Exemplo n.º 1
    def sanitize_settings(self, settings_file):
        """sanitizes settings"""
        wan = settings_file.settings['wan']
        nftables_util.create_id_seq(wan, wan.get('policies'), 'policyIdSeq',

        for chain in wan.get('policy_chains'):
            nftables_util.create_id_seq(chain, chain.get('rules'), 'ruleIdSeq',
            nftables_util.clean_rule_actions(chain, chain.get('rules'))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def sanitize_settings(self, settings_file):
        """sanitizes settings"""
        settings = settings_file.settings
        wan = settings['wan']
        policies = wan.get('policies')

        # Check for newly created wan interfaces (which will be flagged with
        # a 'new' field by the UI)  For new wan interfaces create a SPECIFIC_WAN
        # policy and then remove the new field
        interfaces = settings.get('network').get('interfaces')
        for interface in interfaces:
            if interface.get('new') is not None:
                policy = {}
                policy['description'] = "Send all traffic to " + interface.get('name')
                policy['enabled'] = interface.get('enabled')
                policy['interfaces'] = [{ "interfaceId": interface.get('interfaceId') }]
                policy['type'] = "SPECIFIC_WAN"
                policy['policyId'] = 0
                del interface['new']

        nftables_util.create_id_seq(wan, wan.get('policies'), 'policyIdSeq', 'policyId')

        for chain in wan.get('policy_chains'):
            nftables_util.create_id_seq(chain, chain.get('rules'), 'ruleIdSeq', 'ruleId')
            nftables_util.clean_rule_actions(chain, chain.get('rules'))

        #Clean up rules and policies that may be referencing a disabled interface, only if Force is passed as true
        if Variables.get('force') != None and Variables.get('force').lower() == 'true':
            for pidx, policy in enumerate(policies):
                interfaces = policy.get('interfaces')
                for iidx, interface in enumerate(interfaces):
                    curr_intf = network_util.get_interface_by_id(settings, interface.get('interfaceId'));
                    if policy.get("enabled") and interface.get('interfaceId') != 0 and (curr_intf is None or curr_intf.get('enabled') == False):
                        policies[pidx]['enabled'] = False

            policy_chains = wan.get("policy_chains")
            for pcidx, policy_chain in enumerate(policy_chains):
                for ridx, rule in enumerate(policy_chain.get("rules")):
                    action = rule.get("action")
                    if action.get("type") == "WAN_POLICY":
                        policy = action.get("policy")
                        curr_pol = network_util.get_policy_by_id(settings, policy)
                        if rule.get("enabled") and (curr_pol is None or curr_pol.get('enabled') == False):
                            policy_chain.get("rules")[ridx]['enabled'] = False
Exemplo n.º 3
    def sanitize_settings(self, settings_file):
        """sanitizes settings"""

        # Walk interfaces looking for new or modified WireGuard interfaces.
        access_rules = settings_file.get_settings_by_path("firewall/tables/access/chains/name=access-rules/rules")
        interfaces = settings_file.settings.get('network').get('interfaces')
        for interface in interfaces:
            rule = None
            add_rule = False
            if interface.get("type") == "WIREGUARD" and interface.get("wireguardType") == "TUNNEL":
                if interface.get('new') is not None:
                    # Build new rule from template.
                    rule = copy.deepcopy(self.wireguard_access_rule_template)
                    add_rule = True
                    # Look for existing rule.
                    find_rule = copy.deepcopy(self.wireguard_access_rule_template)
                    # Only value that can't change is interfaceId in descripton
                    find_rule["description"] = self.wireguard_description_template.format(name=".*", id=interface.get("interfaceId"))
                    rules = settings_file.find_settings_list(access_rules, find_rule)
                    if len(rules) == 0:
                        # Could be coming from roaming
                        rule = copy.deepcopy(self.wireguard_access_rule_template)
                        add_rule = True
                        rule = rules[0]

                if rule is not None:
                    ## Populate rule from interface.
                    rule["description"] = self.wireguard_description_template.format(name=interface.get("name"), id=interface.get("interfaceId"))
                    for condition in rule.get("conditions"):
                        if condition.get("type") == "SOURCE_INTERFACE_ZONE":
                            condition["value"] = interface.get("boundInterfaceId") 
                        elif condition.get("type") == "DESTINATION_PORT":
                            condition["value"] = interface.get("wireguardPort") 

                    if add_rule is True:
                        access_rules.insert(0, rule)

        # Look for rules to delete
        find_delete_rule = copy.deepcopy(self.wireguard_access_rule_template)
        wg_access_rules = settings_file.find_settings_list(access_rules, find_delete_rule)
        if len(wg_access_rules) > 0:
            wg_description_re = re.compile(self.wireguard_description_template_regex.format(name=".*", id="(\d+)"))
            delete_rules = []
            for rule in wg_access_rules:
                matches = wg_description_re.match(rule.get("description"))
                if matches is not None and matches.lastindex > 0:
                    interface_found = False
                    interface_id = int(matches.group(1))
                    for interface in interfaces:
                        if interface.get("interfaceId") == interface_id:
                            interface_found = True
                            if interface.get("type") == "WIREGUARD" and interface.get("wireguardType") == "ROAMING":
                                # Found rule but we're now ROAMING.

                    if interface_found == False:
                        # Interface not found.

            for rule in delete_rules:

        # deal with threat prevention settings.
        tpConfig = settings_file.settings.get('threatprevention')
        if tpConfig is None:
            settings_file.settings['threatprevention'] = {}
            settings_file.settings['threatprevention'] = {
                "enabled": True,
                "passList": [],
                "sensitivity" : 20,
                "redirect": False,
        tpConfig = settings_file.settings.get('threatprevention')

        # Need to enabled or add default TP rules to access list
        rule_enabled = tpConfig['redirect'] and tpConfig['enabled']
        rule_found = False
        accessrules = settings_file.settings['firewall']['tables']['access']['chains'][0]['rules']

        for accessrule in accessrules:
            conditions = accessrule['conditions']
            if len(conditions):
                if conditions[0]['type'] == "DESTINATION_PORT" and conditions[0]['value'] == "8485":
                    accessrule["enabled"] = rule_enabled
                    rule_found = True
                if conditions[0]['type'] == "DESTINATION_PORT" and conditions[0]['value'] == "8486":
                    accessrule["enabled"] = rule_enabled
                    rule_found = True
        if not rule_found:
            accessrules[-1:-1] = self.defaultTPrules

        # Set the rule_id to unique values of every chain
        # Disable rules that don't match valid dict value expresions
        for table in ['filter', 'port-forward', 'nat', 'access', 'web-filter', 'captive-portal', 'shaping']:
            for chain in settings_file.settings['firewall']['tables'][table]['chains']:
                nftables_util.create_id_seq(chain, chain.get('rules'), 'ruleIdSeq', 'ruleId')
                nftables_util.clean_rule_actions(chain, chain.get('rules'), table)

                # Version check, use MFW version for the version bump
                if settings_file.settings['version'] < 3:
                    nftables_util.fix_MFW_1082_rules(table, chain.get('rules'))

                for rule in chain.get('rules'):
                    if rule.get('conditions'):
                        for condition in rule.get('conditions'):
                            type = condition.get('type')
                            if type in TableManager.dict_int_value_types:
                                matches = TableManager.dict_value_int_re.match(condition.get('value'))
                                if matches is None:
                                    rule["enabled"] = False