Exemplo n.º 1
    def _normPyTuple(self, valu):
        if len(valu) != 2:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                    mesg=f'Must be a 2-tuple of type {self.subtype.name}')

        minv = self.subtype.norm(valu[0])[0]
        maxv = self.subtype.norm(valu[1])[0]

        if minv > maxv:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                    mesg='minval cannot be greater than maxval')

        return (minv, maxv), {'subs': {'min': minv, 'max': maxv}}
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _normPyTuple(self, valu):
        if len(valu) != 2:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                    mesg='Valu must contain valid latitude,longitude')

            latv = self.modl.type('geo:latitude').norm(valu[0])[0]
            lonv = self.modl.type('geo:longitude').norm(valu[1])[0]
        except Exception as e:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                    mesg=str(e)) from None

        return (latv, lonv), {'subs': {'lat': latv, 'lon': lonv}}
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _normPyInt(self, valu):

        if self.minval is not None and valu < self.minval:
            mesg = f'value is below min={self.minval}'
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name, mesg=mesg)

        if self.maxval is not None and valu > self.maxval:
            mesg = f'value is above max={self.maxval}'
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name, mesg=mesg)

        if self.enumrepr and valu not in self.enumrepr:
            mesg = 'Value is not a valid enum value.'
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name, mesg=mesg)

        return valu, {}
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def nodesByPropArray(self, full, cmpr, valu):

        prop = self.core.model.prop(full)
        if prop is None:
            mesg = f'No property named "{full}".'
            raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg)

        if not isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Array):
            mesg = f'Array synax is invalid on non array type: {prop.type.name}.'
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg)

        cmprvals = prop.type.arraytype.getStorCmprs(cmpr, valu)

        if prop.isform:

            for layr in self.layers:
                genr = layr.liftByPropArray(prop.name, None, cmprvals)
                async for node in self._joinStorGenr(layr, genr):
                    if node.bylayer['ndef'] != layr:
                    yield node


        formname = None
        if prop.form is not None:
            formname = prop.form.name

        for layr in self.layers:
            genr = layr.liftByPropArray(formname, prop.name, cmprvals)
            async for node in self._joinStorGenr(layr, genr):
                if node.bylayer['props'].get(prop.name) != layr:
                yield node
Exemplo n.º 5
 def norm(self, valu):
     except s_exc.MustBeJsonSafe as e:
         raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name=self.name, valu=valu, mesg=str(e)) from None
     byts = s_msgpack.en(valu)
     return s_msgpack.un(byts), {}
Exemplo n.º 6
    async def nodesByPropArray(self, full, cmpr, valu):

        prop = self.core.model.prop(full)
        if prop is None:
            mesg = f'No property named "{full}".'
            raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg)

        if not isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Array):
            mesg = f'Array synax is invalid on non array type: {prop.type.name}.'
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg)

        cmprvals = prop.type.arraytype.getStorCmprs(cmpr, valu)

        if prop.isform:
            async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByPropArray(
                    prop.name, None, cmprvals, self.layers):
                node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes)
                if node is not None:
                    yield node

        formname = None
        if prop.form is not None:
            formname = prop.form.name

        async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByPropArray(
                formname, prop.name, cmprvals, self.layers):
            node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes)
            if node is not None:
                yield node
Exemplo n.º 7
    def bruteVersionStr(self, valu):
        Brute force the version out of a string.

            valu (str): String to attempt to get version information for.

            This first attempts to parse strings using the it:semver normalization
            before attempting to extract version parts out of the string.

            int, dict: The system normalized version integer and a subs dictionary.
            valu, info = self.core.model.type('it:semver').norm(valu)
            subs = info.get('subs')
            return valu, subs
        except s_exc.BadTypeValu:
            # Try doing version part extraction by noming through the string
            subs = s_version.parseVersionParts(valu)
            if subs is None:
                raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name='bruteVersionStr',
                                        mesg='Unable to brute force version parts out of the string')
            if subs:
                valu = s_version.packVersion(subs.get('major'),
                                             subs.get('minor', 0),
                                             subs.get('patch', 0))
                return valu, subs
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _normPyStr(self, text):
            valu, off = s_grammar.parse_float(text, 0)
        except Exception:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=text, name=self.name,
                                    mesg='Dist requires a valid float and dist '
                                         'unit, no valid float found') from None

        unit, off = s_grammar.nom(text, off, s_grammar.alphaset)

        mult = units.get(unit.lower())
        if mult is None:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=text, name=self.name,
                                    mesg='invalid/unknown dist unit: %s' % (unit,))

        return int(valu * mult), {}
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _normPyStr(self, valu):
     digs = digits(valu)
     if not digs:
         raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                 mesg='requires a digit string')
     subs = {}
         info = s_l_phone.getPhoneInfo(int(digs))
     except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover
         raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                 mesg='Failed to get phone info')
     cc = info.get('cc')
     if cc is not None:
         subs['loc'] = cc
     # TODO prefix based validation?
     return digs, {'subs': subs}
Exemplo n.º 10
 def _normPyStr(self, valu):
     digs = digits(valu)
     if not digs:
         raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu,
                                 mesg='requires a digit string')
     return self._normPyInt(int(digs))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _normPyTuple(self, valu):

        fields = self.opts.get('fields')
        if len(fields) != len(valu):
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(
                mesg='invalid number of fields given for norming')

        subs = {}
        adds = []
        norms = []

        for i, (name, typename) in enumerate(fields):

            _type = self.tcache[name]

            norm, info = _type.norm(valu[i])

            subs[name] = norm

            for k, v in info.get('subs', {}).items():
                subs[f'{name}:{k}'] = v
            adds.extend(info.get('adds', ()))

        norm = tuple(norms)
        return norm, {'subs': subs, 'adds': adds}
Exemplo n.º 12
def parsetz(text):
    Parse timezone from time string, with UTC as the default.

        text (str): Time string

        tuple: A tuple of text with tz chars removed and base milliseconds to offset time.
    tz_hm = tz_hm_re.search(text)

    if tz_hm is not None:

        tzstr, rel, hrs, mins, _, _ = tz_hm.groups()

        rel = 1 if rel == '-' else -1

        base = rel * (onehour * int(hrs) + onemin * int(mins))

        if abs(base) >= oneday:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(
                mesg=f'Timezone offset must be between +/- 24 hours')

        return text.replace(tzstr, '', 1), base

    return text, 0
Exemplo n.º 13
def delta(text):
    Parse a simple time delta string and return the delta.
    text = text.strip().lower()

    _, offs = _noms(text, 0, ' \t\r\n')

    sign = '+'
    if text and text[0] in ('+', '-'):
        sign = text[0]
        offs += 1

    _, offs = _noms(text, offs, ' \t\r\n')

    sizetext, offs = _noms(text, offs, '0123456789')

    _, offs = _noms(text, offs, ' \t\r\n')

    unittext = text[offs:]

    size = int(sizetext, 0)

    if sign == '-':
        size = -size

    base = timeunits.get(unittext)
    if base is None:
        mesg = f'unknown time delta units: {unittext}'
        raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name='time', valu=text, mesg=mesg)

    return size * base
Exemplo n.º 14
def wildrange(text):
    Parse an interval from a wild card time stamp: 2021/10/31*
    dttick, base, tlen = _rawparse(text)
    if tlen not in (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14):
        mesg = 'Time wild card position not supported.'
        raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg)

    if tlen == 4:
        dttock = dttick + relativedelta(years=1)
    elif tlen == 6:
        dttock = dttick + relativedelta(months=1)
    elif tlen == 8:
        dttock = dttick + relativedelta(days=1)
    elif tlen == 10:
        dttock = dttick + relativedelta(hours=1)
    elif tlen == 12:
        dttock = dttick + relativedelta(minutes=1)
    else:  # tlen = 14
        dttock = dttick + relativedelta(seconds=1)

    tick = int((dttick - EPOCH).total_seconds() * 1000 + base)
    tock = int((dttock - EPOCH).total_seconds() * 1000 + base)
    return (tick, tock)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _normIntStr(self, valu):
         valu = float(valu)
     except Exception:
         raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                 mesg='Invalid float format')
     return self._normFloat(valu)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _normPyStr(self, valu):

            valu = float(valu)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name=self.name, valu=valu,
                                    mesg=str(e)) from None
        return self._normPyFloat(valu)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _normFloat(self, valu):
        if valu > 90.0 or valu < -90.0:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                    mesg='Latitude may only be -90.0 to 90.0')

        valu = int(valu * Latitude.SCALE) / Latitude.SCALE

        return valu, {}
Exemplo n.º 18
 def _normPyStr(self, valu):
     valu = s_chop.hexstr(valu)
     if self._size and len(valu) != self._size:
         raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu,
                                 mesg='invalid width')
     return valu, {}
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _normPyTuple(self, valu):

        if len(valu) != 2:
            mesg = 'edge requires (ndef, ndef)'
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg, name=self.name, valu=valu)

        n1, n2 = valu
        return self._initEdgeBase(n1, n2)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def getTickTock(self, vals):
        Get a tick, tock time pair.

            vals (list): A pair of values to norm.

            (int, int): A ordered pair of integers.
        if len(vals) != 2:
            mesg = 'Time range must have a length of 2: %r' % (vals,)
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg)

        val0, val1 = vals

            _tick = self._getLiftValu(val0)
        except ValueError:
            mesg = 'Unable to process the value for val0 in _getLiftValu.'
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name=self.name, valu=val0,
                                    mesg=mesg) from None

        sortval = False
        if isinstance(val1, str):
            if val1.startswith(('+-', '-+')):
                sortval = True
                delt = s_time.delta(val1[2:])
                # order matters
                _tock = _tick + delt
                _tick = _tick - delt
            elif val1.startswith('-'):
                sortval = True
                _tock = self._getLiftValu(val1, relto=_tick)
                _tock = self._getLiftValu(val1, relto=_tick)
            _tock = self._getLiftValu(val1, relto=_tick)

        if sortval and _tick >= _tock:
            tick = min(_tick, _tock)
            tock = max(_tick, _tock)
            return tick, tock

        return _tick, _tock
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _storLiftRange(self, cmpr, valu):

        if type(valu) not in (list, tuple):
            mesg = f'Range value must be a list: {valu!r}'
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg)

        ticktock = self.getTickTock(valu)

        return ((cmpr, ticktock, self.stortype), )
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _normPyIter(self, valu):
        (minv, maxv), info = self._normByTickTock(valu)

        # Norm via iter must produce an actual range.
        if minv >= maxv:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name=self.name, valu=valu,
                                    mesg='Ival range must in (min, max) format')

        return (minv, maxv), info
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _normPyInt(self, valu):
        imsi = str(valu)
        ilen = len(imsi)
        if ilen > 15:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                    mesg='invalid imsi len: %d' % (ilen,))

        mcc = imsi[0:3]
        # TODO full imsi analysis tree
        return valu, {'subs': {'mcc': mcc}}
Exemplo n.º 24
    def _normPyInt(self, valu):
        imei = str(valu)
        ilen = len(imei)

        # we are missing our optional check digit
        # lets add it for consistency...
        if ilen == 14:
            imei += imeicsum(imei)
            return chop_imei(imei)

        # if we *have* our check digit, lets check it
        elif ilen == 15:
            if imeicsum(imei) != imei[-1]:
                raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                        mesg='invalid imei checksum byte')
            return chop_imei(imei)

        raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu, name=self.name,
                                mesg='Failed to norm IMEI')
Exemplo n.º 25
    def _normByTickTock(self, valu):
        if len(valu) != 2:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name=self.name, valu=valu,
                                    mesg='Ival _normPyIter requires 2 items')

        tick, tock = self.timetype.getTickTock(valu)

        minv, _ = self.timetype._normPyInt(tick)
        maxv, _ = self.timetype._normPyInt(tock)
        return (minv, maxv), {}
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _normPyStr(self, valu):
        valu = valu.strip().lower()

        if valu == '?':
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name=self.name, valu=valu, mesg='interval requires begin time')

        minv, _ = self.timetype.norm(valu)
        # Norm is guaranteed to be a valid time value, but norm +1 may not be
        maxv, info = self.timetype._normPyInt(minv + 1)
        return (minv, maxv), info
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _normPyStr(self, text):
        valu, off = s_grammar.parse_float(text, 0)
        unit, off = s_grammar.nom(text, off, s_grammar.alphaset)

        mult = units.get(unit.lower())
        if mult is None:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=text, name=self.name,
                                    mesg='invalid/unknown dist unit: %s' % (unit,))

        return int(valu * mult), {}
Exemplo n.º 28
    def _normPyStr(self, valu):

        ival = self.enumnorm.get(valu)
        if ival is not None:
            return self._normPyInt(ival)

            valu = int(valu, 0)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name=self.name, valu=valu, mesg=str(e))
        return self._normPyInt(valu)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def _normPyStr(self, valu):
        valu = valu.strip().lower()

        if valu == '?':
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name=self.name,
                                    mesg='interval requires begin time')

        norm, _ = self.timetype.norm(valu)

        return (norm, norm + 1), {}
Exemplo n.º 30
    def _normPyStr(self, valu):

        norm = valu.strip().lower().replace('\\', '/')
        if norm.find('/') != -1:
            mesg = 'file:base may not contain /'
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name=self.name, valu=valu, mesg=mesg)

        subs = {}
        if norm.find('.') != -1:
            subs['ext'] = norm.rsplit('.', 1)[1]

        return norm, {'subs': subs}