Exemplo n.º 1
def neo4j_available():
        logger.info("Checking connection at {}".format(
        neo4j_connection.run('MATCH () RETURN 1 LIMIT 1')
        return True, "neo4j ok"
    except AttributeError:
        return False, "neo4j connection not found"
def get_agent_subgraph(id, sort_by=None, order=None, limit=None):  # noqa: E501
    """Get subgraph connected to an agent

    Retrieve the nodes and relationships in a neighborhood around a specified user.  # noqa: E501

    :param id: user ID
    :type id: str
    :param sort_by: logic by which to sort matched activities
    :type sort_by: str
    :param order: sort order (ascending or descending)
    :type order: str
    :param limit: maximum number of connected activities to return
    :type limit: int

    :rtype: D3Graph
    query_base = ('''
        MATCH (t:Agent {{user_id: {{id}}}})<-[r:WASASSOCIATEDWITH]-(s:Activity)
        WITH s
        ORDER BY s.{key}{dir}
        WITH collect(s) as activities
        UNWIND activities[0..{lim}] as t
        MATCH (s)-[r]-(t)
        RETURN s as source, r as relationship, t as target
                    dir=(' ' + order.upper()) if order == 'desc' else '',

    results = graph.run(query_base, id=id)
    return neo4j_to_d3(results.data())
def get_activities_graph(sort_by=None, order=None, limit=None):  # noqa: E501
    """Get provenance graph

    Retrieve all nodes and relationships in the graph that pass filters.  # noqa: E501

    :param sort_by: logic by which to sort matched activities
    :type sort_by: str
    :param order: sort order (ascending or descending)
    :type order: str
    :param limit: maximum number of connected activities to return
    :type limit: int

    :rtype: D3Graph
    query_base = ('''
        MATCH (s:Activity)
        WITH s
        ORDER BY s.{key}{dir}
        WITH collect(s) as activities
        UNWIND activities[0..{lim}] as t
        MATCH (s)-[r]-(t)
        RETURN s as source, r as relationship, t as target
                    dir=(' ' + order.upper()) if order == 'desc' else '',

    results = graph.run(query_base, )
    return neo4j_to_d3(results.data())
Exemplo n.º 4
def add_activities(kt):
    result = graph.run('''
        MATCH (:Activity)
        RETURN count(*) as count
    offset = result.data()[0]['count']
    x = []
    for i in range(kt):
        tmp = MockActivity(name='Activity_' + str(i + 1 + offset), class_idx=0)
    return x
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _find_activity(self):
        activities = graph.run('''
            WITH {e_ids} as refs
            MATCH (r:Reference)-[:WASGENERATEDBY]->(act:Activity)
            WHERE r.target_id in refs
            WITH act, size(refs) as inputCnt, count(DISTINCT r) as cnt
            WHERE cnt = inputCnt
            RETURN act
                                      for e in self.generated]).data()

        if len(activities) > 1:
            raise ValueError
        elif len(activities):
            return activities[0]['act']
def get_reference_subgraph(id,
                           limit=3):  # noqa: E501
    """Get subgraph connected to an entity

    Retrieve the nodes and relationships in a neighborhood around a specified entity.  # noqa: E501

    :param id: entity ID
    :type id: str
    :param direction: direction in which to collect connected activities
    :type direction: str
    :param sort_by: logic by which to sort matched activities
    :type sort_by: str
    :param order: sort order (ascending or descending)
    :type order: str
    :param limit: maximum number of connected activities to return
    :type limit: int

    :rtype: D3Graph
    direction_rels = {'up': '-[r:WASGENERATEDBY]->', 'down': '<-[r:USED]-'}
    query_base = ('''
        MATCH (t:Reference {{target_id: {{id}}}}){dir_rel}(s:Activity)
        WITH s
        ORDER BY s.{key}{dir}
        WITH collect(s) as activities
        UNWIND activities[0..{lim}] as t
        MATCH (s)-[r]-(t)
        RETURN s as source, r as relationship, t as target
                    dir=(' ' + order.upper()) if order == 'desc' else '',

    results = graph.run(query_base, id=id)
    return neo4j_to_d3(results.data())