Exemplo n.º 1
def do_setup(config, all_params):
    print "Setting up syntool..."

    # if the config file already exists, then bail
    if os.path.exists(conf.CONFIG_FILENAME):
        raise Exception("Syntool is already set up (in %s)" % conf.CONFIG_DIR)

    # check args...
    for required_key in ['syndicate_host', 'syndicate_port', 'user_id']:
        if config.get(required_key, None) is None:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Missing argument: %s" % required_key

    key_dirs = {}
    write_config = {}
    for key_type, key_dirname in conf.KEY_DIR_NAMES.items():
        key_dirs[key_type] = key_dirname + "/"

    # generate URL if not given already
    if not config.has_key('url'):
        config['url'] = conf.make_ms_url(config['syndicate_host'],

    for attr in ['user_id', 'url']:
        write_config[attr] = config[attr]

    config_str = conf.make_config_str(write_config)

    log.debug("Obtaining Syndicate public key...")

    syndicate_public_key = download_syndicate_public_key(config)
    if syndicate_public_key is None:
        raise Exception("Failed to obtain Syndicate public key")

    if not config['trust_public_key']:
        do_trust = ask_trust_public_key(config, syndicate_public_key)
        if not do_trust:
            log.error("Refusing to trust key.")

    # store this for activation
        config['syndicate_public_key'] = CryptoKey.importKey(
    except Exception, e:
        # shouldn't fail--download_syndicate_public_key validates
        log.error("Invalid public key")
Exemplo n.º 2
def do_setup( config, all_params ):
   print "Setting up syntool..."
   # if the config file already exists, then bail
   if os.path.exists( conf.CONFIG_FILENAME ):
      raise Exception("Syntool is already set up (in %s)" % conf.CONFIG_DIR)
   # check args...
   for required_key in ['syndicate_host', 'syndicate_port', 'user_id']:
      if config.get(required_key, None) is None:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Missing argument: %s" % required_key
   key_dirs = {}
   write_config = {}
   for key_type, key_dirname in conf.KEY_DIR_NAMES.items():
      key_dirs[key_type] = key_dirname + "/"
   # generate URL if not given already
   if not config.has_key('url'):
      config['url'] = conf.make_ms_url( config['syndicate_host'], config['syndicate_port'], config['no_tls'] )
   write_config.update( key_dirs )
   for attr in ['user_id', 'url']:
      write_config[attr] = config[attr]
   config_str = conf.make_config_str( write_config )

   log.debug("Obtaining Syndicate public key...")
   syndicate_public_key = download_syndicate_public_key( config )
   if syndicate_public_key is None:
      raise Exception("Failed to obtain Syndicate public key")
   if not config['trust_public_key']:
      do_trust = ask_trust_public_key( config, syndicate_public_key )
      if not do_trust:
         log.error("Refusing to trust key.")
   # store this for activation
      config['syndicate_public_key'] = CryptoKey.importKey( syndicate_public_key )
   except Exception, e:
      # shouldn't fail--download_syndicate_public_key validates
      log.error("Invalid public key")
Exemplo n.º 3
def load_options( argv, setup_methods=[], builtin_methods=[] ):
   parser = modconf.build_parser( argv[0], conf.CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, conf.CONFIG_OPTIONS )
   opts = parser.parse_args( argv[1:] )
   # load everything into a dictionary and return it
   config = None 
   config_str = None
   config_file_path = None
   if hasattr( opts, "config" ) and opts.config != None:
      config_file_path = opts.config[0]
      config_file_path = conf.CONFIG_FILENAME
   config_str = storage.read_file( config_file_path )
   config = {}
   method_name, args, kw = read_params( getattr(opts, 'params', [] ) )
   if config_str is None:
      # possibly calling 'setup', so fill in empty information
      if method_name not in setup_methods:
         raise Exception("Failed to load configuration from %s" % config_file_path)
      # calling 'setup', so populate the config
      conf.fill_defaults( config )
      if not hasattr(opts, 'user_id') and method_name in setup_methods:
         raise Exception("--user_id option is required for this method")
      config['user_id'] = opts.user_id
      config_file_path = conf.CONFIG_FILENAME
      config_str = conf.make_config_str( config )
      config_with_opts = conf.load_config( config_file_path, config_str, opts )
      if config_with_opts != None:
         config.update( config_with_opts )
         raise Exception("Failed to parse command-line args")
      config = conf.load_config( config_file_path, config_str, opts )
      if config is None:
         raise Exception("Failed to parse configuration from %s" % config_file_path)
   config['params'] = getattr( opts, 'params', [] )
   # set up the key directories
   setup_key_directories( config )
   # generate syndicate_host and syndicate_port from URL, if needed
   if config.get('url', None) != None:
      # use https if no :// is given 
      url = config['url']
      host, port, no_tls = parse_url( url )
      config['syndicate_host'] = host 
      config['syndicate_port'] = port
      config['no_tls'] = no_tls
   # what do we need for authentication?
   auth_opts = None
   if method_name in setup_methods:
      # setup methods need password
      auth_opts = [msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD]
   elif method_name in builtin_methods:
      # builtin methods that don't do setup need no password
      auth_opts = [msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_NONE]
      auth_opts = api.method_auth_options( method_name )
   have_auth_tokens = False
   if msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_NONE in auth_opts:
      # no authentication needed
      config['user_pkey'] = None 
      config['password'] = None 
      have_auth_tokens = True
      # obtain the user's private key and/or password, if present
      if not config.has_key('user_pkey') and msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_PUBKEY in auth_opts:
            config['user_pkey'] = load_user_private_key( config, config['user_id'] )
            have_auth_tokens = True
         except Exception, e:
            log.warning("No private key found.")
            config['user_pkey'] = None
      if not have_auth_tokens and not config.has_key('password') and msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD in auth_opts:
         config['password'] = getpass.getpass("Syndicate password: ")
         have_auth_tokens = True
      elif config.has_key('password') and msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD in auth_opts:
         have_auth_tokens = True
Exemplo n.º 4
def load_options(argv, setup_methods=[], builtin_methods=[]):

    parser = modconf.build_parser(argv[0], conf.CONFIG_DESCRIPTION,
    opts = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])

    # load everything into a dictionary and return it
    config = None
    config_str = None
    config_file_path = None

    if hasattr(opts, "config") and opts.config != None:
        config_file_path = opts.config[0]
        config_file_path = conf.CONFIG_FILENAME

    config_str = storage.read_file(config_file_path)

    config = {}
    method_name, args, kw = read_params(getattr(opts, 'params', []))

    if config_str is None:

        # possibly calling 'setup', so fill in empty information
        if method_name not in setup_methods:
            raise Exception("Failed to load configuration from %s" %

        # calling 'setup', so populate the config

        if not hasattr(opts, 'user_id') and method_name in setup_methods:
            raise Exception("--user_id option is required for this method")

        config['user_id'] = opts.user_id
        config_file_path = conf.CONFIG_FILENAME
        config_str = conf.make_config_str(config)

        config_with_opts = conf.load_config(config_file_path, config_str, opts)
        if config_with_opts != None:
            raise Exception("Failed to parse command-line args")

        config = conf.load_config(config_file_path, config_str, opts)
        if config is None:
            raise Exception("Failed to parse configuration from %s" %

    config['params'] = getattr(opts, 'params', [])

    # set up the key directories

    # generate syndicate_host and syndicate_port from URL, if needed
    if config.get('url', None) != None:
        # use https if no :// is given
        url = config['url']

        host, port, no_tls = parse_url(url)

        config['syndicate_host'] = host
        config['syndicate_port'] = port
        config['no_tls'] = no_tls

    # what do we need for authentication?
    auth_opts = None
    if method_name in setup_methods:
        # setup methods need password
        auth_opts = [msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD]

    elif method_name in builtin_methods:
        # builtin methods that don't do setup need no password
        auth_opts = [msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_NONE]

        auth_opts = api.method_auth_options(method_name)

    have_auth_tokens = False

    if msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_NONE in auth_opts:
        # no authentication needed
        config['user_pkey'] = None
        config['password'] = None
        have_auth_tokens = True

        # obtain the user's private key and/or password, if present
        if not config.has_key(
                'user_pkey') and msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_PUBKEY in auth_opts:
                config['user_pkey'] = load_user_private_key(
                    config, config['user_id'])
                have_auth_tokens = True
            except Exception, e:
                log.warning("No private key found.")
                config['user_pkey'] = None

        if not have_auth_tokens and not config.has_key(
                'password') and msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD in auth_opts:
            config['password'] = getpass.getpass("Syndicate password: ")
            have_auth_tokens = True

        elif config.has_key(
                'password') and msconfig.AUTH_METHOD_PASSWORD in auth_opts:
            have_auth_tokens = True