Exemplo n.º 1
    async def getNodeByBuid(self, buid):
        Retrieve a node tuple by binary id.

            buid (bytes): The binary ID for the node.

            Optional[s_node.Node]: The node object or None.

        node = self.livenodes.get(buid)
        if node is not None:
            return node

        props = {}
        proplayr = {}
        for layr in self.layers:
            layerprops = await layr.getBuidProps(buid)
            proplayr.update({k: layr for k in layerprops})

        node = s_node.Node(self, buid, props.items(), proplayr=proplayr)

        # Give other tasks a chance to run
        await asyncio.sleep(0)

        if node.ndef is None:
            return None

        # Add node to my buidcache
        self.livenodes[buid] = node
        return node
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def getRowNodes(self, rows, rawprop, cmpr=None):
        Join a row generator into (row, Node()) tuples.

        A row generator yields tuple rows where the first
        valu is the buid of a node.

            rows: A generator of (layer_idx, (buid, ...)) tuples.
            rawprop(str):  "raw" propname i.e. if a tag, starts with "#".  Used for filtering so that we skip the props
                for a buid if we're asking from a higher layer than the row was from (and hence, we'll presumable
                get/have gotten the row when that layer is lifted.
            cmpr (func): A secondary comparison function used to filter nodes.
            (tuple): (row, node)
        count = 0
        async for origlayer, row in rows:
            count += 1
            if not count % 5:
                await asyncio.sleep(0)  # give other tasks some time
            props = {}
            buid = row[0]
            node = self.buidcache.cache.get(buid)
            # Evaluate layers top-down to more quickly abort if we've found a higher layer with the property set
            for layeridx in range(len(self.layers) - 1, -1, -1):
                layr = self.layers[layeridx]
                layerprops = await layr.getBuidProps(buid)
                # We mark this node to drop iff we see the prop set in this layer *and* we're looking at the props
                # from a higher (i.e. closer to write, higher idx) layer.
                if layeridx > origlayer and rawprop in layerprops:
                    props = None
                if node is None:
                    for k, v in layerprops.items():
                        if k not in props:
                            props[k] = v
            if props is None:
            if node is None:
                node = s_node.Node(self, buid, props.items())
                if node and node.ndef is not None:
                    self.buidcache.put(buid, node)

            if node.ndef is not None:
                if cmpr:
                    if rawprop == node.form.name:
                        valu = node.ndef[1]
                        valu = node.get(rawprop)
                    if valu is None:
                        # cmpr required to evaluate something; cannot know if this
                        # node is valid or not without the prop being present.
                    if not cmpr(valu):

                yield row, node
Exemplo n.º 3
    async def getRuntNodes(self, full, valu=None, cmpr=None):

        todo = s_common.todo('runRuntLift', full, valu, cmpr)
        async for sode in self.core.dyniter('cortex', todo):

            node = s_node.Node(self, sode)
            node.isrunt = True

            yield node
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def _getNodeByBuid(self, buid):
        props = {}
        for layr in self.layers:
            layerprops = await layr.getBuidProps(buid)

        node = s_node.Node(self, buid, props.items())

        # Give other tasks a chance to run
        await asyncio.sleep(0)

        return None if node.ndef is None else node
Exemplo n.º 5
    async def _joinSodes(self, buid, sodes):

        node = self.livenodes.get(buid)
        if node is not None:
            await asyncio.sleep(0)
            return node

        ndef = None
        tags = {}
        props = {}
        nodedata = {}
        tagprops = {}

        bylayer = {
            'ndef': None,
            'tags': {},
            'props': {},
            'tagprops': {},

        for (layr, sode) in sodes:

            form = sode.get('form')
            valt = sode.get('valu')
            if valt is not None:
                ndef = (form, valt[0])
                bylayer['ndef'] = layr

            storprops = sode.get('props')
            if storprops is not None:
                for prop, (valu, stype) in storprops.items():
                    props[prop] = valu
                    bylayer['props'][prop] = layr

            stortags = sode.get('tags')
            if stortags is not None:
                bylayer['tags'].update({p: layr for p in stortags.keys()})

            stortagprops = sode.get('tagprops')
            if stortagprops is not None:
                for tagprop, (valu, stype) in stortagprops.items():
                    tagprops[tagprop] = valu
                    bylayer['tagprops'][tagprop] = layr

            stordata = sode.get('nodedata')
            if stordata is not None:

        if ndef is None:
            await asyncio.sleep(0)
            return None

        pode = (buid, {
            'ndef': ndef,
            'tags': tags,
            'props': props,
            'nodedata': nodedata,
            'tagprops': tagprops,

        node = s_node.Node(self, pode, bylayer=bylayer)
        self.livenodes[buid] = node

        await asyncio.sleep(0)
        return node
Exemplo n.º 6
    async def getRowNodes(self, rows, rawprop, cmpf=None):
        Join a row generator into (row, Node()) tuples.

        A row generator yields tuples of node buid, rawprop dict

            rows: A generator of (layer_idx, (buid, ...)) tuples.
            rawprop(str):  "raw" propname e.g. if a tag, starts with "#".  Used
                for filtering so that we skip the props for a buid if we're
                asking from a higher layer than the row was from (and hence,
                we'll presumable get/have gotten the row when that layer is
            cmpf (func): A comparison function used to filter nodes.
            (tuple): (row, node)
        count = 0
        async for origlayer, row in rows:
            count += 1
            if not count % 5:
                await asyncio.sleep(0)  # give other tasks some time

            buid, rawprops = row
            node = self.livenodes.get(buid)

            if node is None:
                props = {}  # rawprop: valu
                proplayr = {}  # rawprop: layr

                for layeridx, layr in enumerate(self.layers):

                    if layeridx == origlayer:
                        layerprops = rawprops
                        layerprops = await layr.getBuidProps(buid)

                    proplayr.update({k: layr for k in layerprops})

                node = s_node.Node(self,
                if node.ndef is None:

                # Add node to my buidcache
                self.livenodes[buid] = node

            # If the node's prop I'm filtering on came from a different layer, skip it
            rawrawprop = ('*' if rawprop == node.form.name else '') + rawprop
            if node.proplayr[rawrawprop] != self.layers[origlayer]:

            if cmpf:
                if rawprop == node.form.name:
                    valu = node.ndef[1]
                    valu = node.get(rawprop)
                if valu is None:
                    # cmpr required to evaluate something; cannot know if this
                    # node is valid or not without the prop being present.
                if not cmpf(valu):

            yield row, node
Exemplo n.º 7
    async def getRuntNodes(self, full, valu=None, cmpr='='):

        async for buid, rows in self.core.runRuntLift(full, valu, cmpr):
            node = s_node.Node(self, buid, rows)
            if node.ndef is not None:
                yield node
Exemplo n.º 8
    async def _addNodeFnibOps(self, fnib, editatom, props=None):
        Add a node via (form, norm, info, buid) and add ops to editatom
        form, norm, info, buid = fnib

        if form.isrunt:
            raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='Cannot make runt nodes.',

        if props is None:
            props = {}
        # Check if this buid is already under construction
        node = editatom.getNodeBeingMade(buid)
        if node is not None:
            return node

        # Check if this buid is already fully made
        node = await self.getNodeByBuid(buid)
        if node is not None:
            return node

        # Another editatom might have created in another task during the above call, so check again
        node = editatom.getNodeBeingMade(buid)
        if node is not None:
            return node

        if props is None:
            props = {}

        # lets build a node...
        node = s_node.Node(self, None)

        node.buid = buid
        node.form = form
        node.ndef = (form.name, norm)

        sops = form.getSetOps(buid, norm)


        # update props with any subs from form value
        subs = info.get('subs')
        if subs is not None:
            for name, valu in subs.items():
                if form.prop(name) is not None:
                    props[name] = valu

        # update props with any defvals we are missing
        for name, valu in form.defvals.items():
            props.setdefault(name, valu)

        # set all the properties with init=True
        for name, valu in props.items():
            await node._setops(name, valu, editatom, init=True)

        # set our global properties
        tick = s_common.now()
        await node._setops('.created', tick, editatom, init=True)

        return None
Exemplo n.º 9
    async def _joinStorNode(self, buid, cache):

        node = self.livenodes.get(buid)
        if node is not None:
            await asyncio.sleep(0)
            return node

        ndef = None

        tags = {}
        props = {}
        nodedata = {}
        tagprops = {}

        bylayer = {
            'ndef': None,
            'tags': {},
            'props': {},
            'tagprops': {},

        for layr in self.layers:

            sode = cache.get(layr.iden)
            if sode is None:
                sode = await layr.getStorNode(buid)

            info = sode[1]

            storndef = info.get('ndef')
            if storndef is not None:
                ndef = storndef
                bylayer['ndef'] = layr

            storprops = info.get('props')
            if storprops is not None:
                bylayer['props'].update({p: layr for p in storprops.keys()})

            stortags = info.get('tags')
            if stortags is not None:
                bylayer['tags'].update({p: layr for p in stortags.keys()})

            stortagprops = info.get('tagprops')
            if stortagprops is not None:
                bylayer['tagprops'].update({p: layr for p in stortagprops.keys()})

            stordata = info.get('nodedata')
            if stordata is not None:

        if ndef is None:
            return None

        fullnode = (buid, {
            'ndef': ndef,
            'tags': tags,
            'props': props,
            'nodedata': nodedata,
            'tagprops': tagprops,

        node = s_node.Node(self, fullnode, bylayer=bylayer)
        self.livenodes[buid] = node

        # moved here from getNodeByBuid() to cover more
        await asyncio.sleep(0)
        return node