half+1)/(coth_half-1)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_sinh_rewrite():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert sinh(x).rewrite(exp) == (exp(x)-exp(-x))/2
    assert sinh(x).rewrite(cosh) == -I*cosh(x+I*pi/2)
    tanh_half = tanh(S.Half*x)
    assert sinh(x).rewrite(tanh) == 2*tanh_half/(1-tanh_half**2)
    coth_half = coth(S.Half*x)
    assert sinh(x).rewrite(coth) == 2*coth_half/(coth_half**2-1)
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_issue_3900():
    s = tanh(x).lseries(x, 1)
    assert next(s) == tanh(1)
    assert next(s) == x - (x - 1)*tanh(1)**2 - 1
    assert next(s) == -(x - 1)**2*tanh(1) + (x - 1)**2*tanh(1)**3
    assert next(s) == -(x - 1)**3*tanh(1)**4 - (x - 1)**3/3 + \
        4*(x - 1)**3*tanh(1)**2/3
Exemplo n.º 31
                                                  (y / y_decay)**2) - 2 *
        (x + x_min) / x_decay**2 * depth * np.exp(-((x + x_min) / x_decay)**2 -
                                                  (y / y_decay)**2),
        -2 * beta * (y - yc) +
        barrier / y_decay_barrier * np.exp(-(x / x_decay_barrier)**2) /
        np.cosh(-(y - y_barrier) / y_decay_barrier)**2 -
        2 * y / y_decay**2 * depth * np.exp(-((x - x_min) / x_decay)**2 -
                                            (y / y_decay)**2) -
        2 * y / y_decay**2 * depth * np.exp(-((x + x_min) / x_decay)**2 -
                                            (y / y_decay)**2)

#sympy force matrix
force_matrix = sp.Matrix([
    -2 * alpha * x + barrier * (1 + tanh(-(y - y_barrier) / y_decay_barrier)) *
    2 * x / x_decay_barrier**2 * exp(-(x / x_decay_barrier)**2) - 2 *
    (x - x_min) / x_decay**2 * depth * exp(-((x - x_min) / x_decay)**2 -
                                           (y / y_decay)**2) - 2 *
    (x + x_min) / x_decay**2 * depth * exp(-((x + x_min) / x_decay)**2 -
                                           (y / y_decay)**2), -2 * beta *
    (y - yc) + barrier / y_decay_barrier * exp(-(x / x_decay_barrier)**2) /
    cosh(-(y - y_barrier) / y_decay_barrier)**2 -
    2 * y / y_decay**2 * depth * exp(-((x - x_min) / x_decay)**2 -
                                     (y / y_decay)**2) -
    2 * y / y_decay**2 * depth * exp(-((x + x_min) / x_decay)**2 -
                                     (y / y_decay)**2)

#noise matrix
noise_matrix = None  #(identity matrix)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def Vwitch(rho, params={}):
     tanh = sy.tanh((rho - params['rhomax']) / params['cushion'])
     return (params['maxscale'] * params['s2'] * (tanh + 1) *
             (rho / params['rhomax']))
Exemplo n.º 33
def func_friction(v, rh, rv, h, axis):
    return - (tanh(1.5 * v / h) * rh + rv * v) * axis
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_polygamma():
    from sympy import I

    assert polygamma(n, nan) is nan

    assert polygamma(0, oo) is oo
    assert polygamma(0, -oo) is oo
    assert polygamma(0, I * oo) is oo
    assert polygamma(0, -I * oo) is oo
    assert polygamma(1, oo) == 0
    assert polygamma(5, oo) == 0

    assert polygamma(0, -9) is zoo

    assert polygamma(0, -9) is zoo
    assert polygamma(0, -1) is zoo

    assert polygamma(0, 0) is zoo

    assert polygamma(0, 1) == -EulerGamma
    assert polygamma(0, 7) == Rational(49, 20) - EulerGamma

    assert polygamma(1, 1) == pi**2 / 6
    assert polygamma(1, 2) == pi**2 / 6 - 1
    assert polygamma(1, 3) == pi**2 / 6 - Rational(5, 4)
    assert polygamma(3, 1) == pi**4 / 15
    assert polygamma(3, 5) == 6 * (Rational(-22369, 20736) + pi**4 / 90)
    assert polygamma(5, 1) == 8 * pi**6 / 63

    assert polygamma(1, S.Half) == pi**2 / 2
    assert polygamma(2, S.Half) == -14 * zeta(3)
    assert polygamma(11, S.Half) == 176896 * pi**12

    def t(m, n):
        x = S(m) / n
        r = polygamma(0, x)
        if r.has(polygamma):
            return False
        return abs(polygamma(0, x.n()).n() - r.n()).n() < 1e-10

    assert t(1, 2)
    assert t(3, 2)
    assert t(-1, 2)
    assert t(1, 4)
    assert t(-3, 4)
    assert t(1, 3)
    assert t(4, 3)
    assert t(3, 4)
    assert t(2, 3)
    assert t(123, 5)

    assert polygamma(0, x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(0, x)
    assert polygamma(1, x).rewrite(zeta) == zeta(2, x)
    assert polygamma(2, x).rewrite(zeta) == -2 * zeta(3, x)
    assert polygamma(I, 2).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(I, 2)
    n1 = Symbol('n1')
    n2 = Symbol('n2', real=True)
    n3 = Symbol('n3', integer=True)
    n4 = Symbol('n4', positive=True)
    n5 = Symbol('n5', positive=True, integer=True)
    assert polygamma(n1, x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(n1, x)
    assert polygamma(n2, x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(n2, x)
    assert polygamma(n3, x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(n3, x)
    assert polygamma(n4, x).rewrite(zeta) == polygamma(n4, x)
    assert polygamma(
        x).rewrite(zeta) == (-1)**(n5 + 1) * factorial(n5) * zeta(n5 + 1, x)

    assert polygamma(3, 7 * x).diff(x) == 7 * polygamma(4, 7 * x)

    assert polygamma(0, x).rewrite(harmonic) == harmonic(x - 1) - EulerGamma
    assert polygamma(
        2, x).rewrite(harmonic) == 2 * harmonic(x - 1, 3) - 2 * zeta(3)
    ni = Symbol("n", integer=True)
    assert polygamma(
        x).rewrite(harmonic) == (-1)**(ni + 1) * (-harmonic(x - 1, ni + 1) +
                                                  zeta(ni + 1)) * factorial(ni)

    # Polygamma of non-negative integer order is unbranched:
    from sympy import exp_polar
    k = Symbol('n', integer=True, nonnegative=True)
    assert polygamma(k, exp_polar(2 * I * pi) * x) == polygamma(k, x)

    # but negative integers are branched!
    k = Symbol('n', integer=True)
    assert polygamma(k,
                     exp_polar(2 * I * pi) *
                     x).args == (k, exp_polar(2 * I * pi) * x)

    # Polygamma of order -1 is loggamma:
    assert polygamma(-1, x) == loggamma(x)

    # But smaller orders are iterated integrals and don't have a special name
    assert polygamma(-2, x).func is polygamma

    # Test a bug
    assert polygamma(0, -x).expand(func=True) == polygamma(0, -x)

    assert polygamma(2, 2.5).is_positive == False
    assert polygamma(2, -2.5).is_positive == False
    assert polygamma(3, 2.5).is_positive == True
    assert polygamma(3, -2.5).is_positive is True
    assert polygamma(-2, -2.5).is_positive is None
    assert polygamma(-3, -2.5).is_positive is None

    assert polygamma(2, 2.5).is_negative == True
    assert polygamma(3, 2.5).is_negative == False
    assert polygamma(3, -2.5).is_negative == False
    assert polygamma(2, -2.5).is_negative is True
    assert polygamma(-2, -2.5).is_negative is None
    assert polygamma(-3, -2.5).is_negative is None

    assert polygamma(I, 2).is_positive is None
    assert polygamma(I, 3).is_negative is None

    # issue 17350
    assert polygamma(pi, 3).evalf() == polygamma(pi, 3)
    assert (I*polygamma(I, pi)).as_real_imag() == \
           (-im(polygamma(I, pi)), re(polygamma(I, pi)))
    assert (tanh(polygamma(I, 1))).rewrite(exp) == \
           (exp(polygamma(I, 1)) - exp(-polygamma(I, 1)))/(exp(polygamma(I, 1)) + exp(-polygamma(I, 1)))
    assert (I / polygamma(I, 4)).rewrite(exp) == \
           I*sqrt(re(polygamma(I, 4))**2 + im(polygamma(I, 4))**2)\
           /((re(polygamma(I, 4)) + I*im(polygamma(I, 4)))*Abs(polygamma(I, 4)))
    assert unchanged(polygamma, 2.3, 1.0)

    # issue 12569
    assert unchanged(im, polygamma(0, I))
    assert polygamma(Symbol('a', positive=True), Symbol(
        'b', positive=True)).is_real is True
    assert polygamma(0, I).is_real is None
 def characteristic_derivative(f):
     b_a = calc_sound_speed()
     b = rel_vel_add(b_a, c * sympy.tanh(psi))
     return f.diff(t) + b * f.diff(r)
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_coth_rewrite():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert coth(x).rewrite(exp) == (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / (exp(x) - exp(-x))
    assert coth(x).rewrite(sinh) == -I * sinh(I * pi / 2 - x) / sinh(x)
    assert coth(x).rewrite(cosh) == -I * cosh(x) / cosh(I * pi / 2 - x)
    assert coth(x).rewrite(tanh) == 1 / tanh(x)
Exemplo n.º 37
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.pardir, 'src'))
from fe_approx1D_numint import approximate
from sympy import tanh, Symbol
x = Symbol('x')

steepness = 20
arg = steepness * (x - 0.5)
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_tanh_series():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert tanh(x).series(x, 0, 10) == \
        x - x**3/3 + 2*x**5/15 - 17*x**7/315 + 62*x**9/2835 + O(x**10)
Exemplo n.º 39
def _test_manufactured_solution(damping=True):
    import sympy as sp
    t, m, k, b = sp.symbols('t m k b')
    # Choose solution
    u = sp.sin(t)
    v = sp.diff(u, t)
    # Choose f, s, F
    f = b * v
    s = k * sp.tanh(u)
    F = sp.cos(2 * t)

    equation = m * sp.diff(v, t) + f + s - F

    # Adjust F (source term because of manufactured solution)
    F += equation
    print 'F:', F

    # Set values for the symbols m, b, k
    m = 0.5
    k = 1.5
    b = 0.5 if damping else 0
    F = F.subs('m', m).subs('b', b).subs('k', k)

    print f, s, F
    # Turn sympy expression into Python function
    F = sp.lambdify([t], F)
    # Define Python functions for f and s
    # (the expressions above are functions of t, we need
    # s(u) and f(v)
    from numpy import tanh
    s = lambda u: k * tanh(u)
    f = lambda v: b * v

    # Add modules='numpy' such that exact u and v work
    # with t as array argument
    exact_u = sp.lambdify([t], u, modules='numpy')
    exact_v = sp.lambdify([t], v, modules='numpy')

    # Solve problem for different dt
    from numpy import pi, sqrt, sum, log
    P = 2 * pi
    time_intervals_per_period = [20, 40, 80, 160, 240]
    h = []  # store discretization parameters
    E_u = []  # store errors in u
    E_v = []  # store errors in v

    for n in time_intervals_per_period:
        dt = P / n
        T = 8 * P
        computed_u, computed_v, t = EulerCromer(f=f,

        error_u = sqrt(dt * sum((exact_u(t) - computed_u)**2))
        error_v = sqrt(dt * sum((exact_v(t) - computed_v)**2))
        # Compare exact and computed curves for this resolution
        plot_u(computed_u, t, show=False)
        plot(t, exact_u(t), show=True)
        legend(['numerical', 'exact'])
        savefig('tmp_%d.pdf' % n); savefig('tmp_%d.png' % n)
    # Compute convergence rates
    r_u = [
        log(E_u[i] / E_u[i - 1]) / log(h[i] / h[i - 1])
        for i in range(1, len(h))
    r_v = [
        log(E_u[i] / E_u[i - 1]) / log(h[i] / h[i - 1])
        for i in range(1, len(h))
    tol = 0.02
    exact_r_u = 1.0 if damping else 2.0
    exact_r_v = 1.0 if damping else 2.0
    success = abs(exact_r_u - r_u[-1]) < tol and \
              abs(exact_r_v - r_v[-1]) < tol
    msg = ' u rate: %.2f, v rate: %.2f' % (r_u[-1], r_v[-1])
    assert success, msg
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_atanh():
    x = Symbol('x')

    #at specific points
    assert atanh(0) == 0
    assert atanh(I) == I*pi/4
    assert atanh(-I) == -I*pi/4
    assert atanh(1) is oo
    assert atanh(-1) is -oo
    assert atanh(nan) is nan

    # at infinites
    assert atanh(oo) == -I*pi/2
    assert atanh(-oo) == I*pi/2

    assert atanh(I*oo) == I*pi/2
    assert atanh(-I*oo) == -I*pi/2

    assert atanh(zoo) == I*AccumBounds(-pi/2, pi/2)

    assert atanh(-x) == -atanh(x)

    assert atanh(I/sqrt(3)) == I*pi/6
    assert atanh(-I/sqrt(3)) == -I*pi/6
    assert atanh(I*sqrt(3)) == I*pi/3
    assert atanh(-I*sqrt(3)) == -I*pi/3
    assert atanh(I*(1 + sqrt(2))) == pi*I*Rational(3, 8)
    assert atanh(I*(sqrt(2) - 1)) == pi*I/8
    assert atanh(I*(1 - sqrt(2))) == -pi*I/8
    assert atanh(-I*(1 + sqrt(2))) == pi*I*Rational(-3, 8)
    assert atanh(I*sqrt(5 + 2*sqrt(5))) == I*pi*Rational(2, 5)
    assert atanh(-I*sqrt(5 + 2*sqrt(5))) == I*pi*Rational(-2, 5)
    assert atanh(I*(2 - sqrt(3))) == pi*I/12
    assert atanh(I*(sqrt(3) - 2)) == -pi*I/12
    assert atanh(oo) == -I*pi/2

    # Symmetry
    assert atanh(Rational(-1, 2)) == -atanh(S.Half)

    # inverse composition
    assert unchanged(atanh, tanh(Symbol('v1')))

    assert atanh(tanh(-5, evaluate=False)) == -5
    assert atanh(tanh(0, evaluate=False)) == 0
    assert atanh(tanh(7, evaluate=False)) == 7
    assert atanh(tanh(I, evaluate=False)) == I
    assert atanh(tanh(-I, evaluate=False)) == -I
    assert atanh(tanh(-11*I, evaluate=False)) == -11*I + 4*I*pi
    assert atanh(tanh(3 + I)) == 3 + I
    assert atanh(tanh(4 + 5*I)) == 4 - 2*I*pi + 5*I
    assert atanh(tanh(pi/2)) == pi/2
    assert atanh(tanh(pi)) == pi
    assert atanh(tanh(-3 + 7*I)) == -3 - 2*I*pi + 7*I
    assert atanh(tanh(9 - I*Rational(2, 3))) == 9 - I*Rational(2, 3)
    assert atanh(tanh(-32 - 123*I)) == -32 - 123*I + 39*I*pi
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_coth():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')

    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)

    assert coth(nan) == nan
    assert coth(zoo) == nan

    assert coth(oo) == 1
    assert coth(-oo) == -1

    assert coth(0) == coth(0)
    assert coth(0) == zoo
    assert coth(1) == coth(1)
    assert coth(-1) == -coth(1)

    assert coth(x) == coth(x)
    assert coth(-x) == -coth(x)

    assert coth(pi * I) == -I * cot(pi)
    assert coth(-pi * I) == cot(pi) * I

    assert coth(2**1024 * E) == coth(2**1024 * E)
    assert coth(-2**1024 * E) == -coth(2**1024 * E)

    assert coth(pi * I) == -I * cot(pi)
    assert coth(-pi * I) == I * cot(pi)
    assert coth(2 * pi * I) == -I * cot(2 * pi)
    assert coth(-2 * pi * I) == I * cot(2 * pi)
    assert coth(-3 * 10**73 * pi * I) == I * cot(3 * 10**73 * pi)
    assert coth(7 * 10**103 * pi * I) == -I * cot(7 * 10**103 * pi)

    assert coth(pi * I / 2) == 0
    assert coth(-pi * I / 2) == 0
    assert coth(5 * pi * I / 2) == 0
    assert coth(7 * pi * I / 2) == 0

    assert coth(pi * I / 3) == -I / sqrt(3)
    assert coth(-2 * pi * I / 3) == -I / sqrt(3)

    assert coth(pi * I / 4) == -I
    assert coth(-pi * I / 4) == I
    assert coth(17 * pi * I / 4) == -I
    assert coth(-3 * pi * I / 4) == -I

    assert coth(pi * I / 6) == -sqrt(3) * I
    assert coth(-pi * I / 6) == sqrt(3) * I
    assert coth(7 * pi * I / 6) == -sqrt(3) * I
    assert coth(-5 * pi * I / 6) == -sqrt(3) * I

    assert coth(pi * I / 105) == -cot(pi / 105) * I
    assert coth(-pi * I / 105) == cot(pi / 105) * I

    assert coth(2 + 3 * I) == coth(2 + 3 * I)

    assert coth(x * I) == -cot(x) * I

    assert coth(k * pi * I) == -cot(k * pi) * I
    assert coth(17 * k * pi * I) == -cot(17 * k * pi) * I

    assert coth(k * pi * I) == -cot(k * pi) * I

    assert coth(log(tan(2))) == coth(log(-tan(2)))
    assert coth(1 + I * pi / 2) == tanh(1)
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_coth():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')

    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)

    assert coth(nan) is nan
    assert coth(zoo) is nan

    assert coth(oo) == 1
    assert coth(-oo) == -1

    assert coth(0) is zoo
    assert unchanged(coth, 1)
    assert coth(-1) == -coth(1)

    assert unchanged(coth, x)
    assert coth(-x) == -coth(x)

    assert coth(pi*I) == -I*cot(pi)
    assert coth(-pi*I) == cot(pi)*I

    assert unchanged(coth, 2**1024 * E)
    assert coth(-2**1024 * E) == -coth(2**1024 * E)

    assert coth(pi*I) == -I*cot(pi)
    assert coth(-pi*I) == I*cot(pi)
    assert coth(2*pi*I) == -I*cot(2*pi)
    assert coth(-2*pi*I) == I*cot(2*pi)
    assert coth(-3*10**73*pi*I) == I*cot(3*10**73*pi)
    assert coth(7*10**103*pi*I) == -I*cot(7*10**103*pi)

    assert coth(pi*I/2) == 0
    assert coth(-pi*I/2) == 0
    assert coth(pi*I*Rational(5, 2)) == 0
    assert coth(pi*I*Rational(7, 2)) == 0

    assert coth(pi*I/3) == -I/sqrt(3)
    assert coth(pi*I*Rational(-2, 3)) == -I/sqrt(3)

    assert coth(pi*I/4) == -I
    assert coth(-pi*I/4) == I
    assert coth(pi*I*Rational(17, 4)) == -I
    assert coth(pi*I*Rational(-3, 4)) == -I

    assert coth(pi*I/6) == -sqrt(3)*I
    assert coth(-pi*I/6) == sqrt(3)*I
    assert coth(pi*I*Rational(7, 6)) == -sqrt(3)*I
    assert coth(pi*I*Rational(-5, 6)) == -sqrt(3)*I

    assert coth(pi*I/105) == -cot(pi/105)*I
    assert coth(-pi*I/105) == cot(pi/105)*I

    assert unchanged(coth, 2 + 3*I)

    assert coth(x*I) == -cot(x)*I

    assert coth(k*pi*I) == -cot(k*pi)*I
    assert coth(17*k*pi*I) == -cot(17*k*pi)*I

    assert coth(k*pi*I) == -cot(k*pi)*I

    assert coth(log(tan(2))) == coth(log(-tan(2)))
    assert coth(1 + I*pi/2) == tanh(1)

    assert coth(x).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (sinh(re(x))*cosh(re(x))/(sin(im(x))**2
                                + sinh(re(x))**2),
                                -sin(im(x))*cos(im(x))/(sin(im(x))**2 + sinh(re(x))**2))
    x = Symbol('x', extended_real=True)
    assert coth(x).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (coth(x), 0)
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_tanh_fdiff():
    x = Symbol('x')
    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: tanh(x).fdiff(2))
Exemplo n.º 44
def test_tanh():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')

    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)

    assert tanh(nan) is nan
    assert tanh(zoo) is nan

    assert tanh(oo) == 1
    assert tanh(-oo) == -1

    assert tanh(0) == 0

    assert unchanged(tanh, 1)
    assert tanh(-1) == -tanh(1)

    assert unchanged(tanh, x)
    assert tanh(-x) == -tanh(x)

    assert unchanged(tanh, pi)
    assert tanh(-pi) == -tanh(pi)

    assert unchanged(tanh, 2**1024 * E)
    assert tanh(-2**1024 * E) == -tanh(2**1024 * E)

    assert tanh(pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(-pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(2*pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(-2*pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(-3*10**73*pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(7*10**103*pi*I) == 0

    assert tanh(pi*I/2) is zoo
    assert tanh(-pi*I/2) is zoo
    assert tanh(pi*I*Rational(5, 2)) is zoo
    assert tanh(pi*I*Rational(7, 2)) is zoo

    assert tanh(pi*I/3) == sqrt(3)*I
    assert tanh(pi*I*Rational(-2, 3)) == sqrt(3)*I

    assert tanh(pi*I/4) == I
    assert tanh(-pi*I/4) == -I
    assert tanh(pi*I*Rational(17, 4)) == I
    assert tanh(pi*I*Rational(-3, 4)) == I

    assert tanh(pi*I/6) == I/sqrt(3)
    assert tanh(-pi*I/6) == -I/sqrt(3)
    assert tanh(pi*I*Rational(7, 6)) == I/sqrt(3)
    assert tanh(pi*I*Rational(-5, 6)) == I/sqrt(3)

    assert tanh(pi*I/105) == tan(pi/105)*I
    assert tanh(-pi*I/105) == -tan(pi/105)*I

    assert unchanged(tanh, 2 + 3*I)

    assert tanh(x*I) == tan(x)*I

    assert tanh(k*pi*I) == 0
    assert tanh(17*k*pi*I) == 0

    assert tanh(k*pi*I/2) == tan(k*pi/2)*I

    assert tanh(x).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (sinh(re(x))*cosh(re(x))/(cos(im(x))**2
                                + sinh(re(x))**2),
                                sin(im(x))*cos(im(x))/(cos(im(x))**2 + sinh(re(x))**2))
    x = Symbol('x', extended_real=True)
    assert tanh(x).as_real_imag(deep=False) == (tanh(x), 0)
    assert tanh(I*pi/3 + 1).is_real is False
    assert tanh(x).is_real is True
    assert tanh(I*pi*x/2).is_real is None
Exemplo n.º 45
N = ReferenceFrame('N')
t = symbols('t')

# symbolic form

# alpha = symbols('a')
A1, A2 = symbols('A1 A2')
B1, B2 = symbols('B1 B2')
C2 = symbols('C2')

# Define interface offset (alpha)
alpha = 0.25 + A1 * t * sin(B1 * N[0]) + A2 * sin(B2 * N[0] + C2 * t)

# Define the solution equation (eta)
xi = (N[1] - alpha) / sqrt(2 * kappa)
eta_sol = (1 - tanh(xi)) / 2

eq_sol = simplify(
    time_derivative(eta_sol, N) + 4 * eta_sol * (eta_sol - 1) *
    (eta_sol - 0.5) - divergence(kappa * gradient(eta_sol, N), N))

# substitute coefficient values

parameters = ((kappa, params['kappa']), (A1, 0.0075), (B1, 8.0 * pi),
              (A2, 0.03), (B2, 22.0 * pi), (C2, 0.0625 * pi))

subs = [sub.subs(parameters) for sub in (eq_sol, eta_sol)]

# generate FiPy lambda functions

from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify
Exemplo n.º 46
def test_hyperbolic_simp():
    x, y = symbols("x,y")

    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**2 + 1) == cosh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2 - 1) == sinh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2 - sinh(x)**2) == 1
    assert trigsimp(1 - tanh(x)**2) == 1 / cosh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1 - 1 / cosh(x)**2) == tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(tanh(x)**2 + 1 / cosh(x)**2) == 1
    assert trigsimp(coth(x)**2 - 1) == 1 / sinh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1 / sinh(x)**2 + 1) == 1 / tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(coth(x)**2 - 1 / sinh(x)**2) == 1

    assert trigsimp(5 * cosh(x)**2 - 5 * sinh(x)**2) == 5
    assert trigsimp(5 * cosh(x / 2)**2 -
                    2 * sinh(x / 2)**2) == 3 * cosh(x) / 2 + Rational(7, 2)

    assert trigsimp(sinh(x) / cosh(x)) == tanh(x)
    assert trigsimp(tanh(x)) == trigsimp(sinh(x) / cosh(x))
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x) / sinh(x)) == 1 / tanh(x)
    assert trigsimp(2 * tanh(x) * cosh(x)) == 2 * sinh(x)
    assert trigsimp(coth(x)**3 * sinh(x)**3) == cosh(x)**3
    assert trigsimp(y * tanh(x)**2 / sinh(x)**2) == y / cosh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(coth(x) / cosh(x)) == 1 / sinh(x)

    for a in (pi / 6 * I, pi / 4 * I, pi / 3 * I):
        assert trigsimp(sinh(a) * cosh(x) + cosh(a) * sinh(x)) == sinh(x + a)
        assert trigsimp(-sinh(a) * cosh(x) + cosh(a) * sinh(x)) == sinh(x - a)

    e = 2 * cosh(x)**2 - 2 * sinh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(log(e)) == log(2)

    assert (trigsimp(
        cosh(x)**2 * cosh(y)**2 - cosh(x)**2 * sinh(y)**2 - sinh(x)**2,
    ) == 1)
    assert (trigsimp(
        sinh(x)**2 * sinh(y)**2 - sinh(x)**2 * cosh(y)**2 + cosh(x)**2,
    ) == 1)

    assert abs(trigsimp(2.0 * cosh(x)**2 - 2.0 * sinh(x)**2) - 2.0) < 1e-10

    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**2 / cosh(x)**2) == tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**3 / cosh(x)**3) == tanh(x)**3
    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**10 / cosh(x)**10) == tanh(x)**10
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**3 / sinh(x)**3) == 1 / tanh(x)**3

    assert trigsimp(cosh(x) / sinh(x)) == 1 / tanh(x)
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2 / sinh(x)**2) == 1 / tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**10 / sinh(x)**10) == 1 / tanh(x)**10

    assert trigsimp(x * cosh(x) * tanh(x)) == x * sinh(x)
    assert trigsimp(-sinh(x) + cosh(x) * tanh(x)) == 0

    assert tan(x) != 1 / cot(x)  # cot doesn't auto-simplify

    assert trigsimp(tan(x) - 1 / cot(x)) == 0
    assert trigsimp(3 * tanh(x)**7 - 2 / coth(x)**7) == tanh(x)**7
Exemplo n.º 47
def test_tanh():
    x, y = symbols('xy')

    k = Symbol('k', integer=True)

    assert tanh(nan) == nan

    assert tanh(oo) == 1
    assert tanh(-oo) == -1

    assert tanh(0) == 0

    assert tanh(1) == tanh(1)
    assert tanh(-1) == -tanh(1)

    assert tanh(x) == tanh(x)
    assert tanh(-x) == -tanh(x)

    assert tanh(pi) == tanh(pi)
    assert tanh(-pi) == -tanh(pi)

    assert tanh(2**1024 * E) == tanh(2**1024 * E)
    assert tanh(-2**1024 * E) == -tanh(2**1024 * E)

    assert tanh(pi * I) == 0
    assert tanh(-pi * I) == 0
    assert tanh(2 * pi * I) == 0
    assert tanh(-2 * pi * I) == 0
    assert tanh(-3 * 10**73 * pi * I) == 0
    assert tanh(7 * 10**103 * pi * I) == 0

    assert tanh(pi * I / 2) == tanh(pi * I / 2)
    assert tanh(-pi * I / 2) == -tanh(pi * I / 2)
    assert tanh(5 * pi * I / 2) == tanh(5 * pi * I / 2)
    assert tanh(7 * pi * I / 2) == tanh(7 * pi * I / 2)

    assert tanh(pi * I / 3) == sqrt(3) * I
    assert tanh(-2 * pi * I / 3) == sqrt(3) * I

    assert tanh(pi * I / 4) == I
    assert tanh(-pi * I / 4) == -I
    assert tanh(17 * pi * I / 4) == I
    assert tanh(-3 * pi * I / 4) == I

    assert tanh(pi * I / 6) == I / sqrt(3)
    assert tanh(-pi * I / 6) == -I / sqrt(3)
    assert tanh(7 * pi * I / 6) == I / sqrt(3)
    assert tanh(-5 * pi * I / 6) == I / sqrt(3)

    assert tanh(pi * I / 105) == tan(pi / 105) * I
    assert tanh(-pi * I / 105) == -tan(pi / 105) * I

    assert tanh(2 + 3 * I) == tanh(2 + 3 * I)

    assert tanh(x * I) == tan(x) * I

    assert tanh(k * pi * I) == 0
    assert tanh(17 * k * pi * I) == 0

    assert tanh(k * pi * I / 2) == tan(k * pi / 2) * I
Exemplo n.º 48
sympy_mappings = {
    'div': lambda x, y: x / y,
    'mult': lambda x, y: x * y,
    'sqrtm': lambda x: sympy.sqrt(abs(x)),
    'square': lambda x: x**2,
    'cube': lambda x: x**3,
    'plus': lambda x, y: x + y,
    'sub': lambda x, y: x - y,
    'neg': lambda x: -x,
    'pow': lambda x, y: sympy.sign(x) * abs(x)**y,
    'cos': lambda x: sympy.cos(x),
    'sin': lambda x: sympy.sin(x),
    'tan': lambda x: sympy.tan(x),
    'cosh': lambda x: sympy.cosh(x),
    'sinh': lambda x: sympy.sinh(x),
    'tanh': lambda x: sympy.tanh(x),
    'exp': lambda x: sympy.exp(x),
    'acos': lambda x: sympy.acos(x),
    'asin': lambda x: sympy.asin(x),
    'atan': lambda x: sympy.atan(x),
    'acosh': lambda x: sympy.acosh(x),
    'asinh': lambda x: sympy.asinh(x),
    'atanh': lambda x: sympy.atanh(x),
    'abs': lambda x: abs(x),
    'mod': lambda x, y: sympy.Mod(x, y),
    'erf': lambda x: sympy.erf(x),
    'erfc': lambda x: sympy.erfc(x),
    'logm': lambda x: sympy.log(abs(x)),
    'logm10': lambda x: sympy.log10(abs(x)),
    'logm2': lambda x: sympy.log2(abs(x)),
    'log1p': lambda x: sympy.log(x + 1),
Exemplo n.º 49
def test_issue_8901():
    assert integrate(sinh(1.0 * x)) == 1.0 * cosh(1.0 * x)
    assert integrate(tanh(1.0 * x)) == 1.0 * x - 1.0 * log(tanh(1.0 * x) + 1)
    assert integrate(tanh(x)) == x - log(tanh(x) + 1)
Exemplo n.º 50
def test_intrinsic_math_codegen():
    # not included: log10
    from sympy import (acos, asin, atan, ceiling, cos, cosh, floor, log, ln,
            sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, N, Abs)
    x = symbols('x')
    name_expr = [
        ("test_abs", Abs(x)),
        ("test_acos", acos(x)),
        ("test_asin", asin(x)),
        ("test_atan", atan(x)),
        # ("test_ceil", ceiling(x)),
        ("test_cos", cos(x)),
        ("test_cosh", cosh(x)),
        # ("test_floor", floor(x)),
        ("test_log", log(x)),
        ("test_ln", ln(x)),
        ("test_sin", sin(x)),
        ("test_sinh", sinh(x)),
        ("test_sqrt", sqrt(x)),
        ("test_tan", tan(x)),
        ("test_tanh", tanh(x)),
    result = codegen(name_expr, "F95", "file", header=False, empty=False)
    assert result[0][0] == "file.f90"
    expected = (
        'REAL*8 function test_abs(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_abs = Abs(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_acos(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_acos = acos(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_asin(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_asin = asin(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_atan(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_atan = atan(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_cos(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_cos = cos(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_cosh(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_cosh = cosh(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_log(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_log = log(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_ln(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_ln = log(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_sin(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_sin = sin(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_sinh(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_sinh = sinh(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_sqrt(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_sqrt = sqrt(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_tan(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_tan = tan(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_tanh(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'test_tanh = tanh(x)\n'
        'end function\n'
    assert result[0][1] == expected

    assert result[1][0] == "file.h"
    expected = (
        'REAL*8 function test_abs(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_acos(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_asin(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_atan(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_cos(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_cosh(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_log(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_ln(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_sin(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_sinh(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_sqrt(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_tan(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
        'REAL*8 function test_tanh(x)\n'
        'implicit none\n'
        'REAL*8, intent(in) :: x\n'
        'end function\n'
        'end interface\n'
    assert result[1][1] == expected
Exemplo n.º 51
def ExactSolution(mesh, params):
    Re = 1. / params[2]
    Ha = sqrt(params[0] / (params[1] * params[2]))
    G = 10.

    x = sy.Symbol('x[0]')
    y = sy.Symbol('x[1]')

    b = (G / params[0]) * (sy.sinh(y * Ha) / sy.sinh(Ha) - y)
    d = sy.diff(x, x)

    p = -G * x - (G**
                  2) / (2 * params[0]) * (sy.sinh(y * Ha) / sy.sinh(Ha) - y)**2

    u = (G /
         (params[2] * Ha * sy.tanh(Ha))) * (1 - sy.cosh(y * Ha) / sy.cosh(Ha))
    v = sy.diff(x, y)
    r = sy.diff(x, y)

    uu = y * x * sy.exp(x + y)
    u = sy.diff(uu, y)
    v = -sy.diff(uu, x)
    p = sy.sin(x) * sy.exp(y)
    bb = x * y * sy.cos(x)
    b = sy.diff(bb, y)
    d = -sy.diff(bb, x)
    r = x * sy.sin(2 * sy.pi * y) * sy.sin(2 * sy.pi * x)

    # b = y
    # d = sy.diff(x, y)
    # r = sy.diff(y, y)
    J11 = p - params[2] * sy.diff(u, x)
    J12 = -params[2] * sy.diff(u, y)
    J21 = -params[2] * sy.diff(v, x)
    J22 = p - params[2] * sy.diff(v, y)

    L1 = sy.diff(u, x, x) + sy.diff(u, y, y)
    L2 = sy.diff(v, x, x) + sy.diff(v, y, y)

    A1 = u * sy.diff(u, x) + v * sy.diff(u, y)
    A2 = u * sy.diff(v, x) + v * sy.diff(v, y)

    P1 = sy.diff(p, x)
    P2 = sy.diff(p, y)

    C1 = sy.diff(d, x, y) - sy.diff(b, y, y)
    C2 = sy.diff(b, x, y) - sy.diff(d, x, x)

    NS1 = -d * (sy.diff(d, x) - sy.diff(b, y))
    NS2 = b * (sy.diff(d, x) - sy.diff(b, y))

    R1 = sy.diff(r, x)
    R2 = sy.diff(r, y)

    M1 = sy.diff(u * d - v * b, y)
    M2 = -sy.diff(u * d - v * b, x)

    u0 = Expression((myCCode(u), myCCode(v)), degree=4)
    p0 = Expression(myCCode(p), degree=4)
    b0 = Expression((myCCode(b), myCCode(d)), degree=4)
    r0 = Expression(myCCode(r), degree=4)

    print "  u = (", str(u).replace('x[0]', 'x').replace(
        'x[1]', 'y'), ", ", str(v).replace('x[0]', 'x').replace('x[1]',
                                                                'y'), ")\n"
    print "  p = (", str(p).replace('x[0]', 'x').replace('x[1]', 'y'), ")\n"
    print "  b = (", str(b).replace('x[0]', 'x').replace(
        'x[1]', 'y'), ", ", str(d).replace('x[0]', 'x').replace('x[1]',
                                                                'y'), ")\n"
    print "  r = (", str(r).replace('x[0]', 'x').replace('x[1]', 'y'), ")\n"

    Laplacian = Expression((myCCode(L1), myCCode(L2)), degree=4)
    Advection = Expression((myCCode(A1), myCCode(A2)), degree=4)
    gradPres = Expression((myCCode(P1), myCCode(P2)), degree=4)
    NScouple = Expression((myCCode(NS1), myCCode(NS2)), degree=4)

    CurlCurl = Expression((myCCode(C1), myCCode(C2)), degree=4)
    gradLagr = Expression((myCCode(R1), myCCode(R2)), degree=4)
    Mcouple = Expression((myCCode(M1), myCCode(M2)), degree=4)

    # pN = as_matrix(((Expression(myCCode(J11)), Expression(myCCode(J12))), (Expression(myCCode(J21)), Expression(myCCode(J22)))))

    return u0, p0, b0, r0, 1, Laplacian, Advection, gradPres, NScouple, CurlCurl, gradLagr, Mcouple
Exemplo n.º 52
    for i in range(N + 1):
        psi = [sym.sin((2 * i + 1) * x)]
        next_term, c = least_squares_orth(f, psi, Omega, False)
        u = u + next_term
                        'tmp_sin%02dx' % i,
                        legend_loc='upper left',
                        plot_title='s=%g, i=%d' % (s, i))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s = 20  # steepness
    f = sym.tanh(s * (x - sym.pi))
    from math import pi
    Omega = [0, 2 * pi]  # sym.pi did not work here
    efficient(f, s, Omega, N=10)
    # Make movie
    # avconv/ffmpeg skips frames, use convert instead (few files)
    cmd = 'convert -delay 200 tmp_sin*.png tanh_sines_approx.gif'
    # Make static plots, 3 figures on 2 lines
    for ext in 'pdf', 'png':
        cmd = 'doconce combine_images %s -3 ' % ext
        cmd += 'tmp_sin00x tmp_sin01x tmp_sin02x tmp_sin04x '
        cmd += 'tmp_sin07x tmp_sin10x tanh_sines_approx'
def kernel_function(time_points,
                    kernel_param=[10, 0.2]):
    '''Populates the GP covariance matrix and it's derivatives. 
    Input time points (list of real numbers) and kernel parameters (list of real values of size 2)'''

    # error handeling
    #    if len(kernel_param) != 3:
    #        raise ValueError('kernel_param input requires two floats')
    if type(time_points) is not np.ndarray:
        raise ValueError('time points is not a numpy array')
    elif len(time_points.shape) > 1:
        raise ValueError('time points must be a one dimensional numpy array')

    t = sym.var('t0,t1')

    if kernel_type == 'rbf':
        # rbf kernel
        dist = ((t[0] - t[1]) / kernel_param[0])**2
        kernel = sym.exp(-.5 * dist)
        #kernel = kernel_param[0] * sym.exp(- dist**2)
    if kernel_type == 'periodic':
        # periodic kernel
        dist = (t[0] - t[1]) / kernel_param[1]
        kernel = sym.exp(
            -2 * sym.sin(np.pi * sym.sqrt(dist**2) / kernel_param[1])**2 /
    if kernel_type == 'locally_periodic':
        # locally periodic kernel
        dist = (t[0] - t[1])
        kernel = sym.exp(-dist**2 / 2 * kernel_param[1]**2) * sym.exp(
            -2 * sym.sin(np.pi * sym.sqrt(
                (t[0] - t[1])**2) / kernel_param[2])**2 / kernel_param[1]**2)
    elif kernel_type == 'rbf+lin':
        # rbf kernel + linear kernel
        dist = (t[0] - t[1])
        kernel = sym.exp(-dist**2 / kernel_param[1]**
                         2) + kernel_param[2] + kernel_param[3] * (
                             t[0] - kernel_param[4]) * (t[1] - kernel_param[4])
    elif kernel_type == 'sigmoid':
        # sigmoid kernel
        kernel = sym.asin(
            (kernel_param[1] + kernel_param[2] * t[0] * t[1]) / sym.sqrt(
                (kernel_param[1] + kernel_param[2] * t[0]**2 + 1) *
                (kernel_param[1] + kernel_param[2] * t[1]**2 + 1)))
    elif kernel_type == 'sigmoid2':
        # sigmoid kernel 2
        kernel = sym.tanh(kernel_param[0] * t[0] * t[1] + kernel_param[1])
    elif kernel_type == 'exp_sin_squared':
        # periodic kernel
        dist = sym.sqrt((t[0] - t[1])**2)
        arg = np.pi * dist / kernel_param[1]
        sin_of_arg = sym.sin(arg)
        kernel = sym.exp(-2 * (sin_of_arg / kernel_param[0])**2)
    elif kernel_type == 'RQ':
        dist = (t[0] - t[1])**2
        tmp = dist / (2 * kernel_param[0] * kernel_param[1]**2)
        base = (1 + tmp)
        kernel = base**-kernel_param[0]
    elif kernel_type == 'matern':
        # periodic kernel
        dist = sym.sqrt(((t[0] - t[1]) / kernel_param[0])**2)
        #kernel = dist * np.sqrt(3)
        #kernel = (1. + kernel) * sym.exp(-kernel)
        #kernel = kernel_param[1]**2 * (1 + kernel_param[2] * np.sqrt(3) * kernel_param[3] * dist) * sym.exp(-kernel_param[2] * np.sqrt(3) * kernel_param[3] * dist)
        if kernel_param[1] == 0.5:
            kernel = sym.exp(-dist)
        elif kernel_param[1] == 1.5:
            kernel = dist * np.sqrt(3)
            kernel = (1. + kernel) * sym.exp(-kernel)
        elif kernel_param[1] == 2.5:
            kernel = dist * np.sqrt(5)
            kernel = (1. + kernel + kernel**2 / 3.0) * sym.exp(-kernel)
        else:  # general case; expensive to evaluate
            kernel = dist
            kernel[kernel == 0.0] += np.finfo(
                float).eps  # strict zeros result in nan
            tmp = (sym.sqrt(2 * kernel_param[1]) * kernel)
            kernel.fill((2**(1. - kernel_param[1])) / gamma(kernel_param[1]))
            kernel *= tmp**kernel_param[1]
            kernel *= kv(kernel_param[1], tmp)
    kernel *= kernel_param[-1]**2

    # kernel derivative functions
    kernel_diff = kernel.diff(t[0])
    kernel_diff_diff = kernel_diff.diff(t[1])

    cov_func = sym.lambdify(t, kernel)
    cov_func_diff = sym.lambdify(t, kernel_diff)
    cov_func_diff_diff = sym.lambdify(t, kernel_diff_diff)

    cov = np.zeros((len(time_points), len(time_points)))
    cov_diff = np.zeros((len(time_points), len(time_points)))
    cov_diff_diff = np.zeros((len(time_points), len(time_points)))
    for i in range(len(time_points)):
        for j in range(len(time_points)):
            cov[i, j] = cov_func(time_points[i], time_points[j])
            cov_diff[i, j] = cov_func_diff(time_points[i], time_points[j])
            cov_diff_diff[i, j] = cov_func_diff_diff(time_points[i],

    cov_obs = np.zeros((len(time_points2), len(time_points2)))
    for i in range(len(time_points2)):
        for j in range(len(time_points2)):
            cov_obs[i, j] = cov_func(time_points2[i], time_points2[j])

    cov_state_obs = np.zeros((len(time_points), len(time_points2)))
    for i in range(len(time_points)):
        for j in range(len(time_points2)):
            cov_state_obs[i, j] = cov_func(time_points[i], time_points2[j])

    # compute $\mathbf{C}_{\boldsymbol\phi_k}' ~ \mathbf{C}_{\boldsymbol\phi_k}^{-1}$
    cov_diff_times_inv_cov = np.linalg.solve(cov.T, cov_diff.T).T

    # plot sample state trajectories from GP prior
    mean = np.zeros((cov.shape[0]))
    prior_state_sample1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov)
    prior_state_sample2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov)
    plot_trajectories(time_points, prior_state_sample1, prior_state_sample2)

    eps_cov = cov_diff_diff - cov_diff_times_inv_cov.dot(cov_diff.T)

    return cov_diff_times_inv_cov, eps_cov, cov, cov_obs, cov_state_obs
Exemplo n.º 54
 def _eval_rewrite_as_tanh(self, arg):
     from sympy import tanh
     return (1 + tanh(arg / 2)) / (1 - tanh(arg / 2))
Exemplo n.º 55
class TestAllGood(object):
    # These latex strings should parse to the corresponding SymPy expression
    GOOD_PAIRS = [
        ("0", 0),
        ("1", 1),
        ("-3.14", -3.14),
        ("5-3", _Add(5, -3)),
        ("(-7.13)(1.5)", _Mul(Rational('-7.13'), Rational('1.5'))),
        ("\\left(-7.13\\right)\\left(1.5\\right)", _Mul(Rational('-7.13'), Rational('1.5'))),
        ("x", x),
        ("2x", 2 * x),
        ("x^2", x**2),
        ("x^{3 + 1}", x**_Add(3, 1)),
        ("x^{\\left\\{3 + 1\\right\\}}", x**_Add(3, 1)),
        ("-3y + 2x", _Add(_Mul(2, x), Mul(-1, 3, y, evaluate=False))),
        ("-c", -c),
        ("a \\cdot b", a * b),
        ("a / b", a / b),
        ("a \\div b", a / b),
        ("a + b", a + b),
        ("a + b - a", Add(a, b, _Mul(-1, a), evaluate=False)),
        ("a^2 + b^2 = c^2", Eq(a**2 + b**2, c**2)),
        ("a^2 + b^2 != 2c^2", Ne(a**2 + b**2, 2 * c**2)),
        ("a\\mod b", Mod(a, b)),
        ("\\sin \\theta", sin(theta)),
        ("\\sin(\\theta)", sin(theta)),
        ("\\sin\\left(\\theta\\right)", sin(theta)),
        ("\\sin^{-1} a", asin(a)),
        ("\\sin a \\cos b", _Mul(sin(a), cos(b))),
        ("\\sin \\cos \\theta", sin(cos(theta))),
        ("\\sin(\\cos \\theta)", sin(cos(theta))),
        ("\\arcsin(a)", asin(a)),
        ("\\arccos(a)", acos(a)),
        ("\\arctan(a)", atan(a)),
        ("\\sinh(a)", sinh(a)),
        ("\\cosh(a)", cosh(a)),
        ("\\tanh(a)", tanh(a)),
        ("\\sinh^{-1}(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\cosh^{-1}(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\tanh^{-1}(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\arcsinh(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\arccosh(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\arctanh(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\arsinh(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\arcosh(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\artanh(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arcsinh}(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arccosh}(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arctanh}(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arsinh}(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arcosh}(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{artanh}(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\cos^2(x)", cos(x)**2),
        ("\\cos(x)^2", cos(x)**2),
        ("\\frac{a}{b}", a / b),
        ("\\frac{a + b}{c}", _Mul(a + b, _Pow(c, -1))),
        ("\\frac{7}{3}", _Mul(7, _Pow(3, -1))),
        ("(\\csc x)(\\sec y)", csc(x) * sec(y)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\rightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\Rightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\longrightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\Longrightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to 3^{+}} a", Limit(a, x, 3, dir='+')),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to 3^{-}} a", Limit(a, x, 3, dir='-')),
        ("\\infty", oo),
        ("\\infty\\%", oo),
        ("\\$\\infty", oo),
        ("-\\infty", -oo),
        ("-\\infty\\%", -oo),
        ("-\\$\\infty", -oo),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to \\infty} \\frac{1}{x}", Limit(_Mul(1, _Pow(x, -1)), x, oo)),
        ("\\frac{d}{dx} x", Derivative(x, x)),
        ("\\frac{d}{dt} x", Derivative(x, t)),
        # ("f(x)", f(x)),
        # ("f(x, y)", f(x, y)),
        # ("f(x, y, z)", f(x, y, z)),
        # ("\\frac{d f(x)}{dx}", Derivative(f(x), x)),
        # ("\\frac{d\\theta(x)}{dx}", Derivative(theta(x), x)),
        ("|x|", _Abs(x)),
        ("\\left|x\\right|", _Abs(x)),
        ("||x||", _Abs(Abs(x))),
        ("|x||y|", _Abs(x) * _Abs(y)),
        ("||x||y||", _Abs(_Abs(x) * _Abs(y))),
        ("\\pi^{|xy|}", pi**_Abs(x * y)),
        ("\\frac{\\pi}{3}", _Mul(pi, _Pow(3, -1))),
        ("\\sin{\\frac{\\pi}{2}}", sin(_Mul(pi, _Pow(2, -1)), evaluate=False)),
        ("a+bI", a + I * b),
        ("e^{I\\pi}", -1),
        ("\\int x dx", Integral(x, x)),
        ("\\int x d\\theta", Integral(x, theta)),
        ("\\int (x^2 - y)dx", Integral(x**2 - y, x)),
        ("\\int x + a dx", Integral(_Add(x, a), x)),
        ("\\int da", Integral(1, a)),
        ("\\int_0^7 dx", Integral(1, (x, 0, 7))),
        ("\\int_a^b x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int^b_a x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int_{a}^b x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int^{b}_a x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int_{a}^{b} x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int_{  }^{}x dx", Integral(x, x)),
        ("\\int^{  }_{ }x dx", Integral(x, x)),
        ("\\int^{b}_{a} x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        # ("\\int_{f(a)}^{f(b)} f(z) dz", Integral(f(z), (z, f(a), f(b)))),
        ("\\int (x+a)", Integral(_Add(x, a), x)),
        ("\\int a + b + c dx", Integral(Add(a, b, c, evaluate=False), x)),
        ("\\int \\frac{dz}{z}", Integral(Pow(z, -1), z)),
        ("\\int \\frac{3 dz}{z}", Integral(3 * Pow(z, -1), z)),
        ("\\int \\frac{1}{x} dx", Integral(Pow(x, -1), x)),
        ("\\int \\frac{1}{a} + \\frac{1}{b} dx", Integral(_Add(_Pow(a, -1), Pow(b, -1)), x)),
        ("\\int \\frac{3 \\cdot d\\theta}{\\theta}", Integral(3 * _Pow(theta, -1), theta)),
        ("\\int \\frac{1}{x} + 1 dx", Integral(_Add(_Pow(x, -1), 1), x)),
        ("x_0", Symbol('x_{0}', real=True)),
        ("x_{1}", Symbol('x_{1}', real=True)),
        ("x_a", Symbol('x_{a}', real=True)),
        ("x_{b}", Symbol('x_{b}', real=True)),
        ("h_\\theta", Symbol('h_{theta}', real=True)),
        ("h_{\\theta}", Symbol('h_{theta}', real=True)),
        # ("h_{\\theta}(x_0, x_1)", Symbol('h_{theta}', real=True)(Symbol('x_{0}', real=True), Symbol('x_{1}', real=True))),
        ("x!", _factorial(x)),
        ("100!", _factorial(100)),
        ("\\theta!", _factorial(theta)),
        ("(x + 1)!", _factorial(_Add(x, 1))),
        ("\\left(x + 1\\right)!", _factorial(_Add(x, 1))),
        ("(x!)!", _factorial(_factorial(x))),
        ("x!!!", _factorial(_factorial(_factorial(x)))),
        ("5!7!", _Mul(_factorial(5), _factorial(7))),
        ("\\sqrt{x}", sqrt(x)),
        ("\\sqrt{x + b}", sqrt(_Add(x, b))),
        ("\\sqrt[3]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), 3)),
        ("\\sqrt[y]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), y)),
        ("\\sqrt[\\theta]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), theta)),
        ("x < y", StrictLessThan(x, y)),
        ("x \\leq y", LessThan(x, y)),
        ("x > y", StrictGreaterThan(x, y)),
        ("x \\geq y", GreaterThan(x, y)),
        ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{3} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum_{k = 1}^3 c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum^{3}_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum^3_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{10} k^2", Sum(k**2, (k, 1, 10))),
        ("\\sum_{n = 0}^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{n!}", Sum(_Pow(_factorial(n), -1), (n, 0, oo))),
        ("\\prod_{a = b}^{c} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\prod_{a = b}^c x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\prod^{c}_{a = b} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\prod^c_{a = b} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\ln x", _log(x, E)),
        ("\\ln xy", _log(x * y, E)),
        ("\\log x", _log(x, 10)),
        ("\\log xy", _log(x * y, 10)),
        # ("\\log_2 x", _log(x, 2)),
        ("\\log_{2} x", _log(x, 2)),
        # ("\\log_a x", _log(x, a)),
        ("\\log_{a} x", _log(x, a)),
        ("\\log_{11} x", _log(x, 11)),
        ("\\log_{a^2} x", _log(x, _Pow(a, 2))),
        ("[x]", x),
        ("[a + b]", _Add(a, b)),
        ("\\frac{d}{dx} [ \\tan x ]", Derivative(tan(x), x)),
        ("2\\overline{x}", 2 * Symbol('xbar', real=True)),
        ("2\\overline{x}_n", 2 * Symbol('xbar_{n}', real=True)),
        ("\\frac{x}{\\overline{x}_n}", x / Symbol('xbar_{n}', real=True)),
        ("\\frac{\\sin(x)}{\\overline{x}_n}", sin(Symbol('x', real=True)) / Symbol('xbar_{n}', real=True)),
        ("2\\bar{x}", 2 * Symbol('xbar', real=True)),
        ("2\\bar{x}_n", 2 * Symbol('xbar_{n}', real=True)),
        ("\\sin\\left(\\theta\\right) \\cdot4", sin(theta) * 4),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\theta\\right)", _log(theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(x-\\theta\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left(x-\\theta\\right)\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left[x-\\theta\\right]\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left\\{x-\\theta\\right\\}\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left|x-\\theta\\right|\\right)", _log(_Abs(x - theta), E)),
        ("\\frac{1}{2}xy(x+y)", Mul(_Pow(2, -1), x, y, (x + y), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\frac{1}{2}\\theta(x+y)", Mul(_Pow(2, -1), theta, (x + y), evaluate=False)),
        ("1-f(x)", 1 - f * x),

        ("\\begin{matrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{matrix}", Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])),
        ("\\begin{matrix}x&x^2\\\\\\sqrt{x}&x\\end{matrix}", Matrix([[x, x**2], [_Pow(x, S.Half), x]])),
        ("\\begin{matrix}\\sqrt{x}\\\\\\sin(\\theta)\\end{matrix}", Matrix([_Pow(x, S.Half), sin(theta)])),
        ("\\begin{pmatrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{pmatrix}", Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])),
        ("\\begin{bmatrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{bmatrix}", Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])),

        # scientific notation
        ("2.5\\times 10^2", 250),
        ("1,500\\times 10^{-1}", 150),

        # e notation
        ("2.5E2", 250),
        ("1,500E-1", 150),

        # multiplication without cmd
        ("2x2y", Mul(2, x, 2, y, evaluate=False)),
        ("2x2", Mul(2, x, 2, evaluate=False)),
        ("x2", x * 2),

        # lin alg processing
        ("\\theta\\begin{matrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{matrix}", MatMul(theta, Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\theta\\begin{matrix}1\\\\3\\end{matrix} - \\begin{matrix}-1\\\\2\\end{matrix}", MatAdd(MatMul(theta, Matrix([[1], [3]]), evaluate=False), MatMul(-1, Matrix([[-1], [2]]), evaluate=False), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\theta\\begin{matrix}1&0\\\\0&1\\end{matrix}*\\begin{matrix}3\\\\-2\\end{matrix}", MatMul(theta, Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([3, -2]), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\frac{1}{9}\\theta\\begin{matrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{matrix}", MatMul(Pow(9, -1, evaluate=False), theta, Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1])]),
        ("\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix};\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1])]),
        ("\\left\\{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}\\right\\}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1])]),
        ("\\left\\{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\1\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}\\right\\}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1]), Matrix([1, 1, 1])]),
        ("\\left\\{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix}\\right\\}", Matrix([1, 2, 3])),
        ("\\left{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix}\\right}", Matrix([1, 2, 3])),
        ("{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix}}", Matrix([1, 2, 3])),

        # us dollars
        ("\\$1,000.00", 1000),
        ("\\$543.21", 543.21),
        ("\\$0.009", 0.009),

        # percentages
        ("100\\%", 1),
        ("1.5\\%", 0.015),
        ("0.05\\%", 0.0005),

        # empty set
        ("\\emptyset", S.EmptySet)

    def test_good_pair(self, s, eq):
        assert_equal(s, eq)
Exemplo n.º 56
def test_hyperbolic_simp():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')

    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**2 + 1) == cosh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2 - 1) == sinh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2 - sinh(x)**2) == 1
    assert trigsimp(1 - tanh(x)**2) == 1 / cosh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1 - 1 / cosh(x)**2) == tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(tanh(x)**2 + 1 / cosh(x)**2) == 1
    assert trigsimp(coth(x)**2 - 1) == 1 / sinh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(1 / sinh(x)**2 + 1) == 1 / tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(coth(x)**2 - 1 / sinh(x)**2) == 1

    assert trigsimp(5 * cosh(x)**2 - 5 * sinh(x)**2) == 5
    assert trigsimp(5 * cosh(x / 2)**2 -
                    2 * sinh(x / 2)**2) == 3 * cosh(x) / 2 + S(7) / 2

    assert trigsimp(sinh(x) / cosh(x)) == tanh(x)
    assert trigsimp(tanh(x)) == trigsimp(sinh(x) / cosh(x))
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x) / sinh(x)) == 1 / tanh(x)
    assert trigsimp(2 * tanh(x) * cosh(x)) == 2 * sinh(x)
    assert trigsimp(coth(x)**3 * sinh(x)**3) == cosh(x)**3
    assert trigsimp(y * tanh(x)**2 / sinh(x)**2) == y / cosh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(coth(x) / cosh(x)) == 1 / sinh(x)

    e = 2 * cosh(x)**2 - 2 * sinh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(log(e)) == log(2)

    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2 * cosh(y)**2 - cosh(x)**2 * sinh(y)**2 -
                    recursive=True) == 1
    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**2 * sinh(y)**2 - sinh(x)**2 * cosh(y)**2 +
                    recursive=True) == 1

    assert abs(trigsimp(2.0 * cosh(x)**2 - 2.0 * sinh(x)**2) - 2.0) < 1e-10

    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**2 / cosh(x)**2) == tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**3 / cosh(x)**3) == tanh(x)**3
    assert trigsimp(sinh(x)**10 / cosh(x)**10) == tanh(x)**10
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**3 / sinh(x)**3) == 1 / tanh(x)**3

    assert trigsimp(cosh(x) / sinh(x)) == 1 / tanh(x)
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**2 / sinh(x)**2) == 1 / tanh(x)**2
    assert trigsimp(cosh(x)**10 / sinh(x)**10) == 1 / tanh(x)**10

    assert trigsimp(x * cosh(x) * tanh(x)) == x * sinh(x)
    assert trigsimp(-sinh(x) + cosh(x) * tanh(x)) == 0

    assert tan(x) != 1 / cot(x)  # cot doesn't auto-simplify

    assert trigsimp(tan(x) - 1 / cot(x)) == 0
    assert trigsimp(3 * tanh(x)**7 - 2 / coth(x)**7) == tanh(x)**7
Exemplo n.º 57
 def Vtophat(rho, params={}):
     tanh = sy.tanh((rho - params['rhomax']) / params['cushion'])
     return params['maxscale'] * params['s2'] * (tanh + 1)
Exemplo n.º 58
def test_tan():
    assert tan(nan) == nan

    assert tan.nargs == FiniteSet(1)
    assert tan(oo * I) == I
    assert tan(-oo * I) == -I

    assert tan(0) == 0

    assert tan(atan(x)) == x
    assert tan(asin(x)) == x / sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert tan(acos(x)) == sqrt(1 - x**2) / x
    assert tan(acot(x)) == 1 / x
    assert tan(atan2(y, x)) == y / x

    assert tan(pi * I) == tanh(pi) * I
    assert tan(-pi * I) == -tanh(pi) * I
    assert tan(-2 * I) == -tanh(2) * I

    assert tan(pi) == 0
    assert tan(-pi) == 0
    assert tan(2 * pi) == 0
    assert tan(-2 * pi) == 0
    assert tan(-3 * 10**73 * pi) == 0

    assert tan(pi / 2) == zoo
    assert tan(3 * pi / 2) == zoo

    assert tan(pi / 3) == sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-2 * pi / 3) == sqrt(3)

    assert tan(pi / 4) == S.One
    assert tan(-pi / 4) == -S.One
    assert tan(17 * pi / 4) == S.One
    assert tan(-3 * pi / 4) == S.One

    assert tan(pi / 6) == 1 / sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-pi / 6) == -1 / sqrt(3)
    assert tan(7 * pi / 6) == 1 / sqrt(3)
    assert tan(-5 * pi / 6) == 1 / sqrt(3)

    assert tan(pi / 8).expand() == -1 + sqrt(2)
    assert tan(3 * pi / 8).expand() == 1 + sqrt(2)
    assert tan(5 * pi / 8).expand() == -1 - sqrt(2)
    assert tan(7 * pi / 8).expand() == 1 - sqrt(2)

    assert tan(pi / 12) == -sqrt(3) + 2
    assert tan(5 * pi / 12) == sqrt(3) + 2
    assert tan(7 * pi / 12) == -sqrt(3) - 2
    assert tan(11 * pi / 12) == sqrt(3) - 2

    assert tan(pi / 24).radsimp() == -2 - sqrt(3) + sqrt(2) + sqrt(6)
    assert tan(5 * pi / 24).radsimp() == -2 + sqrt(3) - sqrt(2) + sqrt(6)
    assert tan(7 * pi / 24).radsimp() == 2 - sqrt(3) - sqrt(2) + sqrt(6)
    assert tan(11 * pi / 24).radsimp() == 2 + sqrt(3) + sqrt(2) + sqrt(6)
    assert tan(13 * pi / 24).radsimp() == -2 - sqrt(3) - sqrt(2) - sqrt(6)
    assert tan(17 * pi / 24).radsimp() == -2 + sqrt(3) + sqrt(2) - sqrt(6)
    assert tan(19 * pi / 24).radsimp() == 2 - sqrt(3) + sqrt(2) - sqrt(6)
    assert tan(23 * pi / 24).radsimp() == 2 + sqrt(3) - sqrt(2) - sqrt(6)

    assert 1 == (tan(8 * pi / 15) * cos(8 * pi / 15) /
                 sin(8 * pi / 15)).ratsimp()

    assert tan(x * I) == tanh(x) * I

    assert tan(k * pi) == 0
    assert tan(17 * k * pi) == 0

    assert tan(k * pi * I) == tanh(k * pi) * I

    assert tan(r).is_real is True

    assert tan(0, evaluate=False).is_algebraic
    assert tan(a).is_algebraic is None
    assert tan(na).is_algebraic is False

    assert tan(10 * pi / 7) == tan(3 * pi / 7)
    assert tan(11 * pi / 7) == -tan(3 * pi / 7)
    assert tan(-11 * pi / 7) == tan(3 * pi / 7)

    assert tan(15 * pi / 14) == tan(pi / 14)
    assert tan(-15 * pi / 14) == -tan(pi / 14)
Exemplo n.º 59
def test_solve_lambert():
    assert solveset_real(x * exp(x) - 1, x) == FiniteSet(LambertW(1))
    assert solveset_real(x + 2**x, x) == \

    # issue 4739
    assert solveset_real(exp(log(5) * x) - 2**x, x) == FiniteSet(0)
    ans = solveset_real(3 * x + 5 + 2**(-5 * x + 3), x)
    assert ans == FiniteSet(-Rational(5, 3) +
                            LambertW(-10240 * 2**(S(1) / 3) * log(2) / 3) /
                            (5 * log(2)))

    eq = 2 * (3 * x + 4)**5 - 6 * 7**(3 * x + 9)
    result = solveset_real(eq, x)
    ans = FiniteSet(
        (log(2401) + 5 * LambertW(-log(7**(7 * 3**Rational(1, 5) / 5)))) /
        (3 * log(7)) / -1)
    assert result == ans
    assert solveset_real(eq.expand(), x) == result

    assert solveset_real(5*x - 1 + 3*exp(2 - 7*x), x) == \
        FiniteSet(Rational(1, 5) + LambertW(-21*exp(Rational(3, 5))/5)/7)

    assert solveset_real(2*x + 5 + log(3*x - 2), x) == \
        FiniteSet(Rational(2, 3) + LambertW(2*exp(-Rational(19, 3))/3)/2)

    assert solveset_real(3*x + log(4*x), x) == \
        FiniteSet(LambertW(Rational(3, 4))/3)

    assert solveset_complex(x**z*y**z - 2, z) == \
        FiniteSet(log(2)/(log(x) + log(y)))

    assert solveset_real(x**x - 2) == FiniteSet(exp(LambertW(log(2))))

    a = Symbol('a')
    assert solveset_real(-a * x + 2 * x * log(x), x) == FiniteSet(exp(a / 2))
    a = Symbol('a', real=True)
    assert solveset_real(a/x + exp(x/2), x) == \
    assert solveset_real((a/x + exp(x/2)).diff(x), x) == \

    assert solveset_real(1 / (1 / x - y + exp(y)), x) == EmptySet()
    # coverage test
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    w = Symbol('w')
    assert solveset_real((1 / p + 1)**(p + 1), p) == EmptySet()
    assert solveset_real(tanh(x + 3) * tanh(x - 3) - 1, x) == EmptySet()
    assert solveset_real(2*x**w - 4*y**w, w) == \
        solveset_real((x/y)**w - 2, w)

    assert solveset_real((x**2 - 2*x + 1).subs(x, log(x) + 3*x), x) == \
    assert solveset_real((x**2 - 2*x + 1).subs(x, (log(x) + 3*x)**2 - 1), x) == \
        FiniteSet(LambertW(3*exp(-sqrt(2)))/3, LambertW(3*exp(sqrt(2)))/3)
    assert solveset_real((x**2 - 2*x - 2).subs(x, log(x) + 3*x), x) == \
        FiniteSet(LambertW(3*exp(1 + sqrt(3)))/3, LambertW(3*exp(-sqrt(3) + 1))/3)
    assert solveset_real(x*log(x) + 3*x + 1, x) == \
        FiniteSet(exp(-3 + LambertW(-exp(3))))
    eq = (x * exp(x) - 3).subs(x, x * exp(x))
    assert solveset_real(eq, x) == \

    assert solveset_real(3*log(a**(3*x + 5)) + a**(3*x + 5), x) == \
        FiniteSet(-((log(a**5) + LambertW(S(1)/3))/(3*log(a))))
    p = symbols('p', positive=True)
    assert solveset_real(3*log(p**(3*x + 5)) + p**(3*x + 5), x) == \
        log((-3**(S(1)/3) - 3**(S(5)/6)*I)*LambertW(S(1)/3)**(S(1)/3)/(2*p**(S(5)/3)))/log(p),
        log((-3**(S(1)/3) + 3**(S(5)/6)*I)*LambertW(S(1)/3)**(S(1)/3)/(2*p**(S(5)/3)))/log(p),
        log((3*LambertW(S(1)/3)/p**5)**(1/(3*log(p)))),)  # checked numerically
    # check collection
    b = Symbol('b')
    eq = 3 * log(a**(3 * x + 5)) + b * log(a**(3 * x + 5)) + a**(3 * x + 5)
    assert solveset_real(
        x) == FiniteSet(-((log(a**5) + LambertW(1 / (b + 3))) / (3 * log(a))))

    # issue 4271
    assert solveset_real((a / x + exp(x / 2)).diff(x, 2),
                         x) == FiniteSet(6 * LambertW(
                             (-1)**(S(1) / 3) * a**(S(1) / 3) / 3))

    assert solveset_real(x**3 - 3**x, x) == \
    assert solveset_real(x**2 - 2**x, x) == FiniteSet(2)
    assert solveset_real(-x**2 + 2**x, x) == FiniteSet(2)
    assert solveset_real(3**cos(x) - cos(x)**3) == FiniteSet(
        acos(-3 * LambertW(-log(3) / 3) / log(3)))

    assert solveset_real(4**(x / 2) - 2**(x / 3), x) == FiniteSet(0)
    assert solveset_real(5**(x / 2) - 2**(x / 3), x) == FiniteSet(0)
    b = sqrt(6) * sqrt(log(2)) / sqrt(log(5))
    assert solveset_real(5**(x / 2) - 2**(3 / x), x) == FiniteSet(-b, b)
Exemplo n.º 60
def test_is_function_class_equation():
    from sympy.abc import x, a
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction, tan(x),
                                       x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       tan(x) - 1, x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       tan(x) + sin(x), x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       tan(x) + sin(x) - a, x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       sin(x) * tan(x) + sin(x), x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       sin(x) * tan(x + a) + sin(x), x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       sin(x) * tan(x * a) + sin(x), x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       a * tan(x) - 1, x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       tan(x)**2 + sin(x) - 1, x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction, tan(x**2),
                                       x) is False
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       tan(x**2) + sin(x), x) is False
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       tan(x)**sin(x), x) is False
    assert _is_function_class_equation(TrigonometricFunction,
                                       tan(sin(x)) + sin(x), x) is False
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction, tanh(x), x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       tanh(x) - 1, x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       tanh(x) + sinh(x), x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       tanh(x) + sinh(x) - a, x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       sinh(x) * tanh(x) + sinh(x), x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       sinh(x) * tanh(x + a) + sinh(x),
                                       x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       sinh(x) * tanh(x * a) + sinh(x),
                                       x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       a * tanh(x) - 1, x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       tanh(x)**2 + sinh(x) - 1, x) is True
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction, tanh(x**2),
                                       x) is False
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       tanh(x**2) + sinh(x), x) is False
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       tanh(x)**sinh(x), x) is False
    assert _is_function_class_equation(HyperbolicFunction,
                                       tanh(sinh(x)) + sinh(x), x) is False