Exemplo n.º 1
def line_walk_double_edges_e(he, ray, b):
    nxt = he.nxt
    prev = he.prev
    v1 = he.node
    v2 = nxt.node
    v3 = prev.node
    s = Segment(v1.p, v2.p) 
    inter = intersection(s, ray) 

    if inter != [] and is_segment(inter[0]):
        end_node = v1
        if ray.contains(v2.p):
            end_node = v2
        yield from line_walk_double_edges_v(end_node, Ray(end_node.p, b), b)
        raise StopIteration

    e1 = Segment(v1.p, v3.p)
    e2 = Segment(v3.p, v2.p)
    inter1 = intersection(e1, ray)
    inter2 = intersection(e2, ray)

    if inter1 != [] and inter2 != []:       
        yield from line_walk_double_edges_v(v3, Ray(inter1[0], b), b)
        raise StopIteration
    if inter1 != []:
        yield e1
        if (prev.twin != None):
            yield from line_walk_double_edges_e(prev.twin, Ray(inter1[0], b), b)
            raise StopIteration
    if inter2 != []:
        yield e2
        if (nxt.twin != None):
            yield from line_walk_double_edges_e(nxt.twin, Ray(inter2[0], b), b)
            raise StopIteration
    raise StopIteration
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_find_segments_in_polylines_two_lines(self):
        top = [Point2D(x, 0) for x in range(0, 5)]
        bottom = [Point2D(x, 4) for x in range(0, 5)]
        points = top + bottom

        originating_point = Point2D(0, 0)
        points_rotated = []

        for point in points:
            points_rotated.append(point.rotate(pi / 4, originating_point))

        segments_reference = {
            Segment(points_rotated[0], points_rotated[4]),
            Segment(points_rotated[5], points_rotated[9])

        finder = RansacSegmentsFinder(0.001, 1.1)
        segments = finder.find_segments_in_points(points_rotated)

        for segment_real in segments:
            found_similarities = 0
            similar = None

            for segment_reference in segments_reference:
                if self.are_segments_close(segment_real, segment_reference):
                    similar = segment_reference
                    found_similarities += 1

            self.assertEqual(1, found_similarities)
Exemplo n.º 3
def eyes_add_highlight(image, face_landmarks):
    """Add highlight in eyes
    This function can uses for many people
    highlight = cv2.imread(
        CURRENT_DIRNAME + '/eyes_highlight.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

    line1 = Segment(Point(landmark[134]), Point(landmark[145]))
    line2 = Segment(Point(landmark[139]), Point(landmark[150]))
    ls = intersection(line1, line2)

    dx, dy = (landmark[150] - landmark[139]) / 5
    x, y = int(ls[0].x) - dx, int(ls[0].y) - dy
    w = np.linalg.norm(landmark[150] - landmark[139])
    ratio = w / highlight.shape[1] * 100
    x = int(x - highlight.shape[0] * (ratio / 100) / 2)
    y = int(y - highlight.shape[1] * (ratio / 100) / 2)
    image = merge(image, highlight, x, y, ratio)

    line1 = Segment(Point(landmark[114]), Point(landmark[124]))
    line2 = Segment(Point(landmark[120]), Point(landmark[129]))
    ls = intersection(line1, line2)

    dx, dy = (landmark[129] - landmark[120]) / 5
    x, y = int(ls[0].x) - dx, int(ls[0].y) - dy
    w = np.linalg.norm(landmark[129] - landmark[120])
    ratio = w / highlight.shape[1] * 100
    x = int(x - highlight.shape[0] * (ratio / 100) / 2)
    y = int(y - highlight.shape[1] * (ratio / 100) / 2)
    image = merge(image, highlight, x, y, ratio)

    return image
Exemplo n.º 4
def line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles_v(node, ray, b):
    for n_triangles in node.triangles:
        for n_edge in n_triangles.edges:
            end_node = None
            if n_edge.nodes[0] == node:
                end_node = n_edge.nodes[1]
            elif n_edge.nodes[1] == node:
                end_node = n_edge.nodes[0]

            s = Segment(node.p, end_node.p) 
            inter = intersection(s, ray) 

            if inter != [] and is_segment(inter[0]):
                yield s
                yield from line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles_v(end_node, Ray(end_node.p, b), b)
                raise StopIteration

    for n_triangles in node.triangles:
        for n_edge in n_triangles.edges:
            if n_edge.nodes[0] != node and n_edge.nodes[1] != node:
                node_i = n_edge.nodes[0]
                node_j = n_edge.nodes[1]
                s = Segment(node_i.p, node_j.p)
                inter = intersection(s, ray)
                if inter != []:
                    yield s
                    yield from line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles_e(node_i, node_j, Ray(inter[0], b), b)
                    raise StopIteration
    raise StopIteration
Exemplo n.º 5
def shift_one_segment(reflective_segments: List[Segment],
                      axis: str) -> List[Segment]:
    Shift one segment from list of reflective segments of an individual

    :param reflective_segments: List of all reflective segments of one individual
    :param axis: Indicator whether to use X-axis or Y-axis
    :return: List of all reflective segments with one shifted
    chosen_segment_index = random.randint(0, len(reflective_segments) - 1)
    chosen_segment = reflective_segments[chosen_segment_index]
    shift_amount = random.randint(-100, 100)
    if axis == "x":
        shifted_segment = Segment(
            Point(chosen_segment.p1.x + shift_amount, chosen_segment.p1.y),
            Point(chosen_segment.p2.x + shift_amount, chosen_segment.p2.y))
        shifted_segment = Segment(
            Point(chosen_segment.p1.x, chosen_segment.p1.y + shift_amount),
            Point(chosen_segment.p2.x, chosen_segment.p2.y + shift_amount))
    modified_segments = reflective_segments[:chosen_segment_index]
    modified_segments = modified_segments + reflective_segments[
        chosen_segment_index + 1:]
    return modified_segments
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_intersection_points2D_with_img(intersection_points: list,
                                       plane_range: np.ndarray) -> tuple:
    x, y = intersection_points
    p1 = Point(x[0], y[0])
    p2 = Point(x[1], y[1])
    intersection_line = Line(p1, p2)

    points1 = Point(plane_range[0, 1],
                    plane_range[0, 0]), Point(plane_range[0, 1],
                                              plane_range[1, 0])
    points2 = Point(plane_range[0, 1],
                    plane_range[1, 0]), Point(plane_range[1, 1],
                                              plane_range[1, 0])
    points3 = Point(plane_range[1, 1],
                    plane_range[1, 0]), Point(plane_range[1, 1],
                                              plane_range[0, 0])
    points4 = Point(plane_range[1, 1],
                    plane_range[0, 0]), Point(plane_range[0, 1],
                                              plane_range[0, 0])

    line1 = Segment(*points1)
    line2 = Segment(*points2)
    line3 = Segment(*points3)
    line4 = Segment(*points4)

    result = tuple(
            lambda x: x != [],
            intersection_line.intersection(line1) +
            intersection_line.intersection(line2) +
            intersection_line.intersection(line3) +

    return (float(result[0].x), float(result[0].y)), (float(result[1].x),
Exemplo n.º 7
 def generate_segments(self, points):
     segments = []
     for i in range(1, len(points)):
         if i != len(points) - 1:
             segments.append(Segment(points[i - 1], points[i]))
             segments.append(Segment(points[i - 1], points[0]))
     self.segments = segments
Exemplo n.º 8
 def crash(self, other):
     seg1_1 = Point(self.x_position, self.y_position)
     seg1_2 = Point(self.new_x_position, self.new_y_position)
     seg2_1 = Point(other.x_position, other.y_position)
     seg2_2 = Point(other.new_x_position, other.new_y_position)
     seg1 = Segment(seg1_1, seg1_2)
     seg2 = Segment(seg2_1, seg2_2)
     return len(seg1.intersection(seg2))
Exemplo n.º 9
def crossing(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point, p4: Point):
    line1, seg1 = Line(p1, p2), Segment(p1, p2)
    line2, seg2 = Line(p3, p4), Segment(p3, p4)
    intersect = line1.intersection(line2)
    if intersect:
        seg1 = Segment(p1, p2)
        seg2 = Segment(p3, p4)
        pi = intersect[0]
        return seg1.contains(pi) and seg2.contains(pi)
Exemplo n.º 10
def separaArestas(p1, p2, p3, p4=None):
    arestas_separadas = []
    if p1 != p2:
        arestas_separadas.append(Segment(Point(p1.x, p1.y), Point(p2.x, p2.y)))
    if p2 != p3:
        arestas_separadas.append(Segment(Point(p2.x, p2.y), Point(p3.x, p3.y)))
    if p3 != p4 and not (p4 is None):
        arestas_separadas.append(Segment(Point(p3.x, p3.y), Point(p4.x, p4.y)))
    return arestas_separadas
Exemplo n.º 11
def intersection_of_segments(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y):
    """Координаты точки пересечения двух отрезков"""
    s1 = Segment(p1_y, p1_x)
    s2 = Segment(p2_y, p2_x)
    intersection = s1.intersection(s2)
    if len(intersection) != 0:
        intersection = intersection[0]
        return float(intersection.y), float(intersection.x)
        return 0, 0
 def crash(
     self, other
 ):  # Функция для определения столкновения двух самолётов. Мы создаём для каждого самолёта по отрезку от старого положения до нового. Функция возвращает список точек пересечения двух отрезков. Если длина списка нулевая, пересечения нет. Если больше 0, значит пересечение есть и самолёты столкнулись.
     seg1_1 = Point(self.old_x, self.old_y)
     seg1_2 = Point(self.x_position, self.y_position)
     seg2_1 = Point(other.old_x, other.old_y)
     seg2_2 = Point(other.x_position, other.y_position)
     seg1 = Segment(seg1_1, seg1_2)
     seg2 = Segment(seg2_1, seg2_2)
     return len(seg1.intersection(seg2))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_get_segments_simple(self):
        t = Polyline()
        points = [Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(1, 1), Point2D(2, 2)]
        for point in points:

            [Segment(points[0], points[1]),
             Segment(points[1], points[2])])
Exemplo n.º 14
 def CalcShotAngle(self):
     shifted_pckt = self.pocket.center - self.target.loc
     self.ghostball = (self.target.loc + self.cue.Diameter *
                       (self.target.loc - self.pocket.center) /
     self.aiming_vec = Segment(self.cue.loc, self.ghostball)
     self.target_vec = Segment(self.pocket.center, self.ghostball)
     self.shotangle = self.aiming_vec.angle_between(self.target_vec).evalf()
     shifted_ghost = self.ghostball - self.cue.loc
     self.aiming_vec_ag = math.atan(shifted_ghost.y / shifted_ghost.x)
     if shifted_ghost.x < 0:
         self.aiming_vec_ag = math.pi + self.aiming_vec_ag
Exemplo n.º 15
def line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles_e(v1, v2, ray, b):
    s = Segment(v1.p, v2.p)
    edge = list(set(v1.edges) & set(v2.edges))[0]
    inter = intersection(s, ray)

    if (inter != [] and is_segment(inter[0])):
        end_node1 = edge.nodes[0]
        end_node2 = edge.nodes[1]

        if ray.contains(end_node2.p):
            end_node1 = end_node2
        yield from line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles_v(end_node1, Ray(end_node1.p, b), b)
        raise StopIteration
    s_b = turn(cgPoint(int(b.x), int(b.y)), cgPoint(int(v1.p.x), int(v1.p.y)), cgPoint(int(v2.p.x), int(v2.p.y)))
    se = None
    for index, n_triangle in enumerate(edge.triangles):
        mb_e = set(n_triangle.edges)
        mb_e = list(mb_e)
        o_v = list(set(mb_e[0].nodes) & set(mb_e[1].nodes))[0]
        if s_b != turn(cgPoint(int(o_v.p.x), int(o_v.p.y)), cgPoint(int(v1.p.x), int(v1.p.y)),
                       cgPoint(int(v2.p.x), int(v2.p.y))):
        t_e1 = mb_e[0].nodes
        t_e2 = mb_e[1].nodes
        v1 = t_e1[0]
        v1_n = t_e1[1]
        e1 = Segment(v1.p, v1_n.p)
        v2 = t_e2[0]
        v2_n = t_e2[1]
        e2 = Segment(v2.p, v2_n.p)
        inter1 = intersection(e1, ray)
        inter2 = intersection(e2, ray)
        if inter1 != [] and inter2 != []:      
            yield from line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles_v(o_v, Ray(inter1[0], b), b)
            raise StopIteration
        if inter1 != []:
            yield e1
            yield from line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles_e(v1, v1_n, Ray(inter1[0], b), b)
            raise StopIteration
        if inter2 != []:
            yield e2
            yield from line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles_e(v2, v2_n, Ray(inter2[0], b), b)
            raise StopIteration
    raise StopIteration
Exemplo n.º 16
def line_walk_nodes_and_triangles_e(v1, v2, ray, b):
    s_b = turn(cgPoint(int(b.x), int(b.y)), cgPoint(int(v1.p.x), int(v1.p.y)), cgPoint(int(v2.p.x), int(v2.p.y)))
    s = Segment(v1.p, v2.p) 
    inter = intersection(s, ray) 

    if inter != [] and is_segment(inter[0]):
        end_node = v1
        if ray.contains(v2.p):
            end_node = v2
        yield from line_walk_nodes_and_triangles_v(end_node, Ray(end_node.p, b), b)

    tp = set(v1.triangles) & set(v2.triangles)
    vs = list(tp)
    vp = []

    for i in vs:
        ts = set(i.nodes)
        vp = vp + list(ts)
    v3 = [i for i in vp 
          if s_b == turn(cgPoint(int(i.p.x), int(i.p.y)), cgPoint(int(v1.p.x), int(v1.p.y)), cgPoint(int(v2.p.x), int(v2.p.y)))
    if v3 == []:
        raise StopIteration

    e1 = Segment(v1.p, v3[0].p)
    e2 = Segment(v2.p, v3[0].p)
    inter1 = intersection(e1, ray)
    inter2 = intersection(e2, ray)

    if inter1 != [] and inter2 != []:
        yield from line_walk_nodes_and_triangles_v(v3[0], Ray(inter1[0], b), b)
        raise StopIteration
    if inter1 != []:
        yield e1
        yield from line_walk_nodes_and_triangles_e(v1, v3[0], Ray(inter1[0], b), b)
        raise StopIteration
    if inter2 != []:
        yield e2
        yield from line_walk_nodes_and_triangles_e(v2, v3[0], Ray(inter2[0], b), b)
        raise StopIteration
    raise StopIteration
Exemplo n.º 17
    def add_bounding_box(self):
        # Find extreme points
        margin = 40
        top_y = 400 + margin  #uppermost_point_index(self.event_queue)
        bottom_y = 130 - margin  #lowermost_point_index(self.event_queue)
        right_x = 600 + margin  #rightmost_point_index(self.event_queue)
        left_x = 200 - margin  #leftmost_point_index(self.event_queue)
        # Create the bounding box and add it to event queue
        s1 = Segment(Point(right_x, top_y), Point(right_x, bottom_y))
        s2 = Segment(Point(right_x - 5, bottom_y), Point(left_x, bottom_y))
        s3 = Segment(Point(left_x, bottom_y + 5), Point(left_x, top_y))
        s4 = Segment(Point(left_x + 5, top_y), Point(right_x, top_y + 5))

        p = [s1, s2, s3, s4]
Exemplo n.º 18
def paralline(nl=2, x0=0, y0=100, x1=33, y1=66):
    p1, p2 = Point(x0, y0), Point(x1, y1)
    s1 = Segment(p1, p2)
    # Create a new Line perpendicular to s1 passing through the point p1
    l1 = s1.perpendicular_line(p1)
    l2 = s1.perpendicular_line(p2)
    p1 in l1
    p2 in l2
    #p11 = subs_point(l1, s1.length)
    # find coords of parallel nl segments from each side of the transect
    x11, y11 = zeros(2*nl+1), zeros(2*nl+1)
    x22, y22 = zeros(2*nl+1), zeros(2*nl+1)
    for i in range(-nl,nl+1):
        p11 = subs_point(l1, 1*i/s1.length) # divide unit segment on its length
        x111, y111 = p11.args
        x11[j], y11[j] = float64(x111), float64(y111)
        p22 = subs_point(l2, 1*i/s1.length) # divide unit segment on its length
        x222, y222 = p22.args
        x22[j], y22[j] = float64(x222), float64(y222)
#    # Checking that segments are parallel and same length
#    s2 = Segment(p11,p22)
#    s2.is_parallel(s1)
#    s1.length - s2.length
#    plt.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1])
#    plt.plot([x11, x22],[y11, y22], 'k')
    return x11, y11, x22, y22
Exemplo n.º 19
def line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles(triang, a, v1, v2, b):
    b, ray = inf_ray(a, b, 1000)
    e = Segment(v1, v2)
    node_a = None
    node_v1 = None
    node_v2 = None
    count = 0

    for idr, node in triang[0].items():
        if count == 3:
        if node.p.equals(a):
            node_a = node
            count = count + 1
        if node.p.equals(v1):
            node_v1 = node
            count = count + 1
        if node.p.equals(v2):
            node_v2 = node
            count = count + 1

    if is_vertex_of_segment(a, e):
        yield from line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles_v(node_a, ray, b)
        raise StopIteration
        yield e
        yield from line_walk_nodes_and_edges_and_triangles_e(node_v1, node_v2, ray, b)
        raise StopIteration
Exemplo n.º 20
    def find_segments_with_density(line: Line, points: Iterable[Point2D],
                                   epsilon: float) -> List[FoundSegment]:
        line_points = SegmentsInLineFinder.project_on_line(line, points)

        segments = []
        current_start_point = None
        current_segment_points_number = 0

        for i, current_point in enumerate(line_points):

            if current_start_point is None:
                current_start_point = current_point
                current_segment_points_number = 0

            current_segment_points_number += 1

            if i == len(line_points) - 1 \
                    or abs(current_point.line_coordinate - line_points[i + 1].line_coordinate) > epsilon:
                if current_point != current_start_point:
                    segment = Segment(current_start_point.projection,
                    density = current_segment_points_number / segment.length
                            segment, current_segment_points_number, density))
                current_start_point = None

        return segments
Exemplo n.º 21
    def get_line_segments(line_data):
        def adjust_pos(point, cmd):
            direction = cmd[0]
            distance = int(cmd[1:])
            x = point[0]
            y = point[1]
            if direction == 'R':
                return x + distance, y
            elif direction == 'L':
                return x - distance, y
            elif direction == 'U':
                return x, y + distance
            elif direction == 'D':
                return x, y - distance

        line_segments = []
        p1 = (0, 0)
        p2 = (0, 0)
        for index, cmd in enumerate(line_data):
            p2 = adjust_pos(p2, cmd)
            seg = Segment(Point(p1[0], p1[1]), Point(p2[0], p2[1]))
            line_segments.append((seg, cmd))
            p1 = p2

        return line_segments
Exemplo n.º 22
def line_walk_node_with_neighbours(triang, a, v1, v2, b):
    b, ray = inf_ray(a, b, 1000)
    e = Segment(v1, v2)
    node_a = None
    node_v1 = None
    node_v2 = None
    count = 0

    for idr, node in triang.items():
        if count == 3:
        if node.p.equals(a):
            node_a = node
            count = count + 1
        if node.p.equals(v1):
            node_v1 = node
            count = count + 1
        if node.p.equals(v2):
            node_v2 = node
            count = count + 1
    if is_vertex_of_segment(a, e):
        yield from line_walk_node_with_neighbours_v(node_a, ray, b)
        yield e
        yield from line_walk_node_with_neighbours_e(node_v1, node_v2, ray, b)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def initialize_status(self):
        sweep_ray = Ray(self.origin, self.event_queue[0].p)
        i = 0
        for ep in self.event_queue:
            if ep.type == DEFAULT_VERTEX:
                segment = Segment(ep.p, ep.twin.p)
                intersection_point = sweep_ray.intersection(segment)

                if len(intersection_point) > 0:
                    # If the segments first point is the current event-point
                    if intersection_point[
                            0] == ep.p:  # if the point is on the initial ray
                        if len(
                                Ray(self.origin, self.event_queue[
                                    i + 1].p).intersection(segment)
                        ) > 0:  #if the point was a start point
                            self.initialize_segment(ep, intersection_point)
                        self.initialize_segment(ep.twin, intersection_point)
                    # Event-points not hit by the ray gets a type
                    ep.type = START_VERTEX
                    ep.twin.type = END_VERTEX
            i += 1
Exemplo n.º 24
def partir(ent, mostra=True):
    n = int(ent[0][0])
    arestas = []
    for i in range(n):
        a = ent[i]
        arestas.append(Segment(Point(a[0], a[1]), Point(a[2], a[3])))
    arestas_teste = list(arestas)
    arestas_final = []
    i, j = 0, 0
    while i < len(arestas_teste):
        l1 = arestas_teste[i]
        j = 1
        add_final = True
        while j < len(arestas_teste):
            l2 = arestas_teste[j]
            if l1.contains(l2) or l2.contains(l1):
                ordenado = separaArestas(*sorted([l1.p1, l1.p2, l2.p1, l2.p2],
                                                 key=lambda a: (a.x, a.y)))
                [arestas_teste.append(k) for k in ordenado]
                add_final = False
            elif len(intersection(l1, l2)) > 0:
                ponto_intersecao = intersection(l1, l2)[0]
                # Entra aqui se o ponto estiver no meio do segmento
                if not (ponto_intersecao in [l1.p1, l1.p2] and ponto_intersecao in [l2.p1, l2.p2]):
                    if ponto_intersecao in [l1.p1, l1.p2]:
                        add_final = False
                        ordenado = separaArestas(l2.p1, ponto_intersecao, l2.p2)
                        ordenado += [l1]
                        [arestas_teste.append(k) for k in ordenado]
                    elif ponto_intersecao in [l2.p1, l2.p2]:
                        add_final = False
                        ordenado = separaArestas(l1.p1, ponto_intersecao, l1.p2)
                        [arestas_teste.append(k) for k in ordenado]
            j += 1
        if add_final:
        i = 0
    out = str(len(arestas_final))
    if mostra:
    for i in arestas_final:
        out += f'\n{i.p1.x} {i.p1.y} {i.p2.x} {i.p2.y}'
        if mostra:
            print(float(i.p1.x), float(i.p1.y), float(i.p2.x), float(i.p2.y))
    # plt.xlim(-1000, 50000)
    # plt.ylim(-1000, 50000)
    # j = 1
    # for i in arestas_final:
    #     plt.plot([i.p1.x, i.p2.x], [i.p1.y, i.p2.y])
    #     plt.savefig(f'img/{j}.png')
    #     j += 1
    return out
    def test_find_segments_two_segments(self):
        line = Line(Point2D(0, 0), Point2D(10, 0))
        points_coords = (
            (-10, 5),
            (-5, -5),
            (0, 5),
            (5, -5),
            (15, 10),
            (18, 5)

        points = [Point2D(coord[0], coord[1]) for coord in points_coords]

        segments_reference = [Segment(Point2D(-10, 0), Point2D(5, 0)), Segment(Point2D(15, 0), Point2D(18, 0))]
        segments_test = SegmentsInLineFinder.find_segments(line, points, 6)

        self.assertListEqual(segments_reference, segments_test)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_get_objects_separate_lists(self):
     a = Area()
     point = Point2D(1, 1)
     segment = Segment(Point2D(3, 3), Point2D(4, 4))
     a.add_object(Point2D, point)
     a.add_object(Segment, segment)
     self.assertListEqual(a.get_objects(Point2D), [point])
     self.assertListEqual(a.get_objects(Segment), [segment])
Exemplo n.º 27
def intersect_segment_polyline(segment, x, y):
    c_s = 0  # current segment
    m_s = min(len(x), len(y)) - 1  # last segment
    point = []
    while len(point) < 1 and c_s < m_s:
        point = segment.intersection(
            Segment(Point(x[c_s], y[c_s]), Point(x[c_s + 1], y[c_s + 1])))
        c_s += 1
    return point
Exemplo n.º 28
def intersection_of_segments(p1_x: Point, p1_y: Point, p2_x: Point,
                             p2_y: Point) -> tuple:
    Координаты точки пересечения двух отрезков
    :param p1_x: Первая точка первого отрезка
    :param p1_y: Вторая точка первого отрезка
    :param p2_x: Первая точка второго отрезка
    :param p2_y: Вторая точка второго отрезка
    :return: Кортеж координат точки пересечения отрезков
    s1 = Segment(p1_x, p1_y)
    s2 = Segment(p2_x, p2_y)
    intersection = s1.intersection(s2)
    if len(intersection) != 0:
        intersection = intersection[0]
        return float(intersection.x), float(intersection.y)
        return None, None
Exemplo n.º 29
def control(data):
    msg = drive_param()

    global prev_error
    global velocity
    global kp
    global kd
    global flag
    global length
    global path_y
    global path_x

    myrobot = robot()
                data.pose.position.y)  #update current pose
    ''' flag is set when path arrives from planner node'''
    if flag == 1:
        '''find distance from robot and the desired track (cross track error)'''
        for index in range(0, ((length / 2) - 1)):
                        data.pose.position.y)  #update current pose
            print("curr_y = ", myrobot.y, "curr_x = ", myrobot.x)
            print("path_y = ", path_y[index], "path_x = ", path_x[index])
            p1 = Point(path_y[index],
                       path_x[index])  # points from desired path
            p2 = Point(path_y[index + 1], path_x[index + 1])
            s = Segment(p1, p2)
            error = -float(s.distance(
                myrobot.curr_pose))  # x in the equation  -->  -x-Lsin(theta)
            if (myrobot.y < path_y[index]):
                error = -error  #-error = left turn, +ve error = right turn
            print("error = ", error)
            '''calculate steering angle using pid controller'''
            #int_error += error     # integral not used
            diff_error = error - prev_error  # differential

            angle = -(kp * error) - (kd * diff_error)  #   - (ki * int_CTE)

            if angle < -100:
                angle = -100
            elif angle > 100:
                angle = 100
            prev_error = error

            msg.angle = angle
            velocity = 10.0
            msg.velocity = velocity
            #print("flag = 1, vel = " , msg.velocity, ", angle = " , msg.angle)
        flag = 0
    ''' keep vel and steering to 0 if no plan arrives and flag is not set'''
    angle = 0
    velocity = 0.0
    msg.angle = angle
    msg.velocity = velocity  # constant velocity
    print("flag = 0, vel = ", msg.velocity, ", angle = ", msg.angle)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def load(self, file_name):
     f = open(file_name, "r")
     for l in f:
         coords = l.split(" ")
         x1 = int(coords[0])
         y1 = int(coords[1])
         x2 = int(coords[2])
         y2 = int(coords[3])
         self.segments.append(Segment(Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2)))